المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الي يبي يستفيد يدخل ////واذا فهم يفهمني هههههههه

قاضي المنتدى
22-01-2002, 06:09 PM
Format for the stations listing

Position Description
1 - 18 Country
19 - 52 Site Name
53 - 58 Site index number
60 - 64 Latitude formatted as -DDMM, where
DD = degrees; MM = minutes;
negative indicates south of equator
66 - 71 Longitude formatted as -DDDMM, where
DDD = degrees; MM = minutes;
negative indicates west of prime meridian
73 - 76 Elevation (meters)
Note: The following WMO document details the format used for much of the
solar radiation data files. Although its intent is to provide information
for those submitting data, it is also a thorough document for those using the



(Prepared by the World Radiation Data Centre,
Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory,
USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology)

Leningrad, 1987

WCDP - 4

WMO/TD-No. 253


- 1 -



Foreword ....................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................... 3

1. Basic Principles of Organizing Data on Input Media.
General Rules for Filling in Forms ....................... 5

2. Explanations to Forms .................................... 6

2.1 Tables containing information on stations and
instruments - Form l (lA and lB) ..................... 6
2.2 Tables for radiation parameter values - Forms 2,
3 and 4 .............................................. 8

3. Requirements for Submitting Data on Computer
Compatible Media ......................................... 11

3.1 Technical requirements for recording data on
magnetic tape ........................................ 11
3.2 Requirements for submitting data on punch cards ...... 12

4. Specifications ........................................... 13

4.1 Specifications for forms lA and lB and
description file ..................................... 14
4.2 Specification for form 2 and daily sums file ......... 17
4.3 Specifications for form 3 and hourly sums file ....... 20
4.4 Specifications for form 4 and the file of
instantaneous values of direct solar radiation ....... 28

References ..................................................... 31

Appendix 1: Radiation Parameters Collected and Archived
at the WRDC ....................................... 33

Appendix 2: Forms for Submitting Data (Forms 1 (lA and lB),
2, 3 and 4 and Examples of filling them in) ....... 35

These Guidelines have been prepared by Dr M.O. Krichak,
scientific staff member, WRDC

- 2 -


In June 1984 the thirty-sixth session of the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) Executive Council (EC-XXXVI) adopted Resolution 6
"International Collection and Publication of Radiation Data" (1). This is
aimed at improving the quality and extending the composition of observations
carried out at the world radiometric network stations, as well as further
refinement of the system of centralized data collection and distribution which
involves new forms and procedures for presenting data to the World Radiation
Data Centre (WRDC) to allow more complete and prompt service of users by the

The key point in the changes specified in Resolution 6 is that
information should be submitted to the WRDC on magnetic tapes, data archives
on technical media should be set up and information should be given to users
on magnetic tapes.

The present "Input Format Guidelines for World Radiometric Network
Data" has been prepared by the WRDC according to a decision of the Meeting of
Experts of WMO and the International Association of Meteorology and
Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP) on the future activities of the World Radiation
Data Centre (2).

The input data format described is the final version which includes
all comments received from WMO and IAMAP experts during preparation of the

The formats have been developed in respect of the values of radiation
parameters recommended for submitting to the WRDC in Resolution 6 (EC-XXXVI)
except for spectral measurements, the format for which is not considered in
the "Guidelines" since at present the composition of this information has not
yet been determined at the international level for submitting to the WRDC.

The "Guidelines" is intended first of all for countries which have
experience in recording data on technical media, including magnetic tapes, or
which are ready to do this work.

Countries which cannot yet present radiation data to the WRDC on
magnetic tapes, punched cards or tables of new forms should continue sending
their data in the old form according to the instructions in force for filling
in forms Rl and R2.

All questions arising in filling in the tables of the new forms and
recording data on technical media in accordance with the requirements of the
"Guidelines" should be addressed to:

World Radiation Data Centre
A.I. Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory
Karbyshev street 7
St. Petersburg 194018, Russian Federation

* The formats for submitting the world radiometric network data on magnetic
tape and the codes of radiation parameters contained in Appendices 8 and 9 of
publication (2) do not correspond to the present "Guidelines". They were
proposed as a preliminary version and are completely revised according to the
decision of the meeting of experts.



1. With the aim to realize the new system of collecting and archiving the
world radiometric network data specified in Resolution 6 (EC-XXXVI), WMO,
"International Collection and Publication of Radiation Data (1) and in the
recommendations of the Meeting of Experts on the Future Activities of the WRDC
(2), the World Radiation Data Centre should receive the results of measuring
daily and hourly sums of radiation parameters, and for direct solar radiation
instantaneous values as well. In addition to this basic information the WRDC
should receive information on instruments used instrument calibrations and on
different changes which took place at stations.

The list of solar radiation parameters which should be sent to the
WRDC as specified in Resolution 6 is given in Appendix 1.

