المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ما رأيك أن نحاول صنع طائرة

علي جنيدي
21-04-2007, 11:12 PM
الفكرة قد يراها البعض مستحيلة ويقولون لك اشتري وحدة وريح حالك
وأنا أقول لهم هناك ما هو صعب ولكن لا يوجد ما هو مستحيل .
ضعوا أفكاركم و بالتعاون الفيل بيطير

22-04-2007, 02:32 AM
الفكرة قد يراها البعض مستحيلة ويقولون لك اشتري وحدة وريح حالك
وأنا أقول لهم هناك ما هو صعب ولكن لا يوجد ما هو مستحيل .
ضعوا أفكاركم و بالتعاون الفيل بيطير

ااه تعبت وانا اصلح طائرات من زمان وانا اصنع واصلح ولكن انقطعنا عنها
ونوع الطائرات طائرات ورقيه :09:

اما طائره بذكاء اصطناعي (برمجه) فقد يتطلب الكثير من العمل والخبره على ما اعتقد
اما ان كان هناك مشروع تعليم لعملها فانا اول الطلاب المنظمين الى هذه الدوره :)

22-04-2007, 04:52 AM
جميل جدا سأنظم ,,:)

22-04-2007, 10:22 AM
توكل على الله وأبدء مشروعك الجميل

23-04-2007, 01:49 AM
ليش لا ? اذا كان الموضوع تعليميا
فأنا معكم .

23-04-2007, 09:04 AM
توكلوا على الله وانا بعد وياكم

علي جنيدي
23-04-2007, 04:14 PM
كما يقال عندنا في سورية الشباب كفو أي كفئ
الفكرة الأولى صنع منطاد مشابه للمنطاد الروسي الذي يشبه كرة القدم الأميريكية
ضعوا أفكاركم نجمعها ننسقها نناقشها ثم نضع المخطط النهائي

لؤلؤ الصمت
23-04-2007, 04:40 PM
يالله شدو عيلكم

23-04-2007, 08:29 PM
إ شاء اكون في حسن الظن

منظم إ نشاء الله

جبال السراة
24-04-2007, 02:01 PM
السلام عليكم
نصنع طائره وليش لا ,,,,,,, ولكن اخ على اعطينا الفكره الاساسيه ونحن نحاول نشارك بآراءنا ,,,,, يعني مثلا

طائره لا سلكيه مثل اللتي تسقطها المقاومه العراقيه في العراق
ماذا بالتحديد؟

علي جنيدي
24-04-2007, 09:25 PM
عزيزي أنا أريد الطائرة أن تطير أولا ثم أتحكم بها بمعنى آخر أريد أن أصنع HELOCAPTER

24-04-2007, 10:16 PM
لتبدأوا بمنطاد أولاً فالطائرة صنعها ليس سهلاً كما يبدو
المناطيد نوعان حسب آلية الطيران فيها .. نوع يمكننا أن نطلق عليه " المنطاد المغلق " ويشبه مناطيد الأرصاد الجوية التي تطلق بلا رجعة وبعض مناطيد الحرب العالمية الثانية التي كانت تملأ بالهيدروجين ( تخيلوا مدى سهولة إصابة منطاد عسكري مملوء بالهيدروجين القابل للإنفجار :D ومدى الضرر الذي سيلحق به إذا ما أصيب ) .. وهذا النوع يعتمد على بالون كبير مغلق مملوء بغاز ذي كثافة أقل من الهواء كالهيدروجين أو الهليوم ويتم لتحكم في صعوده وهبوطه عن طريق محركات صغيرة .. النوع الثاني وهو المنتشر الآن الذي يعتمد على الهواء الساخن .. ويتم التحكم فيه عن طريق تسخين الهواء أو تبريده ( إيقاف التسخين ) .. لا أستطيع المفاضلة بين النوعين .. لكني أعتقد أن النوع الثاني أسهل في الحصول على خاماته من النوع الأول .. ففي النوع الأول سنحتاج إلى كمية كبيرة من الهيدروجين وهو ما لا أظنه متوفر عند الكثيرين ..
أنتظر أرائكم ..

علي جنيدي
25-04-2007, 10:10 AM
أخي هذا ما أتحدث عنه بالضبط حيث يمكن بسهولة وضع وشائع تسخين مع متحكم بدرجة الحرارة ولكن المشكلة أن هذا النوع من المناطيد يتحرك بحسب اتجاه الهواء

25-04-2007, 09:38 PM
أخي هذا ما أتحدث عنه بالضبط حيث يمكن بسهولة وضع وشائع تسخين مع متحكم بدرجة الحرارة ولكن المشكلة أن هذا النوع من المناطيد يتحرك بحسب اتجاه الهواء

معك حق .. لكن يمكننا إضافة محركات صغيرة مزودة بمراوح تتحكم في المنطاد بدرجة كبيرة
لكنك لم تقل رأيك في أي النوعين مناسب أكثر :)

علي جنيدي
25-04-2007, 10:24 PM
كما قلت النوع الثاني أسهل في الصنع ولكن أنا أفكر بالمزج بين النوعين فبدل غاز الهدروجين نسخن الغاز الموجود لعله يطير

26-04-2007, 07:25 PM
كما قلت النوع الثاني أسهل في الصنع ولكن أنا أفكر بالمزج بين النوعين فبدل غاز الهدروجين نسخن الغاز الموجود لعله يطير
شباب انريد شيء مش معقد , والادوات متوفره فلسوق !!! منطاد ؟ طأره ؟ هلوكبتر ؟؟؟ حاوت اني اصنع طأره بستخدام محرك الاقراص بس فشلت العمليه ^_^ لانه 40% من المتطلبات غير متوفره فلسوق ..

26-04-2007, 09:39 PM
صناعة منطاد بدون (remote control) يعني بدون التحكم عن بعد.
سهل جدا .

يلا .من سيرسم الشكل الاولي للمنطاد ؟

26-04-2007, 10:46 PM
بنسيه لصناعت المطاد سهله ان شاء الله
1نسوي هيكل خشبي على شكل المنطاد
2 نغلفه بالقماش
3 نضع شيء محترق ليسخن الهواء فيصبح الهواء الساخن اخف من الهواء العادي فيطير المطاد
هذهي فكرتي وانشاء الله تعجبكم وتكون صحيحه؟

01-05-2007, 09:11 PM
طائرة .. لم لا :):):)

فكرت أكثر من مرة بصنع مثل هذه الأشياء .. لكن فشلت .. (كان عمري 12 سنة أو أقل) ..
لكن رجعت وفكرت في ذلك مرة أخرى - قبل قراءة الموضوع - وفكرت في عمل مبردة هواء .. :) ..
المهم سأتابع معكم في أوقات الفراغ, وخصوصا أنني مقبل على إمتحانات :( ..

سأطرح فكرتي :) ..

طيارة رأسية (Hillicopter), بثلاث مراوح :) ..
إثنان متجهتان للأعلى .. كل واحدة تدور عكس الأخرى وبنفس الحجم والسرعة وتدفع الطائرة إلى الأعلى .. مع محرك ثالث صغير يقوم بمسألة الدقع إلى الأمام وإلى الخلف .. والتدوير يكون عن طريق إبطاء أحد المروحتين الكبيرتين أو إسراعها :) ..

أعتقد أن هذه الفكرة الأكثر قبولا لسهولتها :) ..


02-05-2007, 01:24 PM
طيب كيف نعر الوزن الي تقدر تشيله المراوح في الطائره والشكل الماسب للطيار ه من حيث طول وعرض الاجنحه ومكان الطاقه التي تزود المحركات بطاقه وكيفيت التحكم بها وايضاً تكون الاوزان متساويه

04-05-2007, 11:21 PM
عندي رفيجي في الجامعه ما شاء الله عليه قام بصنع طائرة - كمشروع تخرج - الطائرة خلصوها بس في اخر تجربة لم تطر لخطأء فنية (ههه عادي .. كل شي معرض للخطأ)

مدري كيف افيدكم بس اتمنى لكم التوفيق << تشجيع معنوي على الاقل:)

الله يوفقكم اجمعين ..

