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الموضوع: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

  1. #151

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    والله ما بتصدقون شنو صارلييييييييييييييي واحد بيسوي quit عطاني sword 150 att وكان بيعطيني cape 10% str و top 15% str بس ما كان عندي space بعدين سويت space بس طلع حسافة
    الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة Maple3187.jpg‏  

  2. #152

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    عرفته هذا اللي اليوم في Broa وسو مسج انه بيترك اللعبة بس ما اعتقد لأنه في رول باك وشوف اللحين السيرفر مقفل وهو عارف انه الاشياء بترجع له بس كيف قابلته واعطاك الاغراض هل هو في نفس جيلدك ولا كيف لأني حاولت اسوي له ويسبر علشان اشتري منه بعض اغراضه بس ما كان يقبل انه اي احد يسوي له ويسبر وشفت 2 في الfm باعو الوايت سكرول والبينك سكرول اللي تجي 50% بميسو واحد بس وكله لأنهم عارفين أنه في رول باك بس يطلع حظك ذهب لو نيكسون جحدوهم وما سوو رول باك ساعتها أظن اللي اعطاك السورد بيبكي دم واذا بتبيع السوورد بالماكس ميسوس راسلني عالخاص منجد محتاج سورد قوي زي هذا
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة jon silvr ; 06-06-2011 الساعة 11:06 PM
    The death of someone dear is hard to accept
    We convince ourselves there's no way they could die
    you may try to fined meaning in death but there is only pain
    An unbearable haterd
    Senseless deaths
    Eternal hatred And pain that dose not heal

  3. #153

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    ان شاء الله ما يكون في رول باك
    c/o 5b
    هو كان في Ariant انا قلت بروح هناك عشان Blast 30 رحت هناك بعدين عطاني sword وانا ما سويت شي بس كنت اطالع كان بيعطيني بعد اغراض بس ما كان عندي مساحة بعدين قطيت شوي منهم بس طلع قبل ما اسويله trade مره ثانية وفي واحد كان موجود عطاه pants 15% str و cape 15% str و earrings 15% str و 2b و scg 15 att 3 lines epic

  4. #154

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اوهه موضوع جديد له ليش سكرو الموضوع القديم
    مشكور ع الموضوع الجديد خ مع انها جت متأخرة

    dupe hack back f4


  5. #155

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    السلام عليكم

    ممكن تدلوني من وين اقدر اجيب اخر قطة من

    الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة puzzel.jpg‏  

  6. #156

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة japos مشاهدة المشاركة
    اوهه موضوع جديد له ليش سكرو الموضوع القديم
    مشكور ع الموضوع الجديد خ مع انها جت متأخرة

    dupe hack back f4

    ال hack هذا بأي سيرفر ؟
    ومتى هل الكلام ؟

  7. #157

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة DeviLDrag0n مشاهدة المشاركة
    ان شاء الله ما يكون في رول باك
    c/o 5b
    هو كان في Ariant انا قلت بروح هناك عشان Blast 30 رحت هناك بعدين عطاني sword وانا ما سويت شي بس كنت اطالع كان بيعطيني بعد اغراض بس ما كان عندي مساحة بعدين قطيت شوي منهم بس طلع قبل ما اسويله trade مره ثانية وفي واحد كان موجود عطاه pants 15% str و cape 15% str و earrings 15% str و 2b و scg 15 att 3 lines epic
    wow 150 att لو مايصير رول باك والله بتفلها

  8. #158
    Brookhaven Hospital

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    ممكن guide حق الـ battle mage .. ؟

    قبل خبرتوني إن الـ yellow aura اخليها ليفل 1 بس .. والـ blood drain ماكــس .

    احين اشوف حركات الجوب الثالث شي حركة Pre-requisite: Level 10 Dark Aura, Level 10 Blue Aura, Level 10 Yellow Aura.

    يستوي أستغنى عن Advanced Blue Aura من الجوب الثالث؟ واحط النقــاط مالها بـالـ yellow aura مال الجوب الثاني ؟

  9. #159
    Brookhaven Hospital

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    شكــلي بخلي الـ booster ليفل 12. وبلحق باقي لي ثلاث ليفلات على الـ 70. وبحط بالـ yellow aura باقي النقاط وبتصير ليفل 10.

