المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشبكة شرح الـ KOSP لــ KO

16-12-2005, 01:05 PM
السلام عليكم .. تمكن اخيرآ من صنع

الشرححح الكامل للكوسباا

واتمنى اني افدتكم


A guide to using KOSP by ShitHead
(who isn't much of a Opal, really)

Getting Started

Download the newest version of KOSP for the Knight Online that you play, whether it be JPKO or USKO. (KOSP does NOT work for MYKO)

Install it and open it.

To purchase a KOSP Charge ID and password, go here: http://qscb.guawang.com/buy.htm (http://qscb.guawang.com/buy.htm)

Open KOSP, and enter your game login account. You will need to enter your REAL GAME LOGIN ACCOUNT to be able to log in to Knight Online with KOSP. If you do not enter your real game login account, your character will not be able to enter the game.

If you have your charge ID and Password, you can only charge your account after logging into KO through KOSP. So, open KOSP, log in to KO with the username you would like to charge KOSP to. Once you can run around in game, log out and you can now re-open KOSP and charge your username. You MUST log into game through KOSP first, to be able to charge your account.

Once you are in game, you can press "Insert" on your keyboard to open KOSP.


If you have successfully charged your KOSP account, the first screen you will see when you enter the game is this:


At the top there are different tabs to the "pages" of the KOSP program.


B = Auto Pot (Red and Blue), Auto Loot, Auto Setdown, Auto Party.

I = Information on who/what is around you.

S = Your auto attack. This is where you turn the attack off and on.

M = Teleport.

T = Timed magic. Record skills here and set them with a timer to use them. (Example, "Strength of Wolf" for Rogues)

H = Exit.

On the same page, are the buttons SV, ST and S.

SV = Save
ST = Settings
S = Sundries (Note: You MUST click on any monster/NPC first, then click on S to use the Sundries.)



Auto Pot


This is where you can select what potions you would like to use, and at what HP/MP to take them.

For example: If you have 200 Potion of Soul in your inventory and would like to take one when you get down to 1000MP, click in the second box, and select "1920blue". In the box directly to the right, put "1000". Click "SV" down the bottom, and you will take a Potion of Soul at 1000MP (or less).

The same can be done with HP potions. Select the potion you would like to use, and enter the HP you would like to take it at.

Auto Loot


This is the auto loot function.

Pick up off: The auto loot function will be turned off.

Auto All Pickup: The auto loot will pick up all items and coins dropped by a monster.

Manual: Same as "Pick up off". You can manually loot the items/coins.

Auto Selected: In settings, you can select which items you would like to pick up, and those you would not like to pick up. This option will only pick up the items you have selected. I will go into more detail on this after this section.

Auto Setdown


Auto Setdown Off: Your character will not sit down at any stage.

Setdown on Idle: If your character is not shooting, or healing, your character will sit down and regen HP/MP.

Always Down(dangerous): Your character will permanently sit down while healing/shooting. This is a dangerous option, as other people in KO will see your character sitting down healing or shooting. This option is not really recommended, as it is very easy to be frapsed and banned using this option.

Auto Party


Auto Party off: Auto Party will not be activated.

Auto Party on: Auto Party activated. You can specify who you would like to auto-party with in Settings. (see below, i'll get to the settings soon).



This box tells you who and what are around you. It tells you where the NPCs/Monsters are, and also gives you their coordinates. It also shows your name (I have covered up my name and level, to protect my privacy). It also tells you the level (top right corner, where the red box is) of the person/monster clicked on. The HP of the monster/person is displayed on the left, above the "people count".

S (For Rogue)

This is your auto attack function.

Before you can auto attack, you must set up a skill to attack with. To do this, click on "setup".


As you can see, this is where you set up the skill(s) you would like to use. I just use 1 skill (Arc Shot) and it works perfectly.

To record your combo, click on "REC", and shoot the skill you would like to use. You must shoot a monster for it to register, you can't just press the button. Once you have recorded it, save it into a combo slot in the "use combo skill" box. You can then edit it by clicking on "Edit". As you can see, I have the edit box open.

If you would like to shoot without using arrows, click on "Instant+No Process(dangerous)"

If you would like to shoot without using mana, you must click on "MP Save (some skill of rogue)". You can only do this using "Through Shot", "Perfect Shot" or "Arc Shot".

Once you have set this up the way you would like it, click on "Save" on the right hand side, and close it. Also, click on "close" in the small combo box. Your combo box should now look like this:


Off: Auto Attack is turned off. You must have auto attack turned off to set up new combos.

Manual select att: You must click on the monster to attack it.

Follow Att(in party): Your character will attack a monster after another member in your party attacks it.

Auto Attack: Your character will attack the nearest monster. This is what you use to shoot when you're AFK. It will fully kill the first monster before attacking the next closest one.

You MUST have "Attack NPC" checkbox ticked to be able to attack monsters.