2. The parameters listed in Appendix 1 can be submitted to the WRDC on
the following media:

-in tables, each month;
-on magnetic tapes, 6-month batches, at the end of each half-year
(with mandatory enclosure of tables that can be presented in the
WRDC forms or computer listings);
-on punch cards, each month, also with tables enclosed.

Accompanying tables are necessary for further checking of data at the
WRDC and as a "hard copy" of the information base of the world radiometric
network data bank being created.

3. For each type of information - information on stations and
instruments, daily, hourly and instantaneous values of radiation parameters -
independent tabular forms have been worked out which are universal for all
radiation parameters to be sent to the WRDC.

Form 1 (lA and 1B) - Instrument calibration. Station history.

Form 2 - Radiation quantities. Daily sums.

Form 3 - Radiation quantities. Hourly sums.

Form 4 - Direct solar radiation. Instantaneous values.



1.1 Data should be recorded on computer compatible media - magnetic tapes
or punch cards - directly from Forms 1-4. The content and structure of
information, i.e. formats for submitting it, are identical for all types of

1.2 The formats have been developed based on the condition that data are
recorded on magnetic tape in characters as 80 byte records, which corresponds
to the volume of one punch card. Accordingly all forms are organized as
80-position lines. One table line corresponds to one punch card, and the
positions of each characteristic in the line which are labeled by figures in
tabular forms correspond to its position on punch card or to the bytes in
magnetic tape record.

1.3 The number and name of the WMO region, the names of country and
station are recorded in the top right-hand corner of the tabular form. This
information should not be recorded on magnetic tapes and punch cards. The
name of radiation quantity, the data of which are given in the table, is not
recorded on computer compatible medium either, but is written in a special
line under the tabular form heading.

1.4 The lines of each form have identification information general for a
particular tabular form which is written in the top left-hand corner of the
form with indication of the numbers of recorded characteristics' positions.
While the general information in the table lines is recorded once in each form
when it is filled in, these characteristics being recorded on computer
compatible media should be repeated in the indicated positions on each punch
card and in each magnetic tape record.

The identification information in Forms lA and lB contains the number
of the tabular form, station synoptic index and the last two figures of the
year number, and in Forms 2,3 and 4 also the month number and the code of
radiation quantity, the data on which are presented in tabular form (the codes
of radiation quantities submitted to the WRDC are given in column 2 of
Appendix 1).

1.5 The order number of each table line is recorded in its position 79 and

1.6 Data sent to the WRDC should contain station indices since it is
necessary to identify data when recording them on magnetic tapes.

In the identification part of each line in all tabular forms a space
of six positions is provided for index. The five-digit synoptic station index
given by WMO should be recorded in the first five positions (left to right);
zero should be recorded in the sixth position.

National services or stations themselves should inform the WRDC of
stations which do not have synoptic indices before they start sending data to
the WRDC in new formats. These stations will be given six-digit indices by
the WRDC which will be intended specially for sending radiometric information
to the WRDC. The stations will be informed of this.


1.7 Each value of radiation parameter in Forms 2,3 and 4 should be
accompanied by the quality flag taking one position. The quality flag can
have the following values: "blank" (or "O") in the cases when the radiation
parameter value does not give rise to doubt; in this case the corresponding
positions in tabular form are not filled in, or "O" is recorded, which is

"1" - in the cases when the radiation parameter value is doubtful (in the
earlier forms this value was taken in brackets).

"2" - in the cases when observations were not made for some reason or the
value was rejected or could not be calculated; for example, daily
sums, if there are gaps in hourly values. ln such cases the positions
for recording the radiation parameter values should not be filled in.

"3" - in the cases when the radiation parameter value is restored by
calculation (in the earlier forms such values, like doubtful ones,
were taken in brackets).

"4" - in the cases when at high-latitude stations the radiation parameter
value equals zero in the polar night period.

1.8 In the absence of short-wave radiation at night hours, unlike polar
night, the positions of radiation parameter and that of its quality flag
should have "zeros" or "blanks".

1.9 All numbers which are recorded in tabular forms should be flush with
the right-hand side within the space assigned to them. Thus unities are
recorded in the first position on the right, tens in the second position, and
so on (for example, |_|_|1|9|, |_|_|_|2|).

1.10 In the case of negative values the sign "minus" is recorded before the
first significant figure and takes one position (for example, |_|-|2|5|,


All tabular forms developed and examples of filling them in are given
in Appendix 2 (2.1 - 2.10), and the description of the content (character by
character) of lines in all forms of section IV (Specifications). Since the
formats on all types of media are identical, the section "Specifications" is
at the same time the description of formats for submitting data on punch cards
and magnetic tapes.

