المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المغامرة و الحركة استفسار عاجل عن لعبة Ninja Gaiden Sigma

29-12-2007, 10:15 PM
السلام عليكم

انا في شابتر 6 تحديدا هانز بار

قتلت حقين الدبابات ثم كان في ممر ضيق وفتحوه لي رحت يمه تسلقت على وحده من زواياه وكان في زي اللوح معلق بالهوى اخذته

المهم بعد هالخطوة رحت يمين يسار فوق تحت مدري وين اروح ياليت احد يدلني لاهنتم ( طبعا فتحتاكثر من بوابه بعضها فيها مدرعات خلف شبك )

ملاحظه ممنك تكون هامة /
بعد مااخذت اللوح الي فوق الممر بعد ماقتلت راكبين الدبابات ,, مااذكر هل حفظت اللعبه او لا

بانتظار الرد
والف شكر لكم

29-12-2007, 11:26 PM
وضح أكثر اذا تقدر ؟

30-12-2007, 11:09 AM
الشابتر اسمه ( ذا سيتي اوف فايندس )

بييجين في اثنين راكبين دراجات نارية احاربهم بعدين وين اروح ؟

30-12-2007, 01:22 PM
المفروض اييلك لقطة فيلم
أو انك تروح للهانز بار اللي صار بابه زاوية مبنى

30-12-2007, 02:32 PM
أخوي ماذكر عدل بس اذا كانت الحانة مقفولة فروح و اشتر اي شيء من محل الشايب و بعدين بيعطيك تذكرة دخول مجانية للحانة .

The Snipers
30-12-2007, 03:30 PM
أضن ان مكان الموضوع خطأ اذهب الى قسم الاستفسارات

30-12-2007, 05:44 PM
لا الحانه (هانز بار ) فتحتها وشريت من محل الشايب وكل شي اوكي

DeeK MantooF
30-12-2007, 06:32 PM
ليش ما ترجع للـwalkthrough
في اي موقع من مواقع الالعاب
بما ان الحلول الكاملة للالعاب في المواقع العربية ضحلة ,, روح للمواقع الاجنبية
انا واصل لحد شابتر 11
وموقف هناك ماخذ راحة لاعصابي :D
وارجع للحلول الكاملة او walkthrough اذا تعبت ادور في المرحلة بدون فايدة خاصة ان بعض الاماكن ما يرجعو فيها الوحوش تقتلهم

على اي حال...ذاكرتي ما تسمح ارجع لورا 5 شابترات :D

اتمنى ما تلقى صعوبة في قراءة اللغة الانقليزية :)


Approach the nearby Save Point and SAVE your game first! Now
open the nearby chest to obtain some goodies. Time to leave this place!


There are two ways to leave Han's Bar: the hard way or the easy way.

--THE EASY WAY: Jump down the balcony (the one Gamov jumped from) to
the lower balcony. Open the chest for another set of goodies and then
jump down to the street below.

--THE HARD WAY: Go inside the Bar and take the stairs going down.
Eliminate the soldiers waiting for you and continue down the halls.
Eliminate another batch of soldiers as you make your way to the exit.

Choose whichever way you want. Just note that if you jump down to the
street, you will miss out on some chests inside Han's Bar. As you exit
back onto the street, more MSAT Motorcycle guys will appear. Defeat
them by using the Flying Swallow. Once the area is clear of motorcycle
threats, approach the Save Point next to Han's Bar to SAVE your game!

As you leave Pleasure Street, Ayane will throw a scroll at the nearby
wall about a "hidden weapon". Look above the walls to see blue lines.
For this part, you will use a Wall Run & Jump method. Jump and run the
blue lines and then press the Square Button to land on a high ledge
with a special weapon. Grab the weapon to obtain the WINDMILL SHURIKEN.

Also, don't forget to touch the TEAM NINJA prototype next to the
Windmill Shuriken to completely restore health and Ninpo. Come back
here whenever you need to refill on health and Ninpo. Now jump down and
head towards the end of the alley to find a Golden Scarab.


Remember that large door with the Bronze Lilly on it? Make your way
back to that door. Once you get there, enter through to find more
soldiers waiting for you. Eliminate them and head down the alley. Use a
continuous Wall Run at the end of the alley to the upper ledge with a
chest waiting there.


As you make your way down the alley, a trio of BS Ninjas will appear.
These three will re-spawn every time you come back to this area, so
eliminate them as fast as you can! When the Ninjas are dead, continue
down Moat Road into a zigzag passageway. Inside the passageway, you'll
see a locked gate that needs a key. Continue outside the passageway to
a small area that has a Save Point. SAVE your game and then go up the
stairs to a new area.



