المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الألعاب القتالية KOF Another Day: Episode 4

03-03-2006, 04:24 PM
And finally episdoe 4 is out, the final episode of the Another Day series

"All Over" Links :

direct download:

post your thoughts about it guys after you watch ;)


03-03-2006, 05:07 PM
The best ep, too bad it's still short :( ....the fight between kyo and alba was awesome and Ash just make me loves him even more loool
it was cool seeing lizzy with ash at the end...does it mean they will end up together ?? hm..can't wait for subs...i wanna know what luise said to alba at the end

MI2 is getting more interesting :biggthump

and is it just me? or does Ash voice actor is different from the one in the game
he sound child-ish here...when in xi and 2003 he sounds more snob-ish

03-03-2006, 05:17 PM
Thanks Red :)

مع أني ما فهمت شيء من الي صار
بس كانت نهاية حلوة لسلسلة Another Day :biggthump

أحلى شيء في الحلقة
لما بدأ Adle الضرابة مع Kyo
طريقة ظهور Iroi على Ash :biggthump

ننتظر الترجمة عشان نستوعب شو الي صار :196:

Thanks Again Red

03-03-2006, 05:30 PM
thanks red. im downloading now

03-03-2006, 10:10 PM

first of all, the opening reminded me of Tekken 2's opening CG lol, i agree so far the best ep is this, my 2nd fave ep is the one with terry XD yeah im biased.

anyway here's a rough translation from what i could understand :
people in the heli talking about how cruel or horrible this fire is

Kyo helps a guy and asks him if he's alive, as he sees Ash's green flames he says : This Flame...ASH!

alba runs to help someone while asking if he was alright, as he sees kyo running he says : hey, you lend me a hand

Kyo in the middle of the flames : where are you ? show yourself

Ash says something about having fun and playing around, he adresses Kyo in a friendly way which is creepy >.>

Kyo says damn, Alba tells him : hey, that flame, the one that set our town on fire was you wasnt it

dunno what kyo says, but Alba replies with : you're gonna pay for this sin or you're gonna be punished, forgot if tsumi means sin or punishment lol =p

ash : fufufu this is becoming intresting ^_^

Iori stomps on where ash was sitting, Ash says : oh...it's you(sounding disappointed) he says something that sounds like "i dont have time to play with u anymore or i dont wanna tangle with u anymore" not sure

Ash : sigh....and it was such a good place, troublesome things aren't my hobby~ : D

Ralf and the gang think that the Kyo fighting alba is another clone, Iori comes and says that's not a clone

Iori : That isn't a clone
ralf : bastard, how long u been there

*alba and kyo fight continues*

Kyo : bastard!

Iori steps in

Iori : Ash ran away

alba : so it wasn't you who did this

Kyo declines, not sure what he says exactly but he said something about flames being diffrent

alba : i see, my sincerest apologies

clark : seems this was the last, Ninmu kanryo(mission complete) XD

ralf : how boring >.> che

Iori says something to kyo about keeping himself alive, till he kills him personally(old fashiooned iori) lol

alba wraps it up, dont understand most of what he's saying but he's reporting that everything's over , at the end of the call he says : i'll depend on you later

Ralf to kyo : so ur the real one eh

Kyo : wanna test it out

my flame that is


Luise says something that doesnt sound japanese, i think it's dutch but not sure



03-03-2006, 10:46 PM
Red been posting a buncha of cool vids =p on MI2 and this, thanks alot red lol, just saw MI2's opening, sweet music o_O

TheDark Emperor
03-03-2006, 11:35 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ....

مشكوووووووووور أخوي RedHead على الوصلات !!!

على وصلات الأنيمي اللي كنا ننتظره سنين و سنين من سنة 96 أو يمكن قبله !!!!!

و صلات الأنيمي اللي حطم كل عشاق King Of Fighters !!!!!

وصلة الأنيمي اللي ما سوى شيء غير إهانة KOF !!!!!

بصراحة الحلقة الأولى و الثانية حطموني و حزنت أكثيرا لما تشفتهم >____<

الحلقات قصيرة جدا و ما فيها الإثارة اللي حصلناها في Fatal Fury !!!! وين شغل Masami Obari و وين شغل هالتعبانين >_<

أتمنى الحلقة الثالثة و الرابعة ما يقهروني مثل أول حلقتين >_<

و شكرا من جديد على الوصلات !!!


03-03-2006, 11:51 PM
I totally don't agree with you
i liked all of the episodes
the one with K' was the most boring one, but still i liked it

The problem is if you don't look at it as a way to
Introduce the MI 2 game ...and actually think it's a OVA or a TV anime series
then yeah for sure you'll be disapointed

this series was made as a way of promo
before the game gets released
and it did it great, now i look forward to play MI2
more than i did before...and i'm actually very excited about it
from the story to the new characters
to what they added to the old characters.

anyways that's my opinion. :)

and thanks recca for translation you did
and it's really now more interesting to know that lusie wasn't speaking japanese!

04-03-2006, 12:14 AM
this isn't an OVA or Series or movie even, keep in mind that it's a promotion ONA(Original Net Anime), hence it's free for streaming, and the DVD of all 4 episodes is going to be inculded with the KOF MI2 game

regardless, the level of action in the 1st and 4th episodes easily surpasses most of new animes i seen although the action is short it's very well done, u actually see the frames of animation and the smooth movements,the moves and basics are very faithful to the MI game production IG aren't to be taken lightly

like you i'm a fan of Masami Obari, i'm a terry freak =) but i wouldnt want him to touch the KOF real OVA or series after what i saw from IG, i just hope SNK makes enough money to make a full fledged OVA KOF series

try to look it from this light :

-It's advertising for MI2
-It's uber high quality
-It's free
-it has a few surprises in the final episodes that dropped jaws, and gave ideas about the hidden characters in MI2

btw red, it's a slight chance, but what makes me think that what luise is saying isnt japanese is the way she prounounced it, i might be wrong though

we'll wait for the fansub ep and see XD

Luise looks great, i like characters like Dizzy =p

TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 12:40 AM
أووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووف !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

كنت أكتب رد طويل و عريض في البوكس تحت مال الرد السريع و بالغلط سويت Back قبل ما أسو Post و ضاع كل شيء !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_____________<

تبااااااااااااااااااا !!!

باختصار شديد كلامي كان -->

* المفروض كان يكون فيديو إعلاني عن اللعبة اليديدة و لكن ما نراه كلنا أنيمي لKOF لهذا يصعب أن نتقبل الأمر !!! حالته حالة لعبة KOF NEO WAVE المفروض كان يكون تجربة لAtmoiswave بس اللي حصلناه نحن لعبة KOF جديدة و كانت تعبانة من وجهة نظري !!! NBC كان أفضل بمليون مرة !!!

* الأكشن كان متطور و الحركة ممتازة بس أشكال الشخصيات تعبانة !!!

* القصة ما شيء أو خلني أقول ضعيفة وايد !!!!!

* ماسامي أوباري بتقنيات العصر الحديث بيقدر يسو شيء أفضل من هذا 100% !!! على حد علمي !!!

قهر الرد الطويل و العريض راح >___<

سلام ^^

04-03-2006, 01:10 AM
* ماسامي أوباري بتقنيات العصر الحديث بيقدر يسو شيء أفضل من هذا 100% !!! على حد علمي !!!