2.1 Tables containing information on stations and instruments - Form 1 (lA
and lB)

2.1.1 Form 1 (lA and lB) should contain the results of radiometric
instrument calibration made during the year, information on the reference
instrument which was used for calibrations, as well as under the heading
"Station history" the text of the comment in plain language, i.e. the
information on different changes which took place at the station for the year,
such as: the change of place of the meteorological site, of instrument
location, replacement of instruments.


For stations which did not send their data to the WRDC earlier, in the
section "Station history" for the first time basic information should be given
on the history of the station for the whole period of its observations. Also,
for new stations one should give a brief description of physiographic
conditions of the station area, the distance from the station to the nearest
town and the station direction from the town, and exposure diagram in azimuths
for each 10ّ.

The information mentioned above is recorded arbitrarily in plain
language, either in Latin or Cyrillic alphabet; figures and other symbols of
alphanumeric punchers can also be used. Each symbol takes one position in the
table line. The exposure diagram is recorded in plain language as well; for
example, the exposure diagram: 360 degrees 1.0 10 dg 1.2 20 dg 1.4 and so
on (see example in Appendix 2.6).

2.1.2 For each station the set of Forms 1 should consist of the required
number of filled in sheets of Forms lA and lB which have through numbering of
lines. The first line in Form lA contains parameter LA (the number of lines
filled up in a sheet (or sheets) of Form lA), parameter LB (the total number
of lines filled up in the set of sheets of Form lA and lB for the given
station), geographical coordinates (degrees and minutes), and the station
height (metres). The total number of lines in the set of Forms lA and lB for
one station should not exceed 50. The second line in Form lA contains
information on the reference instrument which was used for calibrating the
radiometric instruments of the station.

When filling in the spaces "Units" one should use symbols applied in
most algorithmic languages:

division sign - /,

multiplication sign - *,

raising to a power sign - **

For example, mV/W/meter squared is recorded as mV/W/m**2 (see examples
in Appendices 2.6 and 2.7).

Beginning with the third line, the text of any comment on different
changes at a station is recorded. When comment lines are recorded on magnetic
tape or on punch cards, according to the rule common for all forms, at the
beginning of each line general identification characteristics are recorded -
the number of the form (only figure 1 is recorded, letters A and B are not
recorded in the line positions), station index, year number.

The comment can be recorded in more than one sheet of Form lA, if
necessary; in this case the first two lines of the second sheet are neither
filled in nor numbered, and the lines filled in are numbered as a continuation
of the first sheet lines. If no changes took place for the year at the
station the comment need not be recorded; in this case only the first two
lines are filled in Form lA (parameter LA is equal to "2" in this case) and
the Form lB lines are numbered beginning with "03".

2.1.3 The number of Form lB sheets in a set for one station depends on the
number of radiometric instruments operating at the station. Information on two


radiometric instruments can be recorded in each sheet of Form lB containing 4
lines, 2 lines for one instrument. The first line is filled in with the code
of radiation parameter measured by instrument, then it is indicated for which
time resolutions the measurements of the given instrument are submitted to the
WRDC. The time resolution is coded identically to the numbers of tabular
forms in which these data are recorded, i.e.

2 - daily sums

3 - hourly sums

4 - instantaneous values.

In this case the required figures are recorded in the positions under
the heading "Time resolution" (positions 12, 13, 14). If the instrument is a
self-recorder from the tape of which instantaneous values are taken, as well
as hourly and daily sums, the figures ,2 ,3, 4 , should be recorded in
positions 12, 13, 14. If the instrument makes only fixed-hour
measurements, , , ,4 should be recorded. The first line is also filled in
with the information of instrument certificate, the year and month of starting
measurements with the instrument, and the year and month of stopping
measurements, if any. If the instrument is in operation the corresponding
positions in the form line are not filled in.

Instrument type and manufacturer are recorded in plain language.

The next line contains calibration data (calibration month and day,
calibration type, calibration factor characterizing instrument sensitivity).
Coding of calibration type:

1 - calibration by sun

2 - calibration by lamp

Eight positions are assigned to calibration factor (for example,
1.341250), 6 characters of which are after the decimal point: the decimal
point takes a separate position. The line has place for three calibrations.
If there were less than three calibrations, the corresponding positions in the
line are not filled in.

2.2 Tables for Radiation Parameter Values - Forms 2, 3 and 4

2.2.1 Forms 2, 3 and 4 are intended for recording measurements of radiation
parameters submitted to the WRDC in the following time resolutions:

Forms 2 and 3 - for daily and hourly sums

Form 4 - for instantaneous values of the integral flux of
direct solar radiation.

All radiation values should be presented according to the World
Radiometric Reference (WRR). The hourly, daily and monthly radiation sums are
given in units of 0.01 Jm**-2, Jcm**-2, sunshine duration is given in units of
0.1 h. The instantaneous values of direct solar radiation are given in units
of 0.01 kWm**-2 = mWcm**-2; all these values are presented as integers.