In this small enclosed area, you'll see a drawbridge that is up and
more motorcycle soldiers. Eliminate them to clear this area and then
enter the blue-jeweled doorway. When you enter the other side, you'll
see a long alley and three more soldiers waiting at the other end.
Quickly roll jump towards them and destroy them to clear this area.

In the middle of the alley is a chest that contains the PEGASUS KEY.
Open the chest to obtain the item. Opposite from the chest is a Golden
Scarab on a ledge. To get to it, use a continuous Wall Run on the
nearby wall to grab it.

Once you've gotten the Scarab, jump back down to Moat Road below or
take the blue-jeweled door back to the locked gate near Moat Road.
Whichever way you choose, be prepared to face those three BS Ninjas.
Once you use the PEGASUS KEY on the gate, pull the lever inside the
room to lower the drawbridge in Drawbridge Square. SAVE your game if
you need to and make your way past the drawbridge.



Cross the Drawbridge and make your way up the large stairs to
Drawbridge Hill. On the way up, you'll see a Save Point across the way,
but when you reach it, three BS Ninjas will jump down to ambush you.
Eliminate them ninjas with some hard combos.

Golden Scarab #8 is right next to the Save Point on Drawbridge Hill.
Grab the item and then take the path to the right. Search the wall
crevices to find Golden Scarab #9 and a chest with an Elixir next to
it. Grab the items and go BACK the other way you came. Go around the
street to find Muramasa's Statue. Replenish any stock you need and then
go down the stairs to Monastery Plaza.


As soon as you enter this area, the gate will rise and lock you in and
a bunch of soldiers will drop down from a nearby balcony. Quickly make
your way to the area where they are jumping down from and eliminate
them by using Izuna Drops and UT's. Once you killed them all, the gates
unlock and you can continue through.

The front gates to the Monastery are closed at the moment, so you'll
need to take the path on the other side. As you make your way to the
other side of the Monastery, you will be ambushed by MORE BS Ninjas.
Stay evasive and use some well-timed counterattacks and Izuna Drops on
them to eliminate them all. Once the Ninjas are gone, search the tiny
alleyway to find a chest with goodies.

Before you continue, I suggest saving your game! Go back to Drawbridge
Hill and SAVE there. Just remember, whenever you reload a SAVED GAME in
Drawbridge Hill, you WILL be ambushed by the BS Ninjas, so BE PREPARED!
Alright, now go all the way to the other side of the Monastery.


While this area may look empty, continue going down until the gates
rise and lock. A new set of Motorcycle soldiers will appear here (one
driving the bike with another sitting in the cab next to him). Bait the
bikers into driving into the corner so they can't turn around. Use
Flying Swallows on them to easily kill them off.

After the soldiers are dead, a short and hilariously bloody cutscene
will occur. Be prepared for a sub-boss battle!



This will be your first encounter with these red-colored dinos (and
certainly not the last, either). They have a couple of hard attacks
that you can simply evade and block.

Here's the way to evade them: If you are behind them, they turn around
and use their tail to smack you (it's a tricky attack). Block and roll
away when you see them turn around. When they use their two-hit melee
combo attack, simply block it. If they use their Fire Breath, roll
away. If they use their Rollerball attack, simply block it. When they
do their jumping attack, roll away to avoid getting pounced. AND...if
they use their Chomp Attack (where they chomp you with their large
mouths), use a well-timed Reverse Wind.

To destroy them with some ease, attack them from up front. Block their
melee attack or chomp and then use the Blade of Nirrti attack on them.
Roll away after the combo to let them retaliate and then repeat the
tactic. It's simple as it sounds, but when you have three dinos roaming
around, you need to be evasive. Use the tactic to kill them all and to
trigger another cutscene with Rachel's boobs.



The strategy for Hydracubus is simple as can be. Simply use the Flying
Swallow on its tentacles to slice them off. When both tentacles are
gone, the boss is vulnerable and you can attack it non-stop until its
tentacles re-grow.

That's pretty much it. Of course, you still need to be evasive when it
lunges its tentacles at you. When you block its tentacle swipes, it
breaks your guard, so keep the Reverse Wind handy. Also, if you move
too far away, it spews out Acid Balls, so try to stay up close to it.

When you've lopped off both tentacles, use an Ultimate Technique and a
Blade Of Nirrti attack on it to lower its health dramatically. Keep up
the strategy and the battle is done! Yay for Rachel's boobs!


اتمنى اني ما سويت شي مخالف لقوانين المنتدى :D

30-12-2007, 10:16 PM
^^^يعطيك العافيه اخويبس لو تقدر تستخلص فقط الجزء المطلوب وتختصرها لي بالعربي اكون شاكر جدا لك