المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : go back to my country

08-01-2002, 04:44 PM
tomorrwo i will finish my test after that i will go back to my country , wish from me luck , becuse i hear that arab have probelms in the airport when they want to go back ....
one of my friends was wearing CAT , they was shakedown this footwear carefuly haha .
if someone want gift when i come back fom country , just tell me :)

see ya

فتاة العروبة
08-01-2002, 07:54 PM
where are you from? to choose a nice gift from your country

08-01-2002, 10:12 PM
i am from KSA but i study out side , i call the city that i live in it "HELL" so do you want something from hell ?i hope not haha

فتاة العروبة
09-01-2002, 07:34 AM
when you go to the hell I want you to told me what did you see there because I think this will make me closer to my god ...please don't forget ..bye

09-01-2002, 08:46 AM
cool , i will take you with me to hell , we can go togther , we will have fun .... i think so ,
be cool , i will call you later

Smooth Criminal
09-01-2002, 10:06 AM
what the hell are you two talking about....there is only one hell Mr. ATB...keep that in mind

فتاة العروبة
09-01-2002, 10:18 AM
I will wait for your call

10-01-2002, 03:53 AM
Smooth Criminal, you don't know what i am talking about:)
i live in a city is like hell to me ....
فتاة العروبة , i will call you if i can , but don't wait for me ;)

10-01-2002, 04:45 AM
ما دخل احد كثير هني لما لقى الكلام انجليزي تقل بشات الهوتميل

انت منت جايب لنا شي لا من جهنم ولا ديرتك الي تسميها جهنم بس انت تعال بالسلامه وساعتها يصير خير

والحمد لله على السلامه مسبقا

وذكرني ارسل لك هديه كي بورد عربي

11-01-2002, 07:33 AM
soem times we have to use English , you know we are in 2002 :)
يارا why you say that ? i will buy for you a gift if you want ;)
i will go back to my country at 15th , so , wait for me ....

يارا thanks for your nice words , & by the way , i have Win XP , so i can write arabic , thanks any way

may be after i go back to my country i can not use the net alot , i will buy busy to make "3mrah" & visti my family in all cities oF KSA ... i can visit any one who want me to visti him , & o fcours i wil give him the gift from Hell ;)


12-01-2002, 01:32 AM
مشكور وماتقصر

بس لو كنا بعام 2002 فهذا لا يعني نترك لغتنا لغة الاسلام الي نفخر بمعرفتها
لغة القرأن الي نتبع مافيه
لغة الاعجاز الي ماقدر احد يجاريها حتى الي انت عندهم

وحياك بديرتك

وكلنا ديرتك

الفتى الشرقي
12-01-2002, 03:34 AM
i think that you suffering cause of the emigration ....

i feel what can you feel when you be forced to study in other country and away from your family

i,m really like you but i don,t study in other country but in other city at least i can see me family every weekend ..but inspite of that
i can,t stand this case.....

i think that why you called the city which you live in by hell
because you life as foreign and strange in it

but i can only say