2.2.2 Form 2 - Table with Daily Sums

One table taking four lines includes data for one station, for one
month, for one radiation parameter.

The first line is filled in with station coordinates (degrees and
minutes), elevation above sea level (metres), as well as the monthly means of
daily sums of the radiation parameter.

Daily sums for the 1 - 31 days of a month are recorded in lines 2 - 4:

for the 1 - 10 days in the second line,

for the 11 - 20 days in the third line,

for the 21 - 31 days in the fourth line.

The standard Form 2 includes two tables. The lines of each of these
are numbered anew, beginning with "01". One sheet of Form 2 can include two
tables with daily sums either for two stations or for two radiation parameters
measured at the same station.

2.2.3 Form 3 - Table with Hourly Sums

One form sheet contains information for one radiation parameter for
one station for one month.

The table contains 68 lines, the numbering of which in each form
begins with "01". The station coordinates (degrees and minutes) and elevation
above sea level (metres) are recorded in the first line.

Hourly and daily sums are recorded in lines 2 - 63. The hourly sums
for each day are recorded in two lines, one of which is filled in with the
sums for the 1st to 12th hour, the other with the 13th to 24th hour. If the
number of days in the month is less than 31, the positions provided for
radiation parameters and their quality flags in the lines corresponding to the
absent dates are not filled in. The positions of identification
characteristics at the beginning of each line and the position of line numbers
(the last two positions) need to be filled in when recording such lines on
computer compatible media.

The table also includes monthly sums for each hour interval and the
total monthly sum (lines 64 - 66), monthly means for each hour interval and
the monthly mean of daily sums (lines 67 - 68).

2.2.4 When filling in forms 2 and 3 with any radiation parameters sent to
the WRDC, daily and monthly sums, the monthly sums for hourly intervals and
monthly means should be calculated according to the procedures used for
preparing the previous Forms Rl and R2 to be sent to the WRDC.

In cases when the above procedures allow for calculating sums and
means from data with gaps or from interpolated values, but prescribe
calculation results to be put in brackets, instead of brackets figure "1"
should be recorded in the position of quality flag in Forms 2 and 3.

- 10 -

When the values of sums and means cannot be calculated their positions
in the tables are not filled in, and the quality flag position is filled in
with figure "2".

2.2.5 When filling in the tables of Form 3 with net total radiation data, it
is recommended to record information on the past weather in vacant positions
of each line (62 - 73 for even lines and 67 - 78 for odd lines), as it was
recorded in the column "Notes" in the input tables of the hourly sums of net
total radiation in the previous form. The information on the past weather can
be coded in letters, as was done according to the earlier instructions for
filling in tables. This information is not recorded on magnetic tapes and
punch cards, but is useful for checking and preparing material for publication
at the WRDC.

2.2.6 The tables of Form 4 are intended for recording the instantaneous
values of the integral flux of direct solar radiation, incident on the normal
surface. Measurements made at one station with the sun and 5 deg. zone around
it free of clouds are recorded in one form. Measurement times at different
stations can be different depending on the observation programme accepted at
stations observing direct solar radiation; however, it is desirable to have
measurements with the optical air mass 2 and at apparent noon, if conditions
allow. Observations for one month are recorded in one form

The first line in Form 4 is filled in with station coordinates
(degrees and minutes), elevation above sea level (metres), parameter T which
should be equal to "0" if observation time (TST) is recorded in this Form, and
"1" if the sun's altitude is recorded. The first line is also filled in with
parameter L, the total number of table lines filled up, including the lines
filled in the next sheet of Form 4, if necessary.

Observations' data are recorded beginning with the second line.
Observations for each day are recorded beginning with a new line with the date
indicated. One line has space for seven measurements. If there are less than
seven measurements the corresponding positions in the line are not filled in;
if there are more measurements the record continues in the next line with the
date repeated. (Use of more than two lines for one date is not allowed). All
table lines filled in should be numbered (positions 79, 80). If necessary,
the record of observations for a particular month can be continued in the next
sheet of Form 4, the first line of which in this case is neither filled in nor
numbered, and the subsequent lines are numbered as continuation of the first
sheet lines

The table contains the true solar time (TST) of each observation in
hours and minutes or the sun's altitude in units of tenths of degree as
integer numbers. If the sun's altitude is indicated, parameter Z is
introduced which should be equal to "0" for measurements before noon, "1" for
true noon, and "2" for afternoon measurements.

2.2.7 In cases when corrections are required in the tables which have
already been sent, it is not necessary to fill in the tabular forms again
completely. Only those lines which need to be corrected should be filled in,
as well as line 1 containing identification information on the station. In
Form 3, in addition to the lines with errors, line 1 and lines 64 - 68 should
also be filled in again since they contain sums and monthly means.