معلومه ظريفه :

ماسامي أوباري صار يخرج أفلام أنيمشين هابطه بالتقنيات الحديثه :09:

of course i mean H-anime =p

بدل ما يحط رأسه بشي زي الناس, أبغى جزء جديد لجوكايزر يا أوباري!!!

TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 01:30 AM
ماسامي أوباري صار يخرج أفلام أنيمشين هابطه بالتقنيات الحديثه http://montada.com/images/smilies/new_icons/09.gif

of course i mean H-anime =p

بدل ما يحط رأسه بشي زي الناس, أبغى جزء جديد لجوكايزر يا أوباري!!!

منو قال ؟؟؟؟؟

صدق ماسامي إلى هالدرجة نزل مستواه >___<

قهرني صراحة !!!!

طبعا جوكايزر كان أنيمي مثل هالأشكال >_< أنا كنت أتشوف أشكالهم في الصور كانو يعيبوني بس لما شغلت الأنيمي كان صعب أتشوفه >_<

إنت تشفت Virus Buster Serge ؟؟؟؟

الأنيمي هذا من ماسامي أوباري و في شخصية تشبه تيري وايد !!! بس بصراحة الأنيمي كان رائع جدا و فيه موسيقى خطيييييرة مرة !!!! أقصد موسيقة شخصية Raven !!!!!!

تعرف Marcus و هالأشكال ولا لا ؟؟؟؟

شو رايك في Ashura و أبو كازوكي و سوجيتسو و موساشي و كاجامي و سيتسونا بما إنك من محبي الساموراي؟؟؟

اسمحولي غيرت الموضوع >_<


توني تشفت الحلقة الرابعة !!!
و بصراحة كان إبداع يعني أفضل من سابقاتها !!! عيبني ظهور شخصيات مثل كيو إيوري و آش و ألبا بمكان واحد !!!!
صوت كيو زين بس صوت آش تعبان المفروض كانو يعطونه صوت يوكيمورا من ساموراي ديبر كيو !!!!
و شوي راسمين إيوري غلط المفروض شعره يصغر شوي !!!
بس عيبني لما إيوري ينزل لآش و كأنه يبى يساعد صاحبه كيو !!!! بس وين سارت العداوة المستمرة من 96 !!!! المفروض كنا أنتشوف نهاية الحلقة شيء مثل -->
Iori : Kyoooooooooooooo !!!!
Kyo: Yagamiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!

مب إيوري يوقف الضرابة >_<
و المشكلة مركزين الكاميرا على المعارك من بعيد و يخلون اللي يراقبون القتال يتكلمون ... المفروض لكاميرا اتكون وسط المعركة هم في الضرابة استخدموا حركاتهم الرائعة بس قهر ما كان فيه صراخ و تشي ... يعني المفروض كيو يقول إي كي أو RED KICK أو الخ .... بس طبعا ما ألومهم لأن وقت الحلقة ما كان يسمحلهم >_<

بس صراحة اللحقة الثالثة كانت تعبانة واااااااايد >_< تشوفوا شكل ماكسيما كيف قبيح بس صوت كي داش كان يمشي الحال ^^

و الموسيقى في اللحقة الرابعة كانت ضعيفية و باردة افتقدت لموسيقة كيو @_@
المهم شكرا من يديد على الوصلة !!!

04-03-2006, 02:18 AM
كيو و أيوري بينهم هدنه ألين ما ينتفون أش :p

طبعا جوكايزر كان أنيمي مثل هالأشكال >_< أنا كنت أتشوف أشكالهم في الصور كانو يعيبوني بس لما شغلت الأنيمي كان صعب أتشوفه >_<

im talking about the Neo Geo game XD;;; Gowacaizer game had characters designed by obari, the anime adaption lacked a little but it was style ok

إنت تشفت Virus Buster Serge ؟؟؟؟

الأنيمي هذا من ماسامي أوباري و في شخصية تشبه تيري وايد !!! بس بصراحة الأنيمي كان رائع جدا و فيه موسيقى خطيييييرة مرة !!!! أقصد موسيقة شخصية Raven !!!!!!

تعرف Marcus و هالأشكال ولا لا ؟؟؟؟

wow Virus buster serge =D not many people saw it lol XD nice meeting someone else that saw it, i think Raven was voiced by Saitoh Hajime's seiyuu that was the main reason i saw it, but i was surprised from the terry look alike >.> rememeber the Virus Card game on the PS1 lol? that was lame XD

شو رايك في Ashura و أبو كازوكي و سوجيتسو و موساشي و كاجامي و سيتسونا بما إنك من محبي الساموراي؟؟؟

Asura : i dont like him much, but Redude likes him i think XD
Enja and Suija : Enja is my favorite of the 2 <3
Musashi : i was pissed because he wasnt playable in the PS2 version of LB2, on the neo geo CD you could pick him in Vs mode, Musashi rocks, but e's damn cheap XD
Kagami : hmmmm dont like him much, he's Twelve and Raikoh's favorite character
Setsuna : i'm anti setsuna ~_~! Hibiki's dad killer + he is overused by people, LB has alot of great characters but everyone picks setsuna on power!!!! Hibiki and Kojiroh are my LB faves ^^

04-03-2006, 08:00 AM
منو قال ؟؟؟؟؟

صدق ماسامي إلى هالدرجة نزل مستواه >___<
If you're talking about the artist for the Fatal Fury movies then IMO, the guy's bisexual or something...seriously I could swear Terry looked like a chick

شو رايك في Ashura و أبو كازوكي و سوجيتسو و موساشي و كاجامي و سيتسونا بما إنك من محبي الساموراي؟؟؟
Asura's design and moves are pretty cool, he's also one of my main in NGBC.
Setsuna+Kagami= If LB2 had a Tag Team mode, I'd never pick anyone but them

بس عيبني لما إيوري ينزل لآش و كأنه يبى يساعد صاحبه كيو !!!! بس وين سارت العداوة المستمرة من 96 !!!! المفروض كنا أنتشوف نهاية الحلقة شيء مثل -->
Dude no plz, their "I want to kill you" rivalary has gotten really dull, sure they can stay rivals, but enough with the "I want to kill you crap", then again Iori helping Kyo? LOL

بس صراحة اللحقة الثالثة كانت تعبانة واااااااايد >_< تشوفوا شكل ماكسيما كيف قبيح بس صوت كي داش كان يمشي الحال ^^
Maxima looked badass IMO, he nearly killed an Ikari too

BTW, herd Betty's in this one.....I DEMAND OSWALD IN MI2!!!!!

TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 11:55 AM
سلام عليكم..

كيو و أيوري بينهم هدنه ألين ما ينتفون أش

غريبة واحد مثل آش يأذيهم كل هذا .... بس صراحة مب هذا السبب !!!

أنا لاحظت إيوري اتغير من بعد KOF 98 و للأسف الشديد !!!

هو كان أخطر وااااايد قبل !!! الحين مب مينون مثل أول >_<

im talking about the Neo Geo game XD;;; Gowacaizer game had characters designed by obari, the anime adaption lacked a little but it was style ok

جوكايزر تصاميم الشخصيات كانت رائعة فيه ^__^

wow Virus buster serge =D not many people saw it lol XD nice meeting someone else that saw it


i think Raven was voiced by Saitoh Hajime's seiyuu that was the main reason i saw it

ما عارف اسم الممثل بس هو نفسه اللي سوى صوت شيريو من ساينت سيا ^__^ أصلا الشخصيتين يتشابهون !!!

but i was surprised from the terry look alike

تقصد -->

Marcus Alexander Bogard !!!!! أصلا تشوف نفس العائلة !!! يقصده قريب تيري !!!!

ولد عمه يمكن من يدري :D

rememeber the Virus Card game on the PS1 lol? that was lame XD

أنا أصلا لعبت اللعبة قبل ما أتشوف الأنيمي :D

بس اللعبة صراحة كانت تعبانة و ايد بس اتفاجأت كيف ماركوس يشبه تيري !!! و فوق هذا كيف رافن ينزف دم من عينه مثل إيوري 0_0 !!!!!

على فكرة ماركوس أخو رافن ^^

Enja and Suija : Enja is my favorite of the 2 <3

ما شاء الله تعرف أساميهم بعد ^^

Musashi : i was pissed because he wasnt playable in the PS2 version of LB2, on the neo geo CD you could pick him in Vs mode, Musashi rocks, but e's damn cheap XD

شو ما تقدر تختاره !!!!! حرام على الدريم كاست كنا نقدر نختاره >____<

أقولك موساشي ما يذكرك باهمورو من ناحية الشكل و ما يذكرك شوي بروجل !؟؟؟

Kagami : hmmmm dont like him much, he's Twelve and Raikoh's favorite character
Setsuna : i'm anti setsuna ~_~! Hibiki's dad killer + he is overused by people, LB has alot of great characters but everyone picks setsuna on power!!!! Hibiki and Kojiroh are my LB faves ^^

سيتسونا كشخة كشخصية و مب بس قوة !!!! كوووووووووول و نفس الشيء كاجامي !!!!

twelve :

If you're talking about the artist for the Fatal Fury movies then IMO, the guy's bisexual or something...seriously I could swear Terry looked like a chic


Asura's design and moves are pretty cool, he's also one of my main in NGBC

انا ما صدقت لما حطوه في NBC !!!!!

شخصية رهيبة من كل النواحي !!!! اسمع صوته أصلا !!! ياميوو !!!!!

سو HP وي تحت و بعدين كمله حركته على طول ^__^

Setsuna+Kagami= If LB2 had a Tag Team mode, I'd never pick anyone but them

بالفعل أفضل ثنائي في LB !!!! و أنا دايما كنت أختارهم !!!! Hou Yuoko Ten Chuuuuu !!!!!! هذا كاجامي من أجداد كيو :D

Dude no plz, their "I want to kill you" rivalary has gotten really dull, sure they can stay rivals, but enough with the "I want to kill you crap", then again Iori helping Kyo? LOL

انا قبل زمان بس كنت إيوري !!! بس الحين أتشوف صراحة كيو هو الرجال !!! يعني أحسه في الأجزاء الأخيرة هو الشرس اللي يصلب إيوري فبدأت العداوة أو فكرة العداوة تعيبني !!!! مب لازم بس نقتلك و تشي على الأقل أعداء !!! تذكر KOF ZILLION كيف أول شيء يضاربون بعدين يساعدون بعض و يرتاحون عدال بعض !!!


04-03-2006, 03:57 PM
Ohhh please I'm not on Kyo's side or Iori
I'm with Ashly :D hehhh

Asura ROCKS...he's my second SS64 favorite character after Shiki
in the Asura OVA he's a monster

and please twelve NO NEED to have Ozzy
in MI2 if he's as powerful as in XI
i challanged a player in the arcades who picks him
and ohhhh lord...no need to say what happend
he made me hate ozzy with how cheap he can be

TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 08:05 PM

Ohhh please I'm not on Kyo's side or Iori
I'm with Ashly hehhh

يستاهل ^__~

ترى Ash Crimson بطل يديد و خطير !!! معن في ناس أشكال هنجري وولف يقولون عنه تعبان >_<

هو خطير بس يحتاج واحد مثلنا يفهمه ^^ بس صوته قهرني >_<

Asura ROCKS...he's my second SS64 favorite character after Shiki
in the Asura OVA he's a monster


تشفت الOVA يا حظك الخطير ... أنا مسكين ما تشفته لين الحين !! ولا لعبت ساموراي 64 !!! بس كان يعيبني من الصور ولما ظهر في NBC عيبني واااااااااايد

Ozzy منو ها ما عرفته صراحة >_< يمكن راعي البطاقات ؟؟؟

he made me hate ozzy with how cheap he can be

مرة أنا في الآركيد أخذت آندي ولعبت تشيب !!! اللي وياي انهزم (معني كنت صغير) فانقهر و بعد شوي يا يلعب من يديد و هزمني شر هزيمة !!!

حد يعرف من وين أقدر أنزل لعبة KOF XI ؟؟؟؟

أنا حملت كل الأجزاء إلا هذا و أشكاله مال Atmoiswave !!!


04-03-2006, 08:30 PM
Yeah i mean Oswald, Ash is a great character and an original hero
the only thing i don't like about him is that he's a charge character and he only have a few moves.

I didn't play SS64 yet
i wanna try it though..hopefully i will one day
the OVA is good, it's a million time better than the movie
the OVA is about Asura hunting Shiki
and you'll get to see all his moves, Shiki didn't get much fighting

and nope. you can't download the Atomiswave games
that's the whole point for SNKP to move from the Neo Geo to the A-wave.

TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 09:16 PM
سلام عليكم

RedHead :

the only thing i don't like about him is that he's a charge character and he only have a few moves

I agree with you >__<

the OVA is good, it's a million time better than the movie
the OVA is about Asura hunting Shiki
and you'll get to see all his moves, Shiki didn't get much fighting

حمستني عليه أكثر بعد !!!

بس غريبة يعني في الأنيمي أسورا يبى يستلم شيكي ؟؟؟؟

أنا دايما كنت أتحراها بمثابة زوجة Ashura ؟_؟

عكست الموضوع باين !!!

and nope. you can't download the Atomiswave games
that's the whole point for SNKP to move from the Neo Geo to the A-wave.

قهر >_<

لازم يسوون Emulator حق الجهاز هذا !!!!

متى بنلعب هاللعبة و هوكتو نو كين >_______<

أصلا متى بينزلون على الPS2

صح By the way متى بينزل KOF MI2 ؟؟؟

و هل العروض الأنيمية انتهت لKOF خلاص ؟؟؟

العمل هذا ذكرني باللي سووه لKOF Kyo لما سوو له مانجا كم من Volume و ما كملوا القصة !!!


04-03-2006, 10:14 PM
يستاهل ^__~

ترى Ash Crimson بطل يديد و خطير !!! معن في ناس أشكال هنجري وولف يقولون عنه تعبان >_<

هو خطير بس يحتاج واحد مثلنا يفهمه ^^ بس صوته قهرني >_<

lol Hungry wolf calls ash a she as far as i remmeber =p he refuses to call him a guy =p

the only thing i don't like about him is that he's a charge character and he only have a few moves

i love charge characters <3 espcially when people u play against don't know when u charge XD remy in 3rd strike had Partitioned charges, those were some slick moves

speaking of which, is it just me....or...is Ash based on Remy o_O

Q to twelve : is Remy french?

if so, we have 2 travestite french charge somersault and sonic boom type moves

cept Remy has the better voice actor >.> (same as Trieze from Wing) Ash's voice in the game was creepy i liked it, like u said Red in the anime it's kinda childish, but i guess it fits the image of him not taking the KOF particoners seriously

i like his intro with iori in XI, when he tells him that he never changes, that was said with a tone that sounds like he's looking down on Iori XD

أنا دايما كنت أتحراها بمثابة زوجة Ashura ؟_؟

i dont know much about Shiki + ashura and these things, but in Asura's profile his favorite thing is Shiki

wasn't ashura the indian goddess of war XD?

