النتائج 1 إلى 10 من 10

الموضوع: كل شيء عن sym ( حل-اسرار-صنع مصارعين والكثيييير) ادخل و شوف

  1. #1

    Talking كل شيء عن sym ( حل-اسرار-صنع مصارعين والكثيييير) ادخل و شوف

    تقريري الخاص عن شت يور موس

    يحتوي التقرير علي:
    1-معلومات عن اللعبة
    2-ازرار التحكم
    3-تقرير عام عن مميزات اللعبة
    4-الحل الكامل
    5-اسرار اللعبة
    6-صنع المصارعين

    1-معلومات عن اللعبة :
    عدد الاعبين:4
    2-ازرار التحكم:
    ايرش ويب : دايرة
    الركض : مثلت
    الضرب يد او قدم : اكس
    الصد : مربع
    امساك الخصم وضربه: دايرة وسهم
    الصعود علي اي شيء: الذهاب قربه والضغط علي مثلث
    الهروب : ال تو من الركض
    ابطال مفعول الركض: ار ون
    حركات المصارعين: (التانتس ) ال تو
    التانت الاخري: ال تو و سهم
    امساك الاسلحة وفك اسفنج اركان الحلبة: ار ون
    الحصول علي الاسلحة تحت الحلبة : الا قتراب من الحلبة مع ضغط ارون

    3-تقرير عام عن مميزات اللعبة:
    اعتقد ان الجرافيكس في هذه اللعبة لا تحتاج لنقاش علي انها رائعة وتفوقت علي نفسها ولكن دعونا نخوض فيها اكثر فنري الفرق بين الجرافيكس في هذا الجزء و بقية اجزاء سماك داون سواء عالبلاي ون او تو فالاعبين اشبه بالحقيقة فنري ذا روك مثلا ونري شكل وجهه و جسده وبروك ليسنر و اوستن و تيكر وكلهم بصراحة ممتازين و الجرافيكس بتاعهم متقن جدااااااا ننتقل للحلبات ونري اتقان رسومها الحبال والاركان ايضا اضيفت بعض مميزات للحلبة سنستعرضها في الجيم بلاي بعد قليل ننتقل الي خارج الحلبة الحواجز التي امام الجماهير افضل اما الطوالات لم يضف لها الكثير ولكنها تحسنت التصوير اصبح اقرب ليزيد متعتنا بالجرافيكس ايضا تحسنت الاضاءة و كلها ساعدت علي اظهار اللعبة بالصورة المطلوبة
    الصوت في اللعبة نال رضي الجميع ولكنه لم يرضيني بالدرجة الكافية فهو ممتاز في دخول المصارعين كما ان صوت االضربات ممتاز اما غير ذلك فانا سيء في رأيي فالتعليق ممل وليس مشوق لو جابو واحد اخرس كان علق احسن من جيم روس اما الجماهير فليسوا بالمستوي المطلوب فكل ما يفعلوه هو العد مع الحكم وترديد كلام المصارعين مثل(رووب فاان دااااام) فليسوا بالمطلوب منهم

    الجيم بلاي:
    الجيم بلاي افضل شيء في هذه اللعبة ,اسلوب اللعب واحد منذ سماك داون واحد ولكن هناك بعض التغير البسيط في ازرار التحكم عموما افضل ما يميز سماك داون منذ جزاءها الاول اسلوب لعبها دعوني اتحدث عن الاضافات فاصبح من الممكن صد الضربة القاضية و زاد عدد الضربات القاضية الي اثنين كما ان الخصم لا يستطيع االنهوض سريعا كما فالاجزاء السابقة و هذا اكثر واقعية ايضا يمكن اخراج اسلحة من تحت الطاولة وفك الواقي الي في ركن الحلبة يمكن تنفيذ الضربة القاضية من اي مكان (ضربة روب فان دام يمكن تنفيذها من فوق الطوالة ) يمكن الصعود علي الحاجز القريب من الجماهير يمكن الذهاب الي حيث الجماهير كما زادت المباريات فهناك 6 مان تاج واليمناشن تاج الخ والكثير في هذه الاسطورة
    عمر اللعبة:
    عمر اللعبة طويل لانها ليست سهلة وفيها الكثير كما ان السيسون يمتد اكثر من سنتين وكثرة عدد المباريات والمصارعين وهذا يعطي عمر طويل للعبة
    و الان هذه ثمرة هذا التقرير :
    1-الجرافيكس:9.5 من 10
    2-الساوند:8.00 من 10
    3- الجيم بلاي10.00 من 10
    4-عمر اللعبة 9.5 من عشرة
    اذن المستوي العام للعبة يساوي: 9.25 من 10
    كان هذا تقرير عام عن مميزات اللعبة
    4-الحل الكامل:
    بداية اللعبة : طبعا تبدأ اللعبة بعرض اسم الشركات والشكر الخاص .. بعدها يبدأ عرض سماك داون المذهل .. ألا ان ينتهي أو يمكنك ان تخطيه بالضغط على ستارت .. بعدها تطلع لك نافذة سماك داون مكتوب بالاسفل برس ستارت .. اي اضغط ستارت لتدخل الى عالم سماك داون شت يور ماوث .. تبدا اللعبة وتجد امامك خمسة اختيارات وهم .. اكسبشن .. سيسون ميد .. جريت ميد .. والاوبشن .. والثريتر نفصلهم بالترتيب :المباريات الودية EXHIBITION : المباريات العادية SINGLE :في هذه المباراه العادية .. يلتقي مصارعين واحد ضد واحد .. في حالة اختيارك بدون مدير اعمال .. اما بحالة اختيارك مع مدير الاعمال فسيكون هنالك مدير اعمال انت تختاره يساعدك في الخارج في حالة عدم قدرة الحكم بروئيته .. المباراة العادية يمكنك تغير الخواص فيها الى اي شي .. DQ و KO والاستسلام .. وغيرها .. مباريات الثنائية tAG : فريقان مكون من لاعبان يدخلان في مباراة رباعية اثنان امام اثنان .. أيضا يمكن ان تضيف مدير الاعمال ايضا هنا .. لكي تصبح المواجهه اثنان امام اثنان وكل فريق لديه مدير خاص به .. طبعا هنالك مباريات تاج عادية .. الا وهي المباريات المعروفه .. شخص بالداخل يتصارع والاخر بالخارج .. وهنالك مباريات التورنيدو TORNADO TAG وهي ان يكون المصارعان والخصمان داخل اللحلبة .. حيث ان الاربعة مصارعين داخل الحلبة .. مباريات السداسية ثلاثة امام ثلاثة SIX-MAN TAG :نفس خواص المباريات الثتائية بالاضافة الى مصارع اخر يكون متواجد معهم .. وهنالك حركات خاصة لثلاثة مصارعين .. تخير بين التاج العادي والترنيدو .. العادي .. أثنان بالخارج .. وواحد بالداخل .. اما الترنيدو فهم جميعهم باللحلبة ستة مصارعين .. المباريات المساعدة HANDICAP :المعروف من هذه المبارايت هي عدم تكافئ الطرفين .. لكن هي مباريات ممتعة .. فأثنين من المصارعين يواجهون مصارع واحد في حلبة واحدة باختيارك ONE ON TWO لتواجه خصميك أو تكون احد الاثنين الموجودين باللحلبة .. اما اختيارك ONE ON TAG فهو اسهل .. لانك تستطيع ان تلعب امام فردان من الزوج من المصارعين احدهم بالداخل والاخر بالخارج .. ويمكنك لعب مباراة حياة او موت .. ONE ON THREE وهي ان يواجه المصارع ثلاثة مصارعين متواجدين بالحلبة .. الرويل رامبل ROYAL RUMBLE :طبعا الرويل رمبل لايقام الا مرة بالسنة لكن هنا بسماك داون 4 شات يور موث .. تستطيع اللعب به وقت ماتشاء .. تأخذ لاعبك .. وتختار 29 لاعب اخر .. المباراة معروفة جدا .. اخرج الاعب من فوق الحبل .. وبذلك يخرج من المبارة وهكذا لل29 لاعب اخر .. تستطيع ان تجعل لاعبك يدخل اخر واحد او اول او اي رقم من 30 .. ويمكنك بعد ان يخرج لاعبك باختيار اي لاعب من الاعبين الموجودين او الذين لم يدخلوا لعجد بالضغط على الاعب المطلوب زر سيلكت .. أذا شق طريقك نحو الفوز .. ملك الحلبة KING OF THE RING : طبعا الكل يعرف قوانين بطولة ملك الحلبة .. 8 مصارعين يخوضون اللقاء من اجل بطولة الكينج اوف ذا رينج ملك الحلبة .. يمكنك الاختيار بين العادي .. اي مباريات عادية .. او السبيشل .. اي مباريات جميعها من طور السبيشل .. مثل الكيج .. هيل ان سيل .. الهاردكور وغيرها .. الهارد كور HARDCORE : هذه المباريات الاكثر من رائعه .. فبامكانك التجول بالحلبة وخارجها والذهاب الى اي مكان تريده .. حيث انك تعبر الابواب وتذهب الى الغرف الاخرى والساحات .. يمكنك خوض مباريات عادية اي واحد ضد واحد .. والترنيدو تاج أي اثنان امام اثنان .. وترنيدو ستة لاعبين .. اي ثلاثة ضد ثلاثة بقوانين الهاردكور .. بالاضافة الى المباراة الثلاثية والرباعية .. والتايم لمنت المباراة الاكثر روعه في الهاردكور فمن يحمل اللقب تثبته لتحصل عليه وتدافع عنه امام 6 مصارعين .. بوقت محدد .. البقاء SURVIVAL :بهذا الطور يمكنك ان تخوض مباريات البقاء .. حيث تخوض مباريات TRIPLE-THREAT اي ثلاثة مصارعين يواجهون بعضهم البعض .. وFATAL-WAY اي اربعة مصارعين يواجهون بعضهم البعض تثبيت احدهم فقط .. وهنالك MAN BATTLE ROYALS 4-5-6 ليمنيشن ماتش .. اي اي مصارع يتثبت او يستسلم بهذه المباراة يخرج ويترك المساحة الى غيره من المصارعين .. سبيشل SPECIAL : سوف نتطرف بشرح كل مايتعلق بهذا القسم من ناحية الالعاب الموجودة بها فبدا بالقفص وأنتهائا بالثري ستيج اوف هيل .. سنشرحم الان بالتفصيل : القفص CAGE :طبعا كما هو معروف بمباريات القفص .. مصارعان يدخلانه وواحد فقط يخرج منه .. وهي تقاليد قديمة من اتحاد المصارعة .. يمكنك من خلاله ان تلعب TORNADO TAG أي مصارعين اثنان ضد اثنان في القفص .. و تربل ثري والفاتل فور واي .. ويمكن ان تخوض نوعين من اللعبة هنا .. الاول .. انك تخرج فقط .. والثاني اما بالخروج او الاستسلام او التثبيت تحت اسم ( ESCAPE, PIN & GIVE UP ) وهذه المباراة تعتبر من المبارايات التي هي منذ بداية اسطورة لعبة سماك داون وهي متواجدة بكل جزء .. المنيشن ELIMINATION : هذه نوعية جديدة من المباريات حيث انك تخير بين مباريات عديدة .. منها التاج والترنيدو والسكس مان تاج وسكس مان ترنيدو تاج .. وسكس مان ترنيدو تيبل .. وغيرها .. حيث ان مثل هذه المباريات هي ان اي مصارع يستسلم او يتثبت يخرج ويبقى فريقه .. الهيل ان سيل HELL IN CELL :لقد تم تغير الكثير في مباريات الهيل ان سيل السابقة .. فقد تم أبعاد القفص لكي يمكنك التحرك خارج الحلبة داخل القفص .. وهكذا اصبحت المباراة اكثر اثارة ومتعه .. وتم اضافة خاصية السقود والتالم .. ففي الجزء الثالث لما تسقط من القفص لاتصاب باي اذى .. هنالك عدة مباريات بهذا الطور .. مثل العادي .. التاج .. الفاتل فور .. تربل ثري .. وهنالك السكس أرميجادون ماتش .. المباراة الاكثر من رائعه في الهيل ان سيل .. الاستسلام I QUIT : نعم هذه المباراة التي يجب عليك فيها ان تجعل خصمك يستسلم باستخدام الميكروفون .. الرجل الحديدي IRON MAN :المباراه هي اثنان من المصارعين يتواجهان في وقت محدد ومن يكسب النقاط الاكثر هو الفائز .. تستطيع كسب النقاط من التثبيت .. DQ .. والاستسلام وغيرها .. الدرج LADDER : هنالك نوعين من الليدر والدرج .. حيث احداهما الصعود لأخذ الحزام .. او النورمل .. هنالك التاج وغيرها .. أخر رجل يقف LAST MAN STANDING : كل شي يمكنك عمله بهذه المباراة من مثل قوانين الهاردكورد .. فقط يجب ان تجعل الخصم يقع على الارض لمدة عشر ثواني .. وهكذا تنتهي من المباراة .. ليمبر جاك LUMBER JACK :مباراة حديثة .. لاعب امام لاعب .. يمكنك الخروج من الحلبة لكني لا انصحك بذلك .. لانك راح تقع بالمشاكل فهنالك مصارعين ينتظرانك لتخرج لتلقيك وضربك .. وهنالك اثنان اخران معك .. بقاء الاخراج SLOBBER KNOCKER :أختر مصارع .. وأدخل في خوض غمار الى ان تنهزم بالمباراة فهنالك الكثير من المصارعين يدخلون عليك ويجب ان تهزمهم الواحد تلو الاخر .. الحكم الخاص SPECIAL REFEREE : لم يتغير اي شي في هذا الطور .. حيث بامكانك وضع اي مصارع كحم للمباراة او انك انت تكون حكما .. ستريت فايت STREET FIGHT : كل شي متاح بهذا الطور .. لكن يجب التثبيت والاستسلام داخل الحلبة .. الاستلام SUBMISSION : الطريقة الوحيدة للفوز هو ان تجعل الخصم يستسلم .. وهنالك ايضا ULTIMATE SUBMISSION وهي مباراة تحصيل النقاط مثل IRON MAN لكن كسب النقاط فقط بالاستسلام .. الطاولات TABLE : الخاسرون لايخرجون من حطام الطاولة .. نعم في هذه المباراة يجب عليك ان ترمي خصمك على الطاولة لكي تكسب المباراة .. الطاولات .. الكراسي .. السلالم TLC : هذه المباراة التي فيها الطاولات.. الكراسي و السلالم ويمكنك الاختيار بين العادي وبين الحزام الموجود بالاعلى .. ثري ستيج اوف هيل THREE STAGES OF HELL : اختر ثلاث من المباريات الموجودة لتلعب بها امام اي شخص والذي يفوز باثنتان يفوز بالمباراة .. طور الدوري SEASON MADE : هذا هو الطور الثاني بعد المباريات الودية .. فهو مقسم الى خمسة اقسام : استمرار الدوري :باختيارك هذه الخاصية التي يجب ان تكون قد حفضت من قبل اللعبة لتكمل عليها .. دوري جديد : أذا كنت لاول مرة تلعب الدوري فادخل وأنت مرتاح .. اما اذا كانت هي ثاني مرة وأنت حفضت من قبل .. فتخير بين اثنين الاول هو ان تواصل على اللعب القبلي او ان تفتح دوري جديد .. ويعود كل شي الى عهده .. الاحزمة وكل شي .. طبعا سوف تبدأ عندما يختار ريك فلير وفنس مكماهون اللاعبين لسماك داون او راو از وار .. المباريات : المباريات التي لا تلعب بها .. يمكنك مشاهدتها .. وبعضها يمكنك التدخل بها باختيارك الكلمة الثالثة من الجهة اليسار .. اما في مبارياتك فيجب ان تخوضها .. وفي العروض الشهرية يمكنك ان تلعب على الاحزمة وتدافع عنها ويمكن ان تلعب مرتين باليوم الواحد .. غرفة الفي اي بي VIP :أدخل الى غرفة الفي اي بي باستمرار لكي تعرف اخر تطوراتك وقدرتك على الحصول على عرض خوض مباريات على القاب مختلفة .. الحصول على الايتم والادوات الخاصة بالسيسون : 1- الحصول على لقب العالم : Special RVD movie الحصول على العرض الخاص بفان دام SmackDown SYM Special movie الحصول على العرض الخاص 2- الفور بمباريات الباك لاش Backlash PPV :The Rock’s attire الحصول على ملابس روك الثانية Christian’s attire الحصول على ملابس كرستيان الثانية Create Parts 1 الحصول على الايتم الخاص لعمل المصارعين Backlash arena الحلبة الخاصة بباكلاش Foam Hands A الادوات الخاصة للأيدي 3- الفوز بمباريات الججمنت دي Judgment Day PPV : RVD’s attire الحصور على الملابس الخاصة بروب فان دام Vince McMahon’s attire الحصول على ملابس فنس الخاصة Eddie Guerrero’s attire الحصول على ملابس ايدي جيريرو Undertaker’s attire الحصول على ملابس اندر تيكر Create Parts 2 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة المصارعين Judgment Day arena الحلبة الخاصة بججمنت دي 4- الفوز بمباريات ملك الحلبة King of the Ring PPV :Kurt Angle’s attire الحصول على ملابس كارت انجل Edge’s attire الحصول على ملابس ايدج Moves 2 العرض الثاني Create Parts 8 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين King of the Ring arena الحصول على حلبة ملك الحلبة Plaza B backstage area الحصول على منطقة البلازا الثاني 5- الفوز بمباريات فينجنس Vengeance PPV :Lance Storm’s attire الحصول على ملابس لانس ستورم Raven’s attire الحصول على ملابس ريفن Billy Kidman’s attire الحصول على ملابس كيدمان Create Parts 3 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين Vengeance arena A الحصول على حلبة فينجنس 1Vengeance arena B الحصول على حلبة فينجنس 126- الفوز بمباراة في السمر سلام SummerSlam PPV :Booker T’s attire الحصول على ملابس بوكرتي Torrie Wilson’s attire الحصول على ملابس توري Moves 4 الحصول على الموفي 4Moves 6 الحصول على الموفي 6Create Parts 9 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين SummerSlam arena الحصول على حلبة سمر سلام 7- الفوز بمباريات انفورجيفن Unforgiven PPV : Chris Benoit’s attire الحصول على ملابس كرس بنواهTrish Stratus’s attire الحصول على ملابس ترشMoves 3 الحصول على الموفي 3Create Parts 5 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين Unforgiven arena الحصول على حلبة انفورجفن Foam Hands B الادوات الخاصة 8- الفوز بمباريات نو ميرسي No Mercy PPV : Shawn Michaels’ attire الحصول على ملابس شون مايكلز Stephanie McMahon’s attire الحصول على ملابس ستفني ميكماهونRikishi’s attire الحصول على ملابس ريكيشي D-Von’s attire الحصول على ملابس دي فون Molly Holly’s attire الحصول على ملابس مولي هوليNo Mercy arena الحصول على حلبة نو ميرسي 9- الفوز بمباريات سيرفايفر سيريس Survivor Series PPV :Matt Hardy’s attire الحصول على ملابس مات هاردي Hardcore Holly’s attire الحصول على ملابس هاركورد هارليMoves 7 الحصول على الموفي 7Moves 8 الحصول على الموفي 830 Ability Points الحصول على 30 نقطة لصناعة المصارعين Survivor Series arena حلبة سيرفايفر سيريس 10- الفوز بمباريات الارميجادون Armageddon PPV :Ric Flair’s attire الحصول على ملابس ريك فليرChuck’s attire الحصول على ملابس جيك بالمبو Billy’s attire الحصول على ملابس بيلي جنArmageddon arena الحصول على حلبة ار مي جادون Winter Plaza area الحصول على منطقة الونتر بلازا 1 Winter Times Square area الحصول على منطقة الونتر تايم 11- الفوز بمباريات الرويل رامبل Royal Rumble PPV :Triple H’s attire الحصول على ملابس تربل اتشSteve Austin’s attire الحصول على ملابس ستيف اوستن Bubba Ray’s attire الحصول على ملابس باه باه ري دودليCreate Parts 6 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين Royal Rumble arena حلبة رويل رمبلWWE Superstar Special Movie الحصول على عرض خاص بالمصارعين .. لايمكن ان تطلع هذا الكرت الا بالفوز بالرقم 1 في الرويل رمبل 12- الفوز بمباريات نو وي اوت No Way Out PPV :Kevin Nash الحصول على ملابس كيفن ناش واخراجه بالدوري X-Pac الحصول على ملابس اكس باك والحصول عليه بالدوريBig Show’s attire الحصول على ملابس بج شوThe Big Valbowski’s attire الحصول على ملابس فال فينكسMoves 5 الحصول على الموفي 5No Way Out arena حلبة نو وي اوت 13- الفوز بمباريات الريستل مينيا WrestleMania PPV :Hulk Hogan الحصول على ملابس هالك هوكن واخراجه بالدوريFaarooq’s attire الحصول على ملابس فارووقBradshaw’s attire الحصول على ملابس براد شو Moves 1 الحصول على الموفي 1Create Parts 7 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين WrestleMania X8 arena الحصول على حلبة ريستلمينيا14- الفوز بمباريات انسيركشن Insurrextion PPV :Jeff Hardy’s attire الحصول على ملابس جيف هارديWilliam Regal’s attire ويليم ريجل Moves 9 الحصول على الموفي 9Create Parts 4 الحصول على الايتم الخاص بصناعة اللاعبين Insurrextion arena الحصول على حلبة انسيركشن 15- الفوز بمباريات ريبيليون Rebellion PPV :Chris Jericho’s attire الحصول على ملابس كرس جيركو Stacy Keibler’s attire الحصول على ملابس ستيسي Brock Lesnar’s attire الحصول على ملابس بروك ليسنرMoves 10 الحصول على الموفي 10Rebellion arena الحلبة الخاصة بريبيليو
    5-اسرار اللعبة:

    يمكنك الان عمل الحركات الخاصة بخصمك .. ويمكنك أبطال مفعول الحركة الخاصة بخصمك .. وغيرها من الاشياء الراعه ..

    يمكنك مشاهدة لقطات المصارع من حيث شاشة اختيار الاعبين بالضغط على R1 وبعدها تستطيع مشاهدة الحركة الخاصة وبعض المعلومات عنها مثل اين يمكن ان تفعلها . بالزاوية او خلف الخصم .. الخ ..

    لأجراء اللقطة الخاصة بالخصم : أضغط على L1 عندما تظهر لك كلمة SMACK DOWN حيث انك لاتستطيع الا ان تقوم بالحركة الخاصة بك بالمكان المناسب لك ..

    لعمل لقطتك الاخرى : أضغط على L1 + اي اتجاه للأسهم ..

    لعمل حركة الخصم : أضغط على مش مظبوطة معايا L1 + L2 أذا كنت تملك اثنتين من نقاط ( أيقونات ) الرحركات الخاصة ..

