المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : المغامرة و الحركة مقابلة مع Yosuke Hayashi بشأن NGS 2

Lonely Hunter
25-03-2009, 02:28 PM

Designer/producer Yosuke Hayashi was on hand at the debut event in San Francisco's Metreon Center. He explained through an interpreter that, when it releases in fall this year, it will be "the total package, the ultimate package, the one you will always remember as the one that ended up incorporating everything that you have seen and experienced throughout the Ninja Gaiden franchise. "

Will there be a PSN demo?

That's something that we'll take into consideration.
We've already been talking about it,
and obviously, in order for users to
get a feel for what the game is like we'd like
to be able to provide that.

Are the two new playable characters
available right from the start of the game ?

Ryu Hayabusa still remains the super ninja of the franchise, so the story is obviously written in a way that he's the main character. You won't be able to play them from the beginning. Momiji and Ayane, they have been added on as playable characters and their stories exist, with the main story still being Ryu Hayabusa's adventure. On the online co-op side you'll obviously be able to play any other characters.

Where's Rachel from Ninja Gaiden 2?

I'm glad that everyone loves Rachel and still cares about her, and so she's a very important part of our team, our games. And that's where she should stay and she'll exist, right? She's a very important pat of Team Ninja's games, now and in the future.

Who's the new girl?

That is Momiji from Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword on the DS

Do the attacks differ depending on which character you are?

Each character has his own set of skills, weapons, and they're all brand new tailored to the character. For those you who played Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, you'll notice her skills have been incorporated, like the double jump and her naginata weapon. It's not just we've added new character with the same set of weapons and same set of skills as Ryu. They each exist in their own ways.

Do you know if any new weapons will be available in the game?

I don't know if you caught it — Ryu is already carrying a brand new weapon in this trailer, and so compared to Ninja Gaiden 2, yes, Ryu will have a new set of weapons. And to go back to the female characters, yes, they'll have new weapons as well.

Any chance the new content will be DLC for the Xbox?

Only on Playstation. Just like the slogan, right? So, no is the answer

Is there a Japanese track on the English language version of the game?

Japanese will be available on the English version.

When Itagaki was still with Team Ninja, he denied vehemently that a Playstation version was coming, and he said it would be a "loss of face" for everyone involved if it did happen. So, how long has this been in development for and what do you think about that comment?

In terms of actually development when this project kind of kicked off for Sigma 2, it's only after we read about the user and the fans feedback, so it's not something that was already conceptually available and existing from the very beginning. We only started working on this after Ninja Gaiden 2 came out last summer. Internally, the staff is comprised of both Ninja Gaiden 2 team as well as the Sigma team.

Are there a lot of co-op moves. How did that affect game play design?

Not necessarily in terms of affecting the game play design aspect of things. We definitely wanted the story-mode, single-player and the online co-op to have the same pace, the same timing speed and action battle. So we didn't have to make any adjustment, so to speak, just making sure the online co-op mode will retain the Ninja Gaiden essence we all know and keeping true to that.

Why has Itagaki been so vocally against the Sigma series?

Well, personally, there's nothing that I would sort of put against, or be against in the Sigma series. The DNA still exists as Team Ninja, even though maybe the face has changed, the leader has changed, and whoever was the so-called creator of the series may have left, the team still exists. So the essence, the DNA is still there. There's no reason why I could be against the Sigma line or the Sigma series for Ninja Gaiden. I think it's very proper to have a different sort of line going off the number Ninja Gaidens to be able to add more and then to be able to say this is a different sort of branching out of the series.

Did you find it hard to fill the huge ego void Itagaki left?

I'll be able to prove that with my game, and not have to speak about the game.

Can you characterize the experience you had programming for the PS3 versus the other games that were written for the Xbox, and did it present any challenges for you?

Rather than thinking about what Team Ninja did for Ninja Gaiden 2Sigma 2 as sort of the complete and ultimate package of the Ninja Gaiden series, it was more about putting the focus on that and make that a part of itself. So it wasn't really a comparing of, "They had this so we're going to do this." It was really thinking of this as a grand product and see how much we can push in each element in both the single player aspect of it and in the online multiplayer.

