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الموضوع: القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

  1. #1
    literature pages

    القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

    Standing somewhere in the horizon of a green land

    Asking GOD to mercy on her up leveling hands

    Looking up and talking to the faraway uprising sky

    The tree stood under the shining sun and cried

    “I am a three hundred years old Cottonwood tree

    All I am asking you for is looking at the miserable me

    I am living under your great home, right in soil

    I wish that the rest of my years won’t be spoiled

    It’s totally right that my true name is Cottonwood

    But now I am living as another tree, in another mood

    You GOD, have to help me in any possible proper way

    Just wait to tell you what I felt the past few days

    I used to be a long time ago an Eastern Hemlock

    I used to be considered by all my beauties a padlock

    My head in the sky was enclosed by green leaves

    My trunk was so covered by the oppressive eaves

    I was so young in a way my life was going fine

    I printed my character and typed my personal line

    I had something special going up and down in my roots

    I just knew that for the next life I will deeply suits

    But I wanted no more to be the mockery among my family

    About how fat and large I am always used to be

    But I am deeply exhorted to get a new emotion

    To satisfy my desire engraved in my leave’s lotions

    After the Eastern Hemlock I felt as a coconut palm

    I was getting mature so I tried to be wise and calm

    I tried to help people by giving the fruit of my survival

    But never believed that bad things were an arrival

    My feet over the hot golden sands are getting burned

    But I don’t know my thins to deserve what I’ve earned

    My head has become wagged and so not cool

    And my shadow is getting moreover a naked stick of pool

    After the Coconut Palm’s feelings invaded my mind

    I sought about a sister to be useful, handsome and maybe kind

    I couldn’t find but the Quaking Aspen to be my place

    To be my new character, to be my forever face

    After being the Quaking Aspen I looked in a reflection

    I saw what every tree want from life and it perfection

    I saw myself as a fifty years old tree, I felt so young

    I wished that my perfection will last all along

    But when seasons stroke on my leaves all day and night

    When I used to make surgeries of colors in every fight

    I wanted to find a solution for what I have just became

    So I can finally rid away of my ugliness that I always blamed

    I have decided to get back to myself that I used to be

    To the perfection in my life that I couldn’t see

    I want to ask the last favor from you my Lord

    Forget what I have just said and all my words

    Because now after feeling what other trees feel in their life

    I noticed and learned that paradise may sometimes be a strife

    So the self satisfaction of what we are must never fade

    Because a recovery phase may often seems too late…


    Life isn't about how many breath you take, it's about how many times it takes your
    breath away

    Life is about being sad in most of the times so that we can value the moments when being glad

  2. #2
    literature pages

    مشاركة: القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

    hello guys, hru?
    the poem above it's about a tree that wasnt satisfied of what she is, so she decided to experience being someone else. when she experienced the life of other kind of trees, she noticed that what may seem a paradise from the outside might be a living hell from the inside...But when that tree decide to get back for what she was, she realized that it's too late to recover the lost time in being somebody else...
    i know the poem might be a bit long but it worth to be read

    Best regards... THE DUKE

    Life isn't about how many breath you take, it's about how many times it takes your
    breath away

    Life is about being sad in most of the times so that we can value the moments when being glad

  3. #3
    Somewhere I Belong

    مشاركة: القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

    It looks interesting and nice, though I didn't read it yet, but I will soon insha'Allah, and I'll post my reply later on
    Ciao for now
    ~ إذا دعتك قدرتك على ظلم الناس، فتذكر قدرة الله عليك ~

  4. #4
    ؛؛ .. فلســ(غزة)ــطين .. ؛؛

    مشاركة: القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

    شكرا اخي كلماتك رائعة وجميلة

    تحياتي........( نكاش روس )

  5. #5
    literature pages

    مشاركة: القناعة كنز لا يفنى؟

    مشكور نكاش روس ولله انت اللي ذوقك حلو و عذب

    best regards

    Life isn't about how many breath you take, it's about how many times it takes your
    breath away

    Life is about being sad in most of the times so that we can value the moments when being glad

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