    اجراء حركة خاصة بالاسلحة : كل ماعليك الا ان تجعل عندك نقطة ايقون الخاصة باللقطات .. وتجعل احد الاسلحة بيدك وتقوم بعمل الحركة الخاصة بالضغط على L1 وهكذا تجد ان لاعبك قام باداء الحركة على السلاح
    للامساك بالحبال في حالة تثبيتك يجب ان تكون قريب وتضغط : ار ون
    للتسريع في صعود القفص : الضغط علي دايرة باستمرار مع اسهم يمين ويسار
    جزء من الحل والاسرار منقول
    6-صنع المصارعين:
    لقطات الاعبين:

    Move set 1: Genichiro Tenryu
    Move set 2: Kendo Ka-Shin
    Move set 3: Keiji Mutoh
    Move set 4: Toshiaki Kawada
    Move set 5: Bill Goldberg
    Move set 6: Misc. Kung Fu
    Move set 7: Jeff Jarrett
    Move set 8: David Flair
    Move set 9: Scott Hall
    Move set 10: Scott Steiner
    Move set 11: Sting
    Move set 12: Terry Funk
    Move set 13: Atsushi Onita
    Move set 14: Misc. Puroresu set A
    Move set 15: Misc. Puroresu set B
    Move set 16: Taka Michinoku
    Move set 17: Ken Shamrock
    Move set 18: Rey Mysterio Jr.
    Move set 19: Great Sasuke
    Move set 20: Fred Durst
    Move set 21: Hiroyoshi Tenzan
    Move set 22: Jushin Lyger
    Move set 23: Kensuke Sasaki
    Move set 24: Masahiro Chono
    Move set 25: Manabu Nakanishi
    Move set 26: Yuji Nagata
    Move set 27: Jun Akyama
    Move set 28: Kenta Kobashi
    Move set 29: Mitshuru Misawa
    Move set 30: Vader
    Move set 31: Essa Rios
    Move set 32: Gangrel
    Move set 33: Brian Christopher
    *Move set 34: Jerry Lynn
    Move set 35: Ron The Truth Killings
    Move set 36: Road Dogg
    Move set 37: Antonio Inoki
    Move set 38: Akira Taue
    Move set 39: Giant Baba
    Move set 40: Big Boss Man
    Move set 41: Crash Holly
    Move set 42: D'lo Brown
    Move set 43: Sho Funaki
    Move set 44: Godfather
    Move set 45: Justin Credible
    Move set 46: Mike Awesome
    Move set 47: Perry Saturn
    Move set 48: Steve Blackman
    Move set 49: Shane Mcmahon
    Move set 50: Sean O' Haire
    Move set 51: Steven Richards
    Move set 52: Andre the Giant
    Move set 53: Bob Backlund
    Move set 54: Dean Malenko
    Move set 55: Mick Foley
    Move set 56: Naoya Ogawa
    Move set 57: Shin'ya Hashimoto
    Move set 58: Sergeant Slaughter
    صنع الاعبين غير الموجودين:
    The following are the design to make the lines going across his chest - use pics as guide
    White Lines:
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,23,100,-100)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once (100,23,100,-100)
    Simple Pattern 140 (Reduce Once) (100,18,-8,30) Use to cover up lines from where they meet downwards
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,100,100,-3)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,100,100,-3) A pixel above previous pattern
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3) A pixel above previous pattern

    The following are the design to make the lines going across his back - use pics as guide
    White Lines:
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (Reduce Once)(100,23,100,-100)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (Reduce Once, Rotate Once) (100,23,100,-100)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3)
    Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3) A pixel above previous pattern
    Simple Pattern 166 (100,23,62,-11) Reduce Once. Use to cover up lines from where red lines meet downwards

    Wristbands - Blank 2 (-75,100,-100,-3,0)
    Kneepads - Blank 6 (100,-100,100,90)
    Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,17,27,14)
    Shoes - Blank 13 (-47,-100,-1,75)
    Pattern - Simple 161 (Reduce Once)(100,-100,-61,-100) Place on Left Kneepad
    Pattern - Simple 161 (Reduce Once)(100,-100,-61,-100) Place on Right Kneepad

    Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of right leg in middle of blue area see pic
    Design - Letters - Alphabet (Font Type 1) "A" (Redice 2x)(100,23,-3,0) Place in centre of flag
    Design – Body – Word 69 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text sticks out the top of flag
    Design – Body – Word 74 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text sticks out the bottom of flag
    Pattern – Body – Simple 161 (Reduce 3x)(62,-100,-3,-100) Place on side of body, above flag logo

    Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of left leg in middle of blue area see pic
    Design - Letters - Alphabet (Font Type 1) "A" (Redice 2x)(100,23,-3,0) Place in centre of flag
    Design – Body – Word 69 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text sticks out the top of flag
    Design – Body – Word 74 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text sticks out the bottom of flag
    Pattern – Body – Simple 161 (Reduce 3x)(62,-100,-3,-100) Place on side of body, above flag logo

    Skin Color (-90,6,2)

    Height (6’6”)

    Head (-27,26)
    Neck (-54,-38)(-18)
    Chest (74,14)
    Shoulders (-79,0)(-15)
    Abdomen (-16,-6)(38)
    Arms (-23,-10)(-56)
    Forearms (-21,-17)(-88)
    Hands (-92,-12)(-58)
    Waist (-9,-31)
    Thighs (12,12)(-57)
    Legs (22,-18)(-6)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Charlie Hass Movelist by Liger 3085:
    Ring In Move:Kurt Angle
    Ring Out Move:Normal
    Taunt:Come On !1,Cut The Air 2,Holdup,Taunt Brock Lesnar,Taunt Kurt Angle 3
    Fighting Style:Kurt Angle
    Walking Style:Normal
    Running Style Normal
    Winning Move:Randy Orton
    Entrance Moves:Optional
    Entrance Music:Kurt Angle
    Entrance Movie:Kurt Angle

    Ready Moves:
    Attack: Dropkick 2,Toe Kick 1,Outside Crescent kick 1,Snap Jab,Clothesline 3,Angle Punches
    Grapple: Back Side Slam 1,Club To Neck 1,Arm Drag 3,Headlock Takedown,Kurt Belly To Belly,Small Package,Arm Drag &Armbar,Hard Scoop Slam,Jumping Arm Breaker,Snap Suplex,Gutwrench Suplex 2,Backslide Pin 1
    Back Attack: Eddie Cradle Pin,Pendulum Backbreaker 2,Forearm Smash,Kurt Angle Backdrop,Sleeper Hold 1,German Suplex Pin,Leg Breaker,Abdominal Stretch 1
    The Edge Of A Celing: It Thrusts Down x 4

    Attack: Kurt Angle Stomp,Elbow Drop 4,Knee Drop 2
    Grapple: Mounted Punching 1,Headlock,Elbow & Sleeper Hold,Side Leg Lock,Standing Leg Lock,Kick To Back

    Attack: Turnbuckle Clothesline x2,Knee Attack 1
    Grapple: Monkey Flip,Super ArmDrag,Superplex 1,Shoulder Thrust,Choke
    Back Attack: Turnbuckle Toe Kick,Super Backdrop,Shoulder Strike,Beat Head

    Rope Opponent:
    Rope Down: Throw To The Rope
    Rebound Attack: The Rock Forearm Smash, Benoit Elbow Drop,Vaulting Body Press 2
    Jump Down Over: Baseball Slide

    Stand: Shoulder Block 5,Doble Axe Handle 3
    Down: Diving Elbow,Elbow Drop 3,Diving Elbow

    Attack: Clohtesline 10,The Rock Forearm Smash
    Grapple: Neckbreaker 1,School Boy Pin 1
    Back Attack: German Suplex,School Boy Pin 2
    Squating Attack: Benoit Elbow Drop,Double Axe Handle 5
    Counter: Flapjack 3,Shoulder Back Toss 2,Hip Toss 1

    Double Team:
    Stand: German Suplex & STO,X-Mark,Duoble Clothesline,Double Flapjack,Double Suplex 1
    Turnbuckle: Calf Kick & Tiger Suplex,,Kick To Stomach,Hip Toss,Mudhole Stomping 1

    Special: His finisher is the Hass of Pain but that isnt in the gane so use any of these moves:The Edgeecator,Single Leg Crab 1,Texas Ckloverleaf 1 or 2.(youd think THQ would take a look at OVW to see what innovative moves the future stars would be using)For His Second Finisher give him Superkick 1 or 2

    Favorites: Kurt Belly To Belly,Flapjack,Shoulder Back toss 2
    Special Weapon: DDT,DDT
    Combination Moves: Angle Punces,Angle Punches,Outside Crescent Kick 1

    هولك هوجن( بالستايل القديم )

    BASE MODEL: Normal

    Skin color: 5, C(-85,-19), S(10)

    1.)Skin 8
    2.) Cheeks/ Face edit : 13, Face Model: 11
    3.)Eyes: 10, C(-5,-12)
    4.)Eyebrows: 24, T(57), C(-90, 0), S(-1)
    5.)Hair:44, C(-71,100),S(-12)
    6.)Underwear: 6, Blank :1, C(-71,100), S(-7)
    7.)Face accessories: 56, C(-87,-1), S(3)
    8.)Design>Face>Simple Patterns> 166> reduce 3* , T(-18), C(21,-17), S(-58) place this at the right end of left eyebrow this is to extend the left eyebrow so that it looks even compared to the right eyebrow
    9.)Designs>Face>Letters>Sign> page 1> 4th coloumn, 4th row, reduce 3 times, C(-76,-87)place at the left end of lips this is to extend the smile a little
    10.) Design>Face>Simple Patterns> 135> reduce 3*, T(-70), C(-92,-16) place this below the lips this is the little dimple on chin
    11.) Designs>Face> Letters>Sign>First coloumn , 5th row, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, T(-62),C(-80,-100) place under left eye leave a little gap , this form the outline of the bag/ wrinkle under the eyes
    12) Designs>Face> Letters>Sign>First coloumn , 5th row, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, T(-62),C(-80,-100) place under right eye leave a little gap , this form the outline of the bag/ wrinkle under the eyes
    Now we make his facial hair refer to help PICS at all times , Play around to make it look like the pics above. The pics tell you what I am doing here with the facial hair. They give a outline of whats to come

    13)Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1 and rotate 2, C(-78,100), S(-20) place under the nose leave a little gap see pics above
    14) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 2*, rotate 2*, C(-86, 85), S(26) place so that it slight overlaps the previous facial hair but slighty
    15.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1 and rotate 2*, C(-78,100), S(-20) place abit under and overlapping the first pattern in this sequence see pics**Now we begin a series of smaller WWE Patterns 42 to make it look like a moustache
    16.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-71,100), S(-20) place at left of the big pattern 42, theres 2 here so attach this in between the previous pattern 42's as to to extend the moustache a little see PICS
    17.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-71,100), S(-20), place above previous
    18.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-78,100), S(-20) place to cover up the gap a little on right hand side where the two big patterns 42' s overlapp each other SEE PICS
    19.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* ,rotate 1*, C(-78,100), S(-20) place this at the right of the big pattern 42's
    20.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-78,100), S(-20) place tomake facial hair thicker now on right hand side
    **Now the mousctache is formed but we need to make it bigger and the vertical pieces attached to either side**
    21.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100), S(-20) place very close to the left hand of the now formed mostache. We are going to form the facial hair extend downwards at either side
    22.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100), S(-20) place very close to the now formed right hand of moustache .
    We are going to form the facial hair extend downwards at either side
    23.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100), S(-20) place to thicken the top of edge of previous piece
    28.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,62),S(-57) place on back of hair leave a little sticking out see pic
    29.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,64),S(-51) place to overlap previous at back and move it over a bit
    30.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,48),S(-51) place to overlap layers 28 , 29, 30
    31.)Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-74,82), S(-61) place a little below the where layer 29 was to make it thicker
    NOTE: the above patterns form like a block of hair in the middle of the neck at the back Now I extend the hair at either side of this
    32.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-67,80), S(-66) place so that it extends the left hand side of the previous layers. Basically extending the back hair to make it go around the neck more
    33.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-67,80), S(-66) place so that sits on top of layers 32 and 33
    34)Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 14, rotate 1*, C(-70,66), S(-68) place so that it overlaps previous pattern and move it so it kinda connects with previous pattern
    35.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 1* , C(-73,82), S(-59) same as layer 33 but on the right hand side
    36.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 18, C(-73,87), S(-66) place it so that it interconnects with previous peice
    37.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,62),S(-57) placement wise same as layer 30
    38.)Arms- wristbands>blank>1, L(-71), C(-68,-48), S(-7)
    39.)Legs>Kneepads> Blank: 1, C(100,11)
    40.)Feet>Shoes>Blank>10, L(-52),C(-70,38), (-17)

    Figures: Form
    Chest (-2, 31)
    Shoulder (-79,-19)
    Abdomen(12,-29), (49)
    Arms (5,33) , (-60)
    Forearms (-12,-9) ,(-100)
    Hands (-89,-12) , (-39)
    Thigh(7,12), (51)
    Legs (-5,-12), (-73)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height: 6' 9"

    ناثان جونز

    BASE MODEL: Normal

    Skin color: 3 , (-91,22,0)

    Base edit

    1.)Skin :2
    2.)Cheeks/ Face edit: 19, face model: 15
    Eyebrows (34,-47)
    Eyes (40,-100),(89,32)
    Nose (-16,100), (0,27)
    Mouth (19,0)
    Jaw (23,54)

    3.)Eyes: 11, (5,-9,0)
    4.)Eyebrows: 57 , C(-89,-3)
    5.) Hair 1 ** default **
    6.)Underwear: blank: 6, C(12,100), S(-100)
    7.) Face> accessories: 74, T(-39), C(-96,16), S(7)
    8.) Face> accessories: 52, C(-88,12), S(-8)
    9.) Face> accessories: 64, T(-20), C(-93,100), S(8)
    10.) Face > paint: 74, T(-42), C(-92,80), S(-14)
    11.)Face> paint: 18, T(-62), C(-94, 100), S(-44)

    ** Creating mini bags here to give the eyes depth** see HELP LINK 1
    12.)Design>Face> letters> sign> 4th coloumn, 4th row, reduce 3*, T(-48), C(-85,-48),
    place just below right eye near nose area
    13.) Design>Face> letters> sign> 4th coloumn, 4th row, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, T(-48), C(-85,-48)
    place just below left eye near nose area
    14.) Design> Face>letters> sign> 1st coloumn, 5th coloumn, rotate 3*, reduce 2*, , T(-48), C(-85,-48)place to connect with previous piece see pic
    15.) Design>Face> letters> sign> 1st coloumn, 5th coloumn, rotate 3*, reduce 2*, T(-48), C(-85,-48)place to connect with layer 13 see pic
    16.) Face moustache> 14, T(-65), C(-85,100), S(30)
    17.) Face moustache> 23, T(68), C(-86,54), S(100)
    18.) Face moustache>38, T(-6), C(-81,54), S(-12)
    19.)Design>Face> WWE pattern: 42,reduce 1*, Place on chin see help link 2 ,
    20.) Design>Face> WWE pattern: 42, rotate 3*, reduce 1*, T(-14), C(-85,100), S(17) place near ears making the facial hair on the let hand side extend up to the ear see help link 2
    21.) Design>Face> WWE pattern: 42, rotate 3*, reduce 1*, T(-14), C(-85,100), S(17) place near ears making the facial hair on the right hand side extend up to the ear see help link 2
    22.) Design>Face> WWE pattern: 42, T(20), C(-87,89), S(8) place on chin to create a bit of stubble see pic
    23.) Design>Face> WWE pattern: 42, T(20), C(-87,95), S(12) place on chin just right of previous piece and overlap a little to create a bit of stubble see pic
    24.)Design> Face> Simple pattern: 139,reduce 3*, C(-88,83), S(-21) place on nose to cover reddish area see pic
    25.) Design> Face> Simple pattern: 139,reduce 3*, C(-88,83), S(-21) place below and overlapping previous piece on nose
    26.)Design>Face> letters> signs> 4th coloumn, last row, rotate 1*, reduce 1*,T(-37),C(-83,16) place between nose eyebrows but move it onto the nose see help link
    27.)Face paint: 68, T(-43), C(-88,32), S(10)
    28.)Face accessories: 65, T(-54), C(-93,24)
    ** Not a necessary piece
    29.) Design> Face> Simple pattern: 139,reduce 2*, T(-39), C(-93,91), S(-16) place on left sideburn to reduce darkness of facial hair a little, place to satisfaction

    **Now for the shaven hair like effect** See help link 3, I start off by making hair going pass and round his ears
    30.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, reduce 1*, rotate 2*,T(-35), C(-85,-29),S(-3) place just above left ear on side veiw

    31.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 3*,T(-12), C(-84,-12),S(-3) place above left ear, no point in explaining see pics refer to this for better idea
    32.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, rotate 1*, reduce 2* , T(-51), C(-85, -12), S(-3) place above left ear overlapping previous piece see pics

    **repeating above for the other side of face
    33.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, reduce 1*, rotate 2*,T(-35), C(-85,-29),S(-3) place just above right ear on side view see pics

    34.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 3*,T(-12), C(-84,-12),S(-3) place above right eat no point in explaining as pics refer to this better
    35.) Design>Face>simple pattern 171, rotate 1*, reduce 2* , T(-51), C(-85, -12), S(-3) place above right ear overlapping previous piece see pics
    36.)Design> Face> Simple pattern :159, T(-85), C(-72,14) place on back of head see pics
    37.)pants> blank : 4> C(19, -93), S(-100)
    38.) feet> shoes> blank: 11> C(-100,-16)
    39.)Design> simple patterns> 166> reduce 1*, rotate 1* , C(23,-32), S(-100) use to cover buttons on pants in front view


    Head ( 1, 100)
    Neck (-10, -48), -21
    Chest (12,-35)
    Shoulder (-58,-28), -12
    Abdomen (-10, -23), 75
    Arms (-17,11), -52
    Forearms (-16,-16), -94
    Hands (-89,-12), -39
    Thigh (0,-16), 3
    Legs (0, -25), 13
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height 7’1” matches undertakers height in game after all the re-sizing above

    تربل اتش ( رويال رامبل 2003 )

    Hair 26 (-81,48,9)
    Eyebrows 2 (20,-90,-3,0)
    Eyes 12 (63,33,34)
    Face edit 15, face model 7
    Eyebrow (10,0)
    Eyes (5,-80,23,-14)
    Nose (-80,8,7,-4)
    Cheek (-80)
    Mouth (15,-26)
    Jaw (42,10,15)

    Mustache 7 (-15,-100,-100,0)
    Wristbands - Blank 2 (-65,-100,62,-79)
    Gloves - 25 (-100,95,-89)
    Elbow Pads - Blank 1 (100,25,-100,-100)
    Waist - Underwear - Blank 8 (100,-62,100)
    Body - Pattern - WWE 56 (DEFAULT) (REDUCE X1) fit in centre of pants
    Layer list-Copy- HHH pattern above
    Layer list-Edit- NEW HHH pattern- move round to back of pants in centre
    Shoes - Blank 14 (-100,-15,0)
    Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,25,-100,-100)
    Design - letters - face - sign *(*row 5,column 1(REDUCE X1) place one under each eyes(2 pixels under each eye) (-21,23,-100,0)



    اي ترين

    All colors are in this form - (L,T,C1/C2,S)
    Length,Transparency, Color1/Color2, Shade
    If unchangable, then the Letter will take its place

    Base Model - Type 1 - Normal
    1. Skin - 4
    2. Cheek
    Face Edit - 14
    Face Model - 06
    Eyebrow - (-4,32)
    Eyes - (-23,-100,100,-10)
    Nose - (-62,47,-20,-21)
    Cheek - (-57)
    Mouth - (-38,-32)
    Jaw - (100,72,3)
    3. Eyes - 16 (L,T,-92/-3,0)
    4. Eyebrows - 27 (L,54,-98/-100,0)
    5. Hair - 0 (L,T,-86/19,0)
    6. Underwear - Blank - 6 (L,T,35/-100,-100)

    7. Face - Accessories - 67 (L,100,-93/-46,0)
    8. Body - Accessories - 28 (L,39,-97/-40,0)
    9. Body - Accessories - 29 (L,28,-94/-79,0)
    10. Body - Accessories - 32 (L,65,-97/-79,0)
    11. Body - Accessories - 34 (L,12,-97/-46,0)

    Facial Hair
    12. Face - Mustache - 21 (L,-10,-90/-19,0)
    13. Face - Mustache - 23 (L,100,-88/-3,0)
    14. Face - Mustache - 36 (L,50,-85/-61,0)
    15. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    Largest size - place a under the mouth, a little to your left
    16. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    Largest size - place a under the mouth, and connect to layer 15 to make that piece wider
    17. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    Largest size - Rotate 2 times - place a under the mouth, a little to your right
    18. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    Largest size - Rotate 2 times - place a under the mouth, and connect to layer 17 to make that piece wider
    19. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 2/7 - - (dash) (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    2nd Largest size - Place at the top of the ( ) and connect them under the bottom lip
    20. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 2/7 - - (dash) (L,23,-85/-100,0)
    2nd Largest size - Place below layer 19 to make it longer

    Left Leg Tattoo
    21. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 58/65 - 1st Column/5th Row (L,35,-74/-100,0)
    Smallest size - Place as high as it will let you, on the side of his left thigh
    22. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 43/65 - 3rd Column/2nd Row (L,35,-74/-100,0)
    Smallest size - Place to your left of layer 21 to connect them
    23. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 12/65 - 4th Column/4th Row (L,35,-74/-100,0)
    Smallest size - Place below layers 21+22 with a small space separating them
    24. Design - Letter - Body - Chinese - Page 35/65 - 5th Column/5th Row (L,35,-81/-54,0)
    3rd Largest size - place as low as it will let you, above layers 21+22
    25. Design - Letter - Body - Chinese - Page 53/65 - 4th Column/1st Row (L,39,-86/-67,-11)
    3rd Largest size - Place just above layer 24

    Knee Pads
    (put the knee pads on first -layer 32-to get the positioning right, then move the knee pads back to layer 32
    26. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - Place on the left leg, to give the black knee pad, a red top piece
    27. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - connect to layer 26 to wrap around the leg
    28. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - connect to layer 27 to fill in any gaps
    29. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - Place on the right leg, to give the black knee pad, a red top piece
    30. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - connect to layer 30 to wrap around the leg
    31. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
    2nd Largest size - connect to layer 31 to fill in any gaps
    32. Legs - Knee Pads - Both - Blank - 1 (L,100,100/-100,-100)
    33. Arms - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank - 6 (-52,100,100/-100,-100)
    34. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 12 (-67,T,-100/-43,-100)

    Right Thigh Tiger Tattoo
    35. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 30 (L,-6,-91/-100,0)
    Smallest size - Place on the upper right thigh on the side of his leg
    36. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 6 (L,-9,-81/-45,0)
    Smallest size - Rotate 3 times - Place over the upper left side of layer 35 to add a body to its legs

    Optional Arm Hair
    37. Body - Accessories - 31 (L,12,-99/-79,0)

    Optional Mouth Piercings
    38. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
    2nd Largest size -Place to your left of his middle facial hair under the mouth
    39. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
    2nd Largest size - Rotate 2 times - Place in the center of his facial hair under the mouth
    40. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
    2nd Largest size -Place to your right of his middle facial hair under the mouth

    Skin Color - 2 (-93/16, -7)

    -Head (-5, 73)
    -Neck (19, 36, 31)
    -Chest (-38, 17)
    -Shoulder-Both (-75, 6, 0)
    -Abdomen (-12, 37, 78)
    -Arms-Both (-29, 26, -9)
    -Forearms-Both (-28, 7, -94)
    -Hands-Both (-70, 8, -10)
    -Waist (15, -37)
    -Thigh (-10, -12, -3)
    -Legs (-5, -14, 0)
    -Ankles (-24, -10)

    Height - 6'5"

    الاندرتيكر بزي (Big Evil )

    Undertaker (New Look) – A mixture of CAWs by BhangraMan and Sirwadealot, Attire by Dan Fookes


    Layer List:
    Skin 1
    Cheeks – Face Edit - Cheek 21 – Face Model 4
    Eyebrow (19,19)
    Eyes (–14,-100)(-6,-80)
    Nose (–74,38)(-44,0)
    Cheek (–40)
    Mouth (7,34)
    Jaw (3,19)(-36)

    Eyes 19 (83,-3,0)
    Eyebrows 21 (57,-96,1,44)
    Hair 20 (-59,-4,33)
    Underwear (Default)

    Mustache 25 (100,-74,6,47)
    Face – Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(6,-93,100,-42) Place under lips covering top of centre part of beard, with a little tuft at top
    Face – Pattern – WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-9,34,-100,0) Place over right sideburn, so that half of pattern sticks out at bottom
    Face – Pattern – WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-9,34,-100,0) Place over left sideburn, so that half of pattern sticks out at bottom
    Face Accessories 52 (100,-91,11,0)
    Face – Pattern – WWE 42 (Reduce 1x)(-10,5,-38,0) Place on throat

    Arms – Tattoos 4 (-12,100,-3,-63)
    Design – Patterns - Left arm –WWE 63 (Rotate Once) (-29,-100,-3,-22) Place at the bottom of left arm and turn it to side
    Arms – Tattoos 1 (18,-100,-16,0)
    Design – Patterns - Right arm – Tattoo 24 (-31,100,-100,-59) Place almost high as possible on arm and place so about 1/3 can be seen in front view
    Design – Patterns - Right arm – Tattoo 24 (-31,100,-100,-59) Place just to the right of previous pattern
    Design – Patterns - Right arm – Tattoo 11 (-3,-45,-100,-57) Place as low as possible on this arm and place about half of it can be seen in front view
    Arms – Tattoos 8 (-17,-100,-45,0)

    Shoes – Blank 11 (100,-100,-3,0)
    Pants – Blank 12 (-94,-24,-38)
    Shirts – Blank 9 (Press Circle for done-up shirt)(-100,100,100,-3,22)
    No Sleeves – Blank 1 (Press Circle 1x)(100,100,30,34)
    Pattern – Body – Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,100,59,-15) Place over remaining visable button
    Elbow Pad – Left Only – Blank 1 (100,25,-61,-100)
    Gloves 12 (Both) (-73,-95,0)
    Pattern – Body – WWE 64 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-3,0) Place at top of back in centre

    Back Pattern:
    Pattern – Body – Simple 157 (Reduce 1x)(100,100,-100,100) Place on centre of back
    Pattern – Body – Simple 157 (Reduce 2x)(100,100,66,-13) Place inside previous pattern
    Pattern – Body – WWE 59 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(100,-100,-100,-100) Place ion centre of red circle
    Pattern – Simple 167 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 2x)(100,-67,46,-100) Place in upper-left quarter of black circle just made (From 9 to 12 o’clock)
    Pattern – Simple 170 (Reduce 3x)100,-100,100,-100) Place two of these in the black border of the pattern, one at the top of the circle, and one at the bottom

    Front Pattern:
    This should be written in Font Type 3 (Reduce 1x) Write BIG EVIL as shown in pic. Start with the I in BIG as a guide to centre the writing (100,23,50,-100)

    Skin Color: 3

    Head (–74,39)
    Neck (–22,6)(66)
    Chest (43,8)
    Shoulder (–50,-63)(-20)
    Abdomen (–1,13)(27)
    Arms (–27,18)(-5)
    Forearms (–50,-29)(-94)
    Hands (–89,-12)(-39)
    Waist (9,-36)
    Thigh (–2,4)(33)
    Legs (–6,-20)(66)
    Ankles (–15,-19)

    Height 6’10”

    بيج شو ( عند انضمامه لسماك داون )

    Big Show – Created by Dan Fookes

    Base Model: Overweight

    Layer List:
    Skin 3
    Cheeks – Face Edit – Cheeks 8 – Face Model 7
    Eyebrows (0,30)
    Eyes (-42,0)(-25,-35)
    Nose (-60,0)(-23,0)
    Cheeks (15)
    Mouth (32,-10)
    Jaw (-23,12)(-43)

    Eyes 11 (-86,-3,0)
    Eyebrows 49 (100,-90,-38,0)
    Hair 4 (-86,-30,36)
    Underwear (Default)