- 11 -
It is better to fill in completely again any tables that are small in

Corrections and primary data which for some reason have not been sent
in time to the WRDC can be sent with the data for any subsequent month before
the end of the half year, if possible.


3.1 Technical Requirements for Recording Data on Magnetic Tape

3.1.1 For recording information on magnetic tape, standard 9-track tapes
1/2 inch (12.7 mm) wide should be used. The recording density is 1600 bpi.
Tapes should be without standard and user labels. Magnetic tapes should
contain the information for a particular half-year and, if necessary, the data
for replacing erroneous data or the delayed information for any month of the
given or any of the preceding half-years.

Information should be recorded on magnetic tape in characters.

3.1.2 Magnetic tape should have the following structure:

Test file


Description file only for the 2nd
half-year tape


Daily sums file


Hourly sums file


File of instantaneous
measurements of direct
solar radiation
(integral fluxes)


* TM = tape mark

3.l.3 The test file is intended to adjust the tape-moving mechanism. It
should occupy 50-l00 m of tape and consist of records of maximum possible
length containing hexadecimal "FF" ("1" in each bit).

- l2 -

3.1.4. The description file includes the data of Form 1 (lA and lB), the
daily sums file involves the data of Form 2, the hourly sums file contains the
data of Form 3, and the file of instantaneous measurements of direct solar
radiation includes the data of Form 4.

The data for different months of the half-year in each file can be
arranged in any sequence; the sequence of recording different radiation
parameters and different stations is also arbitrary. The data for replacing
the erroneous data and the delayed information should be placed in the file
with information of the corresponding time resolution.

In this case, if correct hourly sums (Form 3) are recorded on magnetic
tape instead of the erroneous sums, it is not necessary to record once more
the whole of Form 3 but is sufficient to rerecord only the Form 3 lines for
the days which require correction and lines 1 and 64 - 68 since they contain
sums and monthly means (the numbers of correct lines should necessarily
correspond to the nos. of erroneous lines recorded on the tape in the original
version, except for those cases when the error is in the line no.).

If a correction is to be made, it is better to re-record the whole
table of daily sums (Form 2) since it contains only 4 records.

For instantaneous measurements of direct solar radiation (Form 4), if
a correction is required one should record the first line and all the
information for the dates that need correction.

It is practical to record again all the information on instrument
calibration and changes at stations (Form 1 (lA and lB)) if there are
corrections to be made.

3.1.5 Records should be blocked for easier further processing. For the
daily sums file the recommended block length equals 3200 bytes (4 x 80 x 10 -
information of 10 forms of daily sums), for the hourly sums file 5440 bytes
(68 x 80), which corresponds to the information for one station for one month
for one radiation parameter. For the description file and instantaneous
values file, in which the number of records varies, blocking is recommended
with the block length of 800 bytes (10 x 80).

3.1.6 Each magnetic tape should be supplied with the listing of information
on its structure.

3.2 Requirements for Submitting Data on Punch Cards

3.2.1 Data should be recorded on punch cards using the Extended Binary Coded
Decimal Interchange Code (ERBCDIC).

3.2.2 Punch cards relating to different tabular forms should be packed

Punch cards should be properly packed to be protected against damage
and deformation in sending.

- 13 -


4.1. Specifications for Forms 1A & lB and Description File

No.of Posi- Num- Content of record,table Comments
record tion ber line, punch card
on MT, No. of
table posi-
line, tions

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 "1" - description file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index For stations with
the WMO synoptic in-
dex, bytes 2-6 are
filled in, byte 7
is filled in with
zero; the six-digit
index assigned by
the WRDC is record-
ed in positions

8-9 2 Year The last two figu-
res of the year are

10-11 2 The number of lines
filled up in a sheet
(or sheets) of Form 1A
(parameter LA)

12-13 2 The total number of li-
nex filled up in sheets
Forms 1A and 1B
(parameter LB)

14-16 3 Degrees | station The sign "-" means
17-18 2 Minutes | latitude the southern hemi-

19-22 4 Degrees | station The sign "-" means
23-24 2 Minutes | longitude the western hemis-

25-28 4 Station elevation
above sea level (m)

29-78 50 Blanks

- 14 -

1 2 3 4 5

79-80 2 "01" - the order num-
ber of record on MT,
table line, punch

2 1 1 "1" - description file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-22 13 Reference instrument Plain language

23-32 10 Series number of refe-
rence instrument

33-40 8 Calibration factor of
reference instrument

41-56 16 Units of calibration Plain language

57-60 4 Year Date of refe-
61-62 2 Month rence instru-
63-64 2 Day ment calibra-

65-78 14 Place of reference in- Plain language
strument calibration

79-80 2 "02" - the order number
record, table line,
punch card

3 1 1 "1" - description file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-78 69 Station history - com- Plain language
ments on different
changes at station

