المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : We are all welcom here!

Amal Sayed
05-03-2008, 11:38 PM
Asslam Alikum

How are you all?
hope you are doing well,
so I've been doing some real good reading lately, and I have so much books to talk about that I didn't know which one to start with!

for this time I choose a book about races.
I know what people usually say about how we don't have races here in K.S.A or in Arab in general
and I think we are fooling each other

so this book by Elizabeth Berg and it is called " We are all welcom here"
it takes place on 1964 in Mississippi, we are going to learn how and why this summer was called " the freedom summer"
you read the book for the point of view of Diana the fourteen years old girl who is trying to have a normal life, however things might be a little bit tougher than you might think for a teenager with a sick-paralyzed mom,and a dad who doesn't want to be a part of all this mess.
we find out early in the book that Diana's mom have got an illness called polio when she was pregnant with her daughter,
she decided that even though she can't move anything but her head that she wanted to raise her own child, the father however didn't like the handicap mom kindda thing and thought that he is better off- Yes I really hated this guy-

so anyway it is a really good book
I mean honestly really really good

so read it and enjoy!

tips before you read :
* You might want to read a little about polio.
*if you are races you might want to consider reading this book
*I am out of tips... so just read the book for crying out loud!

Fee Aman Allah,


مستر حريقة
06-03-2008, 03:26 PM
! Will do
So many books to read ... you just need the time

;) I'll look for that book thought

Thank you Amal

06-03-2008, 07:01 PM
Thenks Amal for the summary of this book. It seems a great book since it's a real story with sacrifices from the mom and the girl along with agonies. I'm sure that there is a big victory among all those sorrows. i hated the racist guy even i didn't read the story, but if i hated the racist people i will be racist!!!!. Racist people are everywhere but it is a huge sin if they are muslims at the time islame forbade that.

i will consider reading this book when i found it

Amal Sayed
06-03-2008, 09:45 PM
Asslam Alikum
Ahamd thank you for passing by
this book is just wonderfull
and there is books that you just have to read in your life and this one is one of them!

this woman story is true. I mean the auther inspired her story from a real polio patient who was a single mom and yet she raised her child, as the daughter grow up, she is one of Berg's readers so she sent her asking her to write about her mom's struggling through her life
Berg however wouldn't write such a book but she couldn't help but to be moved by the strong mom
so what she did is that she wrote the book counting on the mom help on the technical parts, and she wrote a diffrent story
however, either way, this book does teach you how to be stronger and fight for your cause

thanks for dropping by
I see what you mean, yes you might be racist if you hated a type of people
however I think I wouldn't be racist if I hated liers for example and therefore I wouldn't allow myself to stay when someone starts talking about other people in this shamefull way, and I don't mind at all showing how low I think they are.

like you said it is even worst when they are Muslims

thanks again

مستر حريقة
06-03-2008, 10:00 PM
Asslam Alikum

Ahamd thank you for passing by
this book is just wonderfull
and there is books that you just have to read in your life and this one is one of them!

this woman story is true. I mean the auther inspired her story from a real polio patient who was a single mom and yet she raised her child, as the daughter grow up, she is one of Berg's readers so she sent her asking her to write about her mom's struggling through her life
Berg however wouldn't write such a book but she couldn't help but to be moved by the strong mom
so what she did is that she wrote the book counting on the mom help on the technical parts, and she wrote a diffrent story
however, either way, this book does teach you how to be stronger and fight for your cause

?! You know what
You just made it more interesting ... I'll certainly look for it
Thank you Amal

06-03-2008, 10:24 PM
hey there !

just wondering, what the novel got to do with racists
since it's about this dramatic story of the mother and the daughter?

sounds like a good read though,
but I have this dozen other books to read

still, thank you Amal
= )

Amal Sayed
16-03-2008, 11:23 PM
Salam everyone
Hey Mr.Flame!
I really hope you read this one it is really good
well , foxy
you see the book is going on two ways at the same time
it is talking about the cripple mom's daughter who is learnign how to respect the others not for what they look like but for thier hearts, having a mom who can't move but her head and having a mom's nurse and best friend as a black woman,
so the book show you how a child can't see why people think black peopl in America at that time doesn't have as much rights as the whites?
for all she knows the black people helped her when none of the whites could left a finger!

so you see now how it is going?
I hope you get to read the book though sometime even if later
and sorry everyone for taking too long to respound it is just I have too much work at school, so I hope you forgive me if I didn't answer in time

thanks every one for passing by

hard times
27-03-2008, 05:19 PM
hi Amal
it is really a nice one.i will search for it.i'm fond of reading novels and plays.if you like there is a novel called Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrance the great English writer.try it and you will see how good is it and interesting

Amal Sayed
30-03-2008, 09:36 PM
Assalm Alikum
So am I hard times,,, I love novles..
will you please tell us a little about this book
sons and Lovers sounds like something.
if I know what the book about I might find more intersting to read
thanks for passing by,
fee aman allah