    بيصير كل شئ ماكس ما عدى الـ بوستر ليفل 12 , واليلو آورى ليفل 10 ؟ اوكـ الـ build مالي ؟

  10. #160

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة The danger159 مشاهدة المشاركة
    السلام عليكم

    ممكن تدلوني من وين اقدر اجيب اخر قطة من


    بتلاقي القطعه من نفس مكان القطع D,E يعني من الكويست الي عند كاسندرا

  11. #161

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاســـم:	smirnoffcraven.png
المشاهدات:	26
الحجـــم:	113.9 كيلوبايت
الرقم:	340542gratz hacker

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاســـم:	nisrock.png
المشاهدات:	25
الحجـــم:	118.3 كيلوبايت
الرقم:	340541

  12. #162
    داخل الترس الصلب

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة night_walker مشاهدة المشاركة
    شكــلي بخلي الـ booster ليفل 12. وبلحق باقي لي ثلاث ليفلات على الـ 70. وبحط بالـ yellow aura باقي النقاط وبتصير ليفل 10.

    بيصير كل شئ ماكس ما عدى الـ بوستر ليفل 12 , واليلو آورى ليفل 10 ؟ اوكـ الـ build مالي ؟
    ما عندي خبره بالباتل ميج بس شوف البيلد هذا شكله احسن بيلد و هو غير عنك

    Quad Blow 20
    Yellow Aura 20
    Blue Aura 20
    Dark Chains 20
    Magic Mastery 20
    Spell Booster 20
    Blood Drain 3

    Second Job
    Level 30: Quad Blow +2 (2), Dark Chains +1 (1)
    Level 31: Magic Mastery +3 (3)
    Level 32: Magic Mastery +2 (5), Staff Booster +1 (1)
    Level 33: Staff Booster +3 (4)
    Level 34: Staff Booster +2 (6), Magic Mastery 1, (6)
    Level 35: Magic Mastery +3 (9)
    Level 36: Magic Mastery +3 (12)
    Level 37: Magic Mastery +3 (15)
    Level 38: Magic Mastery +3 (18)
    Level 39: Magic Mastery +2 (MAX), Quad Blow +1 (3)
    Level 40: Quad Blow +3 (6)
    Level 41: Quad Blow +3 (9)
    Level 42: Quad Blow +3 (12)
    Level 43: Quad Blow +3 (15)
    Level 44: Quad Blow +3 (18)
    Level 45: Quad Blow +2 (MAX), Staff Booster +1 (7)
    Level 46: Staff Booster +3 (10)
    Level 47: Staff Booster +3 (13)
    Level 48: Staff Booster +3 (16)
    Level 49: Staff Booster +3 (19)
    Level 50: Staff Booster +1 (MAX) +2 Yellow Aura (2)
    Level 51: Yellow Aura +3 (5)
    Level 52: Yellow Aura +3 (8)
    Level 53: Yellow Aura +3 (11)
    Level 54: Yellow Aura +3 (14)
    Level 55: Yellow Aura +3 (17)
    Level 56: Yellow Aura +3 (20)
    Level 57: Dark Chains +3 (4)
    Level 58: Dark Chains +3 (7)
    Level 59: Dark Chains +3 (10)
    Level 60: Dark Chains +3 (13)
    Level 61: Dark Chains +3 (16)
    Level 62: Dark Chains +3 (19)
    Level 63: Dark Chains +1 (MAX), Blue Aura +2 (2)
    Level 64: Blue Aura +3 (5)
    Level 65: Blue Aura +3 (8)
    Level 66: Blue Aura +3 (11)
    Level 67: Blue Aura +3 (14)
    Level 68: Blue Aura +3 (17)
    Level 69: Blue Aura +3 (MAX)
    Level 70: Blood Drain +3 (3)

  13. #163
    Brookhaven Hospital

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    مشكور يالأفعى _^.

    انا شكلي مخبص الدنيــا . بس قاعد ارقع مني منــاك أكيد بعض السكيلات ما بيكون منها فايدة.

    انا محتاج الـ drain يكون ماكـس لأني يوم العب انشغل في أشياء ثانية ونافعني إنه يعبي الدم فول على طول ^_^.

    لاق موطبيعي في Maple SEA -_-" كنت بعبي كاش اليوم . بس ياكلون تبن بروح اشتري شرايط PS3

  14. #164

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة night_walker مشاهدة المشاركة



    لاق موطبيعي في Maple SEA -_-" كنت بعبي كاش اليوم . بس ياكلون تبن بروح اشتري شرايط PS3
    شو وداك لسيا بدامك تعرف انها لاق تعال جلوبال (-_-)
    مادري ليش تخسر فلوس علا لعبة ماراح تطول عندك !!!!

  15. #165

    رد: .: ملتقى ودردشة اللعبة الأسطورية MapleStory :.


