النتائج 1 إلى 5 من 5

الموضوع: ابي اخفف وزني

  1. #1

    ابي اخفف وزني

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    شباب انا تمللت من وزني وابي اسوي اي شي يخفف وزني

    عمري : 14

    وزني : 86 (تقريبا)

    طولي : 166

    عاد انا ابغي انزل وزني .. فاخترعت جدول من عندي

    ما اكل الا فواكه .. الغداء : فواكه , والعشاء :فواكه

    انا ما عندي وجبة الفطور .. لاني ما احب اكل اذا صحيت من النوم

    ^ هذا بالنسبه للاكل

    اما الرياضه

    امشي كل يوم اقل شي (نصف ساعه) و اكثر شي (ساعه واحده)

    وبعدين اسوي تمارين خفيفه مثل (بطن . ظغط , الخ .. )

    انا بتم اسبوع على هالجدول .. وبعدين بروح نادي صحي

    هالشي ممكن بنزل وزني او لاء ؟؟

    اتمنى تردون علي بسرعه

  2. #2

    رد: ابي اخفف وزني

    هذا طبعا بنزل وزنك بشكل جيد و في وقت قياسي هذا ايسمونه رجيم خضروات
    انتا لازم عشان توصل للوزن المثالي اتنزل 20 كيلو و دايما أول عشرين كليو ايكون سهل التخلص منها

    انتا أصلا ممكن تتخلص منهم في خلال شهرين من خلال الابتعاد عن الاكلات الدسمة و الحلويات و الرياضة
    انتا راح تتفاجئ كم من السعرات الحرارية موجودة في الشيبس و البيبسي و الشوكولات فوق ما تتخيل
    يعني مثلا الشخص في اليوم يحتاج بين 2500 الى 3000 سعرة حرارية في اليوم
    و كيس شبس واحد لحالة في مو أقل من 400 سعرة حرارية و علبة بيبسي مو أقل من 190 سعرة و التوكس مثلا مو أقل من 300 سعرة
    يعني انتا حصلت على ال 3000 سعرة حرارية من الثلاث وجبات الأساسية بكون كل هذه الحلوات والتسالي وزن زائد
    و الأكلات الي من المطاعم هذه لحالها مصيبة
    خذ عنك الهمبرجر الوابر"أصغر همبرجر عندهم" من البورج كينج لحالها فيها أقل شيء800 سعره معظمها سعرات من الشحم
    و البطاطس حجم صغير 600 سعرة
    و الماكدونلز على العن

    بس في شيء مهم جدا اذا بتستخدم هذا الريجيم
    لازم ايكون أكلك متوازن و بغطي احتياجاتك من الواد الاساسية ولا هذا ممكن ايضرك أكثر ما ايفيدك
    بعدين في فواكه لازم تتبتعد عنها مثل الموز و المانجو لانها مليئة بالسكريات

    معلش أنا طولت في الرد

    بس حبيت اوضحلك من وين احنا نحصل على هذا الوزن الزائد

    لأن احنا احيانا ممكن ما نأكل كثير و انحصل حالنا وزنا قاعد ايزيد و ما نعرف ليش
    الجواب هو نوع الاكل الي ناكله ممكن نأكل وجبة واحدة في اليوم عن أربع وجبات عادية و ممكن ناكل 3 وجبات بس ما انحصل القيمة الغذائية الي نبيها من وجبة واحدة

  3. #3

    رد: ابي اخفف وزني

    شكرا اخوي على الرد

    ان ااصلا ما اكل حلويات .. ولا احبها

    بس اشرب (باربيكان) ^_^

    انا لما ابغي اكل فواكه اول شي احط في الصحن الموز والمانجو

    ممكن تقولي شنو الانواع المفيده ؟؟ و كم حبه اكل في الوجبه؟؟

  4. #4

    رد: ابي اخفف وزني

    معلش أخوي طول عليك
    هذه هي خطة الي لازم تمشي عليها
    بس معلش هي بالانجليزي ما لقيت وقت اترجمها
    بس انشاء الله بترجمها و ارد عليك

