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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [other] Ryan Lee - Continuity King 2.0 Bullet-Proof Profits in 24 Hours(repost)

11-05-2012, 04:40 PM
Ryan Lee - Continuity King 2.0 Bullet-Proof Profits in 24 Hours(repost)


Ryan Lee - Continuity King 2.0: Bullet-Proof Profits in 24 Hours(repost)
13 FLV 9 MP3 9 PDF 1 html | 2.00 GB
"How to Build a Profit-Generating Continuity Site That Will Pay You Month after Month after Month"
With No List . No Contacts . No Product . No JVs . No PPC . 100% From Scratch
Webinar over-the-shoulder style training.
This is a very special training program that has never been done before.
It's much more than just a "how to" program. If you ever wanted to know how someone REALLY creates an entire site from scratch this is your chance.

It's 100% pure step-by-step meat! Zero fluff or filler.
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur
With all the new regulations coming down from Mastercard (and other credit card g iants following suit) plus the new strict FTC regulations it's actually created the "perfect storm" to create a continuity site NOW!
Let me explain!
Many of the most aggressive marketers who often push the envelope with their marketing tactics are either being shut down or sitting out on the sidelines while the dust settles so it's the perfect time for you to create a continuity income program.
When you create a high quality continuity program that is run ethically you stand to do very well online.
My name is Ryan Lee and I created my first paid continuity site way back in 2001 in a niche market (had nothing to do with internet marketing).
Since then I've launched over 40 different continuity programs and have behind the scenes of over 250 more. When the big marketing guns want to run a continuity program they call me for coaching and advice.
And when the new regulations recently came down I began working hard on a continuity model that anyone can follow. But the "new and improved" model must meet these criteria!
The "New" Bullet-Proof Continuity Income Model
I didn't want to create a model that only works if you already have a list of 50000 people. Or if you have a rolodex of the big players in your niche.
That's what most "gurus" do. They create a product where they can't lose because of all their contacts and list (but it's almost impossible to replicate or duplicate their success when you are starting from scratch or have no list).
You are much too smart to fall for that nonsense. You know it's much easier to launch a successful product when you already have a big list. Don't you
So I thought about creating a model where ANYONE can get started regardless of your list size or contacts! Below I laid out the following criteria the "new" model of continuity must meet for you to have the best chance of success:
Easy to Build - you must be able to create the site with zero technical skills. Basically if you can type you should be able to create a site.
Speed - the site should take no more than 24 hours of work to create
Low Hassle - you must be able to run the site without a staff (and just outsource if necessary)
Automated - the site must run 100% on it's own without constant manual updates. It should take you less than 1 hour a month to update.
Toll Booth Status - it must position you in a niche market as THE go-to expert.
Turn-Key - the site must be completely turn-key so you can easily sell it for the highest profit when you are ready to exit.
Duplicatable - must be easy to create new sites over and over again for maximum income.
Build a Fully Functioning Continuity Income Site With Me... LIVE!!!
That's right. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Through my interactive webinar software I am going to create a brand new continuity income site from scratch. And while I'm doing it I will be teaching you exactly what I am doing (so you can follow along and build one along side me).
We are going to literally build a site from scratch together. You'll see me do everything from choosing a new market (one that I have no contacts with) to setting up the payment structure to naming the product and marketing it for free.
This is 100% live. And you'll follow along the exact same steps and build your own site at the same time (in your own niche market).
It's a true step-by-step system. And there will be plenty of time for questions and answers on each training session.
You'll see all the resources I use. And when the 2 week training program is done you'll have your own fully functioning continuity income site (and you keep 100% of the profits you make forever!)
And the best part is once you learn this system you can duplicate it in any niche in 24 hours.









