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الموضوع: English Forum Requests

  1. #166

    رد: English Forum Requests


    السلام عليكم

    استفدت كثيرا من الاجابة الاولى لسؤالي وانا هنا مرة اخرى اريد ترجمة اضافيه لعدت جمل.

    الان مشكلتي هى لا اعرف كيف اركب الجمل بطريقة صحيحة.


    كيف اقول:

    - متى سيكون موعدي القادم مع الدكتور ؟

    - هل استطيع الحصول على موعد اقرب من هذا ؟

    Thanx in advance

    اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمد رسول الله

  2. #167
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    وعليكم السلام..

    - متى سيكون موعدي القادم مع الدكتور ؟
    ?ًWhen is my next appointment with the Doctor

    - هل استطيع الحصول على موعد اقرب من هذا ؟
    ?Can I get an appointment sooner than that
    ?Can I get an appointment anytime sooner

    I Hope you find this useful

  3. #168

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    وعليكم السلام..

    - متى سيكون موعدي القادم مع الدكتور ؟
    ?ًWhen is my next appointment with the Doctor

    - هل استطيع الحصول على موعد اقرب من هذا ؟
    ?Can I get an appointment sooner than that
    ?Can I get an appointment anytime sooner

    I Hope you find this useful

    great ,, thanx for your efort

    اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمد رسول الله

  4. #169

    Exclamation رد: English Forum Requests

    thanks man for this sites but actully i need dictionary to download it do you get me i don't wanna use the web while using it thanks anyway waiting your rebly

  5. #170

    رد: English Forum Requests

    الى محترفى الترجمة
    الرجاء الاهتمام بترجمة هذا الخطاب الى الانجليزية ولكم جزيل الشكر

    يسعدني في البداية أن أتقدم بخالص الشكر والتحية الى سيادتكم بأسم شركة الريم لتنظيم المعارض والمؤتمرات ويشرفنا ان نقوم بالتعاون معكم فى استضافة عملاء الشركة لديكم نظرا لما يحظى به فندقكم من موقعاً مثالياً متوسطاً في قلب نشاط الأعمال والنشاط التجاري والعديدً من المميزات التى تجعله فى مقدمة فنادق القاهرةمما يؤكدعلى انه ذات طبيعة فريدة جعلته يجمع بين الحياة العملية واستعراض وممارسة الأنشطة السياحية الجزابة.

    لقد حققت الريمإنجازات ملموسة فى مجال تنظيم المعارض الداخلية والخارجية بفضل إتباع قواعد ونظم إدارية جديدة تواكب التطورات والمتغيرات الاقتصادية الدولية ،مع إعادة تشكيل سلة الأسواق إضافة إلى رفع جودة الخدمات والسلع كما ان الترويج والتسويق سوف ينصب على أسواق جديدة ذات إنفاق مرتفع للوصول إلى مناخ استثماري جذاب وشفاف يعطي الأمان والطمأنينة للمستثمر المحلي والعربي

    نظراً لارتفاع معدل زيادة عدد عملاء الشركة ، نرجو من سيادتكم أن تقوموا بمعاونتنا فى إستضافة عملاء الشركة لديكم ، فى الفترات القادمة "عام 2007" حيث ان هذه الفترة سوف تشهد اقبالا شديدا.

  6. #171
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    hod hod

    this is what I've
    the first one is : E.A.Poe
    the man needs no introduction, and everything about him is strange
    be it his life, work or even his mysterious death
    this site provides plenty of informations regarding Poe


    the other one is: T.S.Eliot
    now I'm not that familiar with his private life
    but his works sure are strange
    I don't have much information about him so, I can't help you out
    more than that
    for the time being, thats all
    but if you're looking for other writers-not poets-I can help
    you with a few names