    Mustache 6 (51,-89,-12,0)
    Mustache 23 (-56,-88,-3,0)
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x) (-4,-84,-27,0) Place on HIS right side of moustache so top right corner touches bottom left corner of moustache
    Pattern – Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place overlapping moustache and previous pattern to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x) (-4,-84,-27,0) Place on HIS left side of moustache so center of the top touches bottom right corner of moustache
    Pattern – Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place overlapping moustache and previous pattern to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
    Pattern – Simple 158 (Reduce 2x) (-15,-85,-90,0) Place at bottom of HIS right side of moustache, so it fans out at the bottom
    Pattern – Simple 158 (Reduce 2x) (-15,-85,-90,0) Place at bottom of HIS left side of moustache, so it fans out at the bottom
    Pattern – Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place over rectangle and triangle on his left side to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
    Pattern – Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place over rectangle and triangle on his right side to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
    Face Accessories 23 (-1,-100,-3,0)
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(-85,21,-100,0) Place in-between eyebrows
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) (-62,-90,17,-15) Place just under left eye so it ends inline with eyebrows (See pic)
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) (-62,-90,17,-15) Place just under right eye so it ends inline with eyebrows (See pic)

    Body and Legs:
    Body Accessories 29 (29,-94,-100,0)
    Body Accessories 25 (-51,-97,-100,0)
    Costume – Others 10 (100,18,-91,-100)
    Shoes – Blank 11 (Default)
    Pants – Blank 10 (-89,-40,-100)

    Right Arm Tattoo:
    Pattern – Tattoo 17 (Reduce 1x) (7,-50,-24,0) Place on side of right bicep
    Pattern – Tattoo 11 (Reduce 1x) (12,-99,6,56) Place over previous pattern

    Skin Color 3

    Head (-12,100)
    Neck (14,11)(-18)
    Chest (-17,31)
    Shoulder (-33,-51)(-19)
    Abdomen (13,44)(92)
    Arms (-19,37)(-21)
    Forearms (-19,40)(-100)
    Hands (-12,35)(-39)
    Waist (-39,0)
    Thighs (-3,16)(-39)
    Legs (0,-17)(-33)
    Ankles (-35,-43)

    Height: 7’2”
    مات هاردي

    BASE MODEL: Normal

    Skin color: Default

    Cheek/ face shape


    Face edit- 9- face model- 12

    Jaw(0, 47)(-17)

    Face edit- eyes-28, C(-92,-3)
    Eyebrows: 25, C(-90,-48)
    Hair:17, C(-96,-96), S(-44)
    Underwear: Default

    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate twice- T(18),C(38,-40),S(-19) place as in pic on chin this is the stubble like effect
    Design-Letters-V, reduce three times- T(1),C(23,-100) place below lips see pic
    Face accessories- 65,T(100), C(-95,-100)
    Design-Pattern-Simple:166, reduce twice, totate once, C(21,-100) place below left sideburn I am extending sideburns right sideburn see PIC
    Face-Moustache-7, T( -67),C( -96,-64)
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate once, T(-12), C(12, -38) place below right sideburn this is to try to get his proper facial hair see pic
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate three, reduce onceT(-12), C(12, -38) place a bit below previous pattern on face and to the side of it see pic
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate three, reduce onceT(-12), C(12, -38) place a bit below previous pattern on face and to the side of it see pic
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate once, T(-12), C(12, -38) place below left sideburn this is to try to get his proper facial hair see pic
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate three, reduce onceT(-12), C(12, -38) place a bit below previous pattern on face and to the side of it see pic
    Design-Pattern-WWE:42, rotate three, reduce onceT(-12), C(12, -38) place a bit below previous pattern on face and to the side of it see pic

    Feet- Shoes- Others –6
    Legs-Pants-Pattern-16, C(53,-12), S(22)
    Body-T-shirts- Blank: 8, L(-95), C(33,-38), S(-19)
    Legs- Tatoos-9, C(-79,100), S(-18)
    Legs- Tatoos-6, C(-79,100), S(-18)

    Design-Pattern-Simple 5, reduce once, (-79,100), S(-48) place on the left leg his is the lowest placed pattern 65 in pic on the left leg
    Design-Pattern-Simple 5, reduce once, (-79,100), S(-48) place on left above previous see pic
    Design-Pattern-Simple 5, reduce once, place on the right leg this is the lowest placed pattern 65 in pic on the right leg
    Design-Pattern-Body -Simple:53, reduce twice, rotate 3 times(-79,100), S(-46) place high on left leg as in pic
    Design-Pattern-Simple:96, reduce once,C (-80,100), S(-49) place high on right leg as in pic
    Design-Pattern-Simple:89, reduce once, C(-78, 100) S(-49) place on back of left leg as seen in pic
    Design-Pattern- Body Simple:89, reduce once, C(-78, 100) S(-49) place on back of legs as in seen in pic this is the highest placed simple pattern 89 on the back

    Hand-Gloves- 8, C(-100, -3), S
    Elbow pads-blank-Both 1, C(32,-54),S(-100)
    Design Letters- right arm- page 2- V- C(-97,-100) , reduce once place on taped gloves-wristbands at top middle
    Design-Numeral – Page 2- the third 1 here , reduce twice, C(-37, 100) S(-49) place below V
    Design Letters -left arm- page 2- V- C(-97,-100) , reduce once place on taped gloves-wristbands at top middle
    Design-Numeral – Page 2- the third 1 here , reduce twice, C(-37, 100) S(-49) place below V
    Design Letters- Body -right arm- page 1- V, C(30,100), S(-100) place on chest see pic
    Design Simple-Body -166 Body , C(100,100), S(-100) place to extend V

    **Now swap the V and the above pattern around to get V on top on T-shirt
    Design- Letters- Body- Numeral, page 5: 1, C(23,100), S(-100) place besides V as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- Body- Numeral, page 5: 1, C(23,100), S(-100) place below 1 as seen in pic to extend the 1

    Shoulder(-95,-19), (-7)
    Arms(-23,-16), (-56)


    شانون مور

    Shannon Moore – Created by Bhangra Man with modifications by DanFookes

    Base Model: Thin

    Skin color: 3, (-90,5,0)

    Base edit

    Skin 1
    Cheeks - Face edit – Cheeks 23 - Face model - 23
    Eyebrow (0,25)
    Eyes (-1,1),(59,1)
    Nose (-4,5),(-32,0)
    Cheeks (17)
    Mouth (-8,12)
    Jaw (-18,29)(-44)

    Eyes 10 (-5,-3,0)
    Eyebrows 32 (100,-96,-3,22)
    Hair 17 (-81,43,-29) or 26 (-78,100,-11)
    Underwear (Dafault)

    Pattern – Face - Simple pattern 156 (Reduce 3x) (-88,56,-18) place just above centre of lips
    Moustache 38 (-64,-96,11,28)
    Pattern – Face - Simple pattern 166 (Reduce 3x) (-75,-89,100,-4) place just below to reduce lines above lips
    Alphabet – Font Type 8 (H) (Reduce 1x)(-76,23,-100,0) Place on centre of chin so that half is viewable from the front view
    Accessories 86 (100,99,-3,0)
    Alphabet – Font Type 1 (3 across and 6 down “.”)(Reduce 1x)(100,-73,-3,-6) Place on earlobe without stud to act as earing
    Accessories 57 (100,-92,-19,0)

    Shoes - Blank 13 (-82,100,-100,-100)
    Pants - One point 44 (-100,62,6)

    The next two patterns cut off the inner-side of the red lines near the top of trousers (see pics for help). It doesn’t matter if they overlap onto body
    Pattern – Body – Simple 139 (Rotate 1x)(100,-59,70,-100)
    Pattern – Body – Simple 139 (Rotate 1x)(100,-59,70,-100)

    Now I am making the V on the front of his pants near crotch area
    Letters – Body - 4th row, 4th column (100,95,-35) place to help make the V, place just off centre to the right from neat the crotch area
    Letters – Body - 4th row, 4th column (Rotate 1x)(100,95,-35) Place to finish V

    The next two begin where the white diamonds placed early cut off the black line running up the front of the trousers, one on each side. Again, it doesn’t matter if it overlaps
    Letters – Body - 4th row, 4th column (100,95,-35)
    Letters – Body - 4th row, 4th column (Rotate 1x)(100,95,-35)

    Tattoo on left wrist
    Patterns - Left arm - Tattoos 28 (Rotate 2x, Reduce 1x)(-17,-100,-3) place above the wrist make sure when the taped gloves and wristbands are put on that half of this can still be seen
    Patterns - Left arm - Tattoos 11 (Reduce 2x) (-39,86,-3) place slight below previous pattern and along side the red rose part of the previous pattern
    Gloves 25, (-100,-3,0)
    Wristband - Blank 1 (-67,23,40,-100)

    Version 1 T-Shirt:
    T-Shirt – Blank 8 (-96,100,33,-35,-18)
    Alphabet – Font Type 2 (V)(100,-67,-3,0) Place on chest as in pic
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) Place at top of right tip of the V
    Pattern – Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) Place a few pixels below previous pattern, so the purple border continues around

    The next three patterns make the white part of the V on the top-left tip stick out, though not as far as that one the right
    Alphabet – Font Type 3 (I)(Rotate 1x,Reduce 3x)(100,23,43,-100) Place at very top-left tip of V
    Alphabet – Font Type 3 (I)(Rotate 1x,Reduce 3x)(100,23,43,-100) Place a few pixels lower than previous piece
    Alphabet – Font Type 3 (I)(Rotate 1x,Reduce 3x)(100,23,43,-100) Place a few pixels lower than previous piece

    The next two patterns make the 1. The first is the purple outline, and the second is the white body, which should go a pixel higher and to the left than the outline
    Numeral – Font Type 1 (First “1”)(Reduce 1x)(100,56,12,0)
    Numeral – Font Type 1 (First “1”)(Reduce 1x)(100,56,27,-100)

    Pattern – Body – WWE 18 (Rotate 2x)(100,95,19,0) Place on back

    Neck (-48,-51),-1
    Abdomen (-13,-31) ,17
    Arms (-32,7), (-100)
    Forearms(-41,-19), -67
    Hands (-89,-12), -39
    Thigh(-24,-30), -57
    Legs (-25,-42),-13
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height 6’4”

    فريق ال FBI

    تشاك بالمبو

    Chuck Palumbo – Created by Dan Fookes


    Layer List:
    Skin 5
    Cheeks – Face Edit – Cheeks 22 – Model 7
    Eyebrows (-16,30)
    Eyes (-16,-92)(10,16)
    Cheeks (15)
    Mouth (19,10)
    Jaw (-45,-19)(-27)

    Eyes 7 (-94,-3,0)
    Eyebrows 54 (0,-88,-51,0)
    Hair 8 (-72,-79,37)
    Underwear – Blank 6 (35,-16,-100)

    Mustache 51 (-39,-89,-38,-100)
    Accessories 53 (100,-89,14,0)
    Paint 74 (-4,-90,46,-12)
    Accessories 72 (-56,100,-3,0)
    Pattern – Simple 167 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 3x)(100,-72,-35,50) Place around HIS left earlobe so that the tips poke out over the hair, making it look a bit more scruffy
    Pattern – Simple 167 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x)(100,-72,-35,50) Place around HIS right earlobe so that the tips poke out over the hair, making it look a bit more scruffy

    Use help pic as guide for placement for the floowing
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)(Reduce 1x)(-84,23,-100,0) Place leading from left side of nose
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-84,23,-100,0) Place leading from right side of nose
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-84,23,-100,0) Place under HIS right eye, so it connects with line running from it, making a \/ like effect under the eye
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)(Reduce 1x)(-84,23,-100,0) Place under HIS left eye, so it connects with line running from it, making a \/ like effect under the eye
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 3 across and 5 down)(Reduce 1x) Place so bottom touches the inside of HIS left eyebrow
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 3 across and 5 down)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) Place so bottom touches the inside of HIS right eyebrow
    Letters – Alphabet - Font Type 1 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 2x)(-67,23,-100,0) Place under bottom lip
    Letters – Alphabet – Font Type 1 (3 across and 6 down “.”)(Reduce 1x)(12,24,-72,-100) Place on tip of left eyebrow
    Letters – Alphabet – Font Type 1 (3 across and 6 down “.”)(Reduce 1x)(12,24,-72,-100) Place on tip of right eyebrow
    Letters – Numeral – Font Type 1, 1st set. “1” (Reduce 2x)100,-89,51,-43) Use to cover light tip on nose
    Letters – Numeral – Font Type 1, 1st set. “1” (Reduce 2x)100,-89,51,-43) Use to cover remaining part of light tip on nose

    Elbow Pads – Blank 4 (100,25,-61,-100)
    Wristbands – Both – Blank 2 (-63,100,-100,-3,0)
    Wristbands – Both – Blank11 (-67,100,30,-90,-100)
    Kneepads – Blank 7 (100,24,-83,-100)
    Shoes – Blank 12 (-41,-100,-53,0)

    Now we write PALUMBO along the top of his underwear, all Font Type 4, Reduce 3x (100,23,33,-100)

    Skin Color (-89,3,1)

    Form – Based on Too Sweet Touch’s
    Head (-56,13)
    Neck (-19,-26,23)
    Chest (7,24)
    Shoulder (-100,-19,5)
    Abdomen (-9,2,38)
    Arms (-33,6,-33)
    Forearms (-55,-5,-94)
    Hands (-89,-12,-39)
    Waist (-15, -38)
    Thigh (-9,-21,-27)
    Legs (-5,-32,33)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height: 6’8”

    BASE MODEL: Normal

    Skin color: 4, C(-88, 6), S(7)

    1.)skin: 10
    2.)CHEEKS/ Face edit : 9, face model: 7
    eyebrows (20, 7)
    eyes (-33, -38), (28,1)
    nose (-43, 0), (0, -13)
    cheeks (8)
    mouth (-16, 0)
    jaw (14, -5), 5

    3.)eyes : 11, C(-87, -17), S( 0)
    4.)eyebrows: 7, C(-100,-14)
    5.)hair: 20, C(-100,-33), S(-62)
    6.)Underwear: blank: 1, C(-31, -62), S(-9) OR

    as he has worn this as a optional attire before Underwear> Pattern :30

    7.)face accessories: 73, T(-34), C(-95,-27)
    8.)face >moustache> 21, T(-46), C(-89,25), S(-100)
    9.)Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 1*, T(37), C(24, -85), S(-17) place on the left eyebrow as you see it but on the right end of this eyebrow to make the eyebrow bigger see pic
    10.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 1*, T(37), C(24, -85), S(-17) place on the right eyebrow as you see it but at the left end of this eyebrow to make the eyebrow bigger see pic
    11.)Face accessories: 2, T(-81), C(-100,-3)

    * creating bags under eyes SEE PICS *
    12.)Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: 4th row , 4th column, reduce 2*, T(-78) , C(100,-59) place below left eye leave a little gap but place it near nose without overlapping onto it
    13.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: last row , 4th column, T, rotate 3*, reduce 2*, T(-89), C(-97,67), place to connect half way up with previous piece without overlapping it
    14.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: 4th row , 4th coloumn, rotate 1*,reduce 2*, T(-78) , C(100,-59) place below right leave a little gap but place it near nose without overlapping onto it
    15.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: last row , 4th coloumn, rotate 3*reduce 2*, T(-89), C(-97,67), place to connect half way up with previous piece without overlapping it
    16.)Design> Face> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 2*, T(-60), C(-89, 17), S(-16) place below left eye leave as little space as possible between this and eyes and move it closer to the nose, this is the darkish rectangle like piece in pic under eyes SEE PIC
    17.) Design> Face> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 2*, T(-60), C(-89, 17), S(-16) place below right eye leave as little space as possible between this and eyes and move it closer to the nose, this is the darkish rectangle like piece in pic under eyes SEE PIC
    18.)Face> Moustache> 56> T(-75), C(-96,-3), S(27)
    19.)Face> Moustache> 7> T(-1), C(-81,17), S(42)
    20.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 3*,, C(-89, -43), S(-49) place one on left nostril to reduce the amount showing up see pic
    21.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 3*,, C(-89, -43), S(-49) place one on right nostril to reduce the amount showing up see pic
    22.)Legs> Kneepads>Blank>1 , C(-94,70), S(34)
    23.) Design> left leg> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, C(-25, 100), S(-100) place on side of left kneepad see pic
    24.) Design> left leg> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, C(-25, 100), S(-100) place on side of right kneepad see pic

    25.)Design> right arm> simple pattern: 4, reduce 2*, T(-10), C(-48,-40) place reasonably high on arm away from shoulder though say between shoulder and elbow area
    26.) Design> right arm> simple pattern: 85, reduce 2*, T(18) , C(0, -22), S(-23) place below previous piece but it slighty overlap with previous piece
    27.) Design> right arm> tattoo: 27, reduce 2*, T(37), C(-96,-45), S(-12) place half way up previous piece

    28.)Feet> Shoes>Blank: 10, L(-62), C(-100, -3), S(40)

    Form > Figures

    Head (-63), 0
    Neck (-33,-38) , 68
    Chest (-48, -3)
    Shoulder (-100, -49), -12
    Abdomen (-22, 44), 36
    Arms (-35,-11), -100
    Forearms (-43, -24), -97
    Hands (-92, -37), -59
    Waist (9, -38)
    Thighs (-25,-9), -87
    Legs (-13,-25), -73
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    المفاجاة الكبرى
    ذا روك:

    New Look Rock:

    Skin Color (-86,-24,6)

    Layer List:
    Skin 8
    Cheeks – Face Edit – Cheeks 9 – Face Model 15
    Eyebrows (12,13)
    Eyes (0,0)(12,100)
    Nose (41,25)(-9,15)
    Cheeks (12)
    Mouth (-40,12)
    Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

    Eyes 28 (-92,-38,0)
    Eyebrows 9 (100,-89,-100,0)
    Hair 4 (-91,-33,0)
    Underwear (Default)

    Mustache 7 (-1,-100,-3,-100)
    Mustache 4 (-50,-100,11,-100)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-75,21,-100,0) Place under bottom lip
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-89,21,-16,-100) Place this to the side of his lips on HIS left side. I don’t know what it is, but the ingame version has it
    Accessories 65 (32,-85,-62,0)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate 1x)(-81,21,-100,0) Place directly on nose as high as possible
    Accessories 72 (100,-96,-27,3)

    The next two layers are full-stops to cover up his nostrils a bit so they aren’t quite so prominent:
    Face – Letters – Alphabet (Font Type 1 – 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33) Place over part of left nostril on outer edge
    Face – Letters – Alphabet (Font Type 1 – 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33) Place over part of right nostril on outer edge

    The next four patterns make the “frown” inbetween the eyebrows. Essentially from his right eye to his left eye it goes “/][\” (You’ll see what I mean)
    1) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x) Place going from his right eyebrow down to where you can see a feint frown line already (-82,23,-100,0)
    2) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 2 across and 6 down) (Look like an “r”)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) Place joining on from previous pattern over the frown line nearest his right eye (-82,23,-100,0)
    3) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 3 across and 5 down) “[“ (Reduce 3x) Place over frown line nearest his left eye (-82,23,-100,0)
    4) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x) Place going previous pattern to his left eyebrow (-82,23,-100,0)

    Body Parts:
    Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo 42 (Reduce 1x)(10,2,-77,-100) Place halfway between shoulder and elbow, on side of arm
    Shoes - Blank 12 (-49,-100,-46,0)
    Pants – Blank 12 (-92,-37,-50)

    Hair to 1 (No Hair)
    Cheeks - Face Edit – Cheeks 9 – Face Model 15
    Eyebrows (12,13)
    Eyes (0,39)(12,100)
    Nose (41,2)(-9,15)
    Cheeks (12)
    Mouth (-40,12)
    Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

    Belt 9 (100,-86,-100,0)
    The next three patterns make the buckle on the belt: (See pic)
    Body – Pattern – Simple 159 (Reduce 3x)(100,-68,27,-30) Place over belt buckle in centre
    Body – Pattern – Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place to OUR left of previous pattern so that only half of circle sticks out
    Body – Pattern – Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place on opposite side of square so only half of circle sticks out
    Body – Pattern – WWE 58 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-100,0) Place on belt buckle
    Left Arm – Pattern – Tattoo 10 (-45,41,-3,-22) Place on shoulder so half is visible from front
    Vest – Blank 1 (Press Circle once) (100,-100,-43,-16)


    Head (-41,100)
    Neck (-57,-38)(-44)
    Chest (-2,14)
    Shoulder (-66,-11)(-12)
    Abdomen (-12,-23)(36)
    Arms (-44,12)(-68)
    Forearms (-43,-5)(-100)
    Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
    Waist (2,-29)
    Thigh (-17,-16)(-15)
    Legs (0,-21)(-6)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height: 6’8”
    يدي جاريرو ( بالشعر القصير )

    BASE MODEL: Normal

    Skin color: 3, C(-89,8), S (2)

    1.)Skin: 3
    2.) Cheeks/ face edit: 21, face model :11
    eyebrow (11, -47)
    eyes (-43, -22), (-21, -55)
    nose (72,0), (0,0)
    cheek (-21)
    mouth (20, 17)
    jaw (-11,24)

    3.) eyes: 3, C(-89, -9)
    4.) eyebrows : 56, C(-87, -35)
    5.) hair: 8, C(-81, -66), S (37)
    6.)underwear: default
    7.) face > moustache : 56> T(-23), C(-89,-100)
    8.) face > moustache : 2> C( -99, -30)
    9.)face> paint: 74 > C(-89, 53), S(-20)
    10.)face mousctache: 24>T(-26), C(-89,100), S(-33)
    11.)design> pattern> face > wwe pattern 42, reduce 1* , rotate 2* , C(-99, 22), place on base of chin place so only a little of it can be seen above chin see help link 1
    12.) design> pattern> face > wwe pattern 42, reduce 2* , rotate 1* , C(-99, 22) place this above previous but make it connect this is the vertical piece coming out of the stubble see help link 1
    13.) design> pattern> face> simple pattern : 170, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, T(18), C(-100, -58) place over the top part of previous piece see pic

    **USE HELP LINK 1 NOW: The facial hair above the lips has like a centre parting. So I view it as a moustache that spilts into. So all I am doing is thickening up the right hand side of this, the help link 1 actually demonstrates this better

    14.) design> pattern> face> simple pattern : 135, reduce 2* , C(-96, 25), S(22) place this below nostrils on the top part of left hand side facial hair see help link 1
    15.)Design> letters> face>alphabet> 2nd column, last row, reduce 2*, C(-98, -32), S(-48) can’t describe position as the help link 1 shows the placement much better
    16.)Face accessories : 3, T(-48), C(-100, -3)
    17.)Face asscessories: 52> C(-89,-1)
    18.)Face asscessories: 64, T(24), C(-92,6)


    19.) legs> Tights> one point: 6, C(100, 9), S (11) FOR RED TIGHTS
    legs> Tights> one point: 6, C(-30, -35), S (11) FOR GREEN

    20.)legs> Tatoos> 8, C(-74,95), S (9)
    21.) Design> right leg> simple pattern: 159> C(100,46), S(-9) FOR RED TIGHTS
    Design> right leg> simple pattern: 159> C(-35,-3), S(-9) FOR GREEN

    all I am doing here is obsuring some gold parts of the tattoos that I don’t need, so place about high as you can on leg and place so most of the gold tattoo outside the black stripe on the legs is covered see HELP LINK 2

    22.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :56, reduce 1*, T(-51), C(-77,70), S(-28) place on upper right thigh in middle of black stripe almost as low as possible see HELP LINK 2
    23.) Design> right leg> Simple patterns :55, reduce 1*,rotate 3*, C(-74,62), S(-30) place on middle of legs move so that a little of it is on the black stripe HELP LINK 2
    24.) legs> Tatoos> 2, C(-67,100),


    25.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :56, reduce 1*, T(-51), C(-77,70), S(-28) place on upper left thigh in middle of black stripe almost as low as possible see HELP LINK 2
    26.) Design> left leg> simple pattern: 159> C(100,46), S(-9) FOR RED TIGHTS
    Design> left leg> simple pattern: 159> C(-29,-3), S(-9) FOR GREEN

    all I am doing here is obsuring some gold parts of the tattoos that I don’t need, so place about high as you can on leg and place so most of the gold tattoo outside the black stripe on the legs is covered see HELP LINK 2

    27.) Design> left leg> Simple patterns :55, reduce 1*,rotate 1*, C(-74,62), S(-30) place on middle of left leg move so that a little of it is on the black stripe HELP LINK 2
    28.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :134, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, C(-76,79), S (-32) place on back of tights see help link 2
    29.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :133, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,70), S (-39) place on back of tights see help link 2
    30.)Hand> Gloves: 25
    31.)Arms> Wristband>Blank: 1, L(-55), C(23,14), S(-100)
    32.) feet>shoes>blank: 12, L(-22), C(-100, -28)
    33.) feet>shoes> others> 11, C(24,11), S(34)
    34.)Design>right leg>WWE pattern: 42, rotate 1*, T(26), C(34, -45), S(-62) place on the gold shinguard / pad at the front of boots this is supposed to be the laces
    35.) Design>left leg>WWE pattern: 42, rotate 1*, T(26), C(34, -45), S(-62) place on the gold shinguard at the front of boots this is supposed to be the laces
    36.)feet>shoes>one point> 6, C(63,-12),
    37.)feet>shoes> blank: 9, C(-77, -22), S(-23)
    38.)legs kneepads: blank: 1, C(100, 75), S(1) FOR RED TIGHTS
    legs kneepads: blank: 1, C(-36, 25), S(11) FOR GREEN TIGHTS

    form/ figures

    Head (-38), 68
    Neck (-26,-38), 13
    Chest (2,-15)
    Shoulder (-91,-26), -12
    Abdomen (-37,-23),14
    Arms (-29, 4), -100
    Forearms (-40, -24), -100
    Hands (-89, -12), -39
    Waist (9, -38)
    Thighs (-25,-9), -100
    Legs (-13,-25), -80
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height 6’9”

