المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الألعاب القتالية Guilty Gear XX Drama CDs Black + Red w/Translations

10-11-2005, 10:22 AM
to most people this might not be intresting, but a friend requested this a while back and i just remembered i uploaded it a while back >.> help urself to the files if ur intrested =p

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side RED
Drama CD RED A (http://www.atgig.com/lonewolfterry/GGXXDRAMACDs/01RED1.zip)
Drama CD RED B (http://www.atgig.com/lonewolfterry/GGXXDRAMACDs/01RED2.zip)

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side BLACK
Drama CD Black A (http://www.atgig.com/lonewolfterry/GGXXDRAMACDs/02BLACK1.zip)
Drama CD Black B (http://www.atgig.com/lonewolfterry/GGXXDRAMACDs/02BLACK2.zip)

11-11-2005, 04:26 PM
So these discs are translated to English right?

11-11-2005, 06:02 PM
I can't dl the files, it keep saying to click on a pop-up or something.

11-11-2005, 08:26 PM
thanke you :biggthump

Mr. Black Man
11-11-2005, 09:03 PM
thank u ;)
i've read them long time ago :أفكر:
(why don't the make an anime for gg):mad22:

11-11-2005, 09:03 PM
يعني أحين الأصوات و المحادثات الي في الـ Drama CD تتكلم عن قصة GG ؟؟
و شو الفرق بين الـ RED و الـ BLACK ؟؟

I can't dl the files, it keep saying to click on a pop-up or something.Right Click
Save as Target

11-11-2005, 10:52 PM
It's a story that explains alot more about Ino, sources say it's events are official in the storyline(another dimension? maybe, but the events are possible in the normal GG universe) they are in Japanese, u should read the translation files that are included while listening

and Croove, RED is part 1, Black is Part 2

cya :ciao:

11-11-2005, 11:28 PM
Back from U.A.E !! i had graet time ^^ to bad me no play GG there -_- , becouse some ppl didn't reply ~.~ l

anyway Ex thanX + alpha ^.^ now DLing

/saves 120$ looking for a joystick/

Edit :
my posts are 666 .. Hell ya i'll burn u all with sol !!1! (6) .. :P

12-11-2005, 12:40 AM
i see a connection :D

XD 666, which is also know as Number Of The Beast(Iron maiden song that goes : six, six six, the numberrrr of the beast) and putting intoaccount millia's destroy that is called Iron Maiden, you're all over Millia aren't you :reporter: *plays too much Phoenix Wright* OBJECTION

12-11-2005, 06:37 AM
It's a story that explains alot more about Ino, sources say it's events are official in the storyline(another dimension? maybe, but the events are possible in the normal GG universe) they are in Japanese, u should read the translation files that are included while listening

and Croove, RED is part 1, Black is Part 2

cya :ciao:I thought that red and black is something like the good side and the bad side

على العموم إن شاء الله إذا قدرت أحصل وقت بحاول أني أقرأها :أفكر:

Thanks Recca

12-11-2005, 07:23 AM
no problemo Croove ^^ enjoy the the read/hear XD

12-11-2005, 11:48 AM
Yo Recca, 666 is also the number of the Devil ins't it?
Cool, now dat I know how to dl, will dl ASAP, thanks bro.
BTW is it true that I-No is like That Man, i.e. she's like 100 something years old?

12-11-2005, 02:56 PM
I-NO has time/space travel powers

explained in the dramas i believe, if not reach the encolypedia link in the Dizzy daughter of sol thread i posted earlier...this is becoming a spider web

03-12-2005, 09:10 AM
اقلك ريكااااااااااااااااا :D
متى تصدر جولتي جير الجديده وعلى اي جهاز :)
وشكرا لك :biggthump

03-12-2005, 10:13 AM
أنت خاش عرض لول D=
دسمبر أو يناير, أنا أتوقع ديسمير عشان يتنافسوا مع نيو جيو باتل كولسيوم(أو موسم الأجازات ممكن؟) ما أدري الصراحه و بتكون بي أس 2

