المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام مفاجأة كوجيما لم تكتشف حتى الان؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ليون كندي99
25-12-2008, 01:32 AM
:":":":":الـــســلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته:":":":":
http://ps3.psu.com/media/mgs4-guns-of-the-patriots-/site_mgs4-guns-of-the-patriots--ss-275.jpg (http://ps3.psu.com/screenshot.php?id=20372)

بحسب المصادر الاخيره فأن كوجيما لم يعلن عن لعبته الجديد
وتدل المصادر الاخير ان لعبه سوفه تكون منظور شخص اول
شبيه كول اف دويتي4 وربما تكون حصريه على ps3
او تكون على الوحش وxbox360 سنرى في الايام القادمه
ماذه يخبئ لنا كوجيما؟؟؟؟اويكون تحليلي خاطئ:31::31::(:(:wow::bigeyes:او جزء جديد من ميتل جير
اليكم النص الكامل:
Hideo Kojima, creator of the legendary Metal Gear Solid series, discussed his upcoming new projects in a recent interview with Famitsu. Not content to work on just one game at a time, Kojima is actually developing two games simultaneously. The firs one that he will announce is going to be similar in style to his past games, but the second will be geared towards a western audience and created by a newly restructured Kojima Productions team. According to him, his team is undergoing “a makeover from the ground up.” His end goal is to make Kojima Productions a team that competes with the best from the United States and Europe alike.
There is no word yet on what these next two titles are going to be, but Kojima and his top staff have been recently visiting a number of western FPS developers, including Infinity Ward, the makers of Call of Duty 4. Considering these visits as well as the fact that MGS4 was much more of an action game than its predecessors, perhaps an FPS from Kojima is not such a crazy thought after all. Hopefully both games are PS3 exclusive, but it is possible that Kojima will develop for the 360 as well in an attempt to reach out a broader portion of the U.S. audience.
Stay tuned to PCN for the latest in PS3 news!

General BiG Boss
25-12-2008, 09:58 AM
MGS تصير FPS ؟؟
ماعتقد !

25-12-2008, 11:34 AM
لا ما عتقد انه بيخلي اسلوب MGS مثل COD لانه بيقولك انه بيصمم لعبتين في وقت واحد واولهما لعبة مماثلة في الاسلوب لالعابه السابقة والثانية ممكن انها تكون مشابهة لاسلوب COD

ومشكور على الخبر

25-12-2008, 11:28 PM
ما أعتقد ميتال جير
يمكن لعبة جديدة واسلوبها اما fps أو أكشن
عالعموم في انتظار المفاجأة

28-12-2008, 01:28 PM
يمكن جزء جديد ل Z.O.E

ماهو سواها بين ميتل جير 2 و ميتل جير 3