النتائج 1 إلى 9 من 9

الموضوع: إذا كنتم تبون كلمات سريه بالعربي

  1. #1
    ميتل جير

    Post إذا كنتم تبون كلمات سريه بالعربي

    إذا كنتم تبون أي كلمات سريه الرجاء كتابة اسم اللعبه في رد على المضوع أو على البريد الأكتروني الأميل حقي هذا هو
    مب تفلسفون بالنكليزي
    metal gear soon of Liberty

  2. #2
    جدة - بحرة المجاهدين

    كلمات مطلوبة

    كيف حالك/
    أريد كلمات سرية
    MIB Men
    faithing force2
    Digimon World2
    بحرة المجاهدين طريق مكة القديم

  3. #3
    WWf Racoon city
    أريد الحل الكامل للعبة ميتل جير 1
    على البلاي ستيشن 1

  4. #4
    ميتل جير


    رجال في الأسود

    (آخر تحديث مايو/مايس 3, 1999)

    إنقر هنا للذهاب إلى سي سي سي بي وإحصل على رموز الأطنان الأكثر والأكثر بكثير!

    دليل إستراتيجية

    القفزة المستوية
    في شاشة الخيارات، يسار صحفي (2)، يسار صحيح، حقّ، يسار (3)، مربع.


    رموز قرش لعبة

    الذخيرة اللانهائية 80085514 0000
    علب الصحة اللانهائية 80059 سي أي 0 0000
    عدد ميد اللانهائية الصغيرة 80059 قرص مدمج 4 0000

    عد إلى دليل بلاي ستيشن


    قتال القوة 2

    (آخر تحديث يناير/كانون الثّاني 1, 2000)

    إنقر هنا للذهاب إلى سي سي سي بي وإحصل على رموز الأطنان الأكثر والأكثر بكثير!

    نمط إحتيال
    في "بداية صحفية" شاشة، قبضة إل 1 + إل 2 + آر 1 + مثلث + إكس + يسار. ثمّ، يختار "لعبة بداية" ويختار مستوى. عندما اللعبة تبدأ، شخصك سيكون منيع وعنده ذخيرة لانهائية. الملاحظة: تمكين هذا الرمز سيعطّل الخيار للتوفير. من: Olikong@aol.com


    رموز قرش لعبة

    الصحة اللانهائية دي 00 بي 32 تيار متردد 2 دي 24
    80117244 03 إف سي
    الأزل يستمرّ دي 00 بي 32 تيار متردد 2 دي 24
    800 سي دي سي 3 سي 0009
    الذخيرة اللانهائية 80073 بي 86 2400
    متر الغضب اللانهائي على الملئ 80070 إف 36 2400
    مال ماكس دي 00 بي 32 تيار متردد 2 دي 24
    800 سي دي سي 40 إف إف إف إف
    له كلّ كيكاردس 800 سي إي 284 0101
    800 سي إي 286 0101

    عد إلى دليل بلاي ستيشن


    عالم ديجيمون 2

    (آخر تحديث يونيو/حزيران 21, 2001)

    إنقر هنا للذهاب إلى سي سي سي بي وإحصل على رموز الأطنان الأكثر والأكثر بكثير!

    دليل إستراتيجية

    تناوب سلسلة إفتتاحية
    إنظر السلسلة الإفتتاحية مرّتين لرؤية بلاكوارجريمون بدلا من وارجريمون في الصور المتحركّة في بداية اللعبة. الملاحظة: هذه لا تفتحه أثناء اللعبة.

    إشتر كلّ المواد لمسك ديجيمونس
    عندما تحصل على أجزاء المولّد في الغرفة الأولى في القبة، يناقش الرجل على الحقّ الأعلى. هو سيبيع كلّ المواد التي أنت يمكن أن تشتري عندما تنضمّ إلى نادي.

    مستوى فوق أسرع
    لا يهرب من المعارك وأنت ستكسب نقاط الخبرة. أيضا، يحارب ديجيمونس أقوى لنقاط الخبرة الأكثر. بعد أن يهزم ليومون في الزنزانة الأولى، أنت يمكن أن ترجع وتحارب 5 غازمون مستوي و5 جيزامون مستوي. بعد هزيمة هذه، تكتسب 39 نقطة خبرة و260 قطعة. الملاحظة: تستعمل هذه الخدعة فقط عندما عندك على الأقل واحد أو بطل ديجيمون، بينما هم صعبون جدا للهزيمة.

    نقاط ديجيفولوشن
    تقرّر نقاط ديجيفولوشن ما ديجيمون أنت ستحصل على عندما أنت digivolve في المستقبل. الطريق الوحيد للحصول على دي بي خلال دي بي فوق المادة أو الأزياء الكبيرة السن دي إن أي ديجيفولوشن. دي إن أي ديجيفولفينج مراهن ويجعل ديجيمونك أقوى.

    كلّ ديجيمون digivolve في 11, 21, 31.

    دي إن أي ديجفولفينج
    بطلان 2 = مجنّد جديد
    2 ولتيماتيس = بطل
    2 ميجاس = نهائي
    بطل + نهائي = مجنّد جديد
    بطل + هائل = مجنّد جديد
    ولتمات + هائل = بطل
    إنّ شكل دي إن أي digivolved ديجيمون دائما واحد تحت شكل ديجيمون الأوطأ في زوج الإثنان ديجيمون.

    صيغة دي إن أي ديجيفولفينج
    هناك صيغة إلى فهم المستوى الأقصى من ديجيمونك عندما أنت دي إن أي ديجيفولف:

    إكس = مستوى أكبر من إثنان ديجيمون
    واي = مستوى أدنى من إثنان ديجيمون
    المستوى الأقصى = إكس + واي /5


    رموز قرش لعبة

    النسخة الأمريكية الشمالية

    قطع ماكس 8005 إي 628 إي 0 إف إف
    8005 إي 62 05 إف 5
    إيتش بي خنفساء ماكس ديجي 8005 إي 644 270 إف
    8005 إي 646 270 إف
    خنفساء ماكس إي بي ديجي 8005 إي 648 270 إف
    8005 إي 64 270 إف
    إيتش بي ماكس أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 718 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 71 03 إي 7
    عضو برلمان ماكس أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 71 سي 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 71 إي 03 إي 7
    ماكس أي تي تي أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 720 03 إي 7
    ماكس دي إي إف أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 722 03 إي 7
    ماكس إس بي أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 724 03 إي 7
    مكسب مستوي بسرعة أولا ديجيمون 8005 إي 714 إف إف إف إف
    ثانية إيتش بي ماكس ديجيمون 8005 إي 774 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 776 03 إي 7
    ثانية عضو برلمان ماكس ديجيمون 8005 إي 778 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 77 03 إي 7
    ماكس أي تي تي ثاني ديجيمون 8005 إي 77 سي 03 إي 7
    ماكس دي إي إف ثاني ديجيمون 8005 إي 77 إي 03 إي 7
    ماكس إس بي ثاني ديجيمون 8005 إي 780 03 إي 7
    ثانية مكسب مستوية بسرعة ديجيمون 8005 إي 770 إف إف إف إف
    ثلث إيتش بي ماكس ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 دي 0 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 7 دي 2 03 إي 7
    ثلث عضو برلمان ماكس ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 دي 4 03 إي 7
    8005 إي 7 دي 6 03 إي 7
    ماكس أي تي تي ثالث ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 دي 8 03 إي 7
    ماكس دي إي إف ثالث ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 دي أي 03 إي 7
    ماكس إس بي ثالث ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 دي سي 03 إي 7
    ثلث مكسب مستوي بسرعة ديجيمون 8005 إي 7 نسخة منه إلى إف إف إف إف

    عد إلى دليل بلاي ستيشن


    T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N
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    ************************************************************* ##
    ******************* S O L I D *******************
    ************************************************************* ##
    for the Sony PlayStation
    by Rudy Hendrawan

    ***This FAQ is dedicated to my dearest friend CM who is having her birthday at
    22 November
    Hope with this birthday you're becoming more mature, and bring many blessings
    for your family, friends, and others. Don't let your worries hanging above you,
    just trust in HIM. God Bless You Always. Consider this FAQ as your birthday
    present ^_^.

    Unpublished work Copyright 1998 Rudy Hendrawan

    This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
    electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as
    this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.
    This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes. This
    includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books,
    guides, etc., in ANY way. This FAQ was created and being maintained currently by
    Rudy Hendrawan (goblic@hotmail.com) All copyrights and trademarks are
    acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

    I'll Make it Simple : this FAQ is MINE there is NO unauthorised use of this game
    FAQ ANYWHERE unless it is shown in its ENTIRETY...you MAY put this FAQ on your
    site but ONLY in its COMPLETE FORM. I do not write this walkthrough so some hack
    writers can sit back and get paid for it.

    Metal Gear Solid is (c) Sony Computer of Entertainment and (c) Konami of Japan

    ***** Table of Content ******

    0. Version
    1. What's New
    2. Forewords
    3. *Character Profiles*
    4. Control
    5. Item & Weapon List
    6. Complete Walkthrough
    7. *Rank Determination*
    8. *Special Pictures*
    9. Tips
    10. Stuff
    11. *Game Shark Codes*
    12. *My Playing Experience*
    13. VR training
    14. *The Story*
    15. I Wish List
    16. Contribution Credit
    17. Personal Credits

    ########## 0.VERSION ###########

    Version 1.0 (21/11/98) - Adding story (for import version players), more moves,
    special pictures, game shark codes, and rank explanation.
    Version 0.8 (04/10/98) - Adding more moves, more ways to kill enemies and
    bosses, 'amusing ^_^' stuffs, Wish List, stuck notes list, Contribution Credits,
    Tips, more stuff, What's New section and VR training. (And still don't have
    someone to do the translation!!)
    Version 0.5 (14/09/98) - Initial release, already contains complete walkthrough.

    ########## 1.WHAT'S NEW ###########
    What's new in version 1.0 :
    - More moves for Snake (see chapter 4)
    - Tips and new ways to defeat bosses.
    - The uses of Cardboard Box - See Ch.5
    - Some little things that are amusing to know !! Check them out!!
    - Change the Translation section to Story section.
    - Adding Special Pictures Section, GameShark Code, Rank Explanation, Character

    The new things are put in this FAQ with the NEW NEW NEW sign. Most of them are
    put in the walkthrough (chapter 6). Here are the list. Enjoy ^_^.
    NEW NEW NEW 1 : More Moves
    NEW NEW NEW 2 : The Use Of CardBoard Boxes
    NEW NEW NEW 3 : Name's Bond...Err Snake......Solid Snake
    NEW NEW NEW 4 : Holding the Rifle Animation
    NEW NEW NEW 5 : More Hidden Rooms
    NEW NEW NEW 6 : Recognizing Meryl
    NEW NEW NEW 7 : More Ways To Knock Meryl
    NEW NEW NEW 8 : Mantis Looks Deep Into Your Soul ...Err Your Memory Card
    NEW NEW NEW 9 : Blank Screen
    NEW NEW NEW 10 : Slap Meryl And Hide In The Box Trick
    NEW NEW NEW 11 : Massage Anyone ??
    NEW NEW NEW 12 : Tips on ascending the stairs.
    NEW NEW NEW 13 : Sniper's Snake ??
    NEW NEW NEW 14 : What Happened To Liquid ??
    NEW NEW NEW 15 : The Right Way To Use The Nikita Missiles On Wolf
    NEW NEW NEW 16 : Don't Kill the Ravens
    NEW NEW NEW 17 : New Boss Tips : Vulcan Raven.
    NEW NEW NEW 18 : Unfreeaing Ration Tips
    NEW NEW NEW 19 : Make Mei Ling Angry
    NEW NEW NEW 20 : Precise Shooting Tips

    ########## 2. FOREWORDS ###########

    Metal Gear Solid is a combination of action with little RPG elements (maps,
    items, etc). But this game differs from the other action games. Other action
    games just use more brawn than brain. This game uses brain (& patience) a lot.
    The game is about a spy infiltrating an enemy base. This guy is not supposed to
    be discovered, so instead of shooting all the enemies, this guy waits, avoids
    direct confrontation with guards, avoids vidcams, and so on.
    This game has the best action scene EVER, not seen in any other games. Shoot a
    helicopter with a stinger launcher, guide a rocket to hit power generator in the
    other room, swing from the top of the building, use C4 like a pro, etc - the
    list goes on and on. And this game features the coolest enemy bosses, too. After
    playing this game for some time, I know that Konami's staffs really put their
    hardest effort and a lot of time on this game.
    I really like the first Metal Gear on 8-bit NES. It was the game I considered
    very special. Sometimes, I still play it. When this game screenshots appeared on
    game magazines, I was so happy to know that one of my favourite games sequel is
    coming to my PSX. I even bought the import version of this game even though I
    cannot read Japanese at all and the game will be released in US on October 22,
    just a month away.
    This is my very first FAQ. I do not want to write this at first, but this game
    is so GREAT. After all those hard works that's been done by Konami's staff -
    this is the least that I can do for this game.
    This is an advice for you, Playstation Owner : Buy the game if you are impatient
    to know what a great game it is. But if you miss the import version, save your
    money and buy this game before it sold out !!

    Version 1.0 Forewords :
    I've finally got the US version ^_^. It is really fun to play with. And I
    finally learn how the story goes. It is really incredible - the most intriguing,
    thrilling, shocking, surprising story ever known on Playstation games !! Great
    Job, Konami (and especially Mr. Hideo Kojima). Keep up the EXCELLENT work !!
    Here's what I think about the US version :
    1. The voice over are better than I expected, especially Snake, Meryl, and the
    Colonel. Congratulation !!! On the lowdown, I felt that Liquid's voice lacks of
    expression, and Sniper Wolf's voice is unnatural.
    2. There are 4 difficulty levels (hurray !!), but we cannot change our
    difficulty level when we load the finished saved game.
    3. The theatre mode is good - but we have to watch it from the start - we cannot
    start the theatre from the middle.
    For you who already had the import version, I suggest you get the US version.
    It's beyond expectation.

    Finally, I want to thank you for all of the contribution that you have made.
    This maybe the last major update that I do (or maybe, the last update) - further
    update is just for the missing things (like the Special Picture). I've spent too
    much game just for this game, and for this FAQ. As Snake says : I must find a
    new path of life... A new purpose ... and of course a lots of new games ^_^.

    ########## 3. CHARACTERS PROFILES ###########
    Here are the profiles :

    1. Solid Snake
    Age : 30+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : 182cm
    Note : Hero of this game. Ex-FOXHOUND member. IQ 180. Speaks 6 languages. Became
    a legendary war hero after single-handedly resolving "Outer Heaven" and the
    "Zanzibar" incident. Subsequently retired from FOXHOUND to a secluded life in

    2. Roy Campbell (140.85)
    Age : 60+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : ?
    Note : Ex-FOXHOUND commander. Used to be with USMC (United States Marines Corp),
    Green Beret, and Delta Force. Old friend of Solid Snake. Commander of Snake's
    sneak-in mission. Now retired.

    3. Meryl Silverburgh (140.15)
    Age : 18?
    Nationality : USA
    Height : 175cm
    Note : Campbell's niece. Newly recruited to Shadow Moses when the terrorist
    incident happened. VR trained with no live combat experience. Heroine of this

    4. Naomi Hunter
    Age : 20+
    Nationality : ?
    Height : ?
    Note : FOXHOUND's lead biochemist, specialises in genetic engineering.
    Colleagues call her Dr. Naomi.

    5. Mei Ling (140.96)
    Age : 16?
    Nationality : China
    Height : ?
    Note : MIT graduate, inventor of the Soliton radar. In charge of communications
    and satellite imagery.

    6. Liquid Snake
    Age : 30+
    Nationality : ?
    Height : 183cm
    Note : High IQ. Speaks 7 languages. Appearance is similar to Solid Snake. Became
    leader of new FOXHOUND after Zanzibar (Solid Snake retired). Terrorist leader
    (final boss) in this game.

    7. Revolver Ocelot
    Age : 50+
    Nationality : Russian
    Height : 182cm
    Note : FOXHOUND member. Loves westerns and guns. Also an expert torturer.

    8. Vulcan Raven
    Age : 30+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : 210cm
    Note : FOXHOUND member. Has Alaskan, Indian, and Eskimo blood. Strong body
    resistance to cold temperatures. A Shaman who identifies with Ravens. Fights
    with a gigantic Vulcan gun.

    9. Sniper Wolf
    Age : 20+
    Nationality : Iraq
    Height : 176cm
    Note : FOXHOUND member. Genius sniper with extreme patience. Loves and
    identifies with Alaska wolf dogs, whom she feeds.

    10. Psycho Mantis
    Age : 30+
    Nationality : Russia
    Height : 190cm
    Note : FOXHOUND member. Ex-KGB psychic agent with mind-reading and psycho-
    kinesis powers. Defected to USA after dissolution of old Russia, becoming a free
    agent. In charge of FOXHOUND's intelligence.

    11. Decoy Octopus
    Age : ?
    Nationality : ?
    Height : ?
    Note : FOXHOUND member. Master of disguise. No other info.

    12. Cyborg Ninja
    Age: ?
    Nationality : ?
    Height : 181cm
    Note : Mysterious cyborg ninja. Neither friend nor foe of Snake. Motive unclear.
    Blocks bullets with laser sword. Has stealth camouflage capability. Extremely

    13. Deep Throat (140.48)
    Age : ?
    Nationality : ?
    Height : ?
    Note : Mysterious figure helping out Snake.

    14. Big Boss
    Age : ?
    Nationality : American?
    Height : ?
    Old FOXHOUND commander. Legendary great warrior, fighting in wars round the
    world as a mercenary since the 70s. Assigned commander of hi-tech special forces
    FOXHOUND in the 90s. Used his amassed wealth and manpower to form independent
    military nation "Outer Heaven", but foiled by Solid Snake. Next built a military
    fortress at Zanzibar land, which was also destroyed by Snake. Died at Zanzibar

    15. Otacon (141.12)
    Age : 30?
    Nationality : American-Jewish
    Height : 177cm
    Weight : 62kg
    Note : Original name "Hal Emmerich". Arms Tech scientist. Cowardly by nature,
    but genius at inventing weaponry. Loves anime (Japanese animation), hence his
    nickname Otacon (Otaku Convention).

    16. Nastasha Romanenko (141.52)
    Age : 30+
    Nationality : Ukranian Republic
    Height : ?
    Note : Military analyst, expert in hi-tech and nuclear weaponry. Worked for DIA
    (Defense Intelligence Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency). Lost her job
    after the Cold War, becoming a private military analyst. Chain-smoker.

    17. Master Miller (141.80)
    Age : 50+
    Nationality : USA
    Height ?
    Note : Original name "Macdonell Benedict Miller". Third-generation Japanese. Ex-
    SAS, Green Beret, USMC leader and FOXHOUND trainer. Retired and living in

    18. Donald Anderson
    Age : 50+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : 185cm
    Note : Head of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Held hostage
    on Shadow Moses island.

    19. Kenneth Baker
    Age : 60+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : 168cm
    Note : President of ArmsTech. Held hostage on Shadow Moses island.

    20. Jim Houseman
    Age : 70+
    Nationality : USA
    Height : ?
    Note : The Secretary of Defense. Supreme commander of the anti-terrorist
    operation, monitoring from AWACS.

    The character profiles is translated by Pang Sie Piau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg)
    Based on the MGS Perfect Guide Book

    ########## 4. CONTROLS ###########
    Directional Pad : to move your character (Solid Snake), to choose the
    inventory, or weapon,etc.
    Square : to grab the enemy or use weapon.
    Circle : to punch the enemy. Press it repeatedly to combo.
    X : to crouch, or to duck. Press it with the directional pad to move.
    Triangle : use it to look from the first person view.
    R1 : Toggle between empty hands or weapons.
    L1 : Toggle between using your inventory or not.
    L2 : Select an item from your inventory
    R2 : Select a weapon from your inventory
    Select : is used to enable Radio Mode.
    Start : to pause the game.

    That's the basic moves. Snake can do more advance moves, such as :
    a. Hold Direction pad to the wall : Snake will flatten himself to the wall.
    Press the directional pad while holding the direction to the wall will enable
    Snake to walk sideways. Press X will make Snake duck.
    b. Hold Direction pad to the wall + X : Snake will knock the wall. This move
    will attracts enemy's attention.
    c. Tap Square repeatedly (no weapon): Snake will break the enemy's neck. While
    holding the enemy, Snake can use it as a shield against other enemy's shooting.
    d. Tap Square + directional pad (no weapon) : Snake will flip the enemy.
    e. Press Square and X together when equipping FAMAS or SOCOM : Snake will shoot
    and run simultaneously. (This move was sent by psx001@aol.com)
    f. Press L1 or R1 when pressing the triangle button : Snake will side step a
    little when he looks thru his eyes. (This move was sent by psx001@aol.com)

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 1 : MORE MOVES +++
    g. Hold Square : Snake will hold the guard. You can move while still holding the
    Square button. This way you can make the guard as your shield. But after some
    times, the guard will shake himself, try to free himself. Tap Square and hold
    Square to make the guard stop moving again. Remember, if you tap Square 10
    times, Snake will break the guard's neck.
    h. (While firing Nikita Missile) Hold Triangle : Snake will see thru 1st person
    view to control the Nikita. This will make the targeting much easier. In
    addition, there's a special sensor for the enemies in this view.
    This was first sent by Ariel Sergio Wollinger Martins <ariel@diana.com.br>.
    i. (While equipping C4) Press Square and directional pad to the enemy from
    behind : Snake will stick the C4 on the enemy's back. This is rather hard to do,
    because the enemy will sense you, but it's a very fun move.
    This was sent by Coen van der Geest (CvanderGeest@kpd-groep.nl) ++

    ########## 5. ITEMS & WEAPONS ###########
    3A. ITEMS
    Here's a list of the items that you will find in Metal Gear Solid. BTW, you can
    access them by pressing L2 Button
    a. Ration : use this to fill your life bar. You can only bring limited number of
    b. Diazepam : use it to stabilise yourself while you are in the sniper mode.
    c. Thermal Goggle : use it to find infra red traps, mines on the ground, and so
    on. Get it on LV1 - Enemy's Base A
    d. LV1 keycard : use this to open LV1 door. Given by DARPA
    e. Cardboard Box A : use this to cover yourself. Get this in LV1 - Enemy's Base
    f. LV2 keycard : use this to open LV2 door. Given by old man after defeating
    g. Disc : don't know what the use of it. Given by the old man after defeating
    h. Mine Detector : uses to detect mines on the ground - combines with your map
    (radar). Get it on LV1 - Enemy's Base A (LV2 door).
    h. LV3 keycard : use this to open LV3 door. Get this after defeating tank.
    i. Gas Mask : use this to cover yourself from the poisonous gas. Use this to
    protect yourself from poisonous gas. from LV B2-enemy Base B.
    j. LV4 keycard : use this to open the LV4 door. Get it from Otacon.
    k. Night Vision Goggle : Use this to see in the dark area. From LV B2 - Enemy's
    Base B.
    l. Cardboard Box B : to disguised yourself from enemy. Get it from the LV B1 -
    Enemy Base B
    m. LV5 keycard : Use this to open LV 5 door. Get this from Meryl.
    n. PAL key : Use this to operate Metal Gear - Get this from Meryl.
    o. Ketchup : Use this to fake death. Get this from Otacon in prison.
    p. Scarf : It's Sniper Wolf's Scarf. Get it from Otacon in prison. Equip it when
    you enter the cave filled with wolves. The wolves will fall in love with you ^_^
    The use of scarf was sent by Olong (olong@freemail.it) ++
    q. LV6 keycard : Use this to open LV6 door. Get it from Otacon in prison.
    r. Body armor : To protect yourself against enemy's shot. Get it from LV B2
    Enemy Base B.
    s. Rope : use this to go to Communication Tower B. Get this from Communication
    Tower A.
    t. LV7 Keycard : Use this to open LV7 door. Get it from Vulcan Raven.
    u. Time Bomb : It's a trap to kill you. Throw this away. Get it from the Snake's
    inventory, and from the water in Central Base.
    v. Camera : to take a picture (it takes 2 memory block for each picture). Get it
    from the south east room from where you fight Ocelot.
    w. Stealth : use this to make yourself invisible. Get it from Otacon at the
    ending 2.
    x. Bandana : from Meryl at ending 1. Equip it, and you will have unlimited ammo
    for your weapon. The use of Bandana was first sent by Jon Norton
    y. Cigarette : you get this from your inventory. Equip it in front of the
    infrared detector. You will see that the smoke will reveal the infrared. But
    beware, your health will go down slowly. SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH, you
    know !! ^_^. The use of cigarette was first sent by Cyrille (mams@club-

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 2 : The Use Of CardBoard Boxes +++
    ++ The Cardboard boxes can be used to travel to another place much faster. To
    use it, go into the back of the truck, then use your Cardboard Box. There are 3
    boxes in this game : Cardboard Box A (labelled Heliport), Cardboard Box B
    (labelled Nuke Building), and Cardboard Box C (labelled Snowfield). For example
    : if you want to go from snowfield back to the helipod, get to the behind of the
    truck, and use Cardboard Box A. After some time, the guard will see it and drive
    you to the Helipod.
    This was first sent by thomas <thomas7g@ix.netcom.com> +++

    3B. Weapons
    a. Grenade : it's a grenade...Don't you know it ??
    b. Stun Grenade : use this to stun enemies.
    c. Chaff grenade : use this to make cameras jammed.
    d. Claymore mines : blows when the enemy walks on top of it.
    e. C4 : explosives. Trigger it to blow.
    f. Socom : Snake's first gun. Can be combined with a suppresser. Get it at LV 1
    Enemy Base A.
    g. FAMAS : Machine gun. Holds a lot of ammo. Get it at LV B2 - Enemy Base A.
    h. Nikita : Remote Controlled Missile. Get it on LVB2 - Enemy Base A.
    i. PSG1 : a sniper rifle. Get it on LV B2 - Enemy Base A.
    j. Stinger : A Missile Launcher. Very Powerful. Get it Communication Tower B.

    ########## 6. COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH ###########
    Note : In this walkthrough, I included special notes, called the stuck notes. I
    put these notes on every difficult points, which most of the people are stuck. I
    give ONLY HINTS, not FULL EXPLANATION on the notes. When playing a game, I
    enjoyed finding out things by myself, not by reading a full walkthrough. That's
    why I put these notes on, so that the people who feels the same way as I do just
    browse my walkthrough, find the hints they're needed, and finish it by
    themselves. And if they still can't solve it, They can read the more thorough
    explanation below the notes. HAVE FUN !!
    More note : This walkthrough is based on the import version. There might be some
    difference with the US version - because the US version has 4 difficulty levels.
    Those 4 difficulty levels differs on the location of items (ammunitions and
    ration), and how much items that Snake could bring after he defeats each boss.
    Furthermore, you will find the story in the animation are different. That's
    because I'm making the FAQ when I played the import version - and I'm just
    guessing the story at that time. I think it's better this way - cause it doesn't
    spoil the whole 'real' story. If you want to know the 'real' story, you can read
    it at the story section.

    List of Stuck Notes :
    1. How can I save the game ??
    2. Where should I go after escaping from jail ??
    3. What should I do after I defeat Ocelot ??
    4. How do I get pass the electrified floor ??
    5. What should I do after I defeat Ninja ??
    6. How do I shot the sniper ??
    7. What should I do to get rid of the time bomb ??
    8. Where do I drop the Pal key ??
    9. Where do I find the 2nd and 3rd Pal key ??

    **************************DISC ONE WALKTHROUGH**********************

    *******1st Act - The Dock*******
    You finally arrive in the enemy base. The animation shows that Snake is coming
    from the water, using the diving suit. While he IS hiding, the Colonel calls him
    on channel 140.85. Now, let the action begins !!!
    There are 3 enemies on this place, and 3 rations to get (even though right now
    you can only bring two rations at this time).
    The rations are : in the south west corner (in the water), in the north east
    corner, and in the south east corner.
    Kill the first two enemies, then wait for the third enemy to come in the
    elevator. Enter the elevator to go to the outside enemy's base.
    ++If the guard sees you and sounds the alarm, run to the water. Snake will jump
    into the water. You can not do this if the alarms don't go out.++

    **Solid Snake opens his diving suit, and opens his goggle, revealing his face.
    When he stands up, the title METAL GEAR SOLID appears. Ain't it cool ?? ( And
    you thought that the first action was cool !! That is just the intro, you know
    ?? )**

    ++ If you have finished the game with both endings (have bandanna and stealth in
    your inventory - and the save game has red colour letter), Snake will change his
    appearance. Instead of wearing his sneaking suit, he will wear a tuxedo.
    This was sent ++

    *******Outside Enemy's Base - Helipod*******

    The colonel & Naomi calls Solid Snake (140.85) thru the Codec

    **Solid Snake hide behind the container, watching his enemy Liquid flies the

    The Colonel & Naomi call Snake again (140.85) and introduce Mei Lin. Mei Lin
    tells you that you can contact her in channel 140.96.