مستر وســام
05-05-2007, 11:50 AM
ممتاز انا عندي افكار بس حاليا وقت الغداء العصر اكتب لي رد
...شفت الموظوع ماتحملت اني اقرء وامشي اتمنى لكم التوفيق
وخلو هالحكمة بين عيونكم : مافيه شيء اسمه غباء ...بل تفاوت في درجات التفكير
والسبب هو الممارسة ..شدو الحيل

25-05-2007, 05:23 AM
الاختراع ده جميل أوى

15-06-2007, 05:54 PM
يالله شدو عيلكم
منظم إ نشاء الله

full option
15-06-2007, 11:42 PM
متابع من بعيد :D

16-06-2007, 03:00 AM
الفكره موجوده بس وين التطبيق محد تحرك !!!! متى بيخلص المشروع 2010 ؟

علي جنيدي
16-06-2007, 03:51 PM
والله مشغول في الامتحانات بتخلص 5\7\2007

16-06-2007, 04:18 PM
والله مشغول في الامتحانات بتخلص 5\7\2007

الله ايوفقك اخوي وانا عن نفس بنتضر لاني اريد اصنع , قبل حاولت بس فشلت , واذا حاولت مره ثانيه وفشلت يمكن ايكون العيب من الشرح وانا متأمل فيك خير انشاء الله

عالم الصمت
06-07-2007, 04:55 AM
معكم ان شاء الله .. في انتظاركم انا ..

انا وجاااهز لكل مايقدم من افكااار .. في انتظاركم ...

06-07-2007, 12:12 PM
يالله ننتنضر !!!! هل المشروع حقيقي او لا ؟؟ كل شي بيبين في هاذي الايام @

علي جنيدي
07-07-2007, 06:17 PM
وعد الحر دين عليه
أنا صنعت مثلها ولكن نقصني محركات السيرفو التي ستصل بعد شهر تقريبا فالطائرة تطير إلى الأعلى والأسفل فقط

عالم الصمت
15-07-2007, 06:29 AM
بالتوفيق اخوووي خطووة جيدة

15-07-2007, 09:39 AM
وعد الحر دين عليه
أنا صنعت مثلها ولكن نقصني محركات السيرفو التي ستصل بعد شهر تقريبا فالطائرة تطير إلى الأعلى والأسفل فقط
اخوي تعرف مكان في الامارات وين ممكن احصل هاذي القطع ؟؟؟ او موقع على النت ؟

علي جنيدي
15-07-2007, 08:36 PM
صراحة لا ولكن سأنزل بعد شهر عندما تكتمل كل شيء عن كيفية صنعها

عمر الأنصاري
22-07-2007, 11:53 AM
معليش على القافة بس ايش رايك تخلينا نصنع سيارة بدل الطائرة احسن

23-07-2007, 10:10 AM
صراحة لا ولكن سأنزل بعد شهر عندما تكتمل كل شيء عن كيفية صنعها
يا الله ,,
يجوز أقدر أسوي وحدة :) ... ويتحقق حلم من 8 سنين :) ..
منتظريك أخ علي ..


علي جنيدي
24-07-2007, 07:37 AM
سيارة أم طائرة كلو سهل

24-07-2007, 08:50 AM
سيارة أم طائرة كلو سهل
اخوي خل نصنع طياره بعدين فكر فلسياره ... يالله ننتنضر ...

02-08-2007, 01:45 PM
اكتشفت ان المشروع لايمكن تحقيقه الى لو شريت كل القطع جاهزه وعلي انا التركيب , شو الفأده ؟؟

فتى البرمجة
02-08-2007, 03:07 PM
لنوقف الكلام والنقاش الذي لا فائدة منه ونبدأ التصميم والعمل انا حاولت عمل طائرة هيليكوبتر سيارة.....:bigok: وللأسف لم انجح الا في السيارة:09: اما في هذا المشروع انا اقترح التصميم القادم


02-08-2007, 03:54 PM
لنوقف الكلام والنقاش الذي لا فائدة منه ونبدأ التصميم والعمل انا حاولت عمل طائرة هيليكوبتر سيارة.....:bigok: وللأسف لم انجح الا في السيارة:09: اما في هذا المشروع انا اقترح التصميم القادم

اخوي للاسف لا سياره ولا هلكبتر , اذا مشروع الطياره (الاسهل ) محد سواه !!

شباب مثل ما بديتو المشروع كملوه !! كم واحد من الاعضاء نجح وياه المشروع ؟ + ماشفت شرح للمشروع اصلا ؟ يعني بس موقع انا داخلنه قبل 4 اشهر اليوم ادخله مره ثانيه .

10-10-2007, 09:09 AM
اخوي للاسف لا سياره ولا هلكبتر , اذا مشروع الطياره (الاسهل ) محد سواه !!

شباب مثل ما بديتو المشروع كملوه !! كم واحد من الاعضاء نجح وياه المشروع ؟ + ماشفت شرح للمشروع اصلا ؟ يعني بس موقع انا داخلنه قبل 4 اشهر اليوم ادخله مره ثانيه .

أخ MeLeE مشروع السياره سهل
أنا في الأبتدائي سويت سفينه (السياره قريبه من السفينه)
بس الطياره غير يا حبيبي
السياره و السفينه بس حط الأشياء وحتسير معاك (حتمشي وحتلف) بس يمكن تكون مو سريعه مو سلسه مو ...

أما الطياره فلازم تتغلب على وزنها وهنا تكمن المشكله الأولا
أما المشكله الثانيه وهي توازنها في الهواء
أنا مني قاعد أحبطكم بس أتكلم جد

أنا جاتني هديه طياره لاسلكيه (زي الي تبو تسوها هلكبتر) هذا اسالفه قريبه مالها 6 أشهر
طبعا مالي أي خبره في قيادتها قلت شغل وجرب
شغلتها أول مره طيرتها فوق بسرعه وخبطها في الأرض (راس الطياره البلاستك طاح) قلت مافي مشكله
مله داعي أركبه طيرتها مره ثانيه طارت فوق فوق أحول ألف يمين يسار مافي توازن (طلع لزم يكون رس الطياره فيه أشان التوازن) طبعا هي أول مره طيرتها وأخر مره ((راحت بعيد مره ومدري فين طاحت لأني كنت ألعب فيها في منطقه سكنيه))
تخيل أشان قطعت البلاستك فقدت التوازن

على العموم هذا الموضوع لو تبو تكملو فيه خذوه بجديه أكثر

والسلام عليكم

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:03 PM
والله الحق علي أنا لأنو كنت لازم فضي حالي واشرحلكم عن تجاربي في المشروع
سامحوني و اصبروا علي

