المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشبكة كل ما يتعلق بـ GunZ -- مساعدات -- طلبات -- مشاكل وحلول -- hacking .. !!

08-01-2007, 09:06 AM
السلام عليكم


حبيت افتح ها الموضوع عقب ما فتحو موضوع mapleglobal hacking

قلت افتح gunz hacking

وانا راح اعلمكم كلشي عن الهاك :D

بس لا تنسى اني خذت مرتين باند بسببه :boggled:

ولا تعتمد ع الهاك


رابط 1
اذاطلب نك وباس حط
id :uae4des
pass : 111
رابط 2
والنك والباس نفس الي فوق اذاطلب منك
رابط 3
على الرابدشير
رابط 4
على ميقى ابلود
رابط 5
رابط 6
رابط 7
اذاطلب نك وباس حط
id :uae4des
pass : 111
خلصنا من التحميل وحطيت لكم 7 روابط عشان محد يقول الرابط مايشتغل

وبعلمك كيف اسوون كروس هير

نفس جي




انتظروني :biggthump

08-01-2007, 09:33 AM
وهاي حركات مال gunz بس بالانجليزي

-Slash Shot--A classic favorite to the Magnum and Shotgun user, and easily learned. This allows the player to slash their weapon, then fire their gun while at close range, at optimum accuracy. MIDAIR DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SHOOT -> SWITCH BACK TO SWORD TO REPEAT IF NEEDED

-Butter Fly--Possibly the most used technique in the game, you can tell a K-Style's experience by their butterflying speed. Butterfly is used as a highly effective attack technique, and a movement as well. JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> REPEAT (Just one slash wont drop anyone unless they are weak!)

-Static Butter Fly--An interesting technique indeed. This is a butterfly without the dash, but two to several slashes while in the air! The amount of slashes depends on timing. This also lets you hit enemies on the ground if you made them insta-fall. JUMP -> SLASH -> BLOCK -> SLASH AT CORRECT TIME -> BLOCK -> REPEAT IF NEEDED.

-Half Step--Half Step is used as an advance of Slash Shot, when more distance is needed. It also makes you harder to hit. MIDAIR DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> DASH -> SHOOT

-Reload Shot--The results of using Reload Shot can be extremely deadly when mastered. It allows the player to fire weapons that have a long delay much quicker then normal. Use Shotguns and Rocket Launchers for the highest effect. SHOOT > TAP RELOAD + SWITCH TO DIFFERENT GUN -> SHOOT -> REPEAT IF NEEDED

-Wind Step--This is a very hard technique to master, but is highly effective when used properly. What this does, is takes a Half Step, and adds several jumps (You must land for this to work), and dashes for a large distance traveled, and connectivity with your shots. JUMP -> DASH -> SLASH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> JUMP -> DASH -> SHOOT -> JUMP -> DASH -> REPEAT IF YOU CAN!

-Swap Shot--All this is basically, is a Reload Shot with a Magnums, or any weapon, to fire effectively and accurately with every shot, negating all recoil. The player must use the same weapon (Dynax A, Dynax B, Etc) for this to work. It also works for quickly healing yourself, but you must have different medi-kits! WHILE MOVING, SHOOT -> SWITCH TO OTHER GUN/ITEM -> SHOOT -> SWITCH TO OTHER GUN/ITEM -> SHOOT -> REPEAT

-Insta-Kill--A very effective technique that can quickly dispatch any enemy opposition, wether they try to escape or not. There is no possible way for the enemy to escape. Players can continue the combo if they miss, for the enemy is still in the air. Any weapon can be used!. SWORD OR KODACHI LAUNCH -> SWITCH TO GUN -> SHOOT

-Sword Insta-Kill--This is a highly effective technique which is used by experienced players to kill their foe without having to waste ammo, or being hurt, as their foe can not attack them. SWORD LAUNCH -> SLASH WHILE UNDER ENEMY or SWORD LAUNCH -> BUTTER FLY -> REPEAT

-Insta-Fall and Kill--Quite the usefull technique indeed! This move allows the player to pop their enemy into the air, then smack them back down, causing them to fall right after the slash. The enemy can not recover from this, and there is a g***** that allows you to hit the enemy with swords while they are still on the ground, or if you are that cheap, shoot them. UPPERCUT -> BLOCK -> JUMP -> SLASH -> STATIC BUTTERFLY

-DDS/Double Slash Defense--One of my favorites, involving either the Sword or the Kodachi. Use this and you will be able to strike quicker then normal.



-Wind Slash--The new kid on the block. This is mainly used by Kodachi players to slash at tremendous speed. Can be done with swords, but is much slower. SLASH -> HOLD SLASH BUTTON -> SLASH AGAIN -> REPEAT IF NEEDED

-Section Four-Bugs-

These Bugs, like the combat manouvers, are useful to get the upper hand on your enemy. They can prove useful when proformed correctly, or deadly when against you.

-Reverse Massive--This proves to be useful when the enemy your fighting has a defense you just cant seem to pierce through. Allow your enemy to strike at you, block their attack, and if they happen to be blocking, spin around and give them a taste of their own medicine. BLOCK -> RECEIVE ATTACK -> ROTATE 180 DEGREES -> MASSIVE STRIKE

08-01-2007, 10:36 AM
H4acking !

31-01-2007, 09:17 PM
شكرا اخوي بس اللعبة ما قاعدة تشتغل عندي على طول يطلعلي
Gunz launcher Update Failed

ممكن مساعدة حد يقلي كيف اشغلها؟

01-02-2007, 02:24 AM
انا كنت لاعبها من قبل .. حلوه بس مو ذاك القوه .. بس تملل .. لا عااد الا hacking يخرب على اللعبه و اتصير اللعبه تافهه و ما اتحس قيمة اللعبه

02-02-2007, 09:24 AM
لا عااد الا hacking يخرب على اللعبه و اتصير اللعبه تافهه و ما اتحس قيمة اللعبه

صادق والله !
لاني عنجد مع الهكر تصير اللعبه بايخة وما لها اي قيمة ...
عموماً انا بلعبها حالياً
My name is : PalBoy5
Level : 26
Clan : HeLLs_AnGeLs

ولاكن ااذا بدكم هكر اقدر فيدكم فيه
وياريت تورينا كيف بتغير Crosshair يا u,a,e

02-02-2007, 01:05 PM
شكرا اخوي بس اللعبة ما قاعدة تشتغل عندي على طول يطلعلي
Gunz launcher Update Failed

ممكن مساعدة حد يقلي كيف اشغلها؟

انتظر اشوي بينزل الاصدار الكامل اليديد وحل لجميع المشاكل

صادق والله !

لاني عنجد مع الهكر تصير اللعبه بايخة وما لها اي قيمة ...
عموماً انا بلعبها حالياً
My name is : PalBoy5
Level : 26
Clan : HeLLs_AnGeLs

ولاكن ااذا بدكم هكر اقدر فيدكم فيه
وياريت تورينا كيف بتغير Crosshair يا u,a,e

صدقك بس الاصدار الكامل جاي
ع العموم بعلمكم كيف اسوون ال Crosshair لانه يجمل اللعبة

~ The Gladiator ~
26-02-2007, 06:41 PM
اخوي u,a,e انا العب ب gunz بس في واحد اخترق الاكاوند حقي واطن انه غير الباسورد ومنب عارف كيف ارجعه هذا اسم الاكاوند حقي يا ريت تساعدني THE_BIG_BOSS_22 وشكرا