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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسرار جديده MGS2

27-03-2002, 11:16 AM
اهلا شباب بعد طول غياب عن المنتدى والبحث عن mgs2الاوروبيه سوف تصدر في الامارات في الاسبوع القادم و لقد عوة باسرار جديده و طريقة عمل الصور في mgs2 ولكن باللانجلزيه سوف ترونها الاول مره وسوف يترجمها لكم الاخ Raiden_MGS2002انشاء الله معتحيات
dark-viper & Raiden_MGS2002
الاسرارGrip level 2 and 3
In the plant in strut D, hang off of the top floor then drop to the bottom floor, without falling in the water. Do this 10 times to get grip level 2 and 20 times for grip level 3.

Silly Snake
After talking with Stillman run out to the CD bridge, to see a stuned guard and someone in a box shoot or chase them away- then call Snake. Raiden asks what sort of idiot uses a box!

Hey my name is Johnny
When you have to Snipe with E.E if you use the directional microphone, she will bump in to the same guard (johnny) and a funny conversation happens (usally she talks about raiden having a wig)

a thing that you can hang on ang
you are on that floor that the wier brong you on you go foward the make a right then there should be a legde you can hang on jump over thing and go to the right when you come to a short railing jump over it and there should be a door leeding to hold #2

Secret wire
in hold #1 in front of you should be a thing that you can jump over and hang then go left note make sure you hold the left buttin down hard to go faster then you come to a thing you can jump up on jump on it and you are on a floor.

Secret Passage
while in hold #2 on the right side there is a nother lid you can oppen

getting dog tag #20
go to hold #2 and there should be three or four gards not you have to have like 16 to get 20

stuned marines
go to hold #1 and throw a stun gernade over the rail and into the mess of marines not the game will be over

Sea louse
In the start of the plant chapter in the dock you see the bugs.If you crawl over them a sea louse enters your body. It will appear on the rations colum and eat your rations very slowly.When it eats 3 it will leave.You can get it other places where there are bugs. Also when you return your clear code to www.konamijpn.com your rank will be sea louse.

Marines Dogtags
When in the holds with snake,you can get some of the marines dogtags. All you have to do is find a marine at the back or the side (who is not in any other marines view)stick him up and watch him whimper.But use M9 cause if you kill him it is mission failed.Don't bang into him either as the other marines will hear.

toilet perve
when your raiden go in the girls bathroom in strut c where you meet stillman and crouch and look at one of the toilets in first person and then contact rose. see what happens

Shit on ya face!
use the PSG1 point up at sea gulls when u shoot em they shit on the scope!!

Shaving Pliskin
When u start as Raiden go to the left side of the pool that u came in by hang on the railing move along move allong it and u will pick up a razor equip it when u first meet pliskin and he will use it to shave off his tash.

When you beat the game with all dogtags, you get wigs.

Brown: Infinite ammo
Blue: Infinite O2
Orange: infinite grip

Parrot Fun
In shell 1 Core B2 Computer Room you find a parrot. If you shoot it it will mimic the guards.
If you spray it with the coolant it will say "this sucks". If you point the D. mic at it and press triangle and say "are you ames?" A couple of times it will start saying "are you ames?".

Did you know you get different dogtags from snake on different difficulty's and plus etxra if you have the european version

Dog tags
If you are pissed off with gaurds that don't give you there dogtags, Then instead of pointing a hand gun at them .eg socom or m9, use a bigger gun .eg nikita, stinger or a gun like a aks74u.
you will see that it work all the time.

Get Casting Theatre Mode
just complete the game once and you should have casting theatre mode in special

more time when facing metal gear rays
a way to give you more time to destroy the rays is to throw some chaff grenades which buggers up there system for a bit which gives you more time to shoot it with a stinger missile

Pliskins Lecture
Hide in a cardboard box and call Pliskin. If you are luck, Pliskin will lecture you on how a cardboard box is the most vital piece of equipment you have and how you should treat it with trust and love. Reiden doesn't seem to think for a second that Pliskin is playing on Riedens trusting personality!

