المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : :: The Past School Year ::

:: HiDEY ::
10-06-2007, 11:13 PM
Salam, everybody
How're you all doing ?

It's been a very long . stressful year
filled with work and ambition
:: To a Better Future ::

We were assigned to study
Get homeworks
Have evaluation (Examination) periods
Not to mention the extra work some of us has to do
Throughout all that
We expect something
In return
:: Grades ::
:: Success ::

Some of us might be hard working enough
to gain all the grades there are in the world
but fail to reach that single wish
While others work barely enough
and get the bestest grades there are

:: Just want to say ::
It is a matter of luck
No matter what we do
How hard we work
:: We can always work harder ::
:: We can always do better ::
And one thing we should all know
Our grades have no relation to
Our creativity
Our intelligence
Our wills
And our performances

:: We pray for the best ::
And better we get
Better than just good, right?

To all the students, God bless you
To Graduates, Congratulation
and to all

:: Better luck next year, homies ::

11-06-2007, 04:22 PM
Thank you so much our dear sister Hidey
For these inspiring words of wisdom
Actually your words reminded me of something that I wrote
A few days ago in my blog
I wrote :-
“You’ve to do your best without expecting the best” & Also “Give those who are so dear to you as much as you possibly can.. & Don’t expect to be rewarded with even the least of appreciation”

& What I meant that Allah is fair
& Never misjudge anyone
But we, as human beings & with our limited brains, Might think
That we were given less than what we deserve..& That's totally wrong

Do your best & Even if you failed in achieveing yor goals
& Don't be disappointed & Continue working as long as
There's the least of oxygen in your lungs...

Thank you so much Hidey, I really missed your great spirit in the English forum section....


:: HiDEY ::
12-06-2007, 12:17 AM
You are so very welcome brother Mustafa
Nice words , brother
Unfortunately, though.. When I do something
That involved a lot of time and effort
I would expect very much of it
That the out come never satisfies me
For example, my life as a student
my grades.. they are never good enough
But, All I can say is Alhamdulillaah
Because this is my fortune
my fate
: )
Thanks for your words
and its good to be back

Amal Sayed
13-06-2007, 11:36 PM
Asslam Alikum
Oh dear hidey God knows how much I know what you mean
no matter how much you do you don't feel like you got what you want
however I learned recently that some people don't want to work at all and just want to get rewards for nothing
you don't seems like one of them so be proud of that..
I'll be back when I actually finish my exams and that would be next week

:: HiDEY ::
14-06-2007, 04:20 AM
Hey there, Amal
Nice to see you here
Good luck in your finals
See you around

23-06-2007, 09:57 PM
hey there hidey ...all your words are so right Ireally like it
I cant tell you how I really like your way of dealing and your personality Ireally love all you topics ....thanx any way and sorry but
i have to say that :3

:: HiDEY ::
23-06-2007, 10:59 PM
Thanks for all your sweet words sister Exna
Good to see you here
: )

مستر حريقة
24-06-2007, 08:54 PM
:أفكر: ?You're not disappointing me, are you

!!!I still got three exams

:) Bless you

:: HiDEY ::
25-06-2007, 10:32 PM
Nakash brother, Good luck in your final finals
And all I am saying is, we need to maitain a certain lever
of self apretiation even if we don't do very well in our education
: )

One more point : Some of us are good with painting
Others have great computer skills
And some can speak other languages fluently
We all know a thing or two that school didn't teach us
and we are very bright at it
This means that we can perform better
if we were not forced to perform anything
: )
Good luck to all
And Congratulations of finishing one hell of a year

Amal Sayed
01-07-2007, 12:33 AM
We all know a thing or two that school didn't teach us
and we are very bright at it
This means that we can perform better
if we were not forced to perform anything
: )

Oh yeah you are right about that..
when I was in high school my English teacher kept telling me she wants to see the full mark on my test paper, although I was- and still- really good in English I couldn't ever get the full mark because I felt she is pushing too much ! I couldn't foucs on the qustions coz I was too scared of failing...

katsumi san
01-07-2007, 01:46 PM
و عليكم السلام..
First of all
thank you very much dear Hidey
for these wonderful & inspiring words

It is a matter of luck
No matter what we do
How hard we work
:: We can always work harder ::
:: We can always do better ::
And one thing we should all know
Our grades have no relation to
Our creativity
Our intelligence
Our wills
And our performances

I partially agree with this idea
because we can't say that our grades
and our marks in the exams are because of our luck

I think that when someone study hard
he will get excellent marks
ان الله لايضيع اجر من احسن عملا

In addition to that there is a very important thing
that we rarely mention
when a student is self confident
be sue that he will do a good work

thanks again for the nice topic
I hope to see more of your intersting subjects


01-07-2007, 08:40 PM
hi hidey ... i just wanted to say that ur so right
i'v worked so hars and couldn't reach my goal
but like u sayed better luck next year

:: HiDEY ::
04-07-2007, 07:23 PM
و عليكم السلام..
First of all
thank you very much dear Hidey
for these wonderful & inspiring words

I partially agree with this idea
because we can't say that our grades
and our marks in the exams are because of our luck

I think that when someone study hard
he will get excellent marks
ان الله لايضيع اجر من احسن عملا

In addition to that there is a very important thing
that we rarely mention
when a student is self confident
be sue that he will do a good work

thanks again for the nice topic
I hope to see more of your intersting subjects


Well lool who's here
I totally respect your view
I really like it when I get to explore other people's thinking and ponts of view
You are right, some of us lack self confidance
I for one have zero self confidance when it comes to preperations for exams
even after finishing a test
I am never sure of my answers
But, my grades prove otherwise
With all the thanks to Allah who granted me the mental health I need to persue my studies

Thanks again for passing