المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أبغى أسرار لعبة درايفر 1 على PC

05-12-2001, 11:33 AM

07-12-2001, 01:42 PM
صحيح أنها بألأنجليزي لكن أحسن من لاشيء , أهم حاجه الكودات اللي في البدايه ,وإذا طلع كلامي غلط أعذرني لأني أصلاً مالعبتها لا على البي سي ولا على السوني بل لم ألعب أي لعبه على البي السي
بس مع ذلك رديت عليك لأني أعرف شعور الواحد إذا يحب اللعبه ويبغالها أسرار أتمنى لك التوفيق
وأعذرني على التقصير

At the high score screen, enter any of the following as your name:

NJW280172 Fast cars
WAC271074 No Police
RUS3L God mode
TMR300866 Credits
ANJW16696 Start as wanted person

Carnage Take A Ride invincibility
Play a carnage movie (if one was created). After it is completed, play Take A
Drive, and you should be invincible (except for running into buildings).

Carnage Take A Ride airborne cars
Enable the "Invincibility" and "Fast cars" codes. Start Carnage Take A Ride
mode, get to 175 mph and ram into a car perfectly head on. If done correctly,
the other car will become airborne and sometimes never come down.

Driving on the sidewalks
You can drive on the sidewalks regardless of what the manual states. Just drive
slowly and do not hit any signs, cars, or other objects.

Easy getaway
When you are wanted and you see a cop in front of you, drive up behind him. He
will see you in his rear-view mirror and turn around to try to get you. If
timed correctly, you can try to get the cop to crash into a tree or obstacle to
get a great opportunity to get away.

If you are playing the Getaway game, drive at top speed on a long straight and
do not crash. You will almost always get away.

Ending bonus
After completing the game, you can drive any car that you drove in the
missions, including the truck with the explosives, the taxi, the police car
(honk the horn for sirens), and others. You can also access all of the cheats
(including the Newcastle Level), but you can only drive the different cars in
Take A Drive mode. Additionally, you can play any level in the game.

Hidden city
Successfully complete the game once to unlock a hidden city

Stop the cops
You can actually damage a police and make it die. Just hit it on the back, and
doors. You won’t get as much damage as him.

New Castle Level Bridge
Successfully complete the game to unlock the new castle level. There is a
bridge that is blocked off at the very beginning of that level. Get right in
front of the bridge, so you are facing it. If you look to the right, the little
things with the ropes on them will appear. In between them is a small opening.
Go through it to get behind all the places that are previously blocked on that

Demo Version - Reach 204mph
First of all, select the Jaguar (Car type 16). Start game as normal, find a
nice long road, and build up speed to around 100-110mph. Release the
accelerator (And Burn Out if you're using it). Hold down the cruise control key
(C I think is the default). Instead of slowing down to cruise speed (30-40mph),
your car will carry on speeding up, past its usual 178mph or so, we hit 204mph,
but we ran out of road (Ouch that wall hurt), maybe you can get more out of it!