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الموضوع: جميع اسرار GTA3 (جميع الاسلحة)(الدبابة) وهناك الكثير بسرعة ادخل وش تنتظر جميع الاسرار

  1. #1

    Thumbs up جميع اسرار GTA3 (جميع الاسلحة)(الدبابة) وهناك الكثير بسرعة ادخل وش تنتظر جميع الاسرار

    ملاحضة اي واحد ما يفهم يقول وشوا وأنا مستعد اترجم للي ما عرف شئ

    باسم الله:

    Free Tank:
    Put all weapons away and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle voila! Free tank! I just hope when you try it you don't get smooshed like I have hahaha.

    Increase Wanted Meter:
    During gameplay press R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right.

    Clear Wanted Meter:
    During gameplay press R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

    Clear Weather:
    During gameplay press L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle.

    Stormy Weather:
    During gameplay press L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square.

    Rainy Weather:
    During gameplay press L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle.

    Foggy Weather:
    During gameplay press L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, X.

    Control Time:
    During gameplay press Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

    Blow Up All Cars:
    During gameplay press L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1.

    Who Are Ya? (very cool):
    During gameplay press Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right.

    Wear Any Outfit:
    During gameplay press Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right

    Violent People:
    During gameplay press Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1.

    People Have Weapons:
    During gameplay press R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down.

    Sluggish Turning:
    During gameplay press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1.

    Dodo Car Mode:
    During gameplay press R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle.

    All Weapons:
    During gameplay press R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

    Full Armor:
    During gameplay press R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

    Full Health:
    During gameplay press R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.

    Nasty Limbs Cheat: (note: no message or sound confirms this code but it works)
    During gameplay press Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X


    Secret Car:
    In the first part of the game in Portland you can get one of the best cars - the Banshee. Go to 8 Ball's auto yard. Right next door is an auto dealership. In side you will see a blue sports car that looks like a dodge viper, that's it, Bullets don't work on the glass so don't bother. Steal any of the cars in the parking lot and drive it into the glass, the glass will break and then just jump in the banshee and it is now at your disposal. Note: There is a secret pack near the car.

    Special Car:
    The BF Injection (buggy) when you finish your missions in portland. Travel from Straton island to portland and check it near the telephone of the boss El Burro.

    Steal Cars w/ Alarms without Being Detected:
    If you want to hack a car that has an alarm get in the car, and as soon as the alarm goes on, get out of the car and wait until it turns off then go back and steal it. (It also works if you bump the car with another one)

    My Whoopty:
    If you have a nice car that is really beat up, just put it back into your garage, when you open the garage door the car will be in perfect condition!

    Easy Cash:
    To get more cash just hit other cars with your car or mess up your car so bad that it explodes then you get extra cash.

    The Hooker Cheat:
    This works with hookers to get your health up. Drive up to a hooker on the passenger side of the car and park next to her. She will bend over and talk to you. Stay there for a while and she will get in. Then take her to an alley or a hidden place. The car will begin to shake (wonder why) and your health will go up. After a while she'll get out repeat the process until you have full health. This only works when cops aren't chasing you and it doesn't work when driving cop cars, semi-trucks, buses, taxis or firetrucks. So just use a normal car.

    Hooker Cheat Pt2:
    For some real fun after she gets out you can run her over, shoot her or beat her down. She drops all her money that she took from you. Hahahahahaha free money, fun and most of all free health when you do this.

    Easier Bosses:
    An easy way to take out bosses is instead of fighting them get a good car before the fight like a Hum-V or a pickup truck and just ram them. Then they get out after their car is screwed up and just run him over. Much easier then taking him on in shooting wars.

    Drive By Shootings:
    To do a drive by shooting hold R2 + Circle also L2 + Circle with R2 he will shoot right and L2 left. He will stick out his hand threw the window and shoot. This only works with the UZI though. Good way to take out bosses to pull up next to them and shoot shoot them.

    Be Careful:
    When you kill people on the street they drop money. Try and kill Hookers, drug dealers and the old guys because they drop the most money. Be careful with drug dealers and gangster. Their fellow gang-bangers will be out in force for you.

    Flamethrower Location:
    In Portland go to Hepburn Heights. Right next to the projects is a train platform. Jump on it and go to your left. Keep going until you reach the building that is really close to the track. You should see the flamethrower on the roof top. Jump over and get it and now you have a flamethrower.

