المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : *That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6

Master ArNab
24-10-2005, 02:55 PM
السلام عليكم .. من المواقع اللي أزورها بين الفينه والأخرى قسم شارك تانك .. طبعاً كل النكت مبنية عن قصص أو مواقف حقيقية ولكن تم إسبدال الموظف الفني ب pilot fesh :D

كل المواقف تدور حول الـIT والحاسب ..

since i'm a pilot fish myself, i find these really funny and amusing :D

*That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6 (http://www.computerworld.com/departments/opinions/sharktank/0,4885,105613,00.html)

شيكو على القصص القديمة , تبي تلقون مواقف والله تُحف :09:

بالنسبة للموقف السابق ..
كيبورد الابتوب ما فيها الأرقام الموجوده على يمين الكيبورد العادي .. فممكن الواحد يحول بعض المفاتيح الى أرقام .. ولكن المشكلة لو يعلق السيشن معاك أو ما تعرف تطفي الخاصية .. إبلش :p
وللتسهيل .. أقراء الموقف السابق , ثم إقراءه مره ثانيه بإستدال الرموز بالحروف:
الأخضر هو مكان الكبس الأصلي

أكثر هذه القصص واقعية وحدثت مما يزيد من طرافتها

أمثله / :biggthump

Like Lightning

Frustrated user leaves voice mail for help desk: "My laptop battery is dying! I don't want to lose this interview, but the battery says it's at 25%. Will you please call me? Oh great, now it's at 27%. Call me right away!" Pilot fish knows it's charging up, not running down, and calls user to put her mind at ease. "Oh, thanks for calling," says user, "but it's fixed itself -- and the Harry Potter symbol went away."

We Can Do That

Pilot fish creates an image of his signature to be added automatically to his outgoing e-mails. Other users see it and ask for his help creating their own. "One day, I get a message from a notoriously clueless user, asking to have a signature created for her e-mail," says fish. "I replied back with mine showing, and asked her if she would like one similar to mine. Her reply? 'No, I want one with my name on it.' "

Customer calls retailer to complain that she's getting an error on the company's Web site. "She wasn't able to remember the name of the error," IT pilot fish reports. "Our service rep walked her through the steps to get a screenshot, but she said the Print Screen key wasn't doing anything when she pressed it. But five minutes later, we received a fax from this customer. She had hand-drawn, in color, her screen, complete with programs in the task bar, a very detailed system tray, and even the clock!"

Mind reading? Sure, we do that
Ticket comes into the help desk from a user: "Please assist in accessing e-mail, thanks." But by the time it gets to this support pilot fish, it's already a few days old. And there doesn't seem to be any problem with the user's mail.
So fish sends user an e-mail message of his own: "Are you still having problems with your e-mail?"
User's reply: "It works fine on the PC that I normally use. But there are several in the lab that I don't use (or they're new). If the situation arises where several people in the office need e-mail, I would like to be able to get to mail from any of the PCs.
"I haven't checked the other PCs since I sent the request. Have you done something that would have fixed the problem from your end?"

!Insider, Really
User: "Hi, I'm trying to access our company intranet from home. Why can't I get to my division's home page?" Fish: Are you dialing directly into our network? User: "I'm using my America Online account." Fish: That explains it -- our intranet prevents outsiders from getting in. Panic-stricken user: "I'm not an outsider -- I've worked here for five years!"

Mista Koo
24-10-2005, 04:56 PM
*That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6 (http://www.computerworld.com/departments/opinions/sharktank/0,4885,105613,00.html)


هذولي عجبوني ^_^
البقية نصهم بايخين ونصهم ما فهمتهم ×_×


شو يعني Pilot Fish XD??

كمشور عالموضوع!

24-10-2005, 06:08 PM
أمثله / :biggthump

Like Lightning

Frustrated user leaves voice mail for help desk: "My laptop battery is dying! I don't want to lose this interview, but the battery says it's at 25%. Will you please call me? Oh great, now it's at 27%. Call me right away!" Pilot fish knows it's charging up, not running down, and calls user to put her mind at ease. "Oh, thanks for calling," says user, "but it's fixed itself -- and the Harry Potter symbol went away."
يعني لهالدرجة ما تلاحظ انه البطارية موصولة بالكهرباء :blackeye:
لا وتقول انه صلح نفسه بنفسه..