    كريستيان ( بالستايل الجديد )

    Christian (New Attire) – Created by Too Sweet Touch, Modified by Dan Fookes


    Layer List:
    Skin 1
    Cheek 11 (Face model 12)
    Eyebrows (0,38)
    Eyes (5,-37,50,-46)
    Nose (3,17)(-23,-28)
    Cheek (22)
    Mouth (0,4)
    Jaw (-15,19)(-40)

    Eyes 1 (3,-29,-39)
    Eyebrows 4 (48,-68,-72,30)
    Hair 17 (-90,45,-14)
    Underwear 1

    Face Parts:
    Mustache 7 (10,-47,-19,0)
    Mustache 14 (40,-87,77,-13)
    Mustache 31 (-48,-93,-43,0)
    Accessories 23 (-57,-100,-3,0)
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)”/”(Reduce 1x)(-76,-78,-80,0) Place on HIS right side of nose, see pics
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)”/”(Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-76,-78,-80,0) Place on HIS left side of nose, see pics
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 6 down)(Rotate 3x, Reudce 1x)(-71,-92,-29,0) Place under his left eye
    Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 6 down)(Rotate 3x, Reudce 1x)(-71,-92,-29,0) Place under his right eye

    Costume - Others 10 (100,100,14,-9)
    Tights – Blank 1 (100,100,100,51,-7)
    Shoes - Blank 12 (-73,-100,-51,-100)
    Elbow Pads - Blank 1 (100,100,46,-9)
    Pattern – Left Arm – Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,80,-100) Place on front of arm, at bottom of elbow pad
    Pattern – Right Arm – Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,80,-100) Place on front of arm, at bottom of elbow pad
    Wristbands – Blank 3 (-57,100,89,-100,-100)
    Pattern – Left Arm – Simple 9 (Reduce 3x)(4,12,-43,0) Place on side of arm, near shoulder
    Pattern- Left leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place so pattern is visable from front, but partly side, as high as possible
    Pattern- Left leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place below previous pattern so that the circular parts of each pattern are touching
    Pattern- Right leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place so pattern is visable from front, but partly side, as high as possible
    Pattern- Right leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place below previous pattern so that the circular parts of each pattern are touching

    Skin Colours 3

    Height: 5’11”

    Figures- Form
    Head (-56,86)
    Neck (-53,-38,8)
    Chest (28,15)
    Shoulder (-100,-19,-12)
    Abdomen (0,7,54)
    Arms (-16,-3,-11)
    Forearms (-20,2,-88)
    Hands (-89,-12,-57)
    Waist (0,-39)
    Thigh (-16,-1,-45)
    Legs (-3,-14,-6)
    Ankles (-47,-36)


    بيل ديلموت

    Base Model: Normal

    Skin color: 4, C(-88,3), S(6)

    2.)Cheeks/ Face Edits: 11, Face model: 7

    4.)Eyebrows:19, C(-81,51), S(41)
    5.)Hair:15, C(-89,54), S(28)
    or Hair: 22, C(-85,40), S(30)
    6.)Underwear: default
    7.)Face- Moustache: 23, T(100),C(-72,1), S(93)
    8.)Face- Moustache: 21, T(39),C(-83,14)
    9.)Body tattoo:11, T(-68),C(33,-3)
    10.)Simple pattern- 171, T(-23), C(-93,11),S(-29)reduce three times, place below lips to reduce facial hair near lips
    11.)Body- Costume- Others: 12, C(-78,-8),C(-10)
    12.)Face- paint: 37,T(-70), C(-100,-3)
    13.)Design patterns- face -Simple pattern: 166, T(-45),C(-86,58) place between on nose high up between the eyes
    14.)Design patterns- face -WWE pattern : 42, T(-17),C(-88,59),S(13) rotate 1*, reduce once, place below left sideburn connecting sideburn to the beard here
    15.)Design patterns- face -WWE pattern : 42, T(-17),C(-88,59),S(13) rotate 1*, reduce once, place below right sideburn connecting sideburn to the beard here

    **See Pic and paint drawing for help here**
    16.)Design-Body-Pattern-Tattoo:4, reduce 1*, C(-67,100),S(43) place just over the left green flame pattern that already exists on the dlow brown custome. Make sure about half of it can be seen in front veiw see pics
    17.) Design-Body-Pattern-Tattoo:4, reduce 1*, C(-67,100),S(43) place just over the right green flame pattern that already exists on the dlow brown custome. Make sure about half of it can be seen in front veiw see pics
    see pics
    18.)Design- Body-Pattern-20, rotate 2*, reduce 1*,T(40),C(-63,83),S(-41) place over the end part of the left hand side green flame at the back. Make sure about half of it can be seen in back view see pics
    19.) Design- Body-Pattern-20, rotate 2*, reduce 1*,T(40),C(-63,83),S(-41) place over the end part of the right hand side green flame at the back. Make sure about half of it can be seen in back view see pics
    20.)Legs-Kneepads-Blank , C(-92,-22),S(-100)
    21.) Legs-Kneepads-Blank:1, C(-16,-82),S(-100)
    ** See paint drawing for help here**
    22.)Feet- Shoes- One point:12, C(34,-100),S(-100)
    23.) Feet- Socks- Checks:12, L: -75, C(64,100),S(-16)


    *The basic idea here is to create black squares around the checked socks but to have a space in the middle with checked patterns and use white squares to reduce the black shown on boots. It will appear like on the boots that there is a checked pattern in the middle of the boots in front view , with a black outline to the checked pattern

    24.)Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on one side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing
    25.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on the other side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing. Make sure there is some checked pattern in the middle of the checked socks see pic
    26.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce the amount of one of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the black pattern is only a line instead of a square
    27.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce the amount of the other of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the black pattern is only a line instead of a square

    28.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on one side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing
    29.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on the other side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing. Make sure there is some checked pattern in the middle of the checked socks see pic
    30.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce the amount of one of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the black pattern is only a line instead of a square
    31.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce the amount of the other of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the black pattern is only a line instead of a square

    32.)Feet- Shoes- Blank- 5, C(33,-50),S(-100)
    33.)Left Hand- Gloves:12, C(-100,-3)
    34.)Arms- Wristband- Blank:2, L(-81),C(-100,-3)
    35.)Right Arm- Elbow pads-Blank: 4,C(100,100)
    36.) Right Arm- Elbow pads-Blank: 1, C(25,-61),S(-100)
    37.) Design- pattern- Left arm- Tatoo :27, rotate 1*, reduce 1*, T(50), C(-96,-50) place on left arm bicep
    38.) Design- pattern- Left arm- simple pattern :93, reduce 1*,T(7), C(-36,-8),S(-62) place just below previous pattern and make it overlap a little with previous pattern
    39.) Design- pattern- Right arm- simple pattern :25, reduce 1*, T(15),C(-64,-29) place just above right arm elbow pad
    40.) Design- pattern- Right arm- simple pattern :100, reduce 1*, rotate 1*,T(75),C(-76,1) place just above previous pattern and make it connect it to the right end of previous pattern
    Figure- Form

    Shoulder both(-79,-34),-12

    Height 7'1"

    تست ( بالشعر القصير )


    Skin color :3, C(-91,22)

    Wrestling Gear VERSION

    1.)Skin:4 maybe Skin 2 depends on user
    2.)Cheeks> Face edit: 22, Face model:11
    eyes (0,-14), (0,0)
    nose (-15,0), (-48,0)
    cheeks (-3)
    jaw (-19,19),0

    3.)eyes: 10, C(-5,-20), S(-37)
    4.)eyebrows: 3, T(40), C(-85, -46), S(-11)
    5.)Hair: 5, C(19,74), S(18)
    7.)Face mousctache:2, C(-87, 54), S(7)


    The next 4 pieces fill the space in the middle of the facial hair above lips
    8.)Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*, place just left of centre of the facial hair above lips in the space
    9.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*, place roughly the same place as previous but make it end up just above previous piece and slightly to the right of
    10.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*, place just left of centre of the facial hair above lips in the space
    11.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 2*, reduce 3*, place roughly the same place as previous but make it end up just above previous piece and slightly to the left

    NOW I MAKE the facial hair above the lips connect with the facial hair at the chin to help make his goatee
    12.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 3*, reduce 3*, place at the left side of lips , make the left side of facial hair above lips connect with facial hair on chin SEE HELP LINK 1
    13.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 3*, reduce 3*, place at the right side of lips , make the right side of facial hair above lips connect with facial hair on chin SEE LINK 1

    14.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , place carefully on chin to give him more stubble there SEE HELP LINK 1
    15.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , reduce 1*, place slightly over the top part of previous piece thickening up the stubble at the chin
    16.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 1*, reduce 1*, this is the vertical piece coming out of the stubble on chin see HELP LINK 1
    17.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,51), S(9) place just below lips
    18.)Face accessories: 8, T(-73), C(100,-3)

    **Now I create little bags under the eyes
    19.)Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-62), C(-89,62), S(-26) place just below left eye and move it near the nose without going onto it
    20.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-65), C(-89,82), S(-26) place below right eye and and move it near the nose without going onto it
    21.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-79), C(-84,82), S(-26) place above and to the left of layer 19 but still make sure this piece is below the eye
    22.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-87), C(-84,82), S(-26) place above and to the right of layer 20 but still make sure this piece is below the eye
    23.)Face accessories: 85

    **Now time for the tattoo SEE HELP LINK 2
    24.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: I , reduce 1*, T(10), C(-6,-77), S(-54) place high on left arm this is the vertical piece in pic that’s in the middle SEE HELP LINK
    25.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: I , reduce 1*, T(29), C(100,-25), S(-65) place on top but just below the center part of previous piece

    26.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 3: I , reduce 1*, T(3), C(-89,-100), S(-22) place as seen in pic this is the horizontal ‘I’ piece in tattoo
    27.) Design> Left arm>Simple pattern 101, reduce 3*, T(25), C(3,-35) place so that it is hanging off the left hand of previous layer
    28.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: V, reduce 2*, rotate 1*,T(4), C(-52, -87), S(-63) place so that it hangs of a little of the right end of layer 26
    29.) Design> Left arm> Numeral>: 1, (first one on this page), reduce 1*, T(-39),C(23,-80) place on the right of the V previously placed
    30.)Hands> Gloves: 25, C(-100,-3)
    31.)Arms> Wristbands, Blank: 2, L(-75), C(-100,-3)
    32.)Legs> Tights> Blank:1, L(-100), C(28,17),S(-23)
    33.)Legs>Kneepads>Blank: 7,C(20,-79), S(-99)
    34.)Feet>Shoes>Blank: 11, L(-75),C(100, -54),S(-100)
    35.) Design> Left leg> Alphabet>Font 1: 3rd column, last row, C(24,-3), S(-100) place on top of left kneepad
    36.) Design> right leg> Alphabet>Font 1: 3rd column, last row, C(24,-3), S(-100) place on top of right kneepad
    37.)Arms> elbow pads > Blank :1, C (16,-54), S(-100)>>NOTE THIS IS OPTIONAL he has worn these in the past

    38.)Design>Face>Simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-87,-14), S(-18) place to extend left sideburn as his sideburns curl out a little in shape
    39 Design>Face>Simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-87,-14), S(-18)place to extend right sideburn as his sideburns curl out a little in shape

    Head(-45), 19
    Neck (-29,-24), 47
    Chest (-58,-15)
    Shoulder (-91,-47),-7
    Abdomen (-6,34), 36
    Forearms (-45,-28),-94
    Hands (-89,-12), (-39)
    Waist (-2,-83)
    Thighs (-24,-31),(-57)

    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height 6’9” suits figures
    ستيف أوستن ( في نو واي آوت 2003 )

    Steve Austin – Created by Dan Fookes

    Base Model: Normal

    Layer List:
    Skin 8
    Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 9 – Face Model 15
    Eyebrow (-63,0)
    Eyes (0,-61)(0,44)
    Nose (18,53)(-40,0)
    Cheeks (0)
    Mouth (-24,0)
    Jaw (31,31)(0)

    Eyes 10 (-5,-3,0)
    Eyebrows 2 (100,-90,-3,0)
    Hair - None
    Underwear - Default

    Body Accessories - 53 (-78,30,46,-100)

    Mustache 9 (-59,100,-24,49)
    Paint 5 (-96,-100,-3,0)
    Mustache 14 (42,-97,0,0)
    Mustache 10 (100,-90,37,0)
    Mustache 31 (57,-93,-100,0)
    Accessories 16 (-79,-100,-100,0)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (100,-92,100,-43) Place under lip, leaving a little tuft just under the lip
    Pattern – Simple 158 (Rotate 2x, Reduce 2x)(-98,14,-100,0) Place as high as you can on face so it’s pointing down nose. This covers up the light bit inbetween eyebrows
    Letters – Numeral (Font Type One, 2nd Set) 1 (Reduce 1x)(100,-87,48,-40) Place on HIS right side of beard to cover mustache sticking out
    Letters – Numeral (Font Type One, 2nd Set) 1 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x)(100,-87,48,-40) Place on HIS left side of beard to cover mustache sticking out
    Accessories 72 (100,-96,29,7)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (-70,21,-48,0) Place in his right eyelid, near nose for shadowing
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (-70,21,-48,0) Place in his left eyelid, near nose for shadowing
    Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x)(60,-89,-77,-8) Place on mustache in gap under nose
    Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) (-85,-92,8,0) Place on left cheek
    Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) (-85,-92,8,0) Place on right cheek
    Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 down and 4 across: /) (Reduce 1x) (-48,-82,-88,0) Place so top right corner is next to right nostril. See pic
    Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 down and 4 across: /) (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x) (-48,-82,-88,0) Place so top left corner is next to left nostril. See pic

    Arms, Body and Legs:
    Wristbands -Blank 3 (-75,100,89,-100,-100)
    Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,24,-64,-100)
    Kneepads - Others 10 (100,-100,-3,0)
    Shoes - Blank 12 (-100,-100,-20,-24)
    Short Pants - Blank 2 (19,-3,-1)
    Belt 1 (100,-67,-3,0)
    Vest - Others 3 (Press circle once)(100,-100,-17,0)
    Pattern - Picture 82 (Left Leg) (Reduce 3x)(-32,-93,-3,0) Place between shoe and kneepad, on outside of leg

    Skin Color 3

    Head (-41,100)
    Neck (-31,-15)(10)
    Chest (-7,35)
    Shoulder (-58,-1)(9)
    Abdomen (-10,-6)(25)
    Arms (-27,19)(-88)
    Forearms (-27,0)(-100)
    Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
    Waist (23,-20)
    Thighs (-5,9)(-15)
    Legs (-10,-20)(0)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    Height 6’8” (To allow for figures)

    شون مايكلز ( رويال رمبل 2003 )

    Height: 6'4"

    Head: 5,46
    Neck: 0,24,57
    Chest: 53,12
    Shoulder: -66,0,-10
    Abdomen: -13,-10,38
    Arms: -20,0,-29
    Forearms: -28,-22,-91
    Hands: -38,9,-26
    Waist: 18,-36
    Thigh: -19,-4,-100
    Legs: 15,-2,46
    Ankles: -47,-36

    Skin color: 5 (-89,-6,6) ?

    Skin: 2
    Cheek: Edit: 20 Model: 11
    Eyebrow: -48,9
    Eyes: 0,-100,48,1
    Nose: -8,100,85,5
    Cheek: 27
    Mouth: -9,-16
    Jaw: -46,46,-40

    Eyes: 28 (14,-20,-34)
    Eyebrows: 19 (68,-79,-3,25)
    Hair: 14 (-89,-100,5)
    Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)
    body Accessories: 8 (37,-90,-100,39)

    *face pattern*
    Pattern: Simple 158 reduce: 3 turn: 2 (-51,-92,-100,52)
    place directly under his nose

    face Accessories: 23 (-62,-100,-100,0)
    Mustache: 28 (62,-86,66,26)
    body Accessories: 25 (37,-95,-38,-4)
    body Accessories: 26 (20,-94,-35,-30)
    Tights: blank : 1 (100,100,100,70,-7)
    Gloves: 25 (-100,-69,81)
    Wrist Bands: pattern: 6 (-55,100,-100,-72,85)
    Shoes: one point: 20 (39,-100,-17,-100)
    Shoes: one point: 23 (-100,-100,-3,-100)
    Knee Pads: pattern: 4 (100,-30,20,0)

    *left leg pattern*
    Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100)
    on back. move all the way up
    then 2 clicks down

    Pattern: Simple 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0)
    on back. move all the way up
    then 4 clicks down (over the heart)

    Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100)
    on front. move all the way up

    Pattern: Simple 12 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (100,100,61,0)
    on front. move all the way up (over the heart)

    *right leg pattern*
    Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-48,-100)
    on front. move all the way up

    Pattern: Simple 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0)
    on front. move all the way up
    then 1 click down (over the heart)

    Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-56,-100)
    on back. move all the way up
    then 4 clicks down

    Pattern: Simple 12 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0)
    on back. move all the way up
    then 2 clicks down (over the heart)

    *body pattern*
    Pattern: simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100)
    center on front. all the way down
    then move 4 clicks up

    Pattern: simple: 12 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,100,62,0)
    center on front. all the way down
    then move 6 clicks up (over the heart)

    Pattern: simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,97,-56,-100)
    center on back. all the way down
    then move 2 clicks up

    Pattern: simple: 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0)
    center on back. all the way down
    then move 2 clicks up (over the heart)

    Pattern: WWE: 21 (62,-100,-22,-100)
    center on back. all the way down
    then move 1 click up

    *left arm pattern*
    Pattern: Tattoo: 21 reduce: 1 (-17,-19,-100,0)
    place on biceps

    *face pattern*
    Pattern: simple: 159 (7,-84,-87,-48)
    center on back of the head.
    move all the way up

    Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I reduce: 1 turn: 1 (-56,-87,-100,0)
    place under his mouth

    Mask: 7 (34,-93,-66,18)

    *face pattern*
    Pattern: simple: 159 (46,-85,-53,-43)
    center on back of the head.
    move all the way down

    *body pattern*
    Pattern: WWE: 13 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (100,-81,-35,0)
    center on back. move all the way up.
    then move 3 clicks down

    Pattern: WWE: 13 reduce: 2 turn: 3 (37,-78,-67,0)
    center on back. move all the way up.
    then move 10 clicks down

    *face pattern*
    Pattern: WWE: 13 turn: 1 (-37,-67,-75,0)
    center on back of the head. all the way down

    Pattern: WWE: 13 turn: 3 (-35,-68,-75,0)
    center on back of the head. all the way up
    now move 27 clicks down

    Name: Shawn Michaels
    Ring Name: "Heart Break Kid"
    Nick Name: HBK
    Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Face, Shawn Michaels

    Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "HBK"
    Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "Shawn Michaels"

    Powerful: 1,4
    Speedy: 3,3
    Technical: 3,3
    Rough Neck: 2,4

    Logic: Brawler, Grappler


    Skin color 2

    Head –89/46
    Neck –17/6/66
    Chest 43/-1
    Shoulder –50/-63/-20
    Abdomen –13/13/27
    Arms –25/-15/-5
    Forearms –50/-29/-94
    Hands –89/-12/-39
    Waist 9/-36
    Thigh –2/4/33
    Legs –6/-20/66
    Ankles –15/-19

    Height 6’10”

    Skin 1

    Face edit
    cheek 21/face 4
    eyebrow 19/19
    eyes –14/-100/-6/-48
    nose –74/38/-44/0
    cheek –40
    mouth 33/34
    jaw 3/19/-36

    eyes 19 83/100/-100
    eyebrows 21 100/-96/-93/0
    hair 54 –95/-56/0
    mustache 25 53/-84/-29/0

    t-shirts/blank 8 –76/100/33/-43/-100
    tights/blank 1 100/100/25/-40/-100
    shoes/blank 14 –100/-29/0
    socks/blank 3 –33/100/44/-70/-64
    socks/blank 3 –60/100/28/-100/-100
    socks/blank 3 –62/100/44/-54/-67
    gloves 1 52/-54/-59
    wrist bands/blank 1 2/100/-85/-4/-40

    Use the following to create the torn sleeves. Overlap the tip of the triangleonto the sleeves. Use the same formula four times for each arm, and try tostagger them up and down. It will look better this way.

    pattern/simple 158 100/-86/48/-60 (4x each for left and right arm)

    Now for the tattoos.

    Pattern/left upperarm/tattoo 4 –42/-100/-3/-66
    Pattern/right upperarm/tattoo 24 –28/-88/-43/-39
    Pattern/right forearm/tattoo 11 –34/86/-40/-33
    Pattern/left forearm/wwe 63 –51/-100/-3/0 (rotate 2x)

    Wrist bands/blank 1 –57/100/56/-69/-62
    Elbow pads/blank 1 100/25/-41/-100


    Ring In Move: Over The Rope

    Ring Out Move: Backward Ring Out

    Taunt: Cut The Air 1, Taunt Kane 1, Taunt Kane 4, Taunt Kane 3, Taunt Kane 2

    Fighting Style: Kane

    Walking Style: Dark Side (created one)

    Running Style: Normal

    Winning Move: Kane

    Entrance: Kane, Kane, Original 13

    *Ready Moves*
    Attack: Kane Big Boot, Toe Kick 1, Kane Throat Thrust 2, Clothesline 2, Kane Uppercut, Body Punch

    Grapple: Undertaker Sideslam, Kane Throat Thrust 2, Kane Choke Toss, DDT 2, Pendulum Backbreaker 1, Kane Throat Thrust 3, Kane Lifting & Toss, Kane Grapple, Side Slam, Club To Neck 3, Suplex 2, Rib Breaker

    Back Attack: Reverse DDT, Sidewalk Slam 3, Elbow To Back Of The Head 2, Forearm Smash, Full Nelson Slam, Pendulum Backbreaker 2, Pumphandle Slam 2, Inverted Suplex 1

    The Edge Of a Ceiling: It Thrusts Down, It Thrusts Down, It Thrusts Down, It Thrusts Down

    Attack: Angry Stomp, Angry Stomp, Elbow Drop 4

    Grapple: Darkness Choke 2, Darkness Pin, Darkness Choke 1, Toss 1, Leg Lock 4, Kick To Leg 2

    Attack: Turnbuckle Clothesline, Turnbuckle Clothesline, Knee Attack 1

    Grapple: Mudhole Stomping 2, Kane Strikes, Toss To Turn Buckle, Big Chop, Kane Throat Thrust 4

    Back Attack: Beat Head, Shoulder Strike, Beat Head, Turnbuckle Toe Kick

    *Rope Opponent*
    Rope Down: Big Boot

    Rebound Attack: Clothesline 5, Running Leg Drop, Vaulting Body Press 2

    Jump Down Over: Vaulting Body Press 1

    Stand: Kane Diving Clothesline, Double Axe Handle 3

    Down: Elbow Drop 3, Elbow Drop 3, Elbow Drop 3

    Attack: Flying Lariat 2, Clothesline 7

    Grapple: Running DDT, Neckbreaker 1

    Back Attack: Facecrusher 5, Hurricane Neckbreaker

    Squatting Attack: Benoit Elbow Drop, Running Leg Drop

    Counter: Samoan Drop, Shoulder Back Toss 3, Hip Toss 2

    *Double Team*
    Stand: Double Flapjack, Double DDT, Double Suplex 1, Double Clothesline, Double Beat Head

    Turnbuckle: Double Chokeslam, Mudhole Stomping 1, Stomach Crusher, Body Splash & Whip

