النتائج 1 إلى 10 من 10

الموضوع: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

  1. #1
    Silent hill <3

    بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    انا هلا بتعلم اللغة الاسبانية بالمدرسة

    وكتبت اكثر كلمات استخداما :

    الكلمة الاسبانية اللفظ معناها بالعربي

    hola اولا مرحبا

    &#191;c&#243;mo est&#225;s? كومو استا كيف حالك

    estoy bien استوي بيين انا بخير

    c&#243;mo te llamas كومو تي جاموس ما اسمك

    ma&#241;ana مانيانا غدا

    واذا بدكم المزيد من اللغات هذا موقع ترجمة

  2. #2
    حـــلا غير متصل عضــــوة قديــــرة
    Sector 5

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    اهلين قلبو اّنيلـــــــــــز ^.^
    شكراااا حبيبتي انا من عشاق اهل الفلامينغوو ^^
    واصلي نشاطكـ معاناااا ....... وبحفظ الرحمن ^_^

  3. #3
    IRAQ _ الـعراق

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    مشكوره على الكلمات
    و نريد ان تتعلم اكثر
    لذا واصلي في الكتابه
    وشكرا لكي

  4. #4

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    شكرا أخي اوباما وعندي هذه الكلمات ايضا بالاسباني

    كي باسا : ماذا هناك ( ماذا حصل)

    تيامو : احبك

    امبورتنتي : مهم

    فاميليتا : عائلة

    جراسياس : شكرا

    بورفامور : ارجوك

    اميجو : صديقي

    اميجا : صديقتي

    سي: نعم

    سبحان الله وبحمده .......... سبحان الله العظيم

  5. #5

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    شكرا على الكلمات و على الموقع

  6. #6

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    hola como estas todo?
    me llamo yassin yo vivo en espa&#241;a. espero poder ayudarle

  7. #7

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    سلام انليز
    هل بإمكاني إضافة بعض الكلمات

  8. #8

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    con mucho gusto=كُنْ موتشو كوسْتو =بكل فرح
    lo siento= لو سْيِنْتو= آسف
    por favor= بورْفَبورْ =من فضلك ( v=ب)
    perd&#243;n=بِرْدُنْ = عفواً
    buenos dias=بوينُسْ دِياس=صباح الخير
    buenas tardes=مساء الخير
    buenas noches=ليلة سعيدة
    hasta luego= هَستَ لويكو=إلى اللقاء

  9. #9

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    Regular Verb List
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "a"

    abastar = to supply
    absorber = to absorb
    abundar = abound
    afectar = to affect
    alarmar = to alarm
    alarmarse = to get alarmed
    alcanzar = to catch
    alegrar = to cheer up
    alegrarse = to be glad
    alejar = to move away
    alejarse = to go away
    alertar = to alert
    alimentar = to feed
    aliviar = to ease
    alojar = to lodge
    alojarse = to be lodged
    alquilar = to rent
    alterar = to alter
    alumbrar = to light up
    alzar = to lift
    amar = to love
    ambicionar = to aspire to
    amenazar = to threaten
    analizar = to analyse
    andar = to walk
    animar = to cheer up
    anotar = to annotate
    anular = to cancel
    anunciar = to announce
    a&#241;adir = to add
    apagar = to turn off
    aparcar = to park
    apartar = to separate
    apartarse = to part
    apilar = to pile up
    aplastar= to flatten
    aplaudir = to applaud
    aplazar = to postpone
    aplicar = to apply
    aprender = to learn
    aprovechar = to make good use of
    aprovecharse = to use
    apuntar = to take note
    apuntarse = to sign on
    apu&#241;alar = to stab
    archivar = to file
    arder = to burn
    arreglar = to fix up
    arrestar = to arrest
    arriesgar = to risk
    arrojar = to throw
    arropar = to cover
    arroparse = to wrap o.s up
    arruinar = to ruin
    arruinarse = to be ruined
    asar = to roast
    asear = to clean up
    asearse = to tidy o.s up
    asegurar to secure
    asemejar = to be alike
    asemejarse = to be alike
    asesinar = to murder
    asesorar = to advise
    asimilar = to assimilate
    asistir = to attend
    asociar = to associate
    asustar = to frighten
    atacar = to attack
    atar = to tie (up)
    aterrizar = to land
    aterrorizar = to terrify
    atrapar = to trap
    atrasar = to slow down
    aumentar = to increase
    avanzar = to advance
    averiguar = to find out
    avisar = to warn
    ayudar = to help
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "b"