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:12 PM
How can helicopter flyGENERAL
This is just the basic informations for the beginners which did not know any things about the helicopter or airplane before and wants to know some principles that why the helicopter can fly but not in deep details. For the people that want to know more than what I have in here, please go to the text book which have many professors wrote them or go to the specific helicopter manuals. The details about the helicopter has so much to put it all in the WEB. INTRODUCTION
The wings of the airplane create a lift force when they move through the air. As we known,during flight, there are four forces acting on the helicopter or airplane and those are LIFT , DRAG , THRUST ,and WEIGHT .(please go back and see on What makes an airplane fly ? section).In order to make the wings to move through the air , of course, the plane itself has to move. A helicopter works by having its wings move through the air while the body stays still. The helicopter's wings are called Main Rotor Blades. The shape and the angle of the blades move through the air will determine how much Lift force is created. After the helicopter lifted off the ground, the pilot can tilt the blades, causing the helicopter to tip forward or backward or sideward.NOMENCLATURE AND TECHNICAL TERM
Although we will describe certain terms or parts of helicopter more in the next sections as we go along, but we should familier with all of these terms in order to understand the helicopter better.
Bernoulli'principle :This principle states that as the air velocity increases, the pressure decreases; and as the velocity decreases, the pressure increases .
Airfoil : is technically defined as any surface, such as an airplane aileron, elevator, rudder, wing, main rotor blades, or tail rotor blades designed to obtain reaction from the air through which it moves. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/airfoil.jpg
Angle of Attack : is the acute angle measured between the chord of an airfoil and the relative wind. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/angle_attack.gif
Angle of Incidence : is the acute angle between the wing's chord line and the longitudinal axis of the airplane. (usually manufacturer had built the aircraft with the wing has some degrees to the horizontal plane or airplane longitudinal axis).
Blades : The blades of the helicopter are airfoils with a very high aspect ratio ( length to chord ). The angle of incidence is adjusted by means of the control from pilots.
The main rotor of the helicopter may have two, three,four , five or six blades, depending upon the design. The main rotor blades are hinged to the rotor head in such a manner that they have limited movement up and down and also they can change the pitch ( angle of incidence ). The controls for the main rotor are called Collective and Cyclic Controls. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/mainrotor.jpg
The tail rotor is small blades may have two or four blades and mounted on the tail of the helicopter,it rotates in the vertical plane. The tail rotor is controlled by the rudder pedals. Its pitch can be changed as required to turn the helicopter in the direction desired. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/tailrotor_1.jpg
Blade Root : The inner end of the blades where the rotors connect to the blade gripos.
Blade Grips : Large attaching points where the rotor blade connects to the hub.
Rotor Hub : Sit on top of the mast , and connects the rotor blades to the control tubes.
Main Rotor Mast : Rotating shaft from the transmission which connects the main rotor blades to helicopter fuselage.http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/swash_plate3.jpg
Pitch Change Horn : to converts control tube movement to blade pitch. Control tube is a push-pull tubes that change the pitch of the rotor blades through the pitch changing horn.
Swash Plate Assembly : The swash plate assembly consists of two primary elements through which the rotor mast passes. One element is a disc, linked to the cyclic pitch control. This disc is capable of tilting in any direction but does not rotate as the rotor rotates. This non-rotating disc, often refered to as the Stationary Star is attached by a bearing surface to a second disc, often refered to as the Rotating Star which turns with rotor and linked to the rotor blade pitch horns. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/swash_plate2.jpg
Transmission : The transmission system transmits engine power to the main rotor, tail rotor, generator and other accessories. The engine is operated at a relative high speed while the main rotor turns at a much lower speed. This speed reduction is accomplished through reduction gears in the Transmission System
Lift : is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an airplane's wings compared to the pressure on the wing's lower surfaces,causing the wing to be LIFTED upward. The special shape of the airplane wing (airfoil) is designed so that air flowing over it will have to travel a greater distance and faster resulting in a lower pressure area (see illustration) thus lifting the wing upward. Lift is that force which opposes the force of gravity (or weight). http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/wing1.gifhttp://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/wing2.gif
Lift depends upon (1) shape of the airfoil (2) the angle of attack (3) the area of the surface exposed to the airstream (4) the square of the air speed (5) the air density.http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/lift_equa.gif
Relative Wind : is the direction of the airflow with respect to an airfoil or to the rotor blades.
Pitch Angle : The rotor blade pitch angle is the acute angle between the blade chord line and the rotor plane of rotation.( you may understand as the angle of incidence ) . This pitch angle can be varied by the pilot through the use of cockpit controls ( collective and cyclic pitch control ).

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علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:14 PM
What Makes An Airplane Fly GENERAL
This is just the basic informations for the beginners which did not know any things about the aircraft or airplane before and wants to know some principles that why the airplane can fly but not in deep details. For the people that want to know more than what I have in here, please go to the text book which have many professors wrote them and the details about the airplane have so much to put it all in the WEB. INTRODUCTION
It was , of couse, the birds who were responsible for the whole complicated story and business. A man with the brain of a scientist began to think seriouly about attainment of the dream. This was Leonado da Vinci (1452-1519), whose detail study of bird flight nevertheless led him to the erroneous conclusion that man's muscular power, so superior to that of the birds, should enable him to fly in a properly constructed ornithopter,or flapping-wing aircraft.
In 1680, Giovanni Alphonso Borelli's has a result of his detailed study of bird flight, man did not have the power output needed to lift himself and a machine into the air. This brought an end to practically all heavier-than-air experiments until nineteenth century.
On October 15, 1783, Jean-Francois had made a flight in a Mongolfier hot-air balloon tethered flight for 4 minutes 24 second. Lessthan two month later a hydrogen-filled balloon had completed a successful two-hours free flight.
German Otto Lilienthal(1848-1896), whose graceful and beautifully-constructed hang-gliders enable him to become the first man in the world to fly confidently and regularly, total more than 2000 flights.He did not develop control surfaces for his gliders, but rely on body movements to provide limited control in the three axes of pitch, yaw, and roll. He lost his life at age of 48 on 10 August 1896 due to one of his gliders stalled and crashed to the ground. The persons who pioneer of the gliders were Otto Lilienthal (German), Percy Pilcher (England) He also lost his life in a glider clashed three years after Lilienthal, and Octave Chanute (American)(1832-1910)
Wilbur (1867-1912) and Orville (1871-1948) Wright, had been interested in the possibility of mechanical flight in the early years. By 1900, they became freinds with Chanute . Chanute encouraged , providing information, and directly assisted the Wrights to achieve their goal of power flight later.First flight they flied the flyer was on 17 December 1903.This is generally accepted as the first man to accomplised the dream.Eventhrough there are some controversy over the first powered aircraft.
Alberto Santos-Dumont a little brazilian living in France. During 1906, with his No.14-bis which was power by a 50 horsepower Antoinette engine, he made a first flight of 60 meter at Bagattelle, Paris on 23 October 1906. Some people believed that Santos-Dumont really had made the first power flight in history.NOMENCLATURE or TECHNICAL TERM
Although we will describe certain terms or parts of airplane more in the next sections as we go along, but we should familier with all of these terms in order to understand the airplane better. http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/ctrl_surface.jpg
Aerodynamics : Aero is derived from the Greek word meaning AIR, and Dynamics comes from the Greek word meaning Power, or branch of physics which considers bodies in motion and the forces that produce or change such motion. When Aero is combined with Dynamics ,we have Aerodynamics,Meaning " The science relating to the effects produced by air or other gases in motion".
Air Currents : are movement of the air with respect to the earth. If the air is rising from the earth , it is called a Vertical Current
Relative Motion : Motion is a movement.If an object changes it position,it is in motion. Relative Motion defined as an object which has moved or has changed its position with Respect to some other object. An Airplane must have Relative motion between Airplane and the Air in order to fly.The velocity of this motion is called the True Airspeed
Bernoulli'principle : This principle states that as the air velocity increases, the pressure decreases; and as the velocity decreases, the pressure increases .
Airfoil : is technically defined as any surface, such as an airplane aileron, elevator, rudder, or wing, designed to obtain reaction from the air through which it moves.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/airfoil.jpg
Angle of Attack : is the acute angle measured between the chord of an airfoil and the relative wind.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/angle_attack.gif
Cockpit : is the pilot's compartment which is seperated from the rest of the cabin.
Control Stick or Control Column : A vertical lever or column by mean of which the pilot operates the longitudinal and lateral control surfaces of the airplane. The elevator is operated by fore-and-aft movement of the stick or column, and ailerons are moved by sideways movement of the stick or turn the wheel to left or right.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/ctrl_column.jpg
Aileron : One of a pair of movable control surfaces attached to the trailing edge of each wing tip, the purpose of which is to control the airplane in roll by creating unequal or opposing lifting forces on the opposite sides of the airplane.
Elevator : A movable auxiliary airfoil or control surface designed to impress a pitching movement on the airplane, that is, to cause rotation about the lateral axis.
Flap : A hinged, pivoted, or sliding airfoil or plate, normally located at the trailing edge of a wing, extended or deflected to increase the lift and/or drag, generally used at takeoff and landing.
Rudder : A hinged or movable auxiliary airfoil used to impress a yawing moment on the aircraft.
Rudder Pedal : Either one of a pair of cockpit pedals for operating a rudder or other directional control device. The pedals are on the floor and feet operated.
Stabilizer : A fixed or adjustable airfoil or vane that provides stability for an aircraft. Next to History (http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/history.html) http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/banner_22.gif
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علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:15 PM
Ornithopters (Flapping- wing)
The beauty and freedom of birds has always drawn our admiration and envy. The freedom to move in any direction over all obstacles is a capability that all of us would enjoy. early attempts to defy gravity involved the invention of machines, such as Ornithopters.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/frosts.jpg
This type of flying machine utilizes the flapping of the wings in order to achieve flight. Needless, is to say that all attempts to fly using this type of machine failed.Machine lighter-than-air
In the year between 1650 and 1900 , there was a second attempt at flying with a less sophisticated but more efficient generation of flying machines, the lighter-than-air craft. The idea of filling a closed container with a substance that normally rises through the atmosphere was known as early as the thirteen century. Over a five hundred year span, different substances came to be known as being lighter-than-air. The most common gas proposed was water vapor, helium and hydrogen. The first successful attempts at achiveing flight using his type of crafts were made by the Montgolfier brothers in France. Their most successful attempt was in 1783.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/graf1s.jpg
The most successful builder of this type of lighter-than-air craft was Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (picture above) . In the early 1930's the German Graft Zeppelin machine was able to make a Trans-Atlantic flight to the United States. The large Hidenburg was equally successful until it was destroyed by fire while attempting a landing in 1937 at Lakehurst,New Jersey.Orville and Wilbur Wright
In the early 1900s two American brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright from Dayton, Ohio began to experiment with gliders. The gliders were built using data from Otto Lilienthal in Europe. Most of these flights turn out to be a failure. In 1901, they decided to gather their own wing data by conducting systematic experiment on different type of wing configurations. In 1902, Glider has wingtip to wingtip measurement of 32 ft. and wing width of 5 ft. This was the first aircraft with three-axis control. This mean that the aircraft could go up or down, left or right, and could also roll about its longitudinal axis. At Kitty Hawk, they perform over 800 flights, the early problem of aircraft were solved .http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/wright.jpg
The Wright brothers, now confident about their ability to flight, decided to turn their attention to power. In 1903, after redesigning the airframe of their 1902 glider, the Kitty Hawk Flyer was born. In December 17 , 1903 , with this aircraft, Orville and Wilbur Wright demanstrated the flight of self powered aircraft.
Following the Wright Brothers success, the aeronautical activity took place basically everywhere in the world.Bleriot XI Monoplane http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/bleriot.jpg
The future potential of the airplane was realized when Louis Bleriot (France) flew his XI monoplane across the Einglish Channel in 1909. This was made Britain could no longer feel secure because England rely only on the royal navy.Henri Fabre Seaplane
The first Seaplane was built and flown by Henri Fabre (France) in 1910 at Martigues, France. The great pioneer of marine flying was Glen Curtiss of the United States. In 1911 he fitted floats to his pusher biplanes and flow it off the water.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/fabre.jpg
First flight of a seaplane called a Hydravion was created by Frenchman Henri Fabre. Using a 50 horsepower Gnome rotary engine, Fabre flew 1650 feet on water (March 28, 1910).Vikers Gunbus: http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/gunbus.jpg
Until 1914 , As the war progressed, the manufacturers were pressed to equip airplanes with guns, bombs and torpedos. This Vicker Gunbus (England) had been accomplished by 1914. F.X. Trimotor:http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/trimotor.jpg
From the United States, Ford Trimotor is the world's first airline services were in 1910. With the advances in aircraft designed brought about by war, the enclosed cabin airplane became the standard for commercial airline travel by the early 1920's.
As the time went by, the speed of airplanes began to increase. From the famous 12 mph top-speed of Wright Brithers Kitty Hawk Flyer , until in 1947, a test pilot named Chuck Yeager flied exceeded the speed of sound. From that point on a series of experimental supersonic aircraft took to the sky breaking speed record after speed record. Today we still can see some of supersonic aircrafts that were built in the 1960's like Concorde(mach 2), TU-144 (mach 2.2), SR-71 Blackbird (mach 3).