In the next box, you will see the symbols "<", "=" and ">".

If you would like to only attack a monster of a certain type, then this is what you use. Tick the box next to "HP", and then enter the HP of the monster you would like to attack. You can find out the HP of the monster by clicking on it, then going to the "I" tab at the top. You then select "=" and enter the HP.

Effectively, this says "Attack monster with HP equal to this amount".

The other symbols are if you want to attack ALL monsters with "below" or "above" a certain amount of HP.

The other check boxes down the bottom are if you would like to attack users of the opposite nation. If you do not have this checkbox ticked, your character will only attack monsters and not users.

S (For Priest)


Here you have Auto Heal, Auto Buff (HP, Defence, Resistance) and Auto Curse (Malice)

H = Heal
B = Buff
W = Debuff

Just tick on the ones you want, and untick the ones you don't want. It's very simple.



This is your teleport feature. You can teleport anywhere on the same map. Enter your X and Y coordinates, and you will be teleported there. You can save the coordinates for future use.



This section is for timed magic. To record your skill, just click on one of the R icons, and do your skill. Eg, Strength of Wolf.

Then put in the amount of time between casting the skill (in seconds), and it will cast it. You must tick the checkbox next to it to start the skill working.

Strength of wolf has a timer of 122. This is 2 minutes, plus the extra 2 seconds to allow time for casting. It works perfectly.


This exits KOSP. You can open it again by pressing "Insert" on your keyboard.


Basic Settings


Auto setdown(on idle) box: This is pretty self explanatory. On the first page of KOSP, you have to option to "sit down on idle". This is where you can configure the timing for sitting down. If you would like it to sit down at random times, you can do it so it doesn't look so obvious that you sit down right after healing or shooting.

Auto Party Action: Again, quite self explanatory. You can select who you would like auto-party to work with. To accept ONLY party invites from people you know, say their names are "Bob" and "Kate", you would tick, "Auto accept party invites", then "With following conditions" and then "Inviter name is one of below". It would then look like this:


When either Bob or Kate invite you to party, it will automatically join you. You can add up to 4 names. Alternatively, you can set it up to auto accept a party invite from a clanmate, or someone who is a higher level than your own character.

Protect mode(Pmode): This will detect your resources, and town you or disconnect you if you have run out of something. I haven't mucked around with this much, so I don't know much about it. I just turn it off and things still work fine for me.

Pick up speed: This is a great feature. If you're in a party and don't want to make it obvious that you have autoloot, you can have a delay when picking up the coins or items. If you have it on "Hi", it will pick it up as soon as the monster dies, whereas "Low" will take a bit longer and make it not so obvious.

Use skill heal (MP enough), Filter mages skill60 effect and Red/Blue value by percent[0..99%]% are self explanatory.

Combo Skill Edit


This is where you can click on (and edit) your previously saved combos. I only use one, so I only have one there.



There are 3 tabs in this section.

Shortcut: This tells you the shortcut keys for using KOSP.

Items Log: This tells you the time you've picked up an item, as well as what it was and who got it. You can also "Clear History" to clear the log of previously picked up items.

About: The third tells you the version number you're using, and where you can download it.

Pickup Item


This is where you select which items you want to pick up when autolooting.

Things that you do NOT want to pick up have a TICK in the box next to it.

Things that you DO want to pick up are NOT ticked.

If you have something UNTICKED, it will pick up that item no matter what + it is. However, if you TICK something (meaning it won't be picked up), but then set the advanced filter on the side to pick up "+8 upgrade excepted" (as shown in pic), it will pick up +9 items ONLY.

I have my filter set to pick up +9 Accessories only.

You can do this for +5 accessories (which is the default), meaning it will only pick up +5 accessories and above.

REMEMBER: If you have the item (such as Golden Pendant) UNTICKED, it will pick up ALL GOLDEN PENDANTS. You must TICK the box and set the filter to "+8 upgrade excepted" to be able to ONLY PICK UP +9s.

Do not forget to tick the "adv filter" box at the top.

This goes for weapons and armour too. If you'd only like to pick up +6 Rogue full plate (for example), then TICK the box next to rogue full plate, and set your filter to "+6 upgrade excepted". You will then pick up Rogue Full Plate +6.


This closes KOSP. You can reopen it by pressing "Insert" on your keyboard.

Things to Remember

- KOSP does NOT work in Colony Zone. You cannot change this.

- On your screen, it will look like you're not moving. On other peoples screens it will show that you are in fact moving.

- KOSP cannot be run without paying for it. There is no such thing as "Free KOSP".

- You must first log into the game completely (through KOSP), before trying to charge your KOSP ID.

- Most people cannot dual-open in the Abyss. This is not the fault of QSCB, but rather the shitty graphics of the people who coded the Abyss. Its just something you have to live with.

- You can only use the MP save feature for rogues with some spells. Check the rogue section of this guide to find out which ones.

