In the whole semester of 2008), Ienrolled upon a course (design research module 980) in a class with number of students, all of us took a class for the same reasons. To gain MA in interior design any way the title in and of itself was boring, it might because we never knew what does research means? .once I enrolled in I made a plan for myself such as I will signed up for the class because of the need for teacher recertification, and because I wanted to learn more about research, especially the on line researches..
A big surprise was hidden as the semester began to take place. We started with introducing ourselves to our classmates but not in English, which suppose to be the common language between us .We introduced ourselves with our own languages .we subscribed through our professor. All of a sudden, he took our attention somhow, but because most of us weren’t sure the first or second went through. Any way our professor tried to explain the tow modules and he emphasized Class discussions as an integral part of both of the courses which I am currently enrolled in, research dairy and project proposal.
In Both the courses in which discussion will be crucial to obtaining enrichment from the course . the professor began with ice-breaking exercises boxing discovery in which students immediately became acquainted with one another in a non-threatening and non-intimidating way. Our professor applied the methods utilized in first quarter of the time to stimulate discussion.
And being the eager students we all were, some of us had a bombardment questions, here is a response to one of my please for help, thinking I was doing everything all wrong. I believe he wants us to ask and engage somehow with each others.
Well, that was just the beginning of the many interesting things that would happen to us as we search the boxes. We were viewing and sharing our ideas, then compare our imaginations between us. at first we were discussing the answers with our classmates through personal point view then as group works.
This process is one part of design research (by designing questions to analyze the object in the box ,I learned from that exercise that I have to make plan and be organized to find an answer to whatever I want. I believe that was very useful way. Because if our proffsers explained it throitacley I wouldn’t understand the important of how to make questions and the value of being organized.
In the second part we took a paper (and writ the concept, plan and steps to explain which criteria we followed to find the answer of what inside the box. Probably all of us were similar in our answer .I believed that the purpose of this exercise was how to design and write your concept at the same time and be clear. What exactly we have to do was completely different from my perception. The course sounds very interesting and challenging .I had to decide my research topic.
In second session we all agree to create our small family through network by writing notes to classmates, or about someone's homework assignment. And receiving feedback from each other. As well as from our professor, creating our own little small-community. Learning to use the emails and exchanging or ideas through one board was a real challenge, and one which produced a great feeling of accomplishment. The smallest little mistakes could make a huge problem, such as not threading the assignment properly. But which makes me wondering Through that network I discovered something new about myself that am kind of person who step back and observe others first And on the same time it was help full to not repeating the same question over and over It is difficult to explain what that means as beginner to this way of communication.
Weeks after weeks several of the assignments left me feeling insecure about my finished products, and reluctant to send them into the list. . Even though I didn't feel secure about the work, I was glad I had done it afterwards. It gave me a deeper appreciation of what true artists must experience. We had to reflect in writing our understanding of the assignment.
Such as we all know there are many ways to expresses or to transfer our ideas some by language or body movement or jester or somehow we are able to pass our thinking or emotion .such as
Once we entered the classroom we saw all the student spread their works in the middle of the no one know which one belong to whom , and then we passed through the whole works and tried to understand each ones work .. to be honest this was a good idea to discuses about the work at first before giving the chance to the person to say what he or she meant by this work ..And everyone has their own style to show his work .then after our imagination, we give time to the person to explain their work .inattention with some question if there is any.
On the other hand I believe that if we rise any subject and there is more than one opinion to prove one of them we have to search data, case study and maybe some proffitional opinion I think to prove all that we have to have a good skills like communication skills to support our argument .so we can discuss the back words and the benefits of any opinion or facts.
There is a big question? Is there is any connection between design and problem? I understand that there is a specific method to define the questions of problem in our research. And it should to be narrow enough with some key words like purpes, location and whom will benefit from my research we can reach to a narrow question problem .take as consider the time factor which one year program at the same time its preferable if we record everything to avoid missing information .
