ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : Affection

dream catcher
14-03-2008, 05:11 PM
Good evening all of ya English forum peeps..

Today was one of ‘em “idle hands” days at work, which means I spent 8 hours of my life doing pretty much nothing..

So we all gathered the six of us “human resources peeps” at the finishing works division in our agency. And as we were bored to death we had to come up with something to pass the time…so, my friend Edgar, starts talking about “love”, nobody complained or said anything, ‘cause that’s Edgar being Edgar, but the thing is…
today the “Love Fever” spread to some of the other guys – probably Dido’s “White Flag” which was playing on the computer at the time has something to do with that - and they did their own fair share of “sharing”…

in the other hand “ME” was to busy being the typical “ME” giving ‘em a face close to this one :31: – since there is no dog face in the real life – (&)

..anyway, it wasn’t all bad since they gave me this insanely wacky idea, to write a love story..(&) an idea approved by my mate Mr. Edgar..:D

So behold, English forum peeps, the greatest love story of ‘em all…

the story that will make Romeo & Juliet sound like child’s play..(&)

Inspired by -and combined of in case you wanna know- several pieces of the stories I heard, and of course my unmistakable magical touch I give you:


[ ... AFFECTION … ]


This is a family friendly story, since this forum had more than it can take of dying and tormented people, thanks to Ms. Woeful…so, all the tortured souls and vindictive little girls can take a break for now...I promise you, no burned, decapitated, smashed, slashed, squished, skinned or blown up bodies…no bloodshed what so ever… this is violent free..:)
Just rainbows and butterflies…P:


Don’t take me seriously…J
I do love your posts… I truly do, so you just keep ‘em coming…and let me do ma thing..
Gotta keep the balance you know…(&)



Before anyone starts criticizing, this absolutely have nothing to do with literal works..!!
Totally random and definitely wacky, just for the kicks..:P

Based on true events…(&)


She is here again…
Laughing, whispering, smiling, laughing again…
Looking at nothing in particular, randomly staring at whatever insight..
Easy going, adolescent, innocent and carefree..
I always thought –for some strange reason- people like her only exist in some book somewhere or some romantic TV show..

But no, there she was...as real as any of us, looking pretty as a Greek siren, yes..!! a siren indeed…

”a man can never dream of these kind of things, specially when she came and spread her wings, whispering in my ears things I’d like, and then she flew into the night..!!”

Yeh, now I think I get what that crazy dude was talking about..!!

Do I like her, you ask…?
Well, I can always give you one of my infamous “The Hazards of Curiosity” lectures, but not this time…I’ll satisfy your curiosity and tell ya, the fact is…
I’ve a certain “thing” towards her, can’t really name it though…anyw…, Huh..? what’s that…? Affection you say..? ..umm, yeh perhaps you can call it that..!!
I’m not good with words and terms you know, there is so many of ‘em..!! and bless you..!! you ain’t that dump after all, ha..?
You got something going for you under that wall thick, bullet-proof skull of yours, you sneaky little thing…!! *giggles*

So, yeh…back to where we were...so, I got this “thing” for her, so you wanna know whats the problem …? You didn’t say anything..? you dan’t have to..!! I can hear you anyway..!!
The problem is…she looks right throw me..!! like I don’t exist ,,to her..at best, I’m just another object, one of ‘em countless objects scattered around throw this lame café shop she passes by every morning before she takes off to god knows where..!!

But I haven’t completely gave up on her yet, I know I’ll grow on, in fact I’m sure..!
all I need is time…you see, we’ve this moment every morning, where the whole world stands back and let us be..!

that moment, when people stop talking, eyes taking a much deserved rest, blinking no more, birds quit singing, even the wind respects the standing still world and blows no more…one of ‘em crazy medieval painters would shoot down a flying saucer for a scene like this!!

Still as a portrait, quite as the tomb of Amon…the world takes the back seat, and begs us to enjoy the moment…

The million dollar smile, the deep as the deepest of ‘em all oceans eyes…my heart beating like the drums of Napoleon’s troops at the gates of Russia, this moment the reason I got off my pathetic excuse for a bed every morning…

this is why I keep coming back to this crappy place, what is beauty..? yeh, I know..every one of ya all can go on and on talking about beauty, but allow me to tell you this, you don’t know beauty, 'cause beauty….

Is her!!

Beauty is her smile, beauty is her deep blue eyes looking at me for a while…oh my friend..! you don’t know jack about beauty ‘cause you don’t know her..!!

Beauty is that magical tune raising up every time she moves her lips…
Yes I’m hearing it again, the sound of a thousand siren..!!

Oh, yes…is the happiness I always read about..? yes…I’m pretty sure it is!!
Once again I find myself mesmerized by the overwhelming charm of this life..!!

Oh yes, I believe I can fly..! Fairies do exist; my grandma wasn’t just kidding us..! and yes, “Emilio” was damn right..who's "Emilio"..? don't you mind such trivial things s thee..!!

LOVE is all we need..I believe it now..! I’d take on an entire army for the sake of her smile, I’d slay a thousand dragon for her eyes, I’d kill the crackon, I’d burn down Rome, I’d take down Hercoles, I’d even punch Kratos in the nose..!! *not so sure about that!!*..
Every thing is true at this moment…

” laugh and the whole laughs with you, weep and you weep alone”

, who said that again..? don’t remember really, but it must be true ‘cause I can hear ‘em laughing…I can still hear that magical tune, but whats that..? a man is joining and humming that tune..!!

its not just a tune anymore...I can hear ‘em saying something “..ange..” , “..an..” what could it be..? “…age..” , “angel” perhaps..? damn straight she is an angel..! or “engage” maybe..? oh, that’s just too sweet..!! I could die happy now..!! yes, yes,yeaaaaaaaaaa…!!

*gets smacked on the back of his head with something ..flat?*

darkness..! darkness..! I can’t see..! am I dead..?
crap..! that hurts..! ‘kay, so I’m not dead..
opening my eyes I can’t see straight, every thing is blurry and…”mushy”?
ok, its getting a bit clearer...whos that fat dude with the frying pan..?

“the CHANGE you pervert..!! having one of your “moments” again..? damn man, you really are hopeless, you know that..?”

well, like you probably already guessed that’s my boss, he is not the nicest guy on earth, is he..?
my brain hurts and I’m feeling a bit dizzy, but she was still standing there..!!

by the time she asked “are you ok..?” I was already back on my feet again, feeling like a million bucks..!

“Here is your change”
“Thank you”

she is leaving…see you soon ma lady!!

“geez, what a pervert..!!”

, “yeh, totally..! did you see the way he was looking at you, that guy gives me the creeps!!”

, “ he sure does, that’s it…we should find ourselves a new spot!”

Even though I heard ‘em…my smile was biger, wider and brighter than ever

I was happy..!
“How long you planning to stand like that..? we’ve got other costumers ya know..!”

“Do it yourself, ya lazy B A K A..! I QUIT!!”


what was that..!
hey that came out wrong, boss..!!
oh c’mon don’t be like that..!
O crap..! not the pan again..

and they lived happily ever after..ha?
never mind that..

just a typo


Now boys 'n girls

" Thankee, sai "

till we meet again..



14-03-2008, 09:41 PM
well dream catcher ... nice love & funny story as always:biggthump, but to be honest
there are lots of words i couldn't understand:33:
but i liked that after all
and that is the important so
merci beaucoup

14-03-2008, 11:29 PM
Eh, you make me sound like a Tarantino movie.

But I'll let it pass this time because you're being cute

Your story reminds me of a friend who works in a hospital, she kept staring at this co-worker of her as if she never seen a guy before.. a few minutes later they called for medical help because the guy fell unconscious, lets hope you don't have the "Evil Eye" ability or that blue-eyed princess will suffer a similar fat!

15-03-2008, 12:16 AM

Based on true events…(&)


*crowd roaring*

tha was just "muy" sweet,
but I didn't see no rainbows or buterflies ..
next time we want some fat, cheesy, happy ending


and yea, you keep up the balance

15-03-2008, 07:25 AM
Got nothing to say

Thank you catcher

20-03-2008, 08:11 PM
nice story
kind of funny to :D
thanks bro and keep it up