المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شاشة التوقف المائية [ Aquarium 3.2 ] بنخسة جديدة ومزايا عديدة

الاخوان طلال
05-04-2012, 05:33 PM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

«= ===== =»

Marine Aquarium v3.2.6029

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«= وصف =»

شاشة توقف رائعة في البيئة المائية
الحياة تحت الماء بجميع اشكالها
حيث الاسماك والنباتات البحرية
بنسخة جديدة

SereneScreen Marine Aquarium - one of the most famous screen savers today! SereneScreen Marine Aquarium, guardian of the screen - a very realistic simulation of marine aquarium. An ordinary look at the screenshot SereneScreen Marine Aquarium, and all at once becomes clear. Fish - 3D-objects behave "as live", as well as the sounds of the rising air bubbles further reinforce this impression. In the demo you can enjoy only three fish, and afterward register here - once a family, and they can choose from a fairly wealthy, "range", which includes 20 species of tropical fish.

This is a realistic, well-executed graphic screensaver is a coral reef that is home to three fish. At the user's screen saver can display time and calendar. First is support for multiple monitors.

«= صورة =»


«= انظمة التشغيل =»

Windows 7, Vista, and XP


http://im25.gulfup.com/2012-03-30/1333064136223.jpg (http://sa.ae/2424396/)

«= (http://d9.file4u.info/download.php?id=1080)التحميل من هنا (http://d9.file4u.info/download.php?id=1080) =»[U]

موقع البرنامج (http://sa.ae/2424396/)

http://im25.gulfup.com/2012-03-30/1333064136372.jpg (http://www.ayatec.com/)