- 15 -

1 2 3 4 5

79-80 2 "02" - the order num- The number of these
ber of record on MT, records is equal to
table line, punch card the number of "com-
ments" lines and is

LA+1 1 1 "1"- description file The beginning of
identifier Form 1B records

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Code of radiation para-

12,13,14 3 Codes of the time reso-
lution of parameter

15-40 26 Instrument type The receiving sur-
face colour can be
"black and white

41-50 10 Instrument series,

51-66 16 Manufacturer

67-70 4 Instrument manufacturer

71-72 2 Year | Beginning of
73-74 2 Month | measurements
| with the in-
| strument

75-76 2 Year | Discontinuance
77-78 2 Month | of measurements
| with the instru-
| ment

79-80 2 The order number of re-
cord on MT, table line,
punch card

LA+2 1 1 "1"- description file

- 16 -

1 2 3 4 5

2-7 6 Station synoptic

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Code of radiation

12-24 8 Calibration factor
before the first
calibration in the
given year

25-39 15 Units Plain language

40-41 2 Month | Date of the
42-43 2 Day | 1st calibrati-
| on in the gi-
| ven year

44 1 Calibration type 1 - calibration by
the sun
2 - calibration by

45-52 8 Calibration factor

53-54 2 Month | Date of the se- If the 2nd and the
55-56 2 Day | cond calib- 3rd calibrations
| ration were not made, the
position are not
filled in

57 1 Calibration type

58-65 8 Calibration factor

66-67 2 Month | Date of the
68-69 2 Day | 3rd calibra-
| tion

70 1 Calibration type

71-78 8 Calibration factor

79-80 2 The order number of re-
cord on MT, table line,
punch card

- 17 -

4.2. Specifications for Form 2 and Daily Sums File

No.of Posi- No.of Content of record, table Comments
record tion posi- line, punch card
on MT, No. tions

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 "2"- daily sums file iden-
2-7 6 Station synoptic index
8-9 2 Year
10-11 2 Month
12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Degrees | station The sign "-" means
17-18 2 Minutes | latitude the southern hemi-

19-22 4 Degrees | station The sign "-" means
23-24 2 Minutes | longitude the western hemi-

25-28 4 Station elevation above
sea level (m)

29-32 4 Monthly mean of daily
33 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean of daily sums
34-37 4 Monthly sum of sunshine
38 1 Quality flag of monthly
sum of sunshine duration
39-41 3 Monthly mean of sunshine
42 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean of sunshine duration
79-80 2 "01"- the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

2 1 1 "2"- daily sums file iden-
2-7 6 Station synoptic index
8-9 2 Year
10-11 2 Month
12-13 2 Radiation parameter code
14-17 4 Daily sum for the 1st day
of the month

- 18 -

1 2 3 4 5

18 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the first day

19-22 4 Daily sum for the second
day of the month

23 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the second day
. .
. .
. .

59-62 4 Daily sum for the 10th
day of the month

63 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the 10th day

64-78 15 Blanks

79-80 2 "02"- the order number of
record on MT Table line,
punch card

3 1 1 "2"- daily sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-17 4 Daily sum for the 11th
day of the month

18 1 Quality flag of daily sum
for the 11th day

19-22 4 Daily sum for the 12th
day of the month

23 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the 12th day
. .
. .
. .

- 19 -

1 2 3 4 5

59-62 4 Daily sum for the 20th
day of the month

63 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the 20th day

64-78 15 Blanks

79-80 2 "03" - the order number Or
record on MT, table line,
punch card

4 1 1 "2" - daily sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-17 4 Daily sum for the 21st
day of the month

18 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the 21st day
. .
. .
. .

64-67 4 Daily sum for the 31st
day of the month

68 1 Quality flag of daily
sum for the 31st day

69-74 6 Monthly sum

75 1 Quality flag of monthly

76-78 3 Blanks

79-80 2 "04" - the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

- 20 -

4.3. Specifications for Form 3 and Hourly Sums File

No.of Posi- Num- Content of record, table Comments
record tion ber line, punch card
on MT, No. of
table posi-
line, tions

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Degrees | station The sign "-"means
17-18 2 Minutes | latitude the southern hemi-

19-22 4 Degrees | station The sign "-" means
23-24 2 Minutes | longitude the western hemi-

25-28 4 Station elevation above
sea level (m)

29-78 50 Blanks

79-80 2 "01" - the order number
of record on MT table
line, punch card

2 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter

14-16 3 Hourly sum for the 1st
hour of the 1st day of
the month

- 21 -

1 2 3 4 5

17 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the first hour of
the 1st day

18-20 3 Hourly sum for the 2nd
hour of the 1st day of
the month

21 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 2nd hour of
the 1st day
. .
. .
. .