    Free Shotgun:
    If you steal a cop car you automaticly get a free shotgun.

    Little Secret Packages:
    Everywhere in Portland you will come across some little floating packages. Collect ten of these and you automatically get a pistol that respawns at your safehouse.

    Good Stuff:
    Load up, with a heavy machine gun, bullet proof vest and life. In Portland go to Toni's, then head west right next to it you should see a Mafia Sentinel (black car). Go behind the building where the car is parked and go down the steps there should be the gun and the vest. The life is on the opposite side of the building.

    Substance Abuse:
    Get doped up on pills. Go to the hospital in Portland, in the front you will see stairs on the left wing of the hospital (closer to the tracks). Go up the stairs/ramp and there will be a pill floating. Take it, now you experience a slow motion feeling and can hit people so hard they will fly up 20 feet in the air.

    Drive Over the Train Rails:
    When the train stations are open drive a car inside and get it on the rails. You can now drive through the tunnels from one town to another (be careful if a train hits you you're roast).

    I'm In The Army Now:
    You can steal a tank if you are able to get six "stars". When you get to six, the army will come, just wait for the soldiers to exit the tank, kill them and you've got a tank.

    I Need a Vest:
    If you get in a S.W.A.T. van you can get armor.

    Free S.W.A.T. Vehicle:
    In the Second District find the police station. If the cop car is unlocked the gate will open for you to go behind the station. If it is locked run up the steps and along the side of the building until you come to a railing and you see the gate below you. Just jump the rail and go behind. Theres a cop car and a S.W.A.T. vehicle thats always unlocked. Drive safely....or not!

    Free Health:
    When you steal an ambulence you will get 25% health. Good if you go on a rampage.

    Free Petrol Bombs:
    If you go behind the supermarket in Portland there is a tunnel which leads to 8-balls bomb shop. In the center of this tunnel are 4 women talking if you run them all down. One of them will drop some petrol bombs.

    First Asuka Mission:
    "Sayonara Salvatore" This only works if you still have the sniper rifle from the Columbian Cartel misson. You can also buy one from Ammu-Nation. If you park down the street from Luigi's sex club you can zoom in and get a good shot at the alley way Salvatore comes out of, now just wait and pop him as he walks to his car.

    How to Steal a Squad Car:
    Since the doors are usually locked, you need to go on the right-hand side and press Triangle. The door is still locked but now the cop will get out on the driver side and come around to where you are to bust you. Don't wait run around to drives side when he gets out and now the door is unlocked. The squad car is now yours!

    Get Infinity Shotgun Ammo:
    Go to ammo-nation then kill the man with the shotgun (WARNING: He will try to shoot you with it). Then get out, go far away then come back and he should be there. Repeat this code and you will get so much ammo for the shotgun.

    Extra Mission:
    In Portland by the docks there is a Hum-V that you can steel. Steel it and you will activate the Patriot Playground mission. In this mission you have to collect 15 hard to get checkpoints withen 20 secons of each other.

    Shooting From Boats:
    When you first start on Staunton Island if you go down to the docks you should see a police boat on the opposite dock. Get a boat and sail across. Steal the police boat, if you press O it will fire twin machine guns.

    Little Secret Packages Part 2:
    After collecting 20 'secret packages' the Uzi will spawn at your hideout! (For every 10 packages you collect, something new will spawn at your hideout).

    October 17:
    If you blow up a car under the bridge in Staunton Island (you know the road that has the other one over it), people will jump off the higher road and kill themselves trying to get a good look. It's really funny.

    Mafia Mission:
    On the last mafia mission were you have to blow up the ship, save your game before you start it so you don't have to come back and spend another hundred thousand. A good spot to shoot from is from the building directly next to the ship. There is a staircase opposite of the entry ramp to the ship. Go up it and get on the roof. you can then get a very good view. Shoot the first two guys next to the ramp and then take everyone out on the ship from left to right. That will insure success. on the next mission, do what it says on the pager instead of the mission.

    Extra Cars:
    In Garage Your garage in Staunton can hold way more than 2 cars. To add more cars, simply drive right up to the garage door. Get out and when it opens, immediately jump back into your car and drive it in there. For bigger, slower vehicles like the Patriot, leave a car hanging halfway out to keep the door open while you drive more cars in.