Shot Pliskin
After that great vamp cutscene when you meet Pliskin, Pliskin will go to sleep on the stairs. Then point your gun at him and watch his reaction. Try shooting him, he will shoot back.

Stop bugging me Emma
an easier way to get emma across the bugs on the part were emma is afraid to go near the bugs is either to tranq her with your m9 or to use the coolant spray to frighten away the bugs.

Ghost pictures
I've found a ghost picture in the game (hidden pictures that shouldn't be there)take a picture of the projector in the hold and you will see a picture of hideo, there are meant to be more hidden in the game but i can't find them.

Beat Fatman
I found that planting claymores was a good way to beat fatman. Plant them on the rusty metal on the right side of the heliport as he always skates through there. When he goes into it he will lose some health and then rest for ages. When he is resting shot him in the head with your socom.

The Lord is amung us
At the begining where you first enter the ship go down instead of up (where it zooms in on that guards shadow) and you will come to a man. Steal his dogtag and you will find out his name is Jesus.

About dog tags
To know if you already have the dog tag of a guard, take your camera and press triangle : if you have it, you'll see his name written.

Getting Snake's Dogtag
European version only: when raiden is nude go that place where solid gives you raiden gear and stuff. when you eguip sword, knock out snake and shake him and he will drop dog tag. every difficulty level has different dog tag.

Choking the Chicken
Locate the locker room on the tamker where the fhm posters are. Open the locker and view the poster in 1st person. Then press select and phone Otacon to see solid snake having a wank.

Unlock Boss Survival
Complete the game (tanker and plant) and in special you will get an option called Boss Survival. You can then fight every boss in the game in a survival thing.

Pervy Gaurd
When You Alert A Guard Leave A locker With A Poster On It And The Guard Will Be Distracted While You Make An Escape Or Hold Him Up!!!

Exploding Bugs
When you see a swarm of bugs, a good place is after you have transported Emma through the Shell 2 Core, B1 Filtration Chamber. In first person fire a grenade at them and watch the bugs fly and hit you. Do this, then equip your camera, it makes for a great picture.

Secret Passage
While in the tanker hold 1 when the speach is on go to the bottom left corner of the room and press triangle on the lid on the floor. This brings you to a secret passage.

Explosive girl pictures
In the engine room at the tanker there are some pictures on the walls, search for them and shoot them. Use the scope and usp.

Camera crazy
On the tanker, after you defeat Olga take a picture of her legs and also take pictures of the sexy posters, then send your photos to Otacon and he asks you "is that all you think about".

In the hold some of the gaurds are wearing boxers, take a picture of them and Otacon questions you about your sexuality!

Movie projector
On the tanker, in the hold (with all the gaurds) press triangle when you are near the projectors, and a movie of some girls should appear on the projector screen.

Getting the PSG-T
You need level3 card, go to warehouse at the plant, on the 2nd floor in some of the doors,and then in the vent.

Digital Camera
When getting on the conveyor belt in the parcel room, use the Z.O.E box to go into a secret room where you will find the camera

Raven is cool?
In the tanker there is a doll(it´s Raven)shoot it it´s gonna shoot back (take it easy)

sleeping bird
On the roof of the plant, try to shoot a bird with a 9m gun.(or a socom)

Extra stories
Go to special and then to previous stories. Read all of the only book there. When on the last page press x on your controller. Now read the new one, when on the last page press x again. You will have all three stories

Dog Tag Rewards
These amounts are for the european version.
Tanker mission:

46 tags: Bandana (infinitie ammo)
78 tags: Stealth

Plant mission:

73 tags: Brown wig (infinitie ammo)
121 tags: Stealth
170 tags: Orange wig (infinitie grip)
218 tags: Blue wig (infinitie oxygen)

Complete the game twice and the third play through Snake And Raiden Will be wearing glasses

Take it easy Raiden
At the "plant" you can see birdshit on the floor,
try to run on it,aaaaaa boom.