Will there be any versus for online players?

Battling against each other, meaning attacking and fighting against each other, is not necessarily going to define the online co-op mode in Sigma 2. It's really cooperating with your partner in order to accomplish your missions, and really more about trying to survive whatever your missions throw at you at that stage.

Will there DLC for this PS3 version, like online multiplayer?

We're very serious about coming up with new content that will be available for DLC or as downloadable content. We don’t have any specifics yet, but I think it's only natural to think that downloadable content for the PS3 platform and for the audiences is proper and continuing the momentum with the game, so we'll have more details to share with you soon, but we’re definitely considering new content.

and how we can add on these little components, or upgrade or enhance it, once we realized we had a really great concept in positioning

http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_Ninja_Gaiden_Sigma_2_2009_03_24_09_04.jpg_560.jpg.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/Ninja_Gaiden_Sigma_2_2009_03_24_09_04.jpg_560.jpg.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_Ninja_Gaiden_Sigma_2_2009_03_24_09_07.jpg_560.jpg.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/Ninja_Gaiden_Sigma_2_2009_03_24_09_07.jpg_560.jpg.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_2_2.jpg.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/2_2.jpg.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_2__2_.jpg.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/2__2_.jpg.jpg)

http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_2__1_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/2__1_.bmp.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_2__2_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/2__2_.bmp.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_2.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/2.bmp.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_1__4_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/1__4_.bmp.jpg)

http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_1__1_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/1__1_.bmp.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_1__5_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/1__5_.bmp.jpg) http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/ss_1__3_.bmp.jpg (http://www.eurogamer.pt/view_screenshot.php?filter=PS3&image=assets/articles//a/4/9/0/0/3/6/1__3_.bmp.jpg)

25-03-2009, 02:33 PM
كل الي أقدر أقوله أن يوسكي طلع PS3 Fanboy بس وما شاء الله ردوده قوية تحس أنه Bad@ss

Lonely Hunter
25-03-2009, 02:41 PM
لوول سالمور خربت شكل الموضوع XD

فراغات شكبرها

25-03-2009, 02:43 PM
شفيه الموضوع صاير عريض ؟

مبين انه المنتجين عندهم رغبة بااضافة ( رايتشل ) للعبة
او هي بتكون موجودة بس مايبغون يقولون :33:

متحمس أشوف شنوا الأطوار الى بتكون DLC :32:
ومثل مانذكر في المقابل الـ VS Mode فكرته جميلة للعبة

25-03-2009, 03:00 PM
كل الي أقدر أقوله أن يوسكي طلع PS3 Fanboy بس وما شاء الله ردوده قوية تحس أنه Bad@ss
خاصة لما رد على هالسؤال XD

Any chance the new content will be DLC for the Xbox?
Only on Playstation. Just like the slogan, right? So, no is the answer.

و ما أدري ليش أحس فريق Team Ninja كاره Itagaki
إلا شو صار معاه هالإنسان ما له حس من بعد خروجه من الفريق؟

25-03-2009, 03:30 PM
مشكور على الموضوع ويعطيك ألف عافيه
بالنسبة لتروفيز هل يوجد أخبار عنها ؟ طيب عندي بعد شغله نينجا جايدن 2 اللي نزل قبل فتره على 360 هل هي نسخه مطابقه لجزء الذي سوف يصدر على سوني 3 أقصد سيجما 2

25-03-2009, 03:32 PM
هو بنفسه أكد التروفيز من السنة الماضية

25-03-2009, 03:59 PM
مقارنة بالصورة لنسختين , اليمين PS3 , يسار X360


Fanatix Guilty Pleasure ;)

Lonely Hunter
25-03-2009, 04:09 PM
تصميمها اليديد احلى بوايد :O

25-03-2009, 04:22 PM
الظاهر أنهم مشتغلين على اللعبة من الخاطر والجزء الثاني على الــ X360 كان روعة

لكن لاحظت فية شويت أخطاء مثلا الأعداء تحصلهم يمشون في الهواء

( تخيل أنت تلعت وتسمع الأعداء وماتحصلهم ولما ترفع الكاميرا تحصلهم يركضون فوقك)

