المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المزيد من المطورين يطورون للثورة (Level 5) و مطورين Killer 7 و غيرهم الكثير !!

Snake Fang
27-10-2005, 01:58 PM
السلام عليكم ^^

كيف الحال؟ ,,, ان شاء الله الجميع بخير :)..

قلة دعم - قلة دعم - قلة دعم !
هذه هي مشكلة ننتندو الأساسية (على الأقل بالنسبة لي) في أجهزتها المنزلية ,, و لكن يبدو ان الأمر سوف يتغير مع جهاز ننتندو القادم و المعروف بألـ Revolution (ليس الأسم الرسمي للأن) ,, و يتضح هذا من خلال تعليقات اكبر المصممين على الجهاز , و على فكرته الثوية ,, و نلاحظ ان تعليقات المطورين على الريفو اكبر و اكثر مما كانت عليه على الكيوب , و هذا فعلآ الأمر الذي يحمس للجهاز أكثر :) ..

و أترككم مع التعليقات ..

Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase, one of the company's most respected producers (he's behind the whole Final Fantasy VII thing), reveals that he loves to go home after a long day's work, lay down, pick up the television remote with one hand and flip channels on the television. Games require him to move and hold the controller with both hands, and for first person shooters, things get even worse, as he's required to set up a table, mouse and keyboard. Kitase believes that the Revolution controller will allow people to play while laying down, using the controller to shoot things and wield guns. More strikingly, he states that the Revolution controller doesn't just change the content of a game, but the lifestyle of its players.

A few of the developers go into details about the type of games they might make were they to work on Revolution. From Software's Atsuhi Taniguchi, the producer of Tenchu DS who admitted in a recent interview that he loves Nintendo hardware, states that he would want to use the expansion pack shown at the press conference (the analogue pad expansion, which Nintendo expects to include with the remote right out of the box) and make a first person title. Konami's Hiroshi Tanibuchi, producer of the Power Pro baseball series, states that he personally likes games that make you move your body and is interested in making an action game that uses both hands. He's also interested in the Revolution-DS link up.

Level 5's Akihiro Hino, producer of Rogue Galaxy and Dragon Quest VIII, believes that the Revolution will give birth to new types of games. He is personally interested in making an RPG where you hold a shield in one hand, a sword in the other and mount a head set on our head -- although he laughs that this would be impossible. More seriously, he seems concerned about players getting tired due to all the hand movement, regardless of how much fun they're having. The hardware has a lot of potential, but he hopes that games are designed so that even if they're played for lengthy periods people won't get tired.
هذا الفريق بالذات اهم شي بالنسبة لي :)..

The new independents also have their say in the feature. Q Entertainment's Tetsuya Mizuguchi states that he'd like to think up some way of combining the controller with music. He wants to create a game that gives the feeling of hooking up directly to your physical senses. Gaia's Kouji Okada believes the controller will allow for a completely new type of RPG, adding that he'd like to try out many new challenges. Game Republic's Yoshiki Okamto believes that the controller has such appeal that even people who lack imagination light up with wonder at what can be done with the device. He admits to having just a few ideas himself, including an action RPG and a horror game so scary that it almost makes you throw your controller.

Craft & Meister's Noritaka Funamizu, a former designer on Street Fighter II who's now working on a Dragon Ball arcade fighter for Bandai, believes that that the controller will fit perfectly with games where you move a cursor about -- in fact, he believes the controller can do more than an ordinary mouse. A simulation with a focus on action would be perfect for the controller, he suggests. Funamizu closes off his comments with the prediction that that those who've been making games since the old days will have a easier time with the Revolution (a group that includes him, he points out).

Killer 7 producer Gouichi Suda (also known as Suda 51) wasn't shy about his enthusiasm for the Revolution in a recent commentary piece on the system's controller with Japan's monthly Nintendo Dream publication. In addition to speaking favorably about the controller, Suda suggested that he and his studio, Grasshopper Manufacturer, already had a plan in place for a Revolution game. Suda has gone into a bit more depth as part of a similar feature in the latest issue of Famitsu. Following some heavy praise where he suggests that the controller could change the face of gaming, Suda reveals that he's finalizing plans for an original Revolution game. While details are a secret at this point, he tells us that we can expect something extreme, in line with what one expects of a Grasshopper title. The game will focus heavily on direct input through the controller, and will, he promises, exceed Killer 7. So there you have it -- a new Revolution game being created by the forces that made Killer 7. We'll point out that while Capcom published Killer 7, Grasshopper is an independent studio, so this new title could end up seeing release through other publishers.

هذا كمان مهم بالنسبة لي , اتمنى ان لعبتهم تكون ابداعية :D..

بالرغم من ان ننتندو لو تكشف الكثير عن جهازها و مواصفاته , الا اننا نشاهد دعمآ رائعآ من مصممين مبدعين لطالما ابدعوا في العابهم و ابتعدوا عن التقليد و التكرار , و الان مع الفكرة الثورية في الجهاز , و فكرة انك تستطيع ان تحمل ذراع التحكم بيد واحدة فقط , اتوقع ان نشاهد منهم المزيد و المزيد من الأبداع :) ..

المصادر ..

و شكرآ
Snake Fang

عاشق ننتندو
27-10-2005, 02:21 PM
..اهلا فانج ..

بالنسبه لكلامهم ..بالفعل يشجع ويحمس للجهاز لكن مثل مانقول مجرد كلام ..وراح نثبت كلامهم اذا شفنا منهم لعبه معلنه للجهاز .. :blackeye:

ان بصراحه ودي اشوف لعبه من ميزوتشي ولعبه من ليفل 5..

شكرا ..

27-10-2005, 02:40 PM
كلام رائع جداً ^^..
اتذكر زمان ايام الكيوب ما صار مثل هذا الكلام ^^..

ان شاء الله خير وننتظر كشف الجهاز + الالعاب ^^..
شكراً محمد ..

27-10-2005, 03:26 PM
أنا متحمس للجهاز بدون تعلييقات الشباب المنتجين :afraid:

يكفي حماس .. بدنا نلعب يا ناس (( LOL :D ))

شكرا سنيك ......:biggthump

27-10-2005, 03:49 PM
كلام حلو و الله ، رغن انها مو تأكيدات رسمية انهم بيطوروا على الجهاز ، لكنهم على الأقل متحمسين .. يعني الان الدور على ننتندو ، لازم تستغل الموقف :p

27-10-2005, 05:48 PM
ليفل 5 ؟؟ ممكن تطور دارك كلاود للريفوليشين :33:

عموما انا ودي اشوف صورة للعبة واحدة رسمية للجهاز :blackeye: ياليت والله..

على كل حال شكرا فانج على الأخبار.

في أمان الله,,

Dreamer Boy
27-10-2005, 06:39 PM
Level 5 >> متتاز جدا تطوير ليفيل 5 للريوفو بيعطيني معنويات اكثر مع ان الشركة مش معوووفة بالجودة لكن مجتهدة فعلا وشعارها حلو ^^ ,,

عموما زي ماقال ماتريكسوش ماشفنا اهتمام زي كذا بأيام الكيوب يعني في مفاجأة قادمة