Directional Microphone Fun
Just after you fine Ames you will have to listen to a conversation with the directional microphone between ocelot and another bloke. While you are doing this move the microphone to the left towards the toilet and you will hear a very funny conversation.

infinite ammo wig
when you complete mgs2 you will win a wig which gives you infinite ammo when you equip it. Its like the bandana in the previous mgs

In the plant mission just keep on shooting as many seagulls as you can and Rose will break up with Raiden. Call Rose back and Raiden will apologize and they will get back together.

Travelling with Boxes
To travel with the boxes, equip the box then jump onto the conveyer belt at the top right in Strut E: Parcel Room. Different boxes take you to different locations. This is just like the trucks in the original MGS.

Using Coolant
Coolant can do many things:
Spray it in a sleeping guard's face to wake him up.
Spray it on the lens of a camera to disable it.
Spray it on mirrors to fog them.

Increase Grip Level
Do 100 pull ups to increase your grip level. To do a pull up press L2 and R2 while hanging. You can get a maximum grip level of 3.

Search for Dogtags
To find dogtags you can use your thermal googles to look at soldiers necks. Also you will be able to see a glint if a soldier has a dog tag.

Get Stealth
To get stealth you have to collect 78 or more dog tags on the tanker. For Raiden you need to collect 121 or more in the Plant.
من موقعhttp://www.mgs2online.com
طريقة عمل الصورمن ING.com
Bathroom Problems
When you're listening to the converasation between Ocelot and Solidus with your Directional Mic, press left to point the mic at the bathroom. You'll be able to listen to a very humorous scene where some guy is having problems on the toilet.

Daze the Guards
Even the stealthy sometimes get caught. When this happens, a blue exclamation point will appear above the guard's head. If you shoot the blue punctuation mark, you'll knock the guard out temporarily.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Extreme Mode
After you beat the game once, you'll unlock the Extreme difficulty level.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Get Digital Camera
After you beat the game, you can play the game over with the same save and you'll have the Digital Camera in your inventory for both the Plant and Tanker episodes. You can use this to take pictures and save them onto your memory card.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Get the Wig
First play through both the Tanker and Plant episodes and get every dog tag. Then start a new game and save. You will then have a wig in your inventory that gives you infinite ammo and allows you to not have to reload.

Getting Dog Tags
Most of the normal guards in the game have Dog Tags that contain the names of the game's development team and those that won Konami's contest. To collect the Dog Tags you must hold up the guard and then make him shake and give it up by pointing your gun at his head or crotch. Dog Tags can be collected for each of the game's four difficulty levels.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Make Yourself Stronger
Anytime you find yourself hanging from a bar or edge, you can press the R2 and L2 buttons to make the character do a pull-up. After you do 100 of them, your grip strength will be raised one level.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Skip Codec Text
You can quickly skip through all the Codec voices and text by pressing the triangle button twice. The first will stop the voice and text and the second press will cause the rest of it to scroll through quickly.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Special Message From Otacon
If you take pictures of all the girl posters, and the two locker doors that have a guy and girl on them next to each other, and upload them to Otacon instead of the photos of the Metal Gear Ray, you'll get some hilarious responses from him.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Waking up Soldiers
If you need to get a Dog Tag from a knocked out guard, just spray coolant on his face to wake him up and then try to hold him up.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
Zoom-in on Cut-Scenes
Press the R1 button to zoom in on the real-time polygonal cut scenes. When holding the button down, you can move the camera around slightly with the right analog stick.
Submitted by - IGN PS2
http://www.konamijpn.com/products/mgs2/english/pic/top_snake.gif http://www.konamijpn.com/products/mgs2/japanese/pic/top_raiden.gif

27-03-2002, 12:28 PM
مشكور يا dark-viper على دي الاسرار
لكن هل هذه الاسرار مخصصه للنسخه الاوروبية فقط ام انها تنفع مع النسخه NTSC

27-03-2002, 01:57 PM
مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووور و ألف مشكور
مثل ما قال أكس واي .... هذا ينطبق على النسخة الأمريكية أو اليابانية ؟

و تقدر تترجم بعض الأسرار لو أمكن لأني وايد مضيع ! :D

Silver Shark
27-03-2002, 03:26 PM
مشكور يالـ أخو