    بس ترى هذه حمية صعبة بس الي اسمعته انه نتائجها مبهره
    انا ابي اجربها بس مشغول هاليومين و راسي مو فاضي للريجيم

    صاحبي قالي مرة سواها و خسر تقريبا 9 كيلو في 21 يوم ما أدري مدى صدقه بصراحة

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']WEIGHT LOSS DIET PROGRAMME[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']This Programme is designed for a large weight loss of 4.5 to 7.7 KG Per week. It will also improve your emotions because if its cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burns more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 4.54 Kgs. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']OF WATER EACH DAY[/font]

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY ONE all fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons on the first day. Especially watermelon and cantaloupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing 3 Kgs on the first day are very good[/font]

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY TWO- All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large boiled potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY THREE- A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY FOUR-Bananas and milk. Today you eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup, which may be eaten in limited quantities[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY FIVE- Today is a feast day. You will eat sprouts and paneer and tomatoes. Eat 280 grams of sprouts and paneer. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY SIX-Sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of sprouts and paneer [/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']and vegetables. Eat to your heart’s content[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY SEVEN-Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'].[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Tomorrow morning you will be 4.5 to 7.7 Kgs lighter than one week ago. If you desire further loss, repeat the programme again. ‘You may repeat this programme as often as you like, however it is suggested that you rest for three days between each repetition. After seven days you have further instructions on the programme. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverage except beer which is allowed. Any liquor(bourbon, vodka, rum) is forbidden, Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial like Creme de monthe, or schnapps but you must always limit yourselves to two drinks. If you chose wine, drink only wine that day. If you drink beer drink only beer that day etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']GM’s Wonder Soup :[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']The following scup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten at any time in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup. 760 ml water, 4 large onions, 2 green peppers, whole tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 bunch celery, 4 envelopes Lipton soup mix, Herb’s and flavouring as needed.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']ADDITIONAL COMMENTS.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Vegetables can be taken in the form of salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic and herbs. No more than one teaspoon of oil. You have been given an recipe for Wonder soup that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The soup is an supplement while you are on the diet and it should be a pleasure to eat. Not everyone likes cabbage, green peppers celery etc. This recipe is not inflexible. You may substitute vegetables according to your taste. You may add vegetables like asparagus, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower etc. Do keep way from beans (Lima, Pinto, kidney.) because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']GOOD LUCK. [/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']1. Water flavoured with lemon or lime if desired.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']2. Club soda[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']3. Black coffee, No cream or cream substitute, No sugar or sweeteners.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']4. Black tea.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']5. Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of the Day 7. No fruit juices before Day 7.[/font]

    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']HOW AND WHY IT WORKS.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY 1. You are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are natures perfect food. They provide everything that you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']DAY 2. It starts with a fix of complex carbohydrates coupled with an oil does. This taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of Day 2 consists of vegetables, which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Day 3. Day 3 eliminates the potato because you are getting your calories from the fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning the excess pounds. You will still get cravings which will diminish by Day 4.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Day 4. Bananas, milk and soup sound like the least desirable and strangest diet. You are in for a surprise. You will probably not eat all the bananas that you are allowed. But they are there for the potassium you will have lost and the Sodium that you may have missed during the last 3 days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easily this day will go.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Day 5. Sprouts and tomatoes. The sprouts are for iron and protein. The tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purity your system. You should notice colourless urine today. You must eat 6 tomatoes.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Day 6. Day 6 is similar to Day 5. Iron and proteins from sprouts, vitamins and fibre iron vegetables. By now your system is a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look from Day 1.[/font]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Day 7. Day 7 finishes of the programme like a good cigar used to finish of the Victorian meal. Except it is much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it. [/font]

  5. #5

    رد: ابي اخفف وزني

    في المرفقات انواع اخرى من الريجيم مبنى على اساس السعرات الحرارية

    بس هااااااا
    اتبشرني بالنتائج
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة

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