المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام Midway تعلن افلاسها رسميا + قائمة بالذين يطالبونها + The Wheelman اصبحت ليوبي سوفت

ايوب الحسن
14-02-2009, 02:04 PM
السلام عليكم

ها قد فعلتها ميدواي ... وودعت عالم الفيديو غيمز تقريبا

تقدمت شركة ميدواي فرع شيكاغو ... باعلان الافلاس .. وذلك بسبب عدم قدرتها على دفع المبالغ الضخمة المترتبه عليها .... ،،

علما بان الاعلان فقط في امريكا .. اما قسم الاوروبي لن يتأثر ،،

وهذا هو الاعلان ظهر اخيرا ...

Midway’s U.S. Operations File for Chapter 11 Reorganization

Company notes strong underlying fundamentals, but cites recent change in control as the key trigger in need for planned, orderly reorganization

Midway’s European operations are unaffected and continue business as normal

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY) today announced that the company and its U.S. subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The filing does not include the company’s non-U.S. operations, which will continue business as normal.

In its filing with the Bankruptcy Court, the company cited that the November 28, 2008, change in ownership triggered accelerated repurchase obligations relating to two classes of Midway debt, which Midway anticipated it would be unable to satisfy.

“This was a difficult but necessary decision,” said Midway Chairman, President and CEO Matt Booty. “We have been focused on realigning our operations and improving our execution, and this filing will relieve the immediate pressure from our creditors and provide us time for an orderly exploration of our strategic alternatives. This Chapter 11 filing is the next logical step in an ongoing process to address our capital structure.”

“Midway enters this process with strong underlying fundamentals, as evidenced by solid fourth quarter sales that exceeded expectations in spite of a challenging retail and general economic environment,” Booty added. “Overall, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe sales are approaching two million units shipped, TNA iMPACT! has shipped approximately one million units, and our Game Party franchise has sold close to three million units in total.”

Midway expects that Chapter 11 protection will enable the company to conduct its business operations as usual. To that end, Midway is seeking approval from the court for a variety of First Day Motions enabling the company to continue managing its operations in the ordinary course. These motions are typical of the restructuring process, and approval is regularly granted.

About Midway

Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY), headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices throughout the world, is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for major videogame systems and personal computers. More information about Midway and its products can be found at www.midway.com.

المصدر (http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/18863/Midway-Files-for-Bankruptcy/)


هنا قائمة بالذين يطالبون الشركة .. تم نشرها مؤخرا ،،

قائمة ومبالغ يكسرون الظهر والله :-

Wells Fargo Bank - $150,000,000
Acquisition Holdings Subsidiary - $40,000,000 unsecured loan (Thomas is the mystery man who purchased Midway late in 2008)
National Amusements, Inc. - $20,147,864
NBA Properties, Inc. - $17,294,849 (License/royalty settlement)
Tangible Media, Inc. - $8,675,954
Warner Bros. Interactive - $6,654,203
Artificial Mind & Movement - $2,000,000
Epic Games - $1,975,000 (License/Royalties)
Walmart - $1,576,035
Far Sight Technologies - $1,279,151
Best Buy - $1,114,036
Target - $934,156
Technicolor Video Services - $637,769
Toys R Us - $615,276
Ditan/Synergex Canada - $578,316
CBS Outernet - $314,600
David Zucker - $300,000 (severance pay)
Multi Packaging Solutions - $287,036
A.A.F.E.S Headquarters - $276,314
Kmart - $218,497
Tigon Studios - $200,000(license/royalties)
Hollywood Entertainment - $190,982
TNA Entertainment - $160,000 (license/royalties)
Professional Films, Inc. - $150,000
Synergex - Latin America - $149,027
Pioneer.JB Marketing - $133,353
Eclipse Advertising - $132,687
GameStop - $127,250
Sear, Roebuck - $125,495

المصدر (http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/18885/List-of-Bankrupt-Midways-Creditors-Revealed/)


ظهرت اشاعه بعد ان اعلنت ميدواي افلاسها ... انه لعبة The Wheelman والتي كانت لميدواي ،، اصبحت ليوبي سوفت ،،

وهذا ماجاء في موقع كوتوكو ...

وايضا ذكر انه البائعون بالفعل قد بدأو بالتغيير وتم تغيير الناشر بدلا من ميدواي الى يوبي سوفت .. وتغيير موعد الاصدار ايضا الى موعد غير معروف ...

كما هو موضح هنا احد مواقع البيع

هناا (http://www.gamefly.com/products/detail.asp?pid=126180)

مصدر الاشاعة (http://kotaku.com/5152501/rumor-midways-wheelman-is-now-ubisofts-wheelman-%5Bupdate%5D)


مع انه الفروع الاوروبية موجودة ... بس اكيد بيلحقونها ،،،

يلا وداعا يا ميدواي ...

بحر الورود
14-02-2009, 05:09 PM
لا ليش ألعابها كانت ممتازة و مين يدري يمكن يوبيسوفت اتخرب اللعبة يعني يمكت ما اتكون دموية

General BiG Boss
15-02-2009, 07:56 PM
قريت عنها انها بتفلس من فترة وماعندها شي يذكر ولا قدمت شي :31: للأسف..
والمبالغ مو سهله :wow:
* الحين اللعبة شنو بتكون اجراءاتها بالضبط ؟
هل ماراح نشوفها ويكنسلونها أو تشتريها شركة ثانيه !

15-02-2009, 10:34 PM
* الحين اللعبة شنو بتكون اجراءاتها بالضبط ؟
هل ماراح نشوفها ويكنسلونها أو تشتريها شركة ثانيه !
في هالحالات.. اللعبة يا اما تروح صلاحياتها بأيد شركة ثانيه وتكمل السلسله
او .. تبقى تحت مشروع مجهول امثال jet set radio و shenmue.....

16-02-2009, 09:37 AM