حتى لما وصلت الزعيم الأخير لاحظت أنه يمشي في الهواء

هذه كانت أخطاء ماكان المفروض يوقعون فيها

وإنشاء الله يصلحونها و مايوقعون في أخطاء مثل هذه في NGS2

حتى القصة اتمنى أنهم يعدلونها لأني حسيت أن الجزء الثاني أكشن من دون قصة

يعطيك العافية

11-04-2009, 09:50 AM
مقابلة جديدة

The last time we interviewed Tomonobu Itagaki he said it "would be a loss of face" for the company if a PS3 version was released? How do you respond to that?

Yosuke Hayashi: In those days, I was working on other series of Ninja Gaiden, so I wasn't in the team of Ninja Gaiden 2. I truly love and respect NG and I'm sure it's a good thing to make it evolve into more attractive game. I believe, as a developer, the worst thing that can be a real "loss of face" is to develop a sequel that isn't fascinating for our fans.

The original Ninja Gaiden Sigma on PS3 only included one major new area (the burning house). Will the sequel feature more unseen areas?

Hayashi: A new stage is prepared for each new playable character. Additionally, since we've been refurbishing the level design of all stages, I promise players who have played Ninja Gaiden 2 will find something new and fresh even in familiar stages.

I've personally played through the 360 game twice. What's new in Sigma 2 that would make me want to play through it again on PS3?

Hayashi: New playable characters, new modes, online co-op, new stages, new level design, new enemies, new cut scenes etc. There are too many new things to talk about.

What is the PS3 hardware allowing you to do that wasn't possible on the 360?

Hayashi: I've already told you about the new elements we've added in the game, so I'd like to tell you one thing in hardware aspect. The game deals with full HD 1080P output, at least 720P.

Will you be toning down the violence aspect of the game? How do you think the fans will react to such a change?

Hayashi: Ninja Gaiden 2 was developed based on the concept of ultimate violence. We are a kind of egoistic team and get bored with the same continuous concept. For Sigma 2 we thought we would like to pursue Ninja Gaiden with sleek and sexy depiction and start evolving this game.

What can you tell us about the co-op mode? Is it true that two players won't be able to run through the entire single-player campaign together?

Hayashi: For multiplayer, we provide online co-op which allows two players to cooperate and complete each mission with voice chat. Various missions will be available, over 30 stages in fact. For players with no online connection, they can play same missions with an NPC character.

Sigma 2 has the first online compatible mode in the franchise and we won't let our users down. On the other hand, Story mode is designed for single player only. This is intentional because playing this alone, users can pursue the ultimate game system.

Itagaki said Ninja Gaiden 2 would be the last Ninja Gaiden game Tecmo made. Now he's no longer with you, is this still the case or do you see a future for the series?

Hayashi: I think I want to see more about Ryu Hayabusa, running around, jumping around in the future. But you know, it partially depends on our fans whether they would like to play more or see more about his next journey after playing this game.

What happened to Rachel? Will see return in Sigma 2? You're calling Sigma 2 on PS3 "the ultimate package", but it can't be without Rachel. Good news please...

Hayashi: What I can tell you is "SHE" is lovely and very important to the Ninja Gaiden series as well as to Team Ninja.

That didn't really help so can you tell us something about the game no one else knows?

Hayashi: If I really have to, there is a new mode to be implemented following players requests. It's a completely new mode that Ninja Gaiden games in the past had never had.

Lonely Hunter
11-04-2009, 10:01 AM
مود يديد اخر ...!!

يمكن vs او mini games

Lonely Hunter
11-04-2009, 10:04 AM
مود يديد اخر ...!!

يمكن vs او mini games

11-04-2009, 10:27 AM
ما أتوقع VS يعطي Replay value قوي ما أدري صراحة هو اهم شي يحط ألعاب NG Trilogy

11-04-2009, 04:43 PM
شيء مايتوقعونه العشاق ؟ . . . أكيــد الـ VS ^ ^
I Know I Want it
بس عاد مبينة و و اضحة انه Rachel موجودة في العبة :biggthump