    bailar = to dance
    bajar = to lower
    balancear = to balance
    ba&#241;ar= to bathe
    barrer = to sweep
    beber = to drink
    besar = to kiss
    bloquear = to block
    borrar = to erase
    bostezar = to yawn
    botar = to bounce
    boxear = to box
    brindar = to toast
    bromear = to joke
    bucear = to dive
    buscar = to look for
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "c"

    cagar = to shit
    calcular = to calculate
    cambiar = to change
    caminar = to walk
    cancelar = to cancel
    cansarse = to get tired
    cantar= to sing
    caracterizar = to characterize
    casar = to marry
    celebrar = to celebrate
    cenar = to have for supper
    certificar = to certify
    changarse = to break down
    chantajear = to blackmail
    charlar = to chat
    chillar = to scream
    chocar = to crash
    clasificar = to classify
    cobrar = to charge
    cocinar = to cook
    coincidir = to coincide
    colaborar = to collaborate
    colocar = to place
    combinar = to combine
    comentar = to comment
    comer = to eat
    comercializar = to commercialize
    comparar = to compare
    compartir = to share
    completar = to complete
    complicar = to complicate
    comportar = to behave
    comprar = to buy
    comprender = to understand
    comunicar = to communicate
    conceder = to concede
    concentrar = to concentrate
    conectar = to connect
    confiar = to trust
    confirmar = to confirm
    confundir = to confuse
    conllevar = to convey
    conservar = to conserve
    considerar = to consider
    consistir = to consist of
    consolidar = to consolidate
    consultar = to consult
    consumir = to consume
    contabilizar = to enter in the accounts
    contactar = to contact
    contagiar = to transmit
    contaminar = to contaminate
    contemplar = to contemplate
    contestar = to answer
    continuar = to continue
    contrastar = to contrast
    contratar = to contract for
    controlar = to control
    convivir = to live together
    convocar = to convoke
    cooperar = to cooperate
    copiar = to copy
    coquetear = to flirt
    correr = to run
    corresponder= to correspond
    cortar = to cut
    coser = to sew
    crear = to create
    creer = to believe
    criar = to bring up
    criticar = to criticize
    cruzar = to cross
    cubrir = to cover
    cuestionar = to question
    cuidar = to look after
    culpar = to blame
    cultivar = to cultivate
    culturizar = to educate
    cumplir = to fulfil
    curar = to cure
    curiosear = to glance at
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "d"

    da&#241;ar = to damage
    deber = to owe
    decidir = to decide
    dedicar= to decide
    deformar = to deform
    dejar = to leave
    depender = to depend
    deprimir = to depress
    derivar = to derive
    derramar = to spill
    derrotar = to beat
    desafiar = to challenge
    desarrollar = to develop
    desayunar = to have breakfast
    descansar = to rest
    descargar = to unload
    descifrar = to decipher
    describir = to describe
    descubrir= to discover
    descuidar = to neglect
    desear = to desire
    desempe&#241;ar = to perform
    desenroscar = to unscrew
    designar = to designate
    desistir = to desist
    desnudar = to undress
    desplazar = to displace
    despreciar = to despise
    destapar = to uncover
    destrozar = to smash
    detestar = to detest
    discutir = to discuss
    disfrutar = to enjoy
    disgustar = to annoy
    disparar = to shoot
    dividir = to divide
    doblar = to fold
    ducharse = to have a shower
    dudar = to doubt
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "e"

    echar = to throw
    educar = to educate
    efectuar = to effect
    ejecutar = to execute
    elaborar = to elaborate
    elevar = to raise
    eliminar = to eliminate
    elogiar = to praise
    emborracharse = to get drunk
    emitir = to emit
    emocionar = to excite
    emplear = to employ
    emprender = to undertake
    empujar = to push
    enamorarse = to fall in love
    encargar = to place an order
    enfadarse = to get angry
    enfermarse = to get ill
    enga&#241;ar = to deceive
    ensuciar = to soil
    entrar = to get in
    enviar = to send
    equivocarse = to be wrong
    escapar = to escape
    escribir = to write
    escuchar = to listen to
    esperar = to hope for
    esquiar = to ski
    estornudar = to sneeze
    estudiar = to study
    evaluar = to evaluate
    evitar = to avoid
    examinar = to examine
    excitar = to excite
    existir = to exist
    explicar = to explain
    expresar = to express
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "f"

    fabricar = to make
    facilitar = to facilitate
    fascinar = to fascinate
    fastidiar = to annoy
    felicitar = to congratulate
    finalizar = to end
    firmar = to sign
    formalizar = to formalize
    formar = to form
    frenar = to break
    fumar = to smoke
    funcionar = to function
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "g"

