المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : I need your help my dear forum pleeeaaase

white wings
31-12-2010, 06:14 PM
السلاااام عليكم ورحمة اللـه وبركاته
كيييفكم يا حلوييين .... وعدت اليكم من جديد:09:...

منتداي العزيز ..
الأعضاء المميزين جدا بحبكم للمساعده...ربي لا تحرمني منكم
ساعدتوني من قبل والحين احتاج مساعدتكم اعزائي:ee2:

السالفه ووافيها محتاجه ال theme of les miserabels ابي اسوي منها presentation
مع انها منتشره ف النت بس مالقيت ولا شي منها كامل:28:
وابغى ...issues (stream of consciousness)
حق الكاتبه فيرجينيا وولف
ياليت يكون بشكل مختصر او على شكل نقاط موقصيرمره ومو طويل وسط:silly:

وهذا بعد بسويه presentation:(
بليييز ياليت يكون الرد بأسرع وقت ممكن... مرره محتاجته هاليومين واذا اليوم يكون افضل ...

شكرا شكرا شكراااا مررره مشكورين حبايبي...:ee2:
وانا بانتظاركم...:أفكر:

01-01-2011, 12:02 AM
تبين تسوينه على باور بوينت؟

اذا تبينه على باور بوينت ممكن اساعدج بتصميمه اريحلج جذي

عطيني خبر

01-01-2011, 12:38 AM
اذا تبين تثرين عن الموضوع احسن مكان بالنسبة لي سبارك نوتس


وعشان اختصرلج النقاط اللي ذكرها بنقاط مبسطة هذه الاشياء اللي يقولها:-
اللي بالبنفسجي الفاتح اهو الكلام الرئيسي واذا كان بالنقطة كلام بالبنفسجي الغامج معناتها هالكلام موجود لتوضيح النقطة الاساسية
وانا حطيتلج النقاط كاملة يعني ست نقاط بكل ثيم عشان تختارين اللي تبينه وتشوفينه اسهل لج
مو شرط تستخدمينهم كلهم شوفي اللي تحسينه بيفيدج
بس اتوقع هذه كل الثيمات الممكن انج اتحصلينها عن التعساء والله اعلم

نقاط اول ثيم : The Importance of Love and Compassion

* that love and compassion are the most important gifts one person can give another and that always displaying these qualities should be the most important goal in life

* Valjean’s transformation from a hate-filled criminal into a well-respected philanthropist shows Hugo’s emphasis on love, for it is only by learning to love others that Valjean is able to improve himself

* While Valjean’s efforts on behalf of others cause him problems, they also give him a sense of happiness and fulfillment that he has never before felt

* Valjean’s love for others—in particular, for Cosette—is what keeps him going in desperate times.

* Hugo uses Valjean and Fauchelevent to show that love begets love, and compassion begets compassion. Valjean jumps out of a crowd of onlookers to rescue Fauchelevent; years later, Fauchelevent repays Valjean’s bravery by offering him refuge in the convent of Petit-Picpus.

* . In Hugo’s novel, love and compassion are nearly infectious, passed on from one person to another

الثيم الثاني: Social Injustice in Nineteenth-Century France

Hugo uses his novel to condemn the unjust class-based structure of nineteenth-century France, showing time and again that the society’s structure turns good, innocent people into beggars and criminals

Hugo focuses on three areas that particularly need reform: education, criminal justice, and the treatment of women

Hugo conveys much of his message through the character of Fantine, a symbol for the many good but impoverished women driven to despair and death by a cruel society

, Hugo demonstrates the hypocrisy of a society that fails to educate girls and ostracizes women such as Fantine while encouraging the behavior of men such as Tholomyès .

Hugo casts an even more critical eye on law enforcement. The character of Valjean reveals how the French criminal-justice system transforms a simple bread thief into a career criminal.

In the French society of Les Misérables justice is clumsy at best. It barely punishes the worst criminals but tears apart the lives of people who commit petty crimes

والحين الثيم الثالث: The Long-Term Effects of the French Revolution on French Society

Hugo traces the social impact of the numerous revolutions, insurrections, and executions that took place in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century France

Hugo mentions the rise and fall of Napoléon as well as the restoration and subsequent decline of the Bourbon monarchy,

Hugo gives us a sense of the perpetual uncertainty that political events imposed upon daily life

Though Hugo’s sympathies are with republican movements rather than with the monarchy, he criticizes all of the regimes since the French Revolution of 1789 for their inability to deal effectively with social injustice or eliminate France’s rigid class system.

The revolution that Hugo champions is a moral one, in which the old system of greed and corruption is replaced by one of compassion.

Although both Napoléon and the students at the barricade come closer to espousing these values than the French monarchs do, these are not values than can be imposed through violence

هذه الثيمات الرئيسية باختصار لو بغيتي تفصيل اكثر عطيني خبر

01-01-2011, 01:06 AM
ستريم اوف كونشسنس

اولا التعريف:

stream of consciousness is a narrative mode that seeks to portray an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue, or in connection to his or her actions.

خواصها charecteristics :

Stream of Consciousness is a literary technique which was pioneered by Dorthy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce.

Stream of consciousness is characterized by a flow of thoughts and images, which may not always appear to have a coherent structure or cohesion.

The plot line may weave in and out of time and place, carrying the reader through the life span of a character or further along a timeline to incorporate the lives (and thoughts) of characters from other time periods.

Writers who create stream-of-consciousness works of literature focus on the emotional and psychological processes that are taking place in the minds of one or more characters

Important character traits are revealed through an exploration of what is going on in the mind.

Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue *

It is characterized by associative leaps in syntax and punctuation that can make the prose difficult to follow *

Stream of consciousness and interior monologue are distinguished from dramatic monologue, where the speaker is addressing an audience or a third person, which is used chiefly in poetry or drama

In stream of consciousness, the speaker's thought processes are more often depicted as overheard in the mind, it is primarily a fictional device

The term was introduced to the field of literary studies from that of psychology, where it was coined by philosopher and psychologist William James.

امثلة للستريم اوف كونشسنس

Notable worksExamples of notable works employing stream of consciousness are:

Albert Camus' The Fall (1956)

William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury (1929)

Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway (1925)

Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children (1981)

Lewis Grassic Gibbon's Sunset Song (1932)

هذه باختصار النقاط الرئيسية لهذه الحركة وفيرجينيا وولف احد اول من استخدم هالستايل "المعقد" بالكتابة لكن ماني فاهم من اي ناحية تبين تربطينها بالحركة
لان بالاساس بنرد نذكر نفس الكلام اللي فوق لو بحاول اربط الحركة بفيرجينيا وولف لان ماكو شي يديد

احتمال كبير بس مو متأكد, اني ماراح ادخل المنتدى باجر لاني بشتغل على بحث التخرج واخلصه باجر الله يستر, بس اذا بغيتي شي ارسليلي رسالة عالخاص عشان انتبه
اتمنى اكون ساعدتج وبالتوفيق لج بالبرزنتيشن ^^

white wings
01-01-2011, 09:41 PM
ألف شكر لك ...
ربي يوفقك دنيا وآخره ..
هذا يكفي وزياده مرره شكرا ياربي مو عارفه ش اقول ...
بس جد جد الدنيا لسى بخير ربي يحفظك.