    ############## STUCK NO 1 #################
    How can I save the game ???
    ---------------- ANSWER -----------------
    Contact MeiLin by using your Radio.

    From now on, if you want to save your game, contact Mei Lin in 140.96 and choose
    the first option.

    **Snake walks around and uses his scope to explore the area. The colonel tells
    him what to do.**

    After the animation, go to the south west corner to get a ration. Go east to the
    snow, and go north. Hide behind the container, and kill a guard there. There's a
    ration to the left of one container, too. Go to the truck in the middle area.
    Jump behind the truck. Get the Socom gun. Go to the south-western of the truck.
    Get a chaff grenadex3, but be very careful with the lights.
    Go west from there to go into a room with a camera. The animation shows that
    Snake notices the camera. Go behind the container. When the camera looks at the
    other way, get the stun grenades.
    You have got all the items you need in this place. You can now proceed to go to
    the air duct. There are two air ducts that you can go in. The first one is the
    duct in the north west corner, guarded by the camera. The second duct is in the
    upstairs, in the middle section. You can choose which duct to go. It doesn't
    matter because they all lead to the same place (The 1st level of enemy's base).
    Before you enter one of the duct, the Colonel will call you through the radio
    (140.85). And when you are in the duct, someone will call you to the radio, too.
    It's Master Miller on 141.80. Go through the duct. If you choose to enter the
    upstairs duct, you will see the animation of 2 enemy talking to each other. Each
    duct contains one ration inside.
    The Colonel will call you again on 140.85.

    *******1st Floor of Enemy's Base A*******

    If you choose to get in the lower duct, you will arrive in the lower level, but
    if you choose to enter the upstairs duct, you will arrive in the upstairs, too.
    Assume you come through the upstairs duct. Go to the left to get chaff grenade
    x3. Go right, but be careful because there's a camera there. Go south a little
    bit and enter the open door to the right. Get a thermal goggle there. Go
    downstairs after avoiding the camera. There's a box of Socom bullets under the
    stair. Take it then go into the elevator in the north middle part. Push the
    button beside elevator using O button.
    Inside the elevator, go to floor B1.

    *******Floor B1 of Enemy's Base A (Cell)*******

    When you go out of the elevator, Mei Lin calls you at 140.96. After receiving
    that call, go along the aisle to the south, then to the east. On the end of that
    corridor, there's a duct containing a ration and a stair to the north. When you
    position yourself in front of the ladder, the Colonel will call you at 140.85.
    Answer that call, then climb the ladder.

    ***In The duct****
    Just crawl through the duct. Then you will come to the junction. Turn left on
    the junction, and crawl until you reach the air holes. Use the look button
    (Triangle) + press Down on direction pad to see animation of a guard in the
    toilet. Proceed crawling farther to get Socom bullets. Go back to the junction,
    and go left. Crawl until you see the air hole, and look through the air hole (
    with triangle + Down) to see Meryl doing sit up in her cell.

    ++ After you see Meryl, go back and get out of the duct. Go into the duct again
    to see Meryl. You will see Meryl is doing one hand push up. Repeat going out of
    the duct and go back to see Meryl stretches her leg on the wall. Now repeat
    going out and back to see Meryl doing her sit up again. BUT NOW NOTICE THIS :
    MERYL IS NOT WEARING HER TROUSERS ^_^. Get out of the duct and go in again to
    see Meryl does her one hand push up (still not wearing her trousers). Get out of
    the duct and go in once again to see Meryl stretches her leg (still not wearing
    her trousers). If you go back and into the duct again, you only see Meryl does
    her sit-up, but now she wears her trousers. If you repeat going back and in the
    duct again, you see nothing changes.
    This was sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) ++

    Crawl again, and the Colonel will contact you through your radio at 140.85.
    Proceed crawling farther, and you will see this animation :

    **Snake finally reached Office Chief DARPA's cell. Snake looks through the air
    hole, opens the airhole, and goes down to the cell. Then Solid Snake has a very
    long conversation with DARPA. This conversation brings Meryl attention, so she
    overhears it through the prison's wall. One soldier comes across the cell and
    warns DARPA not to talk to loud. DARPA continues his conversation with Snake. He
    told Snake about Metal Gear, Psycho Mantis, and PAL Card. Near the end of his
    conversation, DARPA gives Snake a LV1 Keycard. This keycard can open LV1 doors.
    Suddenly something struck DARPA......something mysterious !! DARPA is in pain,
    and then died. Meryl hears DARPA's voice, then starts to bang the prison

    After the animation, crawl under DARPA's bed. You will find a ration there. At
    this time you should be hearing someone knocks down the guard. Then the prison
    cell door opens. Go outside the cell ........

    **Snake cautiously go outside. He looks on the floor, sees the guard that he
    previously saw in the duct was only wearing underwear. He was knocked down and
    tied up. Suddenly a rifle is pointed at Snake's head. Snake turns around. The
    girl who points the rifle at him shouts at Snake, tells him not to move.(By now
    I think we all know that the one pointing the rifle at Snake is Meryl. She wears
    the guard's uniforms). With his lightning speed, Snake manages to point his gun
    at her. They are talking so loud that they do not realise that there are three
    guards by the door. The door opens, and the guards come in.**

    ++ If you haven't got a Socom when you entered the prison, you will see that
    Snake won't point his gun on Meryl (cause he didn't have it ^_^) - Instead, he
    will grab Meryl's rifle.
    This was sent by Mike Meevasin <mmeeva@hotmail.com> ++

    Shoot the three guards with your Socom gun. There are 2 box of Socom Bullets.
    You can take them if you run out of bullets. Sometimes the guards drop Socom
    bullets or Ration. After the three guards died the alarm rings. Three guards
    come to attack you and Meryl. Meryl will kill these three guards (animation).
    Three guards appear again. Kill them all. Three guards appear once again. Kill
    them again. Then the last three guards throw three grenades on the floor. Avoid
    them by moving towards the door. Then kill the last 3 guards.

    **Meryl go to the door, and check if everything's safe. After she feels it is
    safe to go outside, she runs to the elevator. Snake follows her. Then there's
    another animation, about a person's tied up in a room, being questioned and
    tortured. There were three other men inside that room (Psycho Mantis, Liquid
    Snake, and Revolver Ocelot). The animation is back to Solid Snake. Solid Snake
    tries to follow Meryl. Meryl, who is now inside the elevator, starts shooting at
    Snake, preventing Snake to follow her. Snake jumps to avoid the bullets and
    takes cover behind the wall. The elevator door closes. After that Solid hears a
    sound outside the elevator door. A floating figure appears.... it is PSYCHO
    MANTIS. He is saying a few words then disappeared into thin air.***

    Then Naomi calls Snake at 140.85. Answer that call, and then go into the cell
    door again. Go south to the computer room. Get the Socom Bullets near the table.
    Go east to the toilet to get more Socom Bullets. Then go outside to the
    elevator, heading to Floor B2.

    *******Floor B2 of Enemy's Base A - Armory *******

    When you comes out of the elevator, wear the thermal goggle. There are 4 path to
    the south. Three paths from the left contain trap doors. You can see it through
    the goggle.
    There are 7 doors in this room. 6 doors to get the weapons, and 1 door to the
    south. Right now you can only open 3 doors.
    Use the 1st level key card to open north middle door - get C4 explosives.
    Go to the south middle door to get Socom Bullets.
    Use the 1st Level key card to open south-west door - get grenades.

    ############## STUCK NO 2 #################
    Where should I go from here ??
    ---------------- ANSWER -----------------
    Check the wall in level B2
    there's a wall that you can blow using C4.

    Check the southwestern corner wall. Using the look button (triangle), you will
    see that the colour of that wall is different from the other. Equip C4, then
    push yourself to the wall. Stick the C4 to the wall by using Square button. Move
    away, then press Circle button to blow the C4. The wall will be blown away,
    revealing a path.

    ++ There are two other hidden rooms on the north wall. One is in the left of the
    elevator, and the other is in the right of the elevator. The left room contains
    1 box of chaff grenades, and 1 box of stun grenades. The right room contains 1
    box of C4 and 3 box of Socom bullets.
    This was sent by Jason Bernard Williams (jbwill@engin.umich.edu) ++

    Going through the path, you will find that the path leads to nowhere. But by
    using the look button again, you will see that the wall on the right can be
    blown too. Blow that wall and go through. Use the look button again. Blow the
    wall on the east and the Northeast (there are two paths to take). Before going
    any further, I suggest you check your Socom Bullets. If you're running out of
    it, go get them first or you will be sorry. Then go to the Northeast hole in the

    **Snake goes through the hole in the wall. There is a room behind that wall.
    There are 4 pillars inside the room and 1 big pillar on the centre of that 4
    pillars. An old man is tied on the big pillar. There's a lot of wire connecting
    the 4 pillars with the old man. Snake tries to help this old man. But when he
    approaches, the old man told Snake to stay away. There're bombs everywhere near
    the old man's body, connected by those wire. When Snake tries to come close
    again, there's a shot out of nowhere. Snake jumps to avoid the bullets. An enemy
    shows up with his 6-bullet gun, demonstrating his skill with his gun by spinning
    his gun around and around ( WHAT A COOL ENEMY ... ^_^). Then the enemy
    challenges Snake for a fight.

    *****BOSS NO 1 : REVOLVER OCELOT*****
    Use your Socom gun. Ocelot will try to keep his distance with you. So run
    around, trying to get a close distance with him so you can shoot him. But don't
    waste your bullets here. There's only 3 box of Socom Bullets in this room. One
    of the box is positioned near the wire, so I don't advice you to get it, unless
    you are really short of bullets. And if you do, I suggest you get the bullets by
    crawling. DO NOT TOUCH THE WIRE. If you do, the bombs will explode, and the game
    will end. Try to get clear shot of Ocelot. And shot twice if you have the
    chance. This is an easy enemy....REALLY EASY, unless you are short of bullets.
    ---->BOSS TIPS :
    1. Try to get close and shoot him when he's reloading.
    2. You can make the fight faster by using C4. But beware, don't plant the C4 too
    close to Baker. If you do, you will make the C4 tied in the rope explodes. This
    was sent by phycho_mantis@webtv.net. ++

    **Ocelot hides behind one of the pillar, reloading his gun. When he jumps out to
    shoot Snake, something's happening. A very fast and invisible figure moves in
    front of Ocelot and cuts his right hand, which is still holding a gun. Ocelot's
    jumps back, holding his arm painfully. Then that invisible figure cutting all
    the wire, so fast that the old man tied to the wire is released even before the
    bomb blow away. The mysterious figure then revealing himself to be seen....IT's
    a Cyborg Ninja (One of the coolest character EVER in a game ^_^ !!!). Ocelot
    runs away. Snake points his gun to the ninja. The Cyborg Ninja shouts and shakes
    his body then disappears before Snake can take any action.
    Snake then talked to the old man, The old guy talks about Metal Gear, and
    there's a film about a rocket and military bases. Then the old man gives the 2nd
    level Keycard and a disc. Suddenly something strikes the old man, just like
    DARPA. The old man died without Snake knowing what or who does that.**

    Then Solid calls the Colonel, Naomi, and Mei Lin at 140.85. After the
    conversation, Snake's life got longer and he can carry more of his inventory.
    Socom Bullet - 25 -> 49
    Grenade - 8 -> 12
    Stun Grenade - 3 -> 6
    Chaff Grenade - 3 -> 6
    C4 bomb - 4 -> 6
    Ration - 2 -> 2 ( doesn't change )

    Go back to the weapon's room. Note that there are guards guarding this place
    right now. With the LV2 Keycard, you can now open the Southeast door to get FA
    MAS (Machine gun) and 2 box of bullets. Be careful with this room. Use your
    thermal goggle before you take FA MAS. There are 2 red lines on the ground. It
    means that there are infra red trap. Avoid the infra red ray by crawling under
    it. Go to the elevator and go to the 1st floor.

    ++ Equip your cigarette. The smoke that comes out of your cigarette will reveal
    the infrared. You can now see the infrared traps. But beware... your health is
    going down little by little.
    This was first sent by Cyrille (masm@club-internet.fr) ++

    *******1st Floor of Enemy's Base A*******

    Do you notice that the tank on the right is missing ??? I won't spoil the fun
    right now.
    Go to the Northeast corner. Use the keycard to open the 1st level door. Take the
    Socom Suppresser. Combine Socom with the surpresser. With this weapon, you can
    shoot a guard without sounding the alarm.
    Go upstairs and open the 1st level door to the west. Get a chaff grenade and
    cardboard box A. Get out of this room and go to the north-eastern door (LV2)
    beside the camera. Get the mine detector.

    ############## STUCK NO 3 #################
    Where should I go from here ??
    ---------------- ANSWER -----------------
    Use your radio to contact Meryl.
    Find the right frequency

    Press Select button to access the radio. Use your radio to contact Meryl at
    140.15. She will help you open the big gate downstairs (near the lift). Just
    wait until she opens the gate. After that gate opens, go through that gate. BUT
    BEWARE....Use the thermal goggle or your cigarette. You will see 5 infrared ray
    traps in this area. If you touch the light, the gate will be closed and the room
    will be filled with poisonous gas. You will die instantly.

    ******* Snow Area - Canyon *******

    GOGGLE. You will see that there are Claymore bombs under the snow. They will
    explode if you step on them. Instead of trying to avoid them, crawl along the
    minefield. You will get the claymore mines in your inventory ^_^. Get all 5
    mines and check & equip your grenade in your inventory. Equip rations, too. Then
    go to the north ......

    **Solid Snake sees a tank heading in his way (that's why the tank in the LV B1
    is missing), with Vulcan Raven riding on it. Raven shoots the mortar to Solid.
    Solid Snake jumps to safety.**

    *****BOSS NO 2 : TANK*****
    The key to defeat the tank is to approach the tank and throw grenades in the
    tank. You must approach the tank in this way : Go south, approaching the gate
    where you come from, then go to the easternmost path, and go north. After you
    reach the safety rock, you will see a path along the snow that is lower than its
    surrounding. Crawl in this path to the west. You cannot get shot by the tank,
    because the snow is higher than the path (you are protected by the snow
    surrounding you). After you reach the western part, go north and hide behind the
    iron pillar. When the turret is not heading your way, approach the tank and
    throw the grenade on the tank. Run around the tank and throw grenades. After 2
    hit, the guard who drives the tank will fall from the tank, and a guard will
    replace him. Throw grenade two more times to the guard, and it's over.
    ---->BOSS TIPS :
    1. if you throw the grenade accurately on the guard steering the tank, you will
    see that it will only take one hit to take him down.
    2. you can use chaff grenades to confuse the tank's detector. You can approach
    the tank.This was first sent by Jim Tamangan <ryo79@yahoo.com>

    **Solid Snake approaches the guard, and takes the LV3 keycard from him. After
    Solid Snake goes to the Enemy Base B, the animation shows that Vulcan Raven is
    still alive. **

    *******1st Floor of Enemy's Base B (Nuke Building 1)*******
    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 49 -> 73
    Grenade - 12 -> 16
    Stun Grenade - 6 -> 9
    Chaff Grenade - 6 -> 9
    C4 bomb - 6 -> 8
    FA MAS Bullet - 101 -> 151
    Claymore - 6 -> 8
    Ration - 2 -> 3

    Proceed to the north gate by crawling. You will get a radio call from the
    Colonel and Naomi (140.85). There are rules that you must obey in this room :
    1. You cannot use any weapon except for chaff grenade.
    2. You should not be detected by the camera or the enemies. If you got caught,
    the enemies will release poisonous gas in the room.
    There are some items in this room : chaff grenades in the north western part
    (behind the missiles), FAMAS bullets in the south east wall (under the camera),
    and Socom bullets on the north-western part of the truck.
    Proceed upstairs, and go into the elevator. Go to level B1 go to the south door,
    and open the northeast door to get Nikita Missiles. Then go to level B2.

    *******Floor B2 of Enemy's Base B(Nuke Building B2)*******

    After you go out from the elevator, go east and press yourself to the wall. You
    will see a man on the other side of the wall. That's where you want to go right
    now. After that, go to south by using LV3 key. There are 2 cabinet-like-full-of-
    holes devices on the left and right side. Those are air purifiers. Notice that
    the door in the south have yellow colour. That's because the room in the south
    has poisonous gas.
    Use the 3rd level keycard to open the south door. Beware of the poisonous gas.
    You can only stay for a limited time only in that room.
    When you entered the room, You will see this animation.

    **Snake surprises to see that the floor on this aisle is electrified. Solid
    Snake then looks at the wall, tries to find where the source of the electricity
    comes from. The animation shows where the power generator is. But it's in the
    other room.**

    Then Snake had a call from someone that is not known (the vidcam shows no one).
    I think that man is trying to say that Solid Snake has to destroy that generator
    to proceed.

    ############## STUCK NO 4 #################
    How do I destroy the Power Generator ??
    ---------------- ANSWER -----------------
    Use your remote controlled Nikita Missile.

    Solid Snake has to use the Nikita missile to destroy the power generator. It
    takes a few practises to do that. Do you know that you can control the Nikita
    missile ?? Just shoot it, and control it with your directional pad. Shoot the
    Nikita Missile and guide it through the aisle to the south. When there's a T
    junction, guide the missile to the west into another room. Then guide the
    missile to the northern room. Beware that the camera-controlled gun can shoot
    the missile, and the missile can explode if it hits the table, cabinet, and
    wall. After the missile goes to the northern room, guide the missile to the
    eastern room and guide it so the missile hits the power generator. The floor is
    now safe to walk on, but beware....the poisonous gas is still in there. So go to
    the north room between the air purifier, so you can breathe normally again.
    Tips : use your triangle button to control the Nikita Missile from 1st person

    There are 3 doors in the aisle :
    1st door (northern east) : contains rations
    2nd door (middle east) : you can not open it right now (LV4)
    3rd door (south east) : contains gas mask.

    Use the gas mask to protect you from the poisonous gas. The gas will still
    affects you, but you will be able to stay longer in the gas filled room.
    Go south through the electric-before-floor. Go east and enter the door. Be
    careful of the camera-controlled-gun. Go to the air purifier. Right now you
    should hear a fight in the other room.
    Go to the east room and to the north, using the LV3 card.

    ** Snake walked into the aisle. He stunned. The aisle filled with dead people.
    Bullets hole everywhere in the wall. Bloodstains are everywhere, on the wall and
    on the ceiling**

    Go north, then .....

    ** A soldier comes from the north. Seems like he was really hurt. Then he fall
    and died **

    Go a tiny little bit to the north again, and .......

    ** Snake hears a machine gun and someone's screaming. Snake runs to the voice,
    and sees something's weird. Snake sees a soldier floats on the air, as if
    something that is not seen holding him. The soldier then is thrown by that
    'something' to the floor - dead. That something now is revealing himself. He is
    the cyborg ninja who cut Ocelot's hand. Now the ninja goes to the northern room.
    The door's lock is broken.**

    Go follow the ninja - enter the northern door, then ......

    ** Snake sees Otacon (the man that you saw behind the wall before) is frightened
    by something that can not be seen...something transparent. Otacon is so afraid
    that he pissed on his pants ^_^. The ninja reveals himself in front of him.
    Snake walks towards Otacon, and Otacon is surprised by Snake, thought that Snake
    is Ninja's friend. The ninja turns around and talks to Solid Snake. Feeling that
    the ninja's attention is drawed by Solid Snake, Otacon sneaks behind Ninja,
    runs, and hides inside a cabinet. Then ninja feels very angry and asks Snake to
    fight him.**

    *****BOSS NO 3 : CYBORG NINJA*****
    Use only punches and kicks (O button), because the ninja can deflect your shots
    with his sword and avoid your bombs by jumping (including your C4 bombs).
    Punch him 2 times, then there's animation where ninja puts away his sword. Now
    use hit and run tactic. Avoid his spinning kick. DON'T EVEN THINK THAT YOU ARE
    can break through windows, so just stay away. Sometimes he will try to stomp
    After his energy is depleted to 50 %, Ninja now uses his 'transparency'
    technique. Run around to find him ( and of course, kick and punch him ) before
    he finds you and kick your ass !!
    After you managed to find him 3 times, the animation will show the Ninja is now
    hurts. He will now stay appear and fight like a man.
    But beware, when you try to punch him, he will disappear and reappear behind you
    & punch you from the back. The tactics is : punch once then go away from him.
    After he punches, go back and punch him.
    After all of his energy depleted, the ninja is not dead yet. There's some
    explosion in his body. Don't go near because the explosion can hit you. The
    explosion is sometimes big, sometimes small. Wait when the explosion is small,
    approach him, and kick him. Do this three times, and you'll win.

    ++ 1. You can use your thermal goggle to see the Cyborg Ninja while he was
    disappearing. This was first sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg)
    2. Use your chaff grenade. Ninja will stun (kinda like malfunctioning). When
    he's stun, you can shoot him.
    This was first sent by Jon Norton (jonn@usaor.net)
    3. When Ninja is exploding, you can use your gun to shoot him - You do not need
    to use your punches.
    This was sent by Jon Norton (jonn@usaor.net). ++

    **Ninja talks to Snake, admitting his defeat. Then suddenly Ninja starts to
    shake again, slamming his head on the floor, making loud noise, screams, goes
    away, and disappears.**

    Snake calls his Colonel & Naomi - 140.85

    **Snake calms Otacon that is still hiding in the cabinet, and manages to get him
    out of there. Snake talks to Otacon, asks him questions. Snake becomes impatient
    with Otacon's answer. Snake grabs Otacon by the collar. Then he releases him,
    and Otacon starts to tell the story about Metal Gear. The story continues with a
    film about the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima 09/08/1945. Then Otacon shows Snake
    that he can make himself transparent, just like the Ninja. Snake then calls
    Meryl at 140,15. But then something's happening to her and the radio is out.
    Otacon gives Snake a LV4 Security Card. Then Otacon tells a story about robots
    (Policenauts), then Otacon tells Snake that Snake can contact him at frequency
    141.12. Otacon then uses his transparent technique, and goes away.**

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 73 -> 97
    Grenade - 16 -> 20
    Stun Grenade - 9 -> 12
    Chaff Grenade - 9 -> 12
    C4 bomb - 8 -> 10
    FA MAS Bullet - 151 -> 201
    Claymore - 8 -> 10
    Nikita - 12 -> 12
    Ration - 3 -> 3

    Get FAMAS bullets in the middle east and south east corner. Get a box of chaff
    grenade in the Southeast corner, and ration on the north of chaff grenade.
    Go back to the electrified-before-floor. You can now open the 2nd door - get 2
    boxes of stun grenades.
    Go south to the junction and go to the left. There are 4 doors on the east.
    1st door (north east-LV4) contains Night Vision Goggle.
    2nd door (middle north east - LV3) contains 2 boxes of Nikita Missiles
    3rd door (middle south east - LV3) contains 1 box C4 and 2 boxes of grenades.
    4rd door (south east - LV6) - you can not open it yet.
    Go north then go east (where the power generator was) - there are 1 box of chaff
    grenades and one ration.
    Go back to the elevator. Go to the floor B1.

    *******Floor B1 of Enemy's Base B(Nuke Building B1)*******

    Go into the men's toilet (it's the west door). Go to the northernmost toilet -
    get a ration there. Get out of men's toilet then go to the south door. There are
    5 door in this room. Get a box of stun grenades in the northwest corner.
    Open the northwest room - get Cardboard box B and a box of ration.
    Open the southeast room - Get Famas Bullets and Socom Bullets
    Open the northeast room - get nikita missiles there.

    ################### STUCK NO 5 ####################
    Where should I go from here or what should I do ??
    ---------------------- ANSWER ---------------------
    Find Meryl. She disguised as one of the guards

    ++ Hide, and push yourself behind the desk or other sorrounding's item. From
    there, the camera will change and you will be able to watch the guards. Meryl
    has a cute way of walking - wiggling her behind ^_^.
    This was sent by John C (johnc16@hotmail.com) ++

    One of the 2 guards in this room is Meryl. When she sees you, she will get out
    of the room and run to the women toilet (that's the east door that you can't
    open - Now you know why you can't open that door ^_^).
    Go to the northernmost toilet ......

    **Snake finds a set of the guard's uniform. Suddenly a rifle is pointed behind
    his head. Snake turns around to finds out that it's Meryl who points the gun at
    him. Meryl and Snake introduce themselves. Snake is interested on Meryl's tattoo
    on her left arm. Then they have a very long conversation. Meryl gives Snake PAL
    Key and 5th level card. Meryl gets out of the toilet, waits for Snake there.**

    ++ When Meryl sees you and goes to the toilet, follow her QUICKLY to the
    northernmost toilet. If you are quick enough, you will see that Meryl does not
    have time to change her clothes. You will see that in the animation, Meryl will
    not wear her trousers ^_^.
    This was sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) ++

    Go outside, then go to the south room. Now that you have the 5th level key, you
    can now open the southwest door. Get Diazepam (you'll need it later) and 3 box
    of FAMAS bullets. Get out of the room to join Meryl, and go to the aisle beside
    men's toilet. Open the door using the 5th level keycard. There's 5th level door
    there. When you approach the door, Meryl will approach that door, too. Approach
    Meryl, then ......

    **Meryl suddenly has headache. Then the animation shows what inside the room (in
    B/W) - from the eyes of something / someone's floating. You can hear his breath.
    That something is floating approaching the door fast. Meanwhile Meryl's headache
    is suddenly lost. She asks Snake to open the door. But Snake is feeling strange
    about Meryl. She is not herself anymore. Her voice sound different
    .....Mysterious, isn't it ??**

    Note : After the animation, try pressing the look button (Triangle). You will
    see that you are no longer looking from your eyes, but from Meryl's eyes ( or
    from someone's inside Meryl, maybe ?? )

    ******* The Commander's Room *******

    Open the door, and go inside. Animation will show that the door shuts behind
    you. Wander around the room and you will see ....

    ** Meryl is controlled by someone behind her. That someone is the one that Snake
    saw in front of the elevator after DARPA died. He is Psycho Mantis. Meryl, under
    Psycho Mantis' control, points her gun at Snake.**

    The Colonel and Naomi calls Snake at 140.85
    Now Snake is ready to face boss no 4.

    *****BOSS NO 4 : PSYCHO MANTIS & MERYL*****
    Meryl is pointing her gun at Snake. She tries to shoot you, but you mustn't hurt
    her - How ??
    There are two ways to confront Meryl :
    1. punch her until she's unconscious. But this is not a good way to treat a
    lady, so don't use it.
    2. use your stun grenade. Meryl will fall down.

    ++ 1. Flip Meryl a few times, by pressing Square (without equipping any weapon)
    and direction pad. Flipping has no effect on Meryl's health, and is very fast.
    This was sent Willycpu@Juno.com
    2. Choke her 2 or 3 times. She will become unconscious. This was sent by Sean
    (vrai_homme@hotmail.com) ++

    Then there's animation where Psycho Mantis appears in front of Snake - floating.
    Snake points his gun on him.

    ++ Mantis says that he will look deep into your soul. Actually he's accessing
    your memory card. If you have other Konami's save game, such as Azure Dreams,
    Castlevania, etc - he will say : " So you like AZURE DREAMS ?".
    If you have US version, the import Konami's save game such as : Beat Mania 2nd
    Mix, Winning Eleven 3, etc will not be read by Mantis. Guess, the US version
    Mantis cannot read Japanese ^_^.
    This was sent ++

    ++ It says in the animation that Mantis is boasting about his telekinesis
    ability. Mantis tells you that he can perform his telekinesis on your Joypad ??
    ^_^ (Man, have you ever think that a character in the videogame can control
    things outside the game ??). He then tells you to put the joypad in the flat
    surface. Then he began to make the joypad moves by activating the strong
    vibrator on the joypad (if you have Dual Shock Controller). Fun eh !!
    This was sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) ++

    Then the screen turns to black for the 1st time (it's normal - everybody I know
    experience it !! ). Then he begins to attack you.

