The truthful vision

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

My sweethearts sister and brothers in the God,

Is you knowing that the vision of the prophets is a right,

And the Satan is not represented in the generous prophet,

What if the prophet visited you in your dream , he told you that you will die after 5 hours,

,then you weeks up intolerable

what you will act at the first,

Is you beginning the break of the song tapes which fills your room,

If you goes to your mother's room let her apologize to her for your conduct's evil to her,

Is you beginning to the connection by the some bodies who while you slandered them. mocked them,

Does you untie in the repetition of a terms which doesn't say her from blue moon .

Is you contacting your colleague who you mocked him day that adhere by God

Is you contacting your relatives who doesn't forge them since a blue moon ,

you excuses them for your shortening in connection of the womb then say good bay that you will die after five hours from now,

Are you deleting the sex files that it doesn't befit the Muslim from your computer,

Is you connected with your friend which the pride of your prevention from the apology to him,

How you will say good bay for your family? is you tells them that you will die. How is you using your possessions and your special things,

Does you close your room's door and begins to the prayer

if you is being to read the Koran

At first did you remember the last time that your read the Koran

I deprive the dust of the Koran at the first,

What your mind if reached to you the King of death is without the advance poems, doesn't give you time until a part from the second,

What is your situation

Decide your fate,.. to you

Let this questions stay in our mind……

And I apologize to Naughty Angel for the bad note, and ask you to satisfied me, and be a good brothers in God
