المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المغامرة و الحركة اول مفاجاء Heavenly Sword قادمه في مارس6

ليون كندي99
05-03-2007, 10:16 PM
اعلنت شركة نيجا ثروي ان لعبيها القويه Heavenly Sword قادمه في مارس
لعبه قويه تعتبر اقوى العاب 2007 وتسنخدم خاصية الكنترول لعبه شبيه god2
هذه اول مفاحاء من سوني ونتظر المزيد
Heavenly Sword is one of the most anticipated PS3 games of 2007. However, after its blowout at E3 '06 and only a single trailer at the Tokyo Game Show '06, we have seen and heard virtually nothing new about the game. Finally, after an interview with Norwegian site dagbladet.no, some new tidbits have been revealed.

First off, tilt functionality will be present in Heavenly Sword through the use of "AfterTouch". Using the AfterTouch system, you can slightly direct anything from a bazooka's projectile to an enemy's weapon after it has been fired/thrown by tilting the SIXAXIS controller in the appropriate direction.

There has been confirmation that after you have beaten a level, you are able to return to it later with your current abilities in order to play it better or find hidden secrets.

Heavenly Sword uses thousands of hand animations, all of which blend together seamlessly making clearly impossible things such as the ability to jump "a dozen metres up in the air, pause for moment, and rush crushingly to the earth annihilating the poor stunned sod waiting below" feel believable, all the while giving the player an incredible feeling of power.

We have some good news for all you English speaking Europeans - though Heavenly Sword will be localized into many different European languages, the game's default language will be English. That means if you wish to hear Andy Serkis and all the other actors in all their glory, that option is available to you.

Finally, we come to the release date. After a March 6th fake-out due to an error on us.playstation.com, we have had no official confirmation on a release date. Though it may not be much, one of the ninjas from Ninja Theory confirmed that the game would be available before Christmas 2007. Not like we suspected that or anything...
المصدرhttp://www.psu.com/node/8432 موثوق لاءن من سوني:biggthump

05-03-2007, 11:26 PM
مشكور ليون على الخبر اللي يسوى مليون
الصراحه الشهر هذا شهر PS3 بلا منازع اللحين الواحد يبدا يفكر يشتري PS3

The Deadly Shadow
05-03-2007, 11:29 PM
المقال يقول انها ماراح تصدر في مارس ...

على العموم شكرا اخي ^^

والسلام عليكم.....

05-03-2007, 11:40 PM
available before Christmas 2007

قبل رأس السنة

New Horizon
05-03-2007, 11:57 PM
الظريف إني شفت عرض Gameplay للعبة في مسلسل Heroes ممكن تشوفوه من هنا (http://www.playsyde.com/news_4067_en.html)...

06-03-2007, 12:49 AM
لعبة قوية..راح اخذها مع الجهاز...مشكور

القبطان فرفشلي
06-03-2007, 10:18 AM
شكرا على الخبر الرائع

اعتقد ان شهر 5 بيكون شهر قوي للبلاي3 خصوصا انها ستأتي مع جوست ريكون


06-03-2007, 12:39 PM
ليون ..إقرأ موضوعك جيداً قبل نشره ..