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:16 PM
PRINCIPLES Forces Acting on An Airplane
There are four forces acting on the airplane all the time during airplane is flying.The four forces are
(1) Lift, (2) Gravity force or Weight, (3) Thrust, and (4) Drag.
Lift and Drag are considered aerodynamics forces because they exist due to the movement of the Airplane through the Air. http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/4force.jpg
Lift: is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an airplane's wings compared to the pressure on the wing's lower surfaces,causing the wing to be LIFTED upward. The special shape of the airplane wing (airfoil) is designed so that air flowing over it will have to travel a greater distance and faster resulting in a lower pressure area (see illustration) thus lifting the wing upward. Lift is that force which opposes the force of gravity (or weight).http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/lift.gif
Lift depends upon (1) shape of the airfoil (2) the angle of attack (3) the area of the surface exposed to the airstream (4) the square of the air speed (5) the air density.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/lift_equa.gif
Weight: The weight acts vertically downward from the center of gravity (CG) of the airplane.
Thrust: is defined as the forward direction pushing or pulling force developed by aircraft engine . This includes reciprocating engines , turbojet engines, turboprop engines.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/thrust_equa.gif
Drag: is the force which opposes the forward motion of airplane. specifically, drag is a retarding force acting upon a body in motion through a fluid, parallel to the direction of motion of a body. It is the friction of the air as it meets and passes over an airplane and its components. Drag is created by air impact force, skin friction, and displacement of the air.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/drag_equa.gif Aircraft Flight Control
An airplane is equipped with certain fixed and movable surfaces or airfoil which provide for stability and control during flight. These are illustrated in the picture.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/structure.jpg
Each of the named of the airfoil is designed to perform a specific function in the flight of the airplane. The fixed airfoils are the wings, the vertical stabilizer, and the horizontal stabilizer. The movable airfiols called control surfaces, are the ailerons, elevators, rudders and flaps.The ailerons, elevators, and rudders are used to "steer" the airplane in flight to make it go where the pilot wishes it to go. The flaps are normally used only during landings and extends some during takeoff.
Aileron: may be defined as a movable control surface attached to the trailing edge of a wing to control an airplane in the roll, that is , rotation about the longitudinal axis.
Elevator: is defined as a horizontal control surface, usually attached to the trailing edge of horizontal stabilizer of an airplane, designed to apply a pitching movement to the airplane. A pitching movement is a force tending to rotate the airplane about the lateral axis,that is nose up or nose down.
Rudder: is a vertical control surface usually hinged to the tail post aft of the vertical stabilizer and designed to apply yawing movement to the airplane, that is to make it turn to the right or left about the vertical axis. http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/flap_1.jpg
Wing Flaps: are hinged or sliding surfaces mounted at the trailing edge of wings and designed to increase the camber of the wings. The effect is to increase the lift of the