- The auto-sell feature doesn't work yet. It was a server-side bug of Knight Online that allowed this to happen and that has since been patched. USKE has recently been released with this bug still working, so QSCB may make this a feature again, but DO NOT BUG HIM ABOUT IT.

- I have not tried KOSP with a mage or warrior, so I cannot add them into the guide. If you have used them, please PM me with the details so I can add them to this guide.

Other Useful Tips

How to Dual Open (2 clients on 1 computer)

Open KOSP and enter your game USERID. Log completely into Knight Online, to the point where you can walk around in game. Once you are in game, alt+tab and open KOSP again. You can then enter your USERID (second account) and log in. You can alt+tab between your two Knight Online clients. You do not have to be in window mode for this.

How to change your KOSP ID to another account


Enter your current USERID.

Enter your new USERID (The one you would like to change it to - and remember, you must have fully logged into this account through KOSP before doing this)

Enter your CHARGE ID.

Enter your CHARGE PASS.

Click "Change".

Remember: Your KOSP days will be reduced by 6 every time you do this.

If you have any questions about things I have written, or need help, don't hesistate to ask. If you have anything to add to this guide, please PM me and I'll add them. Hopefully we'll make a really good guide as there doesn't seem to be anything available at the moment.

لاتنسوى الترشيح ان كنت استحق ... تحياتي

16-12-2005, 04:01 PM
مشكووور حبيبي اوبال على الشرح بس للأسف مو الكل ثقافته انجليزي يعني
لو انك مترجم يكون احسن و على العموووم مشكووور على المجهود الرائع

16-12-2005, 04:10 PM
هلا اخوي جراحوو ..
ولو حبي ماسوينا شي .. واسف لاني سويت الشرح بالانجليزي .. بس اسآلوني شالجزأ الي موفاهمينه

وانا افهمكم

جراح دش ماسنجر ابيك شوي ضروري ^^

17-12-2005, 01:40 PM


17-12-2005, 07:49 PM
مشكور أوبال على النقل .. شفت هالشرح بأحد المنتديات الأجنبية .. اللي مسوي الـ Guide اسمه ShitHead مثل ما ذكرت فوق ، اهو اسمه يفشل شوي الله يهداه =P على العموم .. يعطيك العافية أوباال .. و ما تقصر .. =]

17-12-2005, 09:42 PM
العفو حبيبي حياك الله

شت هيد هذا رووق اعرفه بسايفر .. ^^ عنده لاعب اسمه HD

وانا مساعده شويه .. بس تاخرررررررت واييييييد عشان انزل الشرح

وشاكر لك ..

تحياتي ..

حمودي الامور
31-12-2005, 08:22 PM
السلام عليكم اخوي
انا العب نايت
وابي اعرف ايش فائده البرنامج هذااا
ممكن تعلمني لاني العب بدون البرنامج
تقديري لك

01-01-2006, 05:16 PM
وعليكم .. السلام اولآ شكرآ لك

هذا البرنامج .. للغش تضرب اوتوماتيكي ( للروقات ) تاخذ صناديق .. اوتو !

واوتو هيل .. واوتو بف .. وهسوالف .. بس اذا شافك ادمن تاخذ باند ^^ على افاك

تقدر تجرب هالبرنامج .. لمده 3 ايام فقط مجانا وبعدين


تحياتي ..

حمودي الامور
06-01-2006, 08:46 AM
طيب اوبال يارهيب انت اذاا اخذت باند من الادمن ايش يصير يروح علي النك او ايش بضبط وهل انت تستعمله ؟

09-01-2006, 09:43 AM
اذا كليت باند .. انسى .. سو لاعب ثاني

هي العمليه سهله :×

بعد لفل +60 لاتستخدم كوسب !

لاتسوي نفسي ! :D



10-07-2010, 03:40 AM
انا العب اللعبه بس ما فاهم الطريقه ممكن تعلمنى


10-07-2010, 03:46 AM
Knight Online
ID: llordll
Server : ares1
Race : Elmorad
Class : Hunter
Lvl : 63

09-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Knight Online

ID: llordll
Server : ares1
Race : Elmorad
Class : Hunter
Lvl : 63


اخوي هذا الشرح قديم من سنه 2005 حق اللعبه وتصلحت من سنين وفي برامج غش ثانيه حاليآ وطرق اخرى للاسف مافي شعبيه عند العرب لهذي اللعبه فا نادرآ ما تجد اي عربي يلعبها
يمكنك فقط الحصول على برامج الغش من منتديات اجنبيه مختصه بهذي اللعبه وانا اعتزلتها لذلك انصحك ان تبحث عن هذي المواقع حيث اني اتوقع انه ممنوع اكتب اسامي المواقع هني وشكرآ

09-02-2011, 04:09 PM
يعطيك العافيه على الشرح المميز