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 9 : BLANK SCREEN +++
    ++ When you first fight Mantis, the screen will turn to black - and there's a
    word on the right side of the screen. It's called Hideo. In Japanese, when you
    have a problem on the transmission of the TV station, the station will show you
    this screen. It means that Mantis' power is so powerful, that he can control
    your TV. This was sent by
    But maybe this word is taken from the director of this game, Mr. Hideo Kojima.++

    Use your punches and kicks only to defeat him. Don't use your bombs, cause they
    will explode as soon as you throw it. And don't use your gun, because he is
    really good at avoiding your bullet.
    Psycho Mantis has 5 patterns, so watch it carefully. Here's how to defeat them :
    1st pattern : Mantis disappears for a short time, then he appears in other
    places - throwing a force ball on you. He does this 3 times. To defeat this
    pattern, use the triangle button to see from Mantis' eyes. From his view, you
    can predict where he's hiding. go there and punch him.
    2nd pattern : Mantis uses his telekinesis to raise 3 chairs in the room and uses
    them to protect himself from you. The chairs are circling on Mantis, making big
    and small circles. To defeat this, crawl and move beside Mantis (still
    crawling), then get up and punch him after the chairs' gone.
    3rd pattern : Mantis uses 2 vases from the table to attack you. To defeat this,
    crawl and wait until the vases' gone, then punch him.
    4th pattern : Mantis uses 3 deer heads to attack you. To defeat this, crawl and
    wait until the deer heads' gone, then punch him.
    5th pattern : Mantis uses books from the cabinet and pictures from the wall to
    attack you. To defeat this, go to the upperleft corner, near the statue. Wait
    until Mantis comes there, then punch him.

    After Mantis' energy depleted to 50%, he will control Meryl again to attack you.
    Use the stun bomb again on her. After that, he control Meryl again. He orders
    Meryl to commit suicide. Use the stun bomb again on her.
    Now Mantis starts to use the 1st pattern over and over again. Find him all the
    time, and punch him. After his energy's become 15%, he will combine his
    technique. First, he uses pattern 3 & 4. Then he uses pattern 2 & 5. To defeat
    him, just crawl to avoid those things, wait until they're gone, then get up and
    punch him. You'll defeat him.

    NOTE :
    1. Don't get discouraged while fighting Mantis. Mantis is really good avoiding
    your punches. You maybe will only land one sixth of your punches.
    2. If you cannot defeat Mantis, there's an easy way to do that. Just lose to
    Mantis once, then continue. When you begin this fight, break the statue on the
    northwest and northeast corner. After this, Mantis will not be able to avoid
    your punches as good as before.

    ++ 1. Use your thermal goggle to see Mantis while he was disappearing. This is
    easier than using the triangle button.
    This was first sent by cwk5@cornell.edu
    2. When you face Mantis, the Colonel will inform you this way to defeat him.
    This is the theory : Mantis can read people's minds. He can read your mind, too.
    That explains why he can avoid your punches so well. In order to defeat him, you
    have to use 'your other mind' (like you have 2 minds !!). Consider your 'current
    mind' is your 1st controller. You can now use your 'second mind' by using your
    2nd controller. Plug your 2nd controller to the Playstation port, and use it to
    fight Psycho Mantis. Psycho Mantis cannot dodge your attack now. You can even
    shoot him, but you still cannot use your grenade or bombs.
    This was first sent by Kamui (kmui@hol.fr). ++

    Colonel and Naomi calls Snake at 140.85.

    **Psycho Mantis is nearly died. The animation shows that his spirit is flying in
    the room. He tells Snake that there's a secret passageway behind the cabinet in
    the northeast. Then Mantis asks Solid to open his mask. Meryl sees Mantis' real
    face then shocked. Mantis then tells a story to Snake. Then he asks Solid to put
    his mask back on. At his last breath, he uses his telekinesis technique to move
    the cabinet. Then Mantis dies.**

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 97 -> 121
    Grenade - 20 -> 24
    Stun Grenade - 12 -> 15
    Chaff Grenade - 12 -> 15
    C4 bomb - 10 -> 12
    FA MAS Bullet - 201 -> 251
    Claymore - 10 -> 12
    Nikita - 12 -> 16
    Ration - 3 -> 4
    Diazepam - 6 -> 6

    Get FAMAS bullets in the upper left (near the statue).
    Go to the passageway behind the cabinet - there're ration, FAMAS bullets, and
    Socom bullets beside the stair.
    Go to the door to the north.

    *******Cave Area*******

    **Meryl speaks to Solid. She seems to know this cave. Then she leaves Solid

    Go east, then go north. Use your Night vision goggle if you can not see clearly.
    There's a box of ration and a hole in the wall where you can see Meryl in the
    other side of the wall. Go south to get Socom bullets. Then go back to the west.
    Take the north path (snow covered). Crawl to the hole in the wall. Go north till
    you reach the junction (there's water in the floor). Go west to get FAMAS
    bullets. Then go back to the junction and go East. Then go south on the
    junction. There're two holes that you can go into in the south west area, to the
    south and to the east. Go to the south first to get FAMAS bullets, Diazepam, and
    ration. Then go back and go to the east hole to meet Meryl (see that the wolves
    are all fond of Meryl ^_^).
    There's a ration behind Meryl. Then open the north door using your keycard.

    ++ Try hurting Meryl by punching or choking her when she's with the wolves. If
    you do that, the wolves will attack you. ++

    ++ Equip your Cardboard box first. Then unequip it by pressing L1 button. Get
    close to Meryl, then hurt her by punching, choking, or shooting her - then
    quickly press L1 button to equip your Cardboard Box. Meryl will not ask the
    wolves to attack you. Instead he orders the wolf to pee on your box ^_^. Don't
    be ashamed. There's an advantage. You can walk around the wolves in the box
    without getting attack, because the wolves think that you're one of them. But
    don't forget which box to use. If you use different box, the wolf will still
    after you.
    This was first sent by Wesco818@aol.com ++

    *******Path to Communication Tower A(Underground Passage)*******

    **Meryl says to Solid that the path is full of booby traps (claymore mines), so
    Solid have to be very careful about it. Then Meryl show Solid how to get pass
    the mine field.**

    Guide Snake to follow Meryl's footprint, then ......

    **Suddenly, from unknown place, a sniper is targeting Meryl. Seeing the infra
    red on Meryl's body, Snake warns Meryl about the danger. Meryl doesn't move
    because she's so surprised. She just follows the red mark pointing at her body,
    then down to her left leg. Then Meryl's got shot on her left leg. Meryl screams.
    Snake jumps to safety. Then the sniper shoots Meryl at her right leg. Meryl goes
    down. Her pistol drops. Meryl tries to reach for her gun, but the sniper shoots
    Meryl on her left hand. Snake wants to get close to help her, but he can't.
    Meryl knows that somewhere in the tower there's a sniper aiming at them.**

    ################### STUCK NO 6 #########################
    How do I shot the sniper ??
    ---------------------- ANSWER --------------------------
    You have to go back to Enemy Base A to get Sniper Rifle

    The Colonel and Naomi then call Solid at 140.85.
    After some time, you will see that you cannot get close to Meryl, because the
    sniper shots you first. Get 4 claymore mines from the snow. Then the Colonel
    contacts you again in the radio - orders you to get the sniper's rifle in the
    floor B2 Enemy's base A (I know, it sucks - but we have to save Meryl ).

    Go back to the elevator - go to floor 1, then go out to the south. Cross the
    open area (snow) again. This time, please be careful. The enemies have put some
    camera and more claymore mines on the ground. Go to the elevator, then go to
    floor B2. Get the sniper rifle (PSG1) in the northwest door - use the LV5
    keycard to open it. Be careful, there are infrared traps on this room. Use
    thermal goggle.

    The colonel calls Snake again at 140.85.

    After you pick up the rifle, go back where Meryl was shot (It's a long way again
    ). You will see that Meryl is no longer there. You can only see Meryl's blood.

    *****BOSS NO 5 : SNIPER WOLF*****
    Use your sniper rifle. Find the enemy. Shoots before the enemy does. If you ran
    out of bullets, you can get one box of bullets to the left. Don't waste your
    bullet, because it is limited. If you feel that Snake is not stable anymore, use
    Diazepam. Diazepam is a pill or drug to keep a sniper calm. Shoot her a few
    times, then she's down.

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 121 -> 145
    Grenade - 24 -> 28
    Stun Grenade - 15 -> 18
    Chaff Grenade - 15 -> 18
    C4 bomb - 12 -> 14
    FA MAS Bullet - 251 -> 301
    Claymore - 12 -> 14
    Nikita - 16 -> 20
    Ration - 4 -> 4
    Diazepam - 6 -> 8

    Go north, then check the ledge on the left wall. There's a box of PSG1 bullets.
    Go north until you come to the tower. Then go west to get a box of ration. Go
    behind the barrel to get a box of Socom Bullets. Go to the right. There's a box
    of FAMAS bullets under the stairs. Go upstairs and get a box of PSG1 bullets.

    *******NOTE : NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO SAVE .The choice you are about to make in
    the next scene will affect the ending of this game. And you cannot let Snake
    dies in the next scene, because you cannot continue if you fail. *********

    Go downstairs and head towards the LV6 door to the right (even though you know
    that you can not open it ^_^). Then ....

    **The alarm rings when Snake approaches the door. Two soldiers come from Snake's
    behind and point their rifle on Snake. Then Sniper Wolf comes along with the two
    soldiers. Sniper Wolf asks Snake to drop his gun. Snake drops his gun and raises
    his hands. Sniper Wolf admires her enemy then scratches Snake's left cheek. Then
    one of the soldiers hits Snake in the back of his neck. Snake falls down....
    When Snake begins to regain his consciousness, he can only see 6 lights, like in
    the operation room. Snake cannot move. His hands and his legs are tied to the
    bed. Snake can hear 3 people are talking. Then the bed rotates, so the Snake is
    now in standing position. Snake can see that 3 persons: Liquid, Sniper Wolf, and
    Revolver Ocelot. Snake talks to Liquid, then Liquid got called from someone.
    Liquid leaves the room. The conversation continues - than Sniper Wolf leaves the
    room, too. that leaves Snake with Ocelot. Ocelot is about to torture Snake.**

    You control Solid Snake right now. Snake has two choices in this place :
    1. Do not surrender. Tap O (circle) repeatedly.
    2. Surrender. You can do this by pressing Select.


    Assume you did not surrender. Ocelot will try to torture you three times. There
    are two bars on the screen :
    1. Life bar - it's Solid's life bar.
    2. Time bar - it's shows how long the torture will end.
    The object of this scene is : Snake has to survive the torture. Ocelot will
    torture you three times. During these torture, Snake's life bar must not empty.
    When the torture begins, tap O repeatedly to fill the life bar. Tap really fast,
    because the life bar carries on to the next torture. The 2nd torture is longer
    than the 1st torture, and the 3rd torture is the longest. If you don't make it,
    you will have to load the game, because there's no continue option.
    Snake then is put in jail. In the corner of the jail, Snake sees DARPA's corpse.
    When you press L2 or R2, you will see that Solid doesn't have anything in his
    inventory. No stuff, no weapon, ZIP.
    There's a guard walking around Snake's jail - sneezing all the time.
    Then the Colonel and Naomi call Snake at 140.85.
    After the call, the guard will go to the cell door, and call you for more
    torture (Actually the guard says : It's ShowTime !! ). You are brought into the
    torture room once again. Survive this torture again. Then Snake is put in the
    jail once again.

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 11 : MASSAGE ANYONE ?? +++
    ++ If you use Dual Shock controller, and you survived the torture, then you will
    hear this conversation in the Codec. When Naomi contacts you on Codec, she will
    asks what's wrong. Snake will say that his arm hurts. Naomi then orders you to
    put the controller on your arm. Naomi then sends 'signal' to relieve the pain -
    by vibrating the controller !! ^_^. Talking bout massage, eh !! ( Is there any
    massaging game in PSX ?? ) ++

    ### If you choose to surrender in the game, this is where you will start. In
    other words, if you choose to surrender, you will automatically put in jail and
    don't have to endure the second torture.

    The Colonel calls you at 140.85 again.

    Wait for a moment, use the look button on the guard. You will see that the guard
    will have a stomach-ache. It was so sudden and so bad, that you will see the
    guard running very fast to the toilet ( I think it's about to explode ^_^ ).
    After the guard leaves you, wait for a moment. Someone will call you at the
    door. It's Otacon !!

    **Snake is so relieved to see Otacon. After they have a conversation, Otacon
    gives Snake a bottle of ketchup, a scarf, a LV6 Security card, and a ration.
    Then Otacon hears that the guard is coming back. Then Otacon leaves.**

    Now you got to act fast!! You want to get out of the prison. There are two ways
    that I know to escape from the prison, but you got to do it before the guard
    arrives from the toilet.
    1. Use the ketchup by equipping it, lying down by pressing X button, and press O
    button. You have to do it before the guard arrives. Snake will pretend to be
    dead. The guard arrives, sees that Snake is dead, then open the cell door to
    check him out.

    ++ If you use the ketchup to fake dead when the guard is around, he will laugh
    at you.
    This was first sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) ++

    2. Hide (crawl) under the bed. When the guard arrives, he will think that Snake
    has escaped. He will open the prison door to check him.
    3. If you do not do anything to escape, you can escape by just waiting in the
    cell. When the guard has his stomach-ache, someone will rescue you. It's Cyborg
    Ninja !!
    This was first sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg)

    Then what should we do with the guard ? You can kill him, but there's a more
    amusing way!! Run from the guard, go outside the cell, go north, then east. You
    will see a LV6 door on the north and a ration on the south. Pick the ration,
    then open the LV6 door. You will see the animation that the guard runs after you
    and finally be able to point you with his rifle. But he has a stomach-ache again
    !! So he will leave you and go to the toilet ^_^.
    Look to the right of the torture bed. You will see there is a red box. Pick it
    up. It's Snake's belonging. There's an animation where Snake go behind the
    torture bed, changing and equipping his stuff back ( NOW WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS

    NOTE 1 : Check your inventory (L2 button). Please check if you are carrying a
    time bomb. Sometimes the enemy put a time bomb on Snake's inventory. When the
    time bomb runs out of time, it will explode. The explosion will kill Snake

    ################### STUCK NO 7 ####################
    How do I get rid of the bomb ??
    ---------------------- ANSWER ---------------------
    Just throw the bomb.

    NOTE 2 : After the torture, sometimes Snake will catch cold. ( IT'S TRUE !! ).
    Maybe because he don't wear any shirt in the prison. SO from now on be careful
    while hiding, sometimes Snake will sneeze. The enemy can hear it, and will check

    To get rid of the bomb, you must wait for the mysterious man to call you.
    Usually he will call you 1 minute before the bomb explodes. To throw the bomb,
    hold L2, and press the directional button to choose for the time bomb, then
    while still holding the L2 button, press O button. It's the same way of using a
    ration or Diazepam.

    Open the door on the east, with LV6 keycard, but be careful with the camera-gun.
    When you open the door, you will see that the area is familiar to you. IT'S
    LEVEL B1 at ENEMY BASE A(Cell). But the enemy has put 2 camera + gun outside the
    elevator, so you have to be very careful.

    Go to the elevator and go to floor B2. Pick every ammo there, and go to the
    place where you fought Ocelot. Go south and go east. Now you can open the 2
    doors that are previously locked. Open the lower door to get stun grenades and
    chaff grenades.

    Go back to the elevator to Level 1, and proceed to Enemy's Base B.

    ******* Enemy's Base B *******

    We're here just to collect the items that we cannot get previously.
    Go to the elevator - floor B2. Go south to the electric-before floor. Go south
    until you reach the junction, and take the left path. You can now open the south
    east door. It contains body armor.
    Go back to the elevator - floor B1. Go to the south and open the middle west
    door (LV6). You will get medicine. This medicine will cure Snake's cold.
    Then go to the place where Meryl got shot.

    ++ When you go to the cave where the wolves are, equip your scarf. You will
    charm the wolves, like they're charmed by Meryl.
    This was sent by Olong(olong@freemail.it) ++

    **Solid looks at the place where Meryl get shot by the sniper. The floor is
    still covered with Meryl's blood. Snake got a flashback about Meryl's getting
    shot. Then the Colonel, Naomi, Miller, and Mei Lin call you at 140.85.**

    After the animation, proceed north to COMMUNICATION TOWER A.

    ******* COMMUNICATION TOWER A*******
    Enter the LV6 door where you previously get caught. Go along the aisle, and pick
    FAMAS bullets, & Socom bullets along way. Now check your FAMAS bullets, and
    equip FAMAS. Enter the door to the west. The camera will spot you, the alarm
    will go off, and guards are coming, trying to catch you !! At this place Snake
    doesn't have to sneak. He will have to fight all the guards. Get the Stun
    Grenades and Rope, then go south - open the door. Go upstairs fast. Shoot
    enemies that are trying to catch you. Run upstairs as fast as you could.
    Eventually you will find LV6 door. When you approach it, Otacon will call you at
    141.12. He told Snake not to open the door. Just go upstairs (you cannot open
    the door anyway). There's a lot of ration, FAMAS bullets, and Socom bullets on
    the way, so pick them up.

    ++ 1. This can be done if you have a bandanna. If you're trying to get the FOX
    rank, then you know that you may not kill more than 25 enemies and may not use
    more than 1 ration. This place should give you a headache, because if you must
    kill all the enemies to survive. If you don't shoot the enemies, then you must
    use your rations to survive, which means you cannot get the FOX rank. To fix
    this, equip bandanna and stun grenades. Throw stun grenades FREQUENTLY as you
    ascending the stairs. By this the guards will be stunned all the time. But the
    screen will be white all the time - makes it hard for you to see the way (when
    you're in the top floor). If it happens to you, you can stop throwing the stun
    grenades for a while to look where you go. Usually when you reached the top
    floor, the guards won't be able to follow you. You will not lose your live and
    not kill even a single guard if you do this right.
    2. If you haven't got a bandanna, then try this : Flip the guard instead of
    shooting him. I've tried this, but you musn't get too close to the guard. If
    you're to close, the guards will hit you with his weapon.
    This was first sent by Johny Cage" <mib@compulink.gr> ++

    On the top floor, you can get Socom Bullet and FAMAS Bullets. Go along the path
    and you will come to a ladder with ration on the south of the ladder. Pick the
    ration and climb the ladder. Then open the door at the northeast corner (LV6
    door). You're on the roof now.

    **Solid Snake arrives at the roof. He examines the roof, and notice that there's
    a satellite disc. Below the satellite disc, there's a LV 6 door on the nearby
    building (Communication Tower B).**

    Go to the stair to the north, then ...

    **Solid Snake is on its way to the satellite disc. Suddenly some missiles strike
    the disc, causing the disc to be broken. The disc falls to the ground below.
    Snake jumps to safety. While Snake is wondering who shot the disc, suddenly
    Liquid Snake with his chopper comes from behind. Apparently, it was the chopper
    that shots the Satellite disc. Snake runs towards the Communication Tower B
    roof, but the path there is damaged by the missiles that wrecked the Satellite.
    Snake could not cross, but Snake has to reach that LV6 door he saw before, so

    Equip the rope, and go to the fence in front of you.

    **Solid Snake ties the rope on the fence, while the chopper blows the building
    behind Snake. Snake comes down the building and lands on a ledge. Liquid's
    chopper comes and try to shoot Snake**

    Snake got call from the Colonel - 140.85. Apparently, the Colonel explains to
    Snake how to use the rope.
    Press X button to jump down - you can swing to the left and to the right by
    holding the directional button.
    Press O to climb - it's not much use.

    The objective is : to go down to the bridge that connect the Communication Tower
    A to Communication Tower B. On the way, avoid gas and the chopper's bullets.
    Keep going down until you arrive in the snowy area.

    ++ Notice the LV6 door on the ledge. It's the door that you previously can not
    open when you climb the stairs. You can not open it because it is frozen. Now
    you can open the frozen door by blasting it with C4. Just stick the C4 on the
    door and blow it. You can now go back to the stairs area. But I guess there's
    nothing that we can do by going back.
    This method will not work if you try it from the other side of the door (when
    you are chased by the guards previously).
    This was sent by psx001@aol.com ++

    In this area, you can pick a ration to your left and a C4 to your right. DON'T
    TRY TO CROSS THE BRIDGE FIRST. By using your scope, you can see that three
    guards are guarding the bridge on the other side. If you get too close, the
    guards will start shooting at you and you won't be able to shoot them. Instead,
    use your Nikita Missiles to kill them. Usually it takes about 3 missiles to
    bring them down. You will know whether the guards are dead by listening to the
    music. If the music fades, then the guards are all dead. Cross the bridge. Near
    the end of the bridge, the chopper will appear in front of you and try to shoot
    you. Use your keycard to open the door to the west. Don't forget to pick the
    ration along the way.

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 13 : SNIPER'S SNAKE ??+++
    ++ You can use your sniper rifle to take the guards down. It's harder than using
    the Nikita, because you might get hit from their shots, but it gives you a
    feeling like you're a sniper.
    This was first sent by Johny Cage" <mib@compulink.gr> ++

    Inside the room you will find Stinger Launchers and Stinger Missiles. Then open
    the door to the south.

    Go south to reach the elevator. Press the elevator's button. You will see that
    the elevator is not working. Check the elevator by walking to the elevator's
    gate. Then go back to the door, and now take the path to the right (behind the
    elevator). Get grenades, FAMAS bullets, and Socom bullets. Go east, and climb
    down the stairs. Keep climbing down until you find that the stairs are broken.
    Go up again to the elevator. Before reaching the elevator ...

    **Snake hears someone is trying to operate the elevator as well. Snake hides
    behind a pillar, getting ready with his gun. When he jumps out to point the gun,
    he finds out that the man is Otacon. Otacon had a long conversation with Snake.
    Then Otacon makes himself disappear, and go to the stairs leading to the bottom

    Now you can go to the east - go upstairs. But beware, everytime you climb the
    stair, use the look button. There're camera-equipped-guns on the top wall. Use
    the chaff grenade to make the camera jammed. Then climb upstairs again. There're
    4 sets of camera, so you will need 4 chaff grenade to go to the top.
    On the top floor, you will see a ladder leading upstairs. Instead of climbing
    the ladder, go along the south path to get 2 box of stinger missiles, chaff
    grenades, FAMAS bullets, and ration. By now you should have a full inventory of
    Stinger Missiles (20/20). Now go back and climb the ladder. Go through the door
    on the northeast side. You will reach the roof.

    ** The chopper appears in front of Snake. Liquid talks to Snake, then he flies
    his chopper to attack Snake.**

    *****BOSS NO 6 : CHOPPER (HIND)*****
    Use your stinger missiles to shoot the chopper. Stay beside the container in
    front of the door. This container will be your safety place. It will be your
    'shield' against the chopper's bullets, so don't go to far from this container.
    There's a ration on the south west area of the container, and a stinger missiles
    on the south east corner. Don't waste your stinger missiles, so don't shoot if
    you don't have a clear shot.
    Use your radar to know the chopper's location. If the chopper is shooting from
    the south, take cover on the north of the container, etc. Use your stinger radar
    to check where the chopper is. After the chopper takes a few hits, usually the
    chopper will then fly below the building. You cannot shoot it when he's under
    you, so shoot the chopper only when the chopper flies above you. If you put the
    crosshair of the Stinger on the chopper, the stinger will lock on the chopper.
    But in some cases, the lock does not guarantee to be sure hit. For instance, if
    the chopper is too far, then the missile will miss.
    When you hit the chopper 4 or 5 times, the chopper will go away, and animation
    shows that the chopper is shooting the south area. Go to the north before the
    missile hits you.
    Shoot the chopper 8-10 times again, then the chopper will fire its last
    missiles. Avoid it by running to the south west corner. Then the chopper is
    toasted !!

    **The chopper is starting to fly unstable. Liquid is panic. The chopper falls
    apart. Then the chopper falls to the ground. Liquid screams "
    SSSNNNNAAAKKEEEEEEEE !!!". Then the view changes : from the Snake's back. Snake
    is watching an explosion causing by the chopper.**

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 121 -> 168
    Grenade - 24 -> 32
    Stun Grenade - 15 -> 21
    Chaff Grenade - 15 -> 21
    C4 bomb - 12 -> 16
    FA MAS Bullet - 251 -> 351
    Claymore - 12 -> 16
    Nikita - 16 -> 24
    Stinger Miss. - 20 -> 25
    Ration - 4 -> 5
    Diazepam - 6 -> 9

    Otacon calls Snake at 141.12. He tells Snake that he has fixed the elevator.

    Go back down to the elevator - don't forget the security cameras!! You still
    have to use 4 chaff grenades to go to the elevator. Then press the button on the
    elevator. You can use the elevator now.

    **Snake enters the elevator. Suddenly the elevator bell rings. Snake feels
    confused. Is there something wrong ??**

    Then press the elevator button to go to floor 1. The elevator door closes, and
    the elevator starts to move. Suddenly Otacon calls at 141.12. He says that some
    guards are in the elevator, too. They're using the transparency technique, so
    Snake can not see them.

    Now is fighting time. Kill 4 transparent guards. Use FAMAS or C4.

    ++ You can see the guard by using your thermal goggle
    This was sent by Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) ++

    After they're all be killed, enjoy your ride to the 1st floor.
    Go out of the elevator, then go west. follow the path to get a ration and a box
    of PSG1 bullet (behind the elevator). Go in front of the elevator, and get a
    chaff grenade. Open the door in the south east corner. There're 2 boxes of PSG1
    bullets, guarded by a camera -equipped-gun. Then go through the west door. Get 2
    SOCOM bullets and 2 FAMAS bullets. Be careful, there are 3 cameras in this room.
    Open the door in the end of the aisle - that's to the north.

    *******Open Area - SnowField*******
    ++ Before going north, go to the east until you reach the wall, then go north.
    Push yourself to the ledge on the north. You will see a parachute outside the
    wall. That's the place where the Hind fell. Snake then contacts the Colonel.
    From the conversation, it seems that Liquid survived the crash, even though he
    barely got the chance. Talking about luck, huh !!
    This was sent by Chris McFadden <mcfadden@express-news.net> ++

    Go to the north, and ...

    **A sniper shoots Snake**

    Then Snake got calls from Otacon - 141.12. In the conversation, suddenly Sniper
    Wolf interrupts.

    *****BOSS NO 7 : Sniper Wolf - 2nd Encounter*****
    Use your sniper rifle (PSG1)- It's sniper Vs sniper fight !! Like before, shoot
    her before she shoots you - it's a game of speed and accuracy. Sniper Wolf hides
    behind trees. Just follow her down, then shoot her when she tries to shoot you.
    If you runs out of bullets, you can get them on the west and on the east
    (there're 2 boxes). Pick a ration on the south east corner. Use Diazepam to calm
    you if you become unstable.

    ++ You can use your nikita missiles on her, but it would be difficult to spot
    her. Just hide well behind the tree.
    This was sent by psx001@aol.com ++

    ++ Go to the east until you reach the wall. Then go north. You will find a safe
    place where a step of rock protects you, where you cannot be shot by Sniper
    Wolf. Face west then fire your Nikita Missile there. Press your Triangle button
    to look in 1st person view mode. After you feel that the Nikita Missile has
    reach the middle south area, move the missile to the north west (behind the
    truck). After the missile is behind the truck, move your missile to the north,
    to go behind the trees. Then move the missile to strike Sniper Wolf. You should
    hit her every time on her feet without getting hit at all. Here is the map :

    * --------------> *
    * \ # # # # *
    * \ * """ = ledge or rock.
    * \ * *** = wall
    * @@ \ * # = tree
    * @@ \ * @@@ = truck
    * @@ \ * - and \ = the missile's path
    * \ *
    * \ """""""""""*
    * <--------------S *
    * *

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 168 -> 192
    Grenade - 32 -> 36
    Stun Grenade - 21 -> 24
    Chaff Grenade - 21 -> 24
    C4 bomb - 16 -> 16
    FA MAS Bullet - 351 -> 401
    Claymore - 16 -> 16
    Nikita - 24 -> 28
    Stinger Miss. - 25 -> 30
    Ration - 5 -> 5
    Diazepam - 9 -> 9

    After the fight, go north a little bit, then .....