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:17 PM
http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/birdjump.gif FLIGHT DIRECTIONAL CONTROL THE AXES OF ROTATION
An airplane has three axes of rotation, namely , the longitudinal axis, the vertical axis, and the lateral axis. see figure below and you will understand what we mean. The simplest way to understand the axes is to think of them as long rods passing through the aircraft where each will intersect the other two. At this point of intersection, called the center of gravity.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/axis_1.gif
The Axis that extends lengthwise (nose through tail) is call the longitudinal axis, and the rotation about this axis is called "Roll"
The axis that extends crosswise (wing tip through wing tip) is called the lateral axis, and rotation about this axis is called "Pitch"
The axis that passes vertically through the center of gravity (when the aircraft is in level flight ) is called the vertical axis, and rotation about this axis is called "Yaw"The Longitudinal Axis: http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/roll_1.jpg
The Axis Running from the nose to the tail of an aircraft is the longitudinal axis (see picture above). The movement around the longitudinal axis is called roll. The cause of movement or roll about the axis is the action of the ailerons. Ailerons are attached to the wing and control through the control column in a manner that ensures one aileron will deflect downward when the other is deflected upward.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/roll_2.jpghttp://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/roll_3.jpg
When an aileron is not in perfect alignment with the total wing, it changes the wing's lift characteristics.To make a wing move upward, the aileron on that wing must move downward. The wing that has aileron downward produce more lift on that wing. the wing that has the aileron upward will reduce lift on that wing . This cause the aircraft to roll.http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/roll.gif
The ailerons are attached to the cockpit control column by mechanical linkage. When the control wheel is turned to the right (or the stick is move to the right ), the aileron on the right wing is raised and the aileron on the left wing is lowered. This action increases the lift on the left wing and decreases the lift on the right wing, thus causing the aircraft to roll to the right. Moving the control wheel or stick to the left reverses this and causes the aircraft to roll to the left. See Roll Action Animation Click Here (http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/roll.html)The Lateral Axis http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/pitch_1.jpg
The lateral axis runs from wingtip to wingtip.The movement around the lateral axis is called pitch.What causes this pitching movement ?. It is the elevator which is attached to the horizontal stabilizer. The elevator can be deflected up or down as the pilot moves the control column (or stick) backward or foreward.
Movement backward on the control column moves the elevator upward. (see picture above) The relative wind (RW) striking the top surface of the raised elevator pushes the tail downward. This motion is around the lateral axis, as the tail moves (pitches) downward, the nose moves (pitches) upward and the aircraft climbs.
Movement forward on the control column moves the elevator downward . The relative wind (RW) striking the lower surface of the elevator causes the tail to pitch up and the nose of the aircraft downward causing the airplane to dives. See Pitch Action Animation Click Here (http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/pitch.html)The Vertical Axis: http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/tg4/yaw.jpg
The third axis which passes through from the top of the aircraft to the bottom is called the vertical or yaw axis. The aircraft's nose moves about this axis in a side-to-side direction. The airplane's rudder, which is moved by pressing on the rudder pedals which are on the floor. The airplane's rudder is responsible for movement about this axis.The rudder is a movable control surface attached to the vertical fin of the tail assembly. By pressing the proper rudder pedal, right pedal moves the rudder to the right, and left pedal moves the rudder to the left, when pilot press the left rudder pedal, that mean the pilot sets the rudder so that it defects the relative wind to the left. This then creates a force on the tail, causing it to move to the right and the nose of the aircraft to yaw to the left.See Yaw Action Animation Click (http://www.thaitechnics.com/fly/yaw.html)

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:18 PM

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:20 PM
The name GAS TURBINE means exactly what it says. A turbine type engine that is operated by gas rather than one operated, for instance, by steam or water. The gas which operates the turbine is the product of the combustion that take place when a suitable fuel is mixed and burned with the air passing through the engine.
Leonado Da Vinci
Da Vinci described the chimney jack, as the hot air from the fire rose, it was made to pass through a series of fan blades and through a series of gears, turn a roasting.http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/davinci_chimney.jpg
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton formulated the laws of MOTION on which all devices utilizing the jet propulsion theory are based. The vehicle illustrated in the picture below , called Newton's wagon , applied the principle of jet propulsion . It is though that Jacob Gravesand , a Dutchman , actually designed this " horseless carriage", and that Isaac Newton may have only supplied the idea. The wagon consisted of a large boiler mounted on four wheels. Steam generated by fire built below the boiler was allowed to escape through a nozzle facing rearward. The speed of vehicle was controlled by a steam cock located in the nozzle. http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/newton_steamwagon.jpg
Sir Frank Whittle :Whittle is considered by many to be the father of the jet engine. In 1930 Frank Whittle submitted his patent application for a jet aircraft engine.http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/frank_patent.jpghttp://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/frank.jpghttp://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/gloster.jpg
The first Whittle engine was called the Power Jet W.1, after its manufacturere. It flew in the British Gloster G.40 on May 15, 1941 with W 1 Whittle engine installed.
VON OHAIN At the same time, von Ohain in Germany had been at work on the development of a jet engine for aircraft. He built and ran his first demonstration engine in 1937. His first flight engine was the HES 3B which used on HE178 and flew on August 27,1939.
The Whittle and the von Ohain engines led to successful jet-powered fighter aircraft by the end of World War II , the Messerschmitt Me262 that was used by German Air Force.
It might be note that the early English production jet engine used centrifugal compressor where as the production engine in Germany employed the more advanced axial flow compressor.http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/he178.jpg http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/me262.jpg
America was a late-comer to the jet-propulsion field and with the help of British Government , the General Electric Corporation was awarded the contract to built W.1 an American Version. The first jet engine airplane in America was made in October 1942, in Bell XP-59A . The two General Electric I-A engines used in this airplane, the I-A engine was rated at about 1300 lb of thrust. In late 1941 , NAVY awarded the contract to Westinghouse . Westinghouse engineers designed an engine with an axial compressor and an anular combustion chamber. Shortly thereafter, several other companies began to design and produce gas turbine engines. http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/xp.jpg http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/ge.jpg

10-10-2007, 06:21 PM
انشاء الله بعد 3 سنوات يوم بتخرج مهندس الكترونيات بسوي المشروع البسيط هاذا .

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:22 PM
Most of modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas turbine engines, which are also called jet engines. There are several types of jet engines, but all jet engines have some parts in common . Aircraft gas turbine engines can be classified according to (1) the type of compressor used and (2) power usage produces by the engine.
Compressor types are as follows:
1. Centrifugal flow
2. Axial flow
3. Centrifugal-Axial flow.
Power usage produced are as follows:
1. Turbojet engines
2. Turbofan engines.
3. Turboshaft engines.
Centrifugal Compressor Engines
Centrifugal flow engines are compress the air by accelerating air outward perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the machine. Centrifugal compressor engines are divided into Single-Stage and Two-Stage compressor. The amount of thrust is limited because the maximum compression ratio. http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/centrifugal_single.jpg http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/centrifugal_twostage.jpg
Principal Adventages of Centrifugal Compressor
1. Light Weight
2. Simplicity
3. Low cost.
Axial Flow Compressor Engines
Axial flow compressor engines may incorporate one , two , or three spools (Spool is defined as a group of compressor stages rotating at the same speed) . Two spool engine , the two rotors operate independently of one another. The turbine assembly for the low pressure compressor is the rear turbine unit . This set of turbines is connected to the forward , low pressure compressor by a shaft that passes through the hollow center of the high pressure compressor and turbine drive shaft.
http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/single_spool.gif http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/two_spool.gif
Adventages and Disadventages
Adventages: Most of the larger turbine engines use this type of compressor because of its ability to handle large volumes of airflow and high pressure ratio.
Disadventages: More susceptable to foreign object damage , Expensive to manufacture , and It is very heavy in comparision to the centrifugal compressor with the same compression ratio.
Axial-Centrifugal Compressor Engine
Centrifugal compressor engine were used in many early jet engines , the efficiency level of single stage centrifugal compressor is relatively low . The multi-stage compressors are some what better , but still do not match with axial flow compressors. Some small modern turbo-prop and turbo-shaft engines achieve good results by using a combination axial flow and centrifugal compressor such as PT6 Pratt and Whitney of canada which very popular in the market today and T53 Lycoming engine.http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/t53.jpg
Characteristics and Applications
The turbojet engine : Turbojet engine derives its thrust by highly accelerating a mass of air , all of which goes through the engine. Since a high " jet " velocity is required to obtain an acceptable of thrust, the turbine of turbo jet is designed to extract only enough power from the hot gas stream to drive the compressor and accessories . All of the propulsive force (100% of thrust ) produced by a jet engine derived from exhaust gas.
The turboprop engine : Turboprop engine derives its propulsion by the conversion of the majority of gas stream energy into mechanical power to drive the compressor , accessories , and the propeller load. The shaft on which the turbine is mounted drives the propeller through the propeller reduction gear system . Approximately 90% of thrust comes from propeller and about only 10% comes from exhaust gas.
The turbofan engine : Turbofan engine has a duct enclosed fan mounted at the front of the engine and driven either mechanically at the same speed as the compressor , or by an independent turbine located to the rear of the compressor drive turbine . The fan air can exit seperately from the primary engine air , or it can be ducted back to mix with the primary's air at the rear . Approximately morethan 75% of thrust comes from fan and less than 25% comes from exhaust gas.http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/engine_energy.jpg
The turboshaft engine : Turboshaft engine derives its propulsion by the conversion of the majority of gas stream energy into mechanical power to drive the compressor , accessories , just like the turboprop engine but The shaft on which the turbine is mounted drives something other than an aircraft propeller such as the rotor of a helicopter through the reduction