    Special: Tombstone Piledriver 1, Chokeslam 3

    Favorites: Pendulum Backbreaker 1, Suplex 1, Kane Diving Clothesline

    Special Weapon: DDT, DDT

    Combination Moves: Kane Throat Thrust 1, Kane Uppercut, Kane Throat Thrust 2


    1.skin 4
    2.cheeks face edit 13 model 2
    eyebrows 52,-100
    eyes -8,-100,-20,2
    nose 45,47,16,-100
    cheek 8
    mouth 0,-17
    jaw 19,62,-11
    3.eyes 28
    4.eyebrows 66 color 100,-100
    5.hair 4 color -83,91 shade 37
    6.underwear blank 1
    7.design pattern simple 158 face place on back as low as possible
    centered then move up 58 spaces color 100,-14
    8.mask 9 color -54,-58 shade 14
    9.mask 87 color 100,45 shade 100
    10.design pattern simple 159 face reduce once place center of face
    as low as possible then move 55 spaces down and left 30 spaces
    color 100,-11 shade 29
    11.mask 86 color -91,32 shade -35
    12.mask 7 color 100,-82 shade 100
    13.mask 11 color 100,-100 shade 16
    14.design pattern simple 157 face place centered on face as low as
    possible then move up 16 spaces color -92,59 shade -47
    15.mustache 4 color -85,100 shade 14
    16.design pattern simple 158 face reduce twice rotate twice place centered
    on face as high as possible then move 39 spaces right and down 51
    spaces color -91,46 shade -44
    17.design pattern simple 158 face reduce twice rotate twice place
    centered on face as high as possible then move 39 spaces left and
    down 51 spaces color -91,46 shade -44
    ****18-21 all are design letters sign font1 page 1 select (/)
    18.place on centered on face as high as possible then move right 58
    spaces and down 4 spaces color -99,-12
    19.place on step 18 exactly and move down 3 spaces color -99,12
    20.rotate once place centered on face as high as possible then move
    right 58 spaces and down 4 spaces color -99,-12
    21.place exactly on step 20 and move down 3 spaces color -99,-12
    22.costume blank 1 select 2 straps color 100,35 shade 31
    ****23-26 all are design letters sign font1 page 1 face select (/)
    this should connect strap and almost touch ear when in proper placement
    but it stops just before u get to ear
    23.rotate once place on face centered as low as u can go then
    move 44 spaces up and left 40 spaces color -99,-12
    24.rotate once place on pattern u did on step 23 exactly and move
    3 spaces down
    25.place on face centered as low as u can go then move 44 spaces up
    and right 40 spaces color -99,-12
    26.place on design u did on step 25 exactly then move down 3 spaces
    color -99,-12
    27.tights blank 2 color -100,-14 shade -100
    28.underwear blank 7 color -97,-32 shade -100
    29.design pattern simple 159 body reduce once place on chest centered
    as low as u can go and move up 35 spaces color 6,-100 shade -100
    30.design pattern simple 139 body rotate once place on chest
    centered as low as possible then move up 32 spaces color 100,-25
    shade 35
    31.design pattern simple 139 body rotate once place on back centered
    as low as possible then move up 35 spaces color -98,-16 shade 24
    32.gloves 12 color -73,-100 shade -100
    33.knee pads blank 1 color 25,-75 shade -100
    34.shoes checks 8 length -62 color 100,-54 shade 44
    35.design pattern simple 157 body reduce once place on chest centered
    as high as possible then move down 12 spaces down color -94,59
    shade -47
    36.design pattern simple 157 body reduce once place on back centered
    as high as possible then move down 10 spaces color -92,56
    shade -41
    37.body accessory 28 trans -7 color -89,-30
    38.design word 70 body reduce twice place on chest centered as
    low as possible then move up 43 spaces trans 46 color 30,-100
    shade 99
    39.design word 90 body reduce twice place 10 spaces higher centered
    from step 38 trans 35 color 25,-100 shade 100
    40.design letters alpha font 1 page 1 face select (V) reduce twice
    place on head centered as high as possible then move down 14
    spaces color 26,-100 shade -100

    HEAD 20,73
    NECK 25,77,36
    CHEST 100,85
    SHOULDER -4,6,33
    ABS 74,100,41
    ARMS -12,36,-70
    FOREARMS -9,5,-100
    HANDS 100,70,-22
    WAIST 87,55
    THIGH 7,10,-27
    LEGS 10,0,39
    ANKLES -47,-36
    HEIGHT 6'11"
    BIOS-man,heavy,super heel,bull
    CROWD SIGNS-japanese flag twice
    ABILITY-POWER 4,4 SPEED 1,3 TEC 1,3 ROU 4,3
    _________.._________ _________.._________

    نعود للحاليين غير الموجودين:
    John Cena (Courtesy of GUCAW)

    Base Model
    type 1/ normal

    Skin color 3

    Base Edit
    face/cheeks/face edit
    face 11
    face model 20

    The order is top,bottom, left, right(if needed)
    Eyebrow (-17/63)
    Eyes (0/0/0/-80)
    Nose (0/0/-29/-1)
    Cheeks (38)
    Mouth (-38/6)
    Jaw (34/46/0)

    Skin 2
    Eyes 20 (-86/-3/0)
    Eyebrows 9 (51/-87/40/0)
    Hair 3 (-90/-22/14)
    tights blank 1 (-89/100/9/100/-100)
    tights others 14 (-100/100/95/0/-3)
    shoes blank 10 (-60/4/100/-82)
    knee pads blank 1 (100/100/50/-18)

    Head (-23/73)
    Neck (-19/-15/-33)
    Chest (-100/-24)
    Shoulder (-100/-38/-32)
    Abdomen (-31/-42/14)
    Arms (-49/9/-100)
    Forearms (-43/-23/-100)
    Hands (-12/32/-48)
    Waist (-23/-63)
    Thigh (-13/-1/-51)
    Legs (-20/-20/-46)
    Ankles (-12/-3)

    Due to resizing body parts, height may, or may not be true to form
    Height 7'0"

    ********NOTE from suburbanhell: Actual Height: 6'1"

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Courtesy of ZurickSavior on gamefaqs.com)

    Height: 5'10"

    Head: -41,19
    Neck: -77/-5,-20
    Chest: -100/0
    Shoulder: -100/-4,-32
    Abdomen: -50/-11,14
    Arms: -43/12,-58
    Forearms: -50/-10,-88
    Hands: N/A
    Waist: -7/-30
    Thigh: -24/4,-100
    Legs: -13/-25,-80
    Ankles: -37/-46

    Skin Color: 3 (make it a little darker)
    Skin: 3

    Hair 5
    Eyes 5
    Eyebrows 5
    Cheeks 5 - Model 5
    Mustache 5
    Tights Others 32
    Wristbands Blank 1: -71,100,23/-3,-100
    Shoes Blank 12: -50,-100/-100,0

    Chavo Movelist (Courtesy of Ceilican)

    Name - Chavo Guerrero
    Ring Name - None
    Nick Name - None
    Biography - Man, Cruiser, Heel, Chavo Guerrero
    Ability - P 2/2, S 3/3, T 4/3, R 2/2
    Logic - Balanced, Striker

    Ring In - Normal
    Ring Out - Quick
    Taunt - ???
    Fighting Style - Steve Austin
    Walking Style - Normal
    Running Style - Normal
    Winning Moves - Eddie Guerrero
    Entrance - Moves Eddie Guerrero, Music Eddie Guerrero,
    Movies Eddie Guerrero

    Attacks - Dropkick2, Toe Kick1, Snap Jab, Elbow Smash2,
    Spinning Wheel Kick3, Back Chop1
    Grapples - Arm Drag3, Cruiserweight Moves3, European Uppercut,
    Snapmare1 /// Backslide Pin1, Cruiserweight Moves1, Jumping Tornado DDT,
    Snapmare and Dropkick /// Shin Breaker, Guerrero Special, Hurricanrana3,
    Back - Low Blow, Cruiserweight MOves4, Elbow To Back Of Head2,
    Kurt Angle Backdrop /// Schoolboy Roll Up Pin, Rear Naked With Stretch,
    Sleeper Hold3, Backdrop2
    Cage - It Thrusts Down

    Attack - Angry Stomp, Double Axe Handle4, Elbow Drop4
    Grapples - Knee Smash, Dropkick To Face, Reverse Chin Lock ///
    STF, Cruiserweight Moves6, Stretch Muffler

    Attack - Turnbuckle Clothesline, Turnbuckle Dropkick1,
    Turnbuckle Dropkick2
    Grapples - Superplex, Shoulder Thrust, Frankensteiner,
    Shoulder Thrust /// Foot Choke2
    Back - Illegal Pin, Super Backdrop, Dropkick and Schoolboy Pin,
    Shoulder Strike

    Rope Down - irish Whip
    Rebound Attack - Cross Body1, Dropkick To Knee4, Vaulting Body Press2
    Jump Down Over - Baseball Slide

    Missile Dropkick, Double Axe Handle3 ///
    Elbow Drop3, Diving Moonsault Pin, Diving Leg Drop

    Attack - Dropkick5, Clothesline9
    Grapples - Jumping Tornado DDT, Sunset Flip Pin
    Back - Facecrusher6, Schoolboy Pin2
    Squatting - Dropkick To Knee4, Double Axe handle5
    Counter - Hip Toss1, Arm Drag3, Flapjack1

    Specials - Brainbuster DDT, Deathlock STF
    Favourites - Jumping Tornado DDT, Dropkick2, Dropkick To Face
    Weapon - DDT, DDT
    Combination Moves - Low Kick1, Body Punch, Dropkick1

    Shannon Moore (Courtesy of ps2xtreme on gamefaqs.com)


    hair and face
    SKIN COLOUR (IMPORTANT) = 4 ((-89,1/6)

    # Skin - 9
    # cheek - 9 (model 20)
    eyebrow = 0,52
    eyes = 39,-12 / 100,0
    nose = -15,-2/-37,27
    cheek = 100
    mouth = 1,0
    jaw = -62,20/0
    # eyes = 16 (37,27,23)
    # eye brow = 65 transparency 7 (-92,-32/0)
    # hair - 26 (-76,100/0)
    # accessories (face) 52 = 100/-90,6/3)
    # accessories (face) 48 = 34/-91,-3/0
    # mustache = 68(-50/-90,-3/0)
    # mustache = 5 (-14/-84,53/18)
    # mustache = 26 (-50/-84,25/0)
    # accessories (face) 85 default
    # accessories (face) 57 (100/-92,-24/-3)
    # accessories (face) 58 (100/-89,-50/9)

    head = -100,33
    neck = -54,-38/-60
    chst = 148,-21
    shoulder = -100,-69/-45
    adom = -54,-23/-28
    arms = -47,-19/-100
    fore arms = -50,-29/-100
    hands = -92,-12/-65
    waist = 9,-38
    thigh = 16,-4/-100
    legs = 60,-14/-100
    ankles = -47,-36

    Rey Mysterio Jr. (Courtesy of Deacon417 on gamefaqs.com)


    Base Edit
    Skin: 9
    Cheeks: Face Edit-25 Face Model-22 Mouth(-7/16)
    Mask: 74 ~ Default
    Mask: 73 ~ Default
    Mustache: 5 (transparency 88)(color 95,-30)(Shade 14)
    Paint: 74 (color -90,45)(Shade -15)
    Gloves: 12 (color 98,-70)(Shade -3)
    Pattern: Simple 102 *top of left shoulder, reduce once*
    (transparency-14)(color 21,-4)(Shade 2)
    Pattern: Simple 100 *below previous, reduce once*
    (transparency-14)(color 21,-4)(Shade 2)
    Pattern: Simple 101 *top of right shoulder, reduce once*
    (transparency-17)(color 21,-4)(Shade 2)
    Pattern: Simple 100 *below previous*
    (transparency-17)(color 21,-3)(Shade 0)
    Pattern: Simple 6 *lower right arm*
    (transparency-17)(color 15,-4)(Shade -3)

    Tattoo: 25 (transparency-14)(color 21,-1)
    Shoes: Blank 14 (color 100,-3)(Shade 2)
    16 Pants: Others 13 ~ Default
    Elbow Pads: Blank 1 (color 99,-3)(Shade -24)
    Gloves: 16 (transparency 00)(color 100,-98)(Shade 7)
    Accessories: 7 (transparency 100)(color 100,-100)(Shade -19)
    Design: Letters/Body/Numeral/Font Type 05/6 Top of left leg (color -84,-92)
    Design: Letters/Body/Numeral/Font Type 05/1 Below Previous (color -84,-92)
    Design: Letters/Body/Numeral/Font Type 05/9 Below Previous (color -84,-92)
    Elbow Pads: Blank 11 (color 100,-37)(Shade 3)
    Accessories: 38 (transparency -34)(color 97,-99)(Shade 81)

    Skin Colors
    Color 5 (-89,-6, 10)

    Head (20) (73)
    Neck (-54/-38) (-34)
    Chest (69/29)
    Shoulder (-60,0) (-15)
    Abdomen (12/19) (36)
    Arms (-15/20) (-20)
    Forearms (-12/-5) (-85)
    Hands (-67/20) (-54)
    Waist (52/-54)
    Thigh (25/35) (-25)
    Legs (30/0) (-5)
    Ankles (-30/-30)

    Name: Rey Mysterio

    Gender: Man
    Class: Cruiser Weight
    Face/Heel: Super Face
    Call Name: Mexican Superstar

    Just changed autosetting to speedy.

    Moves 18
    Change 1st finisher to 'West Coast Pop'
    Change entrance: Music - Original 10

    Jamie Noble (Courtesy of James Reynolds <DMAlex@bellsouth.net> )

    Base Model:
    Male = Medium

    Skin Color 3

    Head -41,19
    Neck -36,0,52
    Chest 64,-1
    Shoulder -100,-10,19
    Abs -7,-48,46
    Arms -56,0,-17
    Forearm -50,-29,-100
    Hands -74,17,-56
    Waist 27,-45
    Thigh 0,2,9
    Legs 12,-14,-86
    Ankle -47,-36

    Height 5'7

    Base Edit
    Skin 4
    Cheeks (Face Edit) 17 (Face Model 22)
    - Eyebrow 18,0
    - Eyes (height)31,0 (Length)48,35
    - Nose (height)50,24 (angle)17,9
    - Cheeks -29
    - Mouth 1,9
    - Jaw (length)39,16 (depth)42
    Eyes 8 (-93,-3,0)
    Eyebrow 27 (15,-95,-53,0)
    Hair 12 (22,-3,0)
    Mustache 25 (40,-84,-51,-36)
    Shoes (blank) 11 (-26,-100,-3,0)
    Short Pants (Blank) 2 (19,48,1)
    Elbow Pads [left only] (blank) 4 (100,25,-100,100)
    Wrist Band (Blank) 02 (-48,100,-100,-3,0)

    Dave Batista (Courtesy of Ceilican)

    Note: there are a view typos in the formula
    (hope ceilican post the new formula in the next days)

    *** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
    here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

    *** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
    figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
    does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to
    -100 on that piece) ***

    -- BASE MODEL --
    Male Average

    -- BASE EDIT --

    -- BASIC PIECES --

    Head - Hair 22 (*,-96,-100,30)

    Face - Eyebrows 57 (100,*,-35,-100)
    Face - Eyes 17 (*,-94,-10,0)

    Face Edit - Skin 22 - Face Model 22
    Eyebrow (30/-18)
    Eyes (-60/18) (-50/-45)
    Nose (8/-6) (100/-20)
    Cheek (20)
    Mouth (10/-10)
    Jaw (-75/-10) (20)

    -- LAYERS --
    Face - Mustache 68 (100,*,-55,-100)
    Face - Mustache 7 (30,*,-3,-100)

    Body - Skin 5
    Body - Tattoo 14 (40,20,-10,15)

    Design - Body - Simple 101 *reduce twice and place over his navel
    * (40,15,-20,40)

    Waist - Underwear - Blank 1 (100,100,-100,-4)

    Legs - Knee Pads - Blank 1 (100,100,-15,-14)

    Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -55 (*,*,-35,-100)

    ***Now for the huge numbers of design pieces to be placed.
    The pattern on his shorts is somewhat complex***

    Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Simple 87 *rotate twice,
    and place on his right bicep* (30,20,-10,15)

    Design - Letters - Left Arm - Chinese Page 1 - middle column, bottom row
    *reduce once and place high on his left bicep* (100,100,-30,-35)

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece - *move this copy one pixel right
    * (100,100,-30,-35)

    Design - Letters - Left Arm - Chinese Page 3 - middle column, fifth row
    *reduce once and place below and to the right of the previous piece*

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece - *move this copy one pixel right*

    ***Now for the shorts. We use a Hulkamania pattern on the back of
    his shorts as the base, and then use other pattern pieces to extend it
    around the front over his hips***

    Design - Body - WWE 21 *place this part across the back of his shorts
    right at the top * (100,88,-80,44)

    Design - Body - Simple 146 *reduce and rotate once, then place this on
    his right hip, so that the toes are over the last A of the previous piece
    but doesnt overlap onto the skin anywhere* (100,-76,-10,-15)

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece -
    *move this copy down one pixel* (100,40,-100,-10)

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece -
    *move this copy up two pixels* (100,40,-100,-10)

    Layer Edit - Move - move the two darker copies you created
    so that they sit behind the Hulkamania writing and you can see
    a yellow foot with a border round it

    Design - Body - Simple 154 *reduce and rotate this piece once,
    then place it so that the feather overlaps the foot and continues
    it forwards a little onto the front of the shorts* (100,-74,-100,100)
    Layer Edit - Move - move the previous piece so that it sits between
    the Hulkamania and the yellow foot shape.

    ***This has completed one side of the shorts. The other side will
    be more visible on the front side and so we use different, larger,
    patterns for it***

    Design - Body - Simple 146 *reduce and rotate once, then place this
    on his left hip, so that the toes are over the H of the previous piece,
    but it doesnt overlap onto the skin anywhere* (100,-76,-10,-15)

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece -
    *move this copy down one pixel* (100,40,-100,-10)

    Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece -
    *move this copy up two pixels* (100,40,-100,-10)

    Layer Edit - Move - move the two darker copies you created so
    that they sit behind the Hulkamania writing and you can see a
    yellow foot with a border round it

    Design - Body - Picture 94 *reduce and rotate once, then place
    this piece on the front of his shorts near his left.
    Place as farup and to the left as you can without it overlapping
    onto skin more than a couple of pixels at the top -
    there`ll be a tiny gap between this and the foot probably*

    Design - Body - Simple 166
    *reduce twice and place this on the front of his
    shorts over the previous pattern,
    trying to cover over the eyes on the pink monster pattern
    and the gap between this piece and the foot as much as you can*

    Design - Body - Simple 158
    *reduce three times and place this to obscure anywhere that
    the pink monster pattern had overlapped onto the skin above
    the shorts* (100,-87,20,-32)

    ***That's the shape finished, but I want to make it less obvious
    that Batista is a Hulkamaniac at heart, so lets use some small
    pieces to fill in the writing on the back of the shorts***

    Design - Body - Simple 156
    *reduce three times and place seven copies of this over
    the Hulkamania pattern, trying to leave the black border
    around the lettering if possible* (100,72,-20,60)

    -- SKIN COLOR --

    -- FIGURES --

    Head (0) (40)
    Neck (-5/-10) (-40)

    Chest (75/16)
    Shoulder (-65/-6) (-10)
    Abdomen (10/-11) (6)
    Arms (-35/4) (-40)
    Forearms (-30/-20) (-100)
    Hands (-40/0) (-50)

    Waist (11/-40)
    Thigh (9/9) (-70)
    Legs (0/0) (30)
    Ankles (-30/-30)


    Name - Dave Batista
    Ring Name - None
    Nick Name - Batista
    Biography - Man, Heavy, Heel, Deacon Batista
    Ability - P 4/3, S 2/2, T 3/3, R 3/3
    Logic - Balanced, Grappler

    Eric Bischoff (Courtesy of Luke o mac, Modified by Dan Fookes)


    Layer List
    Skin 1
    Cheek/Face Morphing - No, 3 Figure (40,34) Shape (13,-14) Age (-36)
    Eyes 1 (-83,-3)
    Eyebrows - No. 6 (83,-3)
    Hair 71 (100,-53,-100)
    Mustache 7 (-32,-100,-3,0)
    T-Shirt - Blank 1 (100,-53,37)
    Shoes - Blank 12 (-100,-66,0)
    Pants - Blank 1 (19,-59,0)
    Jacket - Blank 7 (-1,-82,0)

    Skin Color 3

    Height 5’10”

    Head (-19,13)
    Neck (-54,-38)(-24)
    Chest (7,35)
    Shoulder (-79,-19)(-12)
    Abdomen (13,25)(36)
    Arms (-44,-25)(-41)
    Forearms (-50,-29)(-85)
    Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
    Waist (32,-29)
    Thighs (-9,5)(-27)
    Legs (-3,-28)(-100)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

    D'Lo Brown (Courtesy of Ceilican on gamefaqs.com)


    *** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
    here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

    The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
    figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
    does not matter
    (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that piece)

    -- BASE MODEL --
    Male Average

    -- BASE EDIT --

    -- BASIC PIECES --

    Head - Hair 2 (*,-86,-3,0)

    Face - Eyebrows 2 (100.-89,-3,0)
    Face - Eyes 2 (*,-96,-3,0)

    Face Edit - Skin 2 - Face Model 2
    Eyebrow (0/0)
    Eyes (0/0) (0/0)
    Nose (0/0) (0/0)
    Cheek (0)
    Mouth (0/0)
    Jaw (0/0) (0)

    -- LAYERS --
    Face - Mustache 2 (100,-99,-64,-7)

    Body - Skin 4
    Body - Costume - Others 12 (100,38,-10,0)

    Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 6, Length -70 (100,*,-100,-100)
    Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 1, Length -70 (-20,*,-100,-100)

    Legs - Knee Pad - Both - Blank 1 (100,50,10,-30)

    Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -70 (*,*,-35,-100)

    -- SKIN COLOR --

    -- FIGURES --

    Head (20) (60)
    Neck (5/8) (0)

    Chest (58/43)
    Shoulder (-60,23) (-14)
    Abdomen (30/30) (0)
    Arms (-20/22) (-17)
    Forearms (-10/-10) (-90)
    Hands (-56/-10) (-40)

    Waist (20/-15)
    Thigh (20/25) (-25)
    Legs (5/5) (0)
    Ankles (-20/-20)


    Tommy Dreamer (Courtesy of Milemarker on gamefaqs.com)

    BASE MODEL : Male Average

    Skin color: 3

    Cheek/Face Shape


    Face Edit
    Cheeks: 16
    Face Model: 15

    Eyebrow: (20, 10)
    Eyes: (-21, -0) (0, 0)
    Nose: (1, 38) (0, 0)
    Cheek: (21)
    Mouth: (0, 41)
    Jaw: (24, 16) (0)

    Skin: 1

    Eyes: 6, Color: (-90, -3, 0 )
    Eyebrows: 57, Color: (-89, -3) Shade: (0)

    Hair: 16, Color: (-100,-6) Shade: (5)

    Underwear: Default One


    Face: Mustache: 2 Transparency: (100), Color: (100, -48) Shade: (0)

    Body: T-Shirts: Blank 8: Length: (-26) Color: (31, -51), Shade: (0)

    Design: Body: Pattern: WWE 64

    Hands: Gloves 25 Color: (-100,-3) Shade: (0)

    Arms: Wrist Bands: Blank 2 Length: -87 Color: (-100, -3), Shade: (0)

    Legs: Pants: Others 9: Color: (-63, -37) Shade -51)

    Feet: Shoes: Blank 11: Length: (-87) Color: (-100,-46) Shade: (100)

    Design: Left Leg: Alphabet: Font Type 5
    [Select the capital T, and put it around the knee area on the pants.]
    Color: (100, 30) Shade: (40)

    Design: Left Leg: Alphabet: Font Type 5
    [Select the capital D, and put it almost directly next
    to BUT BELOW the T, like Dreamer has on his real pants.]
    Color: (100, 30) Shade: (40)


    Head: (-19) , (100)
    Neck: (-54, -38), (68)
    Chest: (-100, 15)
    Shoulder: (-79,- 19), (-12)
    Abdomen: (-3, -5), (33)
    Arms: (-35, -2), (9)
    Forearms: (-20, -38), (-91)
    Hands: (-89, -12), (-39)
    Waist: (39, -20)
    Thigh: (15, -9), (-27)
    Legs: (20, -25), (-78)
    Ankles: (-47, 36)

    Height: (6’1")

    These are the moves that Tommy Dreamer does.
    Swinging Neckbreaker
    Hard Spinebuster(Triple H Spinebuster works good)
    Neckbreaker off the top ropes(Use D-Von neckbreaker)
    Russian Legsweep
    Various Tree of Woe moves
    Kitchen Sink
    Snap Jab
    Spinning Elbow/Forearm Shot
    Indian Deathlock w/ Bridge
    Leg Drop
    10 Punch
    Arm Drag
    Hard Clothesline(the Austin one is good)

    ECW Moves:
    (moves he used in ECW but doesn't use in the WWE)
    Frog Splash
    Figure Four Leglock
    Tommyhawk(Reverse Razor's Edge into Diamond Cutter,
    but I doubt this move is in SYM)
    Dreamer Driver(Emerald Fusion)
    Dream Cutter(Diamond Cutter)

    WWE Finishers:
    Dreamer DDT(USe the Triple H DDT, it looks 100% Accurate)
    Death Valley Bomb(or Death Valley Driver)

    Jamal (Courtesy of BHANGRA MAN on gamefaqs.com)


    BASE MODEL : Overweight
    Skin color:4, color(-87,7), shade(9)
    Cheek/ face shape


    Face edit- cheeks:12- face model- 7
    Eyebrow (0,0)
    Eyes(-86,-47) (0,0)
    Nose(0,6) (0,0)

    Skin 3
    Face- eye: 11, color(-86,-3)
    Eyebrows: 13, color(100,9), shade(22)
    Head- Hair:19, color(-74,-12) shade(44)
    Underwear: default one

    Face: Moustache: 68- transparency(-20), color(-91,-45)
    Face: Moustache: 2- transparency(-51), color(100,-96)
    Face: Moustache: 27: transparency(-17), color(-92,-3)
    Arms: Elbow pads- Blank: 7: color(100,-66), shade( -100)

    Body: T-shirts- Blank:8: length(-26),color(-49,100), shade(-100)
    Body: T-shirts- Blank:8: length(-35),color(-88,-30), shade(41)
    Body: T-shirts- Pattern:2: length(-100),transparency(65), color(-89,8),
    Body: T-shirts- Pattern length(-100),transparency(14), color(-89,35),
    Body: T-shirts- Pattern:1: length(-100),transparency(-39), color(-100,40),
    Body: accessories- hair transparency(65),color(-97,74),shade(-100)
    Body: No_sleeves:3 change to second type- transparency(18), color(-85,32),
    shade (-14)

    Design- Pattern- Picture: 86- transparency(-1), color(-87, 79), shade (9)
    place near top of no sleeves we are covering the straps a little of the top

    Design- Pattern- Simple: 159- transparency(92), color(-71,-91), shade(72)
    place this on back of top as close to the sleeves of top. The attempt here
    is to make the brown panel on top. REDUCE THE PATTERN ONCE IN SIZE
    Design- Pattern- Simple: 159- transparency(92), color(-71,-91), shade(72)
    place this on back of top close to previous
    Design- Pattern- Simple: 159- transparency(92), color(-71,-91), shade(72)
    place this on back of top as close to previous