58-60 3 Hourly sum for the 12th
hour of the 1st day

61 1 Quality flag Or hourly
the 12th hour
of the 1st day

62-78 17 Blanks

79-80 2 "02" - the order number or
record on MT, table line,
punch card

3 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Hourly sum for the 13th
hour of the 1st day

17 1 Quality flag of hourly sum
for the 13th hour of the
first day

18-20 3 Hourly sum for the 14th hour
of the first day

- 22 -

1 2 3 4 5

21 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 14th hour of
the first day

58-60 3 Hourly sum for the 24th
hour of the 1st day

61 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 24th hour of
the first day

62-65 4 Daily sum for the 1st day

66 1 Quality flag of daily sum
for the first day

67-78 12 Blanks

79-80 2 "03" - the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card
. .
. .
. .

62 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Sum for the 1st If the data for the
hour of the 31st day 31st day are not
14-66 of records 62
and 63 are not fil-
led in

17 1 Quality flag of hourly Similarly for Feb-
sum for the 1st hour ruary in records
of the 31st day 53-63 or 60-63

- 23 -

1 2 3 4 5

18-20 3 Hourly sum for the 2nd
hour of the 31st day

21 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 2nd hour
of the 31st day
. .
. .
. .

58-60 3 Hourly sum for the 12th
hour of the 31st day

61 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 12th day of
the 31st day

62-78 17 Blanks

79-80 2 "62" - the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

63 1 1 "3"- hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Hourly sum for the 13th
hour of the 31st day

17 1 Quality flag of hourly If the data for
sum for the 13th hour of the 31st day are
the 31st day not available,po-
sitions 14-66 of
18-20 3 Hourly sum for the 14th records 62 and 63
hour of the 31st day are not filled in.

21 1 Quality flag of hourly Similar for Febru-
sum for the 14th hour of ary in records 58-
the 31st day 63 or 60-63
. .
. .
. .

58-60 3 Hourly sum for the 24th
hour of the 31st day

- 24 -

1 2 3 4 5

61 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 24th hour
of the 31st day

62-65 4 Daily sum for the 31st

66 1 Quality flag of hourly
sum for the 31st day

67-78 12 Blanks

79-80 2 "63" - the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

64 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file iden-

2-7 6 station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-18 5 Monthly sum for the first
hourly interval

19 1 Quality flag of monthly sum
for the 1st hourly interval

20-24 5 Monthly sum for the 2nd
hourly interval

25 1 Quality flag of monthly sum
for the 2nd hourly interval
. .
. .
. .

56-60 5 Monthly sum for the 8th
hourly interval

61 1 Quality flag of monthly sum
the 8th hourly interval

62-78 17 Blanks

79-80 2 "64"-the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

- 25 -

1 2 3 4 5

65 1 1 "3"- hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-18 5 Monthly sum for the 9th
hourly interval

19 1 Quality flag of monthly
sum for the 9th hourly
. .
. .
. .

56-60 5 Monthly sum for the 16th
hourly interval

61 1 Quality flag of monthly
sum for the 16th hourly

62 -78 17 Blanks

79-80 2 "65"-the order number of
record on MT, line Or
table, punch card

66 1 1 "3"- hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-18 5 Monthly 8um for the 17th
hourly interval

19 1 Quality flag of monthly sum
for the 17th hourly interval
. .
. .
. .

56-60 5 Monthly sum for the 24th
hourly interval
- 26 -

1 2 3 4 5

61 1 Quality flag of monthly
for the 24th hourly

62-67 6 Total monthly sum

68 1 Quality flag of total
monthly sum

69-78 10 Blanks

79-80 2 "66"- the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

67 1 1 "3" - hourly sums file

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter

14-16 3 Monthly mean for the 1st
hourly interval

17 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean for the 1st hourly
. .
. .
. .

58-60 3 Monthly mean for the 12th
hourly interval

61 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean for the 12th hourly

62-78 17 Blanks

79-80 2 "67"-the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

68 1 1 "3"- hourly sums file index

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

- 27 -

1 2 3 4 5

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Monthly mean for the 13th
hourly interval

17 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean for the 13th hourly
. .
. .
. .