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:23 PM
Aircraft Engines http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/turnfan_1.gif HISTORY & BACKGROUND (http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/engine_intro.html) TYPES & APPLICATIONS (http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/engine_type.html) THEORY & OPERATIONS (http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/engine_theory.html) ENGINE CONSTRUCTION (http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/engine_construction.html) http://www.thaitechnics.com/banner/banner_22.gif (http://www.thaitechnics.com/) http://www.thaitechnics.com/global/globe1/model_ad2.gif (http://www.thaitechnics.com/global/collection.html)
The jet engines are essentially a machine designed for the purpose of producing high velocity gasses at the jet nozzle . The engine is started by rotating the compressor with the starter , the outside air enter to the engine . The compressor works on this incoming air and delivery it to the combustion or burner section with as much as 12 times or more pressure the air had at the front . At the burner or combustion section , the ignition is igniting the mixture of fuel and air in the combustion chamber with one or more igniters which somewhat likes automobile spark plugs. When the engine has started and its compressor is rotating at sufficient speed , the starter and igniters are turn off. The engine will then run without further assistance as long as fuel and air in the proper proportions continue to enter the combustion chamber. Only 25% of the air is taking part in the actual combustion process . The rest of the air is mixed with the products of combustion for cooling before the gases enter the turbine wheel . The turbine extracts a major portion of energy in the gas stream and uses this energy to turn the compressor and accessories . The engine's thrust comes from taking a large mass of air in at the front and expelling it at a much higher speed than it had when it entered the compressor . THRUST , THEN , IS EQUAL TO MASS FLOW RATE TIMES CHANGE IN VELOCITY .
The more air that an engine can compress and use , the greater is the power or thrust that it can produce . Roughly 75% of the power generated inside a jet engine is used to drive the compressor . Only what is left over is available to produce the thrust needed to propel the airplane .
Since Fuel flow adds some mass to the air flowing through the engine , this must be added to the basic of thrust equation . Some formular do not consider the fuel flow effect when computing thrust because the weight of air leakage is approximately equal to the weight of fuel added . The following formular is applied when a nozzle of engine is " choked " , the pressure is such that the gases are treveling through it at the speed of sound and can not be further accelerated . Any increase in internal engine pressure will pass out through the nozzle still in the form of pressure . Even this pressure energy cannot turn into velocity energy but it is not lost . http://www.thaitechnics.com/engine/tg7/engine_thrust_equa.jpg
The Jet engine is much more sensitive to operating variables . Those are:
1.) Engine rpm.
2.) Size of nozzle area.
3.) Weight of fuel flow.
4.) Amount of air bled from the compressor.
5.) Turbine inlet temperature.
6.) Speed of aircraft (ram pressure rise).
7.) Temperature of the air.
8.) Pressure of air
9.) Amount of humidity.
Note ; item 8,9 are the density of air .
Station designations are assigned to the varius sections of gas turbine engines to enable specific locations within the engine to be easily and accurately identified. The station numbers coincide with position from front to rear of the engine and are used as subscripts when designating different temperatures and pressures at the front , rear , or inside of the engine. For engine configurations other than the picture below should be made to manuals published by the engine manufacturer.

N = Speed ( rpm or percent )
N1 = Low Compressor Speed
N2 = High Compressor Speed
N3 = Free Turbine Speed
P = Pressure
T = Temperature
t = Total
EGT = Exhaust Gas Temperature
EPR = Engine Pressure Ratio ( Engine Thrust in term of EPR ). Pt7 / Pt2
Ex.: Pt 2 = Total Pressure at Station 2 ( low pressure compressor inlet )
Pt 7 = Total Pressure at Station 7 ( turbine discharge total pressure )

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:24 PM
History of Flight
I will bring you only some of History that I think it is useful for you to know about how the helicopter was developed. They were so many great people contributed to this technologies but some of them were succeed and some were not. We all thanks to those people which make today happen. Igor Sikorsky (United States)
It was during 1909 that Igor Sikorsky Build his first machine in Russia in common many earier designed. But this first Sikorsky helicopter never left the ground, and a second which followed in 1910 ,he did not succeeded at this time so, he stopped and turn to fixed wing aircraft until 1930 .
VS-300: In 1939, Sikorsky and a team of his engineers desinged the VS-300. The VS stood for VoughtSikorsky and the 300 indicated that it was Sikorsky's third helicopter design.Vs300 had a75 hp Franklin 4cylinder engine. The basic structure was the heavygauge welded steel tubes. It had no covering at all and no instruments.It had three bladed main rotor and the anti-torque rotor at the rear.http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/vs300.jpg
VoughtSikorsky VS-300
The R-4: In 1941, Sikorsky and Gluharaff designed the production model of VS300 and desinated VS316A . It was the bigger a bigger machine with an enclosed cabin and side by side seating and dual controls for two men crew 175 hp engine, a larger 36 ft (10.97 m.) rotor.The VS316A known by military designation XR-4 and YR4A. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/skr_4.jpg
The R-5 and S-51: In 1943,Sikosky was working on all metal designated VS327 to meet requirement of USAAF known as XR5S and YR5A. It was better and bigger than R4.
In 1946, the first civilian type helicopter,S51 (four seats) was the first helicopter to be licenced by the US Civil Aviation Administration for commercial operation. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/s51.jpg
Sikorsky S-51
The S-55: In 1949, Sikorsky S-55 was located 600hp engine in the nose. For the first time, a helicopter was capable of lifting a heavy load up to ten soldiers,in addition to its two men crew. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/s55.jpg
Sikorsky S-55 Focke Achgelis Fa61 (Germany)
Fa-61: Germany stepped to the front in helicopter development with the Focke Achgelis Fa-61, which it has two three-bladed rotor mounted on outriggers and power by a 160 hp radial engine. The Fa-61 had controllable cyclic pitch and set many of records .
In 1938, Fa-61 made an altitude flight of 11,243 feet and cross-country of 143 miles.In this year, the german aviator Hanna Reitsch became the world's first woman helicopter pilot by flying the Fa-61 in the Deustchland-halle in Berlin. Germany continued its helicopter development during world war two and was the first to place the helicopter,Flettner Kolibri, into mass production. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/fa61.jpg
Focke Achgelis Fa-61 Jaun de la Cierva (Spain) / Autogiro
Cierva C30A : An Autogiro, in 1923 , Juan de la Cierva , a young engineer made the first successful flight of an autogiro. An autogiro operates on a different principle than a helicopter.That was the rotor of autogiro was not driven by the engine but rotated itself as the aircraft was drawn along by its propeller. Autogiro used extreamely short take-off and landing but it could not move sideways or hover in still air like a helicopter. The Autogiro's rotor is designed so that a blade set at a low positive angle of pitch will rotate automatically as long as an airstream is kept flowing through the rotor .However, the technology of the rotor head and the rotor blade developed for autogiro contributed importantly to the development of the successful of helicopter. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/cierva_c30.jpg
Cierva C30A Lawrence Bell (USA)
Bell Model 30 :Bell Aircraft Corporation was formed in 1935 but it was until 1943 that the first Bell Helicopter Model 30 was successful flown. Several version of model 30 were built . Model 47 , built in 1945 and was granted the world's first commercial helicopter licence. The Bell 47 developed into the most successful light - utility helicopters ever. A total of morethan 6,000 variants were built until the production was stopped in 1973