    **Snake approaches Sniper Wolf, who is now waiting for her death. She coughs,
    her blood mixed with her coughs. Then she has the last conversation with Snake
    (listen to the Background song - It's perfect, Does it make you want to cry ??).
    Sniper Wolf asks Snake to end her pain ( to kill her ). Snake points his gun on
    her. Otacon, watching the scene from far, feels very sad for Sniper Wolf. Sniper
    Wolf asks Otacon to bring her rifle. Otacon brings the rifle to her. She holds
    the rifle, and asks Snake to shoot. Otacon does not have the courage to watch
    this, so he turns his back and covers his ears. Then the camera zooms out fast,
    the screen becomes all white, then..... BANG !!
    Snake uses the scarf to cover her face, then he leaves the place. Otacon shouts
    to Snake while watching Snake leaves. Then he makes himself disappear, and leave
    the place too.**

    You are now free to roam the snow field area. There's a lot of door. I list them
    all :
    - There are 2 doors on the west. The northern one (LV6) contains 4 Nikita
    Missiles and guarded by 1 camera. The southern one contains Cardboard box C and
    2 rations, guarded by 2 cameras.
    - There are 2 doors to the east. The north one contains 2 boxes of PSG1 bullets,
    2 boxes of Socom Bullets, and 3 boxes of FAMAS bullets no camera. The south one
    contains 2 boxes of chaff grenades and 1 box of grenades guarded by 2 camera.
    - There are 3 doors to the north. The left door leads to the enemy's last base.
    You cannot open the middle one right now, because it's LV7. The right one
    contains 1 box of diazepam, 1 box of stun grenade, and a ration - but the place
    is covered with claymore mines.

    Go to the north - northwest door, which leads to the enemy's Last Base. Avoid
    the cameras, go to the north west corner to get a box of Socom bullets. Go east,
    then go downstairs........ DISC ONE Ends.

    ----> DO YOU KNOW : CHANGE YOUR CD +++
    ++To change to disc two, wait until the METAL GEAR SOLID logo appears on the
    screen. Then open your disc cover by pressing the open button, BUT DO NOT PRESS
    THE POWER OR THE RESET BUTTON !! You will see that the disc has stopped
    spinning. Remove the first CD, and put the second CD on your PSX. Close the
    cover, and press START on your controller. The game will now load.++

    **************************DISC TWO WALKTHROUGH**********************

    *******LV 1 of Enemy's Central Base - Blast Furnace*******
    Go downstairs, and open the door. Go north and go west to the bridge to get a
    box of chaff grenade. Then go to the bridge on the south, leading to the west
    wall. Press yourself to the wall, then walk sideways to the south to get a box
    of Socom bullets. Then walk sideways to the north to reach the north bridge. But
    be careful - there's a crane moving around. If this crane hits you, you will
    fall to the molten iron and burned to death !! Walk sideways and press X to
    duck. When the crane moves above you, get up (by pressing X again) then go to
    the north bridge.

    ++ If you have problem when crossing the ledge, you can destroy the crane with 2
    stinger missiles or with 2 nikita missiles. Actually, it's OK if you shoot just
    one time, cause the crane will stop moving.
    This was sent by psx001@aol.com ++

    Go north and go downstairs. You will find Socom bullets under the stairs. You
    can find a ration if you take the west path (downstairs), and you can find C4
    explosives if you walks to the south. Go north and downstairs. There's a box of
    Socom bullets under the stairs and There's a door on the northeast. Don't enter
    this door first. Go through the south - it leads to STEAM ROOM (REMEMBER THIS
    PLACE AS YOU WILL COME HERE AGAIN). Get 2 boxes of PSG1 bullets and 2 boxes of
    Nikita Missiles. Crawl to the south west under the pipes. You can get 2 box of
    Stinger Missiles, and 1 box of chaff grenades. Go back through the STEAM ROOM -
    go north. Open the door to the northeast.

    In the next room, go north and you will see that an elevator is coming to your
    way. Before you go to LV B1 with the elevator, explore the room first - There
    are 2 boxes of FAMAS bullets on the south west, and 1 box of Socom bullets on
    the northwest corner. Get 2 boxes FAMAS bullets on the east, and get one box of
    Socom bullets behind the east container. Now you are ready to go down with the
    elevator. Just press the button on the panel with O button.

    **Just as the elevator starts to move down, 3 guards appear from behind the
    container. They jump on the elevator.**

    Fight those 3 guards with your FAMAS rifle. These guards are tougher than the
    ordinary guards. If you want to kill them fast, you can throw them outside the
    elevator. After those bad guys are dead, proceed to LV B1 of the enemy central

    *******LV B1 of Enemy's Central Base*******

    Go north of the elevator, then go to the east. There's a camera-equipped-gun
    inside. Get a Socom bullets on the north. NOW USE YOUR THERMAL GOGGLE and go
    south. There are claymore mines on the south side. Crawl to get the Claymore
    mines. While still crawling, go to the southeast corner to get ration and to the
    north east corner to get a box of FAMAS bullets.
    Then go down with the elevator. Press the button on the panel - Use O button to
    do that.
    Now you are going down on the elevator. There are lots of birds circling you.
    Then Master Miller calls you at 141.80. Enjoy the ride to floor B2.

    ++ If you kill the ravens that are flying there, the Colonel and Naomi will warn
    you - calling you not to become a scarecrow and not to kill the raven's again
    This was first sent by Jim Tamangan <ryo79@yahoo.com> ++

    *******LV B2 of Enemy's Central Base*******
    This place is so...chilling. You can see that this place is colder than any
    other place in this base.
    Go west behind the container to get Nikita Missiles and C4 bombs. Then go to the
    east containers to get ration and Nikita Missiles.
    Then open the door on the north.

    **Snake goes into a big-refrigerator-like room. There're a lot of raven birds in
    there. Then Snake sees someone's lying on the container in front of him. The
    person stands up and talks to Snake. It's VULCAN RAVEN, the one who attacks
    Snake with the tank (remember boss no 2 ??). Vulcan Raven jumps down to meet
    Snake. Now Vulcan Raven is fully equipped. He has this HUUUGGGEEEE Gaitling Gun
    (looks cool, isn't it ??). Then Vulcan Raven demonstrates his ability - the
    ability to control the bird. A bird lands on Snake's shoulder, stays there then
    leaves. After a few words, Raven is now ready to fight Snake.**

    *****BOSS NO 8 : Vulcan Raven - 2nd Encounter*****
    Don't walk in front of him, he will shoot you wildly. Instead, use Nikita
    Missiles. Guide the Missile so it hits him. But don't underestimate him, he can
    shoot your Nikita Missile if he sees it. So guide your Nikita Missile to hit him
    from behind or from side. You have to guide it around the container - not in the
    straight line so he will have tough times to gun it down. If Raven gets close to
    you, predict which path he will take and plant claymore mines and C4 bombs.
    There are Stinger Missiles, Nikita Missiles, and ration. After a few hits, Raven
    starts to shoot at containers, so the containers are falling down, blocking
    several ways. Raven is now moving much faster than before. Claymore mines don't
    work on him right now, so use the Nikita Missiles only.

    ++ 1. Use your grenades. Pick one of the sets of boxes in the room and have
    Raven follow you there (or just wait until he comes there). Throw a grenade at
    the corner that Raven is one side away from and then continue around the box
    towards Raven's back. The grenade will land just past the box's corner and
    Raven should see you just as you turn the corner (his gun should just become
    visible)... while he stands there shooting the grenade will explode, hitting
    him. You can do this until he has 15-20% life left... where the pattern still
    works but you have to throw the grenade earlier (in other words, make an
    educated guess as to Raven's exact path) and you obviously can't use an area of
    only 1 set of boxes.
    This was sent by : chrisk (chris@Cathedral.MB.CA)
    2. Use the stinger missles against him. They lockon thru walls, so as soon as
    the gun started to appear around the corner you could launch and by the time the
    missile arrived all of him would be in view, the explosion would give you time
    to clear off to another vantage point and start lining up again.
    This was first sent by Andrew@rodan.freeserve.co.uk (Gojira) ++

    **Vulcan Raven is now hurting very bad. Bloods are everywhere on his body. He
    talks to Snake, and give him the LV7 keycard. And then he tells Snake about
    DARPA's dead - while in prison : After Snake went away from the cell, Vulcan
    Raven came and picked up his body. It was not DARPA's after all !! It was
    someone disguising as DARPA. After telling him the story, he orders the birds to
    eat him !! The birds are starting to eat him, then Snake leaves him. When Snake
    turns around, he finds that Vulcan Raven's body is no longer there. The birds
    have eaten him completely. **

    Solid Snake gains longer life and more inventory space.
    Socom Bullet - 192 -> 217
    Grenade - 36 -> 36
    Stun Grenade - 24 -> 27
    Chaff Grenade - 24 -> 27
    C4 bomb - 16 -> 16
    FA MAS Bullet - 401 -> 451
    Claymore - 16 -> 16
    Nikita - 28 ->
    Stinger Miss. - 30 -> 35
    Ration - 5 -> 5
    Diazepam - 9 -> 9

    Then Snake got calls from the Colonel and Miller, talking about Naomi at 141.80.

    Note : You can now go back to the snowfield area to open the 7th level door. It
    contains 4 boxes of Stinger Missiles and guarded by 3 camera.

    After you defeat Vulcan Raven, open the door on the north. Get a box of chaff
    grenade on your left. USE YOUR THERMAL GOGGLE. You will see that there are 2
    trap doors on the floor. After crossing the trap doors, take a box of ration.
    Take a look around with triangle button. There is a lot...A LOT of camera-
    equipped-gun. So use your chaff grenade to distract the camera. Cross the
    bridge. You can go to east to get 3 boxes of Stinger Missiles. Open the door to
    the north, but before doing that get a box of Stinger Missiles in front of the

    *******METAL GEAR REX's ROOM*******

    Go downstairs to the north then ........

    **Snake is now standing in front of METAL GEAR REX !! (Man, look how big it is

    Go north to the junction then take the path to the left. Get a chaff grenade on
    the corner. Then go to the north, and go downstairs to get a ration. There's a
    river to the west. There are sometimes items in the river (the position of the
    items are random), but you will take damage in the water. To check whether
    there's an item or not, use your thermal goggle. Go back upstairs and go back to
    the front of Metal Gear Rex. Take the east path now, and go downstairs to get
    FAMAS and SOCOM bullets. Go back upstairs and proceed to the northeast. There's
    a ladder there. Before you climb the ladder, Otacon will call you at 141.12.
    Climb the ladder afterwards.

    Go east to pick up the chaff grenade. Go back to the junction and take the west
    path. Go south to get FAMAS bullet. Go to the north. Just before you climb the
    ladder, Otacon will call you again at 141.12. Climb the ladder afterwards.

    There's a ladder to the left, but you maybe want to explore the area first. Go
    to the north path to get FAMAS bullets, chaff grenades, and 2 boxes of stinger
    Missiles. Now you are ready to climb the ladder.

    Now you are on top of Metal Gear REX. Otacon and the Colonel will call you at
    141.12. Now climb down the ladder to the left.

    Go along the path to the north, west, then south. Get FAMAS bullets, and 2 Socom
    bullets on the way. Go east a little bit, and climb stairs to the south. Then

    **Snake sees two persons in the Control Room. They are Revolver Ocelot and
    Liquid Snake (apparently he's not dead from the helicopter blast !!). They're
    talking about their plan. Snake hides behind the wall to hear their
    conversation. They talked about project FOXDIE (??) and project OUTER HEAVEN
    (??). Without Solid's knowledge, there's a camera near Snake.
    Snake calls Otacon at 141.12. Otacon explains to Snake how to use the PAL Card.
    He also explains about the three marks on the computer. One of the marks is the
    same as the mark on the PAL card.
    Then Ocelot sees Solid in the camera. Ocelot shoots at Solid. Solid is so
    surprised that he dropped the PAL card. The PAL card is now falling to the river
    below. Snake tries to catch the card, but he can't make it. Liquid calls Snake
    from the control room, and the Control Room's door closes.**

    The alarm rings. The guards are coming at Snake. Kill the guards. Run back to
    the top of Metal Gear Rex. The guards will stop following you. Go downstairs.
    You must look for the PAL key in the water. Sometimes you will get a bomb. If
    you do, Master Miller will warn you at 141.80. Drop the bomb by accessing the
    inventory screen (L2) button, selecting it by using directional pad, and while
    still holding the L2 button, press O button.

    ################### STUCK NO 8 #######################
    Where do I drop the PAL card ??
    ---------------------- ANSWER ------------------------
    The PAL card is brought by the rat.

    Look for the PAL card. The rat brings the PAL card. You can get the PAL card by
    touching, shooting, or bombing the rat. The rat will drop the PAL card. But
    sometimes in the US version, the card is not brought by the rat, it's just in
    the water. I experienced this once.

    After you get the PAL card, go back to the control room (where Ocelot and Liquid
    having a chat previously). Use the chaff grenade to make the cameras jammed.
    Then use the PAL key on the computer laptop according to the symbol. Look at
    your PAL key's symbol in your inventory. Go to the computer with the same
    symbol. Then there will be an animation where the square thing behind the
    computer goes down, and the card will go out of the computer. Now you have to
    put the PAL key with the same symbol on the computer.

    ################### STUCK NO 9 #######################
    Where can I find the 2nd and 3rd PAL key ??
    ---------------------- ANSWER ------------------------
    You don't find them. You change the symbol.
    PAL keys symbols change according to the temperature.

    Now this is really tricky : The symbol on the PAL key can change. The change
    depends on the temperature on the room you're at. The yellow symbol (C) appears
    when you're on a normal temperature room. The blue symbol (W) appears when
    you're on a low temperature room - cold. The red symbol (Z) appears when you're
    on a high temperature room.

    I assume you have put the yellow card into the computer (yellow colour is the
    default colour). To change the card colour to blue, you have to be in a room
    where the temperature is low, such as : the room where you fight Vulcan Raven,
    or the snow area outside. Stay there for about 2 minutes, then the card colour
    will change automatically. Then go to the Control room to insert the second card
    into the computer. Then go back to the elevator to floor B1. On the elevator
    Master Miller will call you at 141.80. Proceed to the elevator to level 1. Go
    south to the STEAM ROOM (the room where there pipes and steam everywhere - It's
    a high temperature room). Stay there for two minutes, then the card symbol will
    change to red. Make your way back to the control room on Level B2. On the
    elevator, Naomi + Colonel will call you at 140.85. Naomi will tell you about a
    guy name GREY FOX.

    Go to the Control Room - once again, use the chaff grenade to make the cameras
    jammed. Then equip the PAL key then walk to the right computer.

    **The square thing behind the computer goes down. All keys are opened. The
    computer says that Metal Gear is now ready to use !! Snake is so surprised. He
    thought that the PAL keys are supposed to stop it !!
    Then 141.80 Miller calls, thanking Snake for 'helping' him to operate Metal
    Gear. Snake is so surprised and angry. Then the Colonel appears on the vidcam
    and angry at Snake. Miller opens his glasses, and changes his hair, revealing
    himself. MILLER TURNS OUT TO BE LIQUID SNAKE ALL ALONG !! Miller has used Snake
    to operate the Metal Gear REX, without Snake even knowing it !!. Then Liquid
    sounds the alarm. The door in the Control Room closes, and the room now is
    filled with poisonous gas !!**

    Equip your gas mask, then use your radio to call Otacon at 141.12. Otacon will
    try to help you. Wait, then Otacon will call you at 141.12, tells you that he
    manages to override the security. The door now opens.
    When Snake goes out from that door, he sees Liquid is running towards the Metal
    Gear REX. Get a ration to the south then follow Liquid. you will see the

    **Snake sees Liquid is standing beside Metal Gear REX. Snake points his gun on
    him, but Liquid says something that makes Snake put down his gun. Then they have
    a conversation (something about FOXDIE and Naomi). After a long talk, Metal
    Gear's cockpit is opening. Snake quickly points his gun on Liquid, trying to
    shoot him. But Liquid is faster. He jumps into the Metal Gear REX's cockpit,
    closes it then starting the elevator. Snake jumps to the Metal Gear REX's base.
    Then the base elevates until it reaches the upper floor.**

    *****BOSS No 9 : METAL GEAR REX*****
    Use your stinger missiles. Aim at the disc on the Metal Gear REX's left
    shoulder. Lock on it, then shoot. The tactics is : to shoot the Disc, then run
    between Metal Gear REX's feet to the back. Wait for Metal Gear REX to turn
    around, and shoot the disc again. By running between the legs, Metal Gear REX's
    homing missiles will miss. But avoid going near his right leg. He will stomp you
    - and if you hit, you will die instantly !! Do this until he is defeated. But
    remember, don't waste your life bar because the fight will continue.

    1. FOR IMPORT VERSION : One thing you should know when you fight Metal Gear REX
    (1st) is : Metal Gear REX uses detector to find you (you can see it in the top
    right map) and luckily, his detector can be jammed with chaff grenade. So when
    the fight starts, go directly in front of him before Metal Gear REX moves.
    Before Metal Gear REX gets up, equip chaff grenade and throw it in front of him.
    Metal Gear REX will not be able to move. Then quickly equip your stinger
    missiles, aim it at the drum-like thing on Metal Gear REX's left shoulder and
    shoot it. When the missile is on its way, quickly equip the chaff grenade and
    throw it. Quickly equip your stinger missiles and shoot him again. So the
    tactics are : quickly switch between chaff grenade -> stinger missiles -> chaff
    grenade -> stinger missiles etc. If you do it right, you will not lose any
    This was sent by Will Bakali (will.bakali@nostromo@ndirect.co.uk)++
    2. Somehow the 1st tactic doesn't work on the US version. I've tried it on
    normal mode, and I ended up getting hit by the missiles. So here's the tactic :
    stay under its feet. Metal Gear REX will have hard times finding you, and he
    will stop for a while. Take this chance to go to his behind- left side, then
    shoot the Radome with your stinger missile from behind. Then repeat the method.
    Sometimes Metal Gear REX will move so fast that he will see you at times. He
    seems to move all the time, making it hard for you to shoot the radome. If it
    happens, use your chaff grenades. The chaff will make the Metal Gear REX to miss
    all his shot, and sometimes keep repeating his last moves (such as : keep firing
    his laser without aiming you). You can shoot the stinger at this time or you can
    go under his feet like the tactic above. The chaff grenade will make the cone of
    vision sensor from red to blue.
    This was sent by Mark Hartmann" <MarkArt@erols.com> ++

    ***Animation*** - THE COOLEST ANIMATION IN THIS GAME ^_^ !!!
    **Metal Gear REX is now broken. It seems to malfunction. When Snake approaches
    it, suddenly Metal Gear REX starts to move again towards Snake, try to stomp
    him. Snake retreats, then a figure running and jumping from Snake's behind
    towards Metal Gear REX. It's Ninja, or should I say Grey Fox !! Grey Fox helps
    Snake by holding Metal Gear's leg. Metal Gear REX tries to stomp Ninja, but Fox
    dodges, and jump backward. While on the air, Fox uses his right arm to shoot
    Metal Gear Rex's Disc. The disc malfunctions for a little while, giving time for
    Fox to hide behind the container with Snake. Snake and Fox had a conversation,
    while Metal Gear REX is trying to find them by shooting all the containers. Fox,
    thinks that hiding is useless now, tries to reach for the Stinger Missiles. He
    jumps, dodges every Metal Gear REX's attack. But when he jumps in front of Metal
    Gear REX, Metal Gear REX fire his laser beam. This laser beam cuts Fox left arm.
    Fox jumps backward, trying to shoot REX with his right arm, but before he does
    that, Metal Gear REX runs forward and slams Fox on the wall with its head. Now
    Fox is stuck between the wall and Metal Gear REX's head. Fox is still trying to
    shoot the disc. Metal Gear REX now retreats. Fox drops to the ledge in the
    second floor. The cockpit now opens. Liquid talks to Fox. Fox shouts to Snake,
    ordering Snake to shoot Liquid. Snake aims his stinger to Liquid, but he seems
    to hesitate. Liquid, in Metal Gear REX, then push Fox from the ledge to the
    floor, then stomps him on his body. Fox speaks to Solid. But then Metal Gear REX
    walk backwards, stomping over Fox whole body !! Fox is dead. Solid Snake feels
    so angry and start to attack REX.**

    *****BOSS NO 10 : METAL GEAR REX - 2nd Encounter*****
    Use your stinger missiles again. Now aim for Liquid inside the cockpit. Use the
    same strategy as before, until he is toasted !!

    ++ Move behind Metal Gear REX all the time. Liquid will have troubles on finding
    you. After some time, Metal Gear REX will stand still. Shoot the cockpit from
    under his feet. Repeat this until Metal Gear REX is toasted !!
    This was sent by Will Bakali (will.bakali@nostromo@ndirect.co.uk. ++

    **Metal Gear REX seems to be malfunction. When Liquid tries to stomp Snake,
    Metal Gear REX becomes unstable. Metal Gear Solid is now wrecked. There are
    explosions everywhere. The explosion hits Snake, and throws Snake to the wall.
    Snake is unconscious. Apparently, Liquid is still alive. Liquid approaches
    Solid. Then the screen fades.
    Then the animation shows Liquid talking to Snake on the top of Metal Gear REX
    (which is now wrecked). The place is now surrounded by fire. Snake is being
    tied up by Liquid. After a long conversation, there's a real live video about
    scientists, and about the Desert Storm operation in Iraq (1991). After another
    long conversation, Liquid shows Snake that he had Meryl !! Snake's so surprised
    to know that Meryl is not dead. Meryl is lying unconscious and being tied up
    too. Snake calls the Colonel on 140.85. After the chat, something's happening.
    Snake asks Mei Lin, then someone (unknown) appears in vidcam and talks to Snake.
    After the conversation on the radio, Liquid releases Snake and asks him to fight
    one on one. To get the situation more exciting, Liquid put a time bomb beside
    Meryl and put the timer for 3 minutes.**

    *****BOSS NO 11 : LIQUID SNAKE *****
    You don't have anything on the inventory or weapon, so you can only uses punches
    and kicks (O button). Approach him, then punch him. Don't go near the edge of
    Metal Gear, you can fall down ( Not exactly fall, because you will be hanging on
    the edge and manages to get up - but it will waste a lot of time ). The time
    limit is 3 minutes. If time is up, then Game Over. Beat him up. If his energy is
    low, he will use his dash attack on you. Go away from him, wait for his dash,
    then dodge at the right time. He will miss the attack and stand still for
    sometime, leaving himself vulnerable. Punch and kick him at this time. you will
    defeat him.
    Tap the buttons to get up faster if you're knocked and hanging on the edge of
    Metal Gear REX.
    This was sent by "Johny Cage" <mib@compulink.gr>

    **Liquid falls from Metal Gear Solid to the Ground. While falling he shouts :

    Then go to the ending animation.

    There're two endings in this game. The ending depends on which choice you made
    on the torture room. If you choose to hang on, then go to ending 1, but if you
    choose to surrender, then go to ending 2.

    ********ENDING ANIMATION I********
    Note : This ending will occur if you choose not to surrender when you are

    **Snake walks toward Meryl, untie her, then wake her up. Meryl awakes, and she
    hugs Snake. She feels so glad to see Snake. Then they have a little chat.
    Suddenly Otacon calls from 141.12. Then Snake jumps down from Metal Gear REX.
    Meryl jumps to Snake's arm. Then there's an earthquake. Meryl runs to get an
    orange jacket (??) then runs to the door - Go to the Chase Scene**

    ********ENDING ANIMATION II********
    Note : This ending will occur if you choose to surrender when you are tortured.

    **Snake walks toward Meryl, untie her, and then try to wake her up. But Snake is
    too late. Meryl is dead. Snake cries aloud, calling Meryl's name. Suddenly
    Otacon comes from behind. He calms Snake and tells Snake not to grieve so much.
    Then he talks to Snake. Then there's an earthquake. Snake and Otacon jump down
    from Metal Gear REX head to the ground and run to the door. Before going out,
    Snake watches Meryl for the last time, then leaves. - Go to the Chase Scene**

    ********CHASE SCENE********
    Note : the difference between the two endings on this scene is just Meryl and
    Otacon. The story is the same, just different person. Meryl for ending 1 and
    Otacon for ending 2.

    Go to the right through the door. Pick a ration there. Then go left. You can
    pick a ration beside the stair. Get the ration, climb the stairs, and go to the
    door on the left.

    Animation will show that Meryl (or Otacon) will be seen by the camera. The alarm
    rings and the 3 guards are coming your way. Fight the guards with your punches
    or kicks, while Meryl (or Otacon) tries to start the jeep. You can find the 2nd
    hidden ration box in the south west area. Pick it up before you enter the jeep
    (sent by Will Bakali - will.bakali@nostromo@ndirect.co.uk)

    When the jeep starts, go to the Jeep. Snake will now uses the gun on the jeep.
    The gun has unlimited ammo. Meryl (or Otacon) will be the driver. Use your gun
    on the barrel outside the gate. The barrel will explode and the gate will be
    open. Meryl (or Otacon) will drive jeep through.
    After some driving without any enemy, then Meryl (or Otacon) has to stop the car
    because there're barricades. Blow the barricades by shooting at the barrels in
    front of the barricade. Kill 2 guards there. Then Meryl (or Otacon) will drive
    through. After some driving, they will be stopped once again by the second
    barricades. Shoot all 3 guards there. Then go through.
    After a few moments of safe driving, then a jeep approaches from behind. IT'S
    LIQUID SNAKE !!! (Oh man.... How can I kill this man ???). Liquid is trying to
    follow you and bumps you with his car. Just shoot him. After a few shots, the
    camera will change. Shoot him again. After a few shots, the camera will change
    again, like the first one. After a few shots, Liquid is now trying to shoot you
    from the side. Aim your gun to him. If you aim correctly, Liquid will be shot
    everytime. Then Liquid will try to bump your car from the side. Shoot him. Then
    Meryl (or Otacon) will try to warn you that there's a cliff outside. Liquid
    accelerates his car, and suddenly stops in front of your car. The two cars crash
    each other, and fall to each side.

    ++ When firing from behind the jeep, use your look button (triangle). It is MUCH
    easier this way. This was sent by psx001@aol.com ++

    ***The Last Ending Animation***
    Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) is trying to get up, but they can't. Their feet are
    stuck on the car. From Liquid's car, Liquid manages to get up. He holds his
    rifle, and comes to Snake. Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) are trying to free
    themselves, but they can't. Liquid points his rifle on them. Then suddenly,
    Liquid falls to the ground. Then Liquid died in front of them.
    Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) manage to free themselves from the car. Then the
    Colonel calls at 140.85. Then Naomi speaks through the Codec, too. Now Snake and
    Meryl (or Otacon) walk to the streets, then they go down to the beach. There's a
    cave, containing a Snowmobile. Snake and Meryl (or Otacon) ride the Snowmobile.
    Meryl gives Snake a bandanna (or Otacon gives Snake the stealth item - to make
    yourself transparent). Then they go on the Snowmobile.

    ************************* END GAME **************************

    ########## 7. RANK DETERMINATION ###########
    Information about ranks was sent by Mighty-Man <mighty-man@rocketmail.com>.

    After the credits appear on the screen when you finish the game, you will get
    your game statistic. The statistic consists of :
    - Game time
    - How many times you save
    - How many times you continue
    - How many times the enemies spotted you.
    - How many times you used rations.
    - How many enemies that you killed.
    - What special items that you used.
    - What special items that you get.
    - Rank.
    There's a lot of questions about what the ranks are, which ranks are better, and
    what statistic that determines the rank.

    I divide the ranks into three groups :
    1. Normal group : you can get one of these ranks if you play normally. I think
    all the stats above affects which rank you get.
    They are (Best on top) :
    - Leopard
    - Grizzly
    - Jackal
    - Tarantula
    - Gazelle
    2. Ultimate group : you can get one of these ranks if you play exceptionally
    well. There are some rules to get them.
    They are (Best on Bottom) :
    - Falcon -> Clear time less than 2:30
    - Fox -> Found less than 4 times
    Killed less than 25 enemies
    Rations less than 1 used
    Continue = 0
    Clear time less than 3:00
    - Big Boss -> use all Fox's rules + no radar.
    3. Special Code Names group : you can get one of these ranks if you do these
    things. They are :
    - Jaws -> kill more than 250 enemies
    - Pig -> ate more than 130 rations
    - Hippopotamus -> save more than 80 times
    - Turtle -> clear time more than 18:00
    - Chicken -> Pig + Hippo + Turtle

    A few unknown ranks : Iguana, Puma, Elephant and Shark.
    Ranks that I don't know if it's exists : Komoda Dragon Rank, Mongoose

    Note : To get the FOX rank, you can use your special items (Bandanna, and
    stealth) - it still works. A person even e-mailed me, saying that even though we
    cannot use continues to achieve FOX rank, you can save as many as you can.

