المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو المساعده في حل السؤال

leen leen
17-06-2011, 02:52 PM
. Write a program to implement an ATM System. The ATM system consists of the following class:
Class Account{
Int AccNo;//account number which is a unique number
Int pinCode;//authentication code
Double balance;//available fund
double interest; // the interest percentage on the debit or credit balance
Your program consists of a menu that has the following items:

Add an account.
Delete last account.
Delete an account.
Modify an account.
Print account information.
Charge an account.
Withdraw from an account.
Exchange money from one account to another.
Find the stead.

Note that you can’t add any account if your system is full, also you can’t delete an account if there is no accounts. Note that AccNo works as primary key. You can use it to do any operation on the account such as delete, modify, search …etc.
Recall from the previous assignment that any operation needs an authentication before its completed.
To calculate the stead, use the given equation in the previous assignment.
You can exit from the system by choosing choice 10 only.
Your system should appear the menu after every choice.

leen leen
17-06-2011, 03:13 PM
اتمنى لو احد يحللي اياه بليييييز

ابو ريان الوردي
17-06-2011, 06:44 PM