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:25 PM
Principle of Helicopter Flight
( page 1 )GENERAL
Helicopter, Lift is obtained by means of one or more power driven horizontal propellers which called Main Rotor. When the main rotor of helicopter turns it produces lift and reaction torque. Reaction torque tends to make helicopter spin. On most helicopters, a small rotor near the tail which called tail rotor compensates for this torque. On twin rotor helicopter the rotors rotate in opposite directions, their reactions cancel each other. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/rotor_path.gif Main Rotor
The lifting force is produced by the main rotor . As they spin in the air and produced the lift. Each blade produces an equal share of the lifting force. The weight of a helicopter is divided evenly between the rotor blades on the main rotor system. If a helicopter weight 4000 lbs and it has two blades, then each blade must be able to support 2000 lbs.In addition to the static weight of helicopter ,each blade must be accept dynamic load as well . For example, if a helicopter pull up in a 1.5 g manouver (1.5 time the gravity force), then the effective weight of helicopter will be 1.5 time of static helicopter weight or 6000 lbs. due to gravitational pull. Tail Rotor
The tail rotor is very important. If you spin a rotor with an engine, the rotor will rotate,but the engine and helicopter body will tend to rotate in opposite direction to the rotor. This is called Torque reaction. Newton's third law of motion states , " to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" . The tail rotor is used to compensates for this torque and hold the helicopter straight. On twin-rotors helicopter , the rotors spin in opposite directions, so their reactions cancel each other. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/heli_drivetrain.gif
The tail rotor in normally linked to the main rotor via a system of driveshafts and gearboxes , that means if you turn the main rotor , the tail rotor is also turn.Most helicopter have a ratio of 3:1 to 6:1 . That is, if main rotor turn one rotation , the tail rotor will turn 3 revelutions (for 3:1)or 6 revolutions (for 6:1). In most helicopter the engine turns a shaft that connected to an input quill in the transmission gearbox. the main rotor mast out to the top and tail rotor drive shafts out to the tail from the tranmission gear box. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/torque.jpg Dissymmetry of Lift
All rotor systems are subject to Dissymmetry of Lift in forward flight . At a hover , the lift is equal across the entire rotor disk . As the helicopter gain air speed , the advanceing blade develops greater lift because of the increased airspeed and the retreating blade will produce less lift , this will cause the helicopter to roll (for example: if rotor speed = 400 km/hr , helicopter move forward=100 km/hr then advancing blade will have speed=500 km/hr but the retreating blade will has moving speed of only 300 kr/hr ) . This has to be compensated for in some way . http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/dissymmetry.gif Blade Flapping
Dissymmetry of lift is compensated for by Blade flapping. Because of the increased airspeed and lift on the advancing blade will cause the blade to flap up and decreasing the angle of attack . The decreased lift on the retreating blade will cause the blade to flap down and increasing the angle of attack . The combination of decreased angle of attack on the advancing blade and increased angle of attack on the retreating blade through blade flapping action tends to equalize the lift over the two halves of the rotor disc. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/flapping.gif

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:25 PM
Principle of Helicopter Flight
( page 2 ) Relationship between Swash Plate and Controls
Swash Plate Assembly : The swash plate assembly consists of two primary elements through which the rotor mast passes. One element is a disc, linked to the cyclic pitch control. This disc is capable of tilting in any direction but does not rotate as the rotor rotates. This non-rotating disc, often refered to as the Stationary Star is attached by a bearing surface to a second disc, often refered to as the Rotating Star which turns with rotor and linked to the rotor blade pitch horns.
The Collective Control : When pilot raises the collective control or pull collective control up , the collective control will raises the entire swash plate assembly as a unit . This has effect to the blades by changing the pitch of all blades simultaneously .This causes to increase angle of attack and give more lift.
The Cyclic Control : The cyclic control will push one side of the swashplate assembly up or down. This has the effect to the rotor head system because the cyclic control or cyclic stick controls the angle of the main rotor by angling the rotor head to which all the blades are attached .This cause the helicopter to move left or right, forward or backward. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/attitude.jpg Anti torque Pedals
The Thrust produced by the auxiliary (tail) rotor is governed by the position of anti torque pedals. These are not rudder pedals, although they are in the same place as rudder pedals on an airplane. They are linked to a pitch change mechanism in the tail rotor gear box to permit the pilot to increase the pitch of the tail rotor blades. The primary purpose of the tail rotor and its controls is to counteract the torque effect of the main rotor. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/tailrotor.jpg

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:26 PM
Flight Direction Control
( page 1 )GENERAL
Helicopter, Lift is obtained by means of one or more power driven horizontal propellers which called Rotors. When the rotors of helicopter turns it produces lift and reaction torque, reaction torque which tends to make helicopter spin. on most helicopters a small rotor near the tail which called tail rotor compensates for this torque. On twin rotor helicopter the rotors rotate in opposite directions, their reactions cancel each other. The direction of helicopter is controlled by inclining the axis of the main rotor path in that direction.Function of Controls
There are three major controls in the helicopter that the pilot must use during flight. They are : ( 1 ) Collective pitch control. ( 2 ) Anti Torque Pedals or Tail Rotor Control. ( 3 ) Cyclic Stick Control. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/control.jpg http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/topview.jpg
Collective Control
The collective pitch lever or stick is located by the left side of the pilot's seat and is operated with the left hand. The collective is used to increase main rotor pitch at all points of the rotor blade rotation. It increases or decreases total rotor thrust. The collective lever is connected to the swash plate by a series of bush pull tubes. Raising the collective lever increases the pitch on the main rotor blade, lowering the collective lever decreases the main rotor blade pitch. The amount of movement of th elever determines the amount of blade pitch change. As the angle of attack increase, drag increases and Rotor RPM and Engine RPM tend to decrease . As the angle of attack decreases, drag decreases and the RPM tend to increase.Since it is essential that the RPM remain constant, there must be some means of making a proportionate change in power to compensate for the change in drag. This coordination of power change with blade pitch angle change is controlled through a collective pitch lever- trottle control cam linkage which automatically increases power when the collective pitch lever is raised and decreases power when the lever is lowered. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/b206_collective.jpg
The picture above is the typical collective lever but the detail of control may varies depend on each munufacturer .The main functions are still the same for all helicopters.

Collective Lever is connected to the rotor system via push pull tubes. It also has droop com pensation devics which sense change in the collective pitch lever and increases or decreases fuel to the engine automatically somewhat in anticipated of a change in power required. This helps to minimize the RPM fluctuations during collective pitch change.

Engine Control (Emergency) is the throttle twist grip. During emergency condition, between flight and flight idle positions. This is useful during any event which would cause engine or rotor RPM to go too high or while landing after a tail rotor failure.

Idle Release Button, when the throttle is rolled from " off " to " idle " the idle release button snaps into a detent which prevents the throttle from being rolled back to " off "

Starter Button : Pushing this button will cause the starter / generator to act as a starter motor ( Starter / Generator is a component that funtion in either mode as a starter or generator ) , turning over the engine.

Landing Light Switch has a three position which are " off " , " forward " and "both " . In forward , only the forward light is activated. In both, the forward and downward lights are activated .

Power Trim Switch ,by holding it in " increase " or " decrease " the pilot can set the RPM that the pilot attempt to maintain.

