شرح للتسجيل في سيرفر WoWscape

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وظيفته أنه يبدلك الريلم بضغطه فقط ثم يشغلك اللعبة بدون حاجة لفعل هذا يدويا

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هذا الأكاونت ليس له علاقة بأكاونت Blizard الأصلي... لا من قريب ولامن بعيد

بعد التسجيل انتظر 10 دقائق ثم شغل اللعبة...

سجل دخولك إلى اللعبة بالأكاونت والباسبورد الذي سجلت فيه في هذا السيرفر الخاص من الصفحة السابقة

ثم إضغط على Change relem

ستجد 5 Relems

1- WoWscape
Fun Serve
Running on: Ascent
Server Version: 2.4.x Official Patch
Level Max: 70
Player Cap: 8000
Location: Texas, USA (CST)

Drop rates
Rate.Drop.Items = 40x
Rate.Drop.Money = 40x

XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 60x
Rate.XP.Quest = 60x
Rate.XP.Explore = 60x

2- Wowlegion

Running on: Ascent
Server Version: 2.4.x Official Patch
Level Max: 70
Player Cap: 8000
Location: Texas, USA (CST)

Drop rates
Rate.Drop.Items = 2x
Rate.Drop.Money = 2x

XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 3x
Rate.XP.Quest = 3x
Rate.XP.Explore = 3x

3- WoWcrake

Running on: Ascent
Server Version: 2.4.x Official Patch
Level Max: 70
Player Cap: 8000
Location: Texas, USA (CST)

Drop rates
Rate.Drop.Items = 8x
Rate.Drop.Money = 8x

XP rates
Rate.XP.Kill = 10x
Rate.XP.Quest = 10x
Rate.XP.Explore = 10x

4- WoWstorm
سيرفر سوف يكون فيه تعديلات كثيرة وهو جديد...


WowStorm will be a dedicated and serious instance and raiding server.
As many mobs (especially inside instances) as possible will have AI so they will use a full range of abilities and spells.
WowStorm will not be strictly bliz-like:
  • Some changes will be made to existing items and mobs.
  • AI will be designed to replicate or emulate retail and make the mob/instance a challenge rather than to make it exactly bliz-like.
  • Carefully balanced custom (WowScape designed) content; items, mobs and instances will be added.
Our intention is to make the over-all-experience like-retail, in that leveling, getting gear (especially the best gear in the game) is an achievement and something to be proud of.
In order to achieve on WowStorm, players will need to know how to play their classes, how to function in both dungeon and instance groups, and most likely be organized, in a guild and probably on voice-chat to coordinate raids.

Players will start at level 60.
Rates will be 1x.
Players will level via (the usual BC based) quests/grinding/dungeons/instances.
Instance attunement (as per retail) will be in place, so players must be attuned to instances before they can enter.
Instance difficulty will be graded such that lower level dungeons and instances must be completed before higher end-game instances are possible to complete.
Player level cap will be gradually raised to 74 as new content is added:
  • Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman will become level 71 instances with updated gear, mobs and bosses.
  • Zul'Farrak, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj will become level 72-73 instances with updated gear, mobs and bosses.
  • Molten Core, Blackwing Lair and adjacent instances will be updated to level 73-74.
  • A number of 'intermediate custom item sets' will be introduced, including a 5 piece set for each class at lvl 71, 3 and 5 piece sets at lvl 72.
  • At level 74 a full range of 'custom item sets' will be added.
  • A range of Legendary weapons will be introduced for level 74, each with 'epic' requirements.
معلومات عن بعض الإتيمز اللي بتكون في السيرفر هذا فقط يعني أصحاب السيرفر مسونها:
في هذا الرابط : http://forums.wowscape.net/index.php?showtopic=94104

أو انظروا الصور:

وهناك المزيد لكن لم يتم عرضها لتبقى مفاجئة هذي الايتم سيتز سوف تضاف والكثير تم عرض خاصة الوجو فقط لكن هناك الكثير

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