المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Mistress of the Art of Death

Amal Sayed
16-12-2007, 02:36 PM
Asslam Alikum
Mistress of the Art of Death
by " Ariana Franklin"
it is a really good book, I
hope you like it
The story takes place in the twelvth century where every woman is a witch or trying to be one,thank God for the 21st century!
the main charcter or I should say the mistress of the art of death is callced Adelia Aguilar
a child is murdered in Cambridge and three more are missing, the townfolks freaked out and locked all the Jewish in a castle acussing them for the murder
HeneryII isn't happy, a big part of his taxs comes from the Jewish, and there is no evidence that they are the one who did it.
so he asks the king of Sicly for a good master of the art of death,
so the investigator he sent Simon of Naples accompaind with an Arab called Mansour and a doctor of the dead Adelia, reached Cambridge, seeking for a killer who is welling to kill again,
http://www.lovereading.co.uk/books/covers/ghf/Mistress_of_the_Art_of_Death_HB_jacket.jpg (http://www.lovereading.co.uk/login.php?book=1980)

the book is really good and I have more thing to say about it but not at this moment I'll post again what I think about the book after reading it!
fee aman allah
waiting to hear from you!

16-12-2007, 04:56 PM
, Hello amal

it sounds interesting, like a movie
anyways, I'll try to get the book if I had the chance,
? the setting is in france, ...right

. thank you
wishing you an enjoyable reading

Amal Sayed
16-12-2007, 11:37 PM
Asslam Alikum
Het foxy
as a matter of fact the story is in England
you see what I liked about the book that the auther is careful, you see she didn't just write about an arab guy she made sure as I am arab and Muslim can notice that she only wrote facts about Muslims
I hate it when people would make a movie or write a book about something and don't bother to make it right..
I mostly noticed this in movies
and she gives her charcters a deep personality they aren't pure good or pure evil and I like this in books
I mean I guess I only likes books in this kind because to me the personality of the charcters really matter.

thanks foxy for dropping by I hope you enjoy your reading
fee aman allah

مستر حريقة
17-12-2007, 03:51 AM
I've read the beginning of the book

It looks interesting actually
:D I seem to like it

I'll comment on it after reading like half of it Inshaa' Allah

Thank you Amal
^_^ Nice seeing you back

17-12-2007, 04:44 PM
Seems like a decent book
But sure cost you money to buy ... So..... you know
I got to ask you to borrow it to me

If you can .... please .... lol

Welcome Back my dear cousin Amal

Amal Sayed
17-12-2007, 06:10 PM
Asslam alikum
thanks Nakkash
I really hope you like it, it is really good
and Mustafa even if I gave it to you , you are not going to read it in this century right?
thanks for dropping by
fee aman allah

dream catcher
24-12-2007, 01:30 PM
3likum assalm, Amal

Currently reading 2 books:
State of Fear by Michal Crichton
and Freakonomics

maybe I'll read after I finish 'them
just tell me if I can find it in Jarir bookstore
and I'll buy it as soon as I get the chance

Amal Sayed
24-12-2007, 03:34 PM
Asslam Alikum Dream
Hmmm Jarir, I don't know but I kind find out and then I can let you know
you see I got it from my bookstore<<<< my sister in law's bookshelf!
so I don't really know
but it is a good book you have to read it
so you are reading for Crichton, I heard he is good, never read for him though..
he writes horror books right?
thanks for dropping by though