المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : A cat in trouble

Amal Sayed
16-11-2007, 03:03 PM
Asslam Alikum
So, I need your help to save a kitten, so well you help me?
Ok so here is the thing, on top of the Garage there is this roof, OK? you can see the roof from the kitchen's window but then the roof ends with a wall, not too high though , so the owner of the house had put another wall, behind the first one.. a little longer... now the cat is on top of the first wall,
she is young, scared and is going to starve to death,
I can't find a way to feed her or give her water or even get her out of there.
the window is kind of far from the wall,and it has metal bars on it.
any ideas???
I can send one of the kids on top of the roof to get her out but, well, they are kids, they might as well fall off the roof or simply not be able to handle a scared cat.
so I can't study -and I have to- and I can't eat or do anything she is driving me nuts.. I am so worried on her.. she might as well die of hunger or thurest,

oh yeah I tried to drop food and water using a rope from the main roof but, the stupied cat is sitting right in the corner where I can't find a spot right on top of it.. she wouldn't move either so I can't just put it close..

مستر حريقة
16-11-2007, 03:33 PM
Asslam Alikum

So, I need your help to save a kitten, so well you help me?
Ok so here is the thing, on top of the Garage there is this roof, OK? you can see the roof from the kitchen's window but then the roof ends with a wall, not too high though , so the owner of the house had put another wall, behind the first one.. a little longer... now the cat is on top of the first wall,
she is young, scared and is going to starve to death,
I can't find a way to feed her or give her water or even get her out of there.
the window is kind of far from the wall,and it has metal bars on it.
any ideas???
I can send one of the kids on top of the roof to get her out but, well, they are kids, they might as well fall off the roof or simply not be able to handle a scared cat.
so I can't study -and I have to- and I can't eat or do anything she is driving me nuts.. I am so worried on her.. she might as well die of hunger or thurest,

oh yeah I tried to drop food and water using a rope from the main roof but, the stupied cat is sitting right in the corner where I can't find a spot right on top of it.. she wouldn't move either so I can't just put it close..

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

:D Hey Amal

.... Looks nice

!! ?Firstly, Who is the owner and who are you
I mean once you say the owner and once you say I

And secondly, How did that kitten get there if its that small and scared

!! Finaly, Why do you want to take the cat off that roof

:blackeye:and by the way
?Whos roof is it

:DThank you

Amal Sayed
17-11-2007, 07:52 PM
asslam alikum
it is our roof but I meant that by the owner is the person who built this house..
I don't know how did she get there..
and third I feel really REALLY bad for her..
I couldn't stop thinking about her at school today I mean I felt bad everytime I see a cat walking and we have dozens of cat in my school!
I even named her.. didn't you notice that I am talking about it as she not it
my dad said she was walking around today but still couldn't get out
any ideas?

مستر حريقة
17-11-2007, 11:58 PM
:ponder: Call 911

Silver Pearl
18-11-2007, 02:04 AM
i first thought it is a story or wisdom :) nevermind

if 'tis that serious situation ..you shouldn't just stay here n post a thread

you should do somethin ..call the owner or just tell your dad about it

p.s i wonder why did you post it here i mean in the English forums
i guess it would be better in other place ..i mean to talk arabic to free your feelings toward your kitten

Amal Sayed
19-11-2007, 08:17 PM
well, I did talk to my dad and my brother was sitting there and their main concern was: if it died it'll stink, how are we going to get rid of the body?
so you see how my brothers are softhearted.. and beside two brains better than one..
and I feel much better writing in English...it is a matter of habbit..
911 is not an opiton it is Saudi Arabia.. no one cares for cats!

but there is an improving, she is moving now around but still can't get out.. my dad was too worried about how to get the dead body off the roof now he said he'll try and find a way.. but knowing my own father I know he'll forgot about her in a couple of days.
any other ideas?

مستر حريقة
19-11-2007, 11:58 PM

? ! Can you take a picture of the crime scene

dream catcher
23-11-2007, 01:30 PM
hey, Amal
long time no see girl
welcome back
will you shoot me dead if I said I kind of agree with your brother?

28-11-2007, 10:29 PM
hi amal and every body

if the problem still on you just can rent some buddy to do that job..;r

i would do that for you if i am in saudi arabia now just to make you


and to clear your father's mind about the dead buddy:)...r

you can also drop some fish for her if you still can't reach to her

hope you get over this issue
and keep us up to date
fee aman allah

Amal Sayed
29-11-2007, 09:32 PM
Asslam Alikum
well, Dream catcher.. I would beat you up for what you said
and if it would make you feel better she died I mean the cat..
anasserge, I hired my nephew to do the "dirty work" but he didn't show up! anyway like I said she died I think she got sick or something because I was able finally to feed her..
of course Dream Catcher you are wondring what did we do about the smell, well, my dad did his magic... in other words I have no idea I was too misrable to even care.. but the manage getting the dead body out..
sucks huh!

No wonder I don't have pets!
thanks for everyones ideas

fee aman allah

مستر حريقة
29-11-2007, 10:49 PM
^^ hahaha

:09: Congratulations then

:D Peace out