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الموضوع: (وبدات اللعبه) FFXIV: Heavensward For PS4-PC كل ما يخص اللعبه

  1. #541
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    الموقع يقول الرابط خطا او الصوره تم مسحها ..
    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ


  2. #542
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    Room of no escape…Mordion Gaol aka FFxiv GM Jail

    الي بالصوره شخصية Foxclon

    موقع http://arrstatus.com/ اضاف :

    Open Beta Begins:
    15 Days 16 Hours

    Early Access Begins:

    26 Days

  3. #543

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    أفاتار لكلاس ال Arcanist

    Emerald Carbuncle

    Topaz Carbuncle

  4. #544
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    نايس دحتى وهو وحش استدعاء واحد ممكن يكون له اكثر من ستايل للقتال,

    بخصوص شخصيات v1.0 ومتى يتم اعادة تصميمها,

    Characters being transferred from Version 1.0 will get to make their characters over one time, will that be during early access or Beta Phase 4?
    Dev Rep Hvinire : This is scheduled for phase 4.
    Source: Loadstone Forums

    Modifying Version 1.0 Characters
    The appearance of Version 1.0 Characters can only modified when logging in for the first time after the start of official service. You cannot perform changes during phase 3 of the beta test.
    * If you believe your Version 1.0 character data has been improperly transferred, please contact the support center.

    Sorry for the confusion, the latest information on Lodestone is the more accurate. Character data can be transferred over from Beta Phase 4 to launch, and on launch a character edit flag will be activated for 1.0 players giving them a chance to change their character's appearance once.
    We're still deciding whether this will take place during early access or on August 27th, and will update you once we know more.
    I know confirmation has been a long time coming on this one, and we're glad to finally detail how this will work! When you log into A Realm Reborn for the first time with your old character (specifically after phase 4), you will have the ability to redo any aspect of your character -- one time only. This includes the ability to change your name.

    Everyone's getting a second chance at a first impression!
    When creating a character, if you choose a name that's already taken, a message will pop-up saying “This name is already in use.”

    In the event that someone has the same exact first name and last name after we transfer characters from FFXIV 1.0 into the worlds used in ARR, we will check who originally had the name determined by certain priorities. As for what those priorities are, we will be announcing this on Lodestone in the future.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Iris ; 24-07-2013 الساعة 11:26 PM
    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ


  5. #545
    .: ـالامارتـ :.

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    التعديل اللي بيصير غي فيس 4 .. هو يعتبر التعديل النهائي؟
    والبروجرس للعلب بيتخزن للريليس؟

    εïз.. بتندمون اذا ما عرفتوه ..εïз

    أمـــوت ويبقى كل ما كتبته ذكـــرى
    فيا ليت ..كل من قرأ كلماتي .. دعالـــي

    صدقة جارية: جزء عم

  6. #546

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    أيه نعم.

    عشر حروف

  7. #547
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    Hvinire الي هو عضو في Dev Rep ذكر انه في البيتا 4 , احتمال خطا منه لانه عدل بكلامه لاحقا ...,
    في الموقع كانو يقولون عند بداية اللعبه رسميا, المقصود فيه اللنتش للعبه ,
    "Modifying Version 1.0 Characters
    The appearance of Version 1.0 Characters can only modified when logging in for the first time after the start of official service. You cannot perform changes during phase 3 of the beta test.
    * If you believe your Version 1.0 character data has been improperly transferred, please contact the support center"

    عموما بنعرف باذن الله عند بداية البيتا 4,

    الاختصار للموضوع هو :

    - الي نسويه من خلال البيتا 4 بينحفظ وينقل للعبه الرسميه, (مالم يحدث خطا يضطرهم ليعيدون من اول),
    - خيار التعديل بالشكل والاسم عند الاصدار الرسمي, فقط للاعبين

    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ


  8. #548
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

  9. #549
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    Dungeon Crawl, Part 1

    Copperbell Mines


    The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak

    Haukke Manor

    Brayflox’s Longstop

    I wonder what dungeons will be showcased in part two…

    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ


  10. #550
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    Letter from the Producer, XLVIII - 07/25/2013

    ملخص باهم الامور:

    - Prime Ifrit بيكون له طورين, السهل لفل 20 الي جربناه في البيتا + طور لفل 50 الي منه نحصل الاسلحه,
    - انهاء الـ main scenario بيوصل للفل 50, لكن مو نهاية اللعبه , لان بيكون في updates متتابعه لتكمل القصه,
    - Titan بنواجهه اول مره في مهام القصه main story في four person battle, لكن الطور الصعب منه بيكون لـ 8 لاعبين
    يعني نفس Ifrit. وفي الرساله تحت اقتباس لكلامهم و هو يجربون صعوبة الـ Prime,

    --- -- --- --- --- --

    الرساله كاملة:

    by Naoki_Yoshida

    Hello again to all of you eagerly awaiting FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. With only a month left until release, the office is a bedlam of system schematics, game designs, and empty Red Bull cans. Even so, I couldn't go another minute without sending out my forty-eighth letter!

    First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in phase 3 of the beta test. Although character data had to be deleted at the end, players tested every nook and cranny of the game, providing us with a great deal of feedback. The development team and I can't thank you enough for all your help.

    As we continue to address all the feedback from phase 3, we're squashing out a few final bugs, and making some last minute adjustments to the end game battles.

    Completing the main scenario will get players to level 50, but the adventure doesn't end there. Being an online game, there'll be regular updates to continue the story. So even if you reach the level cap shortly after release, there's no reason to think you've hit the top. Considering all the plans we have for the game, you may want to get comfortable and prepare for a long stay in Eorzea.