    I hope you find this useful
    be safe

  7. #172

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    hod hod

    this is what I've
    the first one is : E.A.Poe
    the man needs no introduction, and everything about him is strange
    be it his life, work or even his mysterious death
    this site provides plenty of informations regarding Poe

    the other one is: T.S.Eliot
    now I'm not that familiar with his private life
    but his works sure are strange
    I don't have much information about him so, I can't help you out
    more than that
    for the time being, thats all
    but if you're looking for other writers-not poets-I can help
    you with a few names

    I hope you find this useful
    be safe
    thanks bro
    i liked first one
    if you can bro give my names of dramatists and writers in same situations what i said in my topic
    i realy need many names in my research
    thanks bro

  8. #173
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    hello again, sis

    I'm somewhat busy right now so, take these names
    for now, and I'll give some more later on tonight

    Vector Hugo had a strange habit of writing while
    he is standing up, supposedly thats how he wrote his masterpiece Les Miserables

    now this dude was a mess, he never wrote anything unless he was lying down
    with a "cushion" under his armpit and blue papers to write on
    in addition to all that he was kicked out from school due to some "mental" problems
    I'm not sure wither he was in high school or elementary school when that happened

    Hemingway used to write 500 words per day, it was more like a belief rather than
    just a "habit"

    thats all for now, I'll give you some more after I go throw my books tonight
    and by the way, Are you studying English literature? if I may ask of course

  9. #174

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    hello again, sis

    I'm somewhat busy right now so, take these names
    for now, and I'll give some more later on tonight

    Vector Hugo had a strange habit of writing while
    he is standing up, supposedly thats how he wrote his masterpiece Les Miserables

    now this dude was a mess, he never wrote anything unless he was lying down
    with a "cushion" under his armpit and blue papers to write on
    in addition to all that he was kicked out from school due to some "mental" problems
    I'm not sure wither he was in high school or elementary school when that happened

    Hemingway used to write 500 words per day, it was more like a belief rather than
    just a "habit"

    thats all for now, I'll give you some more after I go throw my books tonight
    and by the way, Are you studying English literature? if I may ask of course

    thanks bro
    do not push on yourself
    whenever you can please bring the rest
    Belzac sounds to be suitable to
    my research
    and yes you can ask of course
    yes iam studying english
    but, in my university in the first year we study only skills (reading,writing.speaking and lessening and grammar)
    now in the scond year iam studying introduction to literature...
    you can see i am beginner
    from my weakness in writing
    actually i need these names on another lecturet which is
    research methods

    thanks bro you realy realy helped me

  10. #175
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    Good morning, hod hod

    Dr. Alice Flaherty

    I don't know here but, according to some strange article I found, she is a Harvard neurologist with an outlandish mental problem
    check this out

    Dr. Alice Flaherty, a Harvard neurologist, had a writing problem. During a severe bout of postpartum depression three years ago, she wrote so compulsively that the sight of a blank computer screen gave her a narcotic rush. Worried about damaging her family, Flaherty started taking a psychiatric drug to calm her mood swings -- and found that, although ideas still churned in her brain, she was no longer able to put them on paper. It was an excruciating case of writer's block. Thus begins her exploration of "hypergraphia" -- a term used by doctors to describe the overwhelming desire to write -- and its agonizing opposite

    thats strange for sure

    L.Ron Hubbard

    This man was a science fiction writer, but his books sucked and nobody wanted them, so he somehow decided to come up with a religion, and thus scientology was born..
    according to him, human beings are the left overs of an ancient alien civilization called the Thetans, who were brought to earth 75,000,000 years ago and executed inside Hawaiian volcanoes by Xenu, Evil Overlord of the universe!!!
    and we're whats left from their immortal souls(!!)
    thats downright insane!!
    anyway, I found some indications to some sort of mental illness in this mans' background but that was just about it, I couldn't find anymore details, my guess is he had someone take care of it, you know now him being hot-shot and all, he don't need that kind of publicity!!
    if I find anything else, you'll see it here
    P.S: most of the famous writers I know have somewhat "normal" issues, like drinking problems and gambling problems, maybe some strange habits like writing only at night or while standing up..if you're looking for that sort of things, I've a couple more names!