    Design- Pattern- Simple: 159- transparency(92), color(-71,-91), shade(72)
    place this as seen in pic
    Design- Pattern- Simple: 159- transparency(92), color(-71,-91), shade(72)
    place as seen in pic


    Design- Letters-Alphabet: J: REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- color(23,22),shade(-100)
    place as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- A: REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- color(23,22),shade(-100)
    place as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- M: REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- color(23,22),shade(-100)
    place as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- A: REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- color(23,22),shade(-100)
    place as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- L: REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- color(23,22),shade(-100)
    place as seen in pic


    Design- Letters- Numeral 2: - color(-78,-83),shade(-29)
    place as seen in pic
    Design- Letters- Numeral 1: - color(-78,-83),shade(-29)
    place as seen in pic

    Hands- Gloves- 16, color(28,-100),shade(-99)
    Legs-Kneepads:Blank:1, color(32,-72), shade(-66)
    Body accessories: 19, color(-100,95), shade(-26)
    Body accessories: 14, color(-79,41), shade(-15)
    Design- Pattern- Picture: 11,REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE- transparency(7),
    color(-100, 100), shade (-89) place on chest as seen in pic
    Design- Pattern- Picture: 39- REDUCE ONCE IN SIZE, transparency(39),
    color (36,-43), shade (-100) place slight over and below previous pattern see pic
    Legs- Short pants- black-9: color(88,-19),shade(22)

    Feet- socks- blank:9- length( -70), color(2,- 95), shade(-100)
    Feet-shoes-blank length(-90), color(-100,-3)

    Figure- form

    Head (-5) , (39)
    Neck(19,0), (-100)
    Shoulder(-100,-12), (-30)
    Abdomen(100,88), (100)
    Arms(76,47), (-100)
    Forearms(-4,-29), (-100)
    Hands(-12,35), (-39)

    Height (6’3")

    MOVELIST (Courtesy of JLD722 @ gamefaqs.com)
    Jamal: 3 Minute Warning
    Slide In
    Taunt Christian 2
    Taunt Vince McMahon
    Al Snow
    You Pick
    Clothesline 3
    Toe Kick 1
    Snap Jab
    Body Punch
    Double Axe Handle 1
    Back Chop 1
    Club to neck 2
    Strong Headbutt 1
    Scoop Slam 2
    Suplex 1
    Drop Suplex
    Spinning Clothesline
    Short Clothesline 2
    Fake Short Clothesline
    Super Kick 1
    Gutwrench Powerbomb
    Body Press Drop FW
    Super Spinebuster
    Atomic Drop
    Kurt Angle Backdrop
    Elbow To back of head 2
    Forearm Smash
    Sidewalk Slam 3
    Wrist Lock Backdrop
    High Angle Backdrop 2
    Spinningout Powerbomb 2
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    Angry Stomp
    Jumping Elbow Drop
    Elbow Drop 4
    Big Splash Pin
    Elbow & Sleeper Hold
    Reverse Chin Lock
    Kick to leg 2
    Punch To Groin
    Kick To Groin 3
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Knee Attack 1
    Mudhole Stomping 2
    Superplex 1
    Shoulder Thrust
    Foot Choke 2
    Illegal Pin
    Super Back Drop
    Beat Head
    Turnbuckle Toe Kick
    Throw to the rope
    Kurt Shoulder Block
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Vaulting Body Press 2
    Baseball Slide
    Flying Clothesline
    Double Axe Handle 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Dropkick 4
    Shoulder Block 4
    Head Pound 1
    Neckbreaker Drop 1
    Mat Slam 2
    Leg Breaker
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Bearhug Front Slam
    Flapjack 2
    Samoan Drop
    Double Flapjack
    Double Punches 1
    Double Suplex 1
    Double Clothesline
    Headbutt & Elbow Drop
    Mudhole Stomping 1
    Front Slam
    Facebuster 1
    The Money Shot Pin
    Samoan Neckbreaker ك you can’t use the Samoan Drop here so I just used this.
    Big Splash Pin
    Super Kick 1
    Samoan Drop
    Guillotine 3
    Guillotine 3
    Benoit Punches
    Benoit Punches
    Body Punch

    Rosey (Courtesy of BHANGRA MAN on gamefaqs.com)


    BASE MODEL : Overweight
    Skin color:4, c(-89,8),

    Cheek/ face shape


    Face edit- cheeks:9- face model- 4

    Eyebrow (21,43)
    Eyes(14,-56) (0,-48)
    Nose(-63,0) (0,-74)

    Skin 1
    Face- eye: 20, color(-86,-3)
    Eyebrows: 5, color(97,-3)
    Head- Hair:17, color(-99,-83) , sh(-18)
    Underwear: default one

    Face: Moustache: 14- tr(100), c(-93,-12)
    Face: Moustache: 64-, color(-85,88), sh(-14)
    Face: Moustache: 31: tr(100), c(-86,-59)
    Face: Moustache: 37: color(-88,100),sh(-39)
    Face: Moustache: 68: tr(14), c(-91,-41)
    Face- accessories: 73, c(-89,-30), sh(1)

    Legs- Kneepads-blank: 1, c(25,-77), sh(-82)
    Feet- shoes- blank:12, length (-79),color (-100,-27)
    Legs- short pants-blank:10,c(19,-14), sh(37)
    Body-T-shirts-blank:4, length: 29,c(31,-50),sh(-100)
    Body-T-shirts-blank:8, length: 6,c(23,-30),sh(49)
    Body-T-shirts-Pattern:23, length: -81,c(30,64),sh(3)
    Body-T-shirts-Pattern:17, length: -81,tr (14),c(9,-3),sh(78)
    Body-T-shirts-Blank:1, length(-78), tr(35), c(30,-3),sh(-50)

    Body-accessories-25,c(19,-62),sh( 100)
    Body-T-shirts-One point:17, length: -100,tr(-18), c(-46,-9),SH(-21)
    Body-accessories-25,color(8,-3),sh( -18)


    Design-Body –Pattern- Simple:92, reduce once in size ,c(23,22) place in
    lower half on the far right as you see it
    Design-Body -Pattern:22, reduce once in size ,tr(-6), c(23,-3) place just
    over previous pattern
    Body- tattoo-20, tr(70), c(22,70), sh(3)
    Desgin-Pattern-Simple:89, reduce once in size, ,tr(18), color(12,24),
    shade(27) place on back at top middle of tattoo see pic
    Design-Body–Pattern- Simple:92, reduce once in size ,color(23,22),
    transparency(4), c(19,24), sh(20) place on lower half of back tattoo far
    left as you see it
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:78, reduce twice tr(7), c(23,24), shade(34)
    place on back , high and just away from the top back tatoo and see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:157, reduce once,tr(-6), c(9,-51), shade(0)
    place on front over the far right pattern as you see it see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:28, reduce once,tr(-37), c(25,-62), shade(56)
    above previous pattern
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:166, ,tr(-15), c(21,-3), shade(0) place on
    back over the top middle of back tattoo see pic
    Body- tattoo-1, tr(-10), color(27,35), sh(0)
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:159, ,reduce three times ,tr(-65), c(27,-4),
    shade(88) place over one of the sides of previous tattoo see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:159, ,reduce twice ,tr(-20), c(27,-38), shade(0)
    place over one of the side things that stick out of previous tattoo see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:159, ,reduce twice ,tr(3), c(15,-37), sh(0)
    place over the sides of tattoo1 see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:27, ,reduce once ,tr(0), color(22,-3), sh(0)
    place lower left hand side as you see it see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:157, ,reduce twice ,tr(-3), c(28,-50), sh(20)
    place on back to go over the side pattern in middle of back see pic
    Design-Body-Pattern-simple:14, reduce once, tr(-29), c(17,3) place over
    previous pattern on back see pic

    *PLAY AROUND WITH PLACEMENTS till it looks like the pic

    Hands-Gloves-16, c(36,-93),sh(-29)

    Figure- form

    Head (-9) , (79)
    Neck(14,11), (-39)
    Shoulder(-54,-8), (5)
    Abdomen(93,78), (36)
    Arms(33,39), (-100)
    Forearms(-22,-29), (-100)
    Hands(-12,35), (-81)

    Height (6’4")

    MOVELIST (Courtesy of JLD722 @ gamefaqs.com)
    Rosie: 3 Minute Warning
    Slide In
    Come On !1
    Taunt Undertaker 2
    Al Snow
    You Pick
    Undertaker Punches 1
    Toe Kick 1
    Snap Jab
    Tajiri Punches
    Clothesline 3
    Rikishi Throat Thrust
    Club to neck 2
    Strong Headbutt 1
    Scoop Slam 2
    Back Side Slam 1
    Undertaker Strikes
    Sppinebuster 2
    Short Clothesline 2
    Side Slam
    Reverse Sidewalk Slam
    Falling Powerslam 2
    Knae Lifting & Toss
    Super Spinebuster
    Russian Leg Sweep 2
    Kurt Angle Backdrop
    Elbow To back of head 2
    Forearm Smash
    Sidewalk Slam 3
    Inverted Suplex 1
    High Angle Backdrop 2
    Jazz Stretch
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    Spiral Leg Drop
    Kurt Angle Stomp
    Elbow Drop 4
    Big Splash Pin
    Darkness Choke 2
    Reverse Chin Lock
    Kick to leg 2
    Kick to head
    Kick To Groin 3
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Knee Attack 1
    Mudhole Stomping 2
    Superplex 1
    Shoulder Thrust
    Foot Choke 2
    Hangling in Reverse
    Super Back Drop
    Beat Head
    Turnbuckle Toe Kick
    Back Low Blow
    Kurt Shoulder Block
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Vaulting Body Press 2
    Baseball Slide
    Flying Clothesline
    Double Axe Handle 3
    Diving Moonsault Pin
    Diving Moonsault Pin
    Elbow Drop 3
    Axe Bomber
    Shoulder Block 4
    Head Pound 1
    Reverse Mat Slam
    Mat Slam 2
    Leg Breaker
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Flapjack 1
    Spinebuster 2
    Shoulder Back Toss 1
    Double Flapjack
    Double Punches 1
    Arm Wrench & Kick
    Double Clothesline
    Headbutt & Elbow Drop
    Body Splash & Whip
    Front Slam
    Facebuster 1
    Full Nelson Slam
    Bearhug Front Slam
    Spiral Leg Drop
    Spinebuster 2
    Falling Powerslam 2
    Guillotine 3
    Guillotine 3
    Rikishi Throat Thrust
    Rikishi Throat Thrust
    Clothesline 3

    Kane (Current) (Courtesy of CM V2, aka CAW Master of Smackdownlab.com)
    Pictures can be found at SmackdownLab.com

    1. Skin - 5
    2. Cheek -
    Face Edit - 3
    Face Model - 18
    Angle - (0)
    Depth - (0)
    Width Right - (-10)
    Height - (-120
    Width Left - (-27)
    Length - (-49)
    Size - (-10)
    Height - (20)
    Length - (-55)
    Angle - (0)
    Size - (-15)
    Width - (13)
    Angle - (14)
    Width - (1)
    Length - (16)
    Depth - (-3)

    3. Eyes - 18
    Color - (90,-3)
    Shade - (0)
    4. Eyebrows - Any
    5. Hair - 26
    Color - (-87, 37)
    Shade - (0)
    6. Underwear - Any
    7. Legs - Tights - Others - 39
    Length - (100)
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-100,-33)
    Shade - (0)
    8. Body - No Sleeves - Others - 20
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-100,-33)
    Shade - (0)
    9. Face - Accessories - 22
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-100,-80)
    Shade - (0)
    10. Mustache - 14
    Transparency - (-6)
    Color - (-88,-16)
    Shade - (-14)
    11. Arms - Wrist Bands - Left Arm Only- One Point - 23
    Length - (-48)
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-5,-68)
    Shade - (-100)
    **12. Legs - Knee Pads - Both Legs - Blank - 2
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-96,51)
    Shade - (-5)
    **13. Design - Left Leg - Simple - 16
    Largest size- Place Over the knee pad
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (23,-62)
    Shade - (-100)
    14. Design - Right Leg - Simple - 16
    Largest size- Place Over the knee pad
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (23,-62)
    Shade - (-100)
    15. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 14
    Color - (-100,-29)
    Shade - (0)
    16. Arms - Elbow Pads - Left Arm Only - Blank - 1
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (25,-75)
    Shade - (-66)
    17. Hands - Gloves - Right Hand Only - 12
    Color - (-73,-100)
    Shade - (-18)
    *18. Face - Mask - 85
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-96,-3)
    Shade - (0)
    19.Face - Paint - 84
    Transparency - (100)
    Color - (-100,-3)
    Shade - (0)

    * Optional - What it does, is adds the larger strap under the chin,
    and wraps around the head ** Credit Ceilican for the idea**

    Skin Colors - Color 3
    Color - (-92,14)
    Shade - (0)

    Figure - Form
    Size - (-38)
    Height - (22)
    Width - (-18)
    Thickness - (0)
    Height - (33)
    Width - (-48)
    Thickness - (-15)
    Shoulder - Both
    Width - (-87)
    Thickness - (-5)
    Height - (-12)
    Width - (-21)
    Thickness - (-18)
    Height - (36)
    Arms - Both
    Width - (-41)
    Thickness - (23)
    Height - (-68)
    Forearms - Both
    Width - (-18)
    Thickness - (6)
    Height - (-73)
    Hands - Both
    Width - (-89)
    Thickness - (-12)
    Height - (-39)
    Width - (2)
    Thickness - (-12)
    Width - (-33)
    Thickness - (-8)
    Height - (33)
    Width - (0)
    Thickness - (-12)
    Height - (0)
    Ankles - Both
    Width - (-47)
    Thickness - (-36)
    Height - 7'

    Victoria (Courtesy of DragonKnight007 on gamefaqs.com)

    Debut Pink Attire

    Skin Color 3

    Base Model: Female, Normal
    Base Edit:

    Head: Hair: 4 - Color (-100,-100)

    Face: Eyebrows: 30 - Color (-96,-3)
    Eyes: 12 - Color(81,3)
    Cheek: Face Edit: 21
    Face Model: 5
    Accessories: 9

    Underwear(Top): Blank: 4 - Color (75,100)

    Elbow Pads: Blank: 4 - (-100,-100)

    Tights: Blank: 1: Length(-100) Color(75,100)
    Knee Pads: Blank: 4 (-100,-100)

    Socks: Blank: 4: Length(-40) Color(Greyish, put it in the far left
    bottom corner mostly where black is)
    Shoes: Blank: 4 - Color(-100,-100
    Mike Awesome (Courtesy of Hypersnap on gamefaqs.com)

    Base Model- Male Normal

    Base Edit-
    *Short Hair- #20 Color (-47,-35) Shade 26
    *Mullet Hair- #21 Color (-94,-100) Shade 4
    Eyebrows #13 Color (-95,-3) Shade -18
    Eyes #28 Color (-92,-25) Shade 0
    Cheek- Face Edit #16 Model 1
    Eyebrow (0,0)
    Eyes (-9,-14) (52,27)
    Nose (16,-4) (-3,-5)
    Cheek (-44)
    Mouth (-10,-9)
    Jaw (9,1) (-22)


    Arms- Elbow Pads- Blank, #1 Color (-100, -68) Shade -100
    Wrist Bands- Blank #6 length -70 Color (-3,-100) Shade-100
    Waist- Blank #6 Color (18,-70) Shade -99
    Legs- Kneepads-Blank #1 Color (-50,-100) Shade -100
    Feet- Shoes- Blank #11 Length -55

    Letters- Body- Alphabet- Font Type 4

    Skin Color- Base 3 Color (-91,-2) Shade 1
    (feel free to tinker with this)

    FORM -
    HEAD Size -34 Height 33
    NECK (-39,-6) (26)
    CHEST (23,24)
    SHOULDER (-58,-6) (-2)
    STOMACH (1,10) (33)
    ARMS (-8,11) (-31)
    FOREARMS (-26,-18) (-100)
    HANDS (-78,-9) (-36)
    WAIST (0,-12)
    THIGHS (-5,3) (15)
    LEGS (-7,-8) (26)
    ANKLES (-36,-28)

    HEIGHT 6'3"

    Name Mike Awesome
    Call Name Mike Awesome

    Ability Points-
    4 Power
    3 Roughneck
    3 Technical
    3 Speed

    3 Power
    3 Roughneck
    2 Technical
    2 Speed

    Logic - Brawler

    Move Set -

    Ring In - Normal
    Ring Out - Normal
    Taunts - Holdup and Taunt Benoit 1 (Put what you want)
    Fighting Style - Wrestling 1
    Walking Style - Normal
    Running Style - Normal
    Winning Move -RHYNO

    Moves - TEST
    Movie - OPENING
    Music - RHYNO

    Attack Moves-
    Big Boot 1
    Toe Kick 1
    Woman's Elbow Smash (trust me)
    Snap Jab
    Clothesline 3
    Body Punch

    Grapple Moves -
    Manhattan Drop
    Scoop Slam 2
    Club to Neck 2
    Kurt Angle Eye Rake

    Groggy 1 -
    Triple H Spinebuster
    Side Slam
    Super Spinebuster
    Kurt German Suplex 2

    Groggy 2 -
    Lesnar Clothesline 3
    Rib Breaker
    Running Powerbomb Pin
    Falling Powerbomb Pin 2

    Back Attack -
    Test Full Nelson Slam
    Kurt Backdrop
    Forearm Smash
    Elbow to Back of Head 2

    Groggy -
    Benoit German Suplex
    Kurt German Suplex 3
    Wristlock Backdrop

    Turnbuckle Attacks -
    Turnbuckle Clothesline x 2
    Knee to Face 2

    Grapple -
    Superplex 1
    Double Underhook Suplex
    Superplex 2
    Shoulder Thrusts

    Back Grapple -
    Rolling Powerbomb
    Super Backdrop
    Rolling Powerbomb
    Shoulder Strike

    Rope Opponent - Jump Down Over-
    High Flying Body Press

    Aerial -
    Kane Diving Clothesline
    Diving Cross Body
    Money Shot Pin
    Frog Splash 2
    Diving Elbow Pin 1


    Clothesline 8
    Clotheline 10

    Kurt German Suplex 1
    Reverse Mat Slam

    Back Grapple-
    German Suplex
    Mat Slam 2

    Shoulder Back Toss 4
    Kurt German Suplex 1

    Super Powerbomb 1
    Super Powerbomb 2

    Super Powerbomb 1
    Benoit German Suplex
    Lesnar Clothesline 3

    Special Weapon -

    Combo -
    Woman's Elbow Smash
    Woman's Elbow Smash
    Clothesline 2

    "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn (Courtesy of SSJ X Vegeta on gamefaqs.com)



    Skin Color-2 (/-92,15/2)

    Cheek-15-(Face Edit)-23
    Head accessories-87-100/,-44/100/20

    (This next part is a little bit confusing,
    but I will do my best to try and explain it)
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 3 times)100/85,79/29
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 3 times)100/85,79/29
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 3 times)100/85,79/29
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 3 times)100/85,79/29

    (Place ¾ of he above patterns on his tights place where ever you
    want to put them and put the remaining pair of lips on his left kneepad,
    but reduce that one only twice)
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 2 times)100/-67,24/0
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 2 times)100/-67,24/0
    Pattern-38-Tattoo-(Reduce 2 times)100/-67,24/0

    (Place two of these on his tights, one without reducing and the other
    with reducing 3 times, place the last one on his right kneepad only
    reduce twice on that one)
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    Alphabet-.-Font Type-1-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0

    (Place one of these on top of each pair of lips, try to cover the
    open part of the lip)
    Pattern-166-Simple-(Reduce once)-100/-100,-100/0
    (Now here is the hard part you have to get the black underneath the lips.
    Go to move in the layer section and place all of them before the lips.
    The lips should now have a black in the open part of the lip)

    Scott Hall (Courtesy of ZurickSavior on gamefaqs.com)


    Height: 6'8"

    Head: -30,13
    Neck: -43/-18, 1
    Chest: 48/25
    Shoulder: -100/0,-86
    Abdomen: 10/18,27
    Arms: -35/32,-5
    Forearms: -34/2,-79
    Hands: 5/-4,-26
    Waist: 22/-41
    Thigh: -19/10,57
    Legs: 8/-4,73
    Ankles: 2/-22

    Hair 7: -100,-3
    Eyebrows 7
    Eyes 7
    cheek 7: model 7
    mustache 7

    skin 8
    skin color varies, he's usually tanned.

    underwear: blank 8: 23/-17,-100

    *All Upperbody Accessories*
    31: -57,100/-100,0
    25: -6,-98/-100,0
    26: -37,-96/-100,0
    33: -26,-97/-100,0
    32: -12,-97/-3,0

    Shoes Blank 12: -50,-100/-66,-100
    Elbowpads Blank 1: 100,21/-62,-100
    kneepads blank 7: 100,23/-100,-100

    All Design/Alphabet/font type05/
    All 2/2

    nWo logo:
    n: 100,23/100,-100
    W: 100,23/100,-100
    o: 100,23/100,-100
    Drop the size of each letter accordingly to the pics.

    Box around nWo: (Made with alphabet i)
    i's = 100,23/100,-100

    Use a few of these to make a box like in the pics above

    I chose the i due to they aren't straight,
    making for a good slant like hall's last wwe tights.

    Another word of advice....Edit his moveset severely!

    Kanyon (Courtesy of ZurickSavior on gamefaqs.com)


    Height: 6'5"
    Head: -19,93
    Neck: -19/-15,28
    Chest: 43/0
    Shoulder: -79/-12,9
    Abdomen: -31/-19,33
    Arms: -32/12,-13
    Forearms: -32/1,-88
    Hands: -78/-1,-25
    Waist: 0/-31
    Thigh: -18/5,-27
    Legs: -5/3,0
    Ankles: -30/-27

    Skin 8: (Tanned like in my pics)

    Head & Face:

    Hair 26: -86/-29,-86
    Eyebrows 57: 18,-89/-3,0
    Eyes 39: -100/12,0

    Cheek 26/Model 13:
    Eyebrow: -5/0
    Eyes: -13/9,-10/29
    Nose: -66/-57,44/-51
    Cheek: -28
    Mouth: -83/0
    Jaw: -66/-1,-67

    Facial Hair:

    Mustache 9: 50,100/-100,0
    Mustache 4: 31,-100/-3,0
    Pattern WWE 42: 0,34/-82,0 (Place on Face, level with Top of Chin Stubble.