    The chaos update is a massive update, much like Big bang, which reconstructs the game in a very effective way. In the big bang update, most of the Explorer classes were updated, as well as some Hero ones, but not as much as Explorer. This is why the Chaos update was created. To mainly balance out the hero classes. ( Hero classes being Evan, dual blader, and Aran. ). Chaos update also has 3 parts like Big bang did. I will go over the parts and describe them as well. Chaos update will come to Global maplestory during the summer of 2011. Please note that what im explaining here is from my own speculation and personal experiances of Chaos update, and some of what your about to read might not actually happen because nexon does change things, from different versions, time to time.
    If you have any questions regarding a question, please post below, I will answer them as best as i can.

    Hit CC in the video for Subtitles in english.

    Note this trailer was for Korean Maplestory, the dates given in here are not the same of GMS's.

    Part 1.
    Return of the Hero

    Part one consist of the skill changes and the starting events of Chaos update.
    In this part, Aran, Evan, and Dual blader, receive massive constructing. All three classes receive new skills, changes, and changes to their current skills. But Adventurers get some updates as well, but mainly hero classes. Quite a few skills also had their animations changed as well. In this part, a New world should be added, Called chaos.


    Part 2.
    The Technological Age

    This update consist of the Technological advancements called profession skills. Profession skills are special skills that any character over Lv. 30 can learn. There is a special map where you can learn the profession skills, This map can be found by entering portals which will be added all around the maple world.
    When you go through the portal, you will discover the hometown of profession skills called Meisterville.
    Town of Meister ville.

    Meisterville is the hometown where you can learn profession skills from different skill masters.
    There are five profession skills in MapleStory, and a NPC for each accordingly.


    When you are Lv. 30 or higher, you can learn two out of five profession skills from the following masters:
    Master of Collecting (Herbalism): Stachel
    Master of Alchemy: Karien
    Master of Mining: Nobum
    Master of Blacksmithing (Equipment production): Eisen
    Master of Jewel Crafting (Accessory production): Meltz

    When you arrive in Meisterville, you have to speak with Himmel, the head master of profession skills, he will explain what and how you do things, but the specific NPC for each profession will go into further detail.
    Unfortunately, they force you to choose between something that you maybe might not like. For the two professions they have to be in the 3 different combinations the game restricts.
    You can learn the following combinations:
    Herbalism + Alchemy
    Mining + Jewel Crafting
    Mining + Blacksmithing.

    Professions skills can be leveled up by using them, Such as mining, you mine rocks, each rock that you mine helps towards raising your mining level to the next.

    Mining : essential for Jewel Crafting because you need to make plates from ores. The only way you can get ores and crystals is through Mining. Everywhere in Maple World you can find rocks and start mining.
    There are many rocks that you can mine.

    The bigger the rocks, the better ores and crystals you find. For example, the second to last purple rock, If you mine that rock, a crystal will drop, its that simple.

    With Mining you can obtain ores, but you can also make plates, jewels and crystals with it. For example, crafting an adamantium plate costs me 2 adamantium ores and a special ingredient that you can buy in Meisterville.
    Sometimes when you are crafting a plate or something else, it might fail, But in return, you will receive some Magic Powder.

    Jewel Crafting : Profession skill that allows you to create all sorts of equipments.
    To create items, you will need Recipes for the items, which basically tells you what you need to create it, obtaining these needed items are from mining, thats why its binded to that combination.
    You can buy some Recipes at Meisterville, but its very limited, in most cases, you'll need to hunt for a Recipe that you might want to create, from monsters.

    In this update, Maker skill has been removed from the game. A certain profession skill is the only one that can create item crystals now, How ever Jeweling Crafting and Mining, is not one of them.

    Alchemy : can disassemble and fuse items. That means If you need to make item crystals you would have to have to make a mule character and pick Alchemy and its counter part for that character. With Alchemy, you can make different kind of potions. Potions that increase HP, MP, AP, attack, accuracy etc, as well as the infamous Giant potion, which makes your character into a giant.
    You'll need to raise your Alchemy skill level to beable to disassemble higher level equipment.
    Alchemy Lv. 1 : up to level 50 equipment
    Alchemy Lv. 2 : up to level 70 equipment
    Alchemy Lv. 3 : up to level 90 equipment
    Alchemy Lv. 4 : up to level 110 equipment
    Alchemy Lv. 5 : up to level 130 equipment
    Alchemy Lv. 6 : all equipment

    But there is something that Alchemists can make for other people like us who don’t have Alchemy,
    Alchemists can make a Disassemble tank. You can disassemble equipment with it.
    Everyone can make use of it and disassemble their items to get item crystals. If you chose Alchemy you would automatically have picked its counter part, Herbalism.

    Herbalism : You have to collect different herbs in Maple World.
    These are the types of Herbs you would have to collect.