58-60 3 Monthly mean for the 24th
hourly interval

61 1 Quality flag of monthly
mean for the 24th hourly

62-65 4 Monthly mean of daily sums

66 1 Quality flag of monthly mean
of daily sums

67-78 12 Blanks

79-80 2 "68"- the order number of
record on MT, table line,
punch card

- 28 -

4.4. Specifications for Form 4 and the File of

Instantaneous Values of Direct Solar


No.of Posi- Num- Content of record, table Comments
record tion ber line, punch card
on MT, No. of
table posi-
line, tions

1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 "4"- instantaneous va-
lues file identifier

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-16 3 Degree | station
17-18 2 Minutes | latitude

19-22 4 Degrees | station
23-24 2 Minutes | longitude

25-28 4 Elevation above sea
level (m)

29 1 Parameter T Parameter T should
take the following
value : "0"-if the
table indicates the
true solar time of ob-
servation, "1"-if the
sun's altitude is in-

30-31 2 Parameter L (the total
number of lines filled
up in a sheet ( or
sheets) of Form 4 for
the given station)

32-78 47 Blanks

79-80 2 "01" - the order num-
ber of record on MT,
table line, punch card

- 29 -

1 2 3 4 5

2 1 1 "4"- instantaneous values
file identifier

2-7 6 Station synoptic index

8-9 2 Year

10-11 2 Month

12-13 2 Radiation parameter code

14-15 2 Date

16-17 2 Hours | true solar
18-19 2 Minutes | time of ob-
| servation

16-18 3 the sun's altitude in
10th degrees

19 1 Parameter Z Parameter Z can have the
following values: "0"- if
measurement was made be-
fore noon; "1" - at true
noon; "2"- in the after-

20-22 3 Direct solar radiation

23 1 Quality flag of direct
solar radiation value

24-27 4 True solar time of ob- *
servation or the sun's

28-30 3 Direct solar radiation

31 1 Quality flag

32-35 4 True solar time of ob- *
servation or the sun's

36-38 3 Direct solar radiation

39 1 Quality flag
. .
. .
. .

- 30 -

1 2 3 4 5

64-67 4 True solar time of obser-
vation or the sun's alti-

68-70 3 Direct solar radiation If less than 7 measu-
value rements were made dur-
ing one day, the corres-
ponding positions should
not be filled in

71 1 Quality flag

72-78 7 Blanks

79-80 2 "02" - the order number
of record on MT, table
line, punch card

. . The order number of the
. . last record should be
. . equal to parameter value
L (see record 1)

* Positions are filled in similarly to positions 16-19.

- 31 -


1. Resolution 6 (EC-XXXVI) - International collection and publication of
radiation data. Thirty-sixth session of the WMO Executive Council,
Geneva, June 1984. Abridged report with resolutions. WMO-No.631,
Geneva, 1984.

2. Report of the Meeting of Experts on the Future Activities of the World
Radiation Centre (WRC-Leningrad) Leningrad, 28 February-l March 1983.
WCP-48, WMO Geneva, 1983.

3. Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (the World Network). Main
Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad, 1964.

- 32 -


3 OCTOBER 1986 (Available in English and Spanish).


NETWORK (Prepared by the World Radiation Data Centre, Voeikov Main
Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad, 1987)

by the World Radiation Data Centre, Voeikov Main Geophysical
Observatory, Leningrad, 1987)

- 33 -

Radiation Parameters Collected and
Archived at the WRDC

Parameter Code Units Time
of reso-
para- lution

1 2 3 4

(A) Primary Parameters (Priority 1)

Global solar 01 0.01 MJ m**-2 = J cm**-2 Hourly and daily
radiation sums

Diffuse solar 02 -"- -"-

Downward 03 -"- -"-

Sunshine 04 0.1 hr -"-

(B) Priority 2 Parameters

Direct solar 05 0.01 MJ m**-2 = J cm**-2 Hourly and daily
radiation sums
(at normal

Direct solar 05 0.01 kW m**-2 Instantaneous
radiation values
(at normal

Net total 06 0.01 MJ m**-2 = J cm**-2 Hourly and daily
radiation sums

Net terrestrial 07 -"- -"-
surface radia-
tion (upward)

Terrestrial sur- 08 0.01 MJ m**-2 = J cm**-2 -"-
face radiation

Reflected solar 09 0.01 MJ m**-2 = J cm**-2 -"-

(C) Priority 3 Parameters

Spectral radia- 10 0.01 kW m**-2 nm**-1 = As available
tion components mW cm**-2 nm**-1

22-01-2002, 07:31 PM
أقول من وين جايب هالخرابيط

الشاب خالد
22-01-2002, 07:35 PM
ترى أنا أعرف كل الموجود من طقطق لي سلام عليكم
بس أنا أقول بلاش أخاف أحد يحسدني
أنا أقول عنة بس ولا لأ":" ":" ":" :D

22-01-2002, 08:01 PM
ايش دخل الموقع على الجلسه السادسه وبعدين تنكز وتحد الجلسه 36 والله اول ما شفت الكلام الاهبل هذه ما احترامي الشديد لك قفلت على طووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووول

قاضي المنتدى
22-01-2002, 11:52 PM
لاتواخذوني شباب تر مو انا الي حطيت هذا الموضوع يمكن احد الاصحاب يبي يخرب علي

قاضي المنتدى
23-01-2002, 12:10 AM
مع تحياتي اخوكم رمسيـ ـــــــ2ــــــــس