المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نظف هاردك وكانه جاي من المصنع : R-Wipe and Clean v7.6.1296

28-07-2007, 06:28 AM
R-Wipe and Clean ver.7.6.1296


هذا البرنامج يعمل على تنظيف جهازك من المخلفات ومن اثار جميع الملفات

فمثلا اذا كنت تريد بيع هارد ديسك وتريد الحفاظ على خصوصيه ملفاتك التي سبق ان حفظتها عليه
استخدم هذا البرنامج
وسيجعل جهازك طازه من المصنع :D
باذن الله

من وظائفه:
حذف الملفات المؤقته
وملفات الاكمال التلقائي
وحذف اثار تصفحك للانترنت
وكلمات المرور
وحتى جهات الاتصال المحذوفه
والكثير الكثير ........
هذا الاصدار يدعم الانترنت اكسبلوورو 7
والاوبرا والفاير فوس ومايكروسوفت اوفيس 2007 و MSN و google وغيرهم

R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently opened documents list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc., traces from more than 200 third-party applications, and free up your disk space. The utility wipes files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a background task.
New R-Wipe & Clean 7.6 supports all recent versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla /Mozilla Firefox, Opera, NETSCAPE, AOL, MSN, and BT Yahoo browsers as well as the Google and MSN toolbars and removes traces from 200+ third-party applications, including Microsoft Office 2007.

جميع ما تسطيع عمله بواسطته هو:

* Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.
* Wipe and delete temporary Internet files.
* Wipe and delete cookies, small files that web sites store on your computers for identification purposes. Your favorite cookies may be safely kept.
* Wipe and delete Flash cookies, small files that web sites create on your computer.
* Wipe and delete Java and Microsoft VM logs.
* Clean autocomplete forms : logins, user names, passwords and other personal information entered at web sites and keywords entered at search engines.
* Clean history: lists of visited web sites.
* Clean list of recently opened documents.
* Clean list of open file history.
* Clean Windows clipboard content.
* Wipe and delete temporary files created by Windows and other programs.
* Clean system Registry traces: run list, search results, mapped network drives, attached peripheral devices, last opened Registry key, etc.
* Clean MFUs: lists of most frequently used programs, start menu links and icons, Control Panel items, Favorite Web pages, and Internet Explorer buttons.
* Wipe .dat files (even locked) to remove any leftovers after incorrect Windows shutdowns.
* Wipe and delete offline content.
* Clean activity traces from more than 200 third-party applications, including Microsoft Office, standard Windows, and numerous popular programs. Installed applications are detected automatically.
* Create customized wipe lists to clean activity traces from any application that R-Wipe&Clean currently does not support. Such wipe lists may include application working and temporary folders and files, and registry keys.
* Wipe Windows swap files.
* Wipe and delete invalid Desktop shortcuts: the shortcuts that are on your Desktop but not linked to any existing objects.
* Clean Windows event logs.
* Wipe Windows built-in Firewall logs.
* Clean links to recent network folders.
* Wipe auxiliary temporary files: setup temporary and log files, memory dump files, old Check Disk files..
* Wipe and delete Prefetch traces.
* Wipe and delete Defragmentation list.
* Clean Stored Explorer View Settings.
* Clean Stored Application Descriptions.
* Wipe and delete cached Icons and Fonts.
* Wipe and delete Windows update logs .
* Wipe and delete WMI, Diagnostics, and Security Management logs.
* Clean Stored Network Passwords.

الحجم: 3.55 ميجا

كلمه السر لفك الضغط بالمرفقات

الملف رفعته لعيونكم على موقع طق طق وذلك ليتسنى للجميع تحميله :09:

http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/2528/43h9c04he0.gif (http://upload.9q9q.net/file/sRowvtJkg/-Wipe_and_Clean_v7_1_.6.1296.rar.html)

Dark Night
30-07-2007, 09:24 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .
مشاركة طيبة منك اخوي ناروتو استمر في مشاركتك واختيارك الممتاز في البرامج
دمت بسعادة

03-08-2007, 03:21 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
مشكووور اخوي دارك للمرور والتقيم
وان شاء الله اكون عند حسن الظن

03-08-2007, 03:29 AM
مشكور اخوي برنامج تنضيف ممتاز
نريد المزيد منك الحق وحط موضوع زياده

03-08-2007, 07:00 PM
مشكور اخوي علي البرنامج

05-08-2007, 12:19 AM
مشكوووور ومنورنا دايما خيو

Uchiha Itachi
06-08-2007, 01:20 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

برنامج رائع و مميز فعلاً خصوصاً دعمه للعدة أنواع من المتصفحات

شكراً و بارك الله فيك أخوي ناروتو

بالتوفيق .. ^^

10-08-2007, 05:51 AM
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
هلا والله بايتاشي
مشكوووور خيو على الرد