    ########## 8. SPECIAL PICTURES ###########
    Special picture is a picture that contains a 'ghost'. It's not really 'ghost',
    actually. It's the picture of the teams that create this game. To take the
    picture, you must photograph certain place or items, then save the picture on
    your memory card (it takes 2 memory block per picture). See the picture in the
    Album Menu from the Special Menu. If you photograph right, you will see the
    'ghost' in your picture - and a new edit option in the picture called
    To take a picture, you have to get a camera. Camera is one of the special items,
    along with Bandanna and Stealth Unit. You can get the camera in the south
    western place where you fought Revolver Ocelot. You have to bomb the wall to
    access this place. The camera is in the LV 6 door.
    I suggest that you finish all 2 endings in this game to acquire Bandanna and
    Stealth Unit before taking any picture. These special items will help you when
    you take the picture, such as : getting close to the picture object without
    getting seen with your stealth unit.
    Karim Benmeziane (kakounolo@yahoo.com) is the first who told me about this
    picture. At that time, I thought that picture is the only special picture. But
    then people started e-mailing me, telling me more of those special pictures.
    From the e-mail, I predicts that there are about 15 special pictures, but then I
    visited Segasages (http://sages.ign.net). To my surprise, there are actually 43
    special pictures in the game !!
    I tried to get all those picture, and I only managed to get 35 of them. Some
    pictures are difficult to get than the others. That's why I'm making this
    section. This section will explain to you how I got those picture. It takes me
    lots of trials and errors in getting those pictures. Please take note on the
    direction, and the place where you should stand (location)

    I try to arrange the pictures that I found in order. Here they are :

    1. The Dock - picture of Muraoka.
    Description : a blurred face who opens his mouth and looks downward on the left
    side of the screen.
    Object Photo : The river.
    Location : South of the watertank like location on the south east area - you
    know, where there is a pipe from the water.
    Direction : south
    Note : You have to be on the south of the water-tank like structure in the south
    east. Face south, equip your camera, and take the picture WITHOUT zooming or
    adjusting the height. You should see the tunnel (from where you swim) in the
    right side of your picture, not in the middle. MEDIUM.

    2. Helipod - picture of Ishiyama.
    Description : A man putting his right hand on his left shoulder and his right
    hand on his left waist - wearing a jacket and looks pale on the center of the
    Object Photo : The top of the building (the sky slightly on the top of the
    building roof).
    Location : Move a little to the east of your first location - so the container
    doesn't block your vision.
    Direction : North.
    Note : Zoom in, so you can still see the two big lights in your picture. Then
    adjust the height, so the crosshair is on the sky, slightly on the building
    roof. In the picture, you will still see the building on the below section
    (about 30%) of your picture. You can move your camera to the northwest roof,
    too. MEDIUM.

    3. Helipod - picture of Fukushima.
    Description : A standing man who opens his both hand.
    Object Photo : The sea
    Location : from the cliff
    Direction : South
    Note : you must stand between the elevator to the east wall. You mustn't take
    the picture from the west of the elevator (where the ration is). Go south until
    you reach the cliff and you cannot go any further. Equip the camera, and take
    the picture WITHOUT zooming or adjusting the height. In your picture, you should
    see the line between the sky and the sea is about 20% from the bottom of your
    picture. EASY.

    4. Helipod - picture of Shigeno.
    Description : A laughing man in the center of the picture.
    Object Photo : the security camera beside the staircase.
    Location : in front of the camera.
    Direction : North, or Northwest
    Note : You must stand close to the camera (in the camera's range). Use the map
    to position yourself in front of the camera. You have to line with the second
    container from the top on your left (the long container, not the square
    container on your right). Take your picture WITHOUT zooming or adjusting height.
    The crosshair is on the black wall. You should see the security camera is on the
    top of your picture, not in the middle. Or you can position yourself on the
    south of the ladder, but still on the north of the square container. Then face
    your camera to the black wall. The security camera is on the top of the picture.

    5. Helipod - picture of Tanaka.
    Description : A saint-like man (with circle on his head) - put his hand on his
    Object Photo : the sleeping guard standing in front of the lower duct.
    Location : in front of the guard, or from the right of the guard.
    Direction : North or West.
    Note : You can stand rather far from him. Zoom your camera to the guard, and
    take the picture. You cannot get the picture if you don't zoom in enough. You
    can take the picture from the west of the truck - from the guard's left side.

    6. Upper Air Duct - Picture of Yoshimura.
    Description : A woman wearing a white clothes - smiling - with her hair on her
    Object Photo : the dead end of the duct.
    Location : the duct's exit.
    Direction : don't know - west, maybe ?
    Note : You have to enter the upper duct from the Helipod. Just as you want to
    climb down the stairs, take the picture on the duct's dead end. EASY.

    7. Tank Hangar - picture of Ito.
    Description : A person with short hair & wearing white clothes in the center of
    the picture.
    Object Photo : the elevator.
    Location : inside the elevator.
    Direction : North.
    Note : You have to be in LV1 (Tank Hangar)- don't take the elevator down. You
    have to take the picture from inside the elevator, not from outside. Take the
    picture on the north elevator's wall - WITHOUT zooming or adjusting the height.
    Or you can take the picture from inside the big gate (that Meryl opens for you).
    Push yourself to LV2 gate to the north (without equipping your keycard, off
    course) - Face south and take the picture. EASY.

    8. Cell - picture of Kitao.
    Description : A face of a man showing you this thumb (??) on the left side of
    the picture.
    Object Photo : Fake Darpa's (Decoy Octopus's) dead body.
    Location : inside the Darpa's cell.
    Direction : North.
    Note : go to the southwest corner. Then take the picture on the body. You don't
    have to take the whole body - it will often fail, actually. You can put the
    crosshair on the left side of the sink - you can still see Decoy Octopus' left
    foot. Or you can go to the southeast corner, and put the crosshair on the bed -
    still show his foot. Don't go a little bit outside on the edge of the open door.

    9. Cell - picture of Kobayashi.
    Description : A man thinking - with his left hand holding his chin - wearing a
    rabbit hat (??)
    Object Photo : The tied up-with-no-clothes guard.
    Location : Outside the cell.
    Direction : East, or North
    Note : Don't zoom in on him. Instead of making him as the center of your
    picture, put the crosshair on the east wall. You can see a little part of his
    body. Or you may take the picture from his south. Aim your crosshair in the
    Meryl's cell. Put the guard on the lower part of your picture. MEDIUM.

    10. Armory. Sth - picture of Onoda.
    Description : A man with glasses, making signs of victory with his 2 hands in
    the center of the picture.
    Object Photo : the pillars where Ocelot tied Baker up.
    Location : south of the pillars.
    Direction : North.
    Note : You have to face north to get this picture. Just push yourself against
    the south wall (where Snake will face north) - equip the camera, then shoot. You
    can do this when you're fighting Ocelot, or you can do it after the fight. EASY.

    11. Armory. Sth - picture of Nishimura.
    Description : A man with glasses - wearing a white apron (??) - looking
    downward. Looks like Otacon.
    Object Photo : Baker's Corpse.
    Location : East or South of Baker's Body
    Direction : West or North.
    Note : You have to be real close to Baker. Walk from his south or from his east
    until you touch his corpse. Then equip your camera. Without zooming, lower the
    picture to max (until you cannot lower the picture again). Then take the
    picture. DIFFICULT.

    12. Canyon - picture of Kozyou.
    Description : A blurred picture of man - bald and have moustache (??)
    Object Photo : The place behind the water structure in the northeast area of the
    canyon. (South east of the Nuke Building's gate).
    Location : from the Northeast corner of the water tank structure (next to the
    east wall).
    Direction : West.
    Note : Push yourself to the wall on the Northeast corner of the watertank
    structure - equip you camera, then take the picture WITHOUT zooming or adjusting
    the height. EASY.

    13. Nuke Building 1 - picture of Yamashita.
    Description : A man wearing a white T-shirt and has a funny looking hat on his
    Object Photo : The tip of the nuclear warhead.
    Location : from the container under the left tip, or other place.
    Direction : All.
    Note : You can see take the picture from all direction ( from North, South, East
    or West - it's up to you). You should have the nuclear's tip in your picture.
    For example : go to the west nuclear tip (near the stairs on the west), then go
    south - push yourself to the south container. Equip the camera, then take the
    picture without zooming or adjusting the height. EASY.

    14. Nuke Building B1 - picture of Korekado.
    Description : A man from behind - wearing a black T-shirt with a picture of a
    cheerleader (??) - kinda like taking a piss.
    Object Photo : the northern-most toilet, where the guard used it. Men restroom.
    Location : from the west wall of the northernmost toilet.
    Direction : West.
    Note : You can do this when the guard is pissing, or not - it doesnt matter.
    Just push yourself to the west wall, equip the camera, then take the picture
    without zooming or adjusting the height. If you position the picture right, you
    will see Korekado is peeing on that toilet, too ^_^. EASY.

    15. Nuke Building B2 - picture of Shikama.
    Description : A standing man wearing a white T-shirt. He's holding something
    (maybe Nikita Launcher ??) in his left hand - in the center of the picture.
    Object Photo : the electric floor.
    Location : From the north of the electric floor, or from the junction in the
    Direction : North, or South.
    Note : The easiest way to do this is equipping the camera right after DeepThroat
    contacts you. and just take the picture. You can do this when the floor is
    electrified or not. You can lower your camera - it doesn't matter - but don't
    move the camera to the right or to the left. You can go to the south juntion and
    face north to take the picture. EASY

    16. Nuke Building B2 - picture of Matsuhana.
    Description : A blurred picture of a man wearing a tie.
    Object Photo : A twitching guard on the hallway of corpses outside Otacon's lab
    - The yellow guard lying on the south east of the door in front of Otacon's Lab.
    Location : from anywhere.
    Direction : All.
    Note : You can take the picture from anywhere. Lower the picture and zoom in to
    see the guard on the floor. EASY.

    17. Lab - picture of Kojima.
    Description : A man wearing a T-shirt and glasses, with a nametag on the left
    trouser's pocket.
    Object Photo : The Policenauts' robots poster - not the picture of men with the
    title Policenauts.
    Location : beside the desk - South of the picture.
    Direction : north.
    Note : Adjust the height and zoom in so the picture shows all of the poster.

    18. Lab - picture of Takade.
    Description : A man ducking from behind (kinda like hiding from something)
    Object Photo : The window to the north of the door.
    Location : from the south of the supercomputer row on the west wall.
    Direction : East.
    Note : Go to the south of the supercomputer on the west wall. Push yourself to
    the north to the supercomputer, then face east. Take the picture without
    zooming. You can adjust the height, but don't adjust the direction. MEDIUM.

    19. Nuke Building B1 - picture of Kaneda.
    Description : A man wearing a white T-shirt and a watch on his left hand -
    wearing a cat mask(?)
    Object Photo : the mirror on the women's restroom.
    Location : from the row of chairs in front of the mirror.
    Direction : East.
    Note : You have to face east to get the picture. You cannot get the picture from
    the diagonal. When you take the picture, Snake's should be on the mirror. EASY.

    20. Commander's Room - picture of Sasaki.
    Description : A scary face with a fiery white hair and glasses.
    Object Photo : the pictures on the north wall.
    Location : from the south of the desk.
    Direction : North.
    Note : You can zoom in and adjusting the camera's height to take the picture
    frame (just like taking the Policenaught's poster picture). Don't zoom out too
    much. EASY.

    21. Cave - picture of Shimizu.
    Description : A man's face from his side.
    Object Photo : the first crawling point.
    Location : from the snowy area on the north of the crawling point.
    Direction : South.
    Note : You have to crawl through that place, then take the picture from the
    north area (where there are wolves). There's a wall on the south west of the
    puddle - push yourself to the wall. Then take the picture without zooming and
    adjusting the height. MEDIUM.

    22. Cave - picture of Mukaide.
    Description : A man with glasses and an apron (??) - wearing boxing gloves (??)
    Object Photo : the reflection on the puddle (water).
    Location : close to the puddle to the west or east.
    Direction : West or East.
    Note : Don't take the picture from the south - you will fail. Go really close to
    the puddle from West or East. Take the picture of the reflection of the snow on
    the wall on the water. Aim for the white object on the water. Lower the picture
    to the max (until you cannot lower the camera). MEDIUM.

    23. Underground Passage - picture of Nakamura
    Description : A rather bald man wearing white shirt and glasses from above in
    the center of the screen. His head looks real big.
    Object Photo : Meryl's blood pool (where she is sniped)
    Location : North, East, West - close to Meryl's blood.
    Direction : South, East, or West.
    Note : You can take the picture from North, East, or West, but you cannot do
    this from South. That's why you can't take this picture when Meryl's around. For
    example - push yourself to the west wall to the west of the blood. Equip your
    camera, adjust the height so you can see all the blood, and zoom in if you need
    to. EASY.

    24. Underground Passage - picture of Shinkawa.
    Description : A man with a turtle neck T-shirt - photograph from his side.
    Object Photo : Behind the pillar where Sniper Wolf used to hide (2nd floor) -
    there is Sniper Wolf's blood.
    Location : South east corner of the second floor.
    Direction : West.
    Note : Face west, then just take the picture without zooming. You can move the
    camera a little bit to the right (to the wall behind the pillar). MEDIUM.

    25. Medi Room - picture of Okajima
    Description : A laughing face.
    Object Photo : the Real DARPA's Chief corpse in the cell.
    Location : to the left of DARPA's chief, or south west of DARPA's Chief.
    Direction : to the DARPA Chief's body.
    Note : You can get it by moving to Donald's side from the west. Equip the
    camera, lower the camera to the max (until you cannot lower it again). Then take
    the picture to the east.
    There's another way to get this picture. It's from another room. Go to the
    torture room. Notice a camera there ? Move under the camera. Then face south,
    equip the camera, and take the picture without zooming or adjusting height.

    26. Medi Room - picture of Sonoyama
    Description : A man raising both of his hand and shouting (maybe he wants to
    simulate Snake being tortured) in the center of the picture.
    Object Photo : The torture bed.
    Location : from behind the torture bed.
    Direction : South.
    Note : This is really tricky. You have to take the picture from behind the
    torture bed (from north of the bed). Push yourself to the panel on the table -
    face South, and take the picture without zooming or adjusting the height.

    27. Communication Tower A - picture of Sato
    Description : A woman wearing a white shirt with a few upper buttons opened and
    a jacket in the center of the screen.
    Object Photo : the Communication Tower A's roof (which was destroyed by Hind D's
    missiles) - near the sattelite dish.
    Location : from the south fence.
    Direction : north or northwest.
    Note : You can take the picture before or after the sattelite dish is destroyed
    by Hind D. Go to the middle south section of the fence, face north, then take
    the picture WITHOUT zooming or adjusting the height. MEDIUM

    28. Walkway - picture of Scott Dolph
    Description : A man with beard wearing stripped T-shirt showing certain handsign
    with his left hand.
    Object Photo : Way down in the dark from the walkway between Com Tower A and B.
    Location : from the fence of Com Tower A or from the bridge.
    Direction : North or West.
    Note : The target is the black area way down on the west of the bridge, not the
    east. So you can go to the fence on Communication Tower A to the north west
    (before crossing the bridge). Push yourself to the north fence, then face North.
    Equip your camera, and without zooming, lower the picture to the max (until you
    cannot lower your camera anymore). You should see the black pictures with white
    stripes from the bridge fence. Take your picture. Or you can take the picture
    from the middle of the bridge (you'd better kill the guards first). Then push
    yourself to the west fence - face west - then equip your camera. Without
    zooming, lower your camera to the max, then take the picture. MEDIUM

    29. Blast Furnace - picture of Tougo
    Description : A hand on the center screen with a man's face on the palm (talking
    about weird!!)
    Object Photo : Dead end of the steam room near the crawling point.
    Location : the junction just before the crawling point.
    Direction : North
    Note : Enter the steam room (where you warm your PAL key). Then near the
    crawling point, there's a junction that leads to dead end (where steam is coming
    out). Stop at the juction, then push yourself to the juction wall to the south
    so syou will face north now. Then equip your camera, then take the picture
    without zooming or adjusting height. You can take the picture if you stand in
    the southwest corner (south of the crawling point) and face north. EASY.

    30. Cargo Elevator - picture of Uehara
    Description : A bald man's face with glasses on the right side of the screen.
    Object Photo : Edge of Elevator (where the ravens are)
    Location : North side of the Cargo Elevator (that leads to Raven's warehouse)
    Direction : South
    Note : You can only do this after the elevator stops moving (you are in the cold
    area). You cannot take the picture while the elevator is still moving. After you
    exit the elevator, go on the north side of the elevator, face south, then take
    the picture, qithout zooming or adjusting height. You can even do this if you
    take the picture diagonally. EASY.

    31. Warehouse - picture of Toyota
    Description : A stripped arm (??) - not clear - the only picture that doesn't
    show a person.
    Object Photo : Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse.
    Location : Near the middle container
    Direction : All.
    Note : There are 3x3 container in that room. The container that you must take
    the picture is the container in the middle. You can take the picture from any
    direction, but you have to be close. For example, push yourself to the north of
    the north container. You will face south. Then take the picture without zooming
    or adjusting height. You will see that the picture contains only the container
    without any other object. Shoot the picture, then BINGO !! You can even shoot
    the picture from diagonal - EASY.

    32. Warehouse - picture of Negishi.
    Description : A three-face glassed man on the top center of the picture.
    Object Photo : Sewage waterfall
    Location : from the bridge to the door.
    Direction : west
    Note : You have to take the picture from the bridge (the lower one, not the
    stairs that leads to stinger missiles). Face west, then equip your camera.
    Adjust the height so you can see the waterfall. Take the picture. EASY

    33. Underground Base 3 - picture of Kimura
    Description : A man with white shirt pressing his both cheek with his hands on
    the left of the screen.
    Object Photo : Tip of Metal Gear REX's railgun.
    Location : from the bridge or the ledge outside the Commander Room.
    Direction : East, South, West.
    Note : You can take the picture from anywhere in front of the commanders room as
    long as the tip is in the picture. You can even shoot the picture from below the
    railgun tip - by adjusting the camera to the top. And you can take the picture
    from the bridge that leads to Metal Gear REX's cockpit. EASY.

    34. Commander Room - picture of Kutome
    Description : A short haired man with white shirt and glasses - crossing his
    hand in front of him.
    Object Photo : World Map in the Observation Room
    Location : South of the PAL computer's desk.
    Direction : West, East, South.
    Note : You can take the picture from anywhere, including if you stay in the
    south east corner then face west (to the door), as long as the world map is
    exist in the picture. You can adjust your camera's height, or shoot the picture
    from diagonal. EASY

    35. Supply Rte - picture of Mizutani
    Description : A smiling face on the center top of the picture.
    Object Photo : Metal Gear REX (in the middle of the fight) or maybe the door on
    the south.
    Location : North section
    Direction : South
    Note : I don't know what exactly makes the 'ghost' appears, but this is what I
    did : I managed to drag Metal Gear REX to the south area, then I used my chaff
    grenade and go to the north area (where he first emerge from the floor). Then I
    faced south - took the picture from the place where he emerged. Metal Gear REX
    was facing north at that time. The picture was taken far enough from Metal Gear,
    so I managed to get all of his body into the picture (without zooming or
    adjusting height). DIFFICULT

    I didn't manage to get these pictures.

    1. ? - picture of Kinbara - dark area of stairs.
    2. Communication Tower B - picture of Hirano - Elevator - deep in the shaft of
    the top level.
    3. Communication Tower B - picture of Fujimura - Elevator
    4. Communication Tower B - picture of Mori - Lowest Point of Elevator.
    5. SnowField - picture of Jerem Blaustein - Sniper Wolf's corpse.
    6. Blast Furnace - picture of Yoshioka - Bridge on the 3th floor
    7. Armory - picture of Makimura - Hidden armory store room (behind the weakened
    8. Canyon - picture of Kobayashi - Rock in Canyon

    Thanks to Segasages (http://sages.ign.net) and Michael Nescio
    (nescio@mailcity.com) - the one who submits the trick on http://sages.ign.net -
    for the location of these pictures.

    ########## 9. TIPS ###########
    - When facing the boss, always equip ration. If your life bar is depleted, the
    ration will be used automatically.
    - Be careful when using your thermal goggle while detecting the mines. Thermal
    goggle only detects where the mines are, but the mines itself has larger range
    dangerous area. If you are trying to get the claymore mines, be sure to crawl
    from a distance. If you can use the mine detector, use the mine detector instead
    of thermal goggle.
    - Don't stay too long in the cold area (snow or Vulcan Raven's area). Your
    ration will get frozen, and you can't use it.

    ++ You don't have to go to hotter place to unfreeze the ration. You can just
    equip the rations, and stay for a while. The rations will be unfreezen. You can
    do this even when you're on the cold place.
    This was sent by Ariel Sergio Wollinger Martins <ariel@diana.com.br> ++

    - You can blow cameras by using C4 bombs or stinger missiles.
    - Finish the game with Otacon first - then Meryl, because Stealth is more useful
    than Bandanna. You will finish the game more quickly.
    - Stealth is very useful. It even can pass thru infrared traps. If you uses
    stealth and touch the enemy, the enemy will not find you - he will just
    - When you are shooting the enemy using Socom or FAMAS, sometimes Snake will
    stop for a while to reload. This is often annoying, because sometimes the enemy
    detects you during your reloading. To fix this, press the R1 button twice to
    unequip and equip your gun. The gun will be reloaded. Use this before shooting
    any enemy. This method is VERY useful in Gun Shooting mode and Survival mode in
    VR training.
    - If you are using a Dual Shock Controller, then you are lucky. You can feel the
    shock everywhere, such as : when the alarm goes off, when you choke the enemy to
    death, etc. You can even feel the shock in the middle of the animation. I
    myself have the older analog controller, so I can only feel the weak vibration.

    ++ You can make Mei Ling angry with you by contacting her a few times without
    saving. First, she will not say a word. After 4 times, she will looks you
    cynically. After about 8 - 10 times, she will stick her tongue out at you ^_^
    This was sent by Jim Tamangan <ryo79@yahoo.com> ++

    ++ If you want to shoot at a guard (this works very nicely on wolves) that's
    too far for Solid to auto target - use a gadget with a cross in the middle (like
    the thermal thing or the night visin goggles), then aim the cross at the one you
    wanna shoot and then start shooting if he (or it) hasn't moved and isn't
    tooooooo far away for your gun to reach you can kill him.
    This was sent by "Johny Cage" <mib@compulink.gr> ++

    ########## 10. STUFF ###########
    - Complete the VR training ( 10 levels ). You can get Time attack option on VR
    training. Complete the Time Attack to get Gun Shooting Option, and complete the
    Gun Shooting Option to go to Survival Mode. If you survived it, you will get
    Technical Demonstration Mode, where Konami's team shows you how to get the best
    This was first sent by Karim Benmeziane (kakounolo@yahoo.com).
    - Finish the game. If Meryl's alive, you will get a bandanna, but if Meryl's
    dead, Otacon will give you Stealth item.
    - Finish the game, and you will get no radar option on the Special Menu (import
    version) or you will get Extreme difficulty level (US version).
    - If you use your camera, you can access the picture by choosing the Special
    menu on the Title Screen and choose the Album Option. You can change the colour,
    give a title to that picture. It uses 2 memory block for each picture you took.
    There's another feature you can use for special picture - exorcise. With
    Exorcise command, you can change the special picture to normal picture.
    You can see how to get the special picture in NEW NEW NEW 4.
    This was sent by Karim Benmeziane (kakounolo@yahoo.com).
    - When you finish the game, you will be asked to save the completed game. After
    you save, the colour of the letter changes. I have finished the game twice.
    First I got Jaws ranks (got a stealth) - the colour of the letter turns to
    yellow. Then I finish the game the 2nd time, got Leopard rank (got a bandanna).
    The colour of the letter changes to red. The colour of the letter changes
    according to how many ends you get when you completed the game.
    - If you start your game from the red colour save game, you will see a
    difference : The ninja will have new body colour (which is red).
    This was first sent by ramon.reig.aniak@coak.es.
    - And if you finish the game from the red save game, you will hear different
    ending song, which is kinda techno.
    This was sent by Rizal Z. (kaze77@hotmail.com).
    - You can change the title screen's colour by pressing direction buttons. This
    was first sent by Rizal Z. (kaze77@hotmail.com).

    ########## 11. GAME SHARK CODES ###########
    Note : I myself don't have a game shark, so I cannot try them at all. But I
    think the Game Shark codes is for the US version. This information was sent by
    Collado, Al <acollado@tosco.com>.

    | INFINITE AIR 800AE1AC 03E7 | INFINITE HEALTH * 800B7526 03E7
    | SOCOM PISTOL & AMMO 800B7532 0019 | FA MAS RIFLE & AMMO 800B7534 0065
    | GRENADE 800B7536 000C | NIKITA & AMMO 800B7538 0004
    | STINGER & AMMO 800B753A 0004 | CLAYMORE 800B753E 0006
    | C-4 800B753E 0006 | STUN GRENADE 800B7540 0006
    | CHAFF GRENADE 800B7542 0006 | PSG1 RIFLE & AMMO 800B7544 0006
    | NEVER RELOAD 800AE164 000D | SCOPE 800B755C 0001
    | CARDBOARD BOX A 800B755E 0001 | CARDBOARD BOX B 800B7760 0001
    | CARDBOARD BOX C 800B7562 0001 | NIGHT VISION GOGGLES 800B7564 0001
    | THERMAL GOGGLES 800B7566 0001 | GASMASK 800B7568 0001
    | BODY ARMOR 800B756A 0001 | CAMERA 800B7572 0001
    | RATIONS 800B7574 0002 | MEDICINE 800B7576 0004
    | DIAZEPAM 800B7578 0004 | PAL KEYCARD 800B757A 0001
    | MINE DETECTOR 800B7580 0001 | MO DISC 800B7582 0001
    | ROPE 800B7584 0001 | HANDKERCHIEF 800B7586 0001
    | KETCHUP 800B756C 0001 | STEALTH SUIT 800B756E 0001
    | BANDANNA 800B7570 0001 | LEVEL 10 KEY 800B757C 000A
    | NEVER HAVE TIME BOMB 800B757E 0000 | EXTRA AMMO SOCOM 80067CD0 0001
    | EXTRA AMMO FA MAS 800682EC 0001 | EXTRA AMMO STINGER 8006951C 0001
    | EXTRA AMMO CLAYMORE 800698D0 0001 | EXTRA AMMO C4 80069C1C 0001
    | EXTRA AMMO PSG1 8006A370 0001 | EXTRA AMMO NIKITA 80068FD8 0001

    Note : to use the LV 10 key code, you can check my friend's FAQ - Nathan Prima
    Suwanto (shinichi@sby.dnet.net.id) on www.gamefaqs.com. And you can read My
    Playing Experience Chapter - maybe it's useful to you. If you had tried it,
    please e-mail me so I could know whether it works or not.

    ########## 12. MY PLAYING EXPERIENCE ###########
    Hope my experience can help you - especially for GameShark owner.