We Can Do That

Pilot fish creates an image of his signature to be added automatically to his outgoing e-mails. Other users see it and ask for his help creating their own. "One day, I get a message from a notoriously clueless user, asking to have a signature created for her e-mail," says fish. "I replied back with mine showing, and asked her if she would like one similar to mine. Her reply? 'No, I want one with my name on it.' "
بالله يعني راح يعطيها نسخة من اللي عنده.. :31: -------

Customer calls retailer to complain that she's getting an error on the company's Web site. "She wasn't able to remember the name of the error," IT pilot fish reports. "Our service rep walked her through the steps to get a screenshot, but she said the Print Screen key wasn't doing anything when she pressed it. But five minutes later, we received a fax from this customer. She had hand-drawn, in color, her screen, complete with programs in the task bar, a very detailed system tray, and even the clock!"
يا انها رسامة يا انها فاضية وما عندها سالفة.. اللي يقهر انها رسمت بالالوان كمان :blackeye:

Mind reading? Sure, we do that
Ticket comes into the help desk from a user: "Please assist in accessing e-mail, thanks." But by the time it gets to this support pilot fish, it's already a few days old. And there doesn't seem to be any problem with the user's mail.
So fish sends user an e-mail message of his own: "Are you still having problems with your e-mail?"
User's reply: "It works fine on the PC that I normally use. But there are several in the lab that I don't use (or they're new). If the situation arises where several people in the office need e-mail, I would like to be able to get to mail from any of the PCs.
"I haven't checked the other PCs since I sent the request. Have you done something that would have fixed the problem from your end?"
واو.. الحين توه مخبره عن السالفة ويتوقع انه الجماعة عندهم خبر من قبل.. مكتب الرئيس هذا :jester:

!Insider, Really
User: "Hi, I'm trying to access our company intranet from home. Why can't I get to my division's home page?" Fish: Are you dialing directly into our network? User: "I'm using my America Online account." Fish: That explains it -- our intranet prevents outsiders from getting in. Panic-stricken user: "I'm not an outsider -- I've worked here for five years!"
خايفة تتسفر يحليلها.. :biggthump

my god.. this is ultra stupid from them.. :jester:

ملاحظة.. ليش كلهم او (كلهن) حريم :33:

ثانكس مستر وابت عالموضوع.. تحفة بجد :)

25-10-2005, 12:11 AM
Noobs :p

عجبتني ال*That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6

25-10-2005, 12:28 AM
ممكن الترجمة...>___<

Electro M
25-10-2005, 12:50 AM
احلى وحدة حقت الرايقة اللي رسمت الديسكتوب حقها :09:

شكله صاحب القصص متعصب جنسي ضد الحريم

25-10-2005, 02:31 AM
الصراحة ماني فاهم حاجة :31: ؟؟

25-10-2005, 07:14 AM
احم.. بعد اذن ماستر ارنب (بحاول) اني اوضح للشباب شو اللي صاير

الموضوع عبارة عن بعض المكالمات التي تصل للhelp desk مش متاكد من معناها بس اظن خدمة العملاء او ما شابه.. ولكل شركة تجد هيلب ديسك..
في الموضوع نرا عدة ديسكات :196: .. في اللي تبع الاتصالات واللي تبع مشاكل الكمبيوتر.. بس ماني متاكد اذا كلهم لنفس الشركة..

الهيلب ديسك كما هو واضح هو لمساعدة العملاء على تجاوز المشاكل اللي يواجهونها.. وكما نرا هنا فيوجد شخص هم مسمينه بايلوت فيش.. واللي يبدو انه ماستر ارنب منهم :reporter:
وهالشخص هو اللي يرد عليك ويتابع مشكلتك ويساعدك فيها...

