المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سؤال عن ال Battle net

22-06-2009, 12:19 AM
السلام عليكم

اليوم دمجت ثلاث اكاونتات في Battle net ولكن السؤال هو عن طريقة نقل الشخصيات
بين الاكاونتات

ومع العلم اكاونتين من الثلاث اكاونتات فيها

" Payment Method Blocked "

وكيف طريقة النقل يعني اقدر انقل شخصيات بين الاكاونتات ومع ان ال Payment Blocked?

ولازم يكونو بنفس ال Last name?

اللي يعرف لا يبخل علينا :أفكر:


22-06-2009, 05:18 AM
my account used to be blocked ... payment method wise ofcourse ... but when i had to use my vias .. i just e-mailed them .. and they unblocked it within a week ... so just e-mail them ^^

and for the character transfer thingy .. i think one the points from joining more than one account under one account is making you able to transfer characters .. even tho they dont have the same details ... but im not total sure ...

22-06-2009, 06:56 AM
thanks for ur reaply

my payment is blocked for more than 1 year =/

i have mailed them alot,,,

they need last numbers of the visa that i dont have it was my friend visa
that i have used befor like 1 year... and he is not in the same country now
i have mailed them about that but no reaply like alwyes,,,

thanks again for ur reaply

Still looking for answere =)

22-06-2009, 10:19 AM
حياك أخوي أنا كان عندي أكاونت معموله بلوك على البيمنت ميثود ولما رسلت لبيزارد ردوا عللي:

Thank you for your interest in World of Warcraft. Due to the incorrect or
> incomplete contact information on your account we cannot accept any credit
> card payment at this time. In order to restore the credit card payment
> option we ask that you please provide us with a readable scan or digital
> picture of the following:
> * The authentication key used to create the account
> * A utility bill (electricity or phone bill) which contains your name and
> the given address to be able to change the address.
> * A photo ID (such as Passport or drivers license) of the account holder
> * Credit card(s) used (the front of the card(s) with the middle 8 numbers
> covered for security)
> If the card is not in the account owners name we also need:
> * ID of the card holder
> * A document stating that you are allowed you to use the credit card,
> signed by the credit card owner
> Please note your account itself has not been closed. You can pay for your
> subscription by using pre paid game cards, further information can be found
> here: http://www.wow-europe.com/en/requirements/subscription.html
> Thank you for your understanding.

طبعاً أنا ما رسلتلهم الصور المطلوبه لأنه ما عندي كل البيانات لكن بعد ما دمجت الحساب وغيرت البيانات رجعت ورسلتلهم:

have merged my account so now all the info and address has been changed to
my new address. So can I have my right to use the credit card now? or I do
still have to provide the listed stuff ?
For the utility bill I can't provide you with it because I don't have any
bill in my name!
but I can provide the other stuff if needed.

وبعدها بكم يوم ردوا عللي:


Thank you for your email. We have now unlocked the payment options for your account. Your account is currently frozen but can easily be reactivated by adding a new payment method on the account management page.

Once again, we would like to thank you for correcting the information and we hope that you will be able to enjoy your stay in the world of Azeroth without any further interruptions.


والحين أقدر استعمل الكريدت كارد :)

أتمنى اني أكون أفدتك ;)

22-06-2009, 07:47 PM
مشكووووووووووووور والله

انا نفس الرسالة اللي ارسلوها لك عندي انشاءالله ارسلهم زي ما قلت وانشاءالله يفكون البلوك

مشكور مرة اخرى :)

23-06-2009, 08:31 AM
يارجال كلمهم تلفون

ويفكونه لك بثواني ،، هذا اللي حصل معاي

23-06-2009, 09:10 AM
يارجال كلمهم تلفون

ويفكونه لك بثواني ،، هذا اللي حصل معاي

والله كلمتهم كثير :31: مافي امل يفكونه