علي جنيدي
10-10-2007, 06:27 PM
Flight Direction Control
( page 2 )Function of Controls (Continue)
Anti-Torque Pedals or Tail Rotor Control
In accordance with Newton's law of action and reaction, the helicopter fuselage tends to rotate in the direction opposite to the rotor blades . This effect is called torque . Torque must be counteracted and controlled to make flight is possible . Compensation for torque in a single main rotor helicopter is accomplished by means of a variable pitch antitorque rotor (tail rotor) located on the end of the tail boom extension at the rear of fuselage. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/control.jpg http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/topview.jpg
Heading Control : In addition to counteracted torque, the tail rotor and its control linkage also permit control of the helicopter heading during flight . Application of more control than is necessary to counteract torque will cause the nose of helicopter to turn in the direction of pedal movement. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/pedal_ctrl.jpg
In forward flight , the pedals are not used to control the heading of the helicopter (except during portions of crosswind takeoff and approach). They are used to compensate for torque to put the helicopter in longitudinal trim so that coordinated flight can be maintained.

The thrust of the tail rotor is depend upon the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades. The tail rotor may have a positive pitch angle or it may have a negative pitch angle which to push the tail to the right or pull the tail to the left. http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/tail_pitch.jpg
With the right pedal pressed or moved forward of the neutral position will cause the tail rotor blades to change the pitch angle and the nose of helicopter will yaw to the right . With the left pedal pressed or moved forward of the neutral position will cause the tail rotor blades to change the pitch angle opposite to the right pedal and the nose of helicopter will yaw to the left.
next : flight control page 3 (http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/heli_control_3.html) http://www.thaitechnics.com/helicopter/tg5/banner_22.gif

10-10-2007, 07:16 PM
حلو حلو
بس تقريبا الكلام هذا نضري أكثر من هو عملي

Transmission : The transmission system transmits engine power to the main rotor, tail rotor, generator and other accessories. The engine is operated at a relative high speed while the main rotor turns at a much lower speed. This speed reduction is accomplished through reduction gears in the

هنا قصده يكون الدنمو سريع جدا ويتم تبطيؤه بي التروس لكي تكون المروحه قويه وسرعتها جيده
ولا العكس الدنمو بطيه ولاكنه قوي ويتم تسريع المروحه بالتروس ؟

أنت الحين تبي تسوي هيكل الطياره بنفسك ولا تشتري قطع ؟
أنا فهمت من عنوان الموضوع يعني أنو بس تقريبا حتشترو الدنمو و البطاريه والباقي كله أنتو الي حتسووه (حتى جهاز الأرسال أنتو حتسوه)

لو أنتا حتسويها فهل هذي الطريقه صحيحه لتوازن الطائره (لأن المروحه هي التي ستحمل الطائره )
فقلت أنا لو ربطنا خيط مكان المروحه المفروض تكون الطائره متوازنه وألم تكن نحاول وزنها بتزويد بعض الأشياء
(ماأدري أنا أتوقع كذا) >>> الصوره في المرفق

طيب يبلكم دنمو خفيف وقوي في نفس الوقت
و بطاريه قويه وخفيفه
((هذا لو حابين تسوها بنفسكم مو تشترو جاهز))

أنا أكون صريح معاكم الحين ما أقدر أشاركم هذا المشروع بس حبيت أدلو بأفكاري .

11-10-2007, 12:14 AM
عندي تصميم ليهليكوبتور بمروحتين في الاعلى وبمحرك واحد ولا تحتاج الى المروحة الخلفية

هل تريدون مني طرح الفكرة ........؟

سلام عليكم

علي جنيدي
11-10-2007, 02:18 PM
عندي تصميم ليهليكوبتور بمروحتين في الاعلى وبمحرك واحد ولا تحتاج الى المروحة الخلفية

هل تريدون مني طرح الفكرة ........؟

سلام عليكم
تكون مشكور إذا طرحته

12-10-2007, 05:02 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الفكرة بسيطة جدا جدا

يوضع محرك ذا راس مسنن تسنن مستقيم
وفوق المحرك قاعدة تضم ترسين مستقيمين وتكون القاعدة ملتحمة بالمحرك
وبهذا الشكل يخرج من كل ترس عامود متصل بمروحة والمروحتين بيكون دورانهم باتجاهين مختلفين فنضع ميل الريش في المروحتين بشكلين متعاكسين بحيث يدفع الهواء الى الاسفل
وبهذا االشكل لا تحتاج الهيليكوبتر الى مروحة خلفية تقاوم حركة العكسية للمحرك
وبالنسبة لحركة الهليكوبتر توجد طريقتين
الاولى اما ان يوضع ثقل في الطائرة يتحرك بحساس وبمحرك كلما توجه الثقل الى الامام تميل الطائرة من الامام وتتحرك الى الامام واذا رجع الى وضعه الطبيعي تتوقف واذا رجع الى الخلف تريوس

الثانية هي ان نقطع العامودين من نقطة معينة ونبعد المقطعين عن بعضهما ونضع بينهما سبرينغ ((فكرة عكس السيارات ذات الدفع الامامي )) وبهذا الشكل يمكن للمروحة ان تميل الى الامام او الى الخلف او تبقى ثابته وذلك بتحريك الجزء العلوي من العامود المقطوع بجهاز وبهذا الشكل نقدر نخلي مروحة توجه الهيليكوبتر الى الامام وفي نفس الوقت ترتفع او نخليها تتقدم الى الامام بشكل تقليدي

وهذه هي الفكرة مبسطتا وعلى الكتابة
في حال عدم استيعاب الخطوات كتابيها انا راح احاول ارسمها واعرضها في الموضوع
سلام عليكم

13-10-2007, 09:49 PM
الرَجاء التوضيح بالصور

13-12-2007, 09:33 PM
أنا من هوات صنع الطائراة

13-12-2007, 09:35 PM
لدي افكار كتيرة وأريد ان أطرحها عليكم

13-12-2007, 09:44 PM

14-12-2007, 12:07 AM
مشكووووووووووووور ويعطيك العافية علي مجهودك

09-08-2008, 02:09 AM
حسنا ان مفهوم ديناميكية الهواء وكيفية تأثيره على الطائره لكي ترتفع هذه الطائره عن سطح الأرض مهم جدا لأي هاوي . فدعونا نبحر في هذه النظريه ونحاول تفهمها.
انظر الى الشكل (1-2):



ان سر النظريه في الطيران هو شكل الجناح فلو نظرنا الى الشكل (1-2) سنجد ان الشكل عباره عن مقطع عرضي للجناح ونقول انه ان قوة الرفع التي هي السبب في رفع الطائره تتولد بسبب ضغط الهواء الموجود حول اسفل الجناح لكونه اقوى من الضغط الواقع على اعلاه وذلك كما ذكرنا بسبب شكل الجناح لأن شكل الجناح السفلي شبه مسقيم وبالتالي يمر الهواء من خلاله اسرع وبكميات اكبر والعكس بالنسبه لأعلى الجناح..
وكلما زادت زاوية الموحهه مع اهواء زاد الأرتفاع. والعكس صحيح.

القوى المؤثره على الطائره :

يوجد اربعة قوى اساسيه تعمل على التأثير المباشر بالطائره : وهي قوة السحب , قوة الجر، الوزن،قوة الرفع

قوة السحب : هي القوه المولده عن طريق المحرك و دوران المروحه حيث يولدان معا قوة تسحب الطائره الى الأمام..
قوة الجر: هي مدى مقاومة الطائره لقوة الهواء الواقع على الأسطح المواجهه للهواء . ولضمان الحصول على سعه ثابته بأرتفاع ثابت قوة السحب يجب ان تتساوى مع قوة الجر .

الوزن : الوزن هو تأثير طبيعي لجاذبية الأرض..

قوة الرفع : هي ناتج احتكاك الهواء بالجناح وتوليد الضفط الكافي تحته لرفع الجسم عم الأرض . ولضمان الحصول على ارتفاع ثابت يجب ان تتساوى قواتا الوزن والرفع ..

كما نجد ان قوة الرفع تزيد كلما زادت سرعة الهواء التي تمر حول الجناح.

17-09-2008, 02:36 AM