كمثال.. ايام ما كنت استخدم الكاش يو كنت اطرش الكثير من الايميلات للهيلب ديسك مالهم.. وساعدوني على فهم اشياء كثيرة فيها..

اتمنى شرحي وصل.. واسفين اني ثرثرت مقدما.. :196:

Angel whisper
25-10-2005, 09:37 AM
آخر واحد يكسر الخاطر يحليله ههههههه
بس فنانه مالت الديسكتوب

25-10-2005, 10:18 AM
احم.. بعد اذن ماستر ارنب (بحاول) اني اوضح للشباب شو اللي صاير

الموضوع عبارة عن بعض المكالمات التي تصل للhelp desk مش متاكد من معناها بس اظن خدمة العملاء او ما شابه.. ولكل شركة تجد هيلب ديسك..
في الموضوع نرا عدة ديسكات :196: .. في اللي تبع الاتصالات واللي تبع مشاكل الكمبيوتر.. بس ماني متاكد اذا كلهم لنفس الشركة..

الهيلب ديسك كما هو واضح هو لمساعدة العملاء على تجاوز المشاكل اللي يواجهونها.. وكما نرا هنا فيوجد شخص هم مسمينه بايلوت فيش.. واللي يبدو انه ماستر ارنب منهم :reporter:
وهالشخص هو اللي يرد عليك ويتابع مشكلتك ويساعدك فيها...

كمثال.. ايام ما كنت استخدم الكاش يو كنت اطرش الكثير من الايميلات للهيلب ديسك مالهم.. وساعدوني على فهم اشياء كثيرة فيها..

اتمنى شرحي وصل.. واسفين اني ثرثرت مقدما.. :196:

خخخخ..مفهومة هذي

انا قصدي القصة ذي...*That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6

25-10-2005, 10:38 AM
خخخخ..مفهومة هذي

انا قصدي القصة ذي...*That was no l33tspeak, that was my 3a*t6
مهو ارنب ذكرها.. سالفة لوحة مفاتيح اللابتوب..
عندك الارقام فوق وفي ازرار الحروف عليها الارقام مرة ثانية.. فالاخ كان متوهق مش قادر يكتب صح لانه كل ما يجي يكتب حرف يطلعله رقم او اشارة جمع وضرب وهكذا.. وانا بنفسي استوتلي مثل هالمشكلة.. بس انحلت من نفسها ما ادري كيف.. :196:

25-10-2005, 10:41 AM
مهو ارنب ذكرها.. سالفة لوحة مفاتيح اللابتوب..
عندك الارقام فوق وفي ازرار الحروف عليها الارقام مرة ثانية.. فالاخ كان متوهق مش قادر يكتب صح لانه كل ما يجي يكتب حرف يطلعله رقم او اشارة جمع وضرب وهكذا.. وانا بنفسي استوتلي مثل هالمشكلة.. بس انحلت من نفسها ما ادري كيف.. :196:

خخخخخ.ايضا مفهومة هذي :09:

ابغى الترجمة الفعلية للكلام المخربط...

25-10-2005, 10:52 AM
i have a problem ; gfs fixed my computer but now my caps lock seems to be permanently locked ; any suggetions?

هذا اول سطر.. كلام اليوزر..

Angel whisper
25-10-2005, 07:00 PM
اوكي بس لاني فاضيه بترجم القصة


User: 5 have a *r6b3e0 - gfs f5xed 0y c60*4ter b4t n6w 0y ca*s 36c2 see0s t6 be *er0anent3y 36c2ed - any s4gget56ns+
User: I have a problem. GF fixed my computer, but now my caps lock seems to be permanently locked - any suggestions?

Pilot fish: Wanna try that one again in non-l33tspeak?

User: can't

User: st4c2 that way

User: Stuck that way
User: gfs d5d 5t
User: GFs did it

Pilot fish: Um, you have your num lock on?

User: n6

User: No

User: c64rse n6t

User: Course not

Pilot fish: Shift ScrLk

(A pause.)

User: you are just so awesome

User: thanks!!!!!

Pilot fish: LOL! Pilot fish: You're welcome.