    Get into the Prison on Level 2:
    On level 2 choose a really fast car (Farriar gt)(Cop Car) and drive as fast as possible down towards the bridge that leads to the prison. Jump off the bridge at your top speed and veer towards the left, once your on top of the wall jump out of your car real quick before it falls into the river. Follow the wall around to the left, you will see stairs leading down into the prison.(this will definitely take a few try's) But once inside I find it humorous to kill the unarmed prisoners.

    Make Money From Stupid People At The L-Train:
    Just hang out at the L-train station when it's busy and watch the tracks as a train arrives. If there are enough pedestrians, some of them will run into the train and die on contact. Just walk by the bodies and gather up money.

    Reducing You # of Wanted Stars:
    First if you have too many cops chasing you and you want to get rid of them take the train all the way until all the stars are gone. Or just car-jack a cop car and stay away from the cops for a while.

    Drop That Thing:
    Find a car that makes a funny sound when you get in. Those are hydraulics. These cars are usually red with a brown soft top and silver rims, they are often found in Staunton Iisland. The trick to making the car hop is by pressing the R3 button to make it drop and the L3 button to make it rock from side to side. It's pretty neat once you figure out how to make it do all the tricks.

    New Taxi:
    If you do the taxi job, and you picked a 100 people up you will find a new taxi in Harwood.

    Kill the Last Boss in Portland:
    To kill Salvatore, wait at his house with a Bobcat or a hummer. When he pulls into the garage, follow him in and keep ramming him. He will get out of his car with a huge @$$ gun and start shooting. Keep going back and forth running him over and he will eventually die. Try to get a car as fast as possible because the rest of the mafia will be after you with shot guns!


    *Bug Warning*
    Bad Bug:
    I've found a VERY bad bug. DO NOT save the game with a Barracks OS (Military Troop Transport) in your garage. This, from what I've seen, results in an inability to recover said game, and also an inability to save a GTA3 game properly on that particular memory card again. You can try to save with the Barracks OS, but DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

    GameShark Codes
    (M) Must Be On

    All Weapons Available At Safehouse (Exit the safehouse area until the pager goes off.)

    Firemen Don't Get Out
    1C8B3B9815F6E79D 1C8B3B9C1456E7A5

    Medics Don't Get Out 1C8B4A4815F6E79D 1C8B4A4C1456E7A5

    Never Wanted

    No Damage From Collisions While Driving

    Tons Of Cash
    Inf Health

    Inf Armor

    Inf Handgun Ammo

    Inf Uzi Ammo

    Inf Shotgun Ammo

    Inf Ammo AK47

    Inf Ammo Heavy Machine Gun

    Inf Flame Thrower

    Inf Molotovs

    Inf Grenades

    Inf Rockets

    الارقام الي بالعربي احسبها بالنجليزي

  2. #2
    ":" ":"
    تبغى الحقيقه ما فهمت

  3. #3
    U Can Find Me In CSS..^^
    مشكوووووور اخوي

  4. #4
    ":" ":"


    لو سمحت ممكن تترجم بالعربي لبعض السيارات السرية والاسلحة

  5. #5
    المملـــ العربية السعودية ـــكة
    الله يعطيك العافية أخوي ....

    وتسلم على الأسرار الحلوة ...

    لك تحياتي ....


  6. #6
    هذه الاسرار اثناء اللعب(من اليمين الى اليسار)

    دبابة ببلاش:
    اولاً:افرغ خانة احتواء الاسلحة من الاسلحة وبعدها اضغط
    دائرة,دائرة,دائرة,دائرة,دائرة,دائرةL1,L2,R1 مثلث دائرة مثلث وتارا

    جو صافي:
    L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,L1 مثلث

    جو عاصف:
    L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,L1 مربع

    جو ممطر
    L2,R1,R2,R2,R1,L2,L1 دائرة

    هذا السر من اليسار الى اليمين

    تفجير جميع السيارات:واو: :

    ملاحضة:الكلمات الاخيرة من سر تفجير جميع السيارات ترتيبها كاتالي:

    بعد ار2 مثلث مربع دائرة مثلث

    واكمل في الرد القادم":"

  7. #7
    المملكه الarabia الsaudia - الرياض

    Cool شكرا

    شكرا يا بو سابقا

  8. #8


    عارفين كل شيء ما يحتاج اقولكم

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