    Let me use the phase 3 Ifrit battle as an example. Although this battle is a level 20 encounter in the main story, after reaching level 50 you can take on a harder version. Anyone looking to earn weapons from the primals will have to overcome these higher level fights.

    The various encounters we've created were designed with a hierarchy in mind, and as players progress through each tier, they'll naturally collect an optimal set of gear for that tier. All jobs were equipped with this optimal gear when we conducted our tests. We've calculated the maximum DPS for these battles down to the decimal, but it's up to you guys to show us what you're made of and reach for that level of precision.
    (We've used debug commands to monitor DPS during our tests, and the numbers are intense.)

    Because these fights are so tough, it wasn't enough to play with just the battle team and myself. Thankfully, we managed to reel in a few dedicated gamers from the other departments to help with our testing. (Thank you so much guys!)

    With that said, I think it's time for a long overdue dose of screenshots.

    Titan—the indomitable mountain! You got a glimpse of him during the Crystal's Call trailer, but soon enough you'll have the chance to go toe to toe with this gargantuan fiend. You'll encounter him first during the main story in a four person battle, but in hard mode you'll need eight players to take him down. Just wait until you see the extreme mode battle we're working on.

    I somehow managed to stay alive to take screenshots, but with all my running around, there was no time to actually try and defeat him. I was about to get serious, but then came the fist.

    Before I knew it, I'd fallen out of the ring just like everyone else. We're all pretty serious gamers so it was a bit of a shock. Trying to keep straight faces, we couldn't help but laugh as he took us down one by one.

    We even toned it down a bit because we thought the damage may be a little high. Or so I thought.

    Originally Posted by Translation
    Anonymous A: Tumult damage was reduced by 15%.
    Anonymous A: But I thought that'd make it too easy, so I also raised its ??? 20%.
    Anonymous B: Hahahaha.
    Producer Director: rofl
    Anonymous A: That's all.
    Screenshot saved.
    Producer Director: I've got to get this
    Producer Director: in the next Letter from the Producer.

    We'll be making adjustments to really push these fights to the brink. A perfectly timed level 3 limit break just might be the difference between victory and defeat

    Here's another high level dungeon for four players. Naturally we've covered up a few things to prevent spoilers, but you guys seem to have a knack for figuring things out. This is sure to be another exciting life and death battle, and Demon Wall is only the mid-dungeon boss! Who or what could be waiting at the end?

    I know players from Version 1.0 are curious about their relic weapons, and this picture may give you an idea of what's in store for that quest.
    (The quest name in parenthesis came from a debug command, so no need to decipher it.)
    We hope you'll enjoy the changes we've made in your quest to acquire the ultimate weapon.

    As a gamer, I use a lot of different keyboard and gamepad setups at home, but all of our tests for FFXIV: ARR have been done using a standard gamepad. Checking how difficult it was to finish battles and how much DPS we could put out, we'll do final checks and double checks of everything once gamepad performance is where we want it.

    Although we're making a product, it truly is a pleasure to be engrossed in this game all day. Final adjustments to the later battles are well underway, and soon everyone will be having as much fun as we are, and then some.

    Thank you again to all the players around the world who took the time to test our game, and to the players from Version 1.0 who've supported us from the beginning. Release day is on the horizon, and we'll continue to give it our all to provide you with a great gaming experience.

    I have to go for now, but I'll see you all soon in my eighth LIVE letter. Until next time!

  11. #551
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    نايس لو في موضوع يكون guide بسيط لكل من يريد يبدا اللعبه وماعنده خلفيه للعبه, بما ان اللعبه ستل مابدات,
    سو اتسائل لو احد بباله يسوي الموضوع يخبرنا هنا, او اسويه اذا مافي احد عنده استعداد,

  12. #552
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    FF14 Commercial

  13. #553

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    بمناسبة وصول عدد الطلبات لدخول البيتا لمليون طلب تم اصدار ثيمين واحد للوندوز و الثاني لPS3

    Windows :

    الثيم يتضمن خلفيات لسطح المكتب واصوات للنظام بالاضافة لتغير في الوان النوافذ


    يتضمن خلفيات للنظام وايقونات خاصة للعبة بالاضافة الى الاصوات
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة abdulaziz_a ; 26-07-2013 الساعة 08:49 PM

  14. #554
    Iris غير متصل °•»Łίցнт×Đαгĸηєѕs«•°

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    نايس جاري تجربتهم الاثنين,

    FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn features Full Active Time Events (FATE), which occur periodically in real time throughout Eorzea. In one of these FATE, you and other brave adventurers will have the opportunity to fight alongside Lightning herself

    The reward for successfully completing this event is gear and weaponry modeled after those found in LR: FFXIII. By wearing the full set, female characters can dress as Lightning and male characters can dress as Snow.

    سو وجودها عباره عن قتال FATE

    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْقِهِ وَرِضَا نَفْسِهِ وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ وَمِدَادَ كَلِمَاتِهِ


  15. #555

    رد: -(مهم لكل من يريد تجربة البيتا 4)- FFXIV: A Realm Reborn For PS3-PC كل ما يخص الل

    بخصوص ثيم الوندوز ف مايشتغل عندي. مجربها على الوندوز 7 و 8

    وثيم البلايستيشن شكله حلو
    اذا بتنزلوا ثيم البلايستيشن بسرعة بس افتح المتصفح عن طريق البلايستشين وضع رابط التحميل راح ينزلها وبعدها تقدر تستخدمه على الجهاز

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