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الموضوع: How to improve your language?

  1. #1

    How to improve your language?

    Dear brothers and sisters, there is no magic way to follow if we want to improve our level of the English language. However, there are many ways according to which you can improve your language. But all ways need patience as well as a strong will.

    The question which must jump into our minds now is : what are these ways which will lead us to improving our language?

    Here is a list of some points which will help all of you:
    1- Listening to native speakers daily.
    We can carry out this point through listening to the BBC, VOA, FM or CNN . As for me, I recommend the BBC because the way of pronunciation of the BBC announcers is called RP which means ( The British Accent ) ...This accent is simple and clear. You can understand it easily. It is even the academic way of pronunciation for academic studies at universities all over the world. Listening to Egnlish programmes will help you to a great extent. Most of my students follow this piece of advice and I notice their advancement day after day.

    2- There must be a minimum rquirement of three dictionaries at home for every student who wants to improve his/her level.
    a- English - English dictionary
    b- English - Arabic dictionary
    c- Arabic- English dictionary

    3- The third point of our plan is to practise the language daily. You can talk to your brother or sister at home. Open any topic and try to discuss it in English. Step by step, there must be a noticeable change of your way of talking. Belive me, language is not a subject that we can learn through an intensive course of a couple of weeks or more. As far as the point of practising the language is concerned, I recommend practising English with foreigners via the distance learning rooms of the famous programme Paltalk. Academically speaking, serious topics are discussed there in a good way and under the auspices of an administrator. By the way, I have my own room there and I administrate it under the title ( The English convoy of teaching English ) but it is closed now because of some circumstances . Those who are interested to join the convoy are welcome. I may notify you when it will be opened again if you want. all that is required is a mic and a brave person who will be able to talk in front of many people from many different countries.

    4- The last point, but not least, is ( reading, reading and reading )....You have to read in order to improve your English. Without reading, your English will not be based on strong pillars, let alone learning a new word and adding it to your reportoire of English. In addition, learning the English grammar is a must. I can manage this point to you.

    I will add the rules of grammar very soon in shaa Allah

    Mohamed Ansary
    لا إله إلا الله
    وحده لا شريك له
    له الملك و له الحمد
    و هو على كل شىء قدير

  2. #2

    مشاركة: How to improve your language?

    Dear sister Mekayewwa, whrere is my old topic of Translation?
    لا إله إلا الله
    وحده لا شريك له
    له الملك و له الحمد
    و هو على كل شىء قدير

  3. #3
    A place under the sun

    Smile مشاركة: How to improve your language?

    Welcome back my dear Dr Ansary ...It's been a very
    long time since we last heard from you .. I hope you enjoyed your Eid holiday..... In fact , on behalf of everyone , I'd like to thank you for the brilliant ideas you are giving to those who want to improve their English .......
    I would also like to add that it would be very useful if everyone tries to get and use those dictionaries
    which have CDs ... That will be of great help as they will give the exact , correct pronunciation as well as the different usages of words..... I , myself , have two of these dictionaries ....... OXFORD TALKING DICTIONARY ......... and the other one is OXFORD ADVANCED GENIE ....... They are very nice dictionaries and , moreover , they give both ways of pronunciation : British English and American English ....
    May Allah bless you Doctor .. Don't go away ....

  4. #4

    مشاركة: How to improve your language?

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mohamedansary72
    Dear sister Mekayewwa, whrere is my old topic of Translation?

    Hi teacher
    sorry but i wasnt able to log in coz the forum was not working
    i couldnt read ur topic
    but im sure its worth reading
    i will come back later to read it
    as for ur old topic ,,, it is there with the distinguished ones
    i'll stick it there so that u can see it easily
    c u
    سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله و الله أكبر
    لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين

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