    ganar = to gain
    garantizar = to guarantee
    gastar = to spend
    generalizar = to generalize
    generar = to generate
    girar = to turn
    golpear = to hit
    gritar = to shout
    guardar = to keep
    guiar = to guide
    gustar = to like
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "h"

    habitar = to inhabit
    habituar = to accustom
    habituarse = to get used to
    hablar = to speak
    humillar = to humiliate
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "i"

    idealizar = to idealize
    idear = to think up
    identificar = to identify
    identificarse = to identify o.s. with
    imprimir = to print
    indicar = to indicate
    informar = to inform
    iniciar = to initiate
    insistir = to insist
    instalar = to install
    insultar = to insult
    intentar = to try
    interesar = to interest
    interrumpir = to interrupt
    inventar = to invent
    invitar = to invite
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "j"

    juntar = to join
    jurar = to swear
    justificar = to justify
    juzgar = to judge
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "k"

    kilometrar = to measure in kilometres
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "l"

    lanzar = to throw
    lavar = to wash
    lavarse = to wash
    leer = to read
    levantar = to raise
    levantarse = to get up
    limitar = to limit
    limpiar = to clean
    llamar = to call
    llamarse = to be called
    llegar = to arrive
    llenar = to fill
    llevar = to carry
    llorar = to cry
    luchar = to fight
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "m"

    manchar = to dirty
    mancharse = to get dirty
    mandar = to order
    matar = to kill
    mejorar = to improve
    memorizar = to memorize
    meter = to insert
    mirar = to look at
    modificar = to modify
    mojar = to wet
    molestar = to annoy
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "n"

    nadar = to wet
    narrar = to narrate
    necesitar = to need
    negociar = to negotiate
    nombrar = to name
    numerar = to number
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "o"

    observar = to observe
    odiar = to hate
    ofender = to offend
    olvidar = to forget
    omitir = to omit
    opinar = to think
    organizar = to organize
    orientar = to orientate
    originar = to originate
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "p"

    pagar = to pay
    parar = to stop
    partir = to split up
    pasar = to pass
    pasear = to walk
    perdonar = to pardon
    permitir = to permit
    planchar = to iron
    planear = to plan
    poseer = to possess
    practicar = to practise
    preceder = to precede
    preguntar = to ask
    preparar = to prepare
    prestar = to lend
    programar = to plan
    progresar = to progress
    prohibir = to prohibit
    pronunciar = to pronounce
    protestar = to protest
    provocar = to provoke
    pulsar = to press
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "q"

    quedar = to stay
    quedarse = to keep
    quejarse = to complain
    quemar = to burn
    quitar = to take away
    quitarse = to remove o.s.
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "r"

    razonar = to reason
    rechazar = to reject
    recibir = to receive
    recuperarse = to recuperate
    regresar = to return
    relacionar = to relate
    relacionarse = to be related
    relajar = to relax
    relajarse = to relax
    reparar = to repair
    repartir = to distribute
    repasar = to revise
    representar = to represent
    reservar = to reserve
    resfriarse = to catch a cold
    resistir = to resist
    respetar = to respect
    respirar = to breathe
    responder = to answer
    restar = to take away
    resultar = to turn out to be
    resumir = to summarize
    retrasar = to delay
    reunir = to reunite
    revolucionar = to revolutionize
    robar = to rob
    romper = to break
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "s"

    sacar = to take out
    saltar = to jump
    saludar = to greet
    seleccionar = to pick
    separar = to separate
    situar = to place
    solucionar = to solve
    soportar = to support
    sorprender = to surprise
    subir = to raise
    suceder = to happen
    superar = to overcome
    suspender = to suspend
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "t"

    tapar = to cover
    temer = to fear
    terminar = to end
    tirar = to throw
    tocar = to touch
    tocarse = to touch each other
    tolerar = to tolerate
    tomar = to take
    trabajar = to work
    tragar = to swallow
    transformar = to transform
    transmitir = to transmit
    transportar = to transport
    trasladar = to move
    tratar = to treat
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "u"

    unir = to join
    usar = to use
    utilizar = to use
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "v"

    vaciar = to empty
    valorar = to value
    variar = to vary
    vender = to sell
    ver = to see
    viajar = to travel
    vigilar = to watch
    visitar = to visit
    vivir = to live
    vomitar = to vomit
    votar = to vote
    Back to top
    Regular Spanish Verbs Starting with "x"

    xerocopiar = to photocopy

    Irregular Verb List
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "a"