    Tights Pattern 21: 100,100,-14/-54,-28

    Pants Pattern(s):
    Pattern/Tattoo 21(x2): 100,-22/8,-25
    (One on Each Leg as Far Up as can go on the sides)
    Pattern/Tattoo 21(x2): 100,-23/3,-18
    (Reduce Once, One on Each Leg, Right Under The Bigger One)
    Pattern/Simple 67(x2): 100,-90/100,-37
    (Reduce Once, One on Each Leg, Place over Big Pink Heart)
    Pattern/Simple 67(x2): 100,-89/100,-17
    (Reducde Three Times, Once on Each Leg, Place over Smaller Pink Heart)

    Jerry Lynn (Courtesy of Mason The Mutilator on gamefaqs.com)


    Base Model Male Normal

    Hair 26 (-77, 69, -6)

    Cheek: Face Edit 6 Face Model 10
    Eyes: (4, -3)
    Nose: (3, 0) (-39, 5)
    Cheek: (-26)
    Mouth: (8, 14)
    Jaw (-10, 8) (7)

    Eyebrows 2 (100, -89, -3, 0)
    Eyes 7 (-94, -3, 0)
    Mustache 3 (100, -80, 19, 0)
    Mustache 14 (100, -85, 30, 0)

    Skin 8

    Wrist Bands - Blank 12 (100, -100, -3, 0)

    Tights - Others 32 (100, 100, 38, -3, 0)
    Knee Pads - Blank 2 (100, 15, -66, -100)

    Shoes - Blank 12 (-33, -100, -48, -100)

    Skin Colors 3

    Head (-56) (39)
    Neck (-29, -27) (30)
    Chest (-17, 22)
    Shoulders (-66, -12) (-12)
    Abdomen (-6, 19) (36)
    Arms (-37, 1) (-45)
    Forearms (-31, -9) (-100)
    Hands (-89, -12) (-39)
    Waist (23, -29)
    Thigh (-8, -3) (-100)
    Legs (-3, -18) (-93)
    Ankles (-47, -36)

    Height 5'11"
    (Jerry's actually 5'9", but we need to make him a bit taller
    as we shrunk his legs)

    Name - Jerry Lynn
    Ring Name - The New F'n Show
    Nick Name - Jerry
    Gender - Man
    Classification - Cruiser Weight
    Face/Heel - Face
    Call Name -

    These are his actual stats from Smackdown: Just Bring It:
    Powerful (3, 2)
    Speedy (3,2)
    Technical (3,2)
    Rough Neck (2,2)

    Logic Balanced x 2

    Ring In Move: Normal
    Ring Out Move: Quick
    Raising Arms
    Raising Arms
    Taunt Fighter 1
    Raising Arms
    Taunt Fighter 1
    Fighting Style: Wrestling 1
    Walking Style: Normal
    Running Style: Normal
    Winning Move: Maven
    Entrance Move: Superstars
    Entrance Movie: Opening
    Entrance Music:

    Ready Moves:
    Dropkick 1
    Toe Kick 1
    Spinning Back Kick 1
    Austin Punches 1
    Back Chop 1
    Headlock Takedown
    Cruiserweight Moves 2
    Elbow Strike
    Snapmare 2
    Snap Suplex
    Hurracanrana 1
    Pendulum Backbreaker
    Small Package
    Jumping Tornado DDT
    Guerrero Special
    Falling Powerbomb 1
    Back Attack:
    Back Side Slam 3
    Cruiserweight Moves 4
    Diving Reverse DDT
    Facecrusher 3
    German Suplex Pin
    Backdrop 2
    Backslide Pin 2
    The Edge Of A Ceiling:
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down

    Angry Stomp
    Leg Drop
    Austin Elbow Drop 1
    Fury Punch 3
    Oklahoma Roll Pin
    Sleeper Hold 6
    Bow And Arrow Lock
    Queen Angelito Stretch
    Mexican Surfboard

    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Dropkick 2
    Front Grapple:
    Superplex 1
    Big Chop
    Mudhole Stomping 2
    Foot Choke 2
    Back Attack:
    Illegal Pin
    Turnbuckle Toe Kick
    Super Backdrop
    Rolling Powerbomb

    Rope Opponent:
    Rope Down: Irish Whip
    Rebound Attack:
    Dropkick 4
    Dropkick To Knee 4
    Asai Moonsault
    Jump Down Over: Rope Flip 2

    Diving Crossbody Pin
    Missile Dropkick
    Diving Leg Drop
    Diving Moonsault
    Diving Headbutt 1

    Clothesline 9
    Dropkick 4
    Headscissor Takedown
    Crucifix Pin
    Back Attacks:
    Facecrusher 3
    School Boy Pin 2
    Squatting Attacks:
    Benoit Elbow Drop
    Dropkick To Knee 4
    Arm Drag 5
    Whirl Backbreaker

    Double Team
    Double Suplex 2
    Dropkick And Rolling Clutch
    Double Suplex 1
    Double Clothesline
    Double Dropkick
    Whip & Lay Down
    Mudhole Stomping 1
    Backbreaker & Leg Drop
    Kick To Stomach

    Special Moves: Piledriver or Pulling Piledriver 2
    Tornado DDT
    Special Weapon 1: DDT
    Special Weapon 2: DDT
    Combo Move 1: Snap Jab
    Combo Move 2: Spinning Back Kick 1
    Combo Move 3: Enzuigiri

    Big Stevie Cool (Steven Richards BWO) (Courtesy of Rekka No Ryo on gamefaqs)

    Start with Sample Model 3 & delete everything

    Hair: 26 (C:80,-19,0)
    Eyebrow 20 (C:80,-19,0)
    Eyes 20
    Cheeks 20 Model 20
    Mustache 20 Transparancy 0
    Blank Wristbands 2 Length: -83
    Gloves 10
    Elbowpads Blank 1 (Make Black)
    Blank Tee-shirt 1 (-90/24,58/-100)
    Blank Socks 7 Length: -66
    Blank Kneepads 1 (Make Black)
    Blank Shoes 12 (-66/0/-100,48/-100)
    Waist Blank Short Pants 2
    Design Body
    WWE: 65 (center on chest) (Color:29,20 S:-100)
    *Pattern Simple: 159 Reduce twice (Color:-1,100 Shade:-100)
    *copy it & move 7 times to cover the NWO
    Letters Font Type 5 Put BWO in the blank spots (Color: 30,20 Shade: 100)

    Height: 6'0" or 6'1"

    Road Dogg (Courtesy of SSJ X Vegeta on gamefaqs.com)



    Skin Color-2

    Cheek-14-(Face edit)-14
    Head Accessories-85-100/-94,-35/0
    Alphabet D,O,G,G-Font Type-2-100/48,40/0
    (Spell Dogg going down his left leg)
    Alphabet-R,O,A,D-Font Type-2-100/48,40/0
    (Spell ROAD going down his right leg)

    Jake "The Snake" Roberts (Courtesy of lurvey77 on gamefaqs.com)
    skin 1

    cheek/face edit #21/model #10
    eyebrows -57,-13
    eyes 3,100,5,53
    nose 0,0,-38,0
    cheek 100
    mouth 10,-63
    jaw -85,0,0

    eyes #44 default
    eyebrows#6 color -92,9/shade 28
    hair#21 100,-100/shade 44
    mustache#47 100,-35/shade 36
    mustache#27 -91,-3/shade 0
    wristbands blank#12
    tights blank#1 color 74,-14/shade 93

    pattern tatto#25 default
    place one outside on each leg

    shoes blank#19 length -60/ -70,-62/shade 33

    head -81,39
    neck -66,-6,68
    chest 12,33
    shoulder -100,-27,-17
    abs -19,40,38
    arms default
    forearms default
    hands default
    waist 9,-37
    thigh -24,9,-27
    legs -13,-25,-6
    ankles -47,-36

    Ken Shamrock (Courtesy of Rekka No Ryo on gamefaqs.com)
    I picked in the sample CAw's Cena's
    as he has a similar build and modified him.

    Eyebrow 15
    Eye 15
    Cheeks (Face Edit 15 Head Type 15)
    Hair 15
    Mustache 59 Transparancy: -60
    Skin type 3
    Gloves 12 (-100,-100)
    Blank: Tights 1 Length:-89 Color: 30,-96
    One Point: Tights 27 Length: -89
    Blank: Kneepads 2 Color: 0,-95
    Blank: Socks: 7 Length: -47
    Blank: Shoes: 14 Color: -100,-41

    Height: 6'0"

    "Big Poppa Pump" (Courtesy of ZurickSavior on gamefaqs.com)
    Scott Steiner

    NEW pictures finally~!
    *note: The logos and all are there, but cam makes them too dark to see.


    Start in FAT body type..... (Trust me)


    Height: 6'4" (He's really 6'1" but, i lower the legs)

    Head: 9,100
    Neck: 8/11,-53
    Chest: 12/68
    Shoulder: -100/38,12
    Abdomen: -56/16,100
    Arms: -41/27,-100
    Forearms: -12/5,-100
    Hands: -12/35,-39
    Waist: 4/-11
    Thighs: -10/4,-100
    Legs: 32/5,-100
    Ankles: 12/-41

    Skin 2: Color Dark Tan, varies.

    Hair 8: -69/100,22
    Eyebrows 6: 3,83/-3,0
    Eyes 27: -86/-3,86

    Cheek/Face Morphing/5:
    Figure: 0/0
    Shape: 27/4
    Age: -20

    Eyebrow: -6/0
    Eyes: 2/0,23/-14
    Nose: 1/-1,-30/0
    Cheek: -36
    Mouth: 0/0
    Jaw: 6/0,-3

    Shoes Blank 12: -75,-100/-80,0
    Underwear/Tights/Blank 9: 100,100,5/-95,-100

    Alphabet/Body/Font Type 01:

    Place Big Poppa Pump like....

    On his buttocks..... Make it red

    Pattern Simple 158:
    Take 2 of these, place one on each side of tights (left and right).
    Flip Upside down and reduce twice. Make them red.

    Pattern Simple 158:
    Take 2 of these, place one on each side of tights (left and right).
    Flip Upside down and reduce THREE times. Make them Black

    Alphabet: Font Type 04.. S

    Take two of these, and place on each inside the now made
    Superman logo outline.... Make them red.

    Numerals: Font Type 05:

    Take the first 6 and place this on right side of body on tights lower
    right area of front. Reduce this to 2nd to last size. Make it red.

    Take the first 9, place it next to the 6, make it red.

    Sign, Font type 01, page 4 out of 7. Take the O in the top right,
    reduce it to fit around the 69, make it red.

    Mustache 14: 100,-74/100, -22

    Pattern/Face/Simple Patterns 166: 31,21/-83,0: turn so it looks like a big I,
    place in center of goatee, reduce it to fit nicely,

    Pattern/Face/Simple Patterns 158: 53,14/-100,0: Put it in middle, right under
    lip, so it makes a triangle at top to make the black goatee....

    Head Based off FlamingYob's head

    *Note: I reduced his legs size, so you might wanna put the height to about
    SID VICIOUS (Courtesy of R E V on gamefaqs.com)


    Base Edit

    1 Skin: 1
    2 Cheeks: Face Morphing 18 (Figure 46,-3)(Shape -23,65)(Age -40)
    Eyebrow: Angle 0 Depth 0
    Eyes: Width 0 Height 3/ Width 0 Length 0
    Nose: Size 0 Height 20/ Length -29 Angle -7
    Cheek: Size -11
    Mouth: Width -6 Angle -62
    Jaw: Width -15 Length 0/ Depth 23
    3 Eyes: 10
    4 Eyebrows: 23
    5 Hair: 16
    6 Underware: Skip this
    7 Knee Pads: Blank 7 (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-100)(Shade -100)
    8 Elbow Pads: Blank 4 (Transparency 100)(Color -93,-61)(Shade -100)
    9 Wrist Bands: Blank 2 (Length -81) (Transparency 100)(Color -100,-3)
    (Shade 0)
    10 Socks: Blank 1 (Length -32) (Transparency 100)(Color 100,100)(Shade -92)
    11 Shoes: Blank 14 (Length 100) (Transparency 100)(Color -100,-37)(Shade 0)
    12 Accessories 25 (Length 100) (Transparency 0)(Color 100, -30)(Shade 0)
    13 Accessories 26 (Length 100) (Transparency 0)(Color 100, -30)(Shade 0)
    14 Underwear: Blank 6 (Length 100) (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-33)
    (Shade -100)
    15 Vest: Blank 5 (Length 100) (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-50)(Shade -32)

    Skin Colors
    Color 3 (Color -92,-7)(Shade 5)

    Head: Size –34 Height 26
    Neck: Width -31 Thickness -9/ Height 60
    Chest: Width 33 Thickness 21
    Shoulder/Both: Width –79 Thickness –19/ Height -12
    Abdomen: Width -13 Thickness 10/ Height 33
    Arms/Both: Width -25 Thickness -6/ Height -15
    Forearms/Both: Width -32 Thickness -8/ Height -88
    Hands/Both: Width -89 Thickness -12/ Height -39
    Waist: Width 9 Thickness -9
    Thigh: Width -13 Thickness -12/ Height 100
    Legs: Width -10 Thickness -17/ Height 13
    Ankles: Width -47 Thickness -36


    Name: Sid Vicious
    Ring Name:
    Nick Name:
    Gender: Man
    Class: Heavy Weight
    Face/Heel: Neutral
    Call Name:

    Up to you!

    Logic 1:Grappler
    Logic 2:Balanced


    Taunt Undertaker 1
    Taunt Undertaker 1
    Taunt Undertaker 1
    Kevin Nash
    Al Snow
    You Pick
    Benoit Punches
    Toe Kick 1
    Back Elbow Smash
    Double Awe Handle 2
    Clothesline 3
    Elbow Smash 1
    Sidewalk Slam 2
    Scoop Slam 2
    Club to neck 2
    Eye Rake
    Manhattan Drop
    Bear Hug
    Undertaker Fury Punch
    Suplex 3
    Oklahoma Slam 1
    Bearhug Front Slam
    Lifting Chokehold
    DDT 2
    Sidewalk Slam 3
    High Angle Backdrop 2
    Elbow To back of head 2
    Forearm Smash
    Atomic Drop
    Pendulum Backbreaker 2
    Abdominal Stretch 2
    It Thrusts Down
    Undertaker Chokeslam
    It Thrusts Down
    Undertaker Chokeslam
    Angry Stomp
    Leg Drop
    Elbow Drop 4
    Sleeper Hold 8
    Fury Punch 3
    Neck Wrench
    Leg Lock 1
    Kick to leg 2
    Knee Stomp 2
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Knee Attack 1
    Shoulder Thurst
    Back Elbow Strike 1
    Foot Choke 1
    Knee Strikes
    Foot Choke 2
    !0 Beat Head
    Hanging in Reverse
    Beat Head
    Turnbuckle Toe Kick
    Big Boot
    Kitchen Sink 1
    Running Leg Drop
    Vaulting Body Press 2
    Baseball Slide
    Martial Arts Kick 1
    Double Axe Handle 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Elbow Drop 3
    Back Elbow Attack 3
    Axe Bomber
    Head Pound 1
    Reverse Mat Slam
    Mat Slam 2
    School Boy Pin 2
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Running Leg Drop
    Bearhug Front Slam
    Flapjack 2
    Shoulder Back Toss 2
    Double Flapjack
    Double DDT
    Double Suplex 1
    Double Clothesline
    Double Beat Head
    Mudhole Stomping 1
    Front Slam
    Kick to Stomach
    Jackknife Powerbomb 1
    Chokeslam 1
    Big Boot
    Chokeslam 1
    Jackknife Powerbomb 1
    Guillotine 3
    Guillotine 3
    Triple H Punches 1
    Triple H Punches 1
    Triple H Punches 4

    Cactus Jack (Courtesy of Mason the Mutilator on gamefaqs.com)


    Base Model Male Overweight

    Cheek: Face Edit 11 Face Model 11
    Hair 26 (-85, -3, 0)

    Eyebrows 11 (100, -88, -3, 0)
    Eyes 11 (-86, -3, 0)
    Mustache 21 (64, -90, -3, -29)
    Mustache 11 (100, -95, -3, 11)

    Skin 1
    T-Shirts - Blank 8 (-92, 100, 30, -29, -100)

    Wrist Bands - Blank 12 (100, -100, -3, 0)

    Gloves - 25 (-100, -47, 0)

    Tights - Blank 1 (100, 100, 25, -37, -100)

    Shoes - Pattern 2 (-15, -100, -33, -25)

    Use four of the following part to form the yellow rectangle on his shirt:
    Pattern - Body - Simple 159, reduce once (100, -68, 40, -15)
    The next few parts form the face on the rectangle:
    Pattern - Body - Tattoo 25, reduce once, place in middle of rectangle
    (39, 49, -25, 0)
    Pattern - Body - Simple 166, reduce once, use to cover up the snake
    above the skulls head (100, -67, 100, -7)
    Pattern - Body - Simple 64, reduce once, rotate three times and use
    to give the skull hair (-18, 4, -72, 0)
    Letters - Body - Spell "WANTED", reduce it three times and put at
    top of rectangle (100, 18, -91, -100)
    Letters - Body - Spell "DEAD", reduce it three times and put below
    "WANTED" (100, 23, -95, -100)

    Shirt - Checks 2 (-100, 100, -100, -22, 0)

    Skin Colors 3

    Head (16) (100)
    Neck (14, 11) (-73)
    Chest (-38, 54)
    Shoulders (-33, -51) (-19)
    Abdomen (60, 64) (100)
    Arms (-17, -3) (-50)
    Forearms (-20, 1) (-100)
    Hands (-12, 35) (-39)
    Waist (62, 23)
    Thigh (8, 15) (-100)
    Legs (8, 8) (-100)
    Ankles (12, -1)

    Height 6'3" (Taller than his actual height due to shortened legs)

    Name - Cactus Jack
    Ring Name -
    Nick Name - Cactus
    Gender - Man
    Classification - Heavy Weight
    Face/Heel - Face
    Call Name - Cactus Jack

    These are his actual stats from Smackdown: Just Bring It:
    Powerful (2, 2)
    Speedy (2,2)
    Technical (3,3)
    Rough Neck (4,3)

    Moves Moveset 55. Make the following changes:
    Grapple: Change his "Piledriver" to "Pulling Piledriver 1"
    Back Attack: Change his "Bubba Bomb" to "Atomic Drop"
    Ground Grapple: Change his "Camel Clutch" to "It Bites A Forehead"
    Special: Change his "Pulling Piledriver 1" finisher to "Mandible Claw"
    and change the "Bubba Bomb" and "Suplex 1" in favorites to
    "Pulling Piledriver 1" and "Elbow Drop 3"

    Logic: Brawler, Grappler

    Bret "Hitman" Hart (Courtesy of BHANGRA MAN on gamefaqs.com)


    BASE MODEL : normal

    Skin color:4, color(-87,7), shade(4)

    Cheek/ face shape

    Face edit- cheeks:26- face model-13

    Eyebrow (-2,9)

    Skin 3
    Face- eye: 16, color(-83,-25)
    Eyebrows: 20, color(-92,-82), shade(-10)
    Hair:26, color(-85,-3)
    Underwear: default one


    Body: No sleeves- Others: 19: color(57,-3)
    Legs: Tights- Others- 33: color(53,-9), shade(7)
    Arms: Elbow pads- Blank: 6: color(37,-45), shade( -91)
    Arms: Wristband-blank: 11 , color(67,-100),shade( -65)
    Legs: kneepads- blank: 1, color(-25,-66), shade(-100)
    Feet : shoes- blank:13, color(-100,-3)

    Design- Pattern- simple: 161, Transparency (43), Color(-100,-100),Shade(-69)
    place on left boot to the side of it near top of boot

    Pattern- simple: 161, transparency (43), color(-100,-100),shade(-69)
    place on right boot to the side of it near top of boot

    Figure- Form
    Head (-49) , (19)
    Neck (-28,-30), (6)
    Chest (79,12)
    Shoulder (100,-13), (-15)
    Abdomen (4,1), (34)
    Arms (-27,13), (-100)
    Forearms (-12,-23), (-79)
    Hands (-89,-12), (-39)
    Waist (36,-33)
    Thigh (1,-9),(-33)
    Legs (20,-59),(-26)

    Height (6'0")

    Jim "The Anvil" Neidhardt (Courtesy of R E V)

    Base Edit

    1 Skin: 3
    2 Cheeks: Face Edit 4 Face Model 13
    Eyebrow: Angle 0 Depth 0
    Eyes: Width -12 Height -100/ Width -36 Length -29
    Nose: Size -33 Height 45/ Length -29 Angle -43
    Cheek: Size 0
    Mouth: Width 0 Angle 0
    Jaw: Width 8 Length 100/ Depth -52
    3 Eyes: 31 (Color -100,-3)(Shade 0)
    4 Eyebrows: 56 (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-69)(Shade -14)
    5 Hair: 8 (Transparency 100)(Color -90,-82)(Shade 17)
    6 Underware: Blank 8 (Color 24,74)(Shade 0)
    7 Body/Accessories: 25 (Transparency 54)(Color -97,-80)(Shade 0)
    8 Mustache: 14 (Transparency 100)(Color -88,-6)(Shade 29)
    9 Mustache: 19 (Transparency 100)(Color -81,43)(Shade 100)
    10 Mustache: 49 (Transparency 100)(Color -87,-3)(Shade 0)
    11 Tights: One Point 6 (Length 100)(Transparency 100)(Color 70,4)(Shade 0)
    12 Shoes: Blank 13 (Length -41)(Transparency 100)(Color -100,16)(Shade 0)
    13 Elbow Pads: Blank 1 (Length 100)(Transparency 100)(Color -78,-61)(Shade -100)
    14 Wrist Bands: Blank 2 (Length -81)(Transparency 100)(Color -100,-3)(Shade 0)
    15 Costume: Blank 1 (Transparency 100)(Color 70,83)(Shade 28)
    16 Underwear: One Point 3 (Transparency 100)(Color 70,0)(Shade 0)
    17 Design/Pattern/Body: Simple 142
    Reduce twice and place on the Left side of his shirt, just look at the pic if your lost.
    (Transparency 100)(Color 64,-100)(Shade 39)

    Skin Colors
    Color 3

    Head: Size -41 Height 19
    Neck: Width -14 Thickness -14/ Height 42
    Chest: Width 64 Thickness 26
    Shoulder/Both: Width -100 Thickness -19/ Height 9
    Abdomen: Width 42 Thickness 53/ Height 36
    Arms/Both: Width -11 Thickness 26/ Height -70
    Forearms/Both: Width -34 Thickness -6/ Height -88
    Hands/Both: Width -89 Thickness -12/ Height -39
    Waist: Width 29 Thickness -16
    Thigh: Width 3 Thickness 4/ Height -45
    Legs: Width -1 Thickness -11/ Height -40
    Ankles: Width -24 Thickness -22


    Name: Jim Neidhart
    Ring Name:
    Nick Name:
    Gender: Man
    Class: Heavy Weight
    Face/Heel: Neutral
    Call Name:

    Up to you!

    Logic 1:Grappler
    Logic 2:Brawler

    Come On! 1
    Cut Throat
    Come On! 1
    Raising Arm 3
    Come On! 1
    Al Snow
    You Pick
    Undertaker Punches 2
    Toe Kick 1
    Benoit Punches
    Slap 2
    Clothesline 3
    Body Punch
    Eye Rake
    Hard Scoop Slam
    Club to neck 2
    Sidewalk Slam 1
    Austin Spinebuster 2
    Shoulder Arm Breaker
    Body Press Drop
    Short Clothesline 2
    Side Slam
    Big Shoulder Claw
    Double Arm Suplex 2
    Suplex 3
    Pumphandle Drop
    Kurt Angle Backdrop
    Atomic Drop
    Back Side Slam 2
    Abdominal Stretch 1
    Wrist Lock Backdrop
    Super Atomic Drop
    Sleeper Hold 1
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    It Thrusts Down
    Angry Stomp
    Elbow Drop 4
    Double Axe Handle 4
    Sleeper Hold 8
    Fury Punch 3
    Reverse Chin Lock
    Kick To Groin 3
    Leg Lock 3
    Side Leg Lock
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Turnbuckle Clothesline
    Knee Attack 1
    10 Punch
    Turnbuckle Body Strike
    Shoulder Thrust
    Beat Head
    Hanging in Reverse
    Beat Head
    Turnbuckle Toe Kick
    Irish Whip
    Clothesline 4
    Benoit Elbow Drop
    Vaulting Body Press 2
    Baseball Slide
    Double Axe Handle 3
    Double Axe Handle 3
    Diving Fist Drop
    Diving Fist Drop
    Diving Fist Drop
    Kurt Shoulder Block
    Clothesline 4
    Reverse Mat Slam
    Reverse Mat Slam
    Mat Slam 2
    Mat Slam 2
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Double Axe Handle 5
    Flapjack 2
    Shoulder Back Toss 2
    Double Flapjack
    Punches & Full Nelson
    Double Suplex 1
    Double Clothesline
    Double Beat Head
    Backbreaker & Leg Drop
    Body Attack
    Body Splash & Whip
    Kick to Stomach
    Falling Powerslam 2
    Oklahoma Slam 1
    Backbreaker & Leg Drop
    Shoulder Thrust
    Body Press Drop
    Guillotine 3
    Guillotine 3
    Austin Punches 1
    Austin Punches 1
    Clothesline 3

    Mr. Perfect (Courtesy of ZurickSavior on gamefaqs.com)


    Skin Color 3


    Height: 5'11"

    neck: -25/-32,50
    shoulder: -100/-11,-17
    abdomen: 1/2,35
    arms: -44/25,-11
    forarms: -50/-8,-88
    hands: n/a
    waist: 0/-32
    legs: 22/19,-5
    ankles: -47/35

    hair: 21 (default)
    eyebrows: 21
    eyes: 21
    cheeks 21 - form 21
    mustache 21: -28,-90/-3,0
    upper body accessories 25: 23, -98/-3, 0
    costume/others 8: default
    wristbands 1: -77,100,23/-3,-100
    kneepads blank 7: 100,24/-100,-100
    shoes/checks 7: -52,8/100/-100

    The Ultimate Warrior (Courtesy of ZurickSavior & Les Claypool on gamefaqs.com)



    Head: -16,46
    Neck: -21/-18,52
    Chest: 69/29
    Shoulder: -100/14,-12
    Abdomen: -15/0,25
    Arms: -3/32,9
    Forearms: -17/8,-100
    Hands: -89/-12,-39
    Waist: 11/-33
    Thigh: -18/4,9
    Legs: 56/26,53
    Ankles: -34/-19

    Height: 6'6"

    Hair 26: -73/93,3
    Eyebrows: N/A
    Eyes 17: -94/-3,0
    Cheek/Face Edit 26/Model 28:

    Eyebrows: -22/-14
    Eyes: -10/-16,-5/-68
    Nose: 94/0,-68/0
    Cheek: -56
    Mouth: -4/0
    Jaw: -3/26,-20

    Paint 33(optional) 100,-100/-40/-100
    Paint 30(optional) 60,69/20,99
    Paint 31(optional) 67,-84/-12,100
    Paint 47(w/Paint 33,30,31: 45,-45/-46,100)(wo/Paint 33,30,31: 100,83/-3,0)

    Face/Accessories 21: 100,-100/-100,0

    Kneepads Blank 2: Black
    On Kneepads Blank 2:
    Pattern/Tattoo 20: Reduce 3 times Flip Upside down Place in middle of
    kneepads one on each leg: 100,100/100/100
    Pattern/Tattoo 20: Reduce 4 times Flip Upside down Place in middle of
    kneepads one on each leg in middle of pattern above: 100,-42/100,100

    Underwear/Blank 6: Black

    Underwear Patterns: (Body)


    Make 2 of these yellow on the front, and 2 yellow in the back. make another
    2 in hot pink on the front, another 2 in hot pink on the back. Look @ my
    picture for where to place them.

    Wristbands Pattern 2: -51,100,-88/0,15
    Wristbands Blank 1: -69,100,-32/-1,7
    Wristbands Blank 1: -77,100,82/-3,0

    Elbowpads/Others 5: 100,-37/83,100

    Shoes Blank 12: -24,-100/-100,0


    Pattern Picture 92:

    Make 4 of these on each leg. Flip it upside down once, and put each one below
    the kneepad circling the boots. Make one green, one hot pink, one orange, and
    one yellow. Quite simple actually.

