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الموضوع: Forgive me my friend

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية sensei
    sensei غير متصل فارسة الرسم
    الفائزة الثانية لمسابقة الأنمي

    Forgive me my friend

    Hi everyone… this is a new poem from me

    I wrote this to my friend who was a friend for 5 years and I
    had never given her a gift… so I wrote this poem and buy her a
    ^_^gift and put it in her locker at school

    She was really happy and in the break she gave me a big deep
    hug thanking me… I like here although I was very rude and cruel
    with here in the past

    So I wrote this poem to her to forgive me…

    Also… in the end I wrote my feeling toward our school… coz one
    night they asked the talented girls to go with them somewhere
    and they lied at us… they said there will be no guys only girls but
    they lied… I went back home angrily and I hated the school from
    that day… I told my friend about what happened so I put my
    feelings in the poem too ^_^ because her classmates where there
    but they were glad that their stupid school gave them that
    chance to show the country their talents

    Here is the poem

    A few days ago
    I judged myself and so
    I thought of writing this
    Trying to fix my mess
    Sorry for being rude
    It was my childhood
    But you can relax now
    Cause I'm not anymore a cow'
    That was only the beginning
    So let me start talking

    The relation of the friendship
    Is really like the rosehip
    Which looks really beautiful
    And good for health and useful
    But sometimes it becomes
    Like powder of the guns
    Which makes pain in heart
    So try to be smart
    To not get lose
    Because it's the worst

    The worst is to decide
    Without using your mind
    To say stupid things
    And split with your friends
    So don't waste you soul
    By falling in a deep hole
    My mind became clear
    So please forgive me dear

    Finally I want to write
    My feeling after that night

    School's girls are fools
    They're used as tools
    From this stupid school
    The school is really cruel
    Ieman high school is heck
    That is what I think

    Ieman high school = my school's name

    Now I'm waiting for you do tell me what you think about my poem

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة sensei ; 12-06-2007 الساعة 02:37 PM

  2. #2

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    thanks for the poem
    nice one sister
    but i dont think friends are always real friends
    most of the time,, they are hypocrites
    سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله الا الله و الله أكبر
    لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين

  3. #3

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    nice one...... it is relly good poem
    and we witing for another one
    thanxs sis..and i wish you all the best

  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية sensei
    sensei غير متصل فارسة الرسم
    الفائزة الثانية لمسابقة الأنمي

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    thanks for the poem
    nice one sister
    but i dont think friends are always real friends
    most of the time,, they are hypocrites
    I think that too... but u said always and this friend not like the others
    I have friend for 12 yeard and this one for 4 years and another for 5 years
    these kind of friendship don't really break up easly
    I love my friends
    but that doesn't mean I've never break with my friends... I met lots of kinds of people... but now I can choose who is really can be friend
    thanks for your replay

    nice one...... it is relly good poem
    and we witing for another one
    thanxs sis..and i wish you all the best
    thanks sis ^_____^ but it has been really long time since last poem
    I'll try to write one soon

  5. #5

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    The worst is to decide
    Without using your mind

    I like the poem
    thank you so much dear sensei for sharing
    it was nice from you to write this poem
    to your friend

    سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم

  6. #6
    الصورة الرمزية sensei
    sensei غير متصل فارسة الرسم
    الفائزة الثانية لمسابقة الأنمي

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    Oh thanks ^_^... and thank you for your reply
    The best gift for your friends is your feeling tward them
    nothing better than a poem to declare your feelings ^_^ that's what I think

  7. #7

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    hi ... i really liked ur poem its so touchy

    >> great job<<
    keep it up

  8. #8
    الصورة الرمزية sensei
    sensei غير متصل فارسة الرسم
    الفائزة الثانية لمسابقة الأنمي

    رد: Forgive me my friend

    thank lynda ^_^ I'm glad that you are here
    its so touchy
    I don't think that but maybe you are sensetive
    thanks again and see you in my other poems ^_^
    the links in my signature

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