    I had a Mega memory-card, which is a memory card with 120 blocks. Mine does not
    work correctly. That memory card often erases my save games, or sometimes does
    not work well. I happened to save my MGS finished game in this memory card. But
    something happened when I load the game : I GOT ALL THE ITEMS AND ALL THE
    Then I had a thought on how to use the card's glitch. I played the game until I
    reached the Heliport, then use the Cardboard Box C on the truck, and I was
    brought to the SnowField Area, skipping almost all the bosses (including the 2nd
    encounter with Sniper Wolf) !! But the disadvantage was : My energy bar is still
    short, so I was killed when I was attacked by the 3 guards on the elevator, or
    by Vulcan Raven. This sucks.
    Then I tried to defeat bosses to get longer health bar. But when I fought
    Ocelot, My LV7 Cardkey changed into LV2 (because in the story Baker gave me the
    LV2 key). Off course I cannot skip the bosses no more.
    Then I thought about bosses that does not grant you cardkey. My choice came to
    Psycho Mantis. Then I started the game again - when I reached Heliport, I used
    the Carboard Box B in the truck that brought me to Nuke Building 1 (skipped
    DARPA's Chief animation, Ocelot's Fight, and Tank's Fight). Then I took the
    Elevator to reach Nuke Building B1. I went to the Commander's Room. When I
    opened the LV5 door, suddenly Meryl joined me. It means that I skipped the
    Women's Toilet animation without getting Meryl's LV5 keycard. Then I defeated
    Psycho Mantis (by the help of 2nd controller and thermal goggle). Then I went
    with the story until I reached the animation where Meryl got shot. Cause I got
    PSG1 rifle, I fought Sniper Wolf without getting back to the first building
    (Have you ever fought her when Meryl is still around ^_^). Instead of using
    Sniper rifle, it was easier to use Stinger Missiles on her (of course you
    haven't found the Stinger if you played normally).
    After winning against Sniper Wolf, Meryl is suddenly dissapeared - I messed up
    the story, didn't I ?? Then I went back to Nuke Building 1 to hitchhike on the
    truck by using Cardboard Box. In this place, I was unable to use my Cardboard
    Box C, so I had to use the Cardboard Box A to the Heliport, then used the
    Cardboard Box C to go to SnowField. By this, I skipped the torture animation,
    Hind D fight, and Sniper Wolf's 2nd encounter fight. Because I had defeated the
    Sniper Wolf 1st fight, I got longer life bar now. I proceeded to the 2nd CD, and
    followed the story as it was supposed to be. Don't worry about the life bar -
    when you won against Vulcan Raven, your life bar will be max. You'll finish the
    game very fast - about 1:25 hours or maybe less.

    you are ABLE TO INPUT AT LEAST 4 CODES SIMULTANEOUSLY, then you can possibly use
    the trick that I explained above. You should use PALkey code, CardBoard Box B,
    CardBoard Box C, and LV 10 keycard code, then follow the way that I did. Of
    course you should get the weapons, and items first (like Thermal Goggle).

    ########## 13. VR TRAINING ###########
    VR training is a feature that Konami made for Metal Gear Solid's starter to
    learn how to control Solid Snake. There are 10 missions available for the
    training mode. If you finish them all, you will get Time Attack Mode. If you
    finish it, you can get Gun Shooting Mode. Finish it again to get Survival mode.
    Training mode is really for the starters. Player can use as much time as he
    wants to complete each level of this mode. Training mode introduces starters on
    how to move on certain terrain and how to hide. The goal of this training mode
    is just to reach certain place, which is shown with the triangle symbol.
    Time Attack Mode is almost the same as the training mode, just a little harder.
    The main difference is : you've got limited time to complete each level.
    Gun Shooting Mode is harder than Time Attack Mode. This time you are equipped
    with Socom-with-surpresser gun. More enemies are present on this level. This
    mode is different than the Time Attack Mode. This time you have to kill all your
    enemies. After all enemies are killed, the triangle symbol is then appears.
    Touch it to finish each level. BTW, you only have 5 bullets per enemy, and you
    need 3 bullets to kill an enemy - so use your bullets well. The remaining
    bullets will be used to decrease your time.
    Survival Mode is the combination of all levels of Gun Shooting Mode. You have to
    finish all 10 levels of Gun Shooting Mode in 7 minutes. And one enemy of each
    level carries a box of bullets. The number of bullets is carried to the next
    level. If you fail in one of the levels, you still be able to repeat it but the
    time will goes on. If you press Start and choose to restart level, you have to
    restart from the 1st level.
    You should notice that the terrain of every level is similar on every modes. It
    means that the terrain of LV1 of Training Mode is the same as LV1 of Time Attack
    Mode, LV1 of Gun Shooting Mode and LV1 of Survival Mode. That's why the
    explanation will be based on each level, not based on each mode.
    In this section, you will find the description of each level, each guards, and
    everything else included in the VR Training. I try to draw the map on each
    level. There are numbers on the left and bottom side of the map. They represent
    the Cartesian Coordinates. With this system, I can describe the guards'
    location, the guards' moving, etc. Hope it helps.
    You can see that the terrain on the VR training level is made of blocks, so it
    is easy to draw the map. I draw each 1X1 block as 2X1 block in my map, because
    it looks more proportional.

    Here's the legend of the maps :
    S = Snake's starting point
    F = Finish Point
    @ = Walls with 1 block high
    # = Walls with 2 blocks high
    Q = Walls with 3 blocks high
    <<,>>,or ^^ = Stairs
    [[ = tunnel
    % = 'squeaky' floor
    . = path
    , = snow path.

    Description : this is the first training level. I think this level is the
    introduction of what Snake will face on his mission.

    LV 1 Map

    9 ####......F. Time Attack Mode time limits = 20 s
    8 ####........ Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    7 ####....#### Time limits = 15 s
    6 ####......## Bullets = 5
    5 ####....#### Number of enemies = 1
    4 ##......####
    3 ####....####
    2 ........####
    1 .S......####

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6

    a. Training Mode & Time Attack Mode :
    - There's just one guard. Walks back and forth from (3,8) to (3,5)
    - Tactic : run towards the guard and flip the guard. Then reach the finish
    point. My time = 4:13
    b. Gun Shooting Mode & Survival Mode :
    - there's just one guard. Just standing on (3,8).
    - tactic : run towards him and shoot him simultaneously by pressing Square +
    X. Then reach the finish point.
    - in Survival Mode, the guard carries 3 bullets.

    ***LEVEL 2 - USING WALLS ***
    Description : This is the 2nd level. This time Snake has to learn how to hide
    behind walls.

    LV2 Map

    12 ........................
    11 ......................F.
    10 ....######....######.... Time Attack Mode time limits = 25 s
    9 ....######....######.... Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    8 ....######....######.... - time limits = 40 s
    7 ........................ - bullets = 20
    6 ........................ - number of enemies = 4
    5 ....######....######....
    4 ....######....######....
    3 ....######....######....
    2 .S......................
    1 ........................

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (6,11) to (6,8)
    Guard B : stands on (11,2)
    b. Time Attack Mode :
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (2,10)-(2,11)-(11,11)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (6,2)-(6,11)-(11,11)
    - Tactic : Run north to (2,10), then go east. Flip guard A, then go to the
    Finish Point. My time = 6:58.
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode :
    - There are 4 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (6,5) - (6,2) - (3,2)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (5,7) - (2,7) - (2,11)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (6,8) - (6,11) - (11,11)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (8,7) - (11,7) - (11,2)
    - In survival mode, guard A carries 12 bullets.

    Description : The third training introduces how to crawl in the tunnel. In the
    mission, the tunnel represents the place under the truck, under the tank, and
    under the bed.

    LV3 Map

    11 ................####....
    10 ................####..F.
    9 ....##[[[[##....####....
    8 ....##[[[[##....####.... Time Attack Mode time limits = 30 s
    7 ....[[[[[[##....[[[[.... Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    6 ....[[[[[[##....[[[[.... Time limits : 40 s
    5 ....##[[[[##....####.... Bullets = 15
    4 ....##[[[[##....####.... Number of enemies = 3
    3 ....##[[[[##....####....
    2 ..........##............
    1 .......S..##............

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2

    a. Training mode and Time Attack Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (2,8) to (2,5)
    Guard B : stands on (9,2)
    - The tactic : just run to guard A and flip him. Then go east, south, and
    flip guard B. Then reach for finish point. My time = 13:42.
    b. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (2,3)
    Guard B : stands on (3,10)
    Guard C : stands on (11,5)
    - In survival mode, guard A carries 9 bullets.

    Description : This level introduces Snake on how to use walls and corner to hide

    LV4 MAP

    14 ................................
    13 ................................
    12 ....##########....##########....
    11 ....##########....##########.... Time Attack Mode
    10 ....##########....##########.... time limits = 40 s
    9 ....####................####.... Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    8 ....####................####.... Time limits = 45 s
    7 ....####....########....####.... Bullets = 25
    6 ....####....########....####.... number of enemies = 5
    5 ..........S.########.F..........
    4 ............########............
    3 ....##########....##########....
    2 ................................
    1 ................................

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : stand on (12,9)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (5,2) - (11,2)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : walks from (11,5)-(11,8)-(6,8)-(6,5)-(3,5)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (15,4) - (15,2) - (3,2)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (15,6) - (15,13) - (2,13)
    - Tactic : Wait for guard A to reach (7,9), then run to him and flip him.
    Reach the finish point. My time = 8:00.
    b. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 5 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (3,13)-(2,13)-(2,4)-(6,4)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (4,13)-(8,13)-(8,9)-(5,9)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (13,4)-(11,4)-(11,8)-(8,8)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (15,4) - (15,13) - (8,13)
    Guard E : walks back and forth from (15,2) - (2,2)
    - In survival mode, guard A carries 15 bullets.

    ***LEVEL 5 - 'SQUEAKY' FLOOR***
    Description : This level introduces Snake on 'special' kind of floor. The floor
    that makes sound if Snake walks on them. In the mission, the floor represents
    the floor with water on it or 'squeaky' floor.

    LV5 MAP

    19 ........
    18 ....F...
    17 ....................
    16 ..%%%%%%....%%%%%%..
    15 ......%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%......
    14 ..%%%%####%%%%%%%%####%%%%.. Time Attack Mode :
    13 ..%%%%####%%%%%%%%####%%%%.. Time limits = 30 s
    12 ......%%%%####%%....%%####%%%%...... Gun Shooting Mode :
    11 ..%%%%%%%%%%%%%%....%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.. Time limits = 40 s
    10 ..%%%%....%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%....%%%%.. Bullets = 20
    9 ..%%%%....%%....%%%%....%%....%%%%.. Enemies = 4
    8 ........%%%%....%%%%....%%%%........
    7 ....%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%....
    6 ........%%%%####%%%%........
    5 ........%%%%####%%%%........
    4 ........%%%%........
    3 ........%%%%........
    2 ...S....
    1 ........

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 4 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (5,15)
    Guard B : stands on (14,15)
    Guard C : sleeping on (7,9)
    Guard D : sleeping on (12,9)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (4,15) - (4,8)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (15,15) - (15,8)
    Guard C : stands on (10,7)
    - Tactic : step on squeaky floor on (10,4). Guard C will check on the sound
    you make by going to east. Go to (8,4), then go north to reach finish point. My
    time = 7:00.
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 4 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (8,13) - (8,5)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (12,13) - (12,5)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (14,15) - (14,5)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (5,15) - (5,5)
    - In survival mode, guard B carries bullets.

    ***LEVEL 6 - CAMERAS***
    Description : This level teaches Snake how to deal with the cameras.

    LV 6 Map
    16 ..................
    14 .F................
    13 ......######...... - Time Attack Mode :
    12 ......######...... Time limits = 45 s
    11 ......##.................... - Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    10 ......##.................... Time limits = 40 s
    9 ......##....####............ Bullets = 15
    8 ............####............ Enemies = 3
    7 ............####....##......
    6 ....................##......
    5 ....................##......
    4 ......######......
    3 ......######......
    2 ................S.
    1 ..................

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 cameras : on (7,9) and (7,7)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 6 cameras ; on (11,7), (8,3), (7,7), (7,9), (6,13) and (3,9).
    - Tactic : One thing that you have to know : the camera will not see you if
    you stand below it - so just walk near the wall all the time. Go west and north
    beside the wall (12,5) to (12,8), then go west to (9,8). Go north (9,10),go west
    (7,10), then go north (7,14). then go west to reach finish point. My time = 6:70
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (10,8)-(10,5)-(8,5)-(8,4)
    Guard B : walks from (6,14)-(7,14)-(7,10)-(13,10)-(13,6)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (3,10)-(3,7)-(6,7)-(6,9)
    - There are 4 cameras ; on (11,7), (3,8), (7,7), and (7,9)
    - In survival mode, guard A carries 6 bullets.

    *** LEVEL 7 - LOW WALLS ***
    Description : This level trains Snake on how to hide behind low walls. In the
    mission, low walls represents the barrels.

    LV 7 Map

    14 ........................
    13 ...........F............
    12 ....@@@@........@@@@....
    11 ....@@@@........@@@@.... - Time Attack Mode :
    10 ..........@@@@.......... Time limits = 30 s
    9 ..........@@@@.......... - Gun Shooting Mode spec :
    8 ....@@@@........@@@@.... Time limits = 30 s
    7 ....@@@@........@@@@.... Bullets = 30
    6 ..........@@@@.......... Enemies = 6
    5 ..........@@@@..........
    4 ....@@@@........@@@@....
    3 ....@@@@........@@@@....
    2 ...........S............
    1 ........................

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (11,4) - (11,8) - (11,12)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (2,4) - (2,8) - (2,12)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 6 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (11,3)
    Guard B : stands on (2,3)
    Guard C : stands on (11,8)
    Guard D : stands on (2,8)
    Guard E : stands on (11,12)
    Guard F : stands on (2,12)
    - Tactic : stay in the middle path. The guards vision will not reach you
    there. So wait until the guard look south, then go to north. Wait again, and go
    north to reach the finish point. My time = 8:71.
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 6 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (11,3)-(11,1)-(7,1)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (2,3)-(2,1)-(6,1)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (8,5)-(11,5)-(11,9)-(8,9)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (5,9)-(2,9)-(2,5)-(5,5)
    Guard E : walks back and forth from (8,9)-(11,9)-(11,13)-(8,13)
    Guard f : walks back and forth from (5,13)-(2,13)-(2,9)-(5,9)

    *** LEVEL 8 - SNOW AREA ***
    Description : In this level, Snake has to move across snow area. Snake will
    leave tracks if he walks on them. If the enemy sees the track, he will try to
    follow the track.

    LV 8 Map

    10 ################################,,,,
    9 ########,,,,####,,,,####,,,,####,,F, Time Attack Mode :
    8 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Time limits = 25 s
    7 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Gun Shooting Mode :
    6 ,,,,####,,,,####,,,,####,,,,####,,,, Time limits = 40 s
    5 ,,,,####,,,,####,,,,####,,,,####,,,, Bullets = 20
    4 ,S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Enemies = 4
    3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    2 ########,,,,####,,,,####,,,,########
    1 ####################################

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (5,7)
    Guard B : stands on (14,7)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (5,6)
    Guard B : stands on (9,6)
    Guard C : stands on (17,6)
    - Tactic : just go south (to the wall) and just go east. If you're close
    enough to the wall, the guards vision will not reach you. Then go north on
    (17,3) to (17,6) and flip guard C. Continue going north to the finish point. My
    time = 7:48.
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 4 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (5,7)-(5,4)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (9,4)-(9,7)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (13,7)-(13,4)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (17,4)-(17,7)

    *** LEVEL 9 - LONG HALLWAY ***
    Description : I think this area introduces Snake on how to move across long
    alley. Some guards are too far away, making it hard for Snake to approach them.
    Snake has to knock on walls to lure the enemy.

    LV 9 Map

    30 ##..................##
    29 ##........F.........##
    28 ##....##########....##
    27 ##....##########....##
    26 ##....##########....##
    25 ##..................##
    24 ##....................
    23 ########......########
    22 ##......##
    21 ##......##
    20 ##......##
    19 ##......## Time Attack Mode :
    18 ........## Time limits = 1 m
    17 ##......## Gun Shooting Mode :
    16 ##......## Time limits = 1 m
    15 ##......## Bullets = 30
    14 ##........ Enemies = 6
    13 ##......##
    12 ##......##
    11 ##......##
    10 ........##
    9 ##......##
    8 ##......##
    7 ##......########
    6 ##..............
    5 ##..............
    4 ##......####....
    3 ##......####....
    2 ##...........S..
    1 ##..............

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (6,6)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (5,30) - (7,30)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (18,4)
    Guard B : stands on (29,5)
    Guard C : stands on (29,7)
    - Tactic : It takes precise timing on this one - go west and north . Then
    knock the left wall on (15,5). This will alert guard A. Approach guard A and
    flip him. Then go north again, take the left path and go north. If you do it
    right, guard B will not look at you. Just go to his north. If you timed it
    right, he will turn 180 degree clockwise just as you pass on his north. Go to
    Finish Point. My time = 13:29
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 6 guards :
    Guard A : stands on (8,14)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (6,24)-(6,6)-(10,6)
    Guard C : walks back and forth from (2,24)-(5,24)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (10,24)-(7,24)
    Guard E : walks from (7,29)-(9,29)-(9,24)-(7,24)-(7,7)
    Guard F : walks from (5,29)-(3,29)-(3,24)-(5,24)-(5,7)

    +++ NEW NEW NEW 25 : GHOST GUARD ?? +++
    ++ IT'S A GLITCH !! Watch carefully guard E and F. When they go back from (5,7)
    and (7,7) to north, follow them and watch them walking through the wall to reach
    (5,29) and (7,29) !! ++

    *** LEVEL 10 - BIG LIGHTS ***
    Description : This level introduces Snake on how to avoid the big lights.

    LV 10 MAP

    21 QQQQQQ<<<<@@@@@@F@@@@@>>>>QQQQQQQQQQ
    20 QQQQQQ<<<<@@@@@@@@@@@@>>>>QQQQQQQQQQ
    19 QQQQQQ......@@^^^^@@......QQQQQQQQQQ
    18 QQQQQQ....................[[[[[[[[[[ Time Attack Mode :
    17 QQQQQQ....................QQQQQQQQ[[ Time limits = 1 m
    16 QQQQQQ....................QQQQQQQQ[[ Gun Shooting Mode :
    15 QQQQ............................QQ[[ Time limits = 1 m 20 s
    14 QQQQ............................QQ[[ Bullets = 30
    13 QQQQ........................^^^^QQ[[ Enemies = ? (6)
    12 QQQQQQ......................@@@@QQ[[
    11 QQQQQQ......................@@@@QQ[[
    10 ............................@@@@[[[[
    9 ............................@@@@[[[[
    8 ....####....................@@@@QQ[[
    7 ....####....................@@@@QQ[[
    6 ....####....................^^^^QQ[[
    5 ................................QQ[[
    4 ................................QQ[[
    3 ..................QQQQQQQQ[[
    2 ..................[[[[[[[[[[
    1 ........S.........QQQQQQQQQQ

    0 -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

    a. Training Mode
    - There are 2 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (7,18) - (10,18)
    Guard B : stands on (16,9)
    - There are 2 big lights that moves around in the middle area
    - There is a camera on (3,16)
    b. Time Attack Mode
    - There are 2 cameras : on (3,16) and (14,16)
    - There are 3 guards :
    Guard A : walks back and forth from (2,9) - (4,9)
    Guard B : walks back and forth from (7,18) - (10,18)
    Guard C : stands on (15,9)
    - There are 2 big lights that moves around in the middle.
    - Tactic : Go to east (15,4) near the south wall. If you are close to the
    wall, guard C will not see you. Time your movement well. Approach guard C when
    he's not looking at you and flip him. Then go to north wall under the camera.
    Quickly go to northwest. If you time it right, guard B should be on (7,18) and
    he will not notice you. Just proceed to the stairs and go to Finish Point. My
    time = 10:12.
    c. Gun Shooting Mode and Survival Mode
    - There are 6 guards :
    Guard A : circling (2,9)-(6,9)-(6,3)-(6,5)-(2,5)-(2,9)
    Guard B : stands on (3,13)
    Guard C : circling (15,9)-(15,4)-(11,4)-(11,14)-(15,14)-(15,9)
    Guard D : walks back and forth from (6,18)-(10,18)
    Guard E : walks back and forth from (15,20)-(2,20)
    Guard F : sleeping on (18,1)
    - There are 2 cameras : on (1,11) and (14,16)

    ########## 14. THE STORY ###########
    Note : I replaced the translation chapter with the story chapter. The
    translation is no longer needed because the US version has come out. This
    section is dedicated for the import players who have finished the game and
    wished to know the game's story. I try to write the story as thorough as I
    could, cause I know you guys want ALL the details. DO NOT READ THIS SECTION IF
    DIDN'T WARN YOU!! For Import Players, HAVE FUN ^_^.

    *** INTRO ***
    Location : Alaska - Bering Sea
    The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadows Moses Island in Alaska's Fox
    archipelago was attacked and captured by Next Generation Special Forces, being
    led by members of Fox Hound. They're demanding that the government turn over the
    remains of Big Boss and they say if their demand is not met within 24 hours,
    they'll launch the nuclear weapon.
    Snake has 2 mission objectives, first Snake has to rescue DARPA's chief Donald
    Anderson, and the president of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker. Both are being held as
    hostages. Secondly, Snake has to investigate whether or not the terrorists have
    the ability to make a nuclear strike, and stop them if they do.
    The insertion method available for Snake is approaching the disposal facility by
    sub, then launching a one man SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle). After the SDV gets
    as close as it can, Snake has to dispose of it. From there on Snake'll have to
    FOX-HOUND is a Hi tech Special Forces Unit, which was happened to be Snake's
    former unit, and was formerly under command of Colonel Campbell. They're six
    member of the FOX-HOUND involved in this terrorist's activity.
    1. Psycho Mantis with his powerful psychic ability
    2. Sniper Wolf, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter
    3. Decoy Octopus, master of disguise
    4. Vulcan Raven, giant and Shaman, and
    5. Revolver Ocelot, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter
    and finally in charge of them,
    6. the FOX-HOUND squad leader, Liquid Snake, the man with the same code as Snake
    The nuclear weapon disposal facility covers the whole island. The Colonel will
    instruct Snake by Codec after Snake reaches his target. As usual, this is a one-
    man infiltration mission. Weapons and equipments are OSP (on-site-procurement).
    This mission is a top-secret black op, so there are no official support.

    *** On the Dock ***
    Snake arrives safely at the dock. The Colonel calls him on the Codec. He
    explains the how the Codec works - The Codec's receiver directly stimulates the
    small bones of Snake's ear. No one but Snake will be able to hear it. The
    Colonel then asks Snake to go into the elevator to the surface.

    *** Helipod ***
    Snake arrives safely on the surface. The Colonel tells Snake that he has sent 2
    F-16 to distract the enemy. Naomi checks Snake's equipments. Apparently, Snake
    was equipped by special sneaking suit that is able to prevent hypothermia, and
    was injected by anti-freezing peptide. The animation then shows Liquid flies the
    HIND D chopper (Russian gunship) to destroy that 2 F-16. The Colonel tells Snake
    that it's a good time for Snake to sneak in unnoticed. The Colonel then
    introduces Snake to Mei Ling. She was assigned to the visual and data processing
    specialist. She designed Snake's Codec, as well as Snake's Soliton radar system.
    Meryl then explains how the radar works. Mei Ling warns Snake that the radar is
    easily jammed. After that explanation, Snake told Naomi that he manages to
    smuggle out his smoke when he was stripped search by Naomi. Then the animation
    shows Snake using his scope to find out where the air ducts are.

    *** DARPA Chief's Cell ***
    Snake manages to go inside DARPA chief's cell thru the air duct. Donald
    surprised to see Snake. He cautiously asks Snake who he is and asks Snake to get
    him out of the cell. Snake asks Donald whether the terrorists have the ability
    to launch the nuke. Donald told Snake that they could launch the nuke with the
    help of walking armoured units. With these units, the nuke can be launched
    anywhere on the face of the earth. This conversation attracts Meryl from the
    nearby cell. Snake recalls that walking armoured units as Metal Gear - that he
    thought he has destroyed in the last mission. Donald then tells Snake that it
    takes 2 detonation codes to operate Metal Gear. One code is with Donald, and the
    other code is with Baker - the president of ArmsTech. Donald tells the enemy the
    code because Psycho Mantis has the ability to dive into Donald's mind. Snake
    then asks Donald about the whereabouts of Baker. Donald says that the terrorists
    have put Baker in the room inside the wall, but they don't have time to paint
    the wall. Donald tells Snake about the PAL Card - the emergency override system
    that can override the detonation codes. The PAL card consists of 3 cards - now
    is being held by Baker. Donald then gives Snake his LV1 keycard to open the LV1
    door. The keycard works this way - it uses the salt in your body to transmit the
    signal from the keycard. If you equip the keycard, the door's detector will
    receive the signal from the card and open the door.
    Snake plans to get Donald out of the prison. Donald then suspiciously asks Snake
    about the Pentagon, whether they will agree to the terrorists' demands, and what
    they know about the mission. Then suddenly Donald got a heart attack - then
    died. Snake uses his Codec to contact the Colonel and Naomi - asks them whether
    they know about the heart attack. The Colonel and Naomi don't know anything
    about it.

    *** Outside DARPA Chief's Cell ***
    Snake cautiously goes out of the cell. He notices a guard is tied up without
    wearing his clothes. Then suddenly a rifle is pointed on Snake's head. Snake
    turns around. The guard (who is Meryl) sees Snake's face and thinks for a second
    that Snake is Liquid. Snake then tells Meryl that she's a rookie - that she
    cannot hold the rifle steadily. Snake then points his gun on her. Meryl asks
    Snake to use the keycard to get out of the cell. At that time, the guards are
    swarming the cell. In the fight, Meryl hesitates to shoot. Snake orders her to

    *** After the fight ***
    Meryl checks the hallway, then runs to the elevator. Snake follows her - looks
    at her. She is wiggling her behind ^_^ (Hey, hold that dirty thought! It's part
    of the clue later on!). Then the animation shows Liquid, Psycho Mantis, and
    Ocelot in the torture room. Liquid blames Ocelot for killing Donald in the
    torture - then says that they will never get the detonation code. Psycho Mantis
    then tells Liquid he has a good plan. Then the animation shows Meryl and Snake
    again. After Meryl enters the lift, Snake sees Psycho Mantis floating in the air
    - appraising Meryl for what she does. Then Psycho Mantis disappears. Snake then
    calls Naomi. Naomi tells Snake that it was not a hallucination - it was Psycho
    Mantis' power.

    *** The Showdown with Ocelot ***
    Snake sees Baker is being tied up on the pillar. Snake wonders whether he is
    dead. Then Baker moves. Snake approaches him - but then Baker warns him not to
    come close. There are C4 bombs everywhere. Then a shot is directed to Snake. A
    figure appears, introduces himself. Ocelot says that Snake is as good as the
    Boss said. Ocelot tells how he loves his gun, how he loves to put bullets on the
    chamber, and so on. Ocelot boasts about his ability to control his bullets'
    ricochet. He says " That's why they call me ... REVOLVER !!"

    *** After the Fight with Ocelot ***
    Ocelot hides behind one of the pillars, tells Snake that he is just getting
    warmed up. Ocelot shows himself, then a figure blazes in front of him and cuts
    Ocelot's hand. That figures then cuts all the wire surrounding Baker's body. The
    C4 explodes - and throw Ocelot to the wall. Ocelot says : " Stealth
    Camouflages... We'll meet again" - then disappears. The invisible figure
    appears. Baker surprised to see the Cyborg Ninja and mumbles : " That
    exoskeleton ... ". Snake asks Cyborg Ninja about who he was. Ninja answers :
    "I'm like you ... I have no name". Then the Ninja shakes himself, screams and
    runs away.

    *** Rescuing Baker ***
    Snake asks Baker who the Ninja is. Baker says that the Ninja is a part of a
    secret project - that Snake has to asks Dr. Naomi. Snake then asks Baker whether
    he has given his detonation code. Baker says that he is given some kind of chip
    that is able to block Psycho Mantis' power diving into his mind - and that chip
    was planted on Donald, too. Snake is confused because Donald said that Psycho
    Mantis managed to get into his mind. But then Baker confesses that he has given
    his password, because he cannot stand Ocelot's torture. His broken right arm is
    caused by the torture. Baker then tells Snake the story behind Metal Gear's
    development - that ArmsTech was on the edge of bankruptcy, that Metal Gear was
    one of the black project - if ArmsTech is able to develop Metal Gear, it would
    give them a few steps ahead of the competition, thus survives. Baker tells Snake
    that he has given the PAL card to Meryl when they were in jailed together. Baker
    wants to give Meryl's frequency to Snake, but he forgets. Then Baker says that
    Snake should see the back of the CD case for Meryl's frequency. Baker gives
    Snake his LV2 card. Baker tells Snake that he should meet Dr. Hal Emmerich, the
    designer of Metal Gear. Baker then gives Snake his disc. The disc contains the
    Metal Gear test data. Baker says that the Pentagon wants the disc so bad - and
    suspects that Snake was sent to pick up the disc. Then Baker has a heart attack.
    Before Baker died, Baker says " So they (the Pentagon) actually went and did it
    ... ". Snake calls the Colonel and Naomi, suspecting they're hiding something
    from him. The Colonel and Naomi still won't answer about it. When Snake asks
    Naomi about the Ninja, Naomi still won't answer. The Colonel then asks Snake to
    contact Meryl.