    abastecer = to supply
    aborrecer = to loathe
    absolver = to absolve
    acertar = to get correct
    acoger = to welcome in
    almorzar = to have lunch
    aparecer = to appear
    aprobar = to approve
    ascender = to go up
    atender = to attend
    atravesar = to put across
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "b"

    bendecir = to bless
    bienquerer = to like, fond of
    blanquecer = to whiten
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "c"

    caber = to fit
    caer = to fall
    cerrar = to close
    coger = to take
    comenzar = to start
    componer = to make up
    comprobar = to check
    concordar = to agree
    conducir = to drive
    conocer = to know
    conseguir = to obtain
    construir = to construct
    contar = to count
    contener = to contain
    convencer = to convince
    convertir = to convert
    corregir = to correct
    costar = to cost
    crecer = to grow
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "d"

    dar = to give
    decir = to say
    defender = to defend
    definir = to define
    demostrar = to demonstrate
    desaparecer = to disappear
    descontar = to deduct
    despertar = to wake up
    devolver = to return
    distinguir = to distinguish
    divertir = to entertain
    doler = to hurt
    dormir = to sleep
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "e"

    elegir = to choose
    empezar = to start
    encender = to switch on
    encontrar = to find
    entender = to understand
    entretenerse = to destruct
    escoger = to choose
    establecer = to establish
    estar = to be
    exponer = to expose
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "f"

    favorecer = to favour
    florecer = to flower
    fluir = to flow
    fregar = to wash
    fre&#237;r = to fry
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "g"

    gobernar = to govern
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "h"

    haber = to have
    hacer = to make
    herir = to hurt
    huir = to escape
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "i"

    incluir = to include
    introducir = to introduce
    ir = to go
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "j"

    jugar = to play
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "m"

    manifestar = to show
    mantener = to maintain
    medir = to measure
    mentir = to lie
    merecer = to deserve
    merendar = to have tea
    morder = to bite
    morir = to die
    morirse = to die
    mostrar = to show
    mover = to move
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "n"

    nacer = to be born
    negar = to deny
    negarse = to refuse
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "o"

    obedecer = to obey
    obtener = to obtain
    ofrecer = to offer
    o&#237;r = to hear
    oler = to smell
    oponer = to put up
    oponerse = to be opposed
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "p"

    padecer = to suffer
    parecer = to look like
    parecerse = to be alike
    pedir = to ask for
    pensar = to think
    perder = to lose
    perderse = to get lost
    permanecer = to stay
    perseguir = to pursue
    petenecer = to belong
    pervertir = to corrupt
    poder = can
    pudrir = to rot
    poner = to put
    ponerse = to put
    posponer = to postpone
    predecir = to predict
    preferir = to prefer
    presuponer = to presuppose
    prevenir = to prevent
    probar = to try
    producir = to produce
    proponer = to propose
    proteger = to protect
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "q"

    querer = to want
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "r"

    recaer = to have a relapse
    recoger = to pick up
    recomendar = to recommend
    reconocer = to recognise
    recordar = to remember
    reducir = to reduce
    referir = to refer
    reforzar = to reinforce
    regar = to water
    reir = to laugh
    remover = to stir
    re&#241;ir = to tell off
    rendir = to wear out
    rendirse = to surrender
    renovar = to renovate
    repetir = to repeat
    reponer = to replace
    reponerse = to recover
    reproducir = to reproduce
    reproducirse = to reproduce
    resolver = to resolve
    restablecer = to reestablish
    retener = to retain
    retorcer = to twist
    reventar = to burst
    rogar = to beg
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "s"

    saber = to know
    salir = to go out
    seguir = to follow
    sentar = to sit
    sentir = to feel
    ser = to be
    serrar = to saw
    servir = to serve
    so&#241;ar = to dream
    soltar = to let go of
    sonar = to sound
    sonre&#237;r = to smile
    sostener = to support
    sugerir = to suggest
    suponer = to suppose
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "t"

    temblar = to tremble
    tender = to stretch
    tenderse = to stretch out
    tener = to have
    torcer = to twist
    traer = to bring
    transferir = to transfer
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "v"

    valer = to cost
    vencer = to beat
    venir = to come
    verter = to spill
    vestir = to dress
    volar = to fly
    volver = to turn around
    Back to top
    Irregular Spanish Verbs Starting with "z"

    zafarse = to escape
    zamparse = to gobble down
    zumbar = to buzz
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة jassin ; 10-05-2009 الساعة 10:40 PM سبب آخر: الأفعال بالإسبانية و الإنجليزية

  10. #10

    رد: بعض الكلمات في اللغة الاسبانية

    شكرا على الكلمات

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك