المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشبكة بستخدام odin يوجد Pets & CashShop &PvP Exp x8000 Meso x8000 EVENTS More

12-08-2008, 06:24 AM
السلام عليكم
تحول اسم UaeMS الى MasterMS سامحوني لاني بتكلم انجليزي :cray:

أنشروها ارجوكم جزام الله كل خير

Welcome At MasterMS

!~ NPC's ~!
Duey Max Skiller
Cody Chainger Job
Cash Seller At Fm
Spieglman Sells scrolls And White Scroll
ALL Thing At FM And more~
1Rm~20Rm All Boss AT FM~
!~ What in Server ~!
New commands!
AutoMeso Pick up
Fixed Morph's
Normal Players can't use /find to find GM's
GM's can see each other in hide
Inventory slots can hold 110 instead of 100
Improved online command! (Lets you see everyone in all channels instead of 1)
Dissalowed players from using vip tele rock to warp to bosses
Morhp Seller, Mount Seller, PCMaple shop (Spindle)
11 Jails
Dragon Evolution - Mar the Fairy
Fixed some bugs
Pets *fixed* (you can buy from shop and cashshop)
Wedding v2
SQL's are now in source
Added NPC ~ Cloy - Pet Master
Finding "FH" Foothold
Nx Hack (AutoBan) *Fixed*
Removed Auto Meso Pick up(D/C's when picking up)
Fixed Hamstring
Added Modify NX
Duplicating Stars Fix
GM's can see each other in hide *Fixed Version*
*Fixed* PVP (works now)
Fixed the Negative exp (@exp Command is kinda useless now)
Added Pet walk ways
*Added* !unban command (Details about it below) *Fixed Version*
*Added @pvp5 (tells you the top 5 players of pvp)
*Added* Better @Stat Command
*Added* New Command !sex (ign) (love/diablo/cloud)
*Added* !goto pvp
*Added* All scrolls work for GM's
*Fixed Pets*
*Fixed* a bunch of skills from dcing
*Fixed* CashShop Buff Bug
*Fixed* for pet food
*Fixed* Monsters move even if your the only one on the map!!
*Added* Better Spindel
*Added* Auto Hide and Auto Haste when you log in or cc(GM's only)
*Added* GM CHat (!gmchat - !gmsg) (This is very cool)
*Added* Monster Auto aggro
*Added* !sethp and !setmp
*Added* All scrolls work for GM's, *and they don't take slots*.
*Fixed* Some commands
*Added* Jail NPC *
*Added* @helpwith command
*Added* Auto Register (Exectute the sql's also a tut on how to diable it)
*Added* Auto Congrats notice when you hit level 200
*Added* @commands and !commands
*Fixed* Mar the Fairy (Dragon Evolution person)
*Added* LMPQ (I will fix it more and make it better later)
*Added* @leavepvp
*Fix* Mittens now throws arrorws
*Fixed* Meso Magnet and Item Pouch Work
*Fixed* Wing Boots + Binoculars
*Added* !slap command
*Fixed* !killall Gives drops and exp
*Added* !hurt command
*Fixed* @leavepvp ( warps you out of pvp place )
*Fixed* Mia (Max's every skill)
*Fixed* Monster Magnet (if you get glitched while using it its your client)
*Fixed Some bugs
*Added* HappyVille
*Fixed* You can't pick up other peoples items in the chrismas tree area.
*Added* !slap everyone
*Fixed* Hurricane
*Fixed* Triple Throw and lucky seven

!~ Player Commands ~!
@str 15 if they want 15 str
@int 192 if they want 192 int
@dex 1 if they want 1 dex
@luk 9 if they want 9 dex
@exp --> (fix's Negative exp)
@rebirth --> (rebirth's you....)
@save --> (Saves your character instead of logging out)
@pvp5 --> (Tells you the top 5 pvp players)
@helpwith --> (Tells you where most stuff is and other helpfull stuff)
@commands --> (Shows you all the @commands)
@leavepvp (Takes you out of pvp map)

~! How to Connect ~!
We are working on hamachi for the moment so heres the info.

Username:MASTERMS1 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS2 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS3 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS4 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS5 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS6 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS7 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS8 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS9 Pass:155
Username:MASTERMS10 Pass:155
Must In To Hamachi To Work Web For u
Site :
~! GM List ~! :busted_co
And Got More~
!~ Last Thing ~!
No More Hack Coz Will Be Banned And No More SLot For GM's Sorry ALL
And Happy Mapling~!

16-08-2008, 07:25 PM
وين الردود

17-08-2008, 12:22 PM
وين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودوين الردودر