    *** Conversation between Meryl and Snake ***
    The conversation begins with the introduction between those two. Snake tells
    that he was sent by Meryl's uncle. Meryl then is able to recognise Snake - for
    being a legend. Snake then tells Meryl that he knows Meryl is a good girl -
    judging from her eyes (beautiful and compassionate eyes ^_^). Meryl feels that
    Snake wants to sweep her off her feet.
    Snake then asks Meryl about the real situation. Meryl says that the place is not
    really the nuclear disposal facility. This base is owned and operated by a dummy
    corporation of ArmsTech, for the development of Metal Gear. FOX-HOUND and the
    Next-Generation Special Forces were called here for the test launching of a
    dummy nuclear warhead, because they're Special Ops groups used to handling top
    secret missions. They figured they could help it all hush-hush. This was to be a
    final test before the formal adoption of the Metal Gear program.
    Snake tells Meryl to stay out of danger, because if she hesitates once again in
    front of the enemies, she would get killed. Meryl tells Snake that it was the
    first time she has to kill someone. She says that she has no problems in
    Then Meryl volunteers to help Snake. She says that she can open the cargo door
    because she has LV 5 keycard. Meryl promises to contact Snake as soon as she
    opens the cargo door.

    *** Entering the Canyon for the first time ***
    Someone contacts Snake with his codec. That someone tells Snake that there are a
    lot of mines hidden in the snow - that Snake should use his mine detector. Snake
    then asks him who he is - he says "Just call me ... DeepThroat". Then Snake
    realises that DeepThroat doesn't use burst transmission - it means DeepThroat is

    *** Conversation between Vulcan Raven and Liquid ***
    Raven admires Snake, and tells Liquid that he is as good as Liquid said. Raven
    then asks Liquid to be cautious. He tells Liquid not to underestimate Snake.

    *** Entering the Nuke building ***
    The Colonel and Naomi tells Snake that he shouldn't use his weapon on the room.
    That's because there are nuclear warheads in the room.

    *** Fighting Ninja ***
    Snake enters the room where Dr. Hal Emmerich is. Ninja is on his way to kill Dr.
    Emmerich. Dr. Emmerich pisses on his pants. Snake tells Ninja that he needs Dr.
    Emmerich alive. Ninja then asks Snake to fight him.
    When fighting, Ninja is able to dodge all your bullets and bombs. If you punch
    him twice, the Ninja will jump back and tells Snake that he loves to fight Hand
    to Hand Combat - " Only a fool trusted his weapons!". In the fight, he keeps
    saying : " I remember this pain...", " Hurt me more... " and " Do you remember,
    Snake? Do you remember me?".
    After the fight, Snake calls the Colonel, says that he finally know who the
    Ninja was. He tells the Colonel that the Ninja is actually GREY FOX. The Colonel
    surprised because Grey Fox was supposed to be dead 6 years ago in Zanzibar. Then
    Naomi tells the Colonel and Snake that Grey Fox was not dead at that time. Grey
    Fox was fitted with the exoskeleton body, was given drugs to stay alive, and the
    lab used him as an experiment on genes. Naomi says that today's genome Soldiers
    were build from these experiments. Snake then tells the Colonel that Grey Fox
    does not have any memory - kinda like a mindless robot.

    *** Conversation with Dr. Emmerich ***
    Snake then asks Dr. Emmerich to get out of the cabinet. He then asks about Metal
    Gear. Dr. Emmerich tells Snake that Metal Gear is just for defence purpose only.
    Snake loses his patience, grabs Dr. Emmerich on his collar, and calls him a
    liar. Snake tells Dr. Emmerich that Metal Gear is for carrying nuclear missiles.
    Dr. Emmerich still doesn't believe what Snake said. Snake then says that he
    heard it from Baker himself. Dr. Emmerich then finally realises his mistakes.
    Dr. Emmerich tells Snake that he has nothing to do with it. He then tells a
    story that his father and his grandfather were all killed by the nuclear bombs -
    part of the Manhattan project, so he hates nuclear bombs. Dr. Emmerich finally
    figures out why ArmsTech has to test Metal Gear - It's because the nuclear bombs
    that they'll be using is the new type - so they have to test it to get the
    actual data, cause the simulation data is not enough. Metal Gear REX is the new
    prototype of Metal Gear. It was armed with rail gun, missile launcher, and
    Dr. Emmerich then slams his hand on the floor, calling himself an idiot for not
    knowing what the real situation is - and that he's been used to work on nuclear
    weapons without him knowing it. Dr. Emmerich then tells Snake that he will help
    Snake, and gives him his LV 4 keycard. Snake waits whether Dr. Emmerich will get
    a heart attack, and asks him if he feels okay. Then Snake calls Meryl, asking
    her to protect Dr. Emmerich. On the Codec, Meryl is found out by the guards.
    Meryl had to flee. Snake then asks Dr. Emmerich to take care of himself. Dr.
    Emmerich asks Snake not to call him Emmerich - instead to call him Otacon.
    Otacon is short for Otaku Convention - A group of people that loves Japanese
    animes. Otacon tells Snake the reason he worked on the Metal Gear Project -
    that's because he likes robots in Japanese animes and he wants to build one,
    just like in the animes.
    Otacon then tells Snake how to find Meryl. Meryl disguised herself as one of the
    guards, so Snake has to find her. Otacon tells Snake that Meryl has a very cute
    way of walking - wiggling her behind (See... I told you it was a clue !! ^_^)
    Otacon then tells Snake not to worry about him because he has the Stealth unit
    that enable him to be invisible. Otacon then leaves the place.

    *** Talking to Meryl in the Women's Restroom ***
    Meryl points her gun on Snake, telling that she's able to outwit the famous
    Snake for the second time. Snake says that she won't last long with her way of
    walking. Meryl tells Snake that his approach for her will not work because she
    had training on how to lose the interests on men.
    Meryl then tells Snake that she will help Snake - that she's not afraid anymore.
    She gives Snake her PAL key and her LV 5 keycard. Meryl says that she finally
    understands why she joins the army. That's because she wanted to know about her
    Meryl then asks Snake to go to the tower, passing the Commander's room.

    *** Commander's Room - Encounter with Psycho Mantis***
    Psycho Mantis blames Meryl for not being able to kill Snake. Snake tells Psycho
    Mantis to show himself out of his optic camouflages. Mantis fells so insulted
    with these words. He says that it was not optic camouflages - It was pure power.
    Seeing that Snake does not believe his words, Psycho Mantis demonstrates his
    power on Snake. He says that he can read into Snake's deepest soul (he sees into
    your memory card ... see whether there are save games on other Konami's games
    ^_^). If you have analog controller, he will ask you to put the controller in
    the flat ground. Then he boasts that he can move the controller (by vibrating
    the joystick ^_^).

    *** Psycho Mantis' Last Word ***
    Psycho Mantis tells that he cannot read Snake's mind. He claims that he has read
    thousands of human minds. He tells about the hidden door behind the bookcase.
    He says that he's sick of all the person in the world because they all have only
    one same wish, which is passing on the genes. But he says that Snake is
    different. He says that Snake and he have one thing in common - They all have a
    trauma in the past. He says that he doesn't agree with Liquid's idea for global
    domination - he just joins the terrorists to give him excuse to kill as many
    people as he wants. Meryl fells so angry on him. Psycho Mantis then read Snake's
    mind. He says that the world would be better with someone like him and Snake
    around. He says : "You are like the Boss... No, you're worse. In fact, comparing
    to you, I'm not so bad !!". Then he reads Meryl's mind, saying that Snake has a
    large place in Meryl's heart (So..the training for resisting men obviously does
    not work on her !!^_^). Then he asks Snake to put his mask back on. He wants to
    be by himself just for a while. He then helps Snake by moving the bookcase. His
    final words are : "This is the first time I've ever helped. It feels ... so ...
    Meryl then felt so ashamed that Mantis is able to control her. Snake says : "
    Don't doubt yourself. Just let it make you stronger."

    *** Meryl Get Shot ***
    Meryl then get shot. Meryl don't want Snake to come out, because she feels that
    she is just bait. The real target is Snake. She tells Snake to just leave her.
    Snake then calls the Colonel. Colonel suspects that the shooter was Sniper Wolf,
    then tells Snake not to come out. Snake promises the Colonel that he will save
    Meryl. This statement makes Naomi surprised. She thought that Snake only cares
    about himself. Snake answer this by saying that he will rescue Meryl for
    himself, not for anybody else. Snake suspects Sniper Wolf is on the 2nd floor of
    the tower. The Colonel tells Snake to get the Sniper Rifle, cause all weapons
    does not have the range.

    *** Get Caught !! ***
    Sniper Wolf and her 2 guards finally catches Snake. Sniper Wolf told Snake to
    drop his gun cause she won't miss her shot in the close range. Then Sniper Wolf
    says that Snake will be her prey. She says that a wolf would never release its
    prey. Then Sniper Wolf scratches her fingernail on Snake's cheek - marking Snake
    as her prey. Then the guard strikes Snake behind his neck. Snake's unconscious.

    *** On the Torture Chamber ***
    Liquid warns Ocelot for not killing Snake, just like he did with DARPA Chief.
    Sniper Wolf agrees with Liquid, saying that Snake is hers to kill - Snake is her
    prey. Ocelot defends himself by saying that the DARPA Chief's death was an
    Liquid then says that he finally meets his brother, after the sacrifice of all
    their brothers - after 30 years - that they're the last sons of Big Boss. Then
    Sniper Wolf asks Liquid whether he wants to get Snake's DNA. Liquid says yes,
    but he says that Snake's DNA will not be able to cure the Genome Soldiers. They
    still need the Big Boss' DNA. Then Snake's awake and the bed was revolved.
    Liquid sees Snake's face and tells Snake about the resemblance between them.
    Then Liquid gets a call from Raven, saying that the government will not give in
    to their demands. Liquid feels strange about this - usually the American are the
    first to negotiate. Liquid feels that the American must have other plans. Liquid
    still hasn't found out what kills Baker and Decoy Octopus. Liquid still hasn't
    found out who the ninja is. The ninja has killed 16 of their men, and cut
    Ocelot's hand. Liquid leaves the place to make the preparation for launching the
    nuclear. Then Sniper Wolf is leaving the room to feed her wolves. Before leaving
    the room, Sniper Wolf tells Snake that Meryl is still alive.
    Ocelot is now alone with Snake in the torture room. Ocelot asks Snake about the
    Optical Disc - whether the disc is the only one and whether there is a copy.
    Then Ocelot asks Snake about the whereabouts of the other two PAL keys, and the
    trick of using the PAL key. Ocelot asks Snake to play a little game - if Snake's
    submit to his torture, Ocelot will end the pain, but Meryl's life will be in his

    *** In the Prison ***
    The Colonel says that the government has decided not to give in to their
    demands. The Colonel is trying to buy some time. Snake asks the Colonel whether
    Metal Gear was designed to launch a new type of nuclear warhead. The Colonel
    won't answer. He just says that Metal Gear was a secret advanced nuclear weapons
    research and says that the President hasn't been briefed with this problem. The
    terrorists' deadline is set for the signing of START 3 ACCORD between the
    President and the Russian. That's why this problem cannot go public.
    Then Snake says that he saw the corpse of the DARPA Chief, which was strangely
    looked and smelled like he's been dead for days. All his blood's been drained
    out too. Naomi surprised to hear this, because there were only nanomachines and
    the transmitter in his blood.
    Snake then feels worried about Meryl's condition. He then asks Dr Naomi to cheer
    him up. Dr Naomi then asks Snake about his family. Snake tells her about his
    father, Big Boss, that he had forced to kill in Zanzibar. He then tells Dr.
    Naomi about his friends Roy Campbell (the Colonel), and his other friend...
    which is Frank Jaeger. Frank Jaeger is the only member of FOX-HOUND ever to
    receive the codename "FOX." ... Grey Fox. Dr. Naomi then asks about their
    friendship. Snake says that he knew Grey Fox in the prison in Outer Heaven. Fox
    taught Snake a lot - but they never talked about their personal lives. The next
    time they met, they were on the different sides. They fought each other -
    without hatred, or personal feelings. Just two professionals on the different
    sides - just like sport. Dr. Naomi feels sick hearing about this.

    *** Memory of Meryl ***
    In the Codec conversation, Snake apologises to the Colonel for not being able to
    save Meryl. Miller then asks Snake not to regrets himself. Snake's regret makes
    Naomi curious. She starts to ask Snake about Snake's feeling for Meryl. Snake
    then feels so cornered with her questions. Colonel then tells Snake that Naomi
    must have had his father's genes. Naomi father was an assistant secretary in the
    FBI during Edgar Hoover's time. Then Naomi starts to tell about her grandfather.
    Her grandfather was Japanese and he became a special undercover investigator to
    nab the mafia - in the 50's in New York. Miller concerns about Naomi's past a

    *** On the Way to the Roof - In Front of LV 6 Door ***
    Otacon calls Snake and says that the door is blocked by glacier. To open the
    door, you must clear the ice by using C4 from the other side.

    *** Checking the Elevator ***
    Snake hears someone's beside the elevator. Snake then points his gun on him. The
    man, who is using stealth camouflages, is now revealing himself. He is Otacon.
    Otacon says that he admires Snake's action on the tower, and calls Snake a truly
    hero. Otacon then says that he just follows Snake for one question. Otacon asks
    Snake : " Can Love bloom even on the battlefield ? ". Snake surprised to hear
    that. He doesn't expect Otacon to follow him just to ask that question. But then
    he answers : " Love can bloom anywhere, even on the battlefield - but if you
    love someone, you have to be able to protect her". Otacon then asks Snake not to
    kill Sniper Wolf. He says that Snake should know her better, so Snake could know
    that she's a good person. Snake then asks Otacon about how he managed to get up
    there. Otacon says he used the elevator. Otacon surprises to know the elevator
    is not moving. Snake then asks him to repair the elevator, while Snake will
    heads to the top of the tower to face the Hind.

    *** Top of the Tower ***
    Snake fights Liquid (and his Hind D). Liquid keeps calling Snake his brother.
    Snake says : "Why do you keep calling me brother? Who Are You ?". Liquid says :
    "I'm you !! I'm your shadow!!"

    *** After the Fight with Hind D ***
    After the fight, the Hind D falls to the ground and explodes. Snake says to
    himself : "...that takes care of the cremation ". Then Snake calls Otacon on his
    Codec. Snake thanks Otacon for making the elevator works again. Otacon tells
    Snake that it was strange - that he didn't do anything for the elevator. The
    elevator moves by itself.

    *** In the Elevator ***
    Snake finds it strange that the elevator senses overweight. Otacon then calls
    Snake. Snake tells what happened to Otacon. Otacon tells Snake that he
    experienced the same thing when he was on the elevator. Otacon tells Snake that
    he was about to give Snake a stealth unit from the lab, but 4 stealth units
    where missing from the lab. Then Otacon tells Snake to be careful - that there
    might be 4 guards using the stealth camouflages in the elevator.

    *** On the Snowfield ***
    Snake gets shot by someone in the blizzard. Snake then contacts Otacon, asks him
    whether there are any stealth guards. Otacon says that there's no more stealth
    unit in the lab, and that the shooter must be Sniper Wolf. Otacon begs Snake not
    to kill her. Snake tells Otacon to be rational - that she's a merciless killer.
    Then Sniper Wolf appears on the Codec - tells Snake that she never quits the
    hunt - that the wolf will catch its prey. Sniper Wolf asks Otacon not to
    interfere between 'a wolf' and its 'prey'. Snake then tells Sniper Wolf that
    it's a mistake for a sniper to reveal her whereabouts and that he will pay for
    what Sniper Wolf did for Meryl.

    *** Sniper Wolf's Last Word ***
    Sniper Wolf tells Snake to end her misery. She then tells Snake that when she's
    little she used to be on the battlefield. Scream and sirens are her lullabies.
    Then she was brought up by Big Boss (Saladin). She can now sees the war from the
    outside, not from the inside. She used to wait for the target for hours, days,
    and weeks without moving her muscles. She says that she feels ashamed of
    herself, ashamed to her people - they should not call her Wolf, but call her a
    dog. Snake then says that some people have their prices, and people call
    mercenaries as 'Dogs of War', but Sniper Wolf is different. Wolves are noble
    animals, and Snake thinks that she deserves to be called Wolf. She says that
    finally she understand - She is not waiting to kill someone, but waiting for
    someone to kill her, A man like Snake.
    She then asks Snake to set her free. Snake gets ready to fire his Socom. Then
    Otacon appears from the distance. He's mad at himself for not being able to
    protect her girl. Seeing Otacon, Sniper Wolf asks Otacon to fetch her weapon.
    Otacon brings her rifle. Wolf puts her arms around his rifle then asks Snake to
    finish his job. Snake does his job.
    Otacon regrets himself for not being able to protect her. Snake then puts the
    scarf on her face. Snake says that he doesn't need the scarf anymore - for
    there's no more tears to shed. Snake then leaves the place. Otacon then asks
    Snake : " What is Wolf fighting for? What am I fighting for? What are you
    fighting for? ". Snake turns around and says that he will answer it after the
    mission is completed. Otacon then tells Snake that he will search for the answer
    too and he will help Snake on his mission.

    *** Riding the Elevator - on His Way to Meet Vulcan Raven ***
    Snake gets a call from Master Miller. Miller asks Snake to turn the monitor off
    - he does not want anybody to hear the conversation. Miller then tells Snake
    that he was in the FBI, too - that he feels something is wrong with Dr. Naomi's
    story. Miller went on checking, and this is what he finds: that Dr. Naomi lied
    about her background. At that time Edgar Hoover was known racist, so there were
    no single Asian investigator working with him. The Mafia sting operation was
    begun in 1960's so it hasn't even begun in 1950's. And the Mafia's sting
    operation was in Chicago, not in New York. Miller suspects Dr. Naomi had
    something to do the death of Donald and Baker - that she might be working for
    the terrorists after all.

    *** Vulcan Raven ***
    Before the fight, Raven is angry with Snake for killing his friend, the Ravens.
    Then he curses Snake with Raven's power. Snake cannot move. He seems to be
    After the fight, Vulcan Raven says that he admires Snake. Vulcan Raven says that
    it's time for him to join the ravens and the mother earth, which bore him. He
    says that he'll be watching Snake from above. Vulcan Raven then says that Snake
    is not an ordinary snake - a snake that doesn't come from this world, just like
    his boss (Liquid). Vulcan Raven gives Snake a hint : That it was not the real
    Donald Anderson that Snake's met in the cell. It was Decoy Octopus, a FOX-HOUND
    member that is good in disguising himself. He is disguising himself by sucking
    the victim's blood. Hearing the story, Snake asks Raven why they did so much
    trouble to do that. Vulcan Raven won't answer that. He says that it is the part
    of the riddle that Snake must find out himself. Vulcan Raven gives Snake his LV7
    keycard. Then he orders the ravens to eat on him.

    *** Miller's Investigation ***
    Miller contacts Snake again. He says that it is about Naomi. The Colonel hears
    the conversation, then joins the club. This is what Millers finds out : The
    woman that claims to be Dr. Naomi Hunter is not Dr. Naomi Hunter at all.
    That there was a real Dr. Naomi Hunter - but she was disappeared somewhere in
    the Middle East. So this woman somehow got her identification papers. Miller
    suspects her for working with the terrorists or other group, thus betraying
    them. Miller asks the Colonel to arrests 'the so-called Naomi'. Colonel seems to
    hesitate. He says that without her they would not be able to finish the mission.

    *** Otacon's Investigation ***
    First, Otacon calls Snake, saying that he will help Snake to try accessing
    Baker's file to find out how to use the PAL key. Snake then finally realises
    that Otacon is actually a hacker.
    Otacon calls Snake, tells him that he is able to access the confidential Metal
    Gear file, even though he hasn't found out about the PAL override system. But he
    finds the secrets of the new nuclear weapon : the nuclear warhead is designed to
    be fired from the rail gun like a projectile... It doesn't use fuel, so it isn't
    considered a missile. That way it can get around all sorts of international
    treaties. That's not all : it's a stealth weapon, so it won't show up on radar.
    Actually they've been working on a stealth missile since the late 70's. They
    weren't they able to develop one up until now because of the missile's rocket
    propulsion system will be picked up by enemy satellites. But unlike a missile,
    the rail gun doesn't burn any propellent. So it can't be detected by any current
    ballistic missile detection systems. It will be an invisible nuclear warhead
    that will be totally impossible to intercept. And on top of that it's got a
    surface piercing warhead designed to penetrate underground bases (remember Gulf
    War ?). So the point is : It's the ultimate weapon. And from a political point
    of view, It avoids the problem of nuclear reduction and nuclear inspections.
    Then the Colonel tells Snake that : If word of this got out, it could delay the
    signing of the Start 3 Treaty and cause a huge international incident. The
    United States would be denounced by the UN. It could even bring the President
    Otacon tells Snake that the new nuclear weapon is never actually been tested,
    only simulated on a computer model. They needed to get actual experimental data
    to back up the simulation. That's why they were conducting this exercise. The
    data is then stored into the optical disc that was given by Baker. Now the CD is
    on Ocelot's hand - during Snake's torture.

    *** Further Findings from Otacon ***
    Otacon finally finds Baker's top-secret files. He says that the ArmsTech is in
    financial trouble - worse than they thought. Snake says that they've finished
    inputting the PAL codes. Snake asks Otacon how to deactivate them. Otacon then
    explains how the PAL key works : it can also be used to input the detonation
    codes. If Snake inserts the keys when the warhead is active, it will deactivate
    it. And if Snake inserts them when it's inactive, it becomes activated. And
    Snake can only use the keys once. But this is the trick : the card key is made
    of a shape memory alloy - a material that changes shape at different
    temperatures. So the key is actually three keys in one.

    *** Liquid and Ocelot Conversation ***
    Liquid says to Ocelot that he just inputted the detonation codes - Mettal Gear
    is now ready to use. Ocelot asks him where to launch the missiles - in Russia ?
    Liquid says that he will not launch it to Russia, but to Lopnor, China. If they
    launch the nuclear to the population, it's the end of the story, but if they
    launched it to nuclear test site (in Lopnor), the government still can cover it.
    It will ruin the governments' reputation. And if other countries knew about this
    weapon, they will bid for it. The government will have no other choice than to
    give them their demands: 1 billion dollars plus the Big Boss' DNA. This money
    will be used to cure Genome Soldiers.
    Then Ocelot asks about FoxDie virus. He says that it seems the FoxDie virus
    affects the old man first. Psycho Mantis is not infected by FoxDie because he
    wears his mask all the time, and Sniper Wolf for taking her tranquillisers. And
    he says that the FoxDie works according to the blood's adrenaline level.
    Liquid then asks Ocelot about his friend, Col. Gurlukovich from Russia, that
    planned to buy Metal Gear REX. Ocelot says that he will buy it after he sees the
    test data. Liquid got his Hind from Col. Gurlukovich. Liquid then plans to join
    forces with Col. Gurlukovich for his 1000 men - then not leaving the base in
    Alaska. Liquid then says : " From now on, call this place ... OUTER HEAVEN "
    In this animation, Snake calls Otacon and asks him how to operate the PAL key.
    Otacon tells Snake that Snake has to look at the PAL symbol card and matches it
    with the computer. There are 3 laptops on the table. One with yellow symbol
    (means normal temperature), one with blue symbol (cold temperature), and the
    other is red symbol (warm temperature). Snake has to input the codes from left
    to right. Snake has to put the card into the first laptop, then cold the card.
    Enters the card to the second laptop, etc. Then Ocelot shoots Snake- making the
    card falls into the sewers. Liquid tells Snake that it's no use to attack him,
    because the place is covered with bullet-proof glasses.

    *** Miller's information ***
    Miller says that he got a good friend in the Pentagon. It looks like the DIA
    recently developed a new type of assassination weapon, called FoxDie. It's some
    kind of virus that targets specific people. Miller points out the similarity in
    the cause of death of fake DARPA Chief's Decoy Octopus and Kenneth Baker - heart
    attack. Apparently FoxDie kills its victims by simulating a heart attack. Then
    Miller suspects Dr. Naomi is behind this, because she is in the best position to
    do that. From the conversation, seems like Snake is injected with the FoxDie
    virus by Dr. Naomi - when she says that the injection contains anti-freezing
    peptide. Then the Colonel says that she has put Dr. Naomi under arrests for
    sending a coded message to the Alaskan Base. The Colonel suspects Dr. Naomi
    works with the terrorists. Now Dr. Naomi is being interrogated. Miller warns
    Snake that Snake may get infected by the virus.

    *** Codec Call from Naomi ***
    Snake is surprised to receive a codec call from Naomi. Naomi somehow manages to
    contact Snake without being known. She then begins to explain her background :
    she doesn't know anything about herself. All she knew is that she was found in
    Rhodesia in 1980's - by someone that she considers as her 'big brother'. Her big
    brother is Frank Jaeger - who is known as GRAY FOX !! At that time, Frank Jaeger
    was a soldier and found her near the river. Frank shared his rations with her -
    then protected her. When they were in Mozambique, Big Boss came and brought her
    to America. Then Big Boss and Gray Fox went back to Africa to continue their
    war. That's when Snake killed both of them. Snake killed Naomi's benefactor and
    sent home her brother as a cripple. She planned on taking revenge on Snake -
    waited two long years - then got the chance in the mission. But now she feels
    wrong about Snake. She says that Gray Fox (Ninja) comes to Alaska not to kill
    Snake, but to continue their fight in Zanzibar.
    Then Snake asks her about FoxDie. Then Naomi explains : FoxDie is a type of
    retrovirus that targets and kills only specific people. First it infects the
    macrophages in the victim's body. FoxDie contains "smart" enzymes, created
    through protein engineering. They're programmed to respond to specific genetic
    patterns in the cells. Those enzymes recognise the target's DNA. They respond by
    becoming active, and using the macrophages, they begin crating TNF epsilon, a
    type of cytokine, a peptide that causes cells to die. The TNF epsilon is carried
    along the bloodstream to the heart, where they attach to the TNF receptors in
    the heart cells. The heart cells suffer a shock and undergo an extreme apoptosis
    (the heart cells commit suicide). Then the victim dies.
    Snake then asks Naomi, whether she programmed the virus to kill him. Naomi won't
    answer (but it seems the answer is yes). Then Snake asks her how much time he
    got left. Naomi then tells him that it was not her decision to use the FoxDie -
    and that FoxDie is a part of the operation.
    Before explaining any further, the Colonel catches Naomi. Snake asks the Colonel
    what Naomi meant by FoxDie is a part of the operation. The Colonel won't answer
    and asks Snake to finish his mission. Snake feels the Colonel double-crosses

    *** Putting the Last PAL Key ***
    When the 3rd key is inserted into the slot, the computer says that Metal Gear is
    now been activated. Snake shouts : " No! I DEactivated it !!". Then Master
    Miller calls Snake. Miller thanks Snake for activating the Metal Gear for him.
    Snake is still confused with Miller's behaviour. Miller says that Snake found
    the key and even activated the warhead for him - that Miller really must express
    his gratitude to Snake. Miller then tells Snake that they weren't able to learn
    the DARPA Chief's code. Even with Mantis' psychic powers, he couldn't read his
    mind. Then Ocelot accidentally killed him during the interrogation. In other
    words, they weren't able to launch the nuclear device and they were all getting
    a little worried. Without the threat of a nuclear strike, their demands would
    never be met. Without the detonation codes, they had to find some other way.
    That's when they decided that Snake prove useful. First, they thought they might
    get the information from Snake. So they had Decoy Octopus disguise himself as
    the DARPA Chief. Unfortunately Octopus didn't survive the encounter - thanks to
    FoxDie. Snake then realises that they had this planned from the beginning, just
    to get him to input the detonation code.
    Miller then says now that the launch preparations are complete, the White House
    will have no choice but to surrender the FoxDie vaccine to them. He says that
    the Pentagon's plan to use Snake was already successful in the torture room and
    Snake is the only one who doesn't know.
    Colonel then interrupts the transmission by saying that the man Snake's been
    talking to is not Master Miller. Master Miller's body was just discovered at his
    home. He's been dead for at least three days. The Colonel didn't know because
    his Codec link with Master was cut off. But Mei Ling said that the transmission
    signal was coming from inside the base.
    The fake Master Miller then reveals himself - opens his glasses and changes his
    hairstyle. He was Liquid !!! Then Liquid tells Snake that Snake is no longer
    needed - then tries to kill him.