Well In each session I was exciting to see the way that my professors are presenting their works. It’s very formal but easy in there explanation .however the presentation was about practice presentation’s I believe that everyone has their own style to present their works. Although most of us girls and most of us on the same level of English there shouldn’t be any kind of embracing...but what I didn’t know that I can learn from others mistakes epically in new things like PowerPoint such as from my classmate mistakes in the structure of their presentation and the order ,font .images ,the most important things the begging of the presentation how to start how to take the attention how to be short and clear direct to the point we have to practice a lot before our presentation, I was up to forget most important things eyes contact …I learned this from my professors .they are always stick on the time and giving option to discuses anything .to avoid all this mistakes.

Despite the fact that I have had some bad experiences academically, and some negativereactions to certain presentation, I would never say that either the classes taken or the literature which I read had no value to me. I believe that all experiences, both good and bad, serve a purpose. I learn more about others, my world, and myself from everything I read or listen, I am a great admirer of what my professors teach me. Of course, reading all the documents are challenging and can be intimidating, but I also find it fascinating and rewarding. I was absolutely shocked at the begging of the class. I hope to tackle many more of my professor’s works when I can truly dedicate the time required to read them thoroughly
I understand that just reading and writing is not enough for learning. I have so much yet to learn! As a stated earlier, I like to observe other before to start on my own. I need to read more. I need to understand everything in a particular work. Additionally, I want to develop my ability to read and able to argue and comprehend the hidden messages and the not-so-obvious story lines. I wish to lose my naiveté and terrible habit of taking everything literally.
Because I aspire to be a good searcher myself, I believe it is very important to recognize those qualities which I value in my own teachers. I think a good teacher should inspire students to learn not only that which is expected of them, but also to crave so much more. In another way. Instead, I found myself barely getting through the assigned readings and only begrudgingly answering questions about it in class. I think the ability to inspire and to prove to students the practical applications of what they are learning are by far the most important qualities a teacher can have. In fact, they are not merely desirable, but essential
As a new student at MA level, I do not feel qualified to judge the selection of courses offered. All I can say is that it is a vast improvement in my own way of learning, as they are much more limited in their selection. I look forward to taking many classes here, both those required of me. It is my opinion that I have been given a wonderful opportunity to learn, and I intend to take full advantage of my time here at MA MODUELS COURSES. I know that every bit of information I absorb in my studies will make me a better and more qualified designer. Without a vast understanding of all aspects of architecture, I would have no right to design. It is, in fact, my responsibility to ensure that I leave MA with as much knowledge as possible.

Of course, even when the day of graduation arrives, I will not be done learning. I believe that learning is a perpetual process, something I will continue throughout my entire life. I will certainly know more than I did before attending college, but I will never know enough. I discover that I changed a lot in my skills and in my thought I become more organized, I learned how to make plan and , I learned from this module that I have to consider that who will be my reader ? to be honest its new way to write an academic writing essay and I learned that it should include cover and index page and introduction following with specific methodology .finally conclusion andshould include reference in the text and bibliography to be honest its new way to write an academic writing to compare with western countries we use to do our search and writing as copy past .however the most effective things was reviewing and asking if there is any question about the previous lecture more over I always went back to the emails which was my best refers to what our professors exactly wants to do .
things which I didn’t learn that I wanted to be my own I always observe people first then apply that to myself and am such kind of learner which I have to see an example first to understand what I have to do to start, and in some lecture I didn’t understand what dose its mean like to be creative ? Because I might think that am creative person and other evaluate my things in a different way? Its belong to each of us IQ I believe? Still there is an argument … I didn’t reach to an answer? I don’t know if it was good idea to leave some questions open end answer? it might bebecause that our professors made a unique study bale structure on the lectures which comes first and which comes later, I believe he wants us to learn in a cretin sequewense .but what I think that we missed lost of tutorial there should to be individual and group tutorials .and ones a week wasn’t enough to make a huge progress in our learning it was like compact limit time .and there should to be more practice workshops.
Finally in the last day I had a mixed feeling happy and sad coz in every session I was learning something new and I was discovering new tools. But I think I will never stop learning.