محمد شعيب
03-12-2005, 10:58 AM
الممثلة التي أدت دور ((اي نو)) ادته ببراعة مدهشة جعلك تكره الشخصية بحق و حقيق
أيضا (( ماي)) الصوت رائع ... (( غريب الممثلة لم تكبر.. ماي لها أكثر من أو 6 أو 7 سنوات كشخصية في جلتي جير.؟ .))خاصة عندما سئلت ديزي عن الرسالة ...كان مقطعا مرحا
مقطع موت (كاي).. رائع حقا .. كما أعجبني( سول )عندما أستجوب (( اينو)) بفظاظة هذا رجل لا ينخدع بسهولة و يذكرني بشبابي..كح كح
الذي لا أفهمه لماذا جعلت (( اينو)) نفسها تحت خدمة ((ذلك الرجل)) هذا شيء غريب حقا..و و لا أستطيع ابتلاعه ..ثم هو لم يكن ينوي الشر أقصد أنه يبدوا لي ليس شريرا لذا لماذا (( اينو)) أصبحت تابعته..؟
طبعا فكرة السفر عبر الزمن فكرة أخذت الكثير من النقاش عندى المؤلفين و الفيزيائيين و أراها ... ولا بلاش ... لكنها في رأيي الخاص نقطة ضعف للقصة ((و قد أكون مخطئا ..))(( تخيل لو أن أحد عاد الى بداية البشرية و قتل ادم))همم( اينو) تستطيع قتل أي شخص لا يعجبها فقط ترجع وقت مولده و تقتله في طفولته..
طبعا قلت لك يا ريكا أن القصة جعلت (( اي نو )) البطل الاساسي للقصة و ليس ((سول )) الذي أصبح و كأنه كومبارس..
رسالة ديزي .... كأنها ليس لها داعي...
لكن كله جميل.. و حبذا لو أرفقت الملف الذي يحوي قصة أجزاء اللعبة فهو أيضا مسل و جميل..
شكرا مجددا على على هذه القصة الرائعة (^_^)

05-12-2005, 10:54 AM
ههههههههه شكرا لك ياريكا يادبه خخخخخخخخخخخ
وسلام يابابابا :D

05-12-2005, 04:12 PM
لمن يريد :

Holy Order Sol Theme
A.B.A Theme

من Guilty Gear XX#R Slash

Holy Order Sol and ABA (http://www.filefactory.com/get/f.php?f=686d88bc76210fae5ba4e6a9)

06-12-2005, 02:18 AM
Thanks Recca:biggthump
I really like A.B.A Theme
slow at first but then guitars and drums start the action :biggthump >>>>> تقريباً هذي هي حالة معظم الـ Themes في GG

06-12-2005, 08:59 AM
hmmm true Croove, but maybe because they count the character intros as part of the theme, but people always skip them !! there's some great intros SolxKy , MilliaxEddie, but meh ppl want to play 7ami 7ami, btw i noticed that these 2 songs are not Daisuke's Ishiowatari's composition, it's very diffrent from his style i think that the person who made these 2 songs is the same person who did the Isuka soundtrack, which is not a bad thing, but damn i wish Daisuke would go back to the drawing board x_x

note : Holy Order Sol's theme sounds like a remix of Keep Yourself Alive 1 from the first GG, but u have to listen closely from 1:26-1:54

another noite : yeah im sure it's not Daisuke and the ASH team, the drums are synthed like Isuka not real like XX DAMN YOU DAISUKE

06-12-2005, 11:15 AM
the thing i like about the ggxx music is the mix betwen elctric guitar and normal guitar....it's fell like an spanish guy playing on a spece ship ..:p get it:33: l

06-12-2005, 12:34 PM
all the songs are in electric Salmore lol XD there's a Guitarist , Bassist, Drummer and Keyboardist, the Keyboardist is the one that plays the synthed notes only song with acoustic(spanish) guitar was Millia Vs Zato's theme Still In The Dark, and it was an acoustic solo in the middle of the song, good stuff

in Isuka's case i believe it was 2 ppl only, a guitrist and a person that synthed the rest of insturmnent on the computer, thats why i felt Isuka's soundtrack felt a little lighter, but it wasnt bad it was great espcially Slayer's stage and Venom's stage

i got the rest of the Guilty Gear Complete Sound Box Disc 8 songs, the rest are Heavy Metal remixes of GG1's OST by the same people who did Guilty Gear XX's soundtrack's performance and the Guilty Gear concert Guilty GEar SOUND ALIVE

uploading it later, seeya

added a sample of diffrence between GG1 OST and the new Remixed album and GGX+ OST(Justice's theme in XX was taken from X+ and not redone by ASH for XX) l

i believe drums are the backbone of a metal band, and the GGX+'s version flaw was the Midi drum track, it was a mistake to not use a real drummer for that version, Ash's version gives the song the impact it needs to give witha great Bass usage to give a variation to the feeling and great drums and great guitar skills compared to the older version(i think the GGX+ version was played by Lapis Lazuli's guitarist?) bleuh... i talk to much when its about GG, help urself

06-12-2005, 02:54 PM
thank's .....:33: and you said you are not a g-gear boy ..huh...;) l

06-12-2005, 03:16 PM
there's a diffrence, a fanboy would praise his game even if it has flaws =p if i smell flaws in GG, i will attack them and talk about them not deny them like fans of *cough cough* Tek *COUGH* ken ahem

i like Fighting games, Heavy Metal, anime, manga and art these things appeal to me in GG =p

speaking of fanboys, i dont see the SFIII Ryu fanboy around, i have some Super SFII ryu vids i'll upload later, heh Ryu before 3rd strike boring he said =p show he doesnt know who is ryu and how he plays

where are u twelve ~'-'~