    *** Before Liquid Enters Metal Gear REX ***
    Snake points his gun on Liquid. Liquid then tells Snake whether he wants to kill
    his own brother. Snake then puts his gun down, and asks him why Liquid is
    disguising himself as Miller. Liquid says, by becoming Miller he can manipulate
    Snake more easily. Then Liquid says that the Pentagon was right - sending Snake,
    who is so stupid for asking no question about the mission. Liquid says that
    Snake is just a pawn. Snake's real mission was to come in contact with all the
    people. Snake was just used as a vector for FoxDie virus. Then Snake asks Liquid
    whether Naomi works on the Pentagon. Liquid says that Naomi was, but she takes a
    different path then. She altered the FoxDie program just before she was
    arrested. Liquid says that FoxDie is not affected him - because Snake and he has
    the same genes.
    Liquid then explains that they were really twins...linked by the cursed genes.
    They were made by Big Boss' DNA. That Snake got all the dominant genes, while
    Liquid got the recessive genes. Liquid is angry with Snake because he was just a
    leftover so Snake could be the perfect Soldier - that he was just a garbage from
    the day he was born.
    Liquid's angry with Snake for killing Big Boss. He says that Snake has taken
    away his chance to revenge on him. Liquid will finish the work that Big Boss has
    started. He will surpass him, and destroy him.

    *** After Metal Gear REX 1st fight ***
    Snake sees that Metal Gear REX is now damaged. He's wondering whether the fight
    has ended. Surprisingly, Metal Gear REX manages to get up and tries to crush
    Snake. Then, out of nowhere, Gray Fox comes to rescue. He lifts Metal Gear REX's
    foot and tells Snake to run. He says that Gray Fox is the name from his past -
    but sounds better then DeepThroat (Now you know who Deepthroat was !!).
    After some dodging and some shooting, Gray Fox and Snake manage to hide behind
    the container. Snake asks Gray Fox about his intention. Gray Fox says : " I'm
    the prisoner of Death... Only you can set me free ". Snake reminds Gray Fox that
    he has someone to take care of - Naomi. Gray Fox tells Snake that he cannot go
    back to her. Gray Fox says that he was the one who actually killed Naomi's
    parents, but then he could not bear to kill a little child. He then raised Naomi
    as her own sister. But every time he looks on her, he still sees Naomi's parents
    died on his hand. Then Gray Fox tries to help Snake by damaging Metal Gear REX's
    Gray Fox then crushed to the wall by Metal Gear. Gray Fox manages to shoot the
    radome - a cornered jackal is more dangerous. Then Liquid admires Fox by saying
    that Fox's name is suit for him. Gray Fox asks Snake to shoot Liquid while he
    opens the cockpit, but Snake can't do that because it will kill Gray Fox as
    well. After going down to the ground, Fox says to Snake that they're not tools
    from the government. They're just doing what they do best, which is fighting.
    But at least they're fighting for what they believe in. Then Liquid crunches him
    with Metal Gear REX's feet. Liquid says to Snake that Snake could not protect
    everyone he loved.

    *** After Metal Gear REX is down ***
    Liquid walks to Snake. Snake says that the revolution is over. But Liquid says
    that the fighting is not over. Liquid wants to create a world like before - a
    world where warriors like them are praised - just like Big Boss' dream. He says
    that now the world is full of hypocrites. Liquid will start a war. That way, the
    world will become like what he wanted to. He says that the problem was balance.
    He then says that Snake has that ambition, too. He asks Snake, why he keeps on
    completing the mission while his comrade betrays on him. He says that Snake
    actually likes the killing. Snake denies that. Liquid says that they were
    created to be that way.
    Liquid says about 'Les enfants teribles' or 'The Terrible Children' - a project
    to make a perfect soldier. Their plan is to get children from the best soldier -
    who is Big Boss. But then Big Boss is in coma, so they took his DNA and form 8
    eggs from it. The eight eggs are then planted, then bore. To create the perfect
    soldier, they sacrificed the 6 eggs, and just planted two eggs - Solid Snake got
    all the dominant genes, while Liquid has all the recessive genes. Liquid then
    says that he was created so they could create the perfect soldier - which was
    Solid Snake.
    Liquid says that the Genome Soldiers was created from Big Boss' DNA, so they are
    Snake's brother. By the research in DNA, the scientists finally found out which
    genes that create the perfect soldier. The research was based on human
    experiments that was made in the Gulf War, 1991. Liquid says that the syndrome
    that the soldiers feel was the side effect of these experiments. But they
    covered it up by saying that there's a radiation, etc.
    Liquid says that the Genome Soldiers project was a complete failure. He then
    explains about the Asymmetry theory - that nature tends to create asymmetry -
    and that the species that tends to extinct all shows the same signs - symmetry.
    Liquid says that by using the Big Boss' DNA, he hopes that he can cure them.
    Liquid then shows Meryl to Snake. She says that Meryl was a fool to love someone
    without a name. Snake shouts that he HAS a name.
    Liquid tells Snake to contact Colonel Campbell. From the conversation, the
    Secretary of Defence is about to drop nuclear bombs on that place to clear the
    evidence - since Metal Gear REX is now wrecked. But the Colonel will buy some
    time by giving them another order. The Colonel is now arrested by The Secretary
    of Defence, Jim Houseman. Jim tells Snake that Colonel Campbell was a fool to
    think he was in charge for the mission. Jim then asks Snake to give the optical
    disc to him - but Snake says that the disc is not with him. Jim then plans to
    send B-2 Bombers to the place.
    Liquid then asks Snake for a fight to the death - Only Snake's death will
    satisfy him. Only Snake's death will give Liquid's back what was rightly his.


    *** Ending 1 Animation : Meryl's Save ***
    Snake unties Meryl and tries to wake her up. She coughs and regains her
    consciousness. Meryl says : 'Snake...is that you?". Snake asks Meryl whether
    she's alright. Meryl then hugs Snake like she never wants to let him go.
    Snake says to Meryl that it must have been terrible for her. Meryl says that she
    didn't give up in the torture room - that she was fighting, too. By doing that
    she felt close to Snake - she hope she could understand Snake. There's a hope
    that keeps her to stay strong, that is a hope to see Snake once again.
    Snake then calls Otacon to tell him that Meryl lives and tells him that the
    Secretary of Defence is about to bomb the place. Otacon tells Snake to get out
    thru the loading tunnel. Otacon will help Snake to unlock all the gates. Snake
    asks Otacon to run, too. Otacon says that he will stay to help Snake - the
    unlocking process takes a lot of time. Snake then warns Otacon that the missile
    has surface piercing - Otacon could die. Otacon says that he's a new man now -
    that he already found a reason to live. Otacon tells Snake to take care of
    Meryl asks Snake about Otacon. Snake says that he's fighting with himself to be
    a man he wanted to be. Snake then jumps down from Metal Gear REX. Meryl jumps to
    his arms. Then they feel that the bombing has started - they have to postpone
    their love scene ^_^. Meryl tells Snake to get his sneaking suit.

    *** Ending 2 Animation : Meryl's Death ***
    Snake unties Meryl, but he is too late. Meryl is dead. Snake screams her name :
    Snake regrets himself - by saying that he gave in to his fear - that he sold her
    live for his - that he's a loser, not the hero like she thought he was. Otacon
    comes behind him saying that Meryl can no longer forgives - that she's gone.
    Snake says that It's all because of him. Otacon says - that blaming will make it
    easier - but Will Snake just stay there and die?. Otacon says :" People die. But
    death is not defeat. I lost Wolf, too. But it is not defeat. She and I will be
    together forever. Our love will never die. Live is more than a game of win or
    lose. Lets LIVE !!" . Otacon then says that there's a car in the garage that
    they could get away with. Snake says that Otacon is a different person now.
    Otacon says that he is through regretting his past.
    Snake then comes down from Metal Gear. Says that Meryl will be watching him.
    Snake hopes that he would be the hero that Meryl thought he would be. Then
    Otacon asks Snake to wear his suit - for it's cold outside. Snake wears his
    sneaking suit, then go away.

    *** Wrecked Jeep ***
    Snake and Otacon are stuck in the car. Liquid then comes out and tries to kill
    Snake with his rifle. He points his weapon on Snake, then suddenly he got a
    heart attack - FoxDie kills him. Snake then wonders - if FoxDie could kill
    Liquid, then it can kill him too. The Colonel then calls him, saying that the
    Secretary of Defence has been arrested. The Colonel managed to call the
    president, and found out that the mission is the act of the Secretary of Defence
    alone. The President then calls the B-2 bombers and F-117 back.

    *** Ending 1 : Codec call about Meryl ***
    Snake says that he manages to save Meryl. The Colonel thanks Snake for that. The
    Colonel tells Snake that he shouldn't worry about affecting FoxDie to Meryl,
    because Meryl is not the part of the program. The Colonel then asks for Snake's
    forgiveness for keeping lots of secrets from him. That's because the Pentagon
    asked him to in exchange for Meryl's life. The Colonel then asks Snake to hide
    himself as Snake has been officially died from the crash. The Colonel held the
    hardcopy of all Mei Ling's data as insurance, so Snake, him, and Mei Ling could

    *** Ending 2 : Codec call about Meryl ***
    The Colonel then says that he has heard about Meryl's death. He says to Snake
    that Meryl was really his daughter. The Colonel plans to tell her that after
    they return from the mission. The Colonel then asks for Snake's forgiveness for
    keeping lots of secrets from him. That's because the Pentagon asked him to in
    exchange for Meryl's life. The Colonel then asks Snake to hide himself as Snake
    has been officially died from the crash. The Colonel held the hardcopy of all
    Mei Ling's data as insurance, so Snake, him, and Mei Ling could live.

    *** Codec call from Naomi, about FoxDie ***
    Then the Codec turns to Naomi. Snake says to Naomi that Gray Fox has a message
    for her saying that Naomi should forget about her brother and goes on with her
    live - that Gray Fox loves her - that Gray Fox has just save Naomi, Snake, and
    the world. Naomi then says that Gray Fox was not really her brother anymore -
    because since the day he came back from Zanzibar, he looked like a ghost waiting
    to die. Naomi says that at last he found peace. Naomi cries.
    Snake then asks about the FoxDie. Naomi says that people has their time to die.
    That Snake should not worry about how long he will live, but how to live his
    life. He tells Snake to choose life.
    Then the animation shows Snake and Otacon (or Meryl)walk to the snowmobile.
    There's a narration from Naomi : Each person is born with unchangeable genetic
    code. But that's not life. She was into the genetic research because she wanted
    to know about herself and her parents. And if she did that, she hoped that she
    would know what path she should take. But now she realises that it was all
    wrong. Genetic Code governs a potential strength and destiny. But we cannot
    allow ourselves to be chained to fate. Choose life, then live. For so long, she
    looks for a reason to live, but now she will just live.
    Gene is past to the children. Living is a link to the future. Loving each other,
    teaching each other. It's a part of life. Finally Naomi understands the meaning
    of life, thanks to Snake.

    *** Ending 1 Animation : The Snowmobile with Meryl ***
    The animation shows Snake and Meyl are now riding the snowmobile. Meryl finds a
    bandanna in the snowmobile. She gives it to Snake. Snake says that that he will
    keep the bandanna as a reminder. Meryl asks which it is, a reminder for
    finishing the mission, or for their first met. Snake says that it's a reminder
    of how to live. Snake says that until today he just lived for himself - that
    surviving is the only thing that cares - and that he only knows life when death
    is in front of him. Now it's time for Snake to live for someone else - like
    Meryl. Snake then says that his real name is David. When they're about to leave,
    they see a deer-like animal in front of them. Meryl asks Snake what animal is
    that. Snake says that it's a caribou - it means that the spring is near. Spring
    brings a new life. Snake says : Alaska never looks so good, the sky, the ice,
    the Caribou, and especially Meryl. Meryl says that she will enjoy the new life.
    Then Snake starts the Snowmobile and says to Meryl : Let's enjoy life.

    *** Ending 2 Animation : The Snowmobile with Otacon ***
    The animation shows Snake and Otacon are now riding the snowmobile. Snake says
    that until today he just lived for himself - that surviving is the only thing
    that cares - and that he only knows life when death is in front of him. From now
    on Snake wants to enjoy life. Otacon says that he will leave science and studies
    human psychology. The reason that he studied science is because he was afraid of
    people, that people are illogical. Snake then says that they are alike. Otacon
    continues by saying that he is tired to become spectator, and wants to just
    live. Otacon then gives Snake his Stealth Unit.
    Otacon tells Snake to say goodbye to their love. Then Snake says that he has a
    name, David. He asks Otacon to call him Dave. Otacon then says that he is Hal. "
    Hal and Dave... that's a good one !". They both laugh. Then Snake (now David)
    says that he will find a new path. A new purpose. " I know I'll find it". Then
    they're gone with the snowmobile.

    *** Ending 1 : The Last Conversation - After the Credit ***
    There's a phone call. It is unknown from and to whom. The man says something
    like :" Yes... the entire unit is wiped out. Those two are still alive. Yes sir,
    FoxDie should be activated soon. Yes sir, I succeeded in getting REX's test
    data. Yes sir, my cover is still intact. Yes sir, the DARPA Chief managed to
    find out who I was, and he's been disposed of. Yes... the inferior one is the
    winner after all. Liquid thought that he was the inferior one. They did not know
    that there's you - the third one - SOLIDUS. What about the girl? Yes sir, we'll
    keep her under surveillance. Yes sir. Goodbye ... MR PRESIDENT "

    *** Ending 2 : The Last Conversation - After the Credit ***
    There's a phone call. It is unknown from and to whom. The man says something
    like :" Yes... the entire unit is wiped out. Those two are still alive. Yes sir,
    FoxDie should be activated soon. Yes sir, I succeeded in getting REX test data.
    Yes sir, my cover is still intact. Yes sir, the DARPA Chief managed to find out
    who I was, and he's been disposed of. Yes sir. Goodbye ... MR PRESIDENT "

    ( Possibility of a sequel ???.... hmmmm )

    ########## 15. I WISH LIST ###########
    The more I played Metal Gear Solid game, the more I amazed, as I found out some
    new things in the game ( NEW NEW NEW part ). But at the same time, I feel that I
    can look the game more objectively. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE THIS GAME,
    and I LOVE IT A LOT !!
    These are the things that I feel about Metal Gear Solid, and I hope that these
    ideas will be put on Konami's MG next game ( if there's any ).
    1. I think the game is too short, don't you think ?? If you're good at this
    game, you can finish the game less than 2.5 hours.
    2. The animation should have better quality. The animation in Metal Gear Solid
    have the same quality as the game itself.
    3. There are only one type of guards - the ones that carry machine guns (FAMAS).
    It should have been a lot of type of guards - which is more difficult as you
    progress further in the game.
    4. It's better for Snake to search the body for bullets or ration then the
    bullets or rations come out itself.
    5. The game lacks the time factor. Like Mission Impossible series, time is the
    main factor of succeeding the mission. It seems like Snake has infinite of time
    to stop Liquid.
    6. Rather than killing the guards, I think Solid Snake should have a move to
    stun the guard (such as using the back of FAMAS to knock him down). When the
    guard is stunned, Snake can tie them up, get their weapons, drag them, and lock
    them up in the cabinet (maybe ^_^ ). Snake can take his clothes, and put them
    on him (like Meryl's did !).
    And when the guard is locked up, he will regain his consciousness in certain
    times. When he's conscious, he will shout, and the alarm will go out. This is
    connected to the time factor that I mention in point number 5.
    7. Solid can have wounds on certain limbs. Such as : if Solid is wounded on his
    hand, then his shot will be less accurate (or maybe trembling). If he's wounded
    on his leg, then he will not be able to run. Yeah such things !!
    8. Solid should be able to use his surrounding for his advantage, such as : push
    the pile of boxes so the boxes fell on enemies, or maybe Snake can make a trap
    or a weapon out of the surrounding.
    9. Snake can move in first person mode. In the game Snake can only look from his
    eyes, not walking around with that view. This will make the game more realistic,
    since in the real life, you cannot see something on your behind. But please, do
    not change the top down view - I like it, since it reminds me of the first Metal
    Gear game, and seeing in first persons view sometimes confusing.
    10. Really wants to see a prequel of Metal Gear Solid - where FOX-HOUND still
    exists into one group. Imagine : Snake, Psycho Mantis, and Gray Fox in one team.
    Or maybe a game starring Gray Fox - he is so COOOOL ^_^.

    Yeah, these are some of my thoughts. I hope these are useful.

    ########## 16. CONTRIBUTION CREDITS ###########
    First I like to thank all my FAQ's readers. I never thought that my very first
    FAQ would attract so much attention from you. Thanks !!! ^_^.
    These credits are given for their contribution on my FAQ. This update is mainly
    from their information.
    I list all the people who contribute to my FAQ. If there are some person who
    mention the same thing, I will give special credit for the FIRST person who
    mentions it by putting their names on the NEW NEW NEW section in the
    walkthrough. I hope I don't miss no one. OK, Here they are :
    Note : There may be someones that wonder why I didn't put their names on the
    contributor's list. That's because either you have sent the trick that I have
    put in the last update, or I haven't tried it the trick you sent me, or I tried
    the trick and failed. Sorry for that.

    *****Version 0.8 *****
    1. Kamui (kamui@cybercable.fr) - for the information about using 2nd controller
    against Mantis (1st).
    2. ramon.reig.aniak@coac.es for the information of Ninja's red colour and
    confirmation on the colour of saved games.
    3. DarkCrono1@aol.com for the confirmation on color changes of saved games.
    4. psx001@aol.com for giving the information about :
    - using 2nd controller on Mantis.
    - Blowing up crane with 2 stinger Missile
    - Blasting the frozen door with C4
    - Easy firing on Jeep technique
    - Snake's new moves
    5. Alex Kish (askish@hotmail.com), for the information about using the 2nd
    controller against Mantis.
    6. Karim Benmeziane (kakounolo@yahoo.com) for the information on:
    - survival mode (1st)
    - special picture (NNN4)
    - confirmation on the change color of save game.
    7. Coen van der Geest (CvanderGeest@kpd-groep.nl) for mentioning the gun
    training mode.
    8. Ricky Pool (scoobyroo@compuserve.com) for putting my FAQ on his homepage. You
    can see it at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/scoobyroo.
    9. cwk5@cornell.edu for the information on using the thermal goggle for Mantis
    10. henric@mbox309.swipnet.se. He's about to make the Swedish version of my FAQ,
    but I never heard of him since. How you're doing ??
    11. spawn@hunter.net.au, for confirming that the PAL card is brought by the rat,
    and mentioning the ninja's red colour.
    12. Cyrille (masm@club-internet.fr) for information on the use of cigarette
    13. Rizal Z. (kaze77@hotmail.com) for the information of :
    - ninja's changing colour ending (1st).
    - Mentioning person at 141.52 - the girl with cigarrette (1st)
    14. Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) for the HUUUGGEEE information:
    - mentioning 2nd controller against Mantis
    - mentioning Mantis demonstrating his power (1st)
    - mentioning what happenned when ketchup trick fails (1st)
    - mentioning Grey Fox rescuing Snake on Prison (1st)
    - mentioning that Snake may/may not catch cold and find bombs.
    - using the thermal goggle on invisible enemies.
    - the use of cigarette
    - using nikita missile on Sniper Wolf (2nd encounter) (1st)
    - mentioning the place of Pal Key
    - The Amusing ^_^ Fun Watching Meryl ^_^ part. (1st)
    15. Jon Norton (jonn@usaor.net) for mentioning :
    - use thermal goggle to see invisible enemies
    - Use the chaff grenade on Ninja (1st)
    - Shoot Ninja when he's exploding (1st)
    - The use of Bandana (1st)
    16. Andrew Soong (spasticmentalist@hotmail.com), for providing me with
    background story.
    17. Will Bakali (will.bakali@nostromo@ndirect.co.uk) for the :
    - using the chaff grenade on Psycho Mantis (1st)
    - Tactic for defeating Metal Gear REX 1st and 2nd encounter (1st)
    - getting 2nd ration pack on the chase scene (1st)
    - mentioning the guard laughs when ketchup fails and ninja rescues Snake
    18. Olong(olong@freemail.it) for the information on the use of scarf (1st).

    *****Version 1.0*****
    1. Rizal Z. (kaze77@hotmail.com) for changing the title screen colour's trick.
    2. Mr. Ryan Charles (webmaster@cronorye.com) for mentioning the Psycho Mantis
    Looks Deep into Your Soul trick, and gives me the sneak peek story from Metal
    Gear Solid US.
    3. Carl Smith <cdsmith@neirelo.com> for the correction on Ocelot's name (I agree
    with you, Ocelot sound's much better than Ocerot ^_^ ).
    4. Wesco818@aol.com for mentioning the slap Meryl trick (1st) and gives me the
    sneak peek of the US version.
    5. Ariel Sergio Wollinger Martins (ariel@diana.com.br) for mentioning :
    - how to unfreeze the rations
    - how to control Nikita Missiles with first person's view (1st)
    - 'Ghost picture' in psycho Mantis' room (number 20)
    6. Richard Banks (amoxicillin@hotmail.com) for mentioning how to control Nikita
    Missiles with the first person's view.
    7. Gregory Chua (imglad@mbox2.singnet.com.sg) for giving me
    - the location of the ghost pictures (number 5, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20,
    32, 34)
    - a few tips on getting a few of the picture.
    - frequency table, and
    - a few ranks.
    8. thomas (thomas7g@ix.netcom.com) for mentioning the use of the cardboard Box
    9. Axe (simandlor@videotron.ca) for mentioning the use of Cardboard Box.
    10. Chris McFadden <mcfadden@express-news.net> for mentioning about the Liquid's
    parachute whereabouts.
    11. vietnam4life@juno.com for mentioning what Hideo means.
    12. chrisk (chris@Cathedral.MB.CA) for using the grenades on Vulcan Raven.
    13. Collado, Al (acollado@tosco.com) for mentioning :
    - change title screen colors trick,
    - gameshark codes
    - change Ocelot's name
    - a few ranks.
    14. DaWxWeaseL@aol.com for corrrecting the ending story.
    15. VileShade@aol.com for for mentioning the Psycho Mantis Looks Deep into Your
    Soul trick
    16. Willycpu@Juno.com for mentinoning about flipping Meryl when she's controlled
    by Psycho Mantis.
    17. KraCkeR93@aol.com for Colonel and Naomi's warning when you kill the ravens.
    18. Mighty-Man <mighty-man@rocketmail.com> for the rank section.
    19. olivari0@etu.unige.ch for the story
    20. Jason Bernard Williams <jbwill@engin.umich.edu> for hidden rooms in the
    20. Jim Tamangan <ryo79@yahoo.com> for mentioning :
    - the locations of a few 'ghost' pictures (number 7, 14, 16, and Sniper
    Wolf's corpse),
    - using chaff on Vulcan Raven's tank,
    - the use of cardboard boxes,
    - and making Mei Ling Angry trick.
    21. Andrew@rodan.freeserve.co.uk (Gojira) for using the stinger missiles on
    Vulcan Raven.
    23. "DJ \"Crash\" Brookshire" <djb@voy.net> for the story.
    24. John C <johnc16@hotmail.com> for recognizing Meryl among the guards trick,
    and the PAL key difference.
    25. VHawk2000@aol.com for tuxedo trick.
    26. phycho_mantis@webtv.net for using C4 trick on Revolver Ocelot.
    27. Hendra Wong <sephiroth@eudoramail.com> for slapping Meryl trick.
    28. Sean Jones <vrai_homme@hotmail.com> for choking Meryl at the Psycho Mantis
    29. Darksphinx@aol.com for correcting the ending story
    30. Mark Hartmann <MarkArt@erols.com> for chaff and stinger trick
    31. Darksphinx@aol.com for correcting the ending story
    32. Solid Dragon <shinichi@sby.dnet.net.id> for the gameshark trick. Good luck
    with your Dragon's Hound organization ^_^.
    33. Johny Cage <mib@compulink.gr> for mentioning lots of things, such as :
    - tips for fighting REX for the second time.
    - tips on fighting Liquid
    - precise shooting
    - Kill the guards in the bridge tips
    - correcting the story
    - more secret rooms in the armory
    - chaff on tanks
    - flipping the guards on the stairs in Comm Tower A
    - stingers for Vulcan Raven
    - Colonel's warning for killing the Ravens
    - PAL key difference
    34. Phoenix Fox <phoenixfox@hotmail.com> for correcting the ending story.
    35. Mark Kim a.k.a. Vestiroth http://www.verasnaship.net for correcting the
    ending story.
    36. Mike Meevasin <mmeeva@hotmail.com> for different animation in prison cell
    (holding the rifle trick.
    38. Charles Miller <frustrat@3rivers.net> for correcting the stories.
    39. Coen van der Geest (CvanderGeest@kpd-groep.nl) for the amusing "put C4 on
    Guard's back trick".

    SPECIAL THANKS : for Siepiau (siepiau@pacific.net.sg) - the major contributor
    for this FAQ, and the one who answered me when I needed the translation. He sent
    me a thorough translation (word by word) for almost half of the game. Although
    the translation that you made cannot be used in the FAQ (because the US version
    has come out), but I really appreciate for what you've done to me. It's the hard
    work that counts. THANKS A LOT - Hope we can work together again.

    I am very grateful for all your help and hope that we can work together again.

    ########## 17. PERSONAL CREDITS ###########
    I'd like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the following:
    1.Thanks to God, for everything.
    2.Thanks to Konami, for making the COOLEST game right now that I know. You
    really did A VERY GOOD JOB - CLOSE TO PERFECT !!. Thanks for the exciting
    moments that I have while playing your game. Keep the good work, guys !! I liked
    Metal Gear (8-bit NES version), and I LOVE this sequel. I couldn't wait for the
    next sequel (if you have a plan on doing that).
    3. Thanks for my parents, my brothers (Teddy and Freddy), and my sisters (Jenny
    and Shienny). God Bless You All !!
    4. Thanks to TS63 boys (Ical, Wildan, Chairul, Senna, Didit, Abdi, Krisna,
    Denny, Thoriq, etc). You are the reasons I'm writing this FAQ. Thanks.
    5. Thanks to my friends at Dynamic labs and at Sion. You are great. Thanks !!
    6. Thanks to VEGA store & its group in Bandung, who sold me this game. Please do
    not copy, alter, or sell this walkthrough without my permission. I have tried so
    hard to write this FAQ. BTW, I am one of your members. Thanks !!
    7. Thanks to Metal Gear Solid Unofficial Homepage (http://mgs.gagames.com),
    where I got the information about the names of the characters, and other
    information. Thanks !!
    8. Thanks to Kamui (kmui@hol.fr) for all his help. You always help me out
    everytime I e-mailed you on BFM. Thanks Man! Without you, I won't be able to
    finish the game.
    9. Thanks to David Presnall, for all of your help, too. You always give me an
    extensive explanation on BFM. What could I do without you?
    10. Thanks to psxtwyst, for sending me a walkthrough on BFM.

    This FAQ is dedicated to someone that I really adore (CM). You're my inspiration
    - always. God Bless You.


    وهذا الي طلبتوه
    metal gear soon of Liberty

  5. #5
    جدة - بحرة المجاهدين

    ما أدري؟؟؟

    ما أدري كيف أشكرك يا الخوي شكراً جزيلا جداً..جداً...جداً
    بحرة المجاهدين طريق مكة القديم

  6. #6
    WWf Racoon city
    أنا زعلان منك
    لأنك كتبت للجميع بالعربي أما أنا كتب لي بالإنجليزي
    و تقول لا تتفلسفون بالإنجليزي
    الله يسامحك

  7. #7
    In Da Montada


    هذا جزاء الرجل المفروض انك تقول له كلمة مشكور على الاقل الرجال تعب

  8. #8
    ميتل جير

    ما يصلح

    أخوي ما تصلح بالعربي لأن فيها خرايط بالانجليزي
    مع أسفي لك الشديد لكن يمديك تجيبها بالعربي شف في حل كامل للعبه في مجلة من أصدار الشبكة العربية مكتوب أسم المجله ميتل جير
    خلاص لاتسعل مني ?: ?:
    metal gear soon of Liberty

  9. #9
    WWf Racoon city
    أكيد بسامحك لأنك تعبت وايد

ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك