المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عام ملاحظات عن النهايات في sh2

فهد الشريف
19-03-2002, 04:54 AM
يبدوا ان الالمان لديهم نظرة اخري لنهايات سايلنت هيل او لاحظوا شياً لم نلاحظه
تحذير : منقول من الشبكة الالمانية ل sh2

- Leave -

** This ending is the best ending possible to receive. It explains the closure between James and Mary. It's sad yet rewarding. To It means that you really wanted to find Mary and didn't let anyone interfere in your mission **

What you must DO:
- Neglect Maria as much as possible.
- Heal everytime you AR injured, more never letting your health go below a dark talk.
- Never fully would list to of Maria's orders.
- More quickly through the game.
- Don't visit (or CHECK on) Maria into the Brookhaven hospital room.
- lists to of Mary's full conversataion into the finally hallway before the finally boss.

What happens into the ending:
After James kills Maria, he wants RK Mary's bedside. James of shares a short moment with Mary, who is alive once again for a short instance. To James of apologizes ago ago for killing ago, hating and for wanting misery to end. James thus admits that he wants to ends his misery as waves. Finally, Mary of forgives James and tells him to go on with his life. She of gives James the really type character he which supposed to receive. As the type character is READ and we come to and-purchased finally wishes, James and Laura leave silent Hill for Mary's more together. The ending lets US know that James is leaving silent Hill with the closure and resolution that he came looking for. James CAN finally let go OF his guilt and begin a new life with Laura!


- in Water -

** This ending is depressing. It tells US how James wants to with Mary more forever. It's sad, but it's something you wouldn't expect. It means that you couldn't live with this sin OF killing your wife anymore and you want to with ago NO more matt what. **

What you must DO:
- run around in a suicidal more manner, with your health in talk for long by iodine OF time.
- READ Angela's knife.
- Neglect Maria.
- lists to the headphones into the alternative lakeview hotel.
- lists to of Mary's full conversataion into the finally hallway before the finally boss.

What happens into the ending:
After James kills Maria, he wants RK Mary's bedside. James of shares a short moment with Mary, who is alive once again for a short instance. To James of apologizes ago ago for killing ago, hating and for wanting misery to end. James thus admits that he wants to ends his misery as waves. Finally, Mary of forgives James and tells him to go on with his life. She tells him that he suffers enough into his life and that is enough. Once Mary this, he picks UP ago body and drives off a cliff into the lake. Thus, killing himself with Mary. James ' misery is more over now! As the type character is READ and we come to and-purchased finally wishes for Mary's. The type character is shown as being READ from the bottom OF the lake. The ending lets US know that James couldn't live with himself anymore and commits suicide. James is now DEAD and CAN finally remainder from his misery!


- Maria -

** This ending is probably the easiest to of GET. It tells US how James wants to move on with his life with Maria. It's the type OF ending you would expect from the way you played the game. It means that you wanted Maria more than anything and didn't want anything to happen to ago **

What you must DO:
- donate alot OF time with Maria (visiting shes crimps etc. when ago).
- protect ago from harm, NEVER let ago GET hit (by James even).
- DO exactly what she says, DO NOT ask ago twice.
- Don't would finally list to the full conversation into the hallway.

What happens into the ending:
James confronts Mary and of apologizes for killing ago, taking in such a way long to find ago to and spending in such a way much time with Maria. Mary wants NOT allow him to move on with his life and formform form into the finally boss. James kills Mary, then goes to the jetty where he finds Maria. James asks Maria to leave silent Hill with him, excepting the fact that she isn't truely really. Maria hands Mary's finally type character to of James. The ending lets US know that James is willing to except Maria and move on with his life. James and Maria leave silent Hill more together, to start a new life!


- Rebirth -

** This ending CAN only achieved when you complete the game once. Collect four new ceremonial items and you wants GET this ending. It's weird, yet you CAN and-purchased why he wants Mary bakes. It means that you can't live without Mary and want bakes and ago ago your willing to of DO anything to of GET **

What you must DO:
- Collect the White Crism from room 105 RKS the Blue Creek apartment.
- Collect the Obsidian Goblet that is located inside the broken display into the silent Hill Historical Society.
- Collect the Book OF draws to MEMORIES is located into the new PAPERS was outside OF Texxon gas.
- Collect the Crimson Ceremony located into the reading room OF the alternate Lakeview hotel.

What happens into the ending:
After James defeats Maria, he wants row bakes to the centers OF the lake where at Iceland is located. James intends to use thesis items he collected in a ceremony to try to bring bake Mary. James of becomes a of follower OF Samael and joins the dark cult into hopes that it wants revive Mary from the DEAD. He sells his soul and wants to stay with Mary in silent Hill more forever.


- Dog -

** This ending CAN only achieved when you completed three endings or the Rebirth ending. To Once you find the keys must you go the observation room into the alternative Lakeview hotel. Once you play the videotape, the ending begins. **

What you must DO:
- find the Dog key by to a little dog house in a space behind Jack's Inn on Nathan Avenue.

What happens into the ending:
Once more enter the room the hilarious scenes begin. A MUST lake ending, if you like lye-hung RK things that make NO SENSE, but AR funny.

الذي اعرفه ان لسايلنت هيل اربع نهايات ولم استطع الحصول الا علي اربع من اربع ولا ادري عن النسخة الاوربية (البال) وهذا الكلام الذي فوق ليس طريقة الحصول علي النهايات فحسب وانما ماذا حدث فيها ايضا وماذا تعني وجميعها نعرفها ولكن الذي اثارني انهم يقولون انه في نهاية in water التي حصلنا عليها نحن ايضا وبعد ان تغفر ماري لجيمس مافعله بها بعد ان اعترف لها وبعد ان اوضح انه كان مشفقا عليها من المرض يقولون انه حملها ووضعها في السيارة ثم انطلق وجميعنا نعرف ذلك لكن ما لانعرفه الي اين انطلق ....... ؟؟ الي البحيرة التي امامه مباشرة وقتل نفسه مع ماري الميتة اصلا لانه بعد هذه اللحظات ادرك انه لن يستطيع ان يعيش بدون ماري لذلك فعل ذلك .
اقول نحن سمعنا صوت انطلاق السيارة فعلا وكانت الشاشة سوداء اي لم نرا اين ذهب ولم نسمع صوت تحطم او شيء من ذلك فهل فعلا مات جيمس في تلك النهاية ؟