المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الحل الكامل لفاينل فانتسي Vll

17-10-2001, 01:49 PM
هو مقسم لأجزاء-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 . 1 m a k o r o p o w e r p l a n t

ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Potion x3, Phoenix Down, Restore materia,
Assault Gun.

At the start of the game, you'll have 3 Potions, a Phoenix Down, and an
Ether. You can't equip Materia until you reach Section 3.3, by the way.

Once you leave the train, check the body of the closest guard twice to
get two Potions. Then head north. You'll be attacked by some guards.
Take them out with your sword (you may win a Potion for killing them)
and then move left to go outside. Now, talk to your teammates (Biggs,
Wedge, and Jessie), then name yourself and Barret. Make your way to the
northwestern door, and head up in the next room to enter the heart of
the power plant.

Talk to Barret, (who joins you) and then talk to each Avalanche member
to open the doors. After opening the second door, head right to enter
another chamber with a treasure chest (Phoenix Down). Then, go back
and enter the elevator (you'll have to talk to Jessie first). Press the
arrow switch to activate it.

Work your way down the stairs and go through the door to the left. Then
follow Jessie down the ladder. When he stops, search the area in front
of him for a Potion (it's hard to see because of the steam). Climb
down, cross the pipes, descend the nearby ladder, and take note of
the Save Point before heading down the walkway.

Pick up the Restore materia on the ground in the next area and set the
bomb. An alarm will sound and you'll have to fight the boss, a huge
scorpion-like machine.


Cloud's Bolt magic works well, while Barret should be attacking. The
Search Scope won't damage you, it just warns as to who the boss will
attack next. When you've done enough damage, the boss will start to
shake and Barret will warn Cloud. From this point onward, don't attack
the boss and heal yourself or simply guard until the boss attacks you.
If you try to hurt it during this time, the boss responds with a damaging
laser ray shot from his tail. A few more hits after it stops shaking and
the boss dies. You'll get an Assault Gun when you kill it.

You now have ten minutes to escape from the power plant. You'll need
to make your way back to the upside-down T-shaped entrance hall where
one of the Avalanche members is waiting. (If you've played the demo
disc, know that you don't need to 'search' for the other members; just
talk to Jessie to free him and then get out. Since Barret gets a new
gun after the battle, be sure to equip it. Also, talk to the other
members to open the two doors on your way back.