المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Figures Of Speech

مستر حريقة
14-01-2006, 05:08 PM
:) Hi people


Idioms or figures of speech are combinations of words whose meaning cannot be determined by examination of the meanings of the words that make it up. Or, to put it another way, an idiom uses a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept. Unless you recognise when an idiom is being used you can easily misunderstand the meaning of a text. Modern translations, such as the NIV, use an equivalent figures of speech in English to translate many biblical idioms. More literal versions, particularly the King James Version, translate idioms word for word. It is the reader of the literal versions who needs to be most aware of the meanings of idioms


Tropes: Figures which change the typical meaning of a word or words
Metaplasmic Figures: Figures which movethe letters or syllables of a word from their typical places
Figures Of Ommision: Figures which omit something --eg. a word, words,phrases,or clauses--from a sentence
Figures Of Repetition - words : Figures which repeat one or move words
Figures of Repetition - clauses and ideas: Figures which repeat a phrase, a clause or an idea
Figures Of Unusual Word Order: Figures which alter the ordinary order of words or sentences
Figures Of Thoughts: a miscellaneous group of figures which deal
with emotional appeals and techniques of argument


Iam going to stop till here
Because i have to go

i will back defining each one of the top Figures
in my next reaply here ;)

21-01-2006, 04:08 AM
Well done bro
thank u so much
keeeep it up
waiting for the next part
c u

21-01-2006, 04:27 AM
imppresive mate , keep up the good work ^^

sweet princess
21-01-2006, 10:27 AM
thanx bro
keep up this great work

مستر حريقة
22-01-2006, 11:15 PM
hi again

and sorry for taking long to post here
but i was a bit busy ^^:أفكر:


Metaphor : The substitution of a word for a word whose meaning is close to the original word
Metonymy : A noun is substituted for a noun in such a way that we substitute the cause of the thing of which we are speaking for the thing itself; this might be done in several ways: substituting the inventor for his invention, the container for the thing contained, an author for his work, the sign for the thing signified, the cause for the effect
Synedoche : Substitution of part for whole, genus for species
Irony : expressing a meaning directly contrary to that suggested by the words
Metalepsis : A double metonymy in which an effect is represented by a remote cause
Paradox : A seemingly self contradictory statement, which yet is shown to be true
Oxymoron : A condensed paradox at the level of a phrase
Anthimeria : The substitution of one part of speech for another; for instance, an adverb for a noun or a noun for an adverb
Litotes : Deliberate understatement or denial of the contrary
Hyperbole : Exaggerated or extravagant statement used to make a strong impression, but not intended to be taken literally

Metaplasmic Figures

Prosthesis : Addition of letters to the beginning of a word
Aphaersis : Omission of letters from the beginning of a word
Epenthesis : Addition of letters to the middle of a word
Syncope : Omission of letters from the middle of a word
Paragoge : Addition of letters to the end of a word
Apocope : Omission of letters from the end of a word
Antisthecon : Substitution of a letter or sound for another within a word
Metathesis : Transposition of a letter out of its normal order in a word

Figures of Omission

Ellipsis : Omission of a word
Zeugma : An ellipsis of a verb, in which one verb is used to govern several clauses
Scesis Onamaton : Omission of the verb of a sentence
Anapodoton : Omission of a clause
Aposiopesis : Stopping a sentence in midcourse so that the statement is unfinished
Occupatio : When the orator feigns and makes as though he would say nothing in some matter, when, notwithstanding he speaks most of all, or when he says something: in saying he will not say it

To Be Continued.....:reporter:

مستر حريقة
22-01-2006, 11:56 PM
Figures of Repetition - Words

Epizeuxis :Emphatic repetition of a word with no other words between
Polyptoton : Repetition of the same word or root in different grammatical functions or forms
Antanaclasis : Repetition of a word, but in two different meanings
Anaphora : Repetition of a word at the beginning of a clause, line, or sentence
Epistrophe : Repetition of a word at the end of a clause, line, or sentence
Symploce : Repetition of both beginnings and endings
Epanalepsis : Repetition of the beginning at the end
Anadiplosis : Repetition of the end of a line or clause at the next beginning
Gradatio : Repeating anadiplosis
Congeries : A heaping together and piling up of many words that have a similar meaning
Antimetabole : Repetition of words, in successive clauses, in reverse grammatical order; a chiasmus on the level of words - AB-,-BA
Pleonasm : The needless repetition of words; a tautology on the level of a phrase

Figures of Repetition - Clauses and Ideas

Auxesis : Arrangement of clauses or sentences in ascending order of importance
Isocolon : Repetition of phrases or clauses of equal length and corresponding grammatical structure
Tautology : Needless repetition of the same idea in different words; pleonasm on the level of a sentence or sentences
Chiasmus : Reversal of grammatical structures or ideas in sucessive phrases or clauses, which do not necessarily involve a repetition of words
Antithesis : Repetition of clauses or ideas by negation
Periphrasis : The replacement of a single word by several which together have the same meaning; a substitution of more words for less

Figures of Unusual Word Order

Anastrophe : Arrangment by reversal of ordinary word order, usually confined to the transposition of two words only
Hyperbaton : Departure from ordinary word order
Hysteron Proteron : Reversal of temporal order
Hypallage : A reversal of words which seems to change the sense
Parenthesis : A word, phrase, or sentence inserted as an aside in a sentence complete by itself

Figures of Thought

Adynaton : The impossibility of expressing oneself adequately to the topic
Aporia : True or feigned doubt or deliberation about an issue
Correctio : A correction or revision of previous words
Prosopopoeia : Representing an imaginary or absent person as speaking or acting; attributing life, speech or inanimate qualities to dumb or inanimate objects
Apostrophe : A diversion of discourse from the topic at hand to addressing some person or thing, either present or absent


By : Grant Williams