المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حصريا متصفح الفير فوكس 12 + اداة فعالة لتسريع المتصفح

عاشقة محمد ص
21-04-2012, 12:47 PM

متصفح الفير فوكس 12 + اداة فعالة لتسريع المتصفح

المتصفح الأول عالميا بأحدث نسخه بتاريخ 18 - 4

Mozilla Firefox 12.0 Beta 6

http://im26.gulfup.com/2012-04-21/1334971356671.jpg (http://rtoosh.com/up/)

المتصفح غني عن التعريف بس النسخه بها اضافات وتحديثات مهمه

http://im26.gulfup.com/2012-04-21/1334971356613.jpg (http://rtoosh.com/up/)

The main advantages of Mozilla Firefox
- Convenient bookmarks toolbar, which allows one click to create a bookmark or go to your favorite site and find the title of the latest news.
- Integrated search bar that allows you to locate information in various search engines. The number of search engines can be increased by installing the necessary plugins.
- Tab. Ability to view and interact with multiple sites at once in separate tabs of a browser window.
- Automatic updates. In most cases, the size of the updates, no more than a few hundred kilobytes.
- Protection of privacy. One click of the mouse, you can delete all personal data: browsing history, ******s, Web form data, passwords ...
- Safe on the Internet navigation. Firefox stores your privacy and protects against viruses, spyware and pop-ups. And with instant identification of websites Firefox will block access to websites online scams, dangerous trades and forgery.
- The full scale. Ability to view any part of the web page in a larger size.
- Support for RSS. The ability to create bookmarks.
- Extensibility. Mozilla Firefox - the browser that has the largest number of add-ons (plugins). You can customize the toolbar to put the additional modules and themes. Using Mozilla Firefox plug-ins turned from a small compact browser in a beautiful multi-purpose tool for exploring the World Wide Web.

List of changes
-Adapted from clearance controls the playback of video and audio content by means of HTML5, including full-screen mode;
-In the "title" attribute supports insert line breaks that allow for minimal text formatting, output from the title-tips;
-Support for centering the results of the current page;
-Automatically download files through the insertion of an address from the clipboard to the download manager window;
-For the Windows platform worked to simplify the installation of updates. For Windows Vista and Windows 7 Dialogue User Access Control (UAC) to grant permission to perform the operation will now be displayed only once rather than at each update;
-Support for CSS-properties of the column-fill, applies to all multi-column elements and to manipulate the placement of content in columns. For example, the "balance" indicates a uniform distribution of content to ensure uniform height of each column. The value "auto" indicates the consecutive filling, in which the columns are filled depending on the content;
-Support for CSS-properties text-align-last, describing the method of the last line in a block of text or line to the forced line break;
Experimental support for object-Map, and Set, defined in the ECMAScript specification 6;
-85 Enhancements added to the integrated browser tools for web-developers, such as Web-based console, **********-editor of the Scratchpad, Editor CSS, page inspector, the inspector styles viewer, HTML-code and a system of three-dimensional inspection. Among the interesting changes:
-When viewing a page of code added to display line numbers;
-After starting the web-console, previously accumulated errors and messages will be displayed in view of the limit on the size of the message queue;
Editor-in adds support for Scratchpad search mask (ctrl-F) and the transition to a given line number (ctrl-J);
-In the Style Editor adds support for translation of interface elements;
Editor-styles immediately adds lockable bracket for the curve of the new rules, to avoid disruption of walking followed the rules;
-In the 3D-inspection of the opportunity to hide certain nodes DOM;
-If you change the page in the page inspector now updates the current position is illuminated.

اثبات النسخه

http://im26.gulfup.com/2012-04-21/1334971356702.jpg (http://rtoosh.com/up/)

حجم النسخه 16 ميجا وطبعا متوافقه مع جميع نسخ الويندوز


تحميل المتصفح (http://sh4.azshar.info/923)


أداة تسريع متصفح الفير فوكس بكل فعاليه

لذا فهذه الاداة مصممة خصيصا لحل المشاكل التجزئة. الطريقة المستخدمة في SpeedyFox هي آمنة 100 ? لملف التعريف الخاص بك (على سبيل المثال bookmars كلمات السر ، الخ) وموثقة جيدا واختبارها على العديد من أجهزة الكمبيوتر .

إســم الإداة :- SpeedyFox 2.0.2

ترخيص الإداة :- مجانية - Free

توافق الاداة :- All windows

الأداة لجميع اصدارات الفيرفوكس

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

افتح الادارة ثم اتبع الصور




ثم اغلق الاداة واستمتع بالسرعة الرهيبة
http://im20.gulfup.com/2012-04-21/1334972631961.png (http://azshar.info/download.php?id=416)

تحميل الأداة (http://azshar.info/download.php?id=416)


