المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلبي قديم شوية بس ارجو من الجميع المشاركة

11-11-2001, 05:33 PM
يا جماعة انا اريد ان اعرف كيف آخذ جميع انواع الشكوبوات في

فاينل فانتسي 7

ارجو الرد بسرعة":"

11-11-2001, 10:09 PM
بس انا راح اعطيك الحل بالنجليزى وانت تقدرى تعربى عن طريق موقع www.tarjim.com

So...You want to breed chocobs eh?...Well, it's not difficult if you know what you're doing...Besides, it's fun and it helps increase the chocobo population....You can never have enough chocobos ya know...WOOHOO....

Before we start, let's assume that you're aiming to breed a GOLD one....If so, then you'll need to make some preparations in order to save yourself some time later on.....You will need to have the following:

a)300,000 gil (I never said it was cheap)

b) 40 Sylkis Greens (This accounts for a big portion of the Gil mentioned above)

c) Carob Nuts x 3 (I will explain how to get these in a bit)

d) 1 Zieo Nut (I will explain how to get this too)

e) Lifetime pass to the Gold Saucer (The cost of this is also included in the Gil mentioned above)

f) 6 stables (assuming you want to keep all of your different chocobos)

g) The Highwind (airship)

h) 30 Gysahl Greens (to help catch chocobos)

i) chocobo lure materia (you get this item by talking to the chocobo by the fence at the chocobo farm)

Now lets get started shall we...Your first task would be to visit ME (Chocobo Sage) to pick up the "Sylkis" greens you need....You can find me in a small shack tucked away on the large snow covered continent...My house is slightly northeast of the Snow Village....Once you find me, come on in and buy 40 "Sylkis" greens from me(each one is 5,000Gil).These greens raise the stats of your chocobos and help you win the races you will be participating in..After you've acquired the greens its time to head outside again, but dont get in the airship yet.....Walk around the grassy area in front of my house until you run into a large red lizzard looking beast called the "Vlakorados"...This creature carries the "Carob Nut", which you will need for breeding later on...You can get the item by stealing it (Assuming you have the Steal materia equiped)and escaping, or you can just kill the damn thing...which is more time consuming, considering that Valkorados has a suprising amount of hit points....Find this creaure and steal from/kill it 3 times to get the 3 "Carob Nuts" you need...Ok, now you can get in your airship..

Head to the chocobo farm and talk to the owner and he will let you rent out his stables for 10,000Gil a stable..You should rent all 6..Next go to the stables and buy about 30 "gysahl greens" you will need these to help you catch chocobos....You ARE saving your game arent you?...Good

Now it's time to start chocobo hunting, and in order to save time i suggest you use this following strategy...Through out the world there are many different climates and depending on what climate you go to, you get a different grade of chocobo...Now when you go to a specific area looking for a specific type of chocobo, you may not find the one you're looking for right off the bat...it's always best to catch 4 chocobos before you head back to the stables because Billy(the guy who maintains the stables) can hold up to 4 chocobos in the pen outside..Once you accumulate 4.. THEN go back to the ranch and have them sexed and rated by talking to Billy and telling him that you want to move them..He may give you the following ratings:

Wonderfull: "WOW, this is a wonderfull chocobo!" (This chocobo will be dashing when billy is rating it)

Great: "This is a great chocobo!" (this one will be running, but not as fast as the wonderfull chocobo)

Good: "Mmm, this seems like a good chocobo" (this one will be walking)

Above average: You wont need this one so i wont get into it..

Average: Don't need it

And so on and so on...

By catching and rating 4 at a time, you will save a lot of needless traveling, and when you have the chocobos you want, you can set the others free...

Now would be a good time to equip the Chocobo lure materia if you havent already done so...The first grade of chocobo you want to catch is a "Good" male. You can find these at the chocobo tracks located just southeast of the Gold Saucer...When you encounter a chocobo in battle, feed it some Gysahl greens imediately!...This keeps it from running away( unless you hit it of course)...Find, capture, and rate the chocobos until you have your "Good" male....

Next, head to the chocobo tracks that are located to the west of Mideel village....Here you will find a "Great" female....

Once you have these 2 chocobos,save your game and return to the farm and tell Billy that you want to mate them...Give them a "Carob Nut" and in the morning you should have either a "Green" (mountain), or "Blue" (River) chocobo...HOORAY

You can have the same 2 parents mate again to get a chocobo of opposite color and sex of the one that was just born...For example, if the parents gave birth to a "Green" female, then you need to mate the parents again until you get a "Blue" male...(you see where i'm going with this?)...BUT, before you can mate the parents again, they will need some rest....So why don't we get ready to race our new chocobo shall we...Start by feeding your new baby chocobo 10 "Sylkis" greens...After you've done that, go to the Gold Saucer and buy a Lifetime Pass if you don't already have one...you need to race your chocobo until it reaches at least "A" class...By then, the parents should be rested enough to mate again....

Save your game and return to the farm, keep mating the parents with a "Carob Nut" and reseting the game until you get a chocobo of opposite sex and color...Feed it 10 "Sylkis" greens and race it to "A" class...Why all of this racing you ask?...Well...Racing your chocobos helps to ensure that you end up with the chocobo you're trying to get ...If you dont race them (the first 2 parents excluded) you wont end up the desired chocobo........Moving on....
The new chocobos should now be old enough to mate....talk to billy and Mate the "Blue" and "Green" chocobos with a "Carob nut" and you will end up with a "Black"(Mountain&River) chocobo....YIPEE

Feed it 10 "Sylkis" greens and race it to "A" class...

Now you need to find a "Wonderfull" chocobo that is the opposite sex of your "Black" one...you can find a wonderfull chocobo at the tracks located on the southeast side of the snow covered continent....Once you have it, Feed it 10 "Sylkis" greens and race it to "A" class......

Now you need to find the last item, the "Zeio Nut"....you can find it in the "Goblin Forest" which is located on a small island in the northeastern corner of the map...You will know when you have found the right forest..(It isnt named the Goblin forest for nothing ya know)...

Return to the farm and mate the "wonderfull" chocobo with the black one using the "Zeio Nut" and you will end up with a .......Drum roll please............


I hope youwill visit the rest of my page....why don't you check out my Photo Albums...lots of cool pics in there.... talk to ya later....

الصفحة برعاية

ifrit :cool:

12-11-2001, 05:13 PM
شكراا :D

ولكن انا اريد الحل بالعربي :D