  11. #176

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    Good morning, hod hod

    Dr. Alice Flaherty

    I don't know here but, according to some strange article I found, she is a Harvard neurologist with an outlandish mental problem
    check this out

    thats strange for sure

    L.Ron Hubbard

    This man was a science fiction writer, but his books sucked and nobody wanted them, so he somehow decided to come up with a religion, and thus scientology was born..
    according to him, human beings are the left overs of an ancient alien civilization called the Thetans, who were brought to earth 75,000,000 years ago and executed inside Hawaiian volcanoes by Xenu, Evil Overlord of the universe!!!
    and we're whats left from their immortal souls(!!)
    thats downright insane!!
    anyway, I found some indications to some sort of mental illness in this mans' background but that was just about it, I couldn't find anymore details, my guess is he had someone take care of it, you know now him being hot-shot and all, he don't need that kind of publicity!!
    if I find anything else, you'll see it here
    P.S: most of the famous writers I know have somewhat "normal" issues, like drinking problems and gambling problems, maybe some strange habits like writing only at night or while standing up..if you're looking for that sort of things, I've a couple more names!


    thanks bro
    you realy helped me
    but i want to take your opinion
    about something
    if you were me what would
    you write about
    let me explain my research
    i have to write about some one who people divide into two parts on his or her life
    for example
    poet has mental problems
    some people said this mental problems had effect on his poetry
    and some people are not
    this is the main idea of my research
    ?what do think

    which one is more suitable for my research?

    sorry for annoying you

  12. #177
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    yo, hod hod
    My nose is running today
    and the Fever is taking over me
    so, maybe tomorrow

  13. #178

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    yo, hod hod

    My nose is running today
    and the Fever is taking over me
    so, maybe tomorrow
    ok bro
    take your time

  14. #179
    في جانب النجوم

    رد: English Forum Requests

    hello again, sis
    If I were you and this was my research, I would-most definitely-write about people I'm quite familiar with their works, so I would have my own personal take on the subject along side with what other people have to say.
    and as I remember you once wrote a topic about the books you red, obviously..you're quite the book freak, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to come up with names, do some background researches and you'll be amazed!!
    anyway, my own personal list will be this:

    -E.A.Poe as my primary candidate
    - Belzac, while he is not a perfect match like Poe, but he had his own fare share of issues
    - Mark Twain, while this man have no mental problems, it is the way his brain functions and deals withe the tragic events in life what amazes me, he somehow managed to become even more sarcastic after every tragedy event in his life, and I find that rather interesting.

    now, throw some samples of their works here and there, write down your comments, connect those samples to whatever issue the writer had and explain why do you think this passage is affected by it.
    all in all, you can easily have 10 nice pages
    and I think thats more than enough
    Allah y3enik sis
    and hopefully you'll get what you want!


  15. #180

    رد: English Forum Requests

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة dream catcher مشاهدة المشاركة
    hello again, sis

    If I were you and this was my research, I would-most definitely-write about people I'm quite familiar with their works, so I would have my own personal take on the subject along side with what other people have to say.
    and as I remember you once wrote a topic about the books you red, obviously..you're quite the book freak, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to come up with names, do some background researches and you'll be amazed!!
    anyway, my own personal list will be this:

    -E.A.Poe as my primary candidate
    - Belzac, while he is not a perfect match like Poe, but he had his own fare share of issues
    - Mark Twain, while this man have no mental problems, it is the way his brain functions and deals withe the tragic events in life what amazes me, he somehow managed to become even more sarcastic after every tragedy event in his life, and I find that rather interesting.

    now, throw some samples of their works here and there, write down your comments, connect those samples to whatever issue the writer had and explain why do you think this passage is affected by it.
    all in all, you can easily have 10 nice pages
    and I think thats more than enough
    Allah y3enik sis
    and hopefully you'll get what you want!


    thanks bro
    yes i read many novels but i was not care about writers so much
    E.A .Poe i think he is suitable to me XD
    thanks bro for helping me
    when i get my mark for my research i will tell you about it XD

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