    When you collect herbs, you can make herb oil which is required for Alchemy to make potions.

    If your profession skill is Mining or Herbalism, you will obtain a special bag where you can store your herbs or ores, so it doesnt take all your slots. When you first obtain the skill, you will get a bag that has only four slots, but when you raise your skill level you can expand the amount of slots in the storage bag.

    Blacksmithing : allows you to make your own armor and weapons. You must learn Mining first to learn Blacksmithing. Mining is also essential for Blacksmithing because you need refined jewels to make equipment for what the equipment calls for. A player who learns Blacksmithing is called a Creator.

    If you picked a profession skill that you did not wish to pick, there is a option of unlearning that skill, but once you unlearn it you have to start from scrach, You cannot transfer the profession skill level to another. There is a limit on how much you can mine, create or collect. Because there is a fatigue system for this profession skill system.
    Fatigue System.

    The fatigue depends on the item you want to mine, create or collect. As a Jewelist for example, crafting a Lv. 50 ring costs me 20 fatigue.
    Besides increasing your fatigue, you can also increase your skill mastery. The only way to raise the level of your profession skill is by increasing your skill mastery.

    An NPC in Meisterville sells two different fatigue drinks.
    The first fatigue drink decreases your fatigue by 10. However, you must pay 1,000,000 mesos.
    The second fatigue drink decreases your fatigue by 5. However, you must pay 300,000 mesos.
    You can only use 3 fatigue drinks each day. But if you don’t want to spend your meso on these drinks then you don’t have to worry because every hour your fatigue decreases by 5, It also will reset to 0 at Midnight of the sever's time.

    Fatiuge Drinks.

    The profession skill system is attached with another system. The personality system.

    Personality System.

    The personality system is a system where you can raise the levels of six different personality traits. Each personality trait gives you a buff.
    Personality Traits.

    You can see the chart of your personality status along with your profession skills.
    There are 6 total Personality traits.

    Charisma (can be increased by hunting bosses)
    Increase in PvP damage
    Increase in ignoring the monster’s defense
    Decrease in EXP upon death

    Sense (can be increased by collecting herbs)
    Increase in MP
    Increase in quest EXP

    Insight (can be increased by mining and revealing the hidden potential of items)
    Increase in accuracy
    Increase in avoidability
    The ability to show the hidden potential of an item using a free magnifying glass

    Will (can be increased by completing party quests, by gaming time and by leveling up profession skills)
    Increase in HP
    Increase in physical defense
    Increase in magic defense
    Resistant to statuses

    Craft(can be increased by creating equips/items)
    Increase in the success rate of scrolls
    Increase in the success rate of getting double the skill mastery you earn

    Charm (Charm can be increased by equipping/using cash items and when your fame goes up
    Note, Fame before the update will be added towards your charm points at the time of your log in after the update.)
    Increase of a new equip slot (pocket slot)
    Facial expression rewards.

    There is a limit on how much Charisma, Sense, Insight, Will, Craft and Charm you can get. The daily limit is 500.

    Door to the Future.

    Door to the Future is the next expansion to Time Temple.
    The area is made for users that are of the level 160 or higher. As you can see from the video that the map is accessed from the first door in the time temple. Once you enter it you'll be in a area between two different but familar maps.
    Future henesys, and Future Eerv.

    In the future, Empress Cygnus becomes interested in the World Tree, so eventually she went to search for this phenomenon.

    The Empress and her knights succeeded in searching for the World Tree, but… they fell into a trap by the Black Magician. He took the soul of Empress Cygnus and her knights and made them into his puppets.

    Because of this curse by the Black Magician, the island of Ereb lost its holy power and descended to Victoria Island. There, Empress Cygnus and her knights started attacking Maple World…

    Basically the story line of the area.
    It might seem dull from the explaination, but its a very great place, the story line is pretty decent, and honestly the next best thing to Von leon.
    This area is also home to the next hardest, and currently undefeated I believe, the Dark Empress Cygnus, and her Minions.

    The empress her self, has 2.1 billion Hp, 25500 Physical attack, and 35500 Magical attack.
    The minions all have 1,650,000,000 HP, and high attack and Magical attack as well.

    Players who are Lv. 170 or higher who wish challenge Empress Cygnus can start an expedition team of maximum 18 members and battle against her with a time limit of 1 hour.
    She can cast Dark Genesis, Zombify, Damage reflection, she can forces to exit you from the map, she can cancel the potential effect of your item, she can cast this whirlwind, she can burn you with birds that she can call and there are more abilities. Also there is a cooldown on every consumable potion when you fight her. Empress Cygnus is the only boss who can drop level 140 equipment.
    Each set requires you to have 170 in the secondary stat, but it comes with a tempting bonus:
    - 2 set effect: +300 physical and magic defense, +200 accuracy and avoidability
    - 3 set effect: +15% MaxHP and MaxMP
    - 4 set effect: +15 weapon attack and a reduction in duration of all abnormal statuses
    - 5 set effect: +15 allstat and all skill levels +2
    - 6 set effect: +30 weapon attack and +30% damage against bosses.

    Part 3.
    Super Fight.

    The third and last patch of the Chaos update. The main addition to this update is basically PvP, or Player versus Player. Super Fight is a new update where players can fight against each other individually and in teams.
    Players can enter in different ranks and modes and when entered in PvP, your skills and abilities are automatically adjusted to prevent unfair play. To avoid confusion, the adjusted skills and abilities are only applicable in Super Fight. When you want to participate in Super Fight, you first need to find the NPC Maximus in every major town in Maple World and he’ll let you pass to the entrance of Battle Square. Only Characters Lv. 30 or higher can participate in PvP. There are four channels and three modes you can choose from.

    Lv. 30 or higher is required and you can only use skills up to 2nd job
    Evan can use skills up to 5th mastery.

    Super Rookie
    Lv. 70 or higher is required and you can only use skills up to 3rd job
    Evan can use skills up to 8th mastery.

    Lv. 120 or higher is required and you can use all skills.

    Lv. 180 or higher is required and you can use all skills.

    After you chose your channel, you will have to choose a mode. There are currently only two modes available.

    1. Survival - Battle against other players freely and restrictions. The time limit for this mode is 10 minutes.

    2. Team match - Battle each other with teams in the battlefield. Players will be automatically divided in two teams, Team Red and Team Blue.
    The time limit for this mode is 10 minutes and the goal of this mode is to get the highest score as a team.

    3. Ice Knight - To start Ice Knight mode, there has to be 10 players available in the map. The match has a time limit of 7 minutes.
    When all 10 people enter the map, there’s a countdown from 3 till 0 and then the match starts.
    When the match starts, someone will be randomly chosen as Ice Knight. As a challenger, you have kill the Ice Knight with the other nine people in the map. There’s a blue HP bar that indicates the amount of HP that the Ice Knight has left.
    As an Ice Knight, you have to eliminate the challengers. The Ice Knight has an ‘ice gauge’, the gauge fills up when the Ice Knight attacks players.
    Special attacks from the Ice Knight requires ice energy which can be obtained from the ice gauge.

    In Survival mode, you can fight against max. 8 players. If you want to start a match, you need to have at least four players in the battlefield. You cannot choose your own private room or battle because it’s completely random. You can also not choose your own map you want to fight in, because it’s random. In both Survival and Team Match you can pick up item buffs in the battlefield. The blue heart increases your MP by 30%. The shield buff increases your defense for a period of time.
    The red box with a question mark on it is a surprise. In team match mode you will cooperate with each other to get a really high score so that you can get a lot of experience, Millions in most cases. After each battle you will gain battle points. If you want a lot of Battle Points then you have to aim for high scores. Back in Battle Square, you can find the NPC Larson and a vending machine that exchanges Battle Points for a very useful item.


    That sums up Chaos update mainly, I did leave a few unneeded details, mainly because you'll understand it bettter once it comes to Global. I hope I have helped you in some way with this thread, with your questions. If you still have questions, and didn't find answers, please post them below and i will be happy to answer them, Thanks for reading!

    * Please look out for more of my guide threads in the maple section! *

    CREDITS : Massive credits go to SP, and Spadow. I do not take credit for whats posted here, except for my partial overview of the topics.
    اطلب هكر اي لعبة من القائمة
    Maple Story Global Mesos \ Item \ Account

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المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. الشبكة MapleStory لمن لا يعرف مدى جمال هذه اللعبة !!(2)
    بواسطة : commandosII , في ألعاب البي سي الحصرية Games for Windows , Steam
    مشاركات: 24
    آخر مشاركة: 13-06-2011, 07:33 PM
  2. الشبكة MapleStory لمن لا يعرف مدى جمال هذه اللعبة !!
    بواسطة : RPGian , في ألعاب البي سي الحصرية Games for Windows , Steam
    مشاركات: 26431
    آخر مشاركة: 23-05-2011, 03:58 PM
  3. شهرة ميتل جير اللعبة الأسطورية
    بواسطة : سنسون العين , في منتدى ميتل جيير
    مشاركات: 3
    آخر مشاركة: 08-09-2003, 08:41 AM
  4. مشاركات: 33
    آخر مشاركة: 16-05-2002, 06:07 AM

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