لازم يسوون Emulator حق الجهاز هذا !!!!

the Atomiswave has been flushed by sega, they stopped supporting it

By the way متى بينزل KOF MI2 ؟؟؟

they say late april

هل العروض الأنيمية انتهت لKOF خلاص ؟؟؟


العمل هذا ذكرني باللي سووه لKOF Kyo لما سوو له مانجا كم من Volume و ما كملوا القصة !!!

i liked KOF Kyo more than the zillion comics, the story continues in the game ^^ u can find a translation in gamefaqs i believe, but damn u have to play it it was helluva fun, Heavy Metal Thunder from Square Enix uses the KOF Kyo system XD


TheDark Emperor
04-03-2006, 10:42 PM
سلام عليكم

lol Hungry wolf calls ash a she as far as i remmeber =p he refuses to call him a guy =p

هذا دايما تشي و بعدين يقول يوكيمورا ريال شو الفرق بينه و بين آش .... ؟؟؟

و صح وينه هذا هنجري وولف ليش ما يالس يشارك هالتعبان !!!؟؟

i love charge characters <3 espcially when people u play against don't know when u charge XD remy in 3rd strike had Partitioned charges, those were some slick moves

بس ملل خاصة لما تبى اتسو Combos >__<

speaking of which, is it just me....or...is Ash based on Remy o_O

حتى إنت أدركت هالشيء ؟؟؟؟

نفس الشيء !!! أصلا تشوف ضرباتهم نفس الشيء ....

ليسار يمين و السمر سولت كله نفس الشيء أصلا جسمه بعد نحيل تشي ... و فوق هذا لا تنسى الاثنين أشكالهم فرنسيين

Q to twelve : is Remy french?


أعرف إن ريمي فرنسي ^^

cept Remy has the better voice actor >.> (same as Trieze from Wing)

شو تبى أتقول !!!!! تبى أتقول إن صوت ريمي هو صوت ساجا !!! ويييييه بصراحة طلع قوي !!!!!

but i guess it fits the image of him not taking the KOF particoners seriously

أخاف يستخدمون هالصوت كل مرة >_<

i like his intro with iori in XI,

حظكم وي KOF XI مب أنا المسكين !!!

that was said with a tone that sounds like he's looking down on Iori XD


ما تعرف أبدا في شو يفكر ...

wasn't ashura the indian goddess of war XD?

بالضبط لو قريت مانجا RG VEDA بتشوف Ashura بس هناك كنت أتحراه رجال ؟؟؟؟

و تعال أنا أعرف إسمه مب Ashura بس أحب تشي أناديه ^^ و قبل كنت أناديه Asra بعد ^^ و Asura !!!

wasn't ashura the indian goddess of war XD?

يعني بعده يباله شهرين تقريبا >____<

the story continues in the game ^^ u can find a translation in gamefaqs i believe, but damn u have to play it it was helluva fun

انا لعبت KOF KYO و أنهيته كم من مرة و في اللعبة دايما أنتشوف ياشيرو وي يامازاكي !!!

بس تعرف اللعبة كانت يابانية >_< ما فكرت أقرى الترجمة صراحة ^^

و صح في نهايتين للأنيمي تعرف ؟؟؟

شو رايك في صورة جيز أول مرة يظهر (لما تيري و آندي على ما أذكر يروحون له ) صورة رهيبة شكله يكون شاب و الشرارة يمينه و يساره !!!! كوووووووول و صورة أوروتشي بعد كانت رهيبة !!! و ما ننسى ولد عم كيو و شلتهم ^^

05-03-2006, 02:08 PM
now DLing from ..:


05-03-2006, 02:31 PM
About the Asura and Shiki relation

at the end of SS64 Shiki escapes from Yuga
he was controlling her, when he was defeted at the end that's when Shiki

and in SS64-2
he sent Asura, who he was controlling too to bring Shiki back to him
but Yuga couldnt take control over Asura for a long time
that's when the two love birds escaped together
that's when Yuga created the Another Shiki and Asura
the Bust version of them, long story short, Bust Shiki dies
Bust Asura no longer controled by Yuga when yuga got defeted
then the two Asura's become one and turn into Asra
the one that shown in 3D SS for PSX.

Ash >>>>>>>>>>>>>Remy

Ashly have so much personality going on
when Remy..mehhh
I won't lie and say they are different, they got almost the same moves, but as a design and character Ash is much better imo
or maybe i'm just an SNK freak...so whateva! lol

and about the MI2 release date
it's 2006/04/27

05-03-2006, 04:05 PM
Back ,,

Ep.4 was the best !.. crouch after Kyo's QCF+P > HCB+P , Sweep , kick him on the ground , Projectile , Kyo roll's under , and wO.oW to the DPF+P wakeup !l its like a MI2 match , the game will rock for sure

05-03-2006, 04:52 PM

05-03-2006, 05:14 PM
i dont see kofxi ending, so Eliza going with ash was shock :wow: ash is very very cool in animation, diffrent than games

05-03-2006, 05:29 PM
in XI , Elizabeth is against Ash
she knows him, they had plans together but it seems Ash have his own
plans too...so she was in XI to stop him
it was shocking seeing them together..did they settle thing in XII

that's why i think the events of Another Day happen after XII

SNK surely loves to confuse the fans, then give no answers :/

05-03-2006, 06:16 PM
btw , what did the butterfly girl say at the end ??

SNK surely loves to confuse the fans, then give no answers :/

why get confused ?? its not that interesting anyway

05-03-2006, 08:14 PM
too bad it's interesting for me.
if your only main concern in the game are Kyo and Iori
then yeah sure no doubt it won't be interesting to you

they introduced Elizabeth in XI as Ash's rival
and now she's his friend and they are on a getaway bout together
if that's not confusing about the relation between them, then my bad

TheDark Emperor
06-03-2006, 09:46 PM
سلام عليكم ^_^

Red Head :

at the end of SS64 Shiki escapes from Yuga
he was controlling her, when he was defeted at the end that's when Shiki

and in SS64-2
he sent Asura, who he was controlling too to bring Shiki back to him
but Yuga couldnt take control over Asura for a long time
that's when the two love birds escaped together

أيواااااااااااااااا تشي القصة عيال !!!!

بس كيف أسورا كان تحت إيد يوجا ؟؟؟؟ يعني هل هو قبل كان مقاتل ولا ديمون ولا شو ؟؟؟؟

بس الحين القصة شوي اتضحت أكثر و ثانكس تو يو ^^

that's when Yuga created the Another Shiki and Asura
the Bust version of them, long story short, Bust Shiki dies
Bust Asura no longer controled by Yuga when yuga got defeted
then the two Asura's become one and turn into Asra
the one that shown in 3D SS for PSX.

أيوووااااااااااااااااااا الحين اتضحت أكثر و عرفت من وين ظهر أسورا الأول و شيكي ^^

يعني شيكي النقلية اتموت !!! و ألأسورا الاثنين يبقون حي و يتحدون ويسمونهم Asra !!!!!!! علشان تشي أنا أقول ليش بعض الأماكت تشي يسمونه !!! (أللي يلبس أبيض و أذنه طويل هو أسرا ؟؟)

Ashly have so much personality going on
when Remy..mehhh
I won't lie and say they are different, they got almost the same moves, but as a design and

character Ash is much better imo
or maybe i'm just an SNK freak...so whateva! lol

اكيد أنا وياك في هذا !!! علشان ريمي شخصية عادية من ناحية "الشخصية" بس هم يتشابهون في الديزاين و الضربات ^_^ (الديزاين شوي متشابه تشوف الاثنين نحيفين وايد و أشكالهم فرنسيين ^^)

بس طبعا مثل ما قلت آش شخصيته مختلفة آش شخصيته أحسه كوبي بيست من Sanada Yukimura من Samurai Deeper Kyo اتحسه مخططاته خبيثة و ما تعرف كيف يفكر و يروح وي الأشرار علشان يستغلهم نفس

حركات يوكيمورا !!! أصلا عنده نفس العين تقريبا ^^

and about the MI2 release date
it's 2006/04/27

بيطول وايد تشي >_<

و شو عن KOF XI مب ناويين يسوونه على الPS2 ؟؟؟

في حد يعرف وين أحصل ألعاب HNK أو KOFXI على الآركيد في دبي ؟؟؟


ack ,,

Ep.4 was the best !.. crouch after Kyo's QCF+P > HCB+P , Sweep , kick him on the ground , Projectile

, Kyo roll's under , and wO.oW to the DPF+P wakeup !l its like a MI2 match , the game will rock for


حتى أنا لاحظت الضرابة كأنها من اللعبة !!! أصلا الركلات اللي يسوها ألبا كانت بالضبط مثل اللعبة و كأنهم حولوا ضرباته لأنيمي !!!! و نفس الشيء كيو red kICK و الDragon Punch ماله كل شيء كان فنان !!!

على فكرة الOutfit مال كيو هالمرة أحلى عن دوم ^___^ و أحسه رجال بين الشلة :D

salmore :



بعدك ما تعرف شيء عن كيو !!! ما عارف منو اللي كان بيطيح في المستشفى ... By the way I am Alba's Fan ^_^

بس طبعا كيو ما أظن كان بيخسر ... ألبا أحسه طيب زيادة ما فيه جنون كيو أو إيوري !!!!

بس خله كيو يمسكه من يديد و يقول "asoriwa soriza" و يضحك بخبث و يحرقه !!! أقصد حركة HCB HCB + P !!!! ما عارف ليش كيو بدأ يعيبني معني قبل ما كنت أحبه ؟؟؟__؟؟؟

Red Head :

in XI , Elizabeth is against Ash
she knows him, they had plans together but it seems Ash have his own
plans too...so she was in XI to stop him
it was shocking seeing them together..did they settle thing in XII

that's why i think the events of Another Day happen after XII

SNK surely loves to confuse the fans, then give no answers :/

الAvatar مالك كووووووول ^__^

على فكرة ما أظن في إمكانية نربط KOFMI وي النورمال كوفز !!!

يكفي عمر Rock !!!! تشوفوا عمره و قارنوه بأجزاء كوف الأخيرة لما كان يظهر في الWinning Pose مال تيري !!! كان ياهل !! مب معقولة لين XI أو XII يكبر بهالسرعة ؟؟؟؟

(بعدني ما عارف إيليزابيث علشان أتفلسف عنها ^^)

سلام ^^

07-03-2006, 05:32 AM
Scraches Head, y~~~ari yari, I sorta have a somewhat odd theory about why Ash & Elisabeth are OK with each other, but I'll post it later.
Regarding Asura- Hang on wasn't Asura some sort of homicidal maniac from Yuga's world, whom Yuga sealed, but when Yuga was defeated, Asura was set free & now he's gone for revenge?

EX Fiend
07-03-2006, 08:59 AM
دخلة غلط كالعادة

Remy's seiyuu is the same of Ikki (Saint Sieya) and Hayabusa (DOA), from what i recall

but the thing i want to ask is, from what it seems in the 4th episode that it's after XI story but

also they showed us how ash & elizyy are tagged, so what's going on, is it a teaser for XII or somthing

07-03-2006, 09:15 AM
More like, Ash & Elisabeth made up & let bygones be bygones & in XII they're both gonna be on the same team

07-03-2006, 08:30 PM
بس كيف أسورا كان تحت إيد يوجا ؟؟؟؟ يعني هل هو قبل كان مقاتل ولا ديمون ولا شو ؟؟؟؟

He was ressurected by Yuga (http://waythingsare.jeeran.com/other/ss-yuga.jpg)
,and prisoned then after he escaped he's seeking revenge after Yuga
Asura is not evil but they describe him as a demon because of his revengeful hate.

يعني شيكي النقلية اتموت !!! و ألأسورا الاثنين يبقون حي و يتحدون ويسمونهم Asra !!!!!!! علشان تشي أنا أقول ليش بعض الأماكت تشي يسمونه !!! (أللي يلبس أبيض و أذنه طويل هو أسرا ؟؟)

Yes, here's an art of Bust Asura and Shiki (http://waythingsare.jeeran.com/other/Art-44_2.jpg)
after that, Shiki was scared for her baby
so she decides to leave her baby girl with Haohmaru and Nicotine
and that's who we get to see in the Warriors Rage game as Mikoto (http://waythingsare.jeeran.com/other/mikoto-wowed.jpg)

Also Asra traveled through time (to help his daughter from Yuga, and seal him/her for good) and he suffered injuries which led to anmenisia, he was found and the only thing he said while recovering was "Yuda"..and that's why in Warriors Rage he was called Yuda (http://www.samuraispirits-official.com/english/character/yuda/img/yuda_p01.jpg) instead of Asra or Asura,
also because of the anmenisia he forgot how to shape shift his sword like he do in SS64-2 or NGBC.

07-03-2006, 10:09 PM
too bad it's interesting for me.
if your only main concern in the game are Kyo and Iori
then yeah sure no doubt it won't be interesting to you

they introduced Elizabeth in XI as Ash's rival
and now she's his friend and they are on a getaway bout together
if that's not confusing about the relation between them, then my bad

i said its not "that" interesting ,, for me i don't get interested in a simple storyline with random events that were recycled a thousand times

أصلا الركلات اللي يسوها ألبا كانت بالضبط مثل اللعبة و كأنهم حولوا ضرباته لأنيمي

alba's kicks was enough to be a wining noob <.< good thing thay added a parry looking system in MI2


looks like no KoF for me in the next 4 months
GG/ >> all .. imo

07-03-2006, 11:11 PM
alba's kicks was enough to be a wining noob

u didnt play MI enough =p it had alot of glitches, but alba's kicks were pretty normal, there were worse things *coug cough terry's wall damage cough cough* ahem

looks like no KoF for me in the next 4 months
GG/ >> all .. imo

o_o see what i told u red =p? it's ok to like a game more than others, i personally prefer Guilty Gear over all other current games, but i think other games deserve to be given a chance too, im disappointed at the guys' reaction in samurai tenka and NGBC, shuri wants to play tenka but no one to plays with him...only people i know that are playing Tenka currently are Raikoh, maxato, EX fiend and me....meh you guys missed a great game =p

the guilty gear situation currently reminds me of what KOF was like 4 years ago, the KOF craze died after KOF 2002 but before it, the only game u'd see being played is KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF
im not exagrating, any new game even if it was great the guys would give it no face, when X came out and we saw how great a game it was we tried convincing the guys with it but noooooooooo KOF2000 is much better than this "who makes more colors wins" game, XX came also and the intrest wasnt that high, when Reload came it became a disease, just like KOF, and KOF is now forgotten

haha come to think of it, an excellent game, garou MOTW was shadowed by KOF although garou excels in all departments over KOF except the character count

im not complaining here, im just stating facts =p cos i have a feeling that when the GG craze ends, the guys will get so bored with it, they wont play it again just like KOF =p KOF's REAL craze lasted from 98 to 2000, how long will GG last? time will tell~ lol

just sharing my opinion chill out =p and give other games a chance, a real chance not just going into practice mode and finding a coupla combos then going to story mode and saying that u played the game and u think it's so-so XD

bottom line : for me, i'll play both and i'll enjoy both =p but i hoped for a new game instead of a third rehash of XX =p so i'll prolly enjoy MI2 more if it was solid

07-03-2006, 11:32 PM

بالنسبة لي انه هلمرة راح اروح مع GGXX SLASH لاني معارض KOF IN 3D من البداية . . . راح اشتري العبة اكيـــــــــــــــد .... بس ما اتمنى لها نجاح . . . علشان لا يعملو لها جزء ثالث :12: .

يمكن هذه اول لعبة SNK تعطيها اهتمام كبير ( the presntion in tgs 2005 + the anime + the partys ) .

kof هي بصمة في عالم القتال الثنائي الأبعاد . . . و اذا مافيهم شدة يعملوها ( يترجمونها ) الى عالم الثلاثي الأبعاد بالشكل المطلوب . . . لا يتعبوا نفسهم علشان لا تنعكس النتائج السلبية على kof الأصلية .

i have no faith in mi series

07-03-2006, 11:39 PM
if u dont like it, why buy it =p the point is, regardless if the game is bad or good, it's still KOF, the first one was bad, really glitchy buggy and so broken, i think they learned thier mistakes in the second, and it seems the wall bounce combo max hit rate is 8 this time around in MI2 (seems, not sure, it was 10 in MI)

im ok with a 3D KOF, as long as it's well excuted, let's face it, Maximum Impact 1's music was far better than KOF 2003 and NeoWave, and IMHO, Alba for a new character introudced in 3D as a new hero is awesome

look at it from this way salmore =p it's not KOF, it's a Fatal Fury 3D with KOF's name and some KOF characters

08-03-2006, 12:15 AM
there were worse things *coug cough terry's wall damage cough cough* ahem
seems, not sure, it was 10 in MI

ya it was 10 , kyo had something like terry's combo with his double air kick

shuri wants to play tenka but no one to plays with him

are u asking me to play with him =P seriously me no good at 2D-snk games , though i'm good at metal slag , maybe i'm bad at crosses , NGBC had an easy cross system but i prefer single battles on teams , i only play muri and 2nd player random

haha come to think of it, an excellent game, garou MOTW was shadowed by KOF although garou excels in all departments over KOF except the character count

all capcom 3D fighting games on the dreamcast were not played much , Project justice - tech romancer -plasma sword - power stone , though they all were great -_- ,, + they had interesting storylines ,, i think Garou was not played by many people because of the console it self

tech romancer = techno dancer ,, lol

how long will GG last? time will tell~ lol

i ones thought Rumble fish would do it =P , btw when will RF2 hit on the PS2

for me, i'll play both and i'll enjoy both

if you got me wrong , i meant that i won't play MI2 seriously , just practice a little than finish story mode for some costumes =P (black alba was somthin~!!) , if i found out that i had time and the games wasn't broken , i'll play it as a pro

08-03-2006, 02:52 AM

No harm in doing a 3D KOF
as long as they are keeping the 2D series
and that's what they are doing anyway

and it's cool to see some of your fav characters in 3D
and see how their movement and moves look like, i love how Kula's moves are in 3D

and i acutally think they did a good job in transfering a game from 2D to 3D (beside all the bugs n stuff) the game
somehow still have the KOF feeling, the excitment of it
people don't give MI much of a credit, when they should

08-03-2006, 12:52 PM
ya it was 10 , kyo had something like terry's combo with his double air kick

almost all characters had cheesy wall combos, if there wasnt a 10 hit limit it would've been a total mess, highest wall combo damage imo goes to K', terry is second because his wall combos are easier, but dont do as much damage, Kyo has a good damage combo too, but needs MAX super

are u asking me to play with him =P seriously me no good at 2D-snk games , though i'm good at metal slag , maybe i'm bad at crosses , NGBC had an easy cross system but i prefer single battles on teams , i only play muri and 2nd player random

who said u have to cross up =p do u know y crossups are easy in NGBC? it's because there's no small jump, crossing up from a high jump without thinking is like saying "HEY OVER HERE IM GONNA CROSS U UP HIT ME OK? " or something like that, even in KOF, u can play straightforward like Hisham =p Ralf + Robert + Leona are freaking annoying when used by him =p and he doesnt do anything fancy, just anticpate, and pressure with CD hits

all capcom 3D fighting games on the dreamcast were not played much , Project justice - tech romancer -plasma sword - power stone , though they all were great -_- ,, + they had interesting storylines ,, i think Garou was not played by many people because of the console it self

not only 3D games, games that were on DC werent played much too :/ MvC1, though we played it ALOT in the arcade, we were excited about the DC version then didnt play it, JoJo's bizzare venture, 3rd strike on the DC was the first game i bought for the console, and i admit i didnt play it on the DC as much as the PS2 version, everyone was leaving the aracde perfect DC CvS2 and playing the crappy PS2 version :/wtf

and about Garou, dont tell me that! were u around in the days garou was here? im not talking about internationally, im talking about our group, the garou machine was next to the KOF 2000 machine, no one played garou at the arcades, only a handful of ppl, or people waiting for thier turn in KOF

and about the console, 4 of the group had a neo geo with KOF2k, Shuri, foad, raikoh and me, and only 1 had Garou which is Raikoh's place, the console wasnt a problem for KOF, but no one wanted to play Garou XD so why bother getting a copy for everyone like KOF?

if you got me wrong , i meant that i won't play MI2 seriously , just practice a little than finish story mode for some costumes =P (black alba was somthin~!!) , if i found out that i had time and the games wasn't broken , i'll play it as a pro

here's the catch, even if u wanted, u wont be able to cos there will be no opponets cos everyone would be playing slash =p

the excitment of it
people don't give MI much of a credit, when they should

people by nature dont like change, if it ain't broke dont fix it they say =p but sometimes the change is good, not as good as the original but still god in it's own sense

TheDark Emperor
08-03-2006, 11:22 PM

Remy's seiyuu is the same of Ikki (Saint Sieya) and Hayabusa (DOA), from what i recall

!!؟؟ الأخ رلايكا على ما أظن قال صوت تريز اللي هو صوت ساجا !!! أما صوت إيكي فهذا غير !!!

بس في كل الحالات الصوتين اللي ذكرتوهم خطيرين !!!!

بس تعال تقصد إيكي من ساينت سيا القديم أو الجزء اليديد !!؟؟ علشان الجزء اليديد صوته صوت ديمون آيز كيو !!

Redhead :

He was ressurected by Yuga
,and prisoned then after he escaped he's seeking revenge after Yuga
Asura is not evil but they describe him as a demon because of his revengeful hate.

شو يمكن أحصل أروع عن هالشيء !!!!

صدق تشي Asura يكون خطير !!!

أبى أتشوف مواجهة بين أسورا و سيتسونا !!!!

Yes, here's an art of Bust Asura and Shiki
after that, Shiki was scared for her baby
so she decides to leave her baby girl with Haohmaru and Nicotine
and that's who we get to see in the Warriors Rage game as Mikoto

Also Asra traveled through time (to help his daughter from Yuga, and seal him/her for good) and he

suffered injuries which led to anmenisia, he was found and the only thing he said while recovering

was "Yuda"..and that's why in Warriors Rage he was called Yuda instead of Asra or Asura,
also because of the anmenisia he forgot how to shape shift his sword like he do in SS64-2 or NGBC.

Thank you for the information about Aura and his story !!!!

ًصدق القصة اتضحت الحين أكثر !!!!

بس إنت قلت شيكي خافت على ولدها (ولد أسورا ألأصلي) خافت من شو أو منو ؟؟؟

وقلت أسورا يسافر عبر الزمن علشان يوقف يوجا !!! (تقصد يروح للماضي أو يي للحاضر ؟؟؟ و مب يوجا أولريدي مات ؟؟)

حرام يعني أسورا نو مور بيطلع أسحتله الجهنمية >_<

the way :

alba's kicks was enough to be a wining noob <.< good thing thay added a parry looking system

in MI2

طبعا نظام الParrying بيفيد وايد !! بس تعال ألبا مب بس ريله الSuper Power ماله كان ممل أكثر >_< خاصة لما ألعب وي إخواني بالMax Power !! بس يسون ضربته بالLP ما تقدر تشرد منه بسهولة

ممل >__< ولو يوديك في الزاوية لو استلمك خلاص و إنت طايح يقدر يسوه لين ما اتموت >__<

Recca :

o_o see what i told u red =p? it's ok to like a game more than others, i personally prefer Guilty

Gear over all other current games, but i think other games deserve to be given a chance too, im

disappointed at the guys' reaction in samurai tenka and NGBC, shuri wants to play tenka but no one

to plays with him...only people i know that are playing Tenka currently are Raikoh, maxato, EX fiend

and me....meh you guys missed a great game =p

the guilty gear situation currently reminds me of what KOF was like 4 years ago, the KOF craze died

after KOF 2002 but before it, the only game u'd see being played is KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF KOF


im not exagrating, any new game even if it was great the guys would give it no face, when X came out

and we saw how great a game it was we tried convincing the guys with it but noooooooooo KOF2000 is

much better than this "who makes more colors wins" game, XX came also and the intrest wasnt that

high, when Reload came it became a disease, just like KOF, and KOF is now forgotten

haha come to think of it, an excellent game, garou MOTW was shadowed by KOF although garou excels in

all departments over KOF except the character count

im not complaining here, im just stating facts =p cos i have a feeling that when the GG craze ends,

the guys will get so bored with it, they wont play it again just like KOF =p KOF's REAL craze lasted

from 98 to 2000, how long will GG last? time will tell~ lol

just sharing my opinion chill out =p and give other games a chance, a real chance not just going

into practice mode and finding a coupla combos then going to story mode and saying that u played the

game and u think it's so-so XD

bottom line : for me, i'll play both and i'll enjoy both =p but i hoped for a new game instead of a

third rehash of XX =p so i'll prolly enjoy MI2 more if it was solid

أنا وياك في هذا ريكا !!!!!

طبعا أنا ما أحب أركز على لعبة واحدة !! طبعا يمكن كل لعبة اتيي لها فترة أتحمس عليها !!! بس لما أتركهها طبعا ما أتركهها للأبد لما ألعبها من يديد أتحمس عليها من يديد !!!

مثال ...........

كنت ألعب KOF 2002 كنت متحمس عليه !!!!!

و لما أشغل KOF 2003 أتحمس عليه أكثر و أترك KOF 2002 !!!!

بعدين مثلا لو أجرب لعبة SVC CHAOS أتحمس عليه و أترك KOF 2003 !!!

و من ثم ألعب Saint Seiya أتحمس عليه و أترك البقية !!! (لين فترة أسبوع أو أكثر)

بعدين ألعب Rumbel Fish و أتحمس عليه !!!! (على فكرة هاللعبة كانت رائعة و أعجبتني معنها كانت يديدة في الساحة ^^)

و فترة بل فتراة لعبة GG !!!!

و حتى MI الأول لما نزلت تركت كل الألعاب و ركزت عليها بس !!! و صدق اللعبة فاقت تصوراتي كانت أروع بكثير من اللي كنت أتخيله !!!! خاصة نظام الCOMBO كان سهل كان يذكرني في GG اللي يعيبني أسلوبه !!!

فاتحمست أكثر و قلت هذا مب نفسه KOF البطيء !!! و الرسم ما كان ثري دي ثري دي كتكن أو ما شابهه كان شيء رائع يعني فيه شوي من طعم ال2D يعني كنت لازلت أحس إنه KOF !!!!و ليش فترة قلت عنه أحلى جزء KOF


أما حاليا فاللعبة اللي حطمتلي كل الألعاب الباقية !!! هي NBC !!! لعبة أسطورية من كل النواحي !!! الرسم و الشخصيات و الGAME WAYS و الكمبوز السهل كل شيء فيه عيبني فتركت باقي الألعاب !!! بس المشكلة

أخوي الصغير مل منه لأنه ما يقدر علي فأحيانا فقط ألعب ويا Saint Seiya !! أما ساموراي فصراحة الرسم و الGameways لما جربته ما عيبني وايد معن الشخصيات TOP !!!

طبعا لما KOF XI و HNK بينزلون أنا متأكد بالنسبة لي كل الألعاب اللي قبلها بتتحطم يمكن بس NBC بيقاوم !!!

في حد منكم يعرف شيء عن MUGEN ؟؟


لاني معارض KOF IN 3D من البداية . . . راح اشتري العبة اكيـــــــــــــــد .... بس ما اتمنى لها نجاح . . . علشان لا يعملو لها جزء ثالث .

يمكن هذه اول لعبة SNK تعطيها اهتمام كبير ( the presntion in tgs 2005 + the anime + the partys ) .

kof هي بصمة في عالم القتال الثنائي الأبعاد . . . و اذا مافيهم شدة يعملوها ( يترجمونها ) الى عالم الثلاثي الأبعاد بالشكل المطلوب . . . لا يتعبوا نفسهم علشان لا تنعكس النتائج السلبية على kof الأصلية .

أنا ما أتفق وياك !!!

لأن فكرة KOF 3D كلنا عارضناه من البداية !!! بس ما دام سووها و كانت لعبة ناجحة ليش نستنكرها !!؟؟؟

لازم الواحد ما يعتمد على الEmotions لما يقرر شيء !! ما دام كان فنان فخلاص لازم نعترف بهذا !!! و أنا أتمنى إنهم يواصلون بسلسلة KOF MI طبعا وي الkof ال2d اللي اتعودنا عليه .. بس صراحة kof هالأيام

يقهر ما أحس فيه مثل ما قبل كنت أحس !! بس زين أخيرا آشو و شلته يو أضافوا شوية نكهةة للعبة !!!

kof neo wave !!!! الجزء الوحيد من kof إلى ما لعبته ولا حتى أسبوع !!!

the way :

all capcom 3D fighting games on the dreamcast were not played much , Project justice

شخصية Daigo كانت جبارة و نفس الشيء أخيرهم اللي شعره أبيض نفس جنجورو !!! (قمت أنسى أساميهم >__< صدق خلاص طلعت من عالم ألعاب الضرابة اللي كنت فيه >_<)

red head :

and i acutally think they did a good job in transfering a game from 2D to 3D (beside all the

bugs n stuff) the game
somehow still have the KOF feeling, the excitment of it
people don't give MI much of a credit, when they should

بالضبط !!!! أتفق وياك و هذا اللي أبى أقوله !!

أما الDream Cast فأعتبره الجهاز رقم واحد في ألعاب الضرابة !!!!!
واااااايد كان يعيبني هالجهاز بس قهر وقفوه >___<

حتى ما كان فيه LOADING يعني على طول اتحصل كل شيء ...

لعبت عليه لفترات طويلة كم من GG, SF3, LB2, GAROU, CVS 2, الخ!!

سلام ^^

09-03-2006, 01:30 PM
almost all characters had cheesy wall combos

did u play rivalschools in class room stage , its the only stage with a roof = hell of glitches

who said u have to cross up =p do u know y crossups are easy in NGBC? it's because there's no small jump, crossing up from a high jump without thinking is like saying "HEY OVER HERE IM GONNA CROSS U UP HIT ME OK? " or something like that

hmm .. i really liked the game but i don't know why i didn't like the characters , though its like a cocktail , i'll go play it now

the garou machine was next to the KOF 2000 machine

were was it , rashid mall or the billiard place ??

i was really happy with the fatalfury 3D , that was in 98~99 i think

here's the catch, even if u wanted, u wont be able to cos there will be no opponets cos everyone would be playing slash =p

i thought for a moment that iori will play it for sure , but now i remembered that he plays anji !! anji = /tier XD

ممل >__< ولو يوديك في الزاوية لو استلمك خلاص و إنت طايح يقدر يسوه لين ما اتموت >__<

lol , ya i just tried it out

ok here's a noob strategy i use .. Round 1 fight !! quickly LK , LK (first hit gives you a super) LK , LK , HK , QCFx2 + LP .. now the round starts =P

في حد منكم يعرف شيء عن MUGEN ؟؟

mugen = the most unbalanced game , its just for fun =D

i've got a Sol that can preform an infinite D-loop !! WTH !1 , evil ryu and evil ken with more than 20 moves !! MvC + GG battle system !! .. i can upload them for u if u want

شخصية Daigo كانت جبارة و نفس الشيء أخيرهم اللي شعره أبيض نفس جنجورو !!! (قمت أنسى أساميهم >__<

his name is Hio or somethin~ like that ,, ohh capcom please .. revive

أما الDream Cast فأعتبره الجهاز رقم واحد في ألعاب الضرابة !!!!!
واااااايد كان يعيبني هالجهاز بس قهر وقفوه >___<

me too -___-

btw the system still has new releases :

under defeat 3/23
and another shooter , forgot its name

09-03-2006, 04:02 PM
................................................I buried a dead pigeon on my way to the net cafe
....and why do I have a feeling Elisabeth & Ash made up & they're on good terms now?

09-03-2006, 04:55 PM
were was it , rashid mall or the billiard place ??

i was really happy with the fatalfury 3D , that was in 98~99 i think

rashid mall, cant rememebr if WA was before or after, but WA was in the middle machine for 2 weeks only maybe =p then the new KOF came, Buriki one was also there, garou was on the right machine, sometimes u'd see a friend of Raikoh's bro called Makvelli come and play Garou a bit with Kevin alone =p and on the far left machine the filipino guy that worked in Gulf Royal Chionese would be picking his all girl team and practicing before his turn =p god i loved to annoy him with Kensou's infinre XD

09-03-2006, 05:38 PM
ول ول ول الحين ارد على من و اخلي من ؟ :33:

انزين way اذا اتعرف تستخدم الmughen خبرنا . . . انه من زمان ابغي واحد اجيب سالفته .

09-03-2006, 08:07 PM
did u play rivalschools in class room stage , its the only stage with a roof = hell of glitches

lol XD i played Natsu, Roy and Shoma as team A, team B was Daigo, Burning Batsu and Hyo <3 what was ur team ?

btw Hyo's sieyuu was Kaneto Shiowaza, same as Zato-1

and about the roof glitches, thank god that stage had one of the worse musics so it wasnt used alot =p most popular stage was the one in the scrap yard or the one near a waterfall

ممل >__< ولو يوديك في الزاوية لو استلمك خلاص و إنت طايح يقدر يسوه لين ما اتموت >__<

يقولون, سمعتهم يقولون أن زر الAB يخلي اللاعب يتعدل أول ما يطيح p= على كذا أذا تيري مسكك بباور دنك في الزاويه ما راح تقوم XD

ok here's a noob strategy i use .. Round 1 fight !! quickly LK , LK (first hit gives you a super) LK , LK , HK , QCFx2 + LP .. now the round starts =P

all characters can do something like that XP

salmore, using mugen now is easier than older versions =p it used to not run on Windows XP, but now i hear there's a windows XP version, i lost intrest in it long ago, but done pretty whacky things with it, my friend also made an EX Geese, when we put him against Evil Ken, Evil Ken would be raped from the cheapness of EX Geese =p it was cool, he even made his chest scar glow and gave him an extra super XD

theway : it would be cool if u started an arabic FAQ for mugen =p

11-03-2006, 06:54 PM
(*السلام عليكم*)
كيف الحال Redhead (http://www.montada2.com/member.php?u=276755) *انشاء الله* ابخير *ولله* كانت المعركة قويا قويا وkey *مشاء الله* أيش
هادا *ولله* مورونا و عندما يتصدا في الضرباة *مشاء الله ولله* الحقيقا ما عندي أيش اقول وياااريت
طولت المعركة وانا متأكد *انشاء الله* key سوف يغلب واشكرك علي الموضوع
وعندي موضوع فعلته لي
kof another day
وهم اتنان من المعارك واحدا rock معه;) مش رايح اقول و التاني iori معه;) مش رايح اقول
اليكم الموضوع وانا تفرجت عليهم الصراحه والان تفرجت علي key زادة وأريد ان احضره
* وانشاء الله* ما علينا ال الصبر*
واليكم الموضوع وارجو ان تعجبكم المعركتين
new move.the king of fighters (http://www.montada2.com/showthread.php?t=463462)
(*السلام عليكم*)

03-06-2006, 12:46 PM
عندي الدفدي كامل فيه الحلقات الاربع

خاطري انزله بس بملف تورنت اذا فيه احد مستعد يساعدني بالابلود بنزله اي وقت

هذي صورة الدفدي