    Vader (Courtesy of Tigermuppetcut on gamefaqs.com)

    Base Model: Overweight
    Skin Colour: 3
    (-92, 17), -7
    Face Edit (NOT MORPH):21
    Model 28
    Eyebrow -22, 6
    Eyes -39, -11, / 0, 0
    Nose -19, 0 / -91, 26
    Cheek 53
    Mouth -70, 7
    Jaw 2, 9 / -39

    Eyebrows 1 (none)
    Eyes 13
    (22, 0), -17
    Hair 23
    (-89, 33), -14
    Body:Accessories: 32
    100, (-90, 12), 0
    Body:Accessories: 27
    100, (-89, 4), -7
    Body:Accessories: 25
    87, (-90, 12), -7
    Body: Costume: Others: 7
    Elbow Pads: Blank: 1
    100, (22, -30), -59
    Wristbands: Blank: 2
    -85, 78, (-94, -3), 0
    Gloves: 16
    (21, -100), -35
    Knee Pads: Blank: 2
    100, (34, -48), -72
    Shoes: Blank: 10
    -28, (100, -43), -22
    Shoes: One Point: 11
    (16, -100), -41
    Mustache: 7
    100, (-81, 41), 66
    Body: Accesories: 30
    100, (-90, 1) 0
    2 x Body: Pattern: Simple: 166
    (move it to his hip as low as you can go, breaking up the red line)
    100, (38, -29), -77

    Now use the alphabet (small) to spell out 'vader time' in red or yellow on his gut

    Head 81, 100
    Neck 53, 100 / -47
    Chest: 53, 75
    Shoulder: 16, -51 / -19
    Abdomen: 68, 100 / 86
    Arms: 3, 38 / -21
    Foreamrs: -20, 17 / -100
    Hands: X
    Waist: 100, 43
    Thigh: 27, 36 / -100
    Legs: 27, 14 / -100
    Ankles: 13, -38

    Height: 6' 3"

    Blue Demon (Courtesy of RNotyalc@aol.com)

    base - normal
    skin 1
    the face dosen't matter, he has a mask
    mask 145 (color 30, -3)
    mask 26 (color -100, -3) (shade -8)
    tights blank 1 (color 25, 59) (shade 9)
    shoes - blank 10 length -33 (color 30, -72) (shade -5)

    put one of these on each knee:
    pattern - simple 159, reduce once (color 6, 20) (shade -76)

    skin color 5

    height: 5'10"

    head -27, 13
    chest -89, 24
    shoulder -75, -81, -4
    abdomen 50, 30, 36
    arms -24, -30, -31
    forearms -11, -23, -97
    waist 20, -29
    thigh -2, 8, -27
    leg 3, -9, -6

    cruiser weight
    super face
    mexican superstar

    speedy and tech

    I hink I put i on speedy, but edit it however you want.
    mine has the mexican pin and queen pin as finishers

    grappler, balanced

    Bill Goldberg (Japanese Attire) (Courtesy of xxMorbidTruthxx on gamefaqs.com)

    Male, Normal, Skin Color 3(-93/14/0)

    Height 6’6"---This is not be right,
    but don’t change it cuz it might mess with the figures


    Neck (34/3/-1)
    Chest (53/3)
    Shoulder (-44/-21/-20)
    Abdomen (-10/-40/-57)
    Arms (-27/1/-100)
    Forearms (-26/-9/-100)
    Hands (-43/12/-21)
    Waist (-9/-39)
    Thigh (3/0/-57)
    Legs (-18/-12/-66)
    Ankles (-17/-36)

    Base Edit
    Follow Exactly
    1 Skin 2
    2 Cheek-Face Edit-26-Model 7
    3.Eyes 7(default)
    4 Eyebrows 27(73/-79/-45/53)
    5. Mustache 7(50/-100/11/18)
    6 Mustache 4(-9/-63/-3/100)
    7 Accessories 25(42/100/-69/-21)
    8 Accessories 26(42/100/-69/-21)
    9 Pattern-Left Arm-Simple 74 reduce once and place on shoulder(56/19/-22/-27)
    10 Pattern-Right Arm-Tattoo 10 reduce once, rotate twice, and place inside of

    11 Elbow Pads-left arm-Blank 2(100/-/-59/-100)
    12.Gloves 12(-/-63/-100)
    13 Wristbands-both-Blank 12(default)
    The tights have to be done a certain way in order for you to see where to put
    the writing on goldberg’s trunks. I tried to just take "victory" from under
    words but it doesn’t fit. So you have to spell it out with letter.
    Follow my instructions exactly.

    14.Tights-blank 1(-87/100/-/100/-100)
    15 Design-Right Leg-Letters- Reduce the letters as far as they go and place
    them as high on the leg as possible. Spell out "victory" and make sure start
    far enough back so the word seems in place.
    Start towards the back of the thigh.

    16. Repeat on the right leg.
    17.Now add the black on the tights....Tights-Blank 8(-92/100/-/-100/-100)
    Move this pair of tights above all the letters and underneath the white
    to create his tights.

    Now since the CAW mode doesn’t have thigh tape, i had to make it.
    So again follow exactly.
    18. Pattern-left leg-simple 159, reduce once and place it so that it toughts
    the tights but doesn’t cover it at all. Just sit below it.
    (100/-/77/-100) Repeat all the way around the thigh, it takes 3 peices
    to create

    19. Knee Pads- Blank 1(100/-/-72/-100)
    20. Shoes-Blank 12 (-92/-/-40/-100)

    Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger (Courtesy of el Chupacabras on gamefaqs.com)

    Hair 29 (color 100, -100)(shade -73)
    Horn 8 (color 96, 1)

    Mask 91 (color -78, 53)(shade -24)
    Mask 124 (color 100, 19)
    Mask 68
    Mask 67

    Tights, others 20 (color 94, 32)
    Socks, others 5 (color -2, 3)
    Shoes, blank 7 (color -100, -3)
    Shoes, others 11 (color -27, 59)(shade -62)

    T-shirts, others 13 (color -3, -3)
    Design, pattern, picture 84 (place on chest)
    Design, pattern, picture 85
    (place on stomach and centre of back, after shrinking as far as it will shrink)

    Height, 5' 6"

    Head, size 38, height 86
    Neck, (width -10,15) (height -1)
    Chest, (89, 71)
    Shoulder, (25, 13) (14)
    Abdomen, (12,2) (-43)
    Arms, (-24, 48) (-100)
    Forearms, (-6, 15) (-100)
    Hands, (-70, -1) (-39)
    Weist, (52, -27)
    Thigh, (30, 30) (-89)
    Legs, (10, -13) (-100)
    Ankle, (-15, -15)

    Keiji Mutoh (Courtesy of Tigermuppetcut on gamefaqs.com)

    Face Edit (NOT MORPHING)
    Cheek: Part: 6
    Face Model: 23
    Eyebrows -39, -23
    Eyes L3: -57, -26 R3: 43, 100
    Nose L3: -5, -3 R3: -41, 20
    Cheek 29
    Mouth: -58, -12
    Jaw: L3: 4, 28 R3: -10
    Skin: 6
    Skin Colour: 5 (-89, -6), 2
    Eyes: 44
    Eyebrows: 13
    Mustache: 13 (78, (-67, -3), 0)
    Mustache: 3 (20, (-62, 100), -83)

    Upper Body-
    Accesories: 28 (-12, (-88, -58), 0)

    Upper Body-
    Accesories: 26 (15, (-92, -51), -11)

    Others: 17

    Knee Pads-
    Others: 4

    Shoes-Blank: 14

    Wrist Bands-
    Blank: 2 (-69, 82, (-98, -17), 0)

    Height: 6'2"

    Head L3: -22 R3: 100
    Neck L3: -36, -6 R3: -8
    Chest L3: 12 R3: 5
    Shoulder L3: -62, -19 R3: -12
    Abdomen: L3: 12, 10 R3: 43
    Arms: L3: -32, -2 R3: -7
    Forearms: L3: -44, -24 R3: -88
    Waist: 9, -38
    Thigh: L3: 5, -11 R3: -45
    Legs: L3: 0, -18 R3: -33
    Ankles: -47, -36

    Psychosis (Courtesy of Da Code Red/Tha Amazing Red/MeenStreek)

    Base Model: Normal
    Basic Parts

    Skin: 7
    Cheek: 25 (figure: 4,-21] Shape: 44,0) morph: -28
    Mouth: -4,-8
    Eyes: 16
    Eyebrows: 2
    Hair: 26 (-86,-30,-100)

    Face Parts
    Mask: 114 (100,[30,-100],-100
    Mask: 86 (100,[30,-100],-99)
    Paint: 74 (100,[-92,61],-25)
    Mask: 35 (100,[-100,-30],-100)
    Mask: 46 (100,[-100,17],-100)
    Mask: 7 (100,[-93,9],-99)
    Paint: 27 (100,[-100,-3],-100)
    Paint: 32 (100,[-48,-3],-100)
    Paint: 60 (100,[-100,-3],-100)
    Horns: 7 ([-60,-69],-78)

    Body parts
    T-shirt (blank): 8 (-100,100,[33,-59],-100)
    Arms (wrist band: others): 9 (-4,100,[-100,-38],-100)
    Hand accesorys: 16 (100,[-100,-3],-100)
    Tights (blank): 1 (100,100,[25,-59],-100)
    Shoes (blank): 12 (-49,[-100,-56],-99)

    Pattern (left Leg, Simple): 22 (Move down close to boots, and
    infront of pants) (100,[22,100],-100)
    Pattern: same as above, but on the right leg.
    Move all the way up and infront of pants. and rotate so it is facing
    the opposite direction.
    Pattern (body, simple): 35 (position on chest) (100,[12,98],-100)
    Pattern (body,simple): 139 (make 5 of these, and kinda make a belt.
    If you need refrence,
    take a look at this pic http://www.geocities.com/carnage_441/psicosis57.jpg)
    Pattern (body,simple): 99 (make small enough to fit in the diamond in the
    middle of the belt) (100,[22,-62],0)
    Pattern (right, and left arm,simple): 159 ( make about 3 on each arm,
    reduce 2 times, and position on shoulder to make a shoulder plate)
    Pattern (body,simple): 10 (position on the top of tights, on the side of
    the right leg. reduce 1 time) (100,[18,59],-100)
    pattern (left arm,simple): 10 (position on the outside of the left arm,
    making a tattoo. Reduce once, and rotate so it is verticle) (-6,[18,-70],0)
    Pattern (left arm,simple): 49 (position on the inside of the left arm,
    toward the wrist band) ( reduce to as small as it can get) (31,[22,-100],0)
    Pattern (right arm,simple): 23 (position on the outside of the right arm,
    rotate so it is verticle) (-39,[21,-100],0)

    Head: 12,73
    neck: -32,-35,43
    chest: 43,-15
    shoulder (both): -54,-53,-37
    abdomen: -24,-23,36
    arms (both): -16,-33,-19
    forearms: -43,-29,-100
    hands: -78,-12,-39
    waist: 22,-39
    thigh: -6,-9,-27
    legs: 0,-25,-100
    ankles: -23,-38
    height: 5'10"

    For finishers give him, Diving Legdrop, and Flip slam with pin
    for favorites give him a jaw breaker and 2 moves of your choice
    weapon special: both vandaminators
    make sure to give him cruiserweight moves, and basically like hurricanranas
    and funky pins.

    Bull Buchannon (Courtesy of nWoMember on gamefaqs.com)

    Cheeks-------------3(Model 3)
    Underwear---------Blank 1
    Tights---------Pattern 28(-89,100,-84,-9,30)
    Kneepads----------Blank 1(100,-87,-100,0)
    Shoes---------Blank 14(-100,-43,-48)
    Elbow Pads--------Blank 1(100,-6,-87,-25)
    Wristbands-----------Blank 2(-85,100,-100,-100,-100)

    Great Muta (Courtesy of Homer Wooton)


    Base Edit

    1 Skin 7
    2 Cheek: Face Edit 1Face Model
    All set to Default
    3 Eyes 1, Default
    4 Eyebrows None
    5 Hair 119, (Color -33, -100) (Shade -100)
    6 Underwear Your Pick(Can't see it so it doesn't matter)
    7 Paintm 81, Default
    8 Face Accessories 49, (Transparency 100) (Color 31, 16) (Shade -100)
    9 Face Accessories 79, (Transparency 100) (Color -38, -100) (Shade -92)
    10 Paint 65, (Transparency 100) (Color 10, -91) (Shade -71)
    11 Body Accessories 25, (Transparency -26) (Color -65, -56) (Shade 0)
    12 Arms/Wrist Bands/Both, Pattern 13, (Length -51) (Transparency 100)
    (Color 28, -100) (Shade -80)
    13 Hands Accessories 17, (Transparency 100) (Color -100, 100) (Shade -100)
    14 Shoes Blank 14, (Color -100, -4) (Shade -100)
    15 Tights One Point 25 (Length 100) (Transparency 100) (Color 100, -87)
    (Shade -100)

    Skin Color 4 (Color -86, 1)

    6' 1"

    MARTY JANNETY (Courtesy of carninho)
    hair 54
    eyes 7
    eyebrows 2 100 -89 -19 0
    cheek 26 then 6
    eyes -35 -10 -13 -16
    nose 0 0 5 -39
    mouth 3 35

    wristbands blank 9 -4 100 -58 64 0
    wristbands others 20 -14 100 -100 -3 0
    tights pattern 21 100 100 -60 35 0
    belt 18 100 -65 -20 0
    socks blank 1 -33 100 -56 95 0
    socks pattern 9 -39 100 -56 -32 -87


    Lex Luger (Courtesy of Homer Wooton)


    Base Edit

    1 Skin 2
    2 Cheek: Face Edit 15 Face Model 11
    Eyebrow (0,0)
    Eyes (2, -32) (16,-35)
    Nose (56, -2) (-24, -9)
    Cheek (-36)
    Mouth (32, 12)
    Jaw (0,0) (15)
    3 Eyes 10, Default
    4 Eyebrows 13, (Transparency 5) (Color -86, 14) (Shade 100)
    5 Hair 76, (Color -68, 100) (Shade 0)
    6 Underwear, Blank 6, (Color 100, -100) (Shade -100)
    7 Wrist Band, Blank 2, (Length -67) (Transparency 100) (Color -100, -3)
    (Shade -100)
    8 Knee Pads, Blank 2, (Transparency 100) (Color 100, -100) (Shade -100)
    9 Shoes, Blank 13, (Length -26) (Color -100, -3) (Shade 0)

    Skin Color 3 (Color -93, -2)


    1 Head (-41/ 53)
    2 Neck (-15/ -12, -97)
    3 Chest (35/ -10)
    4 Shoulder/Both (-81/ 0, 10)
    5 Abdomen (-34/ -26, 19)
    6 Arms/Both (-35/ 29, -29)
    7 Forearms/Both (-21/ -11, -100)
    8 Hand/Both (-52/ -9, -39)
    9 Waist (-4/ -66)
    10 Thigh (-10/ 1, 3)
    11 Legs (-1/ -22, -46)
    12 Ankles (-47/ -36)

    6' 6" really 6' 4" but 6' 6" should compensate for changes and make it
    approximately right

    Sean O'Haire (Courtesy of nfs76 on gamefaqs.com)


    Hair - 50 Color -96, -9


    Eyebrow - 53 type 1 -88, -29

    Eyes 17 -95, -3

    Cheek - Face Edit
    Face Part 9
    Face Model 14
    Eyebrows...Leave as is
    Eyes 52, 0
    Nose 0, -6
    Cheek -43
    Mouth 18, 0
    Jaw 0, -11
    Mustache 3 -93, -3
    Mustache 3 -93, -3

    I use 2 of the same Facial hair because alone the goatee is not thick enough
    and this also adds some texture.

    27, Height 73

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage (Courtesy of Nicodimus)

    Name: Randy Savage
    Ring Name: Macho Man
    Nickname: Macho Man

    Base Model: Male/Normal

    Base Edit: Head/Hair 128 100/-50/0
    Face/Eyebrows 22 100/-93/-3/0
    Eyes 20 -72/-3/0
    Cheek/Face Edit Head 15/Face Model 11
    Mustache 33 100/100/-29/-29
    Mustache 28 100/100/-27/0
    Accessories 87 100/34/-100/-100
    Body/Skin 2
    T-shirts/Blank 8 -98/100/39/-79/-100
    Arms/Wristbands/Blank 6 -67/100/30/-100/-96
    Hands/Gloves 10 -100/29/0
    Waist/Belt 1 100/-71/-38/-100
    Legs/Tights/Blank 1 100/100/9/-79/0
    Feet/Shoes/Blank 13 -35/-70/29/-100

    Skin Color: -91/0/10

    Figure/Form: Head -41/33
    Neck -21/20/20
    Chest -79/24
    Shoulder -83/-45/-2
    Abdomen -37/-38/17
    Arms -40/31/-100
    Forearms -22/-22/-100
    Hands -100/-12/-54
    Waist 2/-54
    Thigh -25/-20/-39
    Legs -13/-25/-40
    Ankles -56/-60

    Height: 6'1"

    Taunt: Raising Arms
    Entrance: Music/Original 1
    Moves/Billy Kidman

    Moveset: Superstar 40
    Special: Diving Elbow Drop Pin 2

    Norman Smiley (Courtesy of RNotyalc@aol.com)

    hair: 122 (9, -90) (-28)
    eyebrows 8 (-92, -80) (-51)
    eyes 6 (-90, -3)
    face morphing 14
    eyes (-3, -100) (-65, -55)
    nose (-18, 25) (-47, 51)
    cheek (-86)
    mouth (28, 4)
    jaw (20, 6) (-4)
    moustache 44 (-89, -48) (-29)
    moustache 29 (15) (-86, -62) (-19)
    face accesories 76 (97, -67) (1)
    shoes blank 10 (-49) (-67, 22) (9)
    underwear blank 1 (-69, 20) (21)

    skin color 7

    head (12) (13)
    neck (-54, -38) (23)
    chest (-38, 15)
    shoulders (-54, -8) (-12)
    abdomen (21, 1) (36)
    arms (-1, 0) (-29)
    forearms (-22, -10) (-88)
    hands (-89, -12) (-39)
    waist (9, -38)
    thigh (-5, 9) (-27)
    legs (12, -5) (-53)
    ankles (-47, -36)

    height 6'1"

    name: Norman Smiley
    ring name: Screamin'
    nickname: Norman
    man, heavyweight, face

    I gave him Chuck's entrance moves and movie, and HBK's music...
    it works out really well for him

    I made a Big Wiggle taunt too... you start with the She-Devil
    taunt base in Dancing

    base - dancing - she devil
    face- "happy", then "right wink"
    neck- "to both sides" (stretch to fit the whole length)
    right arm/hand- "I'm talking to you", then "listening"
    (stretch to fit the length of the taunt)
    left arm- "move away" (stretch to fit length of taunt)

    Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli (Courtesy of ReyMysterio02 on gamefaqs.com)

    Body Normal
    Skin 2
    Face 22
    figure (15,-52)
    shape (39,39)
    eyes 7
    eyebrows 2
    hair 4 (88,-17)
    underwear 6 (3,-70)
    Mustache 17 Trancparnecy(-48)Color(-93,-3)Shade (-42)
    Mustache 5 tancparnecy(-40) Color(27,-96)
    Face Accessories 85
    elbow pad Blank 1 Color (-45,-100)
    elbow pad Blank 12 Color (-21,62) Shade (-100)
    Wrist bands Blank 11 Length(-71) Colors (-44,100)
    Gloves Blank 12 Color (22,-100)
    Knee Pads Blank 3 Color (-19,-100)
    Shoes Blank 12 Color (8,-100)
    Pattern Body Flag 16 times reduce once move to the back and place center on the butt

    Pattern Right Arm Sample 2 Reduce 1 put up by close to shoulder blade but
    3 steps down from the blade of the shoulder turn it once

    7-نصائح مفيدة:
    1-يجب اللعب علي الاقل ساعتين في اليوم
    2-العب بمصارع او اثنين وليس اكثرو اكثر من اللعب بهم
    3-نوع ضربات مصارعيك حتي تتعود عليها جميعا
    4-لاتمليء السماك و افرغها واملي الماكس حتي تكون اللعبة اكثر واقعية فلا يمكن ان يبدا مصارع مباراته بتنفيذ ضربة قضية(s)
    5- لا تتسرع في الدخل للسيسون قبل ان تجيد اللعب
    8-صور للعبة:

    الموضوع متعوب فيه جداااااااااااااااااا يرجي عدم النقل

  2. #2
    دار إبن صباح ديار العز والسلام (( الكويت ))
    ألف ألف شكر يا خوى

    صراحة موضوع فى قمة الروعه 0

    ولو إنى قارئ شئ من نفس القبيل بس صراحة حاط إضافات روعه0


    كلمات بسيطة ضعها في توقيعك لتقرأها وليقرأها غيرك

    ستجدها يوم القيامة وقد رجحت كفتك بإذن الله

    سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده

    استغفر الله الذي لا إله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه

    لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي

    ويميت وهو حي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير


  3. #3

  4. #4
    Jeddah - England
    الصراحة موضوع طويل وحلووو ومفيد ...

    الف الف الف شكر لـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــك ...

  5. #5

  6. #6
    الـف شكر لك أخوي princevevo

    والله سجلت فالمنتدى على شان اشكرك ..... بالفعـل تقرير روعـه

    واستمتعـت بقرائتـه .... الف الف الف شكر


    لعمل حركة الخصم : أضغط على مش مظبوطة معايا L1 + L2 أذا كنت تملك اثنتين من نقاط ( أيقونات ) الرحركات الخاصة ..

    حاول و جرب مرة ثانيـة .... لأني دايم استعملهـا ;-)

    راح تطلع عندك كلمة سماك داون بالأحمـر :-)

    تحيـــــــــــاتي لك
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Baggio 4 Arab ; 30-04-2003 الساعة 03:41 AM

  7. #7

  8. #8
    أشكرك على الموضوع الأكثر من روعه والصراحه أحلى موضوع;-)

  9. #9
    المملكة العربية السعودية
    مشكور بس مافيه لبس الروك وهو بدون شعر..
    الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة ًçٌوك.jpg‏  

  10. #10

    ذا روك:

    New Look Rock:

    Skin Color (-86,-24,6)

    Layer List:
    Skin 8
    Cheeks – Face Edit – Cheeks 9 – Face Model 15
    Eyebrows (12,13)
    Eyes (0,0)(12,100)
    Nose (41,25)(-9,15)
    Cheeks (12)
    Mouth (-40,12)
    Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

    Eyes 28 (-92,-38,0)
    Eyebrows 9 (100,-89,-100,0)
    Hair 4 (-91,-33,0)
    Underwear (Default)

    Mustache 7 (-1,-100,-3,-100)
    Mustache 4 (-50,-100,11,-100)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-75,21,-100,0) Place under bottom lip
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-89,21,-16,-100) Place this to the side of his lips on HIS left side. I don’t know what it is, but the ingame version has it
    Accessories 65 (32,-85,-62,0)
    Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate 1x)(-81,21,-100,0) Place directly on nose as high as possible
    Accessories 72 (100,-96,-27,3)

    The next two layers are full-stops to cover up his nostrils a bit so they aren’t quite so prominent:
    Face – Letters – Alphabet (Font Type 1 – 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33) Place over part of left nostril on outer edge
    Face – Letters – Alphabet (Font Type 1 – 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33) Place over part of right nostril on outer edge

    The next four patterns make the “frown” inbetween the eyebrows. Essentially from his right eye to his left eye it goes “/][\” (You’ll see what I mean)
    1) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x) Place going from his right eyebrow down to where you can see a feint frown line already (-82,23,-100,0)
    2) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 2 across and 6 down) (Look like an “r”)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) Place joining on from previous pattern over the frown line nearest his right eye (-82,23,-100,0)
    3) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 3 across and 5 down) “[“ (Reduce 3x) Place over frown line nearest his left eye (-82,23,-100,0)
    4) Face - Letters – Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x) Place going previous pattern to his left eyebrow (-82,23,-100,0)

    Body Parts:
    Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo 42 (Reduce 1x)(10,2,-77,-100) Place halfway between shoulder and elbow, on side of arm
    Shoes - Blank 12 (-49,-100,-46,0)
    Pants – Blank 12 (-92,-37,-50)

    Hair to 1 (No Hair)
    Cheeks - Face Edit – Cheeks 9 – Face Model 15
    Eyebrows (12,13)
    Eyes (0,39)(12,100)
    Nose (41,2)(-9,15)
    Cheeks (12)
    Mouth (-40,12)
    Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

    Belt 9 (100,-86,-100,0)
    The next three patterns make the buckle on the belt: (See pic)
    Body – Pattern – Simple 159 (Reduce 3x)(100,-68,27,-30) Place over belt buckle in centre
    Body – Pattern – Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place to OUR left of previous pattern so that only half of circle sticks out
    Body – Pattern – Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place on opposite side of square so only half of circle sticks out
    Body – Pattern – WWE 58 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-100,0) Place on belt buckle
    Left Arm – Pattern – Tattoo 10 (-45,41,-3,-22) Place on shoulder so half is visible from front
    Vest – Blank 1 (Press Circle once) (100,-100,-43,-16)


    Head (-41,100)
    Neck (-57,-38)(-44)
    Chest (-2,14)
    Shoulder (-66,-11)(-12)
    Abdomen (-12,-23)(36)
    Arms (-44,12)(-68)
    Forearms (-43,-5)(-100)
    Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
    Waist (2,-29)
    Thigh (-17,-16)(-15)
    Legs (0,-21